s'* k A BR IEF SERMON. LUMBER. be T h e L e a d e r. LEWIS & BURKHOLDER. A South Dakota farm er with 160 Ps»» .8c Trade Journal. . 'Item- acres of land and $1700 in debt \ reduction of 10 cents in freight Li in 1890, had, iu five years, freed rates to the east will enable the mill P U B L IS H E D BY LK Y SATURDAY. himself from debt and possessed men of the Pacific Northwest to dis- these assets: Six hundred and nose of every foot of lumber in their Î ' s L m Î L â L m *■ *•«-* forty acres of land, 17 head work 1-96. vards. It will also stiffen coastwise SATURDAY, JU N E 2 horses. 42 h e a l short horn cattle ami foreign prices, as a new outlet and 17 brood sows of high grade William McKinley and G arret A. for our common lum ber will be stock. D uring 1895 he realized H obart are the nominees of the created. $1043 from sales of cattle, b utter The m anufacture of oars ought to Republican party for 1896. K: and wheat. 1500 bushels corn. 000 v he a profitable industry in the 1 a- i bushels oats and 100 tons of hay. A Newark. N. J-. man wants a dn Nortbwe, t The best oar now The farmer was neat in his work, vorce because his wife is deaf am made in the east is of ash, because , thorough, did things at the right sm art Broadway, New dumb. Some men never know a it combines lightness with strengto i York, d ruggist lias time in the right wav, kept his g ,od thing when they see it. An expert oar maker, W illia m Fitz- machinery neatly housed, and there this sign h an g in g outside E ast Oregonian: O n a thousand gibbons, of Saranac, Mich,, who ha- was a general air of thriftiness and his store; it m ark s th e bills around Pendleton is growing a been visiting Aberdeen, Mash., is enterprise about the place. In new era of drug selling. from the KramOwr, S'"» Franritco, Cat. fine crop which means more to this authority for th< statem ent th at oui : . r.’ O r tim o ■ > fact, he was a farmer iu the full- Is it any w onder th a t lie There is at least m e happy man in San hetween thè i ' ned •*. ile», and Chili, as a country than thedoingsof politicians. spruce is superi' r to white ash airi est sense of the term, and yet there has to enlarge llis quar- sea to-day—one w an who tan enjoy, of thè killing of ilo - sa a r-o l V i r i . oar ! rriiu'i» the fact of his bein'; sixty years of r. s. -.-uit S. Baltimore, in thè str» » •’> . t a (.'hib a were a great many <1 ¡lie farmers in tSFS, th a t his clerks are YVesteru Mining World: Ihe wood when the fact is known, As 1 ag'- am; j of corpulent build, the full and free eilv, many Anierieio.- wer»* ohliet-d lo leave thè country for wtlely. Am.-ng fh’-m w is South Dakota who, because they are busy, and th a t his store is selection of G reat Falls as the the m arket is unlimited, the oar in- W. M. I.-e,’- , th e p riv a te detective and col- OREGON. in­ i use of 1 nil the powers of mind ar.d body, LEM ATI. unable to make both ends meet, are One of th e lllO S t p o p u l a r Jam s Keenan is a prom inent liquor jeetor, ....... office i in theC rocker Build­ p»,rt of entry for this district was dustry ought to ha cultivated. ing, san F*anej*< ", i al. ,» . at 256 Brannan Street, and it is he net i anxious to sacrifice along the leading th o r­ i: Mr. l.tiL'g i» :i C hili h e wer.t ■■ n rs willing an a wise move, and a worthy compli­ * A good deal of cottonwood is be- Willi ÌS is now lauding those who have restore 1 thè '.Vin inn.uitt'.h.s it.to Ar.,emine, trasci.ing <»n their hoidin in order that they oughfare ? . b 1 of p '.in to his former youth- i la¡l|,'il3,.j; 11111 fi m ent to one of M ontana’s m etro­ in-' used in the east as a substitute You can afford to trade fil a Mr. !<<• aus bu l, io within a j Mr. j r. Lug s tb • 'be i ip ; a ii ! J u - t may make a fresh start in some » ,ar e-, been b le - ~l with the enjoyraent one o w i in n '. J»"ii " . : m beau;..,:1. - . i ... ' ■ re--t politan cities. I for poplar in the m anufacture of w ith a dru g g ist who gives • ' ' ,, . ,, • .... - veather, y ath'-<> sin . kt-n down mi*h , .i • in " drank <»f it, am! in ;i numh.