Hie Home Gold Curt Aw I g e n i o u s T r e a t m e n t l»y w h ie h O ruitkttrriw a r e H e ilig <•*»«•««! D u lly I n Spite o f T I id iu h c I tcs . N« N axiou at Diiteane*. No W e a k iu u o f t i t « N e r v e « . A P l e a s a n t P o sitiv e C u re fo r L iq u o r H a b it . It Is not generally known and under­ stood that Druukeuees Is a disease and not weakness. A body tilled with poison, and nerves completely shatter­ ed by periodical or constant use of In­ toxicating in « liquors, . , requires an antidote able of neutralizing and eradicating capat id and destroying dest tills i poison, poli and the craving ring tor intoxicants. Hufferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or lose of time from business by this wonderful “ h o m e -G o l d ctJRE” which has been prepared after many years of close study aud t r e a t m e n t s inebriates. The fuithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positluely guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker, p u r records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunk­ ards into sober, industrious und up­ tig h t men. WIVES CORE YOUR HUSBANDS!! CHIL­ DREN c u r e y o u r f a t h e r s !! This remedy Good rains fell in all parts of the State on the 21st and 22nd. In the Willamette Valley and Coast dis­ tricts averaged about 2.00 inches in depth, while in the eastern portions of the state they amounted to less than an inch. These rains do great good in reviving pastures, in soften­ ing up the soil for fall plowing and in putting out forest fires and clear­ ing the air of smoke. Hops were nearly all picked be­ fore the rain began. In last week’s report it was stated that the hop yield was below expectations and that it would not be more than one- fourth as much ns last year, The returns received this week led to the belief that the Oregon hop yield will be a little less than three-fourths of as large a crop as that gathered last year. Corn and potatoes are being har­ vested and the yields are light The third crop of alfalfa has been cut and housed. Pastures have been much improved by the rains and stock is gaining flesh. Prune picking is well advanced and a large portion of the crop was secured before the rains began. A fair crop of apples, pears and peaches are being marketed. Norris Silver, North Sartford. N.JH I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a eougli doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. To-Day I am a well man. Benson Drug Co. is in no sense abostrum but is a speci­ fic for this disease only, and is so skill­ fully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so ttiat it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the know­ ledge of the person taking it. Thou­ sands of Drunkards have cured them ­ selves with this priceless remedy and tu» many more have cured and made temperate men by having the “ c u r e ” administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in tea or coffee and believe today that they discontinued drinking or their own free will, d o n o t w a i t . D o not be deluded by appearent and mislearn- in g “ im provem ent.” Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The “ h o m e g o l d c u r e ” is sold at the e x ­ tremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach o f everybody a treatment more effectual than others costiag $25 to $50. F ull directions aecomdany each package. Hpeciul ad­ vice by skilled physicians when re­ quested without extra charge. Sent B W Pursell, Kintersville, Pa says he prepaid to any part of the world on suffered 25 yenrs with piles and could receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept obtain no relief until D e W itt’s Hazel E 893 E d w in B G i l e s a C o m p a n y , 2330 Salve effected a permanent cure. .and 2332 M arket Street, Philadelphia. Counterfeits are worthless. Benson A ll correspondence strictly confi­ Drug Co. dential. t'o u a u ra p tlo n T h reaten ed . D o n ’t wuit until you become chron lcally constipated but tako D e W itt’s Little E arly Risers now and then. •They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to tuke. Safe pills. Benson D ru g Co. C Unger, 212 Maple St, Champaign, 111, writes I was troubled with a back­ ing Couge for a year and I thought I had consumption. I tried a great remedies and was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle o f F o l e y ’ s H o n e y an d T a r . I t cured me, and