A Set of F a n c y D is h e s Mrs Bonjumiu Harrison believes i that the matter of a $5000 pension COTTAGE GltOVE, - - OREGON. for herself may with propriety be THE LEA D ER. S oll a ret to M of til •ove reçu i Tantali i s l i e i l E v e r y F r i d a y . P rcsente<1 to congress, which is true , Proprietor And congress may with equal pro -1 j L . F . W oolly C. W. W allace Managing Editor priety refuse to grant it as someth- ¡ ing wholly unnecessary. Eutoreil at the Cottage Giovo post­ .•KH.- onico us second-class matter. j f a v o r it e s N early E v ery w h ere, j e be! . Constipation means dullness, de- S U B S C R I P T I O N R 7 Ï T E S . I press ion, headache, generally dlsor- atrae I A really healthy woman has lit- j ; dored breath. DeWitt’s I.ittlc Early s for O ne Y eah $1.50 i Risers stimulate the liver, open the • tie pain or discomfort at tue F .75 S ix M onths ited [menstrual period. No woman! bowels and relievo this condition. Snfe .50 T hbee M onths In order to show our appreciation to the tra le, we are giving away that o 4t speedy and thorough. They never [needs to have any. Wine of j If r a id In a d v a n ce lm t if not so paid a Fine Chiuaware displayed iu our west window. ¡8 fe gript. Favorite pills. Benson Drug ■ Cordui will quickly relievo those 9 uniform r a te of « 2 ,uo per y e a r will bo c h a r g e d . A d vertisin g r a le s m ade know n upon appli­ Co. I smarting menstrual pains and rj c a ti o n J akh andt mai During the months of March and [the dragging head, back and3 I W e a r e a l s o m a k in g S p e c ia l O ffe rin g s in. April next certain reduced rates for I sido aches caused by falling of g Mr O u r C lu b b in g G ist. $ 2:10 settlers will be made from the East I the womb and irregular menses. H The Commoner. $ 2.00 as follows: from Omaha and Kansas . I5 T .tr ¿»AiaBkB 3 ! Twice-a-week Republic $ 2.10 City $25.00 Sioux City $27.90 St Cincinnatti Enquirer $2.50 Louis $30 00 Chicago $33.00 these ! lias brought permanent relief to H Weekly Exam iner $2.50 rates are second class and will be j 1 , 000,000 women who sui/eredj Weekly Oregonian every month. It malms the men-! the Copies of this paper may be found applied in connection with strual organs strong and hc.dthy. 0 on lile at W ashington in the oflice of Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line It is the provision made by Na-j| our special correspondent, E O Sig- and O R N Co’s via Portland to all ture to give wouton relief fromd gers, 918 F Streot, N W W ashing­ points iu Oregon on the S I* Co’b EACH CUSTOMER IS AS3U RED the terrible aches and pains which 9 THE IS NO LOTTERY. lino and are made for the purpose of ton, D C. blight so raaify homes. inducing ¡migration. O rebnwood , L a ., O ct. 14, 1000. h I havo b eca very aick fo r soiou time. - - J an . 31 1902. FR ID A Y . I was tak en w ith a severe pain in mv vj sido and could not r e t any relief unti U Grain-3 Grain 9 Ä S H I0 N S T A B L I I tried a b ottle o f W ino of Carditi. T o ft A FREE PATTERN Remember that name when you fore I had l«*koa all oí it 1 was rcîioivd ) Senator Hale may prove to he (your own selection) to every sub­ I feci it m y duty to sa sa; y th a t you have a t t want a delicious, appetixing nourish­ scriber. Only 50 cents a y ear. wonderful m edicino. the Moses who will lead the R e­ M r s . M. A. Y ount . ing food drink to take the pluco of j publican party out of the bondage coffee. Sold by all grocers and I F or mlvt'-r' and litera*nre, addir-=j. uivlnç E-.nan- to áis, " T h e L aJitfi* A dvbsor^ 1 >••:•. ru : of imperialism . liked by all who have used it. ChatUüooga Medicino Co., Chattanooga, i'euA. ¡ \ Grain-O is made of | ue grain, it And now every one is wondering uids digestion and strugtheus the Tí I w h'thor Miss Roosevelt will use nerves. It is not a stimulant hut a ■ T lad . t s ’ magazine . Aiihcusr Ilusch, Pilsner or M il­ health builder and the children as b riu tifn l colored p l a t e s ; latest h io n a; dressm aking econom ic* ¡fa n c y JxZ well us the udultu can drink it with Wber) ip peed of .... . Í ,:V. ■ work ; household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub­ waukee beer when she christens 5 . ’ scribe to-d ay, or, send *,o. for latest copy. great benefit. Cssts about \ as Lady amenta w anted. Send foi te rm s . the K aisers yacht. much as cofifoo. 