Doings at tbe Capitol. P u b lis h e d L. F. E very F r lr ln y . By Our Eeplar Washington Correspondent. * W. W W o o ley allace roundings, hut in assuming charge o f the business affairs, ns well as the editorial sanctum wo feel deeper responsibility renting upon us and in view o f this, it is our de terimntion to put forth our utmost efforts to make the Leader the fore­ most paper in Lane County. It has in the past enjoyed a liberal patronage and all we ask is a con­ tinuation o f the same. W ith these few preambulary remarks we will roll up our sleeves and g e t into the harness and pull for the interest o f Cottage Grove, Rohemia and South Lane in general. C W W allace , Managing Editor. I Since the arrivsl o f the Cottage Grove-Bohemia railroad surveyors last week business seems to have taken on a new life. Many o f our .citizens who have heard the rail­ road talked until they had given up all hopes o f it ever being built and had almost lost faith in the great Rohemia mining district are beginning to realize that the long talked o f proposition is at last going to materialize. They are commencing to awaken to find that, it is not a dream, and that we are realy going to havo n railroad into the district. W ith this assurunce they are commencing to get a m ove on and as a consequence there­ o f our little city is a bustle from morning until night. E very train brings in parties looking for loca­ tions and the real estate dealers are kept busy showing them about. Parties who were anxious to sell only a few weeks ago are now w illing to hold their property. A slight advance in the price of property in the business section of town is already noticed and it is the unanimous opinion that it will double before many m onths.. The value o f submarine toj>edo Imats is still doubtful, experts as­ serting both that they are valueless and that they ore more valuable than any battleship in exis­ tence. Tho question might well Jiavs been settled at Santiago, where the Holland wanted to go in nnd try to deatroy tho Spanish fleet as it lay at anchor but was prevented by the short-sighted |>blicy ot the Nauy Department, a neglect that w ill certainly cost us hundreds of m illions before it is remedied. decided fear that the conditions may shape themselves ns they did during the Harrison administration when from a period of prosperity things took n sudden “ slump” and resulted in a democratic victory at tho follow­ ing presidential election. Tho next two years will prove the critical period in the present administration and everything possible must he done to promote real or apparent prosperity until the people hnvo ex­ pressed themselves at the pojls in IDOL I t is confidently predicted by people who ought to know that the Pre sident is most anxious to hnvo Senator Lodge in tho Cabinet and he would bo much relieved if Secre­ tary Hay would kindly tender his resignation, as that is she portfolio that ho desires to offer to Lodge. So outillent is tho President that Mr Hay wilt resign, ns soon as the isthrnain is concluded, that ho has persuaded Mr L od ge to make mi effort to secure tiie chairmanship of tho committee on Foreign Relations which, by right of seniority, would go to Senator Cullorn and which Senator Lodge would prefer to everything else except tlie portfolio of State. It is given out that for the present Senator Lodge will retain the Chains unship of the Philippines Committee. J Odgors of Frostburg, writes; “ 1 had a very bud attack of kidney com­ plaint and tried F o l e y ’ s K id n e y C u k e which gave me immediate relief, and I was jierrectly cured after taking two bottles.” lie sure and get F o l e y ’ s . New Era Drug Store. — - ■ ------- - S t o p - t b o C 'o u g li ¡u n i I V o r l. s nil* t h e C o t«!. Laxative liromoQiiiiiine Tablets cure a cold ia one day. No euro, no pay. Price iiS cents. To t h e P u b l ic . — Having just com­ pleted a course of instructions in the Prof Rogers si stem of tinting, we are prepared to do tho most beauti­ ful work known to our profession. This work is excellent. Call aud sen our samples. E J T aylo b . ray Notic e. There came to my place nbout the middle of July a black spotted sow, marked with crop nnd split in left eai. The owner can have the same by paying damages and for this advertisement. N B Walden. « © Dyspepsia Cure While every effort is being made Proprietor Managing Editor to prevent publicity being given to the fact it is learned that the Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the Entered fit the C o t t a l o G r o v e p o s l- Treasury statement for September, dlgestants and digests all kinds of which shows a falling off in our ex-| food, ltgivcsinstant relief and never olTl<*e as s e c o n d -c la s s m a tte r . port trade for that month of over falls tocure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The