TT. of o. cKK>CKKHyOCKKXKH> 00000000000000 YOU SE E + ■ +- - s j C i J-*-— TH A Firm’s name in the advertising columns of the LEADER, it means the Firm wants your trade, and is not afraid to ask you for it. J<> 0 <> 0 0 <> 0 <><> 0 0 < > < > 0 0 0 !► 000000000000 < COlTAGh ( iKON K lS THE GATEWAY TO THE GKEAT BOHEMIA AND BLACK BUTTE MINES. V o l. X III. Cottage Grove, Oregon, Friday, October 18 , 1901 . FALL OPENING! ▼ V They are Here T~T~y V Y ▼ ©ur Jfall line of Xa&ics’, flDisses’ anO CbtlOrcn’e Mrnpo Is now open for inspection. We have many new things, in Dress Goods, that we take great pleasure in showing our many Customers. N e w Dress Trimings in stock and more coming. N e w lines of men’s Sweaters. Many new Novelties. Come and see them. EAKIN & BRISTOW. f TJTHING! CLOTHING! M en and B oy’s Clothing! A t Prices aw ay down. N ew Goods makes N e w Prices. Come and see our goods and get our prices before you buy. SUMMER GOODS o? ALL KINDS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. ^ L A D IE S ’ S H IR T W A IS T S A T COST * HEMT j ’JN w 05 a i n u ja iÎ L X io iii> » * v . Diessroakir^- - Cutting Fitting Sewing p iU t ' W Wood, of Tacoma, the other partner iu the survey, will arrive in Portland Wednesday. They will start for Cottage Grove with a crew Thurs­ day morning, and will immediately take the field.--Sunday’s Oregonian. Do you suffer from piles? If so do uot turn to surgery for relief. Dewitts Witch Hazel Salve will act more quick ly, surely and safely, savlug you the expense und dangor of an operation. Benson Drug C o ^ Machine Guns! M IN E R S ’ S U PPU IE S Are now loaded with Largest and Best Selected Stock in Soul County, Consisting o f 1 ■—rJ^ Microbe Killer Is Water loaded with gas. It carries Pumps, Pipe, Plumbing Goods, P ain and light and brings Barbed Wire, Axes, Garden Tools, Plows health and new life Ammunition and to men. Are you AND interested? You may T H E LARGEST Mining Supplies. get the names ot S T O C K of narties who have used 1’ ^ ^ on the ,ocal w«dDef'*v. I Sole Agents for------- - , _ A : K tore in the city J » .,«d ■ Hardware, Sieves m i Tinare Studebaker W agons end H tncnles Powders. OUR PR IC ES A R E RIG H T GIVE US A CALL. P 7U N T jj VEATCH, G-an^ral - - - - Manager YOUR FLOORS ---------------------------- —----- with ------------ RUBBER CEMENT FLOOR PAINT DRIFS WfcRS LIKE C incur IM* Scai for Co.or C a rd TO W P F U L L E R & CO. lA iH G N "Z’ O T T S S E .. -A- -M-A.I.V S In the advertising: columns of the j - j ADER u ¿s ^ that he is doinsr "Business and no’ sitting ' * " vhitling and growling about hard times. WlShiajtlia COIT03POIl(h!Ilt Dr Roberts Explains. A p p a r e n t ly P e r f e c t V is io n is N o t A l w a y s a P r o o f T h a t tlio E y e is P e r f e c t . *» i R jjl »■> m makes it unprofitable to the pro­ ducer. After all that has been Boid about protection to the wool grower he is now at the mercy of a great weulthy corporation that is absorb­ ing all the profits of that industry. The tariff protects the monopoly, but gives no protection to the wool grower. How many farmer thore are iu Iowa that will stll favor such a protection as this remains to be seen.— Commoner. A Worthy Successor. “ N o u i c i h l n K New l: inter T h e S u n ” All Doctors have tried to cure Tho science of optics and refraction have developed and proven it a fact ca tta h a ii by the use of powder, acid that a perfect eyo never falls lu Us gases, ¡hinders and drugs in paste form. Their powders dry up tho vision for distance. Even thoueli person may have perfect distant mucuoiis membranes Causing them to vision they may be compelling It crack open and bleed. Tho powerful through an Imperfect eyo. The eye acids used In the inhalers have eaten being controlled by the brain, means away tho sumo membranes that their a constant brain strain if the eye Is in makers have aimed to cure, while end ointments cannot reeh the “I had long suffered from indlges tho least ini|>crhct. The brulu in pastes draws upon tbe nerve system lo dli-ase. An old and experienced prac­ tlon,” writes O A LeDeis, Cadal turn regain the strength necessarllly used titioner who has for many years made City, Mo. "Like others I tried many to get perfect vision ; therefore, the a close study anu specialty of the preparations but never found any brain or nerves are g' nerally affected treatment of c a t t a r a h , hns at last a treatment which when thing that did me good until I took efore tho vision, which only grows perfected because of l->ss of power to com­ fa itthfully used not only relieves a Koiloi Dyspepsia Cure. One bottle bad once, but permanently cures c a tta r a h pel perfect vision through an im­ cured me. A friend who had suffered perfect eve. Now, as a perfect eye by removing the causa. stopping tho similarly I put on the' use of Kodol ¡¡over fails for distant vision, It Is the discharges,nnd curing all inilamma- Dcr I ,ion. It Is the only remedy known to Dyspepsia Cure. He Is gaining fust j r , Tractiouist’s busin * Pi'nmko'tt n ta h M ilc I Clenee that actually reaches tho Hint w ill soon be able to work. Before | feet with , glasses amt . W h v, it has “ffh'cd parts. This wonderful remedy using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure indiges­ never fail. \\h}? Becauso it has ¡3 known as “ s h u w l k s the g u a r a n t e e d i> -.