15c and 25c per - /'■■■ :-r - - ■ •.ábáaL- S ty lish , R eliable, Sim ple, Up-to- date, Kootioniical and Absolutely package. Ask your grocer for i ’erfect-F ittin g P ap er P attern s. Representative Cummings of Non- Grain-O. York has introduced a hill in the M S T h e L a st H eard o f I t Iteri o_ House authorizing the coinage of “ My little hoy took tho croup one ■ B A Z A R . tw o-am l-a-half cent pieces, It night and soon grew so hail you could CHRISM AN & BANG-3, P r o p s . should be entitled “A B ill to E n ­ hear him breathe all over the house, G E N E R A L L I V E R Y B U SIN E SS IH I W — I I Mill I I I II I III ■ liHiir courage Bargain S ales.” “says F D Reynolds, Mansfield, O tu. All Seams Allowed a il Perforations sliow TRAN SA CTED “ We fo ared he would die, hut a few the BiiSllRQ and Se*i.ia Lines. ¡a« Only io and 15 cen ts e a c h —nono higher. I t is predicted that Senator doses of One Minute Cough Cure C O T T A G E G R O V E a n () B O H E M IA Ask fo r th em . Sold in nearly every city loi and town, or by m ail from Bailey may become the leader of quickly relieved him and ho went to THE MoCALL CO., CT A P R T Carrying Passengers rDk the Democrats in the Sonats, par­ sleep. That’s tho hist we heard of the 113 - 115-117 Writ 31,1 St, NcW YORK. . ,.3 w . O 1 A h L L 1 i\ L and U. S. Mail«! tícu la y if he advances his reputa- croup. Now isn,t a eofigh euro like that valuablo?” One Miuuo Cough i t tation in the upper branch of Con Cure is absolutely snfe and acts ini press as he did in the House. mediately. For Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis and all other throat A Kansas paper advises General and lung troubles it is a certain cure I’ or s!\:\ years nit* i x r ,n - i u i w \ Flilisten to go “ way back to the Very pleasant to tako. The little one 9 I’ • 1 . 1 ......... a national weekly m wspLpei, read alniniiU» 'entirely bv farm ers, and has enjoyed tu e eonfidonce an« .j Philippine” if lie does not want to like it, llenson Drug Co. support of tin* A rneriran people to a degree never attaiue«l^.(| Ore. Eugeno, by any sim ilar publication. gB get into trouble heie. I f he stays Tho army transports arriving in THE iu this counry lie will he invTsti- New York harbor are carefully rid Tribune I a n a e r o j New York gated, says the p ap er; some one of rats as soon as they come into . is m;uh‘ absolutely for farm ers and their rar’iL es. Th< Foley's Honey a n d Tar list number was issued Novem ber 7th, 1901. Digests what you cat will take it up. __li'.vi'ry d<-partmeut of agricu ltural liulusioiy Is covered poit on account of the receDt disclo­ t o r c h ild re n .s a t» ,s u re . N o opiates. This preparation contains all of tho [m- spoi ial contributors who are leaders in th e ir respective«® M T and the T K IIU W K l-'AKMKit will belli every sense ' dlgeaUnis and digests ail kinds of Tho French cham ber of deputies sures that the animals carry disease, a high «Mass, up to d ate, live, enterprising agricultural P^Oli food, ltgivcsinstiint relief and never per. profusely illustrated with piclu res of live sto ck , mode H K OK I 'lN A I. SK TTI.K M K N T. fails to cure. I t allows you to cat all is diecursing a hill to complete a pnrtieulury the bubonio plague. A E s t a N t O e T o IC I,ir.u huildiiigs and hom es, agricu ltural m achinery, etc. tt« r W il l ia m f t m u x I> kc ea sf . i > Farm - rs’ wives, sons and daughters will find special pa the food you want. The most sensitive a number of projected waterways in­ corps of trained rat catchers are N otice Is h e re b y given, th a t J K Cooley e x ­ stomachs can take It. By its use many ges for their en tertain m en t. ,©y à c h , r e l i e v i n g a l l d i s t r e s s a f t e r e a t i n g , measure argued that F ia n ce must A L eg acy o f th e G rip order ni the lion 11 u Mn- : -t. i n a r ty -i mige j y j j c t,in g u n n e c e s