inost sensitive S U B S C R I P T I O N R H T E S . >9,000,000, as corap.rod with the stomachs can take It. I)y its use many corresponding month of last jear, thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It O ne Y kak >1.50 has given the Republican leaders prevents formation of gas on the stom­ Six M o n t h s .75 bad scare c- d that means to reverse ach, relieving all dlstressaftereating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. T hrkk M o n t h s .50 this condition of affairs aro the chief I f paid In advance but If not so paid a It can't help topic of discussion at the White uniform rate of J 2.00 per year will be charged. but do you good Adverllslnu rates made known upon appli­ House. Senator Frye • as summon Prepared only by E. O. D e W it t ttfe cuutiii us times the 50c. slzo- ed and immediately seized tho op portunity to push his subsidy bill O u r C lu b b in g L ist. into presidential favor, although of Tbo Commoner. >2:10 course, he also discussed reciprocity Twice-a-week Republic >2.00 treaties as a valuable means toward This signature is on every box of the genuine Cineinnatti Enquirer >2.10 Laxative Bromo*Quininc T»biet« increasing the export trade. The tho remedy that ctsr»'* n -*o5«l In one day W eekly Examiner >2.50 President also sent word to Senator N o t ic e .— A ll p e rs o n s k n o w in g t h e m ­ Weekly Oregonian >2.50 Lodge that be would like to see him s e lv e s in d e b te d to th e u n d e rs ig n e d w ill Copies of this paper may bo found immediately upon his arrival in this g r e a t l y o b l i g e h im b y an e a r ly s e tt le ­ m en t. on file at Washington in tbe office of country and accordingly that gen­ G e o W a ll. M D. ou r special correspondent, E G Sig- tleman came to Washington before Foil S a l e — 75 head of Angorin gers, 018 F Street, N W Wnsliing- going to his home in Massachusetts. Goats, wenthers. and nannies. Any ton, D C. Although Senator Frye granted ono desirous of purchasing call on an interview to the nowspaper men or write to, Edgar King, Cottage F R ID A Y . - - - - O c t . 25 1901. nnd talked definitely on the subjects Grove Oregon. W a r n in g . of his subsidy bill, nnd more or less To T he P ublic .—Y ou nre hereby Tnis week the Render comes to vaguely on the subjects of reciproci­ warned that no tresspassing or hunt­ its renders under new management ty, the isthininn canal, the revenue ing will lie allowed on my premises, and any dogs found on premises are Mr W ooley having retired from the cutter service etc, the real object of li .bin to be Killed. ,T II Perkins. his eomiDg to Washington did not editors sanctum, leaving the under­ F o r. S a l e o r T r a d e .— 25 0 n n iin ic come out. Senator Lodge was seen signed in charge. H aving been associated with the by our correspondent, ami practically goats in small bands if desired, will management o f the Leader almost every other Washington correspon­ trade for entile or sheep. Horses continuously for several years we dent, but ho refused positively to say for sale also. Enquire of J H H aw ley , Divide O r. are perfectly fam iliar with our sur­ tiling for publication. There is a C. a r r iv a l s NOTABLE SILKS The Latest Shades in A PPLIQ UE New TRIMMING BUTTONS STYLISH DRESS FABRICS. BRAIDS MEN’S CLOTHING One of Our Special Lines isChildren’sOver* coats and Winter Suits W e have the Style Color and Fit. W indow s W a tc h F MUSIC LESSONS 'ASI I ION STÄBL ES Mrs. L. D BECK. Will -ive MUSIC Lc sons on tin lis t W A N TE D — Activo man of good character to deliver and collect in Oregon tor old established manufac­ turing wholesale house. >1100 a year, sure pay. Honesty more th a n experi­ ence required. Our reference, any bankin anyeity. Enclose selfaddressed stamped envelope. Manufactures, Third Floor, ant Roarborn St. Chicago. W Reliable anted . men for Managers of Rranche Office wo wish to open in this vicinity. I f your record is O K liete is nu opportunity. Kindly give goml reference when writing, The A T Morris Wholesale House, Cincinnati Ohio. Illustrated eata- ogue lets stumps. P IA N O S U i- , A t the' C. V. PARSONAGE -S i i l i Î- ITsing the Late, Graded German Method now taught in Beilin, Germany. CHRISM A N & BANGS, Props. G EN ERAL L I V E R Y BUSINESS TRANSACTED ÏEI1MS, 50 CTS PER LESSON OF 30 MINUTES. COTTAGE G R O V E \ BOOK STORE... Eugene Oregon, S TA G E L IN E Carryi^ f L Mail Under New 1 MANAGEMENT And with a complete stock of l t A tj A t A x -A* a£k 'S!» rík. tík ¿ jc-Aa aflk j A l j A k j A k C. A. ÜKNXETT. Dealers in all Kinds of Fir Wood--- Cut to Order. JIIE NEAREST 5\ e have New Machinery nnd will Saw vonr W ood An} Length on Shortest Notice. Largo Body Fir, No Other Kind Sold. Drug Store Wood Yard Located I n Town JUNE 1st. you buy at Our Store will be fresh, honest and entirely satis- C M