i.o< \i. Icecrea m b i : e \ i i i : h v th e d is h o r Lincoln parlors today Potatoes are selling at per pout'll. > h e q uart at erbt«- \ i : j > i o p in of on rl,#- 1 iin*» H E « ! REET a« t o l d Tow n. by T rav PERSO N A L IiE L P IL D T L îE A i a n o t h e r H o rse, and H ack. A'ES. Kirnr DESTROYED BY FIR E f o r i lie l . i i n f s . Elder Als..n W. Steers writes from Portland. O r.: “ There is no medi­ T h e W a lla c e T ile F a c to r y a t C r e s w d i ae for throat and lungs that I can B u rn e d . commend to ministers, public -j1 -ak- rs and singers. with the eonfl- dei eeth at I can the 8. J!. Cough Sunday at 1 p. m. the only tile 1 a . - . " On»- i . t s per bottle. For sale hv J. A. Benson. manufactory in L tne county, owned “Tins country,” writes M.r Casev by Rev. C. II. M allace and ms, and to his friend in Ireland, “is the located at Creswell was destroyed bv greatest country on earth. It is a tire. country where the man who earns It seems that the burning of a kiln of tile La l just been completed and his own living is as good as any the proprietors had gone away to let other man, and if ha don't have to it cool off, when by tneaus unknown, earn it, he is a dom sight better. THE WEBFOOT PLANTE,*: • J |.X D • • L : We. ing when D uring ti. II k Yeat his barn V. a teli was i> M il ettl* pliot'iS 75c J e r und th t did not >Z* li in a conv- is , S» e them at the photo tent. g t o li ered that ttorney R Ex G iltner sou ' es ami el se, a The Southern Pacific fene- build­ cl Po: tlaml i h act, at. d it did place, I'fc mm i tn« ing .¡m g is locate 1 here with b o a rd ­ to conn - to a con- > n Mr,. D. H ¡men way. » t,< «I t H« s i’ ing cars and outfit on the sidetrack. as to the cause of their all­ rtlri bi entere m i. ter of the R Address all Orders lo T he L eadeb , Cottage Grove. Or. It required no gr* ot mental Curd or half , abinr t $1 per dozen at It -, ilice made a visit to ei.crt i to coagulate all the t-ircum- / j -st at the Ilugcne Photo < o s ten*. before, arel ;; i <». >««- . ist Saturday. stane into the idea th at some one The cooling off of the weather the industr 1 int« -lligent < lass of Prof. W. H. P< »well an I wife have who hai come along witii one horse it took tire an 1 was destroyed. It is B ucklen'tf A rn ic a Salve. amt car! 1 » came tiled (.f that w av latter part of the week was a wel­ peo; I<-. He oke in glowing tei rn- m a w «■ un m ne-1 from th to n . ■1 t r a v e l The best salve in the world for Cuts, d c i l -1 his cart thought that some of the tilie will an come change. of ti.e piH-I.t of I ;• .¡iena Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, ' e Plot, has •n engaged t te: for a four wheeled veichle, another be saved. Several brick moulds and l’c v r Sores. Tetter, «happed Hand-*, , If you want any hauling done mines ai.d t l.e t < I:' fit ti.e to n V. ill - tali teini of s :hool. horse and a double harness. Tins three wheel barrow s were also burned Chilblains, C-rns and ail Skin E rup-' leave vo- r orders with Jack Knowl­ rece; ve from then 11- also sani J . i . e P otter i f the county court w as quite evident from the fact that The tile machine was saved. The tion-, ami positively curls Piles, or no acquainted with life can pay required. It is guaranteed to ton. one horse could not very well haul that it i- manifest th a it tth tb" - reportsof r* t i l l OU g h 1 rc \\ edueS' lay on loss is estimated at 1,500. with no PeHw’t »atisraetieu or money re be ignorant of the im­ away the hack, at least, that is the .