ecoration Day was appropriately observed by the people of Cottage Grove, yesterday. PU R E LY PERSONAL. D I V I D E BV tiUXKY. Fine rings at It t! Madsen’s. There will be preaebiug here the “ Sorosis” Shoes nt Eakiu A Bris­ first Sunday in June lets have a full The U of O track team defeated tow's. house every one invited to attend. the great Multnomah Athletic ag­ W L Coppernoll, left for Eugene gregation in the field meet at Port Mrs Minnie Underwood, is visiting land by a score of 05 to 43 last Wednesday. with ‘grandma’ Huntley, this week. Saturday. This was rather-a sur­ Mrs John Holland, visited at Eu­ Mrs Charles Hedrick has recover­ prise to the U of O boys themselves gene the first of the week. ed from her recent illness. as it was to everyone else. Cheapest shoes at Eakia & Bris­ Born to the wife of Mr Jake Gibcts B om « C abbied .— At a special city tows. May 27 ’01 a daughter, mother and election, Friday the bond proposition Have your old hats retrimmed at child doing well, Jake may recover in was carried by 50 majority thus in­ N E Elsea ami Sou’ s. time, and ‘grandpa’ Tucker is well suring us a first class water system. J F Taylor and family are visiting pleased with his first grandchild. But little opposition to the bond Mrs Maggie Harrison and Miss at Pleasant Hill, this week. issue was developed and tbo election Francis Lake were guests at the Mr aud Mrs J S Medley, visited passed off very quietly. Grove this week. in Eugene, this week. S old O ut .— YV L Coppernoll the Our School closes Friday the 31st Bargains in loggers and mine Jeweler has sold out bis shop and there will a program in the morning shoes at Eakin A Bristow’s. goods to a Mr Nelson wbo will con­ of recitations singing, music dialogcs G G Warner made a flying trip to tinue the business in the same build and if weather permits a picnic at Bohemia last week. ing. Mr Coppernoll, wbo has built the Hawley grove. Miss A M Smith Our prices on Shoes, Clothing and is teacher. up a good trade and made many friends here will make a visit to Millinery can’ t be beat N E Elsea A Mr und Mrs Burt Lee attended California points and perbaps take a Son. the graduating exercises at Cottage trip east before again settling down S B Mores and family visited in Grove last Saturday night to business. Grove Sunday. N ew F irm — As another evidence of the Grove’s liveliness, Messrs Frank Jordan and Frank Wheeler have bought out the Grocery busi­ ness of Fred Meinzer, and will from now on cater to tho wants of the public at the old stand. Messrs Jordan and Wheeler are among the most popular young business men in the city and will no doubt succeed well in their new enterprise. Mr Meinzer leaves for Yoncalla where he will eugago in the merchandise busiui s i. \V C T U NOTES. Mrs Scott and Mrs Mellon, of Oreswcll, attended the W C T U meeting at the reading room, last Tuesday. CARMAN & HEMENWAY, d > It is wonderful how our Grocery Sales have in­ creased in the last few weeks. There are some Cash people who are learning that w e can save them W e have stocked up in our m oney. Grocery Line and w e w an t your TRAD E and to get it W E will UNDERSELL all our COMPETITORS. Do not overlook our other lines. Our Shoes are the best in the market for the money. Our Spring and Summer Dress Goods A R E UP-TO-DATE in W H ITE and COLORS. Parents and young people should remembeT that it frequently occurs that “ Music is father and mother Who said the Bohemians could sweetheart and fame, and sometimes play ball? Echo answers who. bread." Mrs L D Beck. 1000 pounds of butter wanted at Lurch’s. No fancy prices on millinery E Elsea and Son’s. at GARMAN & HEMENWAY. r w - «¡¡»-- ai 1 t v w w w y w w w v v v v • DORENR Mr O F Knox was doing business in the Grove last week. B y S ol Mrs Perry VanSceoick and her father Mr Hamlin, of Fairview» Ladies^ £ Oür Bk( Rerpoapt Sale Call at Madsen’s aud see those visited with ‘ uncle’ Jim Teeters elegant souvenir Spoons. Sunday last. Hava you seen those superb Jas Redford made a business trip a juviner spoons nt Madson's. W ill be continued, for a lev/ days, until to Crtswell, Friday, of last week. For one W E E K Miss Rena Baker, left Wednesday, our New