-r el - a es most encouraging to this city. The sound, and so far as heard from gave 000 in g"ld. ab k d him , through the ; tJ£ at acks havc prov m l,u n i t i n 's - w ho a rc ci»lit'-,,q 1 ilm g b iiih b n g in tl*<* -p r iilg to h a n these u ho are not umu tc it . f o r m e d b y s t v e r a l l i o r t i i - a l t u r i s ’ s t h a t o b s - t v e r and president of the Or- It wh a year »••'> tluit Mr. Keenan fir 1 ........... likely absorb all the surplus Amer- place it between fir lumber, as it 1 fell a victim to the lnjniion« (iir.i fbs in tl», ir o i 'h 'i ' for lu m i» i m w »<> lin y c u n lie no s iy iv ii : : - |e o, p . !;, s Association, was in the f ""1 Pi- bau-l of (iisi a e to take bob! | ,,p Wat. r tain Mr. bog-'- “ h iiceted the eotllin im d i i ha ; : i i o- m> W hen ica lias to send out, and entirely con- has a tendency to warp, upon b'-u. At that tim - lie was stricken my kidneys to on alaro.inc '!< ::n<- ,-i* 1 M : erdm c i n f e r r i l i with Sec- n>t over into Art * ut’i.e » t:n»ught tie ir<»u- of an eppearanee yet, an i it is ;;»-i suine all surplus stocks in that F ir finish is destined to cut quite down by an aggravated attack of rheunia- >iilJ my annihilited by the cold rains this (' be fed to him by those in attendant», sunn ....... for that complaint, but I in w steadily worse and new ailment« wi re amb d Codlin Moth will have very few , held in Portland, about September ö v iiti ui V“ u r unl« i> *1 > < rejievet!icm . .AT v h -i axk-1 for an explanation of his s»-»-m- “ Rat relief eame at last. One »lav one of in England thousands of skilled ranged, embracing all the leading ...,l .11 k ln.l. ol cot-throot gam e. W l|l , u k c „ off 30Ul. ¡G /i v miraculous cure, gave the following . niy friends eRme to my room and br.ndcd me mechanics who used to make guns, newspapermen in the state, includ- were run. »1-fount: ... , a box of W illiams’ P ink Pills. O f course I _______ _ This will lead, it is believed, to an ‘ B s»« id I to ine that aft r all the we<-ks , jautr|1C(j a| |,i,u foythtrinir to think that any ect., are now working double time in g Mrs. Abigail Scott Dmiiway ft, i Jd<-s-tfiering that I had enuuretl tnere medicine could aid me when my Joseph 1*. Voorhees, a son of Sena-' increased consumption of Douglas fir m g — ; g-»n iän. cm!,I nut possibly be a relief- I had »" ¡tliysieiaii had failed. I took the pills, how­ and earning big wages in the new •md Mrs K de OKEGO a f,i! ii. pnei.t in-ili.-ines, ami when 1 saw tor Voorhees, is rapidly acquiring The sash and door industry will be ever, to oblige my friend more than for any bicycle factories. Iu France tncie ¡ire 2 ì-ì 2 b o t a n i c ­ L E ÀIA I 1, in a [ m -r the advertisement of W illiams’ faith 1 had in them, and 1 was treaieu to th s fame as a sculptor. Though he has » specially benefited, as the duty now i’ii.i. Pills 1 was induced to try them only most joyous surprise of my life w lun I rial- À i t EE E 1M GF Forty acres of river bottom land al gardens; in Germany. 3»; in in shi er d p' ration. I did not feel any re- ized that I was being relieved of n r peins. studie.l in some of the best studios is 2 snillings on each door. This f v f nniil I beean taking the second box of First the peculiar pains along my spine -s ç v I* r-1 Biilain and Ireland. 11; in t \ - pills, but thi n the pain begnn gradually ceased, anu then my neuraleic trouble be­ near Springfield to sell or trade. Gr, at. * M i < p-g tUw*. lx. in England and America, he is to a will start up many sugar pine door > t > h ave nte. my appetite lieeame better, and gan to grow less and* finally left me em ir, ,y. M’ill take a light wagon anil team as the Indian F’.iiq i. < .9 : n hl I |f*v- ’**>« ‘ 1* 1 cou'.d sim p soundly throughout the night It tool; a giHid while to improve the con­ considerable extent self taught, factories in California, and if the red a* a 'L. « it*»- '»I without experiencing any of the jerking dition of my kidneys, but after 1 had taken part pay and tlie balance on time. in Russia, IF; wnil t His latest production is an admiral»- , cetlar manufacturers are wise they p iiu s that had before kept me awake. 