___ Do not forget to call at the cream the mines arc n, ginning t<> attract funded. Price ¿5 cents per box. For li tue- Cot -t. F n k. . wav that Mr. Aeafcii figures it out. insurance. provement which gen­ sale by J. A. Benson. parlor« on tbird stie c t a tt< n t i o i . a n d t h a t by the I.in- s eiie J. Y . Cook J tiu Mu.-ic mine was ami the person who made the ex­ This is a hard blow on the gentle- teel apparel produces in Do you have any conseienti »us U'h r way .re in op- R o b e r t & D e a n o f the Bohemia o! those now in to a n dm in, ; t h e wiea on busi- change only took what he thought 111« n, as they are poor men and li a. Meat m arket have elioiee ti-f- *,n-ale e r a t i o n Ti.» t r a scruples against capital punishment? vi!i t *.x the c:r tie* l i e s ... the carriage, tone of he ought to have. But Mr. Yeatch 'I hur-days and Fiidav all their means invested in the plant. asked the judge. “No siree,” replied j tv .f t docs n .t like the trade, the hor.-e t o . ’. ¡I. thought and conduct of --------------------- • n ii ,'i .* ,. Ralpii Whipple and ini.-, the best of several in the barn I he iittle n in. 11» s me takin:• 1, the witness. I ’m a middle-of-tbe- j RASE BALL. an individual, and no Cnesi«-r Davis h ave-one on a iuci cle and the hack and harness was near­ li«4i ukes anf i.„n ,.. A v o i - l " t L L wo?i«'n> says. :. have used Parks’Tea puts in his time talking Ra ilstou- \iii.' ■ i i after it was di-covered that the ni-ori L- - t , ' " D A * Lorane, a ,.j fln,j it is the best remedy I have The Eugene Photo Co. have done M. J lo x , a machinist went to *Iler 11 was,n‘scoJ eref\ tllat tlje P*°P-, Sunday, July 19, between the Cot- ever tried for constipation. I t requires equality With his fellow m e n . T herc-s» glorious reputation back of this label— isru. Mr Gou Id is an ardent ad voeat" a good husiuess up to date. You Noonday Monday to set up the erty was taken Mr. Veatch started tage Grov0 and Coyote base ball smaller doses and is more thorough. had better get in line before it is too of Rnwlstonism and when not sell- in persnit, but up to date no ac- eiuUs resultin Cottage Grove’s I shall use nothing else ill futura.” late, they will only remain a few good things to eat I k - is selling boiler and engine for the Noonday c0Utit(J bavfi betu ma,,e of a irtsllu g defeat. Tii game was close aud Sold L«ir J. A. Benson. ¡he persons. Tricks about the exciting throughout, aiid neither daya longer. that which teaches how and when mill- Probish—Nice trick you played 1 Styic— Servie«— •John B. M<-Gee has returned P ^ ’nises indicate th at there was a The old Hchool building has been ,l’ e,,t* Ike- most rem arkable thing club at any time had a sufficient on ms the other day, getting me to ; Satistactlon- r„ . , , • » u lC i , , woman in the party and that they lead to be confident of the game Winner of the World’s Pair d iploma. raised up from its old foundation '«bout this ism i its novel mi tho 1 of from a trip to Medford, where he I T, i . , shake hands with arum seller by tell-1 were going north. It lias since been till it ended. Cottage Grove’s d e ­ and the new stone wall is well under '••sseminating its ideas. The system went to look at some mining p ro p -^ u rn c -d that there was a h o rs e and ing me that he was a member of feat was due undoubtedly to the way. is simply the practice of bygene in erfy- cart stolen from Roseburg a few lack of practice. Following is the the life-saving corps. E A K I N ifc B R I S T O W .. Rem em ber the Eugene Photo Co. th ® “tra c tiv e form of a society with F. J. Perkins a correspondent for ‘‘‘V s akio> and the cart left here score by innings: Lushfortb—T hat’s what he is. 1 ... ,, Commercial i-i i i Agency at , answers The ncr- Coyote 12300 are prepared