-n m ide perfect. If your glasses cattarah C ure ” and is sold at the ex tion {jn8aary to its perfect u*-*. up and your eyes will tie a constant "ssurrLts” Is the only perfect source o( am oyru -e ai d expense t. (.ATAbH|( . ckk over made and Is uow U Mothers every where praise One yon. This change and oxpenso Is fr copnt*ed a- the only safe and positive Information and pam­ Minute Cough Cure for the suffering, alwolutely unnecessary. eui” for that annoying and disgusting it lias relieved and the lives of their Dr A 1 R iberts hns fitted glasses ,||srll^.. It cures nil inflamatlon phlet free. little ones It has saved. Strikes at the for d ista n t vision for the last 16 } 0 , its q.dekiy and permantly nnd Is also A F H oward Agt, root of the trouble and draws out the with distinct understanding that il wonderfully quick to relive hay r a v n intlamation. The children's favorite at any time in the future the vision or cold in the iirad . Cot age Grove, Ore- Cough Dure. Benson Drug Co, I could be the least improved, ttie c a ta RH when negleeted often leads Resilience with J K Ifnrrett. j | change should be made without extra coKsuMt'-rinx—“gHtjm.Es” will save cost, _ you if you use it ut once It is no T o T hf D eaf .— A rich lady cured of | l If you havo headache, or suffer ,,r(||nliry remedy hut a complete treat­ What Shall We Have For Dessert? ing Deafness i ami and Noise Noise in in the the Head Head by by ' fr,,m nervousness, it Is almost absolute me(lt wldch is positively guarnnted to Dr Nicholson’s Artiilcal Ear Drums. I ,,roof Hiat your eyes are imperfect. oure catar rh in any form or stage If This question arises in the family gave »10,000 to his Institute, so that j failure to obtain relief by tbe „,*.,1 according ’n the directions which every day. Let us answer it to-day. b-af __^ ___________ people unable to procure the Eat USP nf ordinary rett edies demonstra BWomoany each package. Don't delay them Free. Address , l(.u t(,r-(act that the trouble docs not j bot n,,l|f( f,,r ,,t ooec and write full r. v Tcll-O a delicious and healthful p nim9 may have then 1 »rt Prepared in two minutes Ro 10671 - 0 . The Nic holson Institute, j|,. ¡„ ordinary cause-, call on Dr particulars as to your condition and I Rotierfs and lie will make a free ex- |( will receive rpecinl advice from .ta p ir ................ midnation and give you such an I the the dl-eovcrer of tills wonderful boiling water and set to cool. Take your wife to » the Imperial | plnuation of your eyes and their °“n I rem--1; rogirllng your case without — Lemon, Orange, Rasp- all,l treat her to a Sim-lay dinner j unction with ths nervous system that I CO;lt to you l> lyoadthu teg dar pries of Flu I yob cannot help hilt see why tlie eyas "axurFi.iw'’ the ouabaxtesd catarrh and St raw bet ry. Get n Poc* ' | aerved from 12 m to 1.30 p tn B I may Is- the enu e of y-.m tr- iib’e. i ige at jo o r grocer» b -la y . lOe*» Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, ln«l.| Imperial Hotel Pamirs. | gnui r»j- pai-l t ) any a ¡dress in tto« Dulled X' l-es or Ciiiia-la on reei-lpt of * licWitt’sI.Ittle Early risers never One Dollar. Address Dept I>a3 Lnwiti 1 I -nd.nte double like other pills. But Up-to-date M G iles /t C o m c i n ï . 2130 an i 2332 i lo their work througlily and make me Foley's Honey *nd Tar Melk t Street, Philadelphia. for children.smfe,ture. /Vo opiates. i feel like a boy.“ Cert dn th'Mug -, I gentle. Benson Drug Co. tu i© O ffic e . They are loaded with powder and lead and scatter Destruction, Pain, Misey and Death among men. GRIFFIN & VEATCH -------- B]f 0 H A R D W A R E , STOVES A N D T IN W A R E Doings ai the Capitol. Milling Companies, of the Bohemia t ! district, announces that arrange- j The Bohemia Railroad Surveyors j meuts havo been completed for How many representatives will go to Washington on the- first of Dec* building a railroad from Cottage ' To Select R oute troia» C ottage ember with the knowledge that their Grove, southeasterly, a distance of| Grove to Bohem ia M ines. future political life is dependent on 35 miles through a region of heavy their voting far a revision of the tar­ timber to tbe Bohemia mines. It is 1 he much expected railroad sur­ iff it is impossible