1 a number of boxes of the pills I kiew that otanic d gardens in Write or call oil A. T old. Cottage j five p ib li c-nitinued to lake tin- pills and it was only a they had done their work successfully, for ly executed bust of Charles H Cramp, will get after a portion of the trade Short time until the rheumatism had entirely then I laid regained control of the urinary t h e w h o le oi t h e 1 m t c l S t a t e s . Grove. Oregon. left mv Inn Is, and I had so far recovered the organs and the action of my kidneys was the well known American ship build- which in the aggregate is large, use of my legs as to he aide to walk about VEx aa E. 1*. THOKP, - - EDITOR. S A N e w L in e o f L a d ie s ’ V ita lity '- j of an A g e d C a lif o r n ia n . ■ ---------------------------------------------------- )],\ Boucle Dress Goods. Stands To-day Unscathed by Disease— Ilow ered Rheumatism— Els Story- will Interest and Benefit all Folks. ) ■ r n im .\ A /A = C L O A K IN G = Agents for the sale of the ÜUÏMÎÏT ï fl HT MT.YñT MfW ■■ B ER . B. ROUSE, I- PROM PTLY FIL L E D L N ew G oods a n d N ew S ty le s L U R C H 'S w V.- er. Sculptor A. Von Wouw has ju st complete»! »lesigus for a monument to President Kruger of the Bore Republic. The monument is to be erected at Pretoria and will be forty feet in height. It will consist of a granite column surm ounteil by a bronze statue of Oom Paul. G roup­ ed around the pedestal will appear the figures of four burghers in un attitude of defense. This is the day of anti-this and nnli-that, but what people need now­ adays is tho anti-bilious medicine, Simmons Eiv< r Regulator, the King of Liver Medicines, and better than Pills. “I have used no other anti- bilious remeily for six y e a r s and 1 n o w fro m experience that, for ladit s o f a constipated habit nothing , equal it.”— L aura V. Craig, Ellen- j burg, Fla. the house' without assistance. In about two weeks more I was entirely free from Ihe dis­ ease, lint 1 took two more boxes of the pills as a precaution against a return of the rheu­ matism. From the time that the last trace of lie disease left me 1 have not felt the least si-n of in r.-t i-n, and 1 can truthfully say that 1 now m i iy as free use of my limbs as ever 1 did before the rheumatism attaeked me. “ I have taken the pains to recommend W illiam s’ pink Pills to a number of my friends who are suffering from rheumatism. I think 1 kn ,w of no other remedy that will all'ord su -h »juiek and permanent relief from rheumatism as do W illiams’ Pink Pills, anu lo n lv horiethat many others may I,»-brought to see and feel the high curative powers that the pills possess.” The following ease was also »»lied to the attention of tin- Examiner, shortly after the pub,¡cation of the above, and is given M«fe vouched fox l»y thut great paper, strong and steady. “ When I thought I was out of all danger I quit taking the lulls. The relict they had afforded was permanent, however, and I have never since felt a recurrence of the complaints. I hardly know how to praise W illiam s’ Pink Pill's as they should be praised. They certainly are a wonderful preparation. I have recommended them to a number of my friends who wa re suffer!).■; from kidney eomplaints, and they have a.l been benefited by their use.” I)r. W illiams’ Pink Pills for Pale r - i e ’e are now given to the public its an unfailing blood builder and nerve restorer, curing nil forms of weakness arising from a watery condition of the Mood or shattered nerves. The pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent p-st paid on r»s-»ipt ot pri-e 5«cents» box, or six boxes for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk of by the 100) by addressing Dr. Will uni» Jdcdieiue Company, be lame* Udy, N, Y. C ottage C-aove Hotel, A V aluable l'ri-scripliiiii. E '¡to Morrbon of Worthington, Or. under the | I [ „ Cottage Grove, Ur. w » i t i s : “ Y, U h-VC a management of Mrs Blachley gives ! V;j ll;,bp. prei-nipth n in E l ctric Bit- excellent meals, and rooms for trail- : ami 1 , 01 c h e if u llv i- c o u n m mi sient or regular hoarders. it fo r C» n s i i p .i t io i i S i c k l l c . e i a c l ;.nil a s a .v< lie ra i *ys cm 1 lil- ¡I b no » qual.” Mrs. Anni<- S t.-lib - 262-5 . all I '»it !a i i (rove A ' ■ .. ( "..ii oh; 111 b 'l l BOOTS and S H O E S . Ladies Dress Goods, H ats and Domestics Ali Sizes of T ru n k s. This ctoe-: has ju st been refilled and is th e : •; e t c Cl in town. ll I 11-.'Ill • .J0ÜÍ dth U.i B 1)1 G. XWúJ.-í S lo J» . Y. r-w J 0 ’ S- R. PIPER . Hops.