I U, Ol Ol THÈ COTTAGE GKOVE IS THE GATEW AY TO THE GliEAT BOHEMIA AND BLACK BUTTE MINES.! V oi. X III. Cottage Grove, Oregon, AT COST E v e r y P air o f S h o e s in L a d ie s ’ a n d M e n s ’ in a ll G ra d e s, ATT .COST FOR CASH R e s e r v in g T h ree Ite m s 50c and 75c M any G ood Shoes at and $1.00 We will Sell at Cheaper Prices than You Ever Saw Before. Come in and See for Yourself. E A K IN & B R IS T O W . G eo. G u m m in g, Dressmaking- - Dealer in C u ttin g F ittin g Sewing Has now a ft:iss Etta Smith. W e ll selected stock of Choice family Groceries which he is selling at tee Lowost Prices. He is also offering Special Value in Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Men’s and Youth’s Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, Etc. all at G R EATLY B a r g a in s REDUCED in X.a,clio;>’ , ' O dd F ellow s B u il d in g Prices reasonable. Work Warranted. P R ICES. TWTi koos n n r¥^' Children’s Shoes. In addition, to a regular stock, he is now offering the Ballance o f the Schuller Stock of Shoes at The lower orders o f the vegetable and animal kingdoms, generalized under the marne of + LESS + THAN + COST Everybody invited to Call and Get his Prices. C eo. G U M M IN G . M IC R O B E S havo been waging a con­ quest against the phpsical men for ages. Radam’s Microbe Killer destroys them + B R R G K IN S + A T. And decomposes the product of Microbes, disease tissues. Inform ation and pam­ phlet free. A F H ow ard Agt, Cottage Grove, Ore. Residence with J K Barrett TRY CRAINO! TRY GRAIN-0 Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a package of GRAIN-0 the new food drink thnt takes the place of coffee. The children in y drink it without injury as well as the adult All who try it, like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown on Mocha or Java, but it is made trom pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. J the price of coffee. 15c and 25cts per L , , now loaded with lArg-wrt *n«l Best Selected Stock in South Lane package. Sold by all grocers. H h s I j , Oawiatfng of ■ ■ Look out for their N e w Ad. RIFFIN & VEATCH Hardware, Stoves and T im amps, Pipe, Plumbing Goods, P Barbed Wire, Axes, Garden Tools, AND I t » » v e i l I l l s I A * g . P A Dan forth, of LaGrange, Ga., suffered for six months with a fright­ am and ful rumting sore on his leg; but Plows writes that Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For | fleers. Wounds, Piles it’s the best | s^lvo in the world. Cure guaranteed. ; Only 25c. Sold by J P Currin. 1 Ammunition and HE LAR GEST | S T O C K Of ^ Friday, M ay 2 4 1901. W il l C a p it a l is t s S ee I t ?-M t Me R ash M ee tin g .— An adjourned Namara, one of the mo,t prominent meeting of the citizens of Cottage i mining oxperts on the coast, recent Grove will bo held at the City Hail ly in an interview with a writer Tuesday evening to complete tho for the Western Mining World arrangements for celebrating tbe has very evidently hit Oregon’s Fourth of July. Let everyone turn Mining industrial nail square on the out and then we will have a rousing hend. He says; “ what is needed most celebration. | of all to promote the ininiug S ick l l e a 'l s c l i e V I,-,.In te l, a n il P r r in a interests of Oregon is a million dollar nently cured by using MoktlTen. A smelter, located at Portlad. This is pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa­ is the natural location for a smelter » tion and indigestion, makes you eat, and it would not only be a benefit to sleep work auu happy. Satisfaction Portland and the immediate vicinity, guaranteed or money back. 25ets and 50cts. For sale by all Druggests. but it would be also the direct cause H o h iu b l e R o a d s .