THE LEADER. U F . W o o iE V , P u b lis h «!. Entered at the Cottage Grove post- office as second-class matter. S U B S C R IP T IO N RRTES. $1.50 O ne Y eau B ix M onths T hule M onths .75 ( .50 Tf paid In adv>ofi»* hut It not so p:iul a uniform rate of fit. 00 per year will be charged. \dverUilntf rate» m«do knowu upon aj>pH- o at Ion. FRID AY, O ur - - - - O ct . 18 1901. C lu b b in g lis t. The L e a d e b and The Commoner. Twice-a-week Republic Cinciunatti Enquirer Weekly Examiner Weekly Oregonian 52:10 $2.00 $2.10 $2.50 $2.50 Sir Thomas is a jolly goon fellow; he isn't strong enough to lift the Cup, that’ s all. Kodol Dtisoepsih enre is not r mere stimulant to tired nature. It uffoids: the stomwh« eomplete ami abuGnte1 rest by digrstlug tho fool you enrt I Pout have to diet but can enjoy ail: the good food you want. Kodol Pys- | pepsia < i re instantly relieves that nistrested feeling after eating, giving, you new life and vigor. liuQSOti Drug ’ Co. T f e greatest ambition of Amer­ ican .uon and women It to have homes biassed with children. The woman alllietod with female dis­ The New Governor of Indiana has ease Is constantly menaced with imitated his predecessor in refusing 1 becoming a childless wife. No medicine can restore dead or­ to surrender Taylor, o f Kentucky, j for trial for complicity’ in t!v 1 gans, diet Wine of Cardui d >es regulate derangements that pre­ murder of Gobel, on the childish vent conception; does prevent plea that he could not obtain a fair miscarriage; does restore weak functions and shattered nerves trial. To such lengths does politi­ and does bring babies to homes cal partisanship lend Republican I ¡arret] and desolate for yc.urs. gover nors. Wine of Cardui gives womi u the healtli am! strength to bear heal­ J Odgers of Frost burg, writes; “ I thy chi Idivn. You can get a had a v r y bud attack of kidney com­ dollar bottle of AVino ol Cassini plaint and tried F oi . ey ’ s K il > ney C ube from your dealer. which gave me immediate relief, and Copies of this paper may be found on file at Washington in the oflleo of our special correspondent, E G Rig­ I was perfectly cured after taking two gers, 918 F Street, N W Washing bottles.” Be sure and get F oley ' s . New Era Drugstore. ton, D C. ---- --------- Goodbye, Thomas. Here’s look­ ing at you. Come again some time. Always glad to let you see the cup. A. iMm Aii attack w a s lately made on C F Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It came through liis kidneys. His back got so lame be could not sloop without great piriu.noi sit iu a chair except propded by cush­ ions- No remedy helped him until he trieil Electric bitters which effected sncli a wonderful change that he writes he feels like a new man. This marvel­ II Speaker Henderson isn’t care­ ous medicine cures backache and kid ­ ful how he drags the d e a d ney trouble, purifies the blood and in to fortify tho extraordinary builds up your heal th. Only aOcut J P statements in his speech s, ho will Currins. In all the races for the Cup, the British have won just one heat, which was won by the Livonia on October 10, 1871. Tho single heat won by the Shamrock without con­ sidering time allowance, is the near­ est approach to this on record. run the risk of being set down by all fair-minded men as an arrant demagogue. The report of the Steel trnst, which has about 50 percent protect­ ion, is most signiffi ant. He admits that he sells steel billets in Eng­ land at $2.50 loss than tho British can sell them’ and at $9.50 or about thirty percent, more than a price that pays the trust a profit abroad. Ami this is admitted by the trust. The way in which the govern­ ment witnesses in the Schley court under cross examination, y ¡eld facts they didn.t know they possessed is simply beautiful. Thus one ex­ pert witness testified that liar F ly ­ ing Squadron could have remained on blockade for two or three wor k - and then reach Key West with the coal it had ; on cross examin i tion be admitted that Brooklyn nloi could have chased the Spanish fleet under forced draft for more than two days, and have enough coal left to reacli a i>ort where it could get more. What Do Your Drink? Children Don’ t give them tea or coffee. Have yon tri, d the new food drink called G RAIN U? It is delicious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee. Tho more Graiu-O yen givo the children the more health you distribute through tueir systems. Orau-O is made of pure giaii’s, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee hut coats about j as much. All grorerss sell jt 15c. and 25c. Call F o r C ounty W arran ts. Nott«c is hereby tfivou that the following warinnta will ho paid on presentation ut iuy office o n and a f t e r August 12, 1901. Intcrist on same oomity warrants from register­ ed number 8770 to 8399, both in elusive. Dated, Eugene, July 30, 1901. A S P atterhon Con n! v Troasu rer. GLO“rH Come now and inspect Our Fall Lino IN NEW . JACKETS Memphis, Term. April * Memphis, Tern-., H, i9oi. £ In Fcbrunr iar • 1901, I took on ; bottle c : ß of îi Tbctlfovd’s Jllatk-L>T ughL i LuHist; marrrvd fifteen vc:*rs and hv.d ne t 1 given birth to a child until I took Wi of Ofordui. Not" I am mother o f a fin * baby f:■•> It is the host remedy grand and intense love ator . Do individuals, charity begins at j rtmtde«T‘*'S’ ^ aui‘ | wart nntii you read this paper — with the stockholders instead of j , ___ „ 1 through, but write at once, to The proposition to call the Pliilip- the toreigners. The Trusts nren t ; Munro's Publishing House. I pines the McKinley Isles, has been in business for their health. 