T h e L e a d e r. m the minds of the people is nau­ 7' ~ -------- T- r - - - ; ¿TN is destroyed. No one questions the ill 0 3 seating in its sickly sentim entality. to your doctor for ■ : . < soundness of the currency; no dis­ advice ; he is the W bat the country needs is an equit­ L .c ... ¿ ¿i ie'. . y 1 I l-.LH'i'ED EVERY SAT» H U Y crimination is made and it makes no best man to tell able adjustm ent of our monev sys­ difference to the creditor what kind you what medi­ 1*. T H O I tl’, - - E D IT O R . fâ B ri tem, and not so much the system as L tí: r a of currency a debtor pays him. cine you need. Go to your druggist f I j , W your medicines ; he knows mere SATURDAY, AUG. 8, 181M!. the practice. There is no doubt but w § i e There are no gold bugs; no free for about drugs than a dry-goods man. ■■ —— ------- the disci amination against our cur- silver craze; no financial schools, Stick to your doctor and to your T H E SITUATION. rency, and in favor of gold was the ¡simply dignity. The fundamental druggist 'if you're a sick man, £«.• t Of all the m uddled conditions of first agitation of monev, The prac- :o your druggist fo r advice. especi­ principles of the financial system of governmental affairs none have been tice should be stopped. No coun- the United States, G reat B ritain. ally if your doctor has told you what so m uddled as the present financial try can get along without fiduciary to get. If your doctor tells you to gpt ! France aud Germany are the same. muddle. All the great questions currency, and whenever the practice ii j »J , 7 but th ® Practiees are different that have heretoofre come before of discrim inating against the fiduci- the people were questions in which ary currency of a country is allowed, the four tliat permits private finan­ were involved well defined princiles it will bring discredit and distrust ciers to discriminate against the in a somewhat concrete or tangable upon the government and d istra c -1 currency of the country. form, the tru th or error of whidh tion to business. If the would-be was suaceptable ’ of some demo statesm an, heads of departm ents The fact that our currency is cn it is because he knows of scores of stratable conclusion. But the p r e - ! and executive offices would display terchaugable with gold does not re ­ cases which have been benefited by its use; because he knows that it has ex.*. 4 4 * ■ » • * ^ . ■ x — 1 ,111.1. . _ . 1 « • . « * sent financiaUmud lie becomes mud- a little more wisdom, discreti on and move or m itigate the evil of discrim - a record of more than twenty years’ They are Richer Food for Blood and Nerves dier the more it is muddled. than i i dating against the currency. The results back of it. dignity under our present financial | practice begits d istrust; distrust in­ Q uantities of Beef and Bread. The stringency of the times calls system, than the do political craft You have no right to let your drug­ loudly for releif. The debtor class, and cunning, the business of the tensifies the practice, and ti e inten­ gist advise you against this prepara­ tion and induce you to try an obscure From the E xam iner, firm Franeiteo, ''it. the farm er ami the average man country would not be in its present sified practice aud distrust produces medicine, the value of which is TEMATI. The prev»]i>nt maladies nf diininiition of years, ami In- nervous system finally rave OREGON. think they see relief in the free coin distracted condition, and political a stringency that causes a demand doubtful, for the sake of the few cents (he vital powers, undue plivsiral fatigue v'".v under ii--- strain. lie w:t-ioreed t(.< re­ age of silver. All the alluring and party lines would remain un- nnd mental exhaustion, are to-day engaging tire from regular work at the piano, but l!ia< for cheaper money. The demand more he may make. Let your tailor, did not have the eileet of impr-ivitig lit. .-on. Ihe car-' f 1 attention of th< most eminent dition. Upon thecontrary, lie attractive features of the proposition changed, for a cheaper money intensifies the or your butcher, or your grocer, fool . li!y grew pathologists. Their prevalence is «.scribed worse, ilis nerves had been sliainred, m,d you if you will, but when it comes to are displayed, and under the circum ­ to poisoning through aboholie drinks, in addition lie discovered that one of lii.a stringency, aud the stringency in­ a matter of health, get what you ask CAMPAIGN MUD. lungs bad been alieeteil by lu . having been tensifies the demand. Thus the sit- i stances it is not surprising tlmt old opium tainted and adulterated foods, eon- for. eyp'-sed toi-ountern beeame uation