Phelps, Lorca tflale Vt, says his factory. child was completely cured of a bad A G E N TS W A N T E D for ease of eczema by tile user of Dewilt’s "T H E A U T H E N T IC L IF E Witch Hazel Salve. Ih*ware of nil conn Prescription OF TH E M A R T Y R E D terfelts. It instantly relieves piles. Benson Drug Co PR E SID E N T.” W ork Mothers every where praise One W hich tells all about Minute Cough (.'lire for the sufferings His Boyhood days, It has relieved and the lives of their little ones it Inis saved. Strikes at the His beautiful Domestic Life, root of tiie trouble and draws out the We carry a large and well selected His Career on the Battle field, inflamation. Tho children’s favorite Stock of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Cough Dure. Benson Drug Co, His Achievements in Congress To T he Dr-\r.—A rteh lady cured of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper Goveruor aud ns President, her Deafness and Noise in the Head by and Notions. His Assassination, Peaceful Death, Dr Nicholson’s Artitionl Ear Drums, —•». r . — and nil of interest that every true| gave >10,000 to Ills Institute, so that „ .leaf people unable to procure the Ear M ' l l U O I . 1 IO O K S a n , I S T A T I O N |: ft( % American will want to preserve. I |irums may have them Free. Address Fnllly Illustrated, Cloth Bound, and No 10671 <’. The Nicholson Institute sold at a price that all can afford. .8*1 Eighth Avenue Everyone wants this book of Backache should never be neglected. It means kidney disorder which, if Thrilling Interests and j allowed to run too long, may result In Valuable Historical Facts. 1 Bright’s disease, di.ilietes or other C a ll F o r County W a rra n ts. Agents will make >10 00 a day , -ericas and often fatal complaints. Notice is hereby given that the i selling it. Send 10c for postage on F o l e y ’ s K id ney C ube makes tbe k id ­ I following warrants will he paid on j outfit, also ask lor >2.50 per day. ney's well. New Era Drugstore. ; presentation at my office ox and F o r O v e r K itty 1 ears. Cash Guaranteed Contract to handle »MOLD AND W KLI.-TltlKD ItRXIDT__Mr* iftkb August 12, 1901. Interest on 1 our Holiday Books. 1 " 'sn-.rliln* s»rn,> hu been ased iur 1 same county warrants from retrisler- Recent testimony before the Sch­ ley Court goes far to explain the conspiracy against the Admiral. nvrr nny yv;ir* ht million»of mother* tor Ihetr ! > ......... 1__ u - - , i . coon , . When one officer testified that A d ­ VII orders tilled direct from childrenwim** 'liititrvn while tceibtnK. teething, with with perfect success Dumber 01 <0 to 8399, both in- It soofiiF« the child, the allay* ¿utn*. all allays ------* iftftM HoftPQs thi* *(utn*. elu all sive. miral S ch k y showed personal cow­ Dated, Eugene, July 30, j Pacific toast Headquarters with pain, cures wriud eolio, anti »»the best remedy ; 1901. ardice in battle, bo discloses the tho O cc I d s z t a i P t BI IMIIIKO C o l l i ’ ANY. Cor Hiarrhoca. Is phiésant to the taste. by Druiijikta In every Dart of the World. Twenty ; A S P atte five rents a bottle, its value is incalculable miserable jealousy and animus that M A T hompson , Prop. Hr suro ami ask for Mrs. W ln tlo«*» Soothing (iaklan 1 tal. Syrup *ad take no other kind. County Treasurer. broughtabout the whole proceeding. .A B E N N E TT & G IL K IS 0 N MILLER, Prop. CURRLVS DRUG STORK. í j Í V Wood! Wood! Wood! Price are Right , A Specialty. JV A J. M. (¡ILKI80N. Japanese Goods, School Books. Stationery To the readers of this paper who And a full line ot will send their name and address for Photo Albums. a s.implo copy of T H E NEW YORK When la our city, give ns a rail and see tnat F A M IL Y STO RY PAPE R , they will receive tho opening chapter of Miss II C Laura Jean Liecay’ s best story “ BETRO TH ED F O R A D AY. Do not miss this opportunity to secure five the opening chapter of this grand and intense love Btory. Do not wait until you read this paper through, hut write at ouee, to • • 9 • • Muuros Publishing House. Is not always tin, most deserv. 31— 3t!Vaudewcler Street. Ins ot your patronage, but We O UAKANTKK that everytllinjt New York City, N Y. ------ -••••- ------ B O H E M IA All Parties Wishing Winter Wood will do at the Leader Office for Further Information. A ft e r Well to Call ROUSE, G E E R - - L U M B E R CO. Manufacturers rf; All kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Bridge Timbers, Ties Etc. Look at these Prices. Flooring. $16.00. $14.00 and $12.00 Rustic and Ceiling, $14.00 12.00 and $10.00 Double Surfaced. $14.00 12.00 and 10.00 Sized Lumber, $7.00 Rough, $6.00 to $4 00 We have a Fine assortment building material now on hand and offer sp cial in ucements on Dressed Lumber of 10 per cent and * ough Lumber 15 per cent discount for Cash. A ll Orders promptly filled. ROUSE-CEER LUM BER Co. Am os, O r e g o n .