s a r y . Pleasant to take, defend herself against American n Is often a run-down system. Weak­ o f s;ii i tions, was now organizing one of liver and kidneys often follow an at- a taet of this wretched disease. The navinalion. eu greatesi need then is Electric Bitters, DO YOU READ T I I B LEADER? SU B SC R IB E FOR TH E LEADER. Choicest Meat«, Hams, Bacon and Lard always on d i the splendid tonic blood purifier and Emperor "William requested that i-r*. ^ C 30775 m *:Beto»« VfTfU.ITY, Cottngo Grove will probably have regulator of Stomaeh, Liver and L hand. And in fact everything nsualy kept in a first- LOST VIGOR the customary illum inations in Kidneys. Thousands have proved another largo general merchandise) a class market. AND MANHOOD honor of his birthday bo dispondeil that they wondeifully strengthen tho storo before very long. Cures Impotency, Night EmlsoionsanJ .»I with, and that llio money which nerves build up tho system, ami re­ wasting diseases, all effects of sell le P I S H U T S E A S O 3ST would he spent decorating the city store to health and good spirits after abuse, or excess and India- M and attack of Grip. If sufTorlng try F o r O v e r S ix ty A ears. cretion. A nerve ionic and ho used to alleviate some of the A x O l d a x d W f l i .-T hiicii K r m k d t .—Mrs . them. Only 60c. Perfect satisfaction S blood b u ild er. Brings the W inslow ’s Soothing Syrup bus been used for sufferings among tho working guaranteed by C'urrin Drug Co. Mo have no stand-in with ihc dentists on tough meats. Give i® pink glow to pale cheeks ar.d over fifty y ears bv m illions of m others for their children w hile teething:, w ith p erfect success restores the fire of youth , a trial and we will treat von right. classes. In the present industrial It soothes th e child, soften s the gum s, allays all By mail 5 0 e per liox; 6 boxes ’ cu res wind co lic, and is th e best rem edy depression in Germany there arc Senator Mitchell has offered in pain, for D iarrhoea. Is p leasan t to th e ta ste , bold for ;];2 .5 0 ; with a w ritten guaran- J by D ruggists in every p a rt of the W orld. Tw enty a great many men out of work, lor the Seuate three important amend­ live c e n ts a bottle. I ts value Is incalculable tee to c a io o r reTaiul th e m oney ! Be sure and ask for Mrs. W inslow ’s Soothing whom no employment ran he ments to tho Philippine tariff 1 ill. Syrup and ta k e no o th e r kind. N ERV1TA M E D IC A L C O . found. The first amendment aims to place Ciir.to”'«-Jackson St?., CF.IC’ACO. !LU on the free list nil wood afpl other SL’CKSSOR TO BAK1.R & JOHNSON. The action, or rather lack of vegetable mnteiinls, lumber furni­ When your jiiar.o needs tuning action of the democrats in the ture and manufactures of wood; also dont get some (rnmp tuner to “fix Staple and F a n c y G ro ceries is causing considerable all meats, fish, cereals, grain, flour, it” for yon. M O Warner, of Eugene ! House and who is well known an a reliable G ranite, C ro c k e ry an d G lassw a re M a n u fa c tu re r worry on the part of the republican dried frust and vegetables and piano tuner, makes regular trips to an il D e a le r in leaders. Tho m inority realizes preparations of the same; seeds and Cottage Grove and will kiep your V egetables, F lo u r, F e e d and that its views will be received with forage and a variety of other similar piano in ordor by tho year as ren.son- Harness, Ssddîery, | little consideration except in in­ I articles, all of which under the house ble as you can ask. bridles P a d s amlCollzrs W e m e e t a ll stances where tho majority is loth bill aro made subject to the duty im- Cheapnese ami durability combined j L in e s . to accept the onus which may posed by the Tuft Commission war During this month we arc with H class material and neat work- ! tach to nnv measure. They are, revenue act. i n addition this am- „oing to give away 10 yearly sub- 1 ! manship help draw a steady trade. P r c d u c o r- -.Ríen in. S s c H a n g e for I Do not buy until you see our stock thertfore,.refusing to express their ,,ntlmeut inteniIa to limit ,lu lir 9 on scnplions to the Sunny South t° and get our prices views on tho Cuban reciprocity aH otllcr nrtic|«t „hich are imported new subscribers. Commencing Feb The practical side of science is reflected in question with an object to compel j jnlo Ul0 Philippine Islands from the 1 , each new subscriber will b e ! Our Harness oils. Leatb.