— H arrisburg.R iview : The NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. great industry of raising hops is Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, ~g .-r~ being neglected this season to n June 12. 1896. OKEGO' INGERSOLL'S POEM OF L l i E. B lue R ivf ”. AI ines .—Mr. W. B. I'reat extent. In this vicinity there Notice is hereby given that the following ( OTTAGE GROVE, o named settler has tiled notice of his Intention lo Born of hope and love, of ecstacy Lawler, the mining expert, was in Dealers iu are but few yards being cultivated. make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will lie made In-fore.bu t. W ake , It is to be noted that in the famous and pain, of ogony and fear, of tears Salem June 20 tb, and among other I . S. ( . t . Conunissiouer at Eugene, Oregon, on Jiiiy :;o. Ib'.nl. viz: William U. Kay on homestead fields of Dr. Davis, where the poles and joy, dowered with the wealth of things said: entry No. .>770 for tile Sw' , of see. 1!K, tp. 20 S. li. 5 west. He names tile following witnesses to The 20-stamp mill at Santiam is were loaded last year with a pro­ wo united hearts, belli in happy arms prove his continuous residence upon anti culti­ vation of. saitl land, viz: Penis 11. l’alm, Samuel duction of from two to three tons with the lips upon life’s drifted front, going night and day, 50 to GO tons O. I.ockwootl. l-'rauk J. Snyder ami Alfred Eaton FOR SALE. of l.orane Oregon. R. M. V eatcii , per acre, they are being used—at blue-veined and fair, where perfect of ore being disposed of every day. jiili20-3 Register. S H E E T IR O N W A R E , 2 8 0 acres of the very best timber least the greater portion—for sheep pe.ace finds perfect form, rocked by The Lawler M ining Company has land with Saw Alill 9 m'iles front Cot­ T respass Notice. W ild v/ood A x es, A m u n itio n , a n d a ll sizes of pasture. Cunningham, G ant and willing feet and wooed to shadowy expended about $140,000 in these tage Grove and six miles from rail­ Notice is hereby given that I, the road; shingle mill already for work. many others, have left their hop shores of sleep by siren mother sing­ mines, b u t the work of development Also good house, burn, etc. Enough undersigned, have posted trespass C A R T R ID G E S . poles in the ricks where placed at ing soft and low, looking with the as contemplated by the company cedar shingle timber on the place to notices on my respective premises and NAILS, CUTLERY Shelf and Building The Indiana Live-Stock Sanitary the close of the last picking season. wonder's wide and startled eyes at has just fairly begun. The plan of pay for the place alone, besides 8.000,- ¡ill (x-rsons trespassing thereon after K , ful, sto,.k h{ 000 feet (eight million feet of the finest tliis date will be prosecuted to the lull Commission, in view of tho fact that M'hile these conditions are very dis­ common things of life and d ay-taught the company was to extend the kind of saw timber. I will sell -this extent of the law. H - A .K Z D W .A .J R /Z E f G TT. Y abbrooth . F- E. T ouchette . the loss iu the state last year from couraging to our growers, it seems by want and wish ar.d contact with tunneling clear through the moun­ cheap. g s^ K e p a irin g neatly done; hog cholera amounted to $3,000,000 to be tho only means by which an the things th at touch the dimpled tain, and the estimate of the expense NOTICE. There will be an auction sale nt decided to establish a strict over burdened m arket can bo re ­ flesh of babies-lured by the light was from $500,000 to $600,000. quarantine. Orders have been is­ lieved. This industry has been the and flame a n l charmed by colors F u rth e r developement may induce the residence of N. M’. M’hite, on sued th at all railroad companies means of disbursing enormous sums wondrous r »bes, learning the use of the expenditure of much more capi -June 15, at 1 o’clock for the purpose of selling 1 mower, 1 sulky plow, ’ ill K liH C hauling swine in the state must of money in Oregon, the lack of hands and feet and by the love of tai in that region. Several clean- 2 walking plows, 1 barley crusher, 1 disinfect cars before and after us­ which will be keenly felt by our mimicacy beguiled to utter s p e e c h - ups