to do all kinds of view- degrees and emoluments. When b i. iadstrects hi 2 2 l-ic He keeps open ou Sunday , , the . description. . ‘ . t s o sons who too« them probablv did so Cottage Grove COTTAGE GROVE, - o j. 1 1 1 2 1 ing and your patronage is solicited asked to explain the object of the Portland, was here during the week a;i a means of escape from the 3 0-1 1-14 „ „ first i o r O v e r F if ty Y e a rs Battrii-s. Coyote—Hayes, Holland in th a t line. society and its method lie said. talking to business men. ; offence; a good rig will better en- a id Braustetter. Cottage Grove— A n O ld and W ei . l -T rieh II euedv .— XTrsr ' CcntraPy Lccaled. Free Bus to and Fieni Wiiislciw’s Soothing Syrup has been used for A carload of machinery arrived “The object of the society is to ,, T,. Tr , , | able them to make their escape. over fifty years bv millions of m others lor .heir ! BOHEMIA MEAT MARKET. McQueen ami McFarland. Hon Binger Hermann has the d u rin g the week for Jones’ mill. 1 produce a more perfect race of peo- Special Rales for Families. all Trains. ehiiilren u liilo teething, with perfect It soothes the child, sofiens the efims, allays a!! S l i g h t 's ! C ash P r ic e lo r B u t t e r NEAREST IIOTELTO POST«H- FK F thanks of T he L eader for a copy of pain, cures wind cholic, and is 1 lie best reined 1 hey ar the daisy— the little pie and secure to them perfect health lu T he D a rk . HE SMOKED THEM OUT. for Diarrlioen. Is pleasant to tie- taste. Sold m inettes at the 1 iioto tent- anf) lougliveity without the use of an abstract of the eleventh seusus of by Druggists in every part of the World. Tiven- Eugene is in the dark so far as llve Roherr A Dean have opened a . cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable the United States. lie sure and ask for Mrs. W inslow's Soothing S m u d g e to Sm oke out a C h i c k e n street lights are concerned. The Syrup, There was some movement in reaE drugs or medicine. This idea of butcher shop on main street near 1 and lake no other kind. lio u s c c a u s e s so an e E x c ite ­ contract between the city and the estate d u ring the week. dissem inating hygenic methods or- D r I . P. Gray of M -dford, Grand a a u iu i J J l i p U llU i m e n t. “ Willy’s got the greatest eschem the bridge, Cottage Grove, O re.,' electric light company expired ou Ac< ti'EXT.—The Eugene Photo Co. i'g'inated w ith Prof. Rawlston of the Chancellor of the K nights of Pvtliias the tenth of this month, and since hot weather that yon ever heard of.” where they will sell meat very low j —FORM ERLY BAKEi! HOUSE have their cutnera insured against University of Penn, about t e n v e n t s visited the lodge here Monda | A large smoke and a small fire that time the council and company “Tell me what it is.” “He’s going f »r cash. They also pay cash for I H eadquarters for Travelling Men. all accidents. So if you should ago. Tin- plan consists of a serie., id ¡lit. last \\ < in- ? s J iy, evening caused the have failed to agree on terms for a to start a roof garden in the cellar.” poultry, eggs and hides. See them i Sample Rooms Free, Rales from $1 happen to break it, they are on the i of fasinating hooks upon foods and 1 to $2 per I )av. and investigate. h e r M a u d in g u t I lo in c . R v. W. V. McGe« atnl family of usual excitement and little damage new contract. The city claims that safe side. S E E ? i t h ippem-d in this wav; Mr Frank retrenchm ent must be effected and \\ ithiinctte Street, Eugene. Or. habits of life, and membership in Albany are visiting with r< laliv-s “ Four out of every five botlics of V ; . 