- • the republicans to first commit United States to just 50 per ceut of entitled to a chance. '« JU - Remember er B elting are of the best. themselves. They have, when the duties levied by the House bill, there is 10 yearly subscriptions to be ’ questioned on tho subject by the lho second amendment is to limit given away an-! if we only get 1 0 1 J k i E N T R e c o r d • Sent Frrc. republican leaders, simply asked the duty on oil articles coining into ! new subscribers during the month Ho uiro arc v’o tb :; the locating of a why the adm inistration, either the United States from the Philip- each one will get the Sunny South few o ' our F.lootrlct II Its will develop A monthly pnblicat: n of inestimable value to the student of every li Into nuraeio is sales of our belts an-l through its bureaus or through it- pine** to o 0 per cent of the Dingley I free for one year. See the Sunny appliances, that we are willing t to s-md scientific pr , mn the nn - .ar.ic, the industrial expert, tho m a n u f a e t t i free to any sufferer from the following the inventor — in fact, to every wide-awake person who hopes to bett*». friends in Congress^ did not prepare - rates of duty, which are levied by South ad on the 4 ‘h page. • 11.—-a ics : Cold extivm- tics, Cystoeeh , a bill and then ask for it demoeratir the recent house act. The third am- Female weakn-ss. Kidney complain:, ’ “did n by using his brains. The inventor, especially, will find in | Leucorrhc-i. TJver o inplaint. Partly P a.^r.t He cord S - I - •; ..--r a::-l fiiend. Nothing of import? support. This question is etnharas- endraent strikes out the provision sis. Isist vitality Nervous debt’.fty.Self Ru< k lc n s A r n ic a S a lv r. er, .q ». • ] vi rilaiit c -f i; cor; 4 of expert editors. Everything is! sing to the republicans who, what- levying a tonnage tax on all vessels alius.’, \V >rn-out women. Irregular The host and most fnnious compound menstruation. Imp->tem-y, Bheiima- 11 1 ^ 1 - f o - . s o tliat the busiest may take time to 1 evt r their action, hope to place on coming into the United States from in the world to conquer aches nn -1 kill and I'onipn h 1. T lio . :,;i c and industrial progress of the age is * dcnioerntic shoulders all blame the Philippines. pains. Cures Cuts heals. Burns and Add ; 1 r.i ! etc. mirrored in the columns of T h e P a te n t R e co rd , and it is thof which may attach to it. How long bruises subdues Inflammation, ma ­ Winter coughs are apt to result in ters Tiles. Millions of Boxes sold the majority will play its waiting T ' 1 : t!c Creek*‘M h . P’,Wic* t'nl> in the country that prints the official news of the U . 8. game i . not known » ut it is safe ,0 -»sum ption it neglected. T h y e » yearly. Works wond-.-rs in Boils, __ Office and the latest devele pements in the field c f invention witho • I be soon l»rok«n up by using l.-l.-y •* Uisers Fêlions, Skin Eruptions. It assume that the minority will play Honey and Tar. The New Era Drug C u r e * ° r ^3vor' r m s dollar per tear . euros or no pay. 25c at Currin’s Drug A i L w ' t F t r i r t f ' V -4 Storire. Store. m il'*« iidneys end bladder rijh t 1 T H E P A T E N T R E C O R D . B a K im e rm , g 6 c at Currlna Drug Store. aeentiuu. m u r TO OUR MANY FR IEN D S AND CUSTOMERS Ladies' Cress Fabrics, Trimmings and cither Furnishings 5 L U R C H | ME CALL’S. It Will paij i|oü to call at T\IP Yorai)’? Shoo Stofe. Dyspepsia Cure CITY M ARKET Props. F ra n k S k illm an . Geo MEINZER, Prices on the j DO YOU RF.VD THF. LEADER? Foley's Honey end Tar to r children,sete.svre. No opiates. prices.—Southwestern Stocicrrim. -------- - - of a fare and one-third on tne eer- THE LEADER FOR JO B MOUK. 1 tifíente plan, to those attending. MU NFI 5 nvn tvm “«ach oak«, ai r st. waakUKtuo. n. c. ! AU V I . K 110 JS its a a n