I have not been troubled since,” New Era Drug Store. * many E stray N otice. There came to my place about the middle of July a black spotted sow, “ T he Best I n T h e C heapest.” Not how cheap, but how good, is marked with crop and split in left ear. The owner can have the same the question. The TW ICE-A-WEEK REPUB­ by paying damages and for this LIC is not as cheap as are some so .advertisement. called newspapers. But it is as N B Walden. UlcerB, open or obstinate sores, cheap as it is possible to sell a first- scalds, and piles, quickly cured by class newspaper. If you read it all B anner S alve , the most healing medi­ the year round, you are posted on cine in the world. The New Era Drug all the important and interesting Store. affairs of tbe world. It prints all F o r O ver F ifty Hears. the news worth printiug. It is the A n O ld a n » W e l l -T r ie d R e m e d y .—Mrs W inslow's South in* syrup lias been used (or best aud most reliable newspaper over lirty years bv millions of mothers (or their children while teetliiiiK, with perfect success that money nnd brain can produce It smithes the child, softens the mints, til lays all cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy — and those should be the distin­ ? aln, nr Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part ol the World. Twenty guishing traits of the newspaper Sve cents a bottle, fts value Is Incalculable Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing that is designed to be read by al Syrup and take no other kind. members of the family. Be sure und call at Taylor’s Photo Subscription price, $1 a year Studio and see their new work. Any newsdealer, newspaper or pest Sent F ree. master will receive your subscription So sure are we that the locating of a few of our F.lectrict Belts will develop or you may moil it direct to into numerous sales of our belts and THE REPUBLIC. appliances, that we are willing to send St Louis, Mo. free to any sufferer from the following diseases: Cold extremeties, Cystoeele, To T he D eaf .—A rich lady cured of Female weakness, Kidney complaint, her Deafness und Noise in the Head by Leucorrhen, Liver complaint, l'anily* Dr Nicholson’s Artificial Ear Drums, els, Lost vitality Nervous debility, Self gave $10,000 to his Institute, so that abuse, W orn-out woman, Irregular deaf people unable to procure the Ear menstruation, Im potency, Rheuma­ Drums may have them Free. Address tism , Diminutive Shrunken nnd un­ No 1 0 5 7 1 -0 . The Nicholson Institute, developed Sexual orgnngs nnd Catarrh 80 Eighth Vv m u Address for illustrated circular, etc. Call F o r C oun ty W arra n ts. Suultarium City Elect! icnl Co, Battle Creek, Mich. - - - -------- AN INCOME FOR LIFE. C rop B iilletiu . f | Dlffl’t O liD l-e s ® — FROM— To have the only store in 3 o t t n "rovo, .B u tw e d o claim to hare a lar¿-j aud ’ .veil selected stock c f Greatest Of Gold Properties D r y G o o d s, G ro c e rie s a n d G a n e rr-I M t-rc ia n d is Q 3800 A e n s -9 MilesOin Length 250 Million T ods . Lady’s Lunch Richest Gold-Benriug Quartz ground by nature's hand into gold laden gravel, from 50 to GOO feet in depth over the entire property. In addition Has been rudely defined by some cynic Company owns as w slops and sweets." And after all there’s more truth than poetry in the definition. Ice cream and cake may satisfy the palate, but they are far from satisfying to the stomach, which require« that food be nutritious first and nice afterward. By careless eating women pave the way for stomach "trouble," and its kindred miseries. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical D iscov­ ery is confidently commended as a cure for diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. By curing diseases which prevent the assimilation of food it enables the body to be built up and strengthened in the only way known to nature — by food digested and assimilated. "F or twelve long months I suffered untold misery," writes Mrs. Mol lie Colgate, of Ran­ dolph, Charlotte Co., Va. "N o tongue could ex­ press the pain that I endured before I com­ menced talcing Dr. Pierce’s medicine. I was not able to do auythipg at all. Could not eat anything except bread and tea—or if I did the top o f my head hurt so it seemed it would kill __ rae; ______ with _______ all that ____________ I could do it would burn like fire. But now, since using your ’ Golden Med­ ical Discovery * and * Favorite Prescription,’ I can eat a little i o f almost anything I want, and can do a jtood day’s as well as anybody lav's work aj Am better thau I have been for yenrs." 