7 w w ob prir,tii)4 J/ertisipfl In busy seasons brings yon shar. o f trade; advertialng ill seasons brings you your e and also that or the mereh— hat can't afford to advertise. < 4 The Oldest and most Widely Read Newspaper in a Prosperous Mining Section-Subscribe at Once. r A tV lr jfec J k . alfc y jk , JIV A 3 a very Important f&etor — buslnes. Poor printing reltects t || no credit on a good business house. j|| Let ns do your Job l‘r luting -w e t !| gurautee satisfaction. [------ i A A A A A A A , t A jì | COTTAGE GROVE IS THE GATEW AY TO THE GREAT BOHEMIA AND BLACK BUTTE MINES. C otta g e ol. XIII. G r o v e , O r e g o n , F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 7, 1 9 0 2 . Y O U R . F A I T H S“ £ 2 Shiloh’s Consumption ours if you try — — COME IN AND SEE I OUR REMNANT COUNTER We Lave some great bargains in odds and ends, offering many of them at at half cost or less. We the Famous Cutter Shoes and Buckingham and We Carry are Hecht Boots. : Eak i 11 Sc Br is t o w . fe w H A T S = = N E W H A T S R7e have Just Received a Large Shipment of Hats for land Boys. No Out-of-date or Shopworn Goods. tr N E W I SHAPES CORRECT COLORSjfe Prices Right and Quality $ical. to suit the most emenway 8 c Burkholder- [A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a a a Procrastination Is the Thief of Time 7 ► ► ► | DO NOT PKOCKASTINATE ■ But buy one of those fine lots or acre tracts from Long & Bingham, adjoining Cottage Grove. LONG & BIN G H ÏÏM W e know the location will suit you and we know our prices will suit you. Cottage O B ox 8 r*gr «yt y n y y *yF s^jriy« mçp i y n Come and see us. Grove, Oregon. r^sr v w v v w w w v v v v GREAT BARGAINS la d ie s' Tailor Made Waists and Skirts At the Pacific Timber Company’s Store where tbeT have received a large and carefully selected stock in both of these lines and are selling the same at the lowest possible prices. We Will take pleasure in showing these goods and invite an early call. w !◄ ►! !◄ PACIFIC TIMBER COMPANY RICES THMT TELL-COODS THAT SELL O N T H E F O L L O W IN G - L I N E S W I L L B E F O U N D A T O U R S T O R E Hardware, Stoves. Tinware, Pumps, Plumbing Goods, Mining Supplies, Hercules Powder, Fuse, Caps, Sim- onds Saws, Studebaker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows and Harrows,Gun Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods, Barbed and Plain Wire, Wagon Timber and Blacksmith Supplies. IFFIN -V B M TC H CO SCHLEY ASKS FOR JUSTICE No 40. The Hiawatha Mining and Milling Co held a meeting in the company office in this city Tuesday and de­ cided to place the stock on the market a 5 cent per share after text Tuesday. This advance was made owing to the fact that several rich strikes have recently been made on the company’s property ¡ d Bohemia. The company is doing some good development work on their claims and are meeting with marvelous success. The navy department has made public Admiral Schley’s appeal, de­ livered to the president about a week ago. Admiral Schley appears to the 4 4 4 m and ours is so strong we president as the chief executive and ■ . guarantee a cure or refund money, and we send you commander-in-chief of the army and f r e e t r i a l bottle i f you write for it. SHILOH'S costs 25 cents and will cure Con­ navy, “ vested with power to regulate sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold and direct the acts of the several ex­ in a day, and thus prevent serious results. It has been doing these things for 50 years. ecutive officers thereof’ ’ and he asks 8. C. W e l l s & Co., Le Roy, N. Y._________ that the president review the find­ Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects tk. Stomach ings of the court. He asks this on three grounds, in each case basing £ T. ANDERSON, M. D his appeal on the findings of Admiral A Tuousaud Dollars Thrown Away. P h y s ic ia n an d S u rg e o n Dewey, as opposed to the majority Mr W W Baker, of Plaiuview, Neb, These three grounds are writes “ My wife had lund trouble for Surgery aud Female diseases A Specialty. All report calls promptly attended to. « set out compendiously in the “ pe­ over fifteen years. Wc tried a number Oflice In Sherwood block; Night calls at tition” which fills about eight print­ of doctors and spent over a thousand New Era Drug Store. Phone 151 Main. ed pages of apamplet, and is signed dollars without any relief. She was very low and I lost all hope, when a H. KING by Admiral Schley aud by Messrs. friend suggested trying Foley’s Honoy Rayner, Parker and Teague, of his and