Stock arrives. W e are slaughtering: Wm Kirk made a trip to Eugene, Every trimmed hat in our liouso. for a visit with her many friends at Prices in these Goods for we only have a the first of this week. ’oburg. lew day s left to close them out. I f you want 10 per cent Reduction on all Mi J W Smith and family of the Bargains, give us a call. Frank Wheeler and Frank Jordan Sears district visited with Mr Mc­ Trimmed Hats. Oao Week Only made a trip to Bohemia, the first of Kee' Sundav. — No Reserve. Our P r ic e s tc C lo se Regular Prices the week. Mr Cbas Jackson, of Walker, made *? Your Choice Now; Ch ldren’s Shoes; a Mr Geo Griffith and Miss Eva j a business trip up Row River the H Regular prices range up to $1.75 Chamberlain attended the ball gome ' first of the week. for 5 0 cents. at, Eugene, Sunday. Robt Martiu is getting out timber Your Choice Men’s Hats Mrs O Voatch visited her parents, this week for building a new barn. Regular prices 75s, $1, 1.25, up to $2.00 f o r 3 5 c t .O $ 1 . 0 0 Mr aud Mrs N P Chrismau, at Cres- Mr J C Eggleson a traveling, Lender in well, this week. Latest Styles salesman, of Chicago, made a trip Ladies Shoes, j Your Choice now. amt Low P rice s Mrs M G Smith and Mrs Ann "1> Row River list week m the in- Regular prices, $1.25 up to $3.00 ¡f o r 7 5 C e u t S . Scar«, of Walker, were vieii.„g tereat of the Oregon School Supply the Grove, Saturday. ! bouse of A" m^ ' 0reK° n’ Be1iiDe The prices we are quoting here is to give you. some I school libraries. Our directors idea of what we are doing in the way of cutting: Rev Maxwell, of Coburg, attended | secured one of those exie lent li­ prices in the Odds and Ends. W e have a variety of ----- .4 ------ - i - ----- ------- presbytery and preached at the C P braries for tbo school, making an­ Goods that we are closing out at Church Friday evening. other valuable nddition to our Mrs. L. D BECK. Take your wife to the Imperial school bouse. Wilt rive MUSIC Le'sons on tin and treat her to a Sunday dinner R W NEWLAND. served from 12m to 1.30 p m. D e f e a t e d A g a in — The Bohemian Th e County Executive Board held a very interesting session and those « h o attended this and the regular meeting no doubt fee! benefited. An all day institute anil modal con­ test and also a musical contest was dismissed for future work and if plaus made can be carried out the institute will be held during the second week m June, when Mrs Brebin, of Chicago, will lo in Cot­ tage Grove. Names of contestants for these classes should be had as soon as possible. All those who would like to enter these c’asses please do not wait for the Superintendent' to call for your Dame ns you will loose time Miss Greta Bristow returned. by doing so, you can go to the read­ Wednesday afternoon, from a few ing room secure the books aud leave your name, for the Supt. Come days visit with friends in Eugene. young men and boys don't leave all Frank Rankin, the rustling piano the contesting for the girls. mau, of Eugene, was circulating Silver medal Contest and musical around town a few days this week. contest June 12th. On June 13 Miss Mrs Smith, of Walker, visited in ATTENTION!!! H M Newlapds Millipertj ^tofe MUSIC LESSONS Greatly Reduced Prices. Base Ball team of this city were agaiu defeated in a one sided game at Bang’ s Park in Eugene, Sunday, by the Ramblers of that city. The first four innings of tho game was hotly contested and was a pretty exhibition of base ball. Honors up to that time were about even but in the fifth the Ramblers begun to find McQueen’s curves and no time from that time on were the Bohemians in the game. The following is the score by in- mugs: 112 1 e 1 0 0 0 7 Bohemians 1 1 0 4 8 10 0 5 * 29 Ramblers Ijj^^Brehm of Chicago, will conduit j ^ e Q rove the first of tho week with an all day institute at the M E her niece Miss Blanche Coffru. n who Church aud will speak at night. is very ill. Deligates and visitors will be in at­ Miss Carrrie Payno, of Eugene, tendance from all paits of the coun­ returned to her home, Wednesday, ty; [The public is invited to utterd. after a few days visit at the home of A t W a r m G a m e . — The Amateur Mr and Mrs Abrams, of this