X-Rays THE DAY I CARVED TH E DUCK. ! ing for If, I an 1 in a ’rembling voice 1 I might m yself be killed. I almost NOTHING IN JO U RN A LISM . them wan banging Just Inside fainted with fright. The blood seemed the d« or m. One I to freeze In my veins, and I grasped A n E x a c t i n s E m p lo y m e n t in W h ic h the m •n t h e R e w a r d s A r e S m a ll. exAtnini the chair or I would have fallen to the It to see th at 1 \ the rou, It is the fashion to call journalism a floor. One-forty! T here came a fear­ band took sea .ü tw .u ¿ ¡ ful crash of glass and the black muz­ profession, hut it is subject to none train. zles of a perfect cloud of rifles were of the conditions which would entitle “T he leader k king th rust through the windows and point­ it to the name, says the Forum. There C o n g re s s m a n P o w e rs E n th u s ia s tic O ver P a in e ’s C e le ry C o m ­ a t me steadilv -■ moment, said: ed directly a t the robbers. Then a are no recognized rules of conduct for “ 'Young gal. it’a r train toots voice cried out: Its members and no tribunal to en­ pound, th e G re a te s t S p rin g R e m e d y. With confidence born of youth her whistle, v si me work for force them, if there were. The most I hastened to comply. ” ‘Men. throw up your handsl I am you. An otfic os you might the sheriff and in the nam e of the law despicable of men may without chal­ And little thought that fowl forsooth call it. You n >ut th a r on the Could make a fortune fly. dem and your surrender. Mnke but a lenge call them selves “journalists.” no platform a sig n al Ji the On-: Trne Blood P urifier. All drugjflstfl.il Nor did I deem so small a bird e train to stop less than the most worthy. There is move and I'll order my men to Are!’ an ’ t ike on Like any goat could buck. ass passengers, no more exacting and exhausting »*«vk H o o d 's R ills f are a ll Liver IIX ju 25 canto. " 'Yer little eat." hissed the leader, But I gained some points I had not heard Au’, lookee here • f y< u m ake a sus- than th a t which constitutes the daily glaring a t me savagely as the baud The day I carved the duck. picions move, or don't sw ing the red routine of a new spaper cilice. It grinds CO U RTIN G A QUAKER MAID, lamp In the prope; r way We’ll Just v e n - suddenly held aloft their hands. Then the youth of a man T helr curious quaintness, and and. with a piteous cry. "Oh, you will was lying in my bed in my room at man fresh from college, possessing th P turesque con trast they present- make a m urderer of me!" 1 threw my Green River, with several ladies the knack of composition, and not trou­ I I arm s and head down on the table and :he ra d ia n t a ttire and libertine A cold dew pearleo my forehead f a .r . around me, and was told th a t seven bled with literary fastidiousness, it As I chased it round the plate; m anners of the world's people, who It could not, built on w heels. I swear, began to cry as if my heart was break­ days had elapsed since the capture of seems the ideal career. As a newspa­ mlntn-tte 1 and coquetted In manor- ing. Had he seen my face he m ight II ave struck a livelier gait. tin* robbers. I was suffering from per man he can become a personage houses. ind caroused and rullled In The table was a saddening sight, have noticed a total absence of tears. brain fever brought on by the terrible in a w onderfully short space of time, I was crying for a purpose. ■kpits and bowling-courts, drew Ro- As if by lightning struck: strain I had passed through, and bail and can a t a bound attain what seems ,nists and "E nglish Catholics” to the You’d ne'er hav • dreamed the cloth wa- ' When my arm s dropped upon the been unconscious for th at long period. to him the secure independence of $25 white >rs of their sober conventicle, and table I allowed my head to fall upon I or many days th e re a fter I hovered on a week. He may be m aking twice this The day I carved the duck. ed Its leafy approaches with pro- the arm atu re of the telegraph in stru­ the borders between life