1. Church, of Staunton Post G. , Garout te lives at the corner of Third The Southern Pacific pay car pass- the 8(iciety known as tlm Rawlstot. ami fii'-mls is willing to take a less num ber of S. E. BROWN, lh'K pr'i1 Tliev are also accom­ medicines sold in tlie last five years A. R , says: “I have tried nearly ; cd through here last Saturday, nt- Hea,th c ,,lb F .|d ) 1.,,prf.s(.nfs panied by Mr. McGee’s mother of i ami B udge streets, and is a raiser of lights at nearly the old price per are S. B. goods. The S. B. Headache ! every remedy hut have found I Forty acres of river but ton, ..-.¡id i chick« ns on a small scale. Lately light, hut to this the company de- and Liver Cure I use myself as a gen- nothing cough lliee, Texas. tatched to the local. to compare with Parks’Cough i near Springfield to sell or trade, j a degree. The theory ad v an ce1 is I his chickens have been very much murs. It is estim ated there will be '‘r;l1 physic ff you are sick and yrup. There is nothing on earth | Will take a light wag- : d team as The Noonday Mining company that, the iiilluence of the literal lire John and Will Stephens who have troubled with vermin, and to get | a delict in city revenues this w a r of | want to get well, tlie quickest, cheap­ like it for hronehitis. I have suffered i and safest method is to buy the S. ever sinne my discharge troni tii part pay and the baluu<< lime. are asking for bids to cut IttOO . and nii-tiibersliip, breaks up ba l been down at Scottsburg for some rid of them he conceived the idea of at least t’150‘1. Two saloons failed est, B. remedies and use as directed. * ■ army and P;.:dis’ Gougli Svrup is the : " ’»le or cull on A. lodd. Cottage cords of wood. ! habits and teaches to observe betti r time returned during the w--‘k am) iuniigating the chicken house and ot take out license, a loss of $800 P. B alch , Druggist Dufur, O r.” ’«» ; only remedy that hasever iielped me.” Grove. Oregon. continued on their wav to Monta- roost, so he gathered up the old and it is thought the loss from de­ cents per bottle. Eor sale by J. A ' Told by J. A. Benson. E P. Thorp has a few fine nil ' '»"es and proper d i i T h e use of seama, Wash. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ nests, teuthi is atnl straw into a creased valuations in assessments Benson. Rosw fill S p rin g s, blood Poland China pigs to tm de for j 'Fstdle 1 water is particularly ohsci heap in tin house aud set it on fir« , will uot amount to much less than “That spiritual medium plated (Formerly Snowden Springs) Mr. and Airs Cliff Cleaver of P en­ and then went to his house to con­ $1000. Last year it was $1100. e l. Tn some places wln-re there are Douglas County, Oregon, are local good bay. I’idger a mean trick last night.” dleton are visiting friends here. Mr template satisfaction ¡is the stifleing fed on tlm Southern Pacific Railroad, ‘A\ nat was it?” He asked to have The extrem ely hot weiitlu-i Iris clubs of large membership, concerns Cleaver is engaged in the shoe u k - s of the in rm g feathers proved "btuista Route" troll! San rriinei.-co Took D in n e r In T he W oods. are engagf-d in the > in the shade. 