U. Of 0, ¿ooooooooooo< + THE LEADER ------ *-----rSC-T-*---- ■*■---- Leads in circulation, in news, and in influence, and it doesn’t have to come out a day ahead in order to get people to read it. J* «A »A 5ooooooooooooooooooooooooJ C OTTAGE GROVE IS V o l. X I I I . THE C ottage G A T E W A Y TO T H E G K EAT B O H EM IA A N D BLACK B U TTE MINES.' G r o v e , O reg on , F r id a y , S e p te m b e r 13, 19 0 1. McKinley Growing Better FALL OPENING! ©ur Jfall Xine of XaMcs’, flMsoce’ anO (tbilOren’s Mraps The Physicians in Attendance Pronounce him out of Danger o Is now open for inspection. W e have many new things, in Dress Goods, that we take great pleasure in showing our many Customers. New Dress Trimings in stock and more coming. New lines of men’s Sweaters. Many new Novelties. Come and see them. E N K IN & B R IS T O W . CLOTHING! CLOTHING! M en and Boy’s Clothing! A t P ric es away down. New Goods makes New Prices. Come and see our goods and get our prices before you buy. T he W ou nds w ere m ade w ith .‘{2 -C a lib er R e v o lv e i. B d f f a k o , N Y, Sept 6.— President McKinley, the third Magistrate of the United States to have his life attempted, to-day was shot two times by a Pole, supposed to be an anar­ chist and giving bis name as Leon F Czolgosz, and the gravest fears are entertained that one of the wounds may prove fatal although the physicians believe that recovery is probable. The wounds were inflicted by a 32-caliber revolver. One ball enter­ ed Mr McKinley's breast and glanc­ ed off, inflicting only a flesh wound. It was extracted. The other enter­ ed the abdomen and perforated the walls of the stomach. The surgeons cut for this bullet and stitched the openings in the walls of the stomach but failed to locate the bullet President McKinley rallied nicely from the operation. His condition late to-night was highly satisfactory to bis physicians. N o 19. B uffalo , Sept 11. — The condition of the President continues favorable throughout the day, and nothing occured to shake the faith of the at­ tending surgeons and physicians that he will recover. The danger from two aouroes was pronouncod practically over today. The holes in the stomach proper, caused by the perforation of tbe bullet are now considered healed by Dr McBu-ney and his associates, and the eminent eurgon pointed to the fact that the beef jnice fed to tbe patient last night was readily digested, as proof of this. Sufloient time has also elapsed to warrant the doctors in asserting that the danger of inflam­ mation where the bullet lodged bad disappeared. It is believed that the ball has now become encysted in tbe muscles of tbe back, and unless it should prove troublesome later, there will never be any necessity for removing it OTHER NEWS HEMS. All the transportation lines in the Northwest are arranging to give specially low rates to and from the Portland Carnival, which runs from Sept 18 to Oct. 19, and the excursion tickets will be good for 7 days. This is the longest limit ever given on such tickets, and will give people ample time to see all the sights con­ nected with the great exposition. With two full military bands, a military tournament, a horse show, athletic sports, exhibits of mining» agriculture and manufacturing, a full midway, fireworks, and an array of amusement attractions, tbe Carnival will be one ot greatest events of tbe season, and the admission fee is go­ ing to be only 25 cents, 10 cents for children. Chas Replogle of Atwator, O, was unable to work on account of kidney I had a running sore on my leg for trouble. After using F oley ’ s K idney several years, writes Mrs Jas Forest C ure four days he was cured. New o f Chippewa Falls Wis., and spent Era Drug Store. hundreds of dollars In trying to get it healed. Two boxes o f B anner S alve The title for the new King of entirely cured it. Beware of substi­ England as propossed by Lord tutes. Now Era Drug Store. Salisbury in the house of lords is an The largest passenger steamer follows; “ Edward the Seveuth, by afloat is the new White Star liner, the Grace of God, of the United Celtic. The boat is 700 feet long, Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire­ has a beam of 75 feet and a depth of land and of British Dominions Be­ 49 feet Her tonage is 20,000 and yond the Sea, King, Defender of the her displacement 38,300 tons. There Faith and Emperor of India.” is room on her for all the inhabitants of Cottage Grove to live comfortably N otice and still have room for a few unused parlors to hold receptions, dances All persons indebted to the under­ signed are requested to call and and parties in. •ettle at once. I will retire from active business on the first of Sep­ Call F o r C ounty W arran ts. tember and aocouots due me must Nnttnn ig hereby «l»en tb*t the be settled forthwith. J P ( ju r r u x following warrants will be paid on presentation at ray office o n and a f t e r August 12, 1901. Interest on Tbe greatest depth of the sea re­ same county warrants from register­ corded is iu the waters of tbe Pacfic ed number 8770 to 8399, both in­ east of Japan, the depth there clusive. Dated, Eugene, July 30, being 27,930 feet and nearly equal­ 1901. ling the altitude of the highest A S P atterso n ^ mountain in the world. County Treasurer. B ufealo Sept 7.