has become so strained a s : party lines are no longer strong en­ All drugg-ists sell Scott’s Em ul don. ough to restrain the members. It a 'd® PaPers ar® doing all in their •own», the continuous j« r and ruiubieof rail- s>*ch that lie was cniiiim-d to liis home, and to burst asunder old party lines and T w o s iz e s — 50 c e n ts a n d $i. ar of falling, their sides of the question. Each difficult for them to put their stren ­ ’•’» ilb any kind of lumber you m iv wi-li w! i b will then lie ready, and von and points out that tlie enormous increase in through loss of respiration. My nervous­ the probabilities are th at if some the ethics of speechmaking it would nervous expenditure lias not and can not ness had advanced to an alarm ing stage. I is fighting the other with the gth against the gold bugs. It w o n 't h a v e Io w ait. a corresponding increase of supply in was n o tab le to contain myself for even a sound-headed, conservativo men seem to the average observer that a have he food we eat. Even if we had the choicest short time but had always to lie tum bling despeiation of ¿iispair because the means that the Bryan ('lectors can would come forward with a well de- sPf'etd* sufficient greatness to win food in the greatest abundance it could do with something or moving nervously about poilcy of each is destructive of the appear but once on the official bal­ nothing toward helping us, for we would be the room. It was while I waa in this con­ Orders lOom a Distance Prom ptly Attended To fined monetary system that would ‘ ^ 'r a Il)an t *‘e ,io’n” nit:on for the incapable of digesting it. O ur stomachs can dition lot. If the democrats pot them »hat 1 noticed in a paper an article on other. not keep pace with the brain and nervous _ p _______ \\ illiam s’ ____ __________ Pink _ Pills. I determined to try bring relief to the business of the j ‘B’dencJ ol" the United States there, the populists can not repeat •y«tem. The latter demand much more than them , even though they killed me. Well ••'i ml in your orders at once. M hat is n< eded is a policy th a ‘ will them upon their ticket. In order the former are able to furnish and as the they didn’t kill me. but l ’m not , , , ---- ----------, . -------------------------------going to tell country uml at the same time give m ust have about it some elements inevitable consequence then comes disaster, you that they cured ine immediately, my I’OiTAGE GROVE, OREGON security to the creditor for his loans l of greatness, or that there is a luck ’1 he strongest may keep up but the weaker case was much too serious for that. But I restore confidence for the securi y to concentrate upon one setof silver fall by the way. Mankind has become fati- had not taken a full I mii lief,.re I fell a great of money for those who have it, and try 1 ° f » ,eatue8S in th < > office sought for electors, active efforts are being gued and exhausted and this fatigue and ex- relief. My respiration was more certain. I anti in vestm ents,'the whole coun in the nomination, the people or the baustion make themselves manifest in the was gradually regaining control of tny nerve» activity to business. Neither paity made to bring all the silver forces wool l^flock to their standard. inerease of nervous disorders, including such and my condition wa> generally im j roved. new affections rsu kvnv h r « in ” ” Q affections as as the the “ ‘‘railway brain and I kept’right on taking tlie pills a n d ‘gellii._ has announced what its policy will togather in a union convention, and 'I ho Chicago convention m anifest­ country. It is such reekless state­ new railway spine,” the increase of heart dis- well. Now, I iiad taken just tlire.' luises of be; and the people are at sea as to to have the union of forces carried the prevalence of precocious dental them when I considered myself a cured man. ed too much of the spirit of the ri- ments as these that is causing the easp, decay and baldness, of nearsightedness and And I was right, for although I quit taking w hat is likely to be the outcome. into the state and county ticket. In hold and the reckless. The idea decline of the Oregonian’s influence deafness and prem ature old age. To coun­ the pills, T did not relapse into my former teract the incessant strain on the nerves and condition, hut grew stronger daily. The Democrats have declared for other words, fusion all down tho among the people. Instead of be- th at once prevailed that t the adop­ to replenish the wear and tear on the brain “ It was truly a marvelous cure, and I will free coiuage of silver but have left, line, so that tbeir would be one REMATI, caused by every line we