Tar, which I did; and thanks be A tto r n e y -a t-L a w counsel. to this great remedy it saved her life. Special attention given to Collections. Oflice over Piper & Van Den burg’s Hardware. As to the general obligation on She is stronger and enjoys better OREGON. COTTAGE GROVE, the court to determine this question healt than she has ever known in ten years. We shall never be without of command, the counsel declared The property owners of the city of that they should have done so be­ Foley’s Honey and Tar and would ask those afflicted to try it. Benson Grants Pass have a 50 milt tax to cause: Drug Co. pay this year. Twenty mills of this (a) The question has never been M A R R IE D . is for school purposes. What right considered and determined by a has any person in Cottage Grove to body of competent jurisdiction GLASS— MICKALSON.— At the kick on the 5 mill school tax we having before it all the facts and all home of the bride’s parents at have to pay? Brownsville, Sunday, Feb 2, 1802 the parties interested. Mr Joe Glass and Miss Iona (b) That a doubt existing as to CARD 0 F ~ T 4 A N K S . Mickalson were united in marriage who was actually in command at the The groom is well known here, I thank my friends very kindly for battle of Santiago, there arose in the the liberal patronage they have given navy of the United States and among having been identified the past few me and I will continue right on the people at large a controversey years with the firm of Glass Bros, of giving them the same close prices. over this point, which controversey, the Sash and Door Factory. The 1 don’ t think it necessary to give without being instigated, fostered or bride is a popular young lady of long lists of prices as I think you countenanced by your petitioner, Brownsville. understand I will not ho undersold has waged for more than three years, S t o p « T i l e C.iU Kll W o r k s o ir l i l t C old Among my late Undertaking Goods to the great detriment of the good Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets a cold a cold in one day. No is a latest Model Cooling Board. A of the service and to hurt of those cure Cure, no Fay. Price 25 cents. splendid kit of Embalming Tools concerned in the said question. and Fluid also a $25.00 Church and (c) That in course of the said Parlor Truck to carry the casket controversey, your petitioner was “ Som ctltiiiff New Under T he Sun” after remains are placed in i t All made the object of most unjust ac­ All Doctors have tried to cure of which is the most modern equip­ cusations, affecting his personal and by the use of powder, acid ments. So if this sad duty must be public character, which accusations cattarah ases, ihhalers and drugs in paste done of taking care of the dead I am were inspired by those who sought orm. Their powders dry up the mucuous membranes causing them to fully equipped. By 20th of February to establish the fact that he did not crack open and bleed. The powerful I will have os good selected stock of command at the battle, and owing to acids used in tbe inhalers have eaten away the same membranes that their furniture to chooso from os was said accusation be suffered much makers have aimed to cure, while astes and ointments cannot rech the evey shown in Cottage Grove. Dont injury. lease. An old and experienced prac­ think I have sold out but I am here (d) That the said controversey titioner who has for mnny years made close study anu specialty of the to stay.— U. S. M a r t in . brought about a condition which re­ treatment or cattahah , has at last sulted in all those persons present perfected a treatment which when S a ved H e r C h ild ’ s L ife . faitthfully used not only relieves a “ In three weeks our chubby little and participating in such battle once, but permanently cures cattahah boy was changed by Pneumonia being denied and rewards which a by removing the cuusa, stopping the almost to a skeleton, writes Mrs W generous country is disposed to discharges,and curing all inflamma­ Watkins, of Pleasant City O “ A ter­ grant those who serve it well in tion. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the rible cough set in, that, in spight of a afficted purtH. This womlerfui romedy good doctor’s treatment for several war. is known ns “ snuffles the guaranteed (e) That the Baid controversy cattahah C urk ” and is sold at the ex weeks, grew worse every day We then used Dr King’s Now Discovery can only be terminated and justice tremely low price of One Dollar, each containing internal and ex­ for Consumption, and our darling was done to those whom justice is due package ternal medicine sufficient for a full coon sound and well. We are sure upon the rendition by a body of mouth’s treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. this grand medicino saved his life.’ “ snuffles ” is the only perfect Millions k n o w it’s the only sure cure competent jurisdiction having before catarrh cure ever made and is now for Coughs, Colds and all Lung it all tbe facts and parties concerned recognized as the only safe and positive diseases Currin’s Drug Store guaran of tbe decision upon this question, cure for that annoying and disgusting tee satisfaction. 60c, $1.00. Trial which shall be final and conclusive. disease. It cures all infiamatlon quickly and permantiy and is also bottles freo. (f) That such a decision will re wonderfully qnick to relive hat fever or cold in the uead . Rev Irl R Hicks, the long range suit in betterment of the service by catarh when neglected often leads closing a deplorable controversey to consumption — “ ssurFi.Es” will save weather prophet and astronomer, in you if you use it at once. It is no his paper, Word and Works, printed which now divides the service into ordinary remedy but a complete treat­ at St Louis, for the month of Fekrn hostile factions; that, further, such a ment which is positively guaranted to cure catarrh in any form or stage IJ ary, says: “ If the bright days that decision wilt perpetuate in history used according to the directions which have largely prevailed, the first part the true facts surrounding one of accompany each package. Don’t delay but send for it at once and write full of January, cause our readers to the greatest naval conflicts of mod particulars as to your condition and ern times and one of the greatest you will receive special udvice from think that the winter is ended we the the discoverer of this wonderful warn them against acting upon such naval victoies ever achieved by this remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyondtho regular price of rash conclusions, Possibly they country. (g) That in asking for a court to “ snuffles ” the guaranteed catarrh may have reason to ebango their CURE.” . . . .. Sent prepaid to any address In tho minds before this issue of W ord and pass upon his conduct during the United States or Canada on receipt ol reaches them. Have an eye of war with Spain, your petitioner ex One Dollar. Address Dept I lkwin pected by such action and its con B G iles A C ompart , 2380 and 2332 mercy for your life stock in the sequences to secure a judgment so Market Street, Philadelphia. months of February and March.’ ’ final and conclusive as to determin C le r k ’ s W is e S u g g e s tio n . ate tbe said controversey »nd relieve Van Knnw W h a t Von Are T ain..*. “ I have lately been much troubled the service of a most beautiful con When you takeOrove’e Tasteless Chill with dyspepsia belching and sour Tonic because tho formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that stomach.” writes M 8 Mead, leading tention. (h) That in this respect bis it simply Iron and Quinine in a taste­ pharmacist of Atteboro, Mass, less form. No Cure, No Pay. 60c. could eat hardly anything without desire was shared by the navy de suffering sevral hours. My clerk partment, which created the court suggested I try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and vested it with ample a u th o r it y What Shall We Have For Dessert? which I did with most happy results, This question arises in the family I have had no more trouble and when in the premises. every day. Let us answer it to-day. (i) That under the circumstances Try Jeil-O a delicious and healthful one can go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts atter such a time, their and conditions herein set forth it be dessert. Prepared in two minute«. came a duty of the said court to No boiling! no baking! simply add digestion must be pretty good, endorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heartily pass upon this question, to the end boiling water and set to cook You dont have to diet. Eat all the that the said controversey might be flavor«:— Lemon, Orange, Rasp­ good food you want but don’t over terminated the truth properly per berry and Strawberry. Get a pack­ load the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia petuated in history, justice done the age at your grocer» to-day. lOcts. Cure digests your food. Benson Drug deserving, and tbe good of the THE LEADER FOR JOB WORK* service conserved. Oo. A. A W orthy Successor.