— President Mc­ Kinley lies at death's door. The at­ tending physicians are os yet unable to state that the president is out of danger. Czolgotz has been secreted by the police who fear mob violence. He puts on a bold face and admits his intention was to murder the president. B v m to , S lept S-----T t ie to llu w ltiK bulletin was issued at 9 A M by the President’s physicians; “The President passed a good and his conditfon this morning is quite encouraging. His mind is clear and he is resting well; wound dressed at 8:30 and found in n very satisfactory condition. There WHEELER & S C O T T T o T hf . D eaf .— A rich lady cured of no indication of peritonitis. Pulee W u -H o o ! herDeafuess and Noise in tbe Head by 132; temperature, 102.8; respiration Dr Nicholson’s Artiflcal Ear Drums, Any person wishing to obtain Wa- Would Call Your Attentiou to the Fact. We Shall gave $10,000 to liis Institute, so thut 24. deaf people unable to procure the Ear Hoo, can get it at Lewis and Veatch’s Carry a Full and Complete Stock of M is s E tta Sm ith. B u f f a l o , Sept 9.— Another bulle­ Drums may have them Free. Address for 50c per bottle. 10571-0. The Nicholson Institute, O dd F ellows B uilding tin issued by the physicians this No 0 Eighth lveu'1* morniug says; 'The improvement in Prices reasonable. Work Warranted. According to the census of 1899 tbe President's condition has con­ there were 00,711 Cuban farms. tinued since last bulletin. Pulse 128 38,550 containing less than 8 acres, temperature, 101 degrees; respira­ 11,650 between 8 and 15 acres, and tion, 27. only 7,300 had more than 150 acres. Farm Implements of all Kinds Fish Bro s W agons B uffalo , Sept 10, 1 ;45 p m.— Last Just wait until the syndicates get a night, which in similar gunshot CALL AND SEE US They are loaded with OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT — — — — chance at Cuba’s agricultural lands powder and lead and wounds to that received by the and then you’ll ate bigger farina is usually tbe crisis night there than that. scatter Destruction, President, when they result fataly, passed Pain, Misey and .'avorsbly. All the President’s symp­ A really healthy woman has lit- , Death among men. toms were favorable. Rest Selected Stock in South Lane Are now loaded with Largest nnd tie puin or discomfort at Ine | Tbe physicians do not contemplate County. Consisting of menstrual period. No woman T h is signature fs o n every bo* o f the genuine a second operation or inside dree needs to have any. Wlno of Laxative Bromo-Quininc tamsu eing of the wound. Is Water loaded S U M M E R G O O D S of A L L K IN D S , C H E A P E R T H A N EVER . * L A D IE S’ S H IF T W A IS T S A T COST * H E M E N W A Y & BURKHOLDER. DrpssrnaKip^- - PIPER & yHNDENBURC Cutting Fitting Sewing Having Purchased the Hardware Stock of f H A R D W A R E , STOVES AND T IN W A R E Machine GunsI M INERS’ SUPPUIES woman ' s relief I GRIFFIN & VEATCH Hardware, Simas aid Tiaare Microbe Killer with gas. It carries Plumbing Pumps, Pipe, nu m oing Goods, vtuuus, P jt a in and uu light and brings B arbed Wire, Axes, Garden Tot Tools, Plows health and new life Ammunition and to men. Are you AND T H E LARGEST interested? You may Mining Supplies. get the names ot S T O C K of I parties who have used 1 Sole Agents for --------- Btudebaker Wagons pnd Hmcules Powders, M. K. here in the city. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT * Q IYE US A CALL. - tt tt Q-eneatl- V P A T C !H - - - M anager PAINT YOUR FLOORS ; rubber cement floor paint WHEN and pam­ A F H o w a r d Agt, Cottage Grove, Ore. Residence with J K Barrett What Shall We Have For Dessert? DRIES QUICKLY WERS LIKE IRON Send for Co.of Card TO W P FULLER & CO. P ortland , Information phlet free. O b . TTOTJ S E E In the advertising columns of the LEADER it is a sign that he is dome Business and not sitting arounc. whirling and growling about hard times. B uffalo , Sept 9. — At p m physicians report the President's condition encouraging. They say critical period will be over in 30 hyura; that if the President pnsses this period safely he will recover. 1 0 :3 0 B uffalo , Sept 11, 11:30 a m.— Dr Myntei is of the opinion that Preri dent McKinley should not be movtd for at least six weak«. Czolgotz made a partial confession today. He stated that there was a conspiracy among many anarchists to assassinate President McKinley. He refused to name any partici­ pant than Emma Goldman, the woman anarchist, already under arreet on charge of being an no- coroplieo to the assault on the President. This question arises in the family every day. Let us answ er it to day- Try je ll-0 a deliciou s and healthful d essert Prepared in two m inu ter No b oilin g! no baking! sim ply *<1d b oilin g water and set to cook C 'n tisem p lion TBrewteued. F lavors:— Lemon. Orange, Rasp­ C Unger, 212 Maple St, Champaign, berry and Straw berry. Get a pack­ III, writes I was troubled with a hack­ age at your grocers to-day lOcts. ing Couge for a year and I thought I Job W o r k A t t m s o m c « . Mr M C Awbrey, of Eastern Or­ egon, is visiting with his nephew, D T Awbiey, this week. Mr Awbrey says it has l>een nearly thirty yoars since ho last visited Cottago Grovo and of course lie hardly recognizes the place, as it then consisted only of u storo nnd blacksmith shop. WlNE«CARDUij ha« brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered Kodol every month. It make* the men- I strual organs strong and healthy. l i t m the provision made by No- Iture to give women relief from I the terrible aches and pains which |blight so many homes. O u R N W ooi), L a ., O ct. 14, 1900. I have b**n very s ick fo r some* tim e I w as taken w ith a severo pain l a ray ■Ido an* W it t \ C