14 Miles . W h ic h wo a rc ■ r-~ht priesa. rii..:} U . ~ { 1 o ' nti i.U ! CiiOb Q« Hals. Y o u i i.ti’t I .Hit nur priem o» Wu Lave a fino lin ' s’ Winter in length of river bed each mile ol ____ Hala, all ilio lutezi utile; uu-i colore. I.’ oo‘ s um! »Lue«, of all kind-, in ih. which contains many millions ol Come in and let us lit >ou i o iu tuia Our stock is of t ie very best quality gold, situated on the Rio Grande, in lia6i * and uro zu.,; to 1 -Iciu.u ¿ e j. Taos Co, New Mexico. O ver • » • L e w is S V e H T C H * 100 Million Dollars For Dividends REAP THE PROOF: Unitsfl States dliial Report CLrtSS + BROTHGRS Proprietors of. MADE TO H e Cottage Grove Planing Mill. . . cammissirnerol Use United states. General Land Office, Washington 1) C. by a Geologist and Mining Expert o f world-wide reputation, Proffesor Benjamin Silliman who We are now prepaired to rumlah Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure spent several month« there then being connect­ sick headache. all kind* of Brackets, Mouldlntc., ed witli the United States Surveying Corps and turnice. Sash and l>oors. Door In his official report says: Four times more Millinery sold to "H and Window Frames, Scree« IK E AKE COUNTLESS MILLIONS OF Doors and Windows, l loksU MO. date than expected for the season at TONS OK KICH GOLD Quartz reduced by the great forces of nature to a condition ready fo N E Elsea & Son. the application o f the hydraulic process while Up to date work at reasonable prices the entire bed of the Kio Grande for 40 miles at B entley’s shoe shop. is a sluice on the bars of which the gold derived Good work nnd prompt attention at from tlie wearing away o f the gravel banks lias been accumulating for countless ages and now T aylor’s A rt G allery, Boyd’s old lies ready for extraction by the most approved stand. Cottage Grove, Ore. methods o f river mining. THE THICKNESS F G K by N otice .—All persons knowing them­ OF THE KIO GRANDE GOLD GRAVEL EX­ J c J ohnson selves indebted to the undersigned will CEEDS IN MANY PLACES 600 FEET OK NEARLY THREE TIMES TH AT OF THE — V IA — greatly oblige him by an early settle- LIKE BEDS IN CALIFORNIA WHILE THE meat. AVERAGE VALUE PER CUBIC YARD IS Geo Wall, M D. BELIEVED TO BE GREATER IN THE N o t ic e — OF THE— NEW MEXICO B k I)S THAN IN ANY OTHER Oregon. Cottage Grove, Having sold out our business all SUCH ACCUMUL a SIONS YET DISCOVERED I have made a reconnaisance o f the whole of accounts must be settled at once by tliis gravel along the Rio Grande and have ex­ cash cr note office with Phillips & amined with all the care possible In thu time at my command the character o f the gravel and ASSAYER and METALLURGIST. White. Trains leave C ottaok (ÌKOVK loi l'.>rtla«e its contents of gold. NOTHING 1 AM PKK- 1:71 p in und way stations ut 2:14 a III SUADED SINCE THE DISCOVERY OF Wheeler & Scott. CALIFORNIA AND AUSTRALIA. IS COM­ 7:00 p m Lv Portland “ *:30a m Best equipped Assay Laboratory in the state. 2:00 p m 2:57 a ill Lv Cottage Grove Prompt and reliable returns guaranteed. F or S a l e — 75 head of Angoria PARABLE FUR ITS MEASURABLE RE- SOU RSES OF GOLD AVAILABLE by tho i?; 33 a m ll;3 0»t Ar Ashland Goats, weathers, and nannies. Any hydraulic process to the deep placers of the Rio Working tests of ores made on samples of one 4:35 « m 5:00 p in Ar Sacramenfo to fifty pounds to determine most suitable one desirous of purchasing call on Gronde.” 8:15am Ar San Francisco 7:45 p iff method of treatmnut. Other reports from eminent mining experts or write to, Edgar King, Cottage 11:45 am 5:45 a m Ar Ogden o f national reputation pronounce the propurty Grove Oregon. 0:00 a ill Ar Denver !>:Oo a in RS. KATHERINE L SCIILEKK. M. D. o f this Uompauy the richest and most extensive 7:25 a a 7:25 a m Ar Kansas City known. W a r n in g .> ; *3« a in 7:45 a IT. Ar Chicago To T h e P u b l i c .— You a^e hereby Diseases of Women and Children a Speciali] 7:00 am warned that no tresspassing or hunt­ 1:20 p in Ar Los Angeles 8:00 p m 0:00 p ill ing will be allowed on my premises, Ar El Paso ft . hi a ra nnd any dogs found on premises are 0:30 a in Ar Fort worth 0:55 am ii ible to be Killed. J H PBrkius. Ar City o f Mexico 0:55 a in Office in bul’. d in j formerly occupied by Di 4:001 Ol 4.00 <*i ni Ar Houston G. U. Snerr W A N T E D .