city. chess players of Cottage Grove, not THE LINEUP. Mrs Frank Wheeler who has been ! being satisfied, as to who were the Ramblers Bohemians confined to her home on account of 1 bestclayers have inaugurated a team Holland c contest which has been in progress illness for some weeks, we aro glad j McFarland Hayes W McQueen for several days, each side is allowed to report is again able to be out. P Knox (enpt) lb Hemenway 24 hours in which to more if they Rev C A Wooley and wife spent Branstettcr as desire. The first game Las progres­ several days visiliog among their Bennett Griffin 2b sed far enough to show the boys are many friends in the Grove last week, G McQueen Withrow 3b Harms pretty evenly matched and for am returning to their home in Eugene, Gilstrap rf Robinson ateure play a good game. The teams Monday. Starr of Blair playing are N Martin, L F Wooley Mrs Beck's class in music is doing Wallace Faust If *a Jas Johnson and Geo Griffith, the splendid work, but she has little The following notes of the game , former manipulate the whites and faith in the progress of those who are clipped from the Eugene Regis- the latter the blacks. The games at make music a study during the ter: thiati me stands as follows; summer months only Branstettcr captured the $2 prize Blacks Whites Mrs O F Knox and son, Duke, of offered by E J MoClanahan for a P— K4 1 P — K4 Eugene, came np the first of the j home run. P— Q4 2 K t— K R3 week, to remain until after Decora­ Q— K B3 * Wallace of the Bohemians and 3 Kt x P tion day, the guest of relatives and Kt— Q B 3 Faust of the Ramblers did good P -Q 4 friends in this city. Q x Kt work in left field. «1 Kt x Kt Mr Wm Griffith, who hns been B— K3 * f P -K5 McFarland, Bohemian’s catcher, foreman in a large coal mine in did good work. B Q2 r # - q 03 Washington for some months, re­ P - K B3 The Ramblers are very much in i i - ^ R4 turned to Cottage Grove, last week Q— K3 > S - Kt 5 need of a catcher. to take a short rest. He contem­ K xB 10 B x B The boys should do some work plates moving his family to that j P x P 11 Okitles on the diamond. It could be put in country in the near future. R— K «q 12 J x P first class shape. K— B sq 13 K sq Mr J E Thomas and daughter Griffin at second pulled in a hot K — Kt sq left Saturday for Eugene where Mr liner that was meant for a three bag- P— B4 4 5 P --R 5 Thomas goes to commence work on ger. Kt— B3 1 « Q— R4 the new residence of Mr O F Knox. [will make no further com- Holland did remarkably well be­ His daughter, Mrs Dwyer will keep1 jthan to say we prophesy the hind the list considering the fact house for him while he is engaged! I will resign about the 30th that be baa has had no practice for on the building. several year». J - At the C. 1\ PARSONAGE Using tho Late, Graded German Method now taught in Berlin, Germany. TE11MS, 50 ITS TER LESSON OF 30 MINOTES. Go To. HfiRRY W YN N E'S BICYCLES, SUNDRIES, and R O U SE, G E E R - -L U M B E R CO. Manufacturers oL - All kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Bridge Timbers, Ties Etc. Look at these Prices. Flooring, $ 1 6 .0 0 , $ 1 4 .0 0 and $ 1 2 .0 0 Rustic and Ceiling. $ 1 4 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 and $ 1 0 .0 0 Double Surfaced, $ 1 4 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 and 1 0 .0 0 Sized Lumber, $ 7 .0 0 Rough, $ 6 .0 0 to $ 4 .0 0 REPAIRING We have a Fine assortment A t G riffn &Veatch's H A R D W A R E STOR E. building material now on hand and offer special in­ ducements on Dressed Lumber of 10 per cent and on Rough Lumber 15 per cent discount for Cash. A l l Orders promptly filled. C hurch A n n ou n cem en ts. c p CHURCH. 10 a m Sunday School Mr H D Scott Supt, 3 p m Junior, Mrs Sadie Down­ ing, Supt. 6:30 p m Y P S C E, Mr Elbert Vcatch. Pres. ROU8E-CEER LUM BER Co. W e D nn’t Claim »—? 4C To have the only store in Cotta to Grove, But we do claim to have a largo and well selected stock of 1 1 a m Preaching, Subject; “The Desire of All Nations.” 8 p m Preaching Subject; “The living Sacrifica” Every body welcome, L D B eck . Pastor. / N otice to T axpayers. The 1900 assessment rolls will be closed June 15th. W W Withers Sheriff k Tax Col- *co’ or