read or write, every say that I think W illiam s’ P ills possess re. a great conservator of the tion of’ free coinage would immedi­ mg - - - - OREGON. face we see, every conversation we carry on, m arkable curative properties, and I would scene we perceive, every noise wc recommend them to the use of the thousand» the people to conjecture what policy union ticket, in the field, headed with i ately ra js e jh e price of silver, or diguity of American institutions, its every A FURR LINE OF bear, every impression we receive is pre­ of people of this city who ¡¡re nervous it will persue iu the use of it. The that a silver dollarîwould be worth Who1* f° rC® 13 d,rected to belittlin Bryan electors, and carrying ono cisely the province of Dr. W illiam s’ Pink wrecks, or who are suffering from diseases of * • »»vili _ « 1 I ills for Pale People. They are designed the lungs.” Republicans Lave declared for a set of nominees for the. various state I more than its bullion value, is rapid and belaboring the efforts of the to fill the void in tlie nourishment of the The foregoing is but one of many wonder­ nerves and brain that no amount of choicest ful cures tliat have been credited to Dr. W il­ gold standard, b ut left the people to and county offices. Something of i ly losing ground. Many w ho'w ere | : people to dignify themselves and food can fill. In a concentrated form is liam s’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Disease» carried away¡with the idea that be- ! th® " lstdution« the country. infinitely richer food for the blood, and the which heretofore have been supposed to Iic conjecture what policy they will per­ this kind is likely to raise yet in ' blood is the life of the nerves, than in vast incurable, such as locomotor ataxia and pa­ sue to relieve the stringency. The Democratic purty, whethar quantities Oregon. The Oregon law to the ■ of beef and bread. cause a silver dollar will buy a dol­ ralysis succumb to this wonderful medicine It is generally agreed that a m an's physi­ as readily as the most trifling ailments, la W hether we have a single gold same effect was passed in 1893, t lars worth of goods under the pres­ wholly rig h t or wholly wrong in its cal condition is dependent, to a great degree, many cases tlie reported cures have tieen of the W ashington in 1895. the nature nf his employment. M- n investigated by the leading newspapers and standard, or the fiee coiuage ent system that it would under free notions of public policy and the a d ­ upon wnose occupation necessitates the constant verified in every possible manner, and in n,» silver, it is less im portant than the use of the brain, witiiout any apportunity ease has tlie least semblance of fraud been coinage are beginning to learn that ministration of public afiairs, nt for physical exercise, are gene’rally nervous", discovered. Their fame tins spread to the Two pretty bloomer girls were ; practices and polices persued under present represents the majority of V'*::b men employed at tu: li.'.al labor re­ far ends of civilization and there is hardly a the system that maintains tho parity the sensation of a day in Lewiston ! either. E ither probably would do, quiring no exercise of the brain function drug store in this country or abroad where the American people and among of the coins of both metals would be ' are almost universally possessed of sound they cannot be found. properly managed. The most in te r­ last week. They a -companied their : nervous systems, not easily disturbed by e x ­ Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills contain, in a destroyed, and that tho’Jpurchasing them are men, and there are many citing events. ’ > condensed form, all the elements necessary esting thing to the people just now parents, who are ho-nestea lers npon ' A striking illustration of this principle is to give new life and richness io tlie Idood power of the silver dollar would go of them, who have no superiors in found in the ease of Professor George E. and restore shattered nervis. They are aa would be a little information on bow the reservation, and came overland j Coleman, who is a professional pianist, and unfailing specific for such diseases' :,s loro- to its bullion value, th at being only any party or representative body on from the region near Heppner, O re -1 w ho was, until within recent years, a drug­ motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vims’ either party propose to manage and gon. They brought a drove of i about oue half of its face value, and earth. Ih e Democratic convention gist. Professor Coleman lives at 1330 Bu­ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nerv­ adjust matters. chanan Street, San Francisco. He is well ous headache, the after effect of In grippe, horses to the new range and t h e 1 the credits and incomes ol the com i at Chicago was au assembly of men, I»<- liiuhoi priceF paid kiixibot produce. known here ns a pianist, having played at palpitation of the heart, pule and sallow girls were (be herders. Tbev rode J acme of the most popular music halls in the complexions, nil forms of weakness either in mini iieoplc being written in “dol - of whom, in point of intelligence city. Mr. Coleman is not a man of strong male or female, pink Pilis are sold by nil If G reat Britain can do a business with two spurs like common cow­ larrf, ’ they would bo the sufferers in and scholarship, any country mig! t frame, and he has been an e a sy p r e y to the d e a le r s, o r w ill lie s e n t post paid no receipt of five times that of the United boys itpd sat on tbeir horses like ' severe, nervous tension of his work at the of price, 50 eeins a box, or six boxqs f,r well feel proud, and to say that th at immediate connection. Also, piano.. He has had to play continuously for $2.50, by addressing Dr. W illiams’ Maileina States, upon a gold basis and ac­ Centuars. One of the mounts was i these men were moved to enthusi­ inverai hour# during every evening lor live i Cuuipany, Schenectady j N. Y. a fractious thoroughbred, and he j the Democratic platform, does not cumulate a surplus iu tlie treasury reared and bucked on the streets, i provide for or declare whether or asm by a speech that was not great town, as is tlie physician of some 1 persons having no interest, in any- it would seem that the United but tlie fair rider retained her sad­ not the accum ulated debts wr written *8 a ®oarse E le c tio n upon American nabob’s family; that, the farmer, J thing b u t th at of mone}’. But the States m ight do so if properly con­ dle and never “pulled leather.” iu gold shall be repudiated and paid ■ .C Ie>^ UC®’ aud scholar- who toils from morning till night, more the soundness of money is in­ ducted. Tho secret of Great B rit­ COTTAGE GROVE o l EGO' in silver. If they are not tho f r e e '? .1/ . . ’ UC 1,nar^es seem to pass from winter till summer, is as much tensified in such a sense the more ain’s success upon a gold basis, lies Some individual who wants a coinage of silver would entail a ^ constant chaffing is ir- D ealers in sure thing when he bets offers to ritatiug. I t is this persistent reflec- a business man as the man who bets unsound and unsafe business be­ in the fact that she maintains the bet that tlie next president will be douhle hardship upon the people up the price of wheat in some stock comes, and through the unsound­ diguity of her decrees, and does not of the tiOD UP° U t h e Pe°Ple th at is eaus- wbiskerless and that his first name The credits and incomes exchange; th at the miners who toil ness and unsafeness of business allow any distrust or discredit to be will be AYilliaui. ■conimoii people would be paid in ", 1 between classes, or under ground are as much busi­ comes the agitation of the money brought upon her currency by dis­ silver, while tbev iu retu rn would • ? H 1 lvl< *n£ the people into the A V aluable P rescrip tio n . ness men as the men who gather in question, and through the agitation crimination, hence there is no scare, bo o b lig e d to pay tbeir obligations , .. K. and the massqs. From ir Editor Morrison of Worthington, S H E E T IR O N W A R E , the conference room of some bank of the money question, the sound­ no boarding, nc hard times. ImR, “ Sun,” writes: “ You have a in gold, which would give rise to . rce ° a d ’ Pr°hably actuated by gol give to discuss how to m anipulate affairs ness of the moneyed m an’s interests valuable prescription in Electric Bit­ W ild w o o d A x es, A m u n itio n , a n d a ll siz e s of immediate m aterial interests, the op the e opportunity of speculating in ters, and I can cheerfully recommend to increase the earning capacity o are threatened. The moneyed man Many sujipose that the odors of .. .11 m.:_ 11 :____i ., ' • °reg ian is unconsciously arraying gold. This ___ would immediately ? o n /'*" U“ vuu»i their money. There is really no seeks to secure his it terests by con­ flowers come from the sweet secre­ it for Constipation Sick Headache, C J L Z R /rZ E d lJ D G -E S . and as a general system tonic it has withdraw gold from the ordinary ' - ' H una*'e c*‘lSi,es against the uu- difference between the logic of Mr. verting his wealth into gold and bid­ tions that the honey bee so fondly no equal.” M rs . Annie Stehle, 2(525 Keep a full stock of