'This cies of this country ami phases of They will travel by wagon to Scots A ISKI VALS A T M IL K V .O O D HOL'SK. not want te m arry him at the end of TO PROTECT TIMBER. V E R Y F IN E LAM BS, American modes of life. F ather burg, then go dowu the l iver in open is unusual in his climate. G. G. Gould, S. E., Ira Wimberly, three years. Who knows but that For sale by J. A. Bmison. Drain, Or. E. I*. Gray, Medford, Or. blond husbands will be out of style FOR SALE G HEAP. The clatter of boiler makers and Black is a Virginian of old revobiti boats. They intend t > lemain about The following is the full text of E. O. Potter and wife, Eugene. F. machinists preparing for shipment., onary stock and is intensely Amen two weeks. Silverstone, S. E., K. Seller, S. F., bv that time?” D. G. M c F arland , Governor L ord’s annual proclama­ \V. A. Shelley. Wtiihiker, Or. G. W. ! machinery to Noonday, chimed with can in Ins notions of governm ent Cottage Grove, - Or. ! Cures Croup. tion for the protection of tim ber and McQueen. Mari, n. G. W. Griffin,: A n A r tis tic S tic k . the church bells last Sunday m orn­ ami national policies. In , lit* course Eugene, L. D. A i> under, Eugene. ! “ My three children are all subject w. u. coupek J . 8. MEDLEY. \\ liitney the sprinter, who was ar­ other property front fire. to croup; I telegraphed to S in Fran- ing; and the profanity of the mule of a conversation w ith him the them«' W hereas, An act passed by the Legislative GOSPER & MEDLEY As an instance illustrating the op­ cisco, got a half dozen bottles ot S. B. , skiuer contrasted strangely with the soon turned to the topics of the rested here and takeu hack to Deer assem bly for the state of Oregon a t its seven- Cough Cure. I t is a perfect remedy. I portunities for enterprise and in­ a t I _ ia ,T x r , times, our financial agitation, and Lodge, Montana, about a year ¡tgo, teentli ¡umu;il m ss I kii , entitled, “ An Act to pro- ( tod bless yt u for it. Yours, etc., J. fervent appeals of the preacher. CAVEAT», io serve out. an unfinished term in tect T im b'T ami other Property from Fire, dustry in this section, tlie Noonday II. C rozier , Grants Puss, Or.” 50' the gentleman advanced some i d e a s C o iT '.iu . G rove . O regon . T f f i B E MARKS, I contiaiis the following: ‘Wake up, Jacob, day is breaking!” cents per bottle. For sale by J. A. j C E SIC N PATEM TS, 80 said Dewitt’s Little Early Risers to ' from somewhat below tlie surface, the peniti 11ti.11 y, has sent to a friend Section l. If any person shall maliciously, mining companv is taking all the Benson. C G P V R 1C K T 8, e t c . NOTICE l ’DR PUBLICATION. For an«1 freo li.tfli»» • k v rifo to ' the man who had taken them to He said: “Dur present finaiiei.il here an artistically carved cane. The with intent to injure any other person, by h im -; butter of the farm ers of this section1 p„,d.- ’ MUNN Ac CO., .iG! JL ’. l ' AT. N ew Y ork . self or any o ther person, kindle a lire on his own t all n that , there , . is for - sale , , by the . 1 lie , for 1 women 11 who ? re an* 1S a ail rundown e ,R^eC!, i L*ind O-fice a av t Itosebiir n il' lll-i*ut North liouiid overland No. 15, time money are all right, and that any or a line of not less tiian S2Dnor more than .$1,000, Itowls, of Holland, Vil., luis to say eat “ If b von e t t e r ail»! sleeli bctl'T hl ili"- it i ' s - ' • 1 ■ ' " " " |iissi,"ier al Eugene, Oregon, on n .a n t-hnufil I»* w lU iout It. W eekly. (Mia y ear; bis ini.nllis. Au In*. . M i:.V S''ft Co. of arrival. 2 :1 1 a.m . South bound >‘H them arc all wrong, according to earrer is somewhat interesting. H e or by imprisonment in The county jail for not less below, will remember tlleir own ex- ( |>ack ” That is w ll.'it w e su v ’w h e i i^ v • ' entry ul-v : ,wii' VIZ: William H. Itaycn lioniesie.id No. 5770 tur II»'* Sw1, oi *,ee. 2s, lp. 20 s. R . r e iiu - u ic n a . 3 < il D ru a d w a .. : , i w Y ork c u .