and death, and am ount and be known to most of the fa ie chariots and chairs, and prancing ment. so that I could hold it to prevent tiie superintendent was at my bedside nien-about-town before his classm ate Kt< eplecha-i-rs and side saddled pal- "I he h n « t e s . c a s t a gorgon glance. it from ticking, while my right hand several tim es every day, cheering me who went into law is making enough Rose wore a glia- tly smile. fr< ys. So It happened th a t to the year- rested upon the key Sobbing, so th a t up with words of encouragem ent and to pay his board bills, or the one who As sprinting round that bird did dam iy no .-ting held a t T hird Haven, near any slight clicking the key might make doing all in his power to alleviate my took to medicine has ceased to be a In most antan.c style. T a llo t Courthouse, in the year 1700, I pinned it down it upward soared would not reach the robbers, I opened suffering. charge on his parents. But as the th e re cam e by opposite ways, through And to my boson stuck; it and sl< wly made the telegraphic years roll by lie begins to discern tha "I finally recovered and when called groups of booths erected by the grace­ There were pallid cheeks around t h a t «dia racters into court to testify against the des­ difference between an established repu­ boa rd less and Irreverent for the sale of perate gang I will never forget their tation and one th at has to be made Tie* day I carvei the duck. trum pery and tipple, a Q uaker maiden H E I. P fierce glances tow ard me as 1 told Low fresh every day. Work, untiring and m ounted on a pillion behind her fa ­ “These I repeated severa times, I had entrapped them, or how. In spite ceaseless, is the badge of all profes­ Then, seized with rage I could not still ther, and two plumed and raplered ca­ hoping they m ight reach tin e a re o f of the efforts of the judge and court sions, but the work of a new spaper And hate I coulo not hold. valiers gaily curveting. The wimpled some operator o il tiie line. I slowly officers to suppress it, the crowd cheer­ man a t 45 is not necessarily better- From me I hurled that bird of ill. maid, whose overcoming charm s still ami distinctly wrote these words. still ed me as I left the stand. The men paid work than th at of the same man With fury uncontrolled. bloom In tradition, was Sarah Coving­ Then from that scene I fled away sobbing violently: were sent for long term s to an E astern at 25. ton of Somerset, and the prancing ca­ Like one who runs nmnek. ** *\\ ho- hears— this for —heaven's— prison, and I have never heard of them Tw enty years of what* is called suc­ valiers were the brothers E dw ard and And I ve never seen niv fiancee cessful devotion to his calling has prob­ sake—report to—train — dispatcher— since.” Philem on Lloyd, sons of Madam H en­ Since the day ! carved the duck. nt—Laram ie — quick—th a t—I — am —in "And did the company rew ard you ably brought him to a sense of security rie tta M arla aforesaid. Im m ediately —T w e n t i e t h Centu-y. the hands — of — several — robbers — for saving the train?" I asked. In his ability to earn a living, and a th e p retty lads, with a sudden equal consequent indifference to the inces­ passion, loved the wimpled maid, and sa n t changes of the little ■ orhl which yearned for her; and each conceived T R A P P E D BY bounds his sphere of activity, but be­ a cunning purpose, proper to the coun­ T E L E G R A P H . yond th at sense of personal independ­ try am i the time, and shrew dly held ence he has gained but little. W hether his peace. or not he he a w riter “on space,” he There have been a great many stories W hen the meeting was over the m ust turn out a certain am ount of brothers, each tak in g his cunning about attack s on lonely stations in the copy or its equivalent for at least fifty W est. Here Is another, which is per­ schem e In hand, mounted and galloped Weeks in the year, and the fame of aw ay, taking different ways, and they haps one of the best on this well-worn tt hat he