NAILS, CUTLERY Shelf and Building fortunate masses. The force and chanuels of business, and throw the K ill’s speech and the logic of Mr. cherishes. This is true to some t.x. ! Cottage Orove Ave,, Chicago, was all ding it away; and thus bringing a logic of its argum ent seems to be x„„x • ii • xi , ; r i |n down could not cat. or digest to<>d business of the country upon a sir JL Z R Z D W JL Z R /E ! . ................... ’ for the purpose of showing that the Bryan’s, each considered from their greaier stringency upon business. tent and especially in flowers that 4 ,ilfj u g tekache which never left tier i •ver basis and with the present capa respective points of interest. Mr. The business man seeks relief by have no petals aud are yet sweet. and felt tired sm'weary, but six hot- A1* Repairing neatlv done! city of tlie mints it would take sev people are incompetent, aud by its Hill was pleading for the business advocating an issue of another kind But iu a large num ber of instances d, s uo m atter how true the nrin Price 50c and .'ll 00. Get a hottie at i p rin ­ volume of currency withdrawn by • , , Prin him, and Mr. Bryan was pleading terests of the man who has his grance. The rose and the carna­ J. A. Benson’s Drug Store. _ ■'I cinle ciple nmv may l>n be, (lie the great ____ mass _x ol xv the gold. Then, again, if gold con­ for the business man he knows aud wealth centered in, and bis credits tion are familiar instances. There pople feels th a t whatever it advo- tract , debts are repudiated, and as he knows him. .Mr. Bryan being contracted in gold. The business are not much sweetness to the rose i ■ paym ents made in silver, ,1 the credi- cates . must be, as a m atter of 1 course course, an impulsive man, of great force of of the country is threatened with an petals have fallen. Honeysuckle N otaT V , • ■„ , .. -i . , . | i their common enemy tor will be accepting th at which T. • J character and fluency of speech, and issue of cheaper money to meet the fragrance proceds the nectar. —AND— It is contrary to the common will Buy’but about oue-lialf of that being deeply impressed with the demands of business. The fault is Agent, Much is heard these davs about rpi *i • principles that actuated tho pgod - I whicV h.e loaned. truth of his convictions, expressed in the money practice, and that sound money, and in most instances le to the establishm ent of the insti­ a gutuent for justification for that them iu a dramatic and impressive fault is chiefly a lack of dignity on it is but the ineaniugless m outhings O ffice in M e in z c r R e s id e n c e tutions of freedom in this country, is tlu^t the silver dollar of today will manner. The m ajority of the dele­ the part of the governm ent in al­ of political platitudes. M a in S t r e e t ,C o t t a g e Made and for sale in the best manner. W e will please and their peipetuation ever since, Tlie Id e a l P anacea. buy as. much as the gold dollar at ______G ro v e, O reg o n . you w ith all you w ant in our line. Address. gates being from sections and rep- lowing private financiers to disgrace to move under the dictation of ar- the time when it was loaned, But James L. Francis, Alderman, Chica­ £^~A1I who have country or city . resenting the kind of business man and undignify the governments de­ rogaut ami ROBINSON & PH ILLIPS, go, says : “ 1 regard Dr. King's New the creditor claims that he should crees in discrim inating against all Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for property for sale would do well to call n.x,x, .-„„«tx-xL , I Rryan had so dram atically de- on him. The following is a few spec or demands. They institutions and have that which be contracted and Cottage G-rove, Or. scribed, it was only the logic of the forms of money b ut gold. A. na­ Coughs, Colds and Lung complaints, ial bargains in farms. of country were in­ is e nlitÎéiU to t?ie beuefit of the" "ad- A RARE BARGAIN. j event that the convention went over tional financial system should be of having used it in tny family for the spired of just such a spirit. The last five years, to the exclusion of phy­ vantfi^ei but the debtor claims that 1G0 acres of land with running spirit and principle of American free- to him. Mr. B ryan’s speech won such flexibility us to meet the varv- sician’s prescription or other prepara­ water the whole year; fine fir and the difference is due to the discrimi­ for him the nomination; if it was ing conditions of business; that is tion. Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, dom instinctively and impulsively cedar saw timber, never culled; 20 j PltE I’AKAl IONS KOR nation fhade against siiver, and that not a great speech, then it m ust what money is for, to do business, Iowa, writes: “1 have been a minis­ acres cleared with some fru it trees. ' ,i ■ v ■ ■ x- i - i i tepells anything like dictation or ter of the Methodist Episcopal Church : this discnuiiuation has appreciated „ ‘■“ uon oi I 11 reflection upon the character aud have beeu a stupid convention, but when it becomes so sound that for 50 years or more, and have never ¡ WiH Diake a splendid fruit place iiio value of gold one-half, and that it and only 5 miles south it is more profitable to hide it away there were two elements there, each of Cottage found anything so beneficial, or that | stability of the people. Every tik i s t'vice the amount of the pro- representing distinctly different in­ to be used iu dealing in debts in­ gave me such speedy relief as Dr. i Grove. party that has come into power, has King’s New Discovery.” Try this j A F IN E 80 ACRE FARM FOR «’ ;ct of labor to pay a debt now in done so by getting into close sy m -: terests, both had an opportunity to stead of of the ordinary pursuits of Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial hot i SALE, gold us it did at tlie time it was business, then it becomes unsound tie F rte at J. A. Benson’s Drug Store pathy with the people, and have re use all the a rt of speech and oratory 4 miles from Cottage Grove, all under contracted, aud th at the free coin­ in the sense, and for the purpose F in e P i g s F o r S a le . good fence. 25 acres in cultivation, rnained in control so long as it has aud they did it. One of them won age of silver ami repudiation of gold for which money is intended. It is 150 fruit trees four years oid, good Persons desiring some thorough­ buildings, protected, or was able to make be­ , and he is entitled to the credit of well watered, two or three contracts is morally right and the not a question of credit aud ability bred Poland China pigs can obtain good it. It was the captivating speech of springs, and one half miles from lieve th at it was protecting the in­ only relief. The creditor class, on OF NOVEMBER 3 ARE ALREADV CNDER WAY. A SEW on the part of the government, it is a them of E. P. Thorp of T he L eader good school. Price $1200. Write or terests of the people. Therein lies | the Democratic convention; men of : cull on W. B rcmmet , the other hand declare that it is the question of dignity. If the govern­ ! national reputation were there, and the logic of Mr. B ryan’s speech at Cottage Grove, Or. agitation of cheap money that has is TO BE ELECTED, AND THE the Chicago convention, aud out of it | i all attem pts at belittling the speech m ent had had the diguity not to F o r Stile o r E .veiian go for C o t­ caused the stringency aud the scar­ allow any discrimination to have ta g e G ro v e P r o p e r ty . came the enthusiasm tliat gave him that came with the most telling ef- 425 acres of land, all fenced and city of money; that if there had ' feet is a reflection upon American been made against its mortej there the nomination. L et us examine I cross fenced, about 40 acres of plow will, as ulways, be found in the thickest of the fight, battling been no agitat; m, and thnt t ' character, intelligence and scholar­ would have been no distrust, no land. 40 more could be easily cleared, vigorously for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, which will S tie of the logic of Mr. B ria n ’s re- balance good pasture land. Splendid was not dan; l cr< « filer bring PROSPERITY TO THE NATION. r ; marks. Mr. Hid, who had just pro- ship, that is resented by the average disturbance, no stringency, no free garden lan d ; about 5 acres of or­ paid off in a : ui ■ r motley than individual, regardless of party. It silver agitation. There is more I HR NEW -FORK \\ LEKLY I RIBUNE is not only the lead­ chard ; 1 good dwelling house and out ceded him, opposed the free coinage is not surprising that a spirit ¿f dis buildings : 4 barns; 7 chiek< n houses. ing Ib-publican paper of the country, but is PRE-EMINENTLY that which lie !