— The rords lead­ of the immediate operation of hun­ dreds of mines which cannot bo run ing to and from Cottage Grove for on a paying basis under the present two or three miles out of town are condition of affairs. Don’t talk of in the most deplorable condition we putting up a $20,000Jor $40,000smel- have ever seen them, at this time of ter. It would not do the work nnd tho year, indeed we doubt if worse would be unsatisfactory from the roads can be found in Lane Co, outset. The smelter needed is one than are inbraccd in tho vaciuity of similar to the smelters at Everet and Cottage Grove, This is caused by Tacoma, \ha.sb., largo sums being oxcewive travel and heavy hauling invested in each of tiioso properties. uring the rainy season. By all The railroad companies, particularly means the peole should get a move the O R & N have offerod low rates on them and fix them up. --------------------- to the •miners, which will give them !))si»rp sla Can b o I ’ urert by »s in g A c k m ’ ; an opportunity to bring their oro to Portland to be smelted. Tlio O It & N has made a rate $1.70 a ton in car load lots from any point as far east as Boise, Idaho, and I understand that the Southern Pacific has offer­ ed similar rates for the southern end of the state. Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho produce large quantities of dry ores, but those are not the places to locate smelters, as they have no wet ores with which to treat the silicious ores. Southern Oregon is similarly situated, with ” — ------ r -•---- * -*— — ------’— —— - - which could supply a good amount of tluxive ores. * Tho upper Lewis river of Washington is particularly rich in sulphide, coppet nnd pyritical ores. Summing all these facts up, it is easy to see why tho smelter should be located at Portlaud. We have water transportation at our feet, and can get wet ores in any quantity from Capo Horn to Alaska at comparative small expense. If people could have fair treatment there are hundreds of idle mines which would be put into operation at once as tbe ore would stand the shipment of $1.70 a ton and the ad­ ditional expense of smelting. Where one mine is workiug now there would be a hundred, and this renew­ ed activity would mean much to the state and the entire northwest country. In many respects wo are more admirably situated for a smelt­ er than either Everett or Tacoma. We have dry ore at our disposal right in the- state, while the Wash­ ington smelters are not so near tbe ore, and tbe most of it has to be shipped to them from British Columbia. As far as wet ora is concerned we believe we are as well situated at Tacoma as the most of it has to come from Alaska, and ship­ ping charges will be the same to this port as to the other. A smelter such as I have suggested would have a capacity of from 100 to 200 tone a day, and there is no danger of a scarcity of oro for use. The supply is ihexhaustible. We have an empire at our feet, if we would only stoop to pick it up.” V'our F a ce Shows the state of your foelins | snd the state of your health as well. I Impure blood makes itself apparent | in a pale and sallow complexion, I’imples and Skin Eruptions, if you SaSB SU M i ¥ h i i w i . y | are feeling weak and worn out and do are the most fatal of all dis- • not have a healthy appearance, you j should try Acker’s Blood Elixir. It eases. ' «res all blood diseases where eheap i Saisapariilas and so called puritleia ' fail; knowing this, we sell every bot- | tie on a positive guarantee. t l j Mining S u p p lie s._________________ If IQNEY DISEASES N o 3. Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet wili give immediate relief or money refunded. Bold in handsome tin boxes at 2., eta. For sale by all Druggeats, Sirs Lucetta Thomas and daughter Alta and "Winters Wallace, returned to Cottage Grove, Sunday morning from Colorado Springs Colo , where they have boon residing for several months. Mrs Thomas brought home the remains of her littlo daughter Merle who died at the lattor place some time ago. Tho body was em­ balmed and placed in an hermotical- AN INCOME FOR LIFE. — FROM- Greatest Of B old P rop erties 3800 Acres--9 Miles j n Length 250 M illion T ods . Richest Gold-Bearing Quartz ground by nnture’ s hand into gold-laden gravel, from 50 to GOO feet in depth over the entire property. In addition Company owns 14- Miles in length of river bed each mile of which contains many millions ot gold, situated on tbe Rio Grande, in Taos Co, New Mexico. O ver iOO Million Dollars For Dividends RE 4 P THE PROOFS: United Slates oiliial Report MADE TO com m issioner oi tbs United states, General Land Offic.’, Washington D C. by a Geologist and Mining Expert o f world-wide reputation, Proffesor Benjamin Silliman who spent several months there then being connect­ ed with tbe United States