-. three m onths or more than twelve months, perience under like circumstances: sell a bottle of “ Barks’ Sure Cur»-.” i 5west. il'* nami s iin* iollnv.m g witnesseti lo overland No. 16, time of arrivul the amount of mind pressure was sentence t to tlie penitential ) than to the aggravation of the offense. his eoiitiuuous residence lipon and culti I 2-51 a ni. j brought to bear. Money is largely for forcibly taking a waget from ¡1 according "Last winter 1 had la grippe which I are ^»ot f» eling just right, if your prove valion uf, sani land, viz* Denis «». l'alili, Samuel Section 2. If any person shall w ithout malice h e a d a i l l e s ; \our ha»*k a e ï l e s ; your Loi-kwood, Trunk .1. .b u y e r a m i Allred l.atoii Archie Piper has received the a m atter of confidence and eonfi- man made upon a footrace, aud after kindle any lire in any field, pasture, enclosure, left me in a lew state of health. I stomt'.c’n ili.sti'esses you; if yon are oi l.oiam* Oregon, ’ K. M. V eati il. forest, prairie or tim ber land not liis own, w ith- tried numerous remedies, none of “out of sorts” ainl don’t know wiiat JUU20-3 ‘ ■“ “ Register. gold medal won in the bicycle race on denee must be established and nniin- nearly serving out bis term, lie out the consent of its ow ner, and the sam e shali wliich did me anv good, until I was Y A Q b iN A BA Y ROUTE. tin* trouble is, why d< n’t you try a i'.im t-u away from tlie guards, spread and do damage to any l.,Hidings, fem es. ¡ n ii u ,.,.tl t o t r y a ‘ b o t t l e o f Chamber- bottle on this guarahteed plan? “ We tlio F o u rth of July. It has a bar tained to have Business go along siuinted Connecting ut Yaquina Bay withtho s ... , , . . j crops, cordwood, bark, or o th er personal prof»- J San Francisco and Yuquitta Bay with star and crescent pendant, smoothly. There is m uch that is \\ line out he engaged m some sen erty not his own, or to any wood or tim ber land Iain’s Cough Remedy’. The first bot­ will take th • chances if you will take —VIA— the medicine.” Sold by J. A. Benson. Steamship company. On the bar are the words i ^ i ATF.it mile , radically wrong and much of it ean- sati'inal races about here, b u t was not his own, be shall on conviction be punished ! tle of it so far relieved me that I was A eup of Fin ks’ Tea at. nigtit moves by fine of not less than 8m nor more than Si00 enabled to attend to my work, and T h e S h a s t a R o u t e S te a m sh ip “ F a rs ilo n .” Miss L aura Jones has varied the j not be charged up to either dislion- filially discovered by the Montana aud costs according to the aggravation of the the bowles In the morning without •Sails from Yaqiiiiia ev ery 8 days for offense, and shall stand com m itted until the fine officials and takeu back to Deer pain or discomfort. Sold by J. A. Ben­ —«JF T H E — monotony of the streets, by appear-1 est or unwise officials. D ur chief For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bettle son. i and costs are paid. I San Fian«'i >en, Goos Bay, Boi tG i foi d, Lodge. ing in an up-to-date cycling costume trouble is our foreign debt, not only .section 3. Any person who shall enter on the by J. A. Benson, Cottage Grove, Joe 'iL n id a d a n d Bum b n f to y . Pass the good word along the line J a s s e n t r fMX‘O!rinio«latK»iiK u i n n - ------- lands of another person for t he purpose of liunt- Lyons, Drain. of bloomers. The general rem arks ' our national debit but private and Piles can be quickly cure»] without an Repress 1 ruins L< nve Portland Daily, pa -<*d. Short» st rout.'