have already been made, but wheat fan and a lot of smaller tools. Ol’i’iee in M e in z e r R e sid e n c e T H. B L U N D E L L . P ro p rieto r, ing ; stockyard companies must people. The com pensating idea is releasing poisoned thought from what the output in gold lias been Terms, all under live dollars cash in M a in S tr e e t,C o tta g e hand, all over five dollars on 60 G ro v e, O re g o n . burn all straw and refuse every that when the market for hops shall cradle bed and curious marks on is one thing the comqanv will not days time, with personal security at ,?O'Ali who have country or city seven days, and disinfect at least resume a normal condition, Oregon soiled and tattered leaves—puzzling allow divulged. It evidently is sat­ property for sale would do well to call 5 per cent interest. on him The following is a few spec once a month. Violations of these jias t j10 cq,nate, sod, facilities ami the brain with crooked numbers and isfactory 11 the company, however, M'hite M’yandottcs, Golden Wyandotte«, Barred and M'hite Plymouth A. V. W hitney . ial bargains in farms. Rocks, Black and White Minorca* Rose Comb Black Minorc.is, Red Caps, their changing, tangled worth—and orders incur a fine of $500. habits of industry to receive a great- as Mr. Lawler, through whose in ­ Notice to Contractors and Builders. Buff Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, B. B. Red Gam'- Bantams, Etc. A RARE BARGAIN. 1 er proportion of the benefit than so through years of alternating day strum entality the Quartzville mines 160 acres of land with running A button saved a Chicagoan’s life > The directors of School District, and niglit, until the captive grows were bought, has made represeuta- anv other portion of the globe. water the whole year; fine fir and P e k in D ucks. F a n c y P igeons and Squabs. and | recently. A bullet fired at Mr. familiar with the chains and walls tions to members of tho same com­ No. 45, Lane county, Or., will re­ cedar saw timber, never culled; 20 perp's and Stock in Season. Correspondence Solicited, Noo« rtrock . b u tto n on Ins 'i-«'- Worl,l; The Homes- and limitations of life. And things pany, who, together with the Roth- ceive sealed bids until June 8, 1896, acres cleared with some fruit trees. && for building a four room addition to j - . - . O 4 T i OREGON. * i »X’ SALEM, and, glancing off, lodged in “ 18 ' take Mining Company oi Black Hills run on iu sun and shade until the child house in London are negotia- the present school building accord-' Mill make a splendid fruit place; clothing. Noon fell to the pave- wil| soou enlarge its great milling one of all the world is wooed and j ting for the Blue River mines in ing to plans and specifications. The ' and only 5 miles south of Cottage «or-ßO P riz e s in th e la st Tw o Y ears. 2 Sweepstakes. meat. His companions thought he plant, and will increase it to an 800- won, and all the lore of love is ta u g h t' Lane county. The contract has not contract will be let to the lowest re- ¡Grove. had received a mortal wound, and stamp mill. This will he the largest sponsible bidder, who will he re- FARM FOR and learned again. yet been sealed in this deal, but quired to give bonds. The right re- A 1 80 ACRE F ARM r Olv ho . . . L i e n to .h o s p ita l. The mUl in the «-oun.ry.The PREPARATIONS FOR Again a home is built, with the there is good assurance that it will served to reject any or all bills. F or , , A1 ,, this mine will average $3.50 in gold SALE, physicians placed the supposedly (( p {on Tho conipal,y i3 now pre- fair ch tniber wh-rein faint dreams, be. and within 30 days the work oi further information, plans and spe- j 1 miles from Cottage Grove, all under mortally injured man on the exam- pav,ng t o deepen the shaft to the 2.000, , like cool and shadewy vales, divide developin the Blue River mines on cilications call on Board of Directors. 25 acres in cultivation cow . c i __150 fruit trees four years old, good amining table, got out their prob- foot level. I t is estimated timt there the billowed hours of love. Again an extensive will be begun.