Around the Hearthstone. G R O W IN G O L D . The fairest lilies droop at eventide. T a e sw eetest ruaes fall from off the ste m ; T h e rareat thing» m ear*h cannot abid*. A nd we a re, too, aw ay lik e th em ; W e're gro w in g old. W e had oor d re a m t, those rosy dream * of youth; T hey faded, and 'tw a a well. T h ia a f t e r ­ prime H ath bro it ns fuller hopes, and yet, foraooth. leg day when Boh rived the clapboard, and spread them on and w eighted them down against the force of a storm and hewed the tim liers for the floors and "chinked'' the cracks in the wall« a tij sw ung a door for her! How wood» rful it was when Bob's wife brought iji her things and chose th e c o rn e r fo r h er cookatove and spread her treasures as fa s ’ as the floor was made! How w..t derful It was when the house waa c»»na- pieti-d and they «ar one Sabbath m orn­ ing and knew th a t God had given them all they wanted in the world! This was thirty years ago. Rob ha- come to be called Old Bob. ami the bouse the pioneers bull’ for them that far-aw ay day had come to l expected to use the log cabin as a toolhouse. They iiad left notiiing tiehlnd And yet they missed som ething as they went into the new er jdaee. They tried to conjure up th a t spirit of perfect proprietorship, that sense of dominion witii widen they «titered the cabin in the dusk of the first evening. They tr ed to realize this inter and more ditflcult conquest of difficulty. But they could not. And they “a t in the chairs and slept on the beds ann the great lakes. exclaimed the old gentleman. wn> dis­ The Inspectors were very courteous, played great anxiety to take himself and had tn’eii making only superficial off. M r. H . W a t k in s , o f T h is C it y , W h o W a s exam inations of the trunks and bags “So much the b etter,” replied the em­ I n j u r e d in t h e W r e c k T e l l s o f H is of the passengers. all but one of whom ploye, "but I w ant to have a little talk T e r r ib le S u f f e r in g s an«l appreciated this leniency enough to re n ­ with you all the sam e.” F in a l C u r e . der the Inspectors all possible aid In Some gentle force was required to in Of course th e old house had been thi-lr work The exception w as a youn^ duce the corpulent one ‘o enter the F rom th e E x am in e r, Fan F ra n cisco , <'al. small. W hen he caine out here from Englishm an, dressed in the height of office, but once there he was ntad? to Mr. H. W atkins lives a t 2008 Geary “ York S tate’’ Bob wondered how h e ' fashion, who seemed to regard the in­ undress, when he was found to be street, ¡San Francisco. He is a railw ay ever could make a house of the size he spectors as personal enemies. alm ost a skeleton. He had between his postal clerk, and has been in th a t w anted. And yet he thought and won­ W hen ids turn came, the Inspector w aistcoat and his shirt a skin recep business for years. W hen seen a t his dered about It very little, for he was said: "H ave you a trunk, sir?" tacle which was capable of containing home he gladly told his experience brave enough. H e had talked It over “T h a t’s my tru n k ,” he answ ered, from six to seven liters of liquid. On w ith Dr. W illiam s’ Pink P ills for Pale w ith his wife, who laughed and sang shortly. this particular occasion it had been People. He narrates the facts leading filled with oil, and. while it had saved up to his trying them , the benefits he the bearer from severe Injury, It had . has enjoyed by th eir use and the re ­ betrayed him, and he was removed to sults of recommending them to others. He said: “ I have suffered from the depot a t the prefecture of police A t tim es I amid the laughter of the people who rheum atism for years. have been so bad th a t I could not raise had w itnessed the accident A quantity of receptacles of the kind my arm s over my head. No one had described have been found at his dwell­ worse rheum atism than I had. I got ing, and another Individual has already it first in the Truckee smash-np. I been arrested on suspicion of being an was laid on the snow in the wreck and accomplice. It need scarcely be added then taken to the railroad hospital. th a t the oil was thus introduced into Ever since then I have suffered a t times P aris with the object of evading the terribly, th a t is to say, up till a year octroi dues. As a m atter of fact, ail ago. Once a t Redlands, in San Bern­ sorts of devices are employed by per­ ardino county, 1 thought 1 should die, sons who make a specialty of this fraud, and a t Prom ontory I was so crippled but it is not often th at a culprit is de­ th at I had to be carried to the m ail tected In these tragi coinic circum­ car. No one who has not had it can understand the agony. I was not able stances.