Surveying Corps and in his official report says: “ HERE ARE COUNTLESS MILLIONS OF TONS OF RICH GOLD Quart* reduced by the great forced of nature to a condition ready for- the application o f the hydraulic process while the entire bed of the Rio Grande for 40 miles is a sluice on the liars of which the gold derived trom the wearing away o f the gravel banks has 1» " " " L J 1 ~ —rn-i-fiTriiWr f W’Tffi v ■'T t fty Vftft iWWf funeral services at the C P Church methods o f river mining. THE THICKNESS Sunday at 11 a in tho baby was ] OF THE RIO GRANDE GOLD OltAVKL EX­ CEEDS IN MANY PLACES 000 FEET OR laid away to rost in the I O O F | N E A R L Y . MIL EE TIMES TH A T OF THE LIKE BEDS IN CALIFORNIA W HILE THE Cemetnry. AVERAGE VALUE PER CUBIC YARD IS Miss M in n ie S m it h , M i d d l e s b o r o , BELIEVED TO BE GREATER IN THE K y w r i t e s : “ My litt lo s is t e r h a d th e NEW MEXICO P r DS THAN IN ANY OTHER e r o u p v e r y b a d . I g a v o h e r s e v e r a l SUCH ACCUMUL a SIONS VET DISCOVERED I have made a reconnaisance o f the whole of d o s e s o f F o le y ’ s H oney an d T ab a n d site w a s i n s t a n t ly r e lie v e d . It s a v e d tills gravel along the Rio Grande and have ex­ amined ot.li all the care possible In tho time her life . N ew E ra D r u g S to re . at mv command the character o f tho gravel and its contents o f gold. NOTHING I AM PER­ Tho Guard says that the Lucky SUADED SINCE THE DISCOVERY OF Boy mine on Blue river is going to CALIFORNIA ANI) AUSTRALIA. IS COM­ PARABLE FCR ITS MEASURABLE RE- add 5 more stamps to its present HOURS KS OF GOLD AVAILABLE by the capacity. This may or may not be hydraulic process to tbe deep placers of tho Rio a good indication. We have known Gronde.” Other reports from eminent mining expert* properties that paid well with five o f national reputation pronounce the propurty o f this Company the richest and most extensive stamps that proved failures with a known. ten-stamp mill erected. ê WA i'r m n ** This signature is on every bo* o f the genuine Laxative Rromo-Quinine Tablet. C&PITAL STOCK $ 2 , 000,000 tho remedy that evtren n c o l d in o n e d a y Fully paid and nonassessable, par M o th e r A n d C h l.d . VSlU C $ l .O 0 W l l ShaTC. t . .» . * a m ne-halff the entire Capital Stock has been L e t th o m o th e r tn k o S cott 8 j jn the treasury of Oovnpnay as working; e m u l s i o n o f cod l i v e r o i l f o r the two j Capital. To com pete necessary ditches and * „.i _ n i place on the river bed several gold steam dredges H is almost never superfluous. | STmnpan, now oOm One can eat for two; but nourish­ ing two is a different thing; it implies a degree of interior strengtl not often found in woman of either extreme. Luxurious people are not very strong by habit, and over-worked people are weak from exhaustion in some of their functions. Between the two is the happy mean; but, how many women have plenty of life for two? The emulsion is almost never superfluous, A Limited Number Cl its Shares At 5 0 c. Per Share. Aftersale of which price will be Advanced to $1.00 I’er Share. Application should be sent promptly. Write, for prospectus. Make checks, mouey order» payable to Rio Grande Placer Gold Mining CO. 7 Exchange Place, Boston, M ass PIPER 5 VHNDENBURC Having Purchased the Hardware Stock o f W HEELER & S C O T T Jtudebaker Wagons and Hui'cnlc " Powders, j I OUR PRICES ARE RICOH V x' GIVE US A CALL. __ _______________ ________ Q I I V a n D c n b m rT, Cfii C ylC KIDNEY CURE Is l U L I O Ciiarantsid fianady WHEN "S T O T T S E E .A . ^ /L A J L - T S or money refunded. Contains the advertising columns of the LE A D ER it is a sign remedies recognized by emi­ Siat he is doinir Business and not sittin g around. nent physicians as the b est for Kidney and Bladder troubles. Drifting and growling about hard times. PRICE 50c and $1.00. Would Call Your Attention to the Fact We Shall Carry a Full and Complete Stock of H A R D W A R E , STOVES AND TIN W ARE Farenta and young people should remember that it frequently occurs that “ Music is father and mother ■ h Jr mi ■ Fish Bro's W agons -A Farm Implements of all Kindi sweetheart and fame, and sometimes j lOUR PRICES ARE RIGHT — — - — CALL AND SEE US, bread." Mr» L D Beck. MINERS’ SUPPUIES