—EDgene S. It. I iper , Chan ruan. , well watered, two or three iug instruments, and proceeded to , is twenty years supplj is sight in the good springs, and one half miles from I the miracle of birth —the pain and Guard. G-0 to th e Sherw ood House good school. Price $1260. Write or probe for the bullet- As thev did | ndne. joy, the kiss of welcome and the -D k call on W. B rummet , One of the most eccentric char­ JjaK ery ■ j Cottage Grove, Or. so thev discovered that the b u lle t, i cradle song, drowning the prattle of acters in Indiana, is Allison Dewitt, For goods at the following prices: P o r S ale o r KXCj,a „ g e fo r C ot- had fallen from the clothing atnl q’llt) S. F. Examiner prize drawing paj,e ta}Je G ro v e P r o p e r ty . of Battle Ground, an old bachelor, Ginger snaps 10 cents per doz. lay on the table M hen told of occured hist week, b u t Oregon wss Al;d the sense cf obligation and Lemon snaps 10 cents per doz. j 425 acres of hind, all fenced and who has lived alone iu a little Cookies of all kinds. Cream puffs cross fenced, about 40 acres of plow this, Noon recovered from his fright. not verv much “ iu it” in securing j{ wroug—-pity for those who toil A NEW OK NOVEMBER 3 ABE ALREADY UNDER WAV. nearly half a century. ■>„ cent, per d o z Angel food cate ¡ ¡ g . » - - put on his clothes and went to his . nvjzes. California people won the anft weeDins tears for the imprisoned __ ' , • ‘ 1 ° r and is now an octogenarian, en- 20 cents to 40 cents apiece. All | garden ianq . about 5 ¡teres of or- : two best prizes, the winner of h is j j • j —love for the generous , , home. . v , i feehled bv disease and near death s kinds of cake, first class, made to : <.hard : 1 good dwelling house and out tS TO BE ELECTED, AND THE weight in silver being a Montana j ca, | _ 3Uj jn the heart the ra p tu re ; . J , order. Bread. ’ . -12 oz. loves 5 cts. | buildings; 4 barns: 7 chicken houses. ,_ _ _ 1 door. Over one vear ago. he be- and stoats can be Aud yet, Oregon people were f bi l esolve ' ° Pies 15 c c u ts each. Opened April, ^,¡¡gpht’ori‘tppe piae,.. price per acre The Minnesota experiment station man ° , i gan digging bis own grave, which w ill, as always, l»e foun l in the thickest of the fight, battling in discussing tlit loss of fertility wild and profuse in giving their cash $8.00. Situated 9 miles from Yorieal- And then ambition, with its lust . , , , , - 1st IS? •». » . .t , ¡.rogresstd slowly because oi Ins vigerou-ly for SOUND BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, winch will ] la, IE miles from Elkhead Quick Sil- Ian Is Is - a i U it sub: r,phons to the Exammer i f pel{ and piace anJ power, lo n g in g , after reaching the shown by cu ’.v ite l 1 Ian i at -1-, , ver Mines; 20 rods from school; 2 1/, < bring PROSPERITY TO THE NATION. 1XÔS h â n r 3 .1 1 L , J j e t K e r y m îles from church ;60rod^from post- state, and the an ■ > »<» J-r« ••; at i:. M under how they feel now. iliev | to p Ut upon its breast d istin ctio n s1 THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not o n ly flic lead - . required depth he spent several __AND— office, mail twice a week. Call on or Tl-pu aavs that exclusive stock ¡¡’.¡ :ning or would make dollars to doughnuts i worthless l.u.irro badge. Then keener ing Ropitblii-an paper of tiie country. Gut is PRE-EMINENTLY weeks in walling it up, using brick LODGING ROOMS, - i « «•. Cotutte Grove, dairy farm ing i n it necessary t o 1 to patonize their local papets instead .O u g h ts of men and eyes that see A NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. and mortar. Then he contracted Its campaign news and discussions w ill interest every Ameri­ Under management of M r . E. L. keep a farm in a goo»l state of fer- of cheap John catch pennies. behind the smilling mask of craft— NOTICE J-'OR PUBLICATION. with a Logansport firm for a suit- H am . Hot meals including the latest can citizen. dattered no more by the obsequious able monument bearin'1’ his own i and best; nice, cl»*an and newly turn- Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, tility. They are, however, the two All the nows of tin? day, Foreign Correspondence, Agricultural T he Id eal ran u c e a . . , * , ° , 1 ished rooms for boarders and tran- . 