—London Telegraph. to get out of bed a t times. I had to N a v ig a tio n o n th e M is sis sip p i. craw l on hands and knees from the Phis country, to people who have not bedroom to the kitchen. looked Into the m atter, does not figure “ Occasionally when 1 tried to rise as a large ow ner of floating property in the m orning the pains would seize outside of w ar vessels and those a t­ me and 1 had to be caught to prevent tached to the revenue and lighthouse my falling. I tried every kind of m edi­ service, but a recent careful estim ate cine. The only th in g th a t helped me shows th a t ou one par; of the Missis­ at all up to a year ago w as some fear­ sippi River the nation ow ns over 1,000 c ra ft of different kinds. T hat is the ful stuff an old Mormon gave me when TH E OLD HOUSE AND THE NEW. It was stretch between New Orleans aud I was taken down in U tah. horrible stuff to take aud only eased Cairo, and the value o f the vessels and I h u n g o u r c u r t n in n a t i h c w lu d u w s ," t h e w h o le d a y lo n g , a n d n a td a h « w o u ld '‘Will you kindly open It?” me for a short time. their outfit for riprap, revetm ent and be satisfied with any kind of a house said Bob's wife. . “Open it yourself!” As he spoke ho “ About a year ago 1 w ent into the he would make. And while he was ! "Yes.” said Bob, “curtains th a t you threw his keys down on the top of the levee work does not fall much below ‘No Percentage P harm acy,' on M arket $b.000,000. When the work is rushing felling the trees and hew ing the emls had woven on your m other’s loom; and trunk, aud looked at the Inspector with there are a t tim e - 10,000 men employed street. W hile 1 was there an old man of them and cutting the notches she you had rugs for the floor aud com forts a most insulting expression on the vessels and In connection with named Uowen, of V allejo Junction, for the bed aud ull sorts of things for flxed a tidy little place not fa r from The Inspector said never a word, but the tasks assigned them. came in. He told me he was going to the wagon, which had brought them the kitchen—though I don't see how in ominous silence picked up the keys, get Pink P ills for his rheum atism . I over the m ountains, and there she sat you contrived them .” R e tu r n e d . opened the trunk, aud began the exam ­ told him if they could do him good and sew ed—crying som etim es furtively, They had gone to the door of the old ination of its contents. Beginning with “Did yon send Miss H aw kins a val­ they m ight help me too. He had been for the very silence of It, and then sing­ house and were looking In. At the tne tray, he w ent straight through the entine. Bushy?” up to Byron Springs and was nearly ing In the cheeriest of tones and place where the fireplace used to burn trunk, taking out and opening every­ “Yes; but she Rent it back. Ever doubled up w ith rheum atism . The glancing out In the tim ber w here Bob they let th eir fancy run, and there was thing he found. He unrolled and sep­ since slie took an editorial position on doctors told him ju st as they bad told was chopping sturdily. no modern stove w ith Its uupoetlc ara te d every pair of socks, unfolded the Social G azette she's been doing me, th a t medicine would do him no They lived In th e wagon a month, hearth. every piece of underw ear, and shook things like that. Force of habit.”—H ar­ good. W ell, I d id n ’t give up. I am “D an's cradle stood right over there,” out and explored the pockets of all the per's Bazar. cooking th eir m eals a t a Are on the a young mau and you would not expect ground, and eating, they tw o alone In said Bob's wife, and she alm ost started neatly folded coats and trousers. W hen P r o d iK -t o f a W a ln u t T r e e . me to give myself up as a hopeless all the wide forest, such gems of food forw ard to rock It—for the m other In­ he had completely emptied the trunk, In the Baidar Valley, near Balaklava, rheum atic a t my age. 1 was ready to as her dimpled hands had prepared. stinct welled up again with the thrill he “cheeked” It and moved on to the In the Crimea, there stands a w alnut try anything. I bought tw o or three And Anally the logs w ere rolled togeth­ of her youth. next, leaving the dude’s entire w ard­ tree which must lie a t least 1.000 years boxes of the pills and began t j take "And little Lett.v's coffin stood right robe in a heap on the floor. er, ready for th e raising, and she sat old. It yields annually from 80,000 to them. The way in w hicn they took there by the fire w ith Bob one night, here,” said Boh, a s he drew again the The dude stood looking druiotfullv at 100,000 nuts, and is the property of hold of me was sim ply w onderful. I very happy, and said little w hile he told somber picture of that earlier »lay. bin fo ru moment, and then exclaim ed: five T a rta r families, who share Its did not take many of the pills either, “And here stood Ellen when she ntar- ' Here, you. who's going to put these products equally. h er w hat the fu tu re