did last week is as dead as rode bard, laughing as they rode, for subject: the fam e of w hat he did ten years ago. Í • While In a Rtnall town In Wyoming Joy of their boyish artifice. A fter lin­ F or failing m ental vigor there is no gering for a while In places remote T erritory I learned th a t a lady living place in a new spaper office; for long from the highway, where was no fear there had been the heroine of a thrilling / ■ y service no retiring pension. The man o f discovery by any chance acqu aint­ adventure with train robbers, and curi­ who cannot keep step with the pro­ ance, and so th at the slow er Q uaker osity and love for the brave Induced cession is th rust aside or walked over. folk might have time to regain their me to call on her to tell me the story. Judge Powers, who today represents thoughtful charges to a jury: The law of the survival of the fittest homes, they rode on Into Somerset, and A\ hen I went to her house I was wel­ spring days, when everything so strong­ Vermont in congress, entered the n a ­ reigns here in all of its brutal vigor, ly favors g ettin g w ell. This greatest m et a t th dr charm er's gate. F irst comed by a handsome lady of about 30, House of Repr tentative«, V 8 . i but w hat may lie tiie enduring type tion« 1 house w ith a magnificent record Washington, D. C , Feb lit lsikì i of all spring remedies is doing an as- they swore, then they blushed, and and In response to my earnest request as law yer and judge of the supreme I ha e for several years l> e n a-qua’nted touishing am ount of good these days of work or worker, to which all the then they laughed loud and long. Phil for this one chapter of her life, she re­ court of Vermont. wnh the medicinal qualities of J aide's stress and struggle of the men who said : “L et her be for whichever, you lated the following: He is a fine type of the careful, i celery c impound, and can enthusiastically am ong sick people aud those semi-in- m ake the daily press are converging, ; indorse as a specific in many cases fir valids who are “ ru n dow n’’ by th6 or I, did see her first;” and Ned, the “In 1873, when but a girl of 18, I left learned, is beyond the reach of my conjecture. «. New v . E ngland lawyer. , i which its use is recommended by its pro- long, try in g w inter, or worn out and elder nnd the heir, assented. Then my home in O m aha and cam e out to Ihough but 56 years of age, he was prietors. H. H enby P owers , afflicted by disease. said I’hll: “ No sooner had I taken my till the lonesome position of night op­ GOOD OLD QUILTING PARTIES. a member of the Verm ont legislature 1st It st Vt. place in the m eeting th an I beheld erato r a t a sm all station on the Pacific The soul and life of sound health is a third of a century ago, and again in Ly far the best use th a t any tired or a w ell-nourished nervous system. T h e y A r e R c c o m i n g P o p u la r in New 1874, when he was speaker of the girl, and loved her.” And Ned Railw ay In this territory. It was a the ailin g person can make of these preci- Y o r k F a s h i o n a b l e C ir c le s . said: “ I passed the night before the dreary, desolate spot in the m idst of a house. He has been state censor, a ons spring days is to purify the blood P ain e's celery compound repairs the m eeting a t the "Peach-Blossom' farm ; desert. The only buildings a t tiie sta ­ A New York hostess has hit upon a member of the costitutional convention and regulate their nerves w ith P a in e ’s worn, nervous system as nothing else can do. It is the one certain and per­ and a t the foot of the hill, turning Into tion. aside from the depot, were the sec­ clever idea, to which her circle of in­ and of the state senate. In 1874 he celery compound. It is plain to atjy m anent cure for sleeplessness, hysteria, the gate a t the w a’er-mlll, I saw this tion house, occupied by a track fore­ tim ates are looking forw ard with a became judge of the supreme court of observant person th a t the l»est remedy girl on a pillion behind her