■ . i. uiouev would gold in the I uited States than theie, of silver for the reason that it trust and discredit pervades the Horses, sheep and goats can be A NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. be seeking investment, aud times is in Great Britain, yet G reat Brit­ bought on the place. Price per acre would injure the business man, and masses of the people, when reputa Its campaign news and discussions will interest every Ameri­ -RTK). Sitmiterl 9 miles from Yoncal­ easy aud business active, In a Mr. Bjyan seems to have seized upon bl® j ,n,rnals th at »BottlJ be the con- ain does a business five times that can citizen. la, iy, miles from Elkhead Quick Sil­ k nited States upon a gold m anner all those things are true, tne opportunity and occasion to servators of national diguity, belit- i ver Mines; 20 rods from school; 2% ?x 11 the news of the day, Foreign Correspondence, Agricultural miles from church ; 60 rodsfrom post- Department, Market Reports, Short Stories complete in each but the unfortunate thing about it show that Mr, H.l! was right from ties that of which all Americans ! basis, and is accum ulating a surplus office, mail twice a week Cali on or feel , proud. An . art of « which all na- , i j n the treasury. The reason of it is, number, Comic Pictures, Fushion Plates with elaborate descrip­ . , . , ■ • is, each idea seems to be destructive the point of view which he saw x- write \V B rcmmett , Cottage Grove, tions Lave , boasted ; of which i tions, and a variety of items of household interest, make up AN Or. , 1 people 1 it x lias ¡as a monev money sv«t system of such flexi- ' of the other, aud politicians have the business man. anil from liis con- are prouder than any other. IDEAL FAMILY PAYER. bility as to meet the vary conditions NOTICE FOR PUBLICA’! ION seized upon the opportunity to e» p ti.a of business, but that his We furnish “ T h e L e a rte r” and “ New Y ork W ee k - of business. They have' au están- ¡ make a campaign, ami iuste’ad of re­ U nited S tates L and O efk s , / is T ri! A FALSE ASSUMPTION ” (both papers;, conception of business and business sire credit currency svsteni, of' FOR SALE. R oseburg , ( ir . July 7, 1S96. ( It is lieving the uixtion, it is being iten- tc its a onli- ¡ ’ en i assume.! by most j eople which there is no discrimination,! 2 8 0 acres of the very best timber Notice is hereby eiv^n th a t »lie following- sified; the best interest . th . coun­ 'r i n g ! e nione, ir\ qties- aud it is all done on dicnitv. There ' ’vith ^aw Mill 3 miles from C t- named settler lias ti!ef his intentimi to 1 t n u k e (Inal proof xu support of ■ a i.latin, anrithat six , miles from rail- said ' m the are no gold bugs; no politicians; no ! tage Grove try ai he.. .. s.i i. Lc.d on ’he ; n- , and mill m proof will be made befor« J oel v . abb ' .... „ ’ . road; shingle alreadv ,°n‘ for w ork. S. ( ASH IN YD VA NCE. C. C. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon on Ol pollti 6 I . - , no scare; no dis-1 Also good house, barn. etc. Enough Enc A ugust 19. 1(06, Viz: Joseph I erkins, ir. oil Ii Addresk all orders t _____f t . .\o. 57ol fot the S!2 S\v ,.W '_, .-><• . j., • u ' ' business. When the ' cedar shingle timber on the plat . ace to tp. 21 , K. 2 West. He riam- the loliowing of the people is Oeilig crueifitoU counsel; tliat a doctor, who is ¿»o wer vt tLc ùwìam j . miri is true business oi the country needs more Pa-’ IOi dje I’bice THE LEADER. lace alone, besides bc-ides S Q0n,. 1 witnesses to prove h u continuous resirti'mr, a cross of gold, all of which, instead laduate of a college, is as much a viewed only from the money point money, more is issued' when in anfl cultivation of, said land, viz John W ti te your nam. and address n nu r,., feet ieiEht million feet of tketineri upon , ar(j. seed d it to Geo. W Best I I’ Hubbard. Joseph T Xcct, John - Ailon c o u -e of business it ii ®n ln / i kind of -aw timl.-r. 1 will sell th;- George of assisting to clear up the subject business man at some cross-road °f view and is the ground taken Room 2, Ti illune Pjddiug, New Yoik Citv. and é a sample copy of the Dosnts. of Cottage Grove. <)rcg. course 01 busmess it 1& redeemed, itjc liw . I . E Tovcntrn.. July ti-6 r >i X' ead . h itegistcr. * New York Weekly iribune vili be mailed L y u G0 E. LE WIS&BURKHOLDER. lo A N e w L in e o f L a d ie s ’ CLIIAKS ASII JACKETS. An A nalysis of th e C onditions w hich a re Responsible for it. Boucle D ress Goods. j wonderfully Good Results from the Famous Pink !The Uuited Stutes is the °m.v one o; P ills — Brain Wear Checked— Testimony as to Their Merits which Commands Attention. C LO A K IN G — Agents for the sale of the BROWKSVILE ill WOOL CLOTHDÎO. L U M B E R. J. B . R O U S E , PROMPTLY FILLED f N ew Goods and N ew S ty les L U R C H ’S G L O T H IN C , DRY G O O D S, B O O T S and S H O E S . Ladies Dress Goods, Hats and Domestics All Sizes of T runks. This stock has ju s t been refilled and is the best selected in tow n. s. R. PIPER. H r a , k , lim ud : h : W. BRUMMETT Public aud Shingles, Pickets, Fruit Boxes, B E E H IV E S T he Great B attle P re sid e n t of th e U nited S ta te s NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE ONE Y E A R FOR ONLY $2.25,