would bring them. and of course, I am careful not tp ex­ Next day w as the raising. They owned rieil her m an,” said Bob's wife, re tre a t­ things back?” pose myself. I have never been lame W a n te d T h e m to M a k e J e lly . a whole q u a rte r section of land -fo u r ing a handbreadth may l>e, for even in “P u t 'em back yourself!” answ ered An A rkansas farm er recently wrote since and have never lost a n ig h t’s tim es as much as the richest man liack the gathering gloom she felt the »lis­ the inspector, without looking around. there a t Geneseo Corners, iu York placing effect of th a t daughter's a g ­ This the foolish fellow had to do, while to an E astern florist for sfitne electric sleep from rhenm atisr". I recommend­ plant seed—“them kind what has such ed the pills to my friends and I have State, had ever possessed. And they grandizem ent. the crowd laughed. pow erful currents. My old woman yet to hear from the first one who has had invited th eir neighbors to come in i “And there by the stum p of the wild w ants to use 'em for m akin' gely.”— not been benefited. As for myself, I and help a t the raising to morrow, and cherry tree George told me he w ouldn't C o u r t s h i p A m o n g B ir d s . would gladly make affidavit to the W ashington Times. th is last night in th e woods they sat do It,” said Boh. And through the pain Courtships exist among the birds as good they have done me, in fact I am of the reflection stru ck the sense of th ere and dream ed the beautiful well as among human beings, and in When a girl writes a letter to an­ only too happv to do so, for I cannot dream s of youth, and love, and perfect satisfaction, for George came back one both cases form one of the most serious other girl, she thinks she Is bound by say too much for the benefit I have re­ healthfulnesa. T here w as a little fire ii time, and pkti’ed him self w ithout re­ and necessary businesses of life; but courtesy to extend an invitation to ceived. and the blaxe of it gnaw ed aw ay on the serve under the dominion of his father. there is at least one very rem arkable make her a v isit “ G oing through Vallejo Junction So they stood there a s the sta rs came billets of birch, and the smoke went difference, for while among human be­ on my train one day I saw the old straig h t up to the blue sky there above out, these two old people, shutting their ings women sport the gayer aud more gentlem an, Mr. Uowen, and I called the treeiops—Just a little way above eyes to the details of to-day, and trying gorgeous costum e in order to a ttra c t ont to him ‘how are the Pink Pills. ’ the treetops. It seemed to them, as they to see no more than the gracious sweep the other sex, among birds th a t rule is ; A N A P I ’ K A L F O R A H SIH T A N C K . He replied they are fine. ’ of a golden morning. They went over talked about it. reversed, and it is the males who are T he m an w h o In c h a r ita b le to h im self will “ I was down ii Los Angeles and the times when the orchard was p lan t­ to th e m u le ap p eal for assistai»' e m ade They planned w here their cornfield arrayed in the brighter and gayer plum­ listen h is sto m a c h , o r h ia liv er, in th e shape of called upon a postal clerk, a friend of should be. aud where they would raise ed, the trees being carried across the age. aud who take every opportunity of by d iv e rs d y sp e p tic q u a lm s a n d u n easy sens« mine. He told me th a t his wife was a oats and potatoes; and Bob w anted a woods, an»l held by her while Boh pack­ showing off to the best advantage be­ tio n s in th e re g io n s of th e g la n d s t h a t ’secretes great sufferer from rheum atism . 1 told h is bite. H o ste tte r's S tom ach B itte rs, my near big field for w heat, whicb couldn't be ed earth about their tender roots, and fore the birds they wish to m ate with. sir, o r m a d a m —as the rase m ay b e—is w b a t you her to try the P ink P ills, and now u ire. H asten to use. if you are tro u b le d raised profitably back In York State. blessed them with honest hopes of his In the case of the bluebird, the male req w ith h e a rlh ttrp . w in d in th e sb m a r h .o r fiote there is no one in L ob Angeles who labor. E arly In the morning, even while the a t y o u r s k iu 'o r th e w h ites of y o u r e»es are thinks more of the pills than Mrs. They remembered the time when they lover will perch a few inches aw ay th ta k in g a sallo w h u e. Chorus of song birds throbbed In the Carr, th a t is her name. I don’t think dug the well, and how long it took them from his enslaver, and attem pt to be­ heavy gloom of the shadowy woods, the Some St. Louis physicians insist that she had rheum atism quite so badly as to learn that the w ater was better than witch her with the sw eetness of his neighbors began to come. Bob heard that from tlte spring. They erased the song. His