father, and man and a few Chinese laborers; a deal of pleasureable anticipation. It Vermont, aud ream ined on the bench for neuralgia, persistent headaches nervous d ebility aud exhaustion, rh eu ­ they Inquired the way to the m eeting­ w ater tank, and a coal shed. The day m atism , n euralgia and the various is a “quilting bee” of the real, old- u n til 1890, when he took his seat in and such like indications of low nerv­ house; and I loved her.” Then Phil operator nnd agent, a mere boy, slept fashioned sort. One of the so-called congress. Judge Powers presided at ous vigor, is the one th a t most rapidly m anifestations of an unhealthy bodily rode hack to Talbot, and Ned dism ount­ at the section house, 200 yards dis­ "new women,” who is supposed to sniff m any of the most notable tria ls in the aud com pletely nourishes the worn out condition, such as languor, nervous­ ness, heart palpitation, loss of flesh ed a t the gate, nnd led his horse to the tant, so th at during the long, dreary a t this revival of early century insti­ history of the state, and is the author parts. It is not in the power of any porch. T hus In 1703 Sarah Covington nights 1 was alone irt the depot. tutions In these days of progress and of many of the most im p o itan t opinions other remedy to do the vigorous work of ami m ental depression. I MADE THE TELEGRAPH CHARACTERS ‘H E L P .” W ith P ain es’ celery compound, re­ became the wife of the heir, and mis­ “No. 4 express train, bound east, was reform, will exhibit with pride a quilt to be found in Verm ont reports, P a in e ’s celery compound in stren g th en ­ tre ss of Wye House. She It was who due at 2:15 In the morning, but It never who—will—compel—me — to—lla No. No judge on the supreme bench in ing the jaded system, aud in bringing it tu rn in g strength and cheerfulness soon “Well, only slightly. Corporations which “grandm other m ade.” T here is In 1733 built with "E nglish” brick the stopped unless signaled, and ns this —4.—Send—help—quick." have no souls, you know. But I re­ one noticeable distinction betw een any of our states has a reputation for back to an energetic, healthy condi­ show th a t one is undoubtedly on the rig h t road to health. house of •"Keadbotirne” In Queen was the only train during the latter “Then I sigm-il name and office call. venged m yself on the superintendent in grandm other's quilt and that of the raore clearly and unim stakably expres- tion. P a in e ’s celery compound is the one A nne's County, th a t typical colonial portion of the night, you can imagine “I released the arm ature, and the in­ a m anner.” present day. The form er is of patch- 6*n B his opinions. His unqualified in ­ The real danger th a t stares sick peo­ mansion, still In excellent preserva­ my lonely situation tqion the desert strum ent clicked out: work. while the latter is on a more Jorscm ent of P ain e’s celery compound ple in the face is the p u ttin g off a t­ real spring remedy known today th at “In w hat w ay?” tion, an d show ing an imposing pile wild. 1 had my books and guitar for “ "Brace—up—little — girl — I—hear— “I m arried him,” she replied, with a artistic and less laborious scale, in in the follow ing letter is as straightfor- tending to sickness and diseas, and never fails to benefit. Get P aine’s celery compound, and only -Paines' fitted with m aterials brought over from companions, and passed much of the you.—H.’ olden days it required months lo gather Witri’> HDft concise as any one of his cunning smile.—New York Journal. E ngland, where the noble ball and the tim e reading, nnd when the doleful “ "IL" was the train dispatcher's call. up the odd bits of calico and piece broad stairw ay of the period confer a howling of the wolves were borne to W ith a tierce shout the leader sprang How New G rip tu e n A re B ro k e n In. them together in p atterns known as the It is said the shortening the term of characteristic distinction.