95 1896 cringe of gain and greed knowing types which cause the least loss of Department, Market Reports, Short Stories complete in each epitaph, and this stone was placed sjen4 patrons. ’ ' 1 ’ J a m e s L. F r a n c i s . A ld e r m i n , C h i c a - the uselessness of hoarded gold and Notice is hereby given that the following' number, Comic Pictures, Fashion Plates with elaborate descrip­ fertility fretn the soil. In the type nani'-d settler lias hied notice of Ins intention to c»>. a y s : ” 1 rc g a i ' 1 . King's N w tions, and a variety of items of household interest, make up AN make linal proof in support of his daiin. and that represented by mixed grain and Dis overv as an Ideal Panacea lor boner brought from those who charge week. He prescribed what should said proof will be inaoe before J oel W ake t . IDEAL FAMILY PAYER. c o m p l a i n t s , and Luu. tue usury of self respect of power >. ( . 1 . Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on general farmin g. ami aïs.» potato and ('..iglis. <’ 1 - be carved on the tombstone, stip­ AND Jum- go. is: o. viz.: Israel J. Gray on homestead lilv for having used it in my family tor the that n’.v ben.is a coward's knee and M'c furnish “ T h e L e a d e r” and ‘‘New Y o rk AVeek- entrv No. 57«5for the S'., Sw-‘, ami lot 5 ol sec. general farming, tile reserve fertility ulating that no capital letter must I last live years, to the exelusion of piiy- is. tp. 21 S.. K. 3 east. He names llm billowing . . /, f t , witnesses to prove h.sc»intinuous resilience Uf>- *J i r t l H I . l t - u o u i pup ot the soil is kept 111 good eon litio.i. »g-ian's preseription or » ti.-r po p.»ra­ torees from the lips of fear, the lies be used save in the word God. A Now is the time to look for shoes. on ami cultivation of. said land, viz: Almanza C Knowing at last the tin - . . . , „ in both of these types grains are 11 m Rev. John Burgus. Ke Auk, 1 of 1 * raise. A ic i l a n e , A i n i i z u s . » » n i n e » . ' ■»> . , literal copv is as follows: Look at ours. M'e have the very Anna M. M< i.'lane, all of Hazel Dell,Oregon. 1 J grown and sold from the f :r:..- , and Iowa, writes; “ 1 have L 11 a m in.- studied sensure ot esteem, the re- may2 4» K. M. V eatch , R eg ister. t e r o i tli-- M e th o d i-t E p m •»'pal Cl.ureli verent ey» s i:.-.¡e rich with honest CASH IN A D V A N C E . Yes, the farmers of the North- best and tLe latest in this line. Re- the soil is kept iu a good condition. inr 7>t) vi ars » t more, end h.»vc never The mole is not blind, as many thou Address all orders tc iibg high t.b ne ,ve6t have a hard time, but they d o | pairing done promptly, persons suppose. Its eve is hardly 1 "While iu the ease oi exc'. : :->a gram l\»un»l anv tiling so beneneial, or tli : 1 »11. . • . 1 as .. _ TH E LEADER. gave me such speedy relief as Dr. not have to lie awake nights t o ! B O W E R & D E W A L B . larger than a pinhead, and is care- i farm ing for a numl r of years there King's New’ Discovery. 1 ry th is .reat thrubo.ng s , a : a >-'e ihedark- M'tite your name and address n oa postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, SHOE DEA LERS, Cottage Grove, fully protected from dust and d i r t 1 is a gradual decline in productive­ Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial b u t ness of the dead— the love ei wife study out methods for dodging Itooni 2, Tribune Pudding, New York City, and a sample copy of the by means of enclosing hairs. 1 cyclones. I Or. N ew York M eekly Tribune will be mailed to you I tie Free at J. A B . urea’s Drug Store and child and friend, ness. The Florida A griculturist cites a case where potash administered to a peach orchard made a most rem ark­ able difference in the fruit. The fruit ripened two weeks earlier than tliut of neighboring orchards not so treated with potash, while the color and quality of the fruit were incomparably finer. It was a young orchard ami each tree received about a pound of sulphate of potash and acid phosphate during each of the two seasons. z.--tM A X jr , Stoss," W. BRUMMETT N o tary ) Public and (y nuv IVU.kIJ JLL1XIU, Breeder of Prize W inning Poultry. i The G reat B attle P re s id e n t of th e U n ited S ta te s NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBU N E T-, “ I’“hion <1""”3 ,he p“se,,‘ New Shoe Store NEW GOODS. ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2.25,