low, soft warble is a de­ the anti-toxine treatm ent w ill cure the I, but she was ju st as anxious to get rid them a fa r off. for the a ir w as still. big barns from the present picture and licious hit of love-pleading, which consumption as w ell as the diphtheria. of it, and she is ju st as grateful to be They called out “ Hello!” as they came well again. rem em bered the shelter of poles aud ought to soften the most obdurate Into his little clearing, one a t a time, The Scientific Am erican states that " I alw ays keep a box of- the pills straw and earth th at made their stock heart, hut the fem ale is coy, aud flouts each bearing a.i ax, and all nodding in nil com fortable in those distant winters. him. only one person out of every fifteen has handy ju st in case 1 should need them, an em barrassed way a t the little worn Coming nearer, and slightly elevating eyes of equal strength; also th a t only though my w ife w ill tell you how They spoke of this aud th a t addition to sn who w anted a home. and quivering his wings, he bows in one out of ten has the left eye stronger rarely I use them n o w .” the first log house, hut they kept its E arly, w as It? But not too early for j outlines In their mind. From this win front of her, all the while pleading iu th an the right. Dr. W illiam s’ Pink P ills contain, in her. They had not caught Bob's wife dow they used to hear the wolves. an Impassioned manner, and, then rais­ a condensed form, all the elements napping, and they thought well of her From th at they saw Andrew ride home ing himself, puffs out his breast aud --------------------------------- --- necessary to give new life and richness cs they noted the order w ith which her from the war, one arm In a sling stalks in front of her. to the blood and restore shattered His song then takes a more virile household gods were treasured, even Through this door came the first preach­ nerves. They are an unfailing specific before there was a roof for her head. er who blessed the neighborhood. And strain, and lie boasts of his prowess In for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, Have you a feeling She made them a cup of coffee and they through that trooped for a score of the fields. Anon he turns his back anil of w eight in the 1 partial paralysis, St. V itu s’ dance, S to m a c h --B lo a tin g I drank It. for It w as good, and site blessed years the sun-browned feet of calls her attention to his beautiful blue after eatin g --B eIc h - sciatica, neuralgia, rheum atism , nerv­ »•oat. brought It to them herself, and her face I growing childhood. In g o f U ind —Vo m it­ ous headache, the after effect of la ing of Food— U ater- Again he turns and points to the w as very fair. They followed the course of the years, hrabh— H e a rtb u rn - / grippe, palpitaiton of the heart, pale Bad Ta>te io the They laid the big foundation logs in which that frost had melted aw ay, beauty of his scarlet vest, and this last and sallow complexions, a ll forms of Mnurh in the Morn- w ith four huge atones at the corners. . and saw the widening sweep of their argum ent »how deadly is a red coat In inu i ’a lp ita ti in <»f < weakness either in male or female. all courtships!) proves effective, and the H eart.due to h i*- < They raised the sm aller logs on that, tillable land and the grow ing barns and Pink P ills are sold by all dealers, or tension of Stomach and Bob's wife stood awed, for her the flocks and herds, aud the manifold the fair one yields. w ill be sent postpaid on receipt of - Cankered M eath < The courting of the peacock is not — fias in the Bowel'» ) home was growing, her heart was full ; w ealth of the prosperous farm er. Then price, 50 cents a box or six boxes for — Loss of Flesh— and she alm ost wept with the stress of they turned to the new house. H ow ­ so pleasing iu voice, but he proceeds F itL Ie Appetite . $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk or Depressed, Irrita b le a thankfulness she never had known ever loving and neighborly the hands much in the same way in the plumage by the 100), by addressing Dr. W il­ Condition of the . arg u m e n t before, and her eyes met those of her that had helped at "the raising." they liam s' Medicine Company, Shenectady, M ind — Dizziness— He spreads out his beautiful tall to its Headache --Constip­ husband when the first log over the knew It was a service different from N. Y. ation or D ia rrb a a ? f door was laid. And she sang—though ■ th at of the rough-looking men who greatest extent, and. holding bis head Theo you have very low—all day from very happiness. came in the gloom of early morning far back, strolls round in a circle so as It is now claim ed th a t foods stored T here was only a dozen men. but they I with ax»»s on their shoulders and called best to display its beauties from all in an atmosphere of carbolic acid gas worked