— Capable, reliable per­ 0:2.» pm 6:25 p in Ar New Orleans 0:42 a nt Ar Washington 0:42 a m son in every county to represent large ] INCOLN TAYLOR, 12:43 p 111 12.43 pm Ar New York company of solid financial reputation ; W ood-work o f all Find* Made and Repaired, EAST EBY & JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOUTH The S h a s t a R oute SOUTHERN P1CIFIC COMPII!. H E R B E R T L E IG H , Eugeno, AN D Ore. M CAPITAL STOCK 2 000,000 $ , $936 salary per year, payable weekly; $3 per day absolutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona fide, definite salary, r o com m issioe; salary paid each Saturday and expense money dvaneed each week. S T A N D A R D H O U SE , 331 D e a r b o r n S t ., C h ic a g o . Call and see those New Ring’s with Madsen are the finest in the city. When your piano needs tuning dent get some tramp tuner to “ fix it” for you. M O Warner, of Eugene and who is well known as a reliable piano tuner, mnkes regular trips to Cottage Grove nnd will keep your piano in order by tbe year ns reason - ble as you can ask. W A N T E D — Active man of good character to deliver and collect in Oregon for old established manufac­ turing wholesale house. #900 a year, sure pay. Honesty more than experi­ ence required. Our reference, any bankin any city. F.uclose selfaddressed stamped envelope. Manufactures, Third Floor, 331 Dearborn St. Chicago. Nottee is hereby given that the M any physicians are now prescrib­ following warrants will be paid on ing K odol Dyspepsia Cure regularly presentation at my office on nnd having fonnd that it Is the best pre­ a f t e r August 12, 1901. Interest on scription they can write because it Is same couuty warrants from register­ REDUCED RATES the one preparation which contains ed number 8770 to 8399, both in­ the elements nocossnry to digest not clusive. Dated, Eugene, July 30, only som e kinds of foot! but all kind Are now in effect to Buffalo, New 1901. and it tbeiefore cures indigestion and York' ~ • > •» A S PAITERSOX^ dysyepsla no matter what its cause Do you expect to attend the Pun- County Treasurer. Bcneon D rug Co. American Exposition? u , , . , . _ ______ , I had a running sore on my leg for If so do not buy your tickets un­ Eggs of late have been scarce, nnd , " J * ° . . . . several years, writes Mrs Jas Forest til you have investigated the service several carloads have been sent from of < htppewa Fnlu WU., and spent of the ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rail­ tbe East, but none of them hate hundreds of dollars in trying to get road. come here so far as known. With | it healed. Two boxes of B a n n e r S a l v e Our accomodations are tbe best eggs at 25 cents a dozen iu Portland , entirely cured it. Beware of substi- that can be bad, our trains are al­ u tes. New Era Drug Store. and 10 cents per dnaeu in Chicago, ways on time, aud employes courte­ C hurch A iin oiificriiietit*. ous and accomodating. there is a good margin for importers. Through tourist cars from Pacific After harvest, the output of eggs C F Clll'RCH. Coast to Boston via Buffalo. nlwnys increases, and it is suid that 10 a m Sunday School If you will send fifteen cents in there will l»e more chickens engag­ stamps, to address given below, we Mr Alta Kiug Supt, ed in hiying eggs in this section will forward you by mail, one of our this Fall than ever before. It i s 11 * m Pre»chin* Su,,iect A bra large 34 x 40 inch wall maps of the highly desirable tbat Oregon should ( * r'en<* United states, Cuba and Porto Rica produce enough eggs and butter for S p m Junior, Mrs Sadie Down- Any information regarding rates, accomodations, service, time, con­ borne consumption, at least 1‘ "R* ---------- -m.----------- j 7.30 p ra Quarterly Sunday School i nections, stop-overs, etc, will be To the P ublic .— Having just com- ¡Review by the pastor. cheerfully furnished by pleUid a course of instructions in the E ^ welcome, L D B u r. R H TRUMBULL, Com’ l Agt. Prof Rogers system of tinting, wo ’ 142 Third Street, Portland, Ore, are prepaied to do the most beauti- j Pastor, _____ ful work known to our profession. Take your wife to the Imperial Tbie work is excellent. ( all and , g (| treat her to a Sunday dinner' BANNER 8 A LVE *ee our samples. F J T a y l o r , j served from 12m to 1.30 p in. lh * levst hssllsi Mlvs Is tt.