—Century. my ears from the distant sand hills, I forw ard and rudely snatched me aw ay The new gripinen on the cable cars “Irish chain,” “log cabin,” ''sunrise,” compulsory sevice in the German would pick up my g u itar and endeavor from tiie table, and aske 1: usually come from the country. The “Philadelphia pavem ent” and “J a ­ arm y has red u ed th e num ber of suicides A L ong H ead o f H air. to drow n their cries w ith music and “ ‘Gal. w hat's that?" fellows who are raised on cigarettes cob's ladder,” while the modern quilt among troops nearly one-half. Mrs. 1>. J. Davis, of San Francisco, song. “ "Only a distant office asking for or­ and beer in the city don't seem to have Is of w hite sateen, with a border ui Cal., has the longest h air in the world. “The superintendent of the division, ders for a freight train,’ I responded. the muscle necessary to throw on the colored applique and a quilted center; R U S I’O XSIVK BOTH TO IIAKSI1 A N D I t clu sters in a g reat mass about her n buoyant, light-hearted young gentle­ 8W K K T SO U N D S, “ "None o' yer lyin’, you little imp," brake and stop the train on a down or, again, the applique pattern s are head, and though she Is a tall woman, man, cam e over the road at frequent in­ he roared. ‘A'er up to some trick." grade. Then, again, a countrym an is' scattered over the entire surface. being five feet nine inches in height, tervals and cheered me up with prom­ T he n e rv e s a re o tle n p a in fu lly ac u te . W hen “ "No,' I replied, "I am not. If 1 was mighty careful about going through For a quilting bee of modern days th is is th e case, th e best iliinir to tie d o n e Is to ! h er long tresses, when uncoiled, sweep ises of a b etter position when a va­ geek th e to n ic an d tra iiq u iliz in g assista n ce o t doing th a t my fingers would be on the the streets. H e's afraid th a t every the invitation reads ‘‘from 4 to 7 p. m..” upon the ground for nearly a foot. H er cancy should occur. He often found Hostetter’s sto m a c h H itlers, a su p e rb n e rv in e . instrum ent. D on't you see I am not man he sees step off the pavem ent is as three hours’ time is quire as long No less b en eficial is it for d y sp e p tic , b ilious, h air is ju st six feet eight Inches In me on the very brink of despair, a l­ touching it, nnd yet it works. It is only going to be run over, and he Is abso- as the fine de sieele woman cares to m ala ria l, rh e u m a tic , bowel a n a ki.in ey co m ­ length. ts. Use w ith p e rsiste n t re g u la rity . A most oti the point of resigning my posi­ an order to a freight train aw ay down 1 lutely certain th a t every team that spend in sewing. But then she can p w la iu in eglassful b efo re r e tirin g co n fers sleep.' L ess th a n a cent in fact — an d all C ocoa — tion and returning to my humble home a t Medicine now E a s ily Ite m o v ed . comes out trom a cross street is going drop in late. If she wishes, and need ‘ T h e g iraffe has a lo n g u e e ig h te e n in c h e s and the m other who depended on my “ ‘Keep aw ay from th a t table,’ he to collide with him. Eight single railroads on which large not fill in the whole tune T i l e quilt­ lo n g ,” said Mrs. tpo:i the border, Call. A H. Moon recently brought into later I heard a low knocking a t the m aster mechanic, instructing him to ears cross, and where the “dead men” the edges being neatly hemmed down. Coquille City §1,000 in gold dust, the H O W ’S T H I S ? It is reported th a t the constant v ibra­ door, which I alw ays kept locked, and lire up his fastest passenger engine and i’re 'lead m an’s” a block you strike A centerpiece of these Hewers, pretidy result of fourteen days’ run w ith three tion caused by the heavy steam and a strange feeling came over me. D ur­ couple on to a carriage and aw ait the if you don’t let go the cable whera grouped, may be added if so desired. We offer One H u n d red D ollars R ew ard fo ra n v men in the Salmon m ountain claim. H ave you a feeling For the nursery b ^ l the ’ brownie ease of C a ta rrh th a t c a n n o t be cu red by H u ll’s