with a will, and the tim b e rs' a bashful "Hello!” All the neighbor- points of view. In one of it«« m anv form»». The one positive cure I are preserved indefinitely, the fresh­ for th iv diatr.'NAiDg com plaint is w ere ready, and the roof of poles was had come. It Is true, and num bers of ness and flavor being retained better T h e T o m a to S a u s a g e . laid and ready for clapboards long be­ women had come over at noon to help than by the use of dangerous antisep- Beker’s Dyspepsia Cablets, The newest m arket novelty is the fore the day was done. They had eat- ' “Bob's folks” with the d in n e r—though tices or of ice. l»y m ail, prepaid, on receipt of 25 cent» en an excellent dinner, cooked In ket­ there was little need of that now when tom ato sausage. It is made in a do­ < h » 1 H te l Im perial. New York. I I » ■••!•'! h rribly i r m dyspepsia, but J tles they m eant to tell “th eir women” vigorous Betty had charge of the work, mestic way at Portland; it is a deli­ I «ays: At:ker’> Tablets, taken a lte rm e a l« ,h a v e c o re d fli ' O xalate of lim e is found in the barz cate pinkish w hite and tastes of sage about, and eaten from plates which ' and her m other need really do nothing— , \C K E R M E D IC IN E CO., 10 A ik Cham ber* St., N. Y. of trees. The strange discovery has and ripe tomatoes. It has made quite a Bob's wife said her grandm other had though she w as busy constantly. recently been made by Dr. Kraus, in T he tim bers had been hauled home hit in th a t city and surrounding towns. owned. Germ any, showing th a t there is a They helped Bob with the stable when from the nnxlern sawmills, and were O v e r e s tim a te d . S U R a a E C U R E for P IL E S steady loss of these crystals during the th e house was done and a t dark they lying ready to hand. The earth was l K :nd. B.eeliag or Protruding Pi cs yield a t one» u» G reen—I think th a t m agician very P R . B O -S A N -K O 'S p il e r e m e d y . M ope itch- w inter season. aa.d "Good n.ght,” and shouldered their digged up for a mighty cellar. F oun­ much overestim ated. ia<, «□*<»’ &* t j Lors. A ponti re cure rcu Sam plea m a ile d f r e e . Addvwa Or. Bosanko Med. Co. P h il» . Pa. I believe P ise 's C ure is th e o n ly m edi­ cine th a t will cure co n su m p tio n , t u n a M. R oss. W illiam sp o rt, F a., Nov. 12, ’93. F I T S . —A ll fi s sto t ped free by D r . K l i n e ’s ( tr e a t N e r v e R e s t o r e r No tits aft, r tl e first d a y 's u te . Marv. Io n s cu res. T re a ti-e a n d 00 tria l b o 'tle free to Fit ea-es. se n d to Dr. K lin e, 931 A rch Kt., P h ilad » d p h ia, Pa. T ry G erm fa for breakfast. Dr. Erich Langheld announced at the international physicians' congress at W iesbaden th a t he has discovered a new remedy for tuberculosis, which he has named anlim icrobia. AmsricanType Founders Co. E lectrotypers S tereo typ ers... C o r. S e c o n d a n d Nta r li H t«.. P o r t l a n d , O r, N. P. N. U. No. 658.—S. F. N. U. No. 735 T h e P u b lic H ig h w a y s . The question of good roads is press­ ing Itself more and more on the a tte n ­ tion of the public. During the j»ast few weeks there have been no less titan three conventions held to consider this m atter—a State «^invention a t Rich­ mond, Va., a State convention a t Co­ lumbia. S. C.. and the National Road Congress whicb assem bled in A tlanta. The subject of good roads appeals to the whole public. At the north and w herever there is a large population the question Is a very simple one—merely a m a tte r of organization aud en th u si­ asm. B ut w here the population is sparse the question is surrounded by immense and alm ost Insurm ountable difficulties unless public opinion can be prevailed i n to perceive—and th at clearly—th a t the interests of the S tate a re involve»l. It is an easy m a tte r for some counties to m ake perm anent improvements, but in counties where the population Is sparse and w here there is no consider­ able aggregation of capital, the question of good roams takes the shape of a very serious and difficult problem. So th at wlille some com m unities have the m eans to carry ou perm anent road im­ provem ents from y ear to year, other communities, ltvss fortu n ate in th a t re­ spect, will be compelled to let m atters run on pretty much as they have been running, unless, indeed, public sen ti­ ment so crystallizes as to compel leg­ islation on the subject. J u s t when and how this is to be brought about it would be difficult to say. The public highw ays have been neglected for so m any years—or worse than neglected under our deplorably bad system —th a t bad roads have come to be regarded as a necessary evil. The cost th a t they entail on the public and the losses th a t are sustained by both producers and buyers, are beyond com­ putation. As thin cost and these kisses fall on the public a t large, lrrespe