« « m W. Fully paid and non-assessable, par value $1.00 each share. ne-lialff the entire Capital Stock has been placed in the treasury of Company as working Capital. To complete necessary ditches aud place on the river bed several gold steam dredges the Company now offers A Limited Number 01 Its Shares Per At Share. After sale of which price w ill be Advanced to $1.00 Per Share. U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR mento to Ogden nini uinl El l’uso inni COTTAGE GROVE, Rio Grande Placer Goid Mining CO. 7 Eicbange Place, Boston. Muss OREGON. anything yon invent or improve; also get CSVIAf.TRAOC.NARK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS 'C .A .SN O W & C O . Patent Lawyers. W A S H IN G T O N . D .C , k«.*av*W\W\%«V\V' W *» O s ttM f, G r o v e , Or. At Albany and Corvallis connection Is made with C& K Ky train s.____________ ____________ Independence Passenger daily, except Sunday. 4:50 I*. M Lv......... Portland......... Ar 8:25 A. A 7:30 P. M. A r..... McMinnville....,Lv 5:50 A. A 8:30 P. M. A r.. I ndepeiuiendencc. Lv 4:50 A. A Q E N T IS T H. H. P E T R IE All Work Warranted. Office First Door West ol 8bervrood House. are the most fatal of all dis­ eases. Fill F Y’ C KIDNEY cure it i i U L l I O 6 uaraDt 8 id Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi­ nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. ana 51 . 00 . See Agent Mr D T Awbrey at Cottage Oro»* station or address C H MARKHAM, « f & r»ss, ai > FORT DAN D, - OKKCON. W a tc h m a k er 6 0 YEARS' E X P E R IE N C E ; Waches, Clocks and Jewelry At Lowest Prices........ JJOBT. G R IF F IN . +WÄ CON-MÄKGRf Repairing and Refilling is Our Traile. All work warranted. C o r M a in & I s t H t ».. Cottage Grove, Oregon. KIDNEY DISEASES Orleans Corvallis Mall daily except Sunday. 7:00 A. M. I Lv........1’Ortlaud..........Ar | 5:50 Ì\M. 11:55 a . m . \ a t ........Corvallis.........Lv 11:20 ? •See on Main Street, West Stdo, H .c- M ADShN, SM M New Connecting at San Francisco, with several Steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China. Philippines, Central and South America. ATT08NET-IT-L4I on . Tourist Cars to Chicago, St L ouis, and W ashington. J E. YOUNG 50c. Application should be sent promptly. Write for prospectus. Make checks, mouey orders payable to P u l l u l i t i ! H u r i T o u r i s t Cars t HAIR. C \ iih , Hum- o n b o t h t r a in s , j M. DURHAM, Scientific Enterica«. P r o p r ie t o r o f C IT Y T r a d e NJ a r h s D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . Anvone •ending a «ketch and drsertpt l*'n ir*f •tilOrlr nsrartnln onr opinion free whether af Invention 1« prob ably r -i tent able. ConunnnU» Hone strictly continent I k I. Handbook on Paten» Wnt free. Oideat nreticr for Been in* pntenta. Patent* taken through Mnnn St Co. recelvf apecuil notice, without charge, in tbe TRANSFER. Draylnu m il Hauling a .Specialty. Always on hand to do your Job work in Gardening plowing. Etc, Etc. Cottage Grove, Oregon. A handsomely tllnetrated woekty. Larsrest eolation of anv selentiOo Journal. Torme. W • th a , t l . 0. S o lti b y a ll n e w s d e a le r « s'fBr«*«,. New York 1. 05 F SU Washington, D. C. »"*1 DESICXS _ m O E -M A R K I AMO COPYHIGHT» OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO SATENTAQltfTY PATENTS THELEHDER. FREE Notice in “ Inventive Age ” Book “ How to obtain Patent«’ ' ______ __ C W p«« modern«.. Ko Sm till poten 11. wiim A letter. Mrletlv no.AdeoMol. Addrew, Leads in E. G. SIGGESS. P Li.n l L iw rw . W l«W »|lo ». D c W anted . Rsliable men for Managers of Branche Office we wish to open in this vicinity. I f your record is O K here is sn opportunity. Kindly give good reference when writing, The A T Morris Wholesale House, Cincinnati Ohio. Illustrated caU ogue 4cts stun]«. And is therefore th? hist ^ A L it t le K n o w n Fnet* That the majority o f serious disease* originate in disorder of the kidney»! A d v e r t i s i n g M e d iu m . F oley ’ s K idnet C u « k I s guaranteed- A never failing cure for cuts, h um s, Be sure to get Foley's. The New Era scalds, ulcers wounds nnd sores in De- D ru g Store. W itt’s W itch Hazel Salve. A most Henry Brnyrlon, Harris, N C say*: I soothing and healiug remedy for oil skin affections. Accept only the took me.liciDa 20 years for asthms but one bottle o f One Minute Cough C«** genuine. Benson Drug Co. did me more good than any thing else during that time Best Cough Cut»- Foley's Kidney Cure makes k id n ey s n n d bladder r ig h t Benson D ru g Co,