3-4— 36Yandeweter Street. sat down upon by the Republican New York City, N Y. - leaders. It favored too much of Foley’s honey *nn> visions of Section 2334, Revised Statutes of tho united States and of the laws of the State o f Or­ egon, lteiug the amount «if annual assessment work required to be done for the years euding Dec. 31. 1900 and the year ending Dec. 31,1091, in order to hold the same. And if v, ¡thin 90days after the service of this no! Ice by publication, you fail or refuse to con tribute your proportionate share of such expeir dlture as a co-owner, your interest In said claim And with a complete stock of will become the prt»i*:rty o f tlie subscriber un­ der said section 23?4, Dated this the iGtli day of September 1901. D A V ID U. BUT LEU “ P 'tgtt. iohc ri*kcJ in can>- ÄSIII0 N STARLI H SC H O O L B O O K S a n d S T A T IO K E U I T o A . J. SMITH:— the AT LURCH'S—— THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OFOKKUON FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE. Mr Ilanm- says that he and And a full line ot Roosevelt are partners in tho man Photo Albums. ageinent of the Republican party. When in our city, ::ive us a rail and see tnat There is no doubt that nine peo Teddy, however, may decide that Price are Right, pie out of ten would advocate auex- Mr Hanna shall remain only the II 0 M IL L K R , Prop. ing Cuba if tho people thereof siientest kind of a partner-anil then I should ask to come in- But it is I again he may not. You never can NOTICE. also certain that, there are hae a I Notice is hereby given that the partnership tell. dozen mi n in the Senate who would ' lately subsisting between \V F Hemenway and obey tho sugar trust and fight nn- ( ’lias It Wessmar, K v u n s t o r , 111, '' 11 Burkholder, under the Brin name ot d a i B" rl»>'>|! ' r «»LEY'S, n e w i.r a D t U g ^ name of Hemenway a Barklmlder. S to re - _ _ _ _ _ i A il debts ow in" Ut nnd kit d i iaixUan l ate the power of the sugar trust. cures colds, prevents pneuir.ooie. ÍÍ D eserves a visit. Wg83g«'CARDiJ9i 118 o iu Market iir e i ¿>wrvet, Ltreet, <> A G E N TS W A N T E D for "T H E ATJTHEN TIC L IF E OF T H E M A R T Y R E D . PR E S ID E N T.’' Which, tells all about His Boyhood days, As expected, Representative Ball His beautiful Domestic Life, cock is weakening as the time draws His Career on the Battle field, near to put his anti-trust plans (cop­ His Achievements in Congress ied from the Democrats) into execu­ Governor and as President, tion, He thinks now ho will try His Assassination, Peaceful Death, reciprocity for a while first. and all of interest that every true American will want to preserve. Fullly Illustrated, Cloth Bound, and Shamrock has lost, hut she came sold at a price that all can afford. nearer to winning than any other Everyone wants this book of British vessel has yet done. A vict Thrilling Interests anti ory by time allowance alone is al­ Valuable Historical Facts. Agents will make $10 00 a duy together too close to be comfortable. selling it. ‘ Send 10c for postage on outfit, also ask for $2.50 per day, First the national and now the in Cash Guarantied Contract to handle ternutional Salt Trust: Soon all tho oor Holiday Books. salt mines of tho World will be un­ A ll orders filled direct from der a single control and the price Pacific Coast Headquarters with of that will tho Oc : i ! e n t a i . P ublishim C o m p a n y . go kiting up unless something is 51 A T hompson , Prop. done to prevent it. Oakland Cul. O s t Foley’s Kidney Cure makes kldaeysasid bladder rig h t \ BOHEMI A I TXTF ^rrying Passons E l INE arai U. S. M ail A A e t A A A dViA. *< £■ A Í?.. A W?. ¡ákjjírjrtr. ¿ U U t A A. 4 J. M. UlLKIBf’ÎC. 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 C.* A. B ennett . Wood! Wood! Wood! BENNETT & GILKiSON I * > » s* Dealers in all Kinds of Fir Wood-— > Cut to Order. > Y e have New Machinery nn 1 will S.‘ \v your AVt'Oil Any Length on Shortest Notice. Lur; ;n Body Fir, No Other Kind Sold. > « 4 Wood Yard Located la Town After 4 4 4 4 4 JU NE ist. All Parties Wishing Winter Wood will do W ell to Call .at tho Leader Office for Further Iu formation. if R O U S E , G E E R h -L U M B E R CO . Manufacturers A ll kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Bridge Timbers, Ties Etc. Look at these Prices. Flooring, $16.00. $14.00 and $12.00 Rustic and Ceiling. $14.00 19.00 end $10.00 l.ouLle Surfaced, vi-l.OO 18.00 and 10.00 . Sized Lumber, $7.00 Rough. $8.00 to $4 00 Vv e have a Fine assortment budding material now on hand and offer sp cial in - o n 'S S ? , “ 5 m Lnml* r I « per vont and on Rough Lumber lo per cent discount for Cash. A ll Orders promptly filled. R ° U 5 E - C E ” R LUfc!3ER Co. Am OS, O i e ro n .