One piece of quartz, about as large as a traction cars in Paris have caused great ing my several weeks’ stay nt the s ta ­ superintendent's orders. My heart you have to, and If you ever strike a •>» U ttv lll in th t ‘ Cure. dead m an” your job Is gone, no ifs quilt" is quite a novelty. These stam p­ C a ta rrh Stom ach B lunting < dam age, especially to ta il buildings, tion I had never had a visitor, and the beat so violently th a t it alm ost took my F. J. C H E N E Y & CO., Prop«., T oledo, O. m an’s fist, th a t he picked up,w as filled lifte re a tin g - Belch- , tiie audereiK ued, h a v e kn o w n F. J.C h e u e y and m any of them are in an unsafe sudden knock, so low, yet so startlingly breath aw ay. It seemed an age ere and ands about It—and all about the ed brow nies may be bo jg b t at liearlv for " e t iie w ith free gold, and it is estim ated that i*ig of W iiid V o m it-i la s t 15 y ears, an d b eliev e h im perfectly ing o f f , , . Hi W ater- condition. clear In the stillness of the night caused 1 heard tiie Green River operator call street, nnd so on. Well, If the new man all dry goods shops, and with a little h o n o rab le in all b u sin ess tra il-a c tio n s , snif it is w orth §200 brash H e a rtb u rn — J passes the exam ination he puts up §10, taste and ingenuity may be arranged fin an cially ab le to c arry o u t an y o b lig atio n B.id Taste in the m ad e by th e ir firm. The first building for C hristian use It is hardly to be credited, but it is my form to trem ble aud my cheek to the dispatcher and say: and they give him a certificate, and In various curious aud am using pos­ M outh in the M orn­ blanch. "A est A T ruax , ver erected in Tokio, Japan, is only a u th o ritativ ely stated, th a t the people ing P a lp ita tio n © H “ ‘The superintendent, with sheriff he can go up and put th a t up for a tures upon a w hite or colored gtound. W holesale h riig e ls ts, Toledo, O "My first thought was of Indians, the H e art.d u e ts»|>is- < W'Ai.nmo, K isnan A M arvin , twenty-five years old, aud now there of th e U nited States annually chew and tw enty arm ed men, are aboard, uniform and an overcoat, and there and afford a deal of im us?ii:ent for tens}«« of Stomach and then I reasoned th at It might be ,, W bob-sale D rug g ists, T oledo, O. ire ninety-tw o churches and chapeis <20,000,000 w orth of gum. Cankered Mouth « and train ready for orders.' fla b s C atarrh C u re is ta k e n in te r n a lly .a c tin e you are—he's a gripm an, ready for the little ones under flic coverlet. Gen­ some tram p desiring shelter. W hile I <».«* in the Bowels , d irectly u p o n th e blood an d m u co u s surfaces of iu th a t city. “The order came flying. It told the Ln»s o f Flesh tw enty degrees below zero and 100 tlemen are not excluded from the th e sy stem . P ric e 75c p er b o ttle. Sold by all sat there In affright the knock was re­ Fickle Kppetite Dr. Peters, the A frican explorer, is engineer he had a clear track and to degrees above zero, and his little old §2 “ (ptilting bee,” and may afford some D ru g g ists, te s tim o n ia ls free. N aphtha is now used for scouring peated louder than before, nnd m uster­ l»< pr, wse,]. ir r ita b le f H a ll’s fam ily pills are th e best. about to undertake a new exploration run at his very highest speed to w ithin j a day.—K ansa wood, ft is claim ed to be less in ju r i­ Condition of the , City Star. little am usem ent by lending a hand a t ing all my courage 1 approached the M ind IHzr.lnes<* of Som aliland under the auspices of a door and asked: a half mile of my station, and w ith his ll fi s Stopped free by D r . K l i n e '« ous to the wood fiber, and more pure the sewing, even if It must, iierforce, G r !• e I a T t S N . —A Headache Constip­ R e s t o r e r . No fits aft< r U e first wood oil can be saved than when tiie T he Old T a r C ould Not R ead. num ber of w ealthy Americans. party to alight. Then came the wel­ be ripped out again. D inner mav be day s use. e r v M e arvelous ation or h ia r r h u a ? ( “ "Who’s there?