* In twi*en Die T<) P O R T L A N D A M ) B A C K on W H E E L S ing and fishing and shall w ithout consent of the were, “Tliev are all rig h t.” ¡corporation debits, whose interest is v T . l i .... i l : i i . vt anv fire thereon, lie “I Don’t think it's wrong to fish ^ r a t i o n by siti» ^ap p ly in g DeWitt’s | s»iu«h. , , Norm. ^ . / ‘Vlhany andp«'i«u wt Lto A. I odd and In, daughter Nora re- owner [ ) l n "1 b said v a lands, (ilie of kindle n,lt ,es/ than ,,0 ni>r ¿ ore Rival read makers are circu latin g 1 l,a’'l in gold. The amount of money \ \ i t c h licXZCl S a l v e . S:50p. m. J Lv. Portland Ar. I 8:10 a. m , S a il PrUDCibCOZ tm le d Sunday evening, lin y nut le than spsi, and if such fire be kindled malicious- on a .Si'.ndav if von set about, it re- 2:51 a. m. Lv. Cottage (Jrove Lv. 2:11 a. in the report that the road from this R°’nS ouf °f country for that ,1 ... C a b in .................................................$6.00 ... I p ottl.ind ...i ,, i ... i ly and with the in te n t to injure any other per I , the tu p to m three days. ... ................. ................. .... 1 of , ngiouslv. I always prays for a nib­ Small ill size h u t g re a t ill results I'J **■>»■ 111. I Ar. San l*'raiwe»*'> l.v. | 7:< hi |I._III Steerage.................................... 4.1x1 son. snub offender shall be punished by a fine place to the Annie mine is not prac- al°ue ls a diaiu that it cannot stand, Atuvo tram s slop a t East I’orlland, (Iregmi L>t C o r v il.i-s iiijil M o u m o t b , not less than 520 nor nmre th an ;$25R, or by im­ ble and gives thanks when I lands DeW itt's Little Early Risers act gen <’hy, Woodi'urii, Salei i, 't urner, Marion, .leller- T<> Coos Bay ami Port Orford, tieal ou account of the steep grades, f ' iaf alone is the chief trouble, tl v hut thoroughly, cm ing indigestion, smi, Aibauy. Albany Junction 'i an^»*nl. slu-dils, C abin.............. . ............ $6.o»i prisonment in tlie county jail not iess than three where they visit.-d with friends. a fish.”—Truth. H arrisburg, Junction '¡ t v , Ir.in g , I»' If um bodll Bav, months or more Ilian twelve mouths. dyspepsia and constipation. Smail Halsey, but the fact th a t pieces of machinery ^ ne °* t '“ ‘ pioduetive capacity Eugene, E resw ill. Drains and a 'l stations from z*..Y;,,' They left Portland at 7:30 S atur­ Section 4. Any person or persons who shall ......... $8.0*1 pill, safe pill, best : pill. J. F P. Curtin, tinselm rg to Asblauil inclusive. weighing 5000 and t»(X)O pounds are ; hiboi-and land goes to Europe Bound trip, good 60 »lay-—sja.i-ial. willfully set fire to any wooded country or forest Many merchants are well aware K o s« l i u : g J i u i l D a i l y . day morning and reached Indepen­ druggist, Jo»; Lyons, Drain. -:.fi a. ni. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 4:40 p. in being hauled over it, and lia t aud England as interest on various dence that evening, th-:i from I n ­ belongiug to the sta te nr the t inted sta te s, or that their customers ate their best 1 R iver D ivisio n . to any r -rs"» .»r persons, shall be deemed guilty f,*ien » a n d take pleasure in supply- Persons who have a coughing spell 2:.’<3 p. in. l.v. Cottage Drove J.v. ' 10:23 a. m. forms of debits.” . * p m. I *.r. Roseburg l.v. i - *" a. m. people are making the trip out in a misd«?ineanor, and upon conviction before a . , . • . . . . * ;„ » ♦ zv,, . . . , p ♦: i,i- Steamers “ Albany” and “ Win M dependence home the following dav. of court of C",i.,,etei.tjurisdh*iion siiali be punish mg them with the best goods obtain- evety night on deco int of a tickling H o a g , ” n e w l y fund h-d, h av.