to predict but expected that construction work veyors, who are to locate permantly there is reason to believe that there will be commenced this fall and that the route of the Cottage Grove- will bo enough to insure its being about half the track will be laid be­ Boheuria Railroad, arrived on yester­ undertaken. But even if tariff re­ fore spriug. Connected with this, day afternoon local, fully equipped vision is attempted it will never be though not yet arranged for, is the and ready for the field. The party accomplished along lines that will project of building a smelter either under the management of Mr P J satisfy tho people. By its tariff leg­ • it Portland or iu the Bohemia Jennings will make their head­ islation tbe Republican party has mining district. The smelter, enter­ quarters at Cottage Grove and push built up tho trusts aud now the trusts prise is expected to follow the com ­ their work as rapidly ns possible control the party. The tariff revis­ pletion of tho railroad and it is towards completion before bad ion the people demand, is a reduct­ deemed probable that both will be in weather becomes the rule. It is not ion of those schedules that favor the opporation in less thau a year from anticipated any material opposition trusts and that is precisely what the date. will be met with in granting lights trusts will not permit. Tho party “ We have gone so far” said Mr of way as all along the route farmeis managers appreciate this fact and Jennings yesterday, “ that tho rest realize the importance of a railroad will use every endeavor to divert of the work is easy. Wo have $ 500 , from Cottage Grove to Bohemia and public attention from the real issues 000 assured for the railroad, largely the immenee advantages accruing but they “ can’ t fool all of the people on tho basis of the mineral richness from its building. The damage re­ all of the time” and the democratic of tho district us shown by develop­ leaders whom o06 moots in Washing­ sulting from ruuuing through their ment already made. Capital ¡14 eager farms will be more than compensated ton a'l express themselves ns confi­ to build an ndequuto smeller, but for l y the increased value of their dent that the time is not far off when there would bo no use for tho smol- adjoining laud. This is proved by the Republican ship will shiver itself tur without the railroad, so the road cu tho trust rock. history. There hns been rumors is to go first. This is tbe natural afloat that the road would be built order. I have not a doubt that the to Saginaw or Eugene but we believe T o C u r e u C o ld I n O ne Day. smelter will be provided when we there is nothing in the move more Take Laxative Bromo Quinine nro ready for it. The Cold its too Tablets. AH druggists refund the than talk. However if such fear impurtaut to be neglected and the money if it fails to cure. E W Grove's should deter any from giving aright problem of ore, fuel and fluxes prac­ signature Is on each box 25 0. of way Mr Jennings no doubt is in a tically solves itself here.” A few years age tho farmers.were position to satisfy all each persons The money for the railroad enter­ hurrahing for a protective tarriff as to there being any thing iu the prise will be supplied by Eastern that would protect them in the wool rumor. Of courso there are some capitalists. growing indusrry and would shut people who doubt the building of Russell Kimball, of Ited Lodge, out tho foreigner and advauco the the road. To such, time alone, iu Mont, one of tho two engineers who prices on this commodity. Now the all probability will prove to thorn spen!;3 louder than words and a well organ'zed surveying party actively in the field means considerable ex­ pense. Surveying parties are not luxuries to wnich moneyed men are addicted by habit, and the people behind Mr Jennings in this move Having Purchased the Hardware Stock of evidently mean business. They have expended a large amount of W H EELERS& S C O T T money in Bohemia which is a proof of their faith in the camp, and it is Would Call Your Attention to the Fact. We Shall not in reason to suppose they will Carry a Full aud Complete Stock of M iss Etta Smith. continue to do so just for the sake O dd F ellows B uilding of blowing it in. Prices reasonable. ork Warranted We are going to havo a railroad, let us make up our minds to that fact nnd let our business meo and all others put their shoulders to the wheel and make a unanimous pull, an intelligent pull and a hearty pull Fish B ro s W agons J* Farm Implements of all Kinds aud IF it fails the blame cannot rest CALL AND SEE US OUB P R IC E S AR E R lO H T _ — — — upon the shoulders of Cott.-g Grove people. PIPER 5 y H N D E N B U R G H ere and T liero. President P J Jennings, of the I Helena and the Mustek Mining k No 24 . job Work