* Albany eight hours proves to tlie contrary. ' ou bn or tlie attem pt to i'ay North. - ■ le d passi mgeb . South. The distance from Portland to Got ed by a fine not exceeding s i. non or imprison- able. As art inst inc ■ we mention Per- sensation in tho throat, may over­ 4:00 p. in. ' Lv. Portland. Ar. I Pi ts a. in. daily except Sal 111 -date t > is>ue a proclamation on F ir s t M o rtg a g e s O n Irn p ro m ! county read along Row river, also ing silver. This they succeeded in dffi •ii’ity. J. P. Currin, Druggist MAIL TRAIN DAILY E.XGKl'T SUNDAY.) the first day <»f .Inly of each year, calling public Sealed liids will be received up till For a pi.in in t!. fii *-.1 a piece of Joe Lyons, Drain. F a r tn C ro p c rty N egotiate«!. attention to tin- provisions of this act a n d warn- 7:3« A. M. 1 Lv. Port-ami Ar. | L -9 P. M . that the residents will con- doing aud whether silver is worth iu g a llp -rso n s against violating tlie sam e, it is f l a n n o l 12:15 1'. M 1 A.-. Corvallis Lv. | 1:35 P. M. »ened v HL Citaiiiberlaiu’s uoou of July the 25, 1896, for the also the duty ot oa«-h circuit judge of tins state tribute $500 worth of work, if the fifty cents an ounce or a dollar V"* at ' prepared to 1.» got ¡at»: first W’" are anxious t 1 »Io a little g» od At Albany anil i.orvalii; eoun» i:l with trains of In rean tlie pr.'vi>i..us " f th b net t" »‘Heli grand Pain Balm as. i o . m I 0.1 over tlie county will contribute $500, also, an ounce the course of the decline cutting of 1000 cords of wood, at jury wheu charging them as to their duties. . mortgag« s upon improved fauns in O. E. & E. lty. in this world an I can think Cf no m i another on the tber. tore. I. Win. P. 1. ,rd. governor of -'**»» 1 He offers to furnish all necessary is due wholly to their actions, and our mill, in lots of 100 cords or more, tile N"\v. with east.*: n parti» - at a rat'* state i,| Oregon, do hereliy direct the atP-li- back I .• u . .. .. iff*»rd plea-anti't' or butt *r way to do it thin; Exi'KKss T rain D aily rL.xi.i i-r Sl NI'AY’.t O of regon, interest, not to e x * y p».*r cent, tiH'ls and facilities for carrying on they should be made to bear the lh e contract will be let to tlie low­ tion oi the public to the crim es and misdeinean- . . ....I..;:,, in n ; * ».-s;e* *ia:.y vii- by recommending Oim Minute (.'ou .u 1:45 1*. M. , Lv irs d e d a r *'l in tills act, with the penalties pr Portland Ar. ¡ “:25 A. M. per annum. the work The improveiuents to be burden. 7:25 T. M. I Ar T l . , /• scribed, aud warn all persons to ab sta.u from u a b h - i n e i-- McMinnville Lv. J ;*30 A. M. ret:.* pain is eaus- C ,re as a pr'-ven’ative of pm-utnonia, responsible bidder. I U « « * mt- violatinga Mortgages renew", 1 that have L et; - - made are mostly straightening out But don’t those ideas savor some- est '.t r * is a tendency consumption and other serious lung Tiirnugli tick e’s to all p"ints in the Ea-Tern taken by otlier < <».,q me. . imiiv r e s e r v e , »l.o c i.ri ♦ ’¡'e ,.ip:t*ii. i: ..in . iiii 3 1st d iy of ed by a c o l l a m i pany teserves the rig h t to reject any .1 , . n, iu,. m our imrd. 1«. *. , ' , of the road, taking out stum ps aud what of anarchy? »lilies. 1 .1:a»*la and Europe » an I. * "blam ed ar i* »ir saie by J. A t rates teoto M. C. B 1 ■ ■ , . Address with -tamp, eQ3 J , >ve Jo9 LvoD9> t r o b l 'i s 1 1 ut foil .-.v neglected colds. rocks and grading up with gravel. Not a? all. that is good law th: t ■nd all bid. Bids reeived 1 tb . E. I'. RODE! s, J P. Curt in, Druggist. Joe Lv-ins, Grove. M'.evix S'-voms, A»». I. E X I*.»-- Agt. between here and the W arehouse s e iv c s th c in tc re s to fh n n ja r.it' camp N . lay Mining Co - . - . '' ' D Drain. J: E O E ll! El.' M l!,:,, r ' P... ( ' t v 11|. TH I TW O D ollars LEA D ER toil BOTH ONE Y ear n M ER C H A N TS & B A N K E R S, LADIES’ DUCK Young Cotswold Bucks JUttm fiin Oregon -Cental & Eastern R, fi, Cc. EAST AND SO U TH Southern Pacific Co. MONEY Poril.iiid <>r. LOANED.