* cures. T reatise aud 12 00 Then you have A pretty story comes across the w ater S”''ved to the assembled guests at 7 tria l b o ttle free to F it cases. Send to Dr. K lin e, wood is scoured w ith alkali. come report from the Green River “A gruff voice replied: 031 A rch St., P u ila d e lp b ia , Pa. j of an old ta r’s tact and chivalry, which o’clock, and a more picturesque effect “ ‘A traveler who desires to take the office: r>on r.s.JfxmKtt of J M Iet* D Y S P E P S IA By a special perm it, and in m ailing i shows th a t the heart of a gentleman ’*’Special east departed 1:15.’ T ry G kbmea lo r b r e a k f a s t . Prof. W. H. Peeke, who cast-bound train." is the result if tile ladies dress in -.lie in one o f it» m any form a . packages approved by the postofflee de­ z . li — ----- The one positive cure I may beat under the oilskin coat of a m a k e s a sp e c ia lty uf “Oh, how my poor heart beat, and for th i« d ia t r , m ng com plaint is mode of a centurv ago. with a fi jw e -- “It was my plain, unm istakable partm ent, bacteria or disease tissues E p ile p sy , h a s w ith o u t how my every nerve tingled with ex­ i rough. Illiterate sailor. d o u b t t r e a t e d a n d c u r ­ duty to adm it him. and with trem bling ed tunic, a w hite kerchief a n ! a m.ib SURE C U R E FOR F IL E S may now be sent through the m ails to A sea captain, engaged to m arry a cap, or powdered hair, witfi black Acker’s Dyspepsia Cablets, e d m o re ca s e s th a n an v citem ent. One-’.ifteen. I m entally fig­ BIMl l i . l t , 1, L . • Ü B < w i : Dill C I*, D r . BO,-SAN-KO’S PILE R E M E o t? ‘ I liv in g P h y s ic ia n ; h is fingers I drew the bolt. U nited States or municipal laboratories. by mail, prepaid, ,,n receipt of jj cent. certain lady, sent a message to her by ured that the train on such a desperate I -- S • . • J.rj, 1 s u c c e ss is a s to n is h in g court-plaster patches here and the", on KJc. ""Instantly the door was pushed vio­ ARI.Fl R äm mit , Hotel l»,^etol, ui*«..«« Druggists or mail, l i l t BO fvA .SK O . P b lla .. P o . the hand of one of his crew. The sailor, W e h a v e h e a rd of cases errand should make nearly a mile a Isnyb: I Kt«th-r.,| ni 'ly In,», dys,»,«!., i,,.,! Crookes tubes for use in taking X thef air faces. Dancing ma,’ follow, of jo y e a r s ’ sta n d in g lently open, and I sprang back to the Acker*« Tahi«*ta,tak«-n '• I III. . 1 II,. , l> I I(JI na\ ing delivered the letter, stood gaz* wu.ii a co’ilion under soft canffia lignt^ m inute and reach the stopping point ray photographs, have already appeared c u r e d by table and sank Into my ehair In terror «K it Mi.nn.iM.ee vv | A n A s tu t e D e a le r . .ng in silent adm iration upon the face h im . H e on the bargain counter of a Chicago de­ when seven burly men wearing cloth and while very much sewing mav not p u b lish e s a Au American who was living in Paris partm ent store. They cost |6 .» 5 each “The robber chief gave Ids men their of the lady, for she was very beautiful. have been accomplished a d -i! of sport v a lu a b le m asks on th eir faces and arm ed to the “Well, my good m an,” said she, “for went into a fruitsliop one w inter's dav w o r k on i N. P. N. U. No. «54.- instructions. 1 was to be sent out N. U. No. 731 teeth entered the office. One of them, n a.v he d- lived from this novel mode th i s d is w hat do you w ait? There Is no an- several years ago to get something for a alone to signal the train, and when it ease, w hich evidently the leader, w alked up to me, e ’ er iertainm ent.—New York Iteco. d little breaklast that sin* was preparing swer.” h e s e n d s and, pointing a huge revolver at my halted the band would m ake a rush er. ,w i t h a to give to two cr three friends. T ii e pro­ "Lady,” the sailor replied with hum ­ and board it. ,i « o . . la r g e bo t- head, said In a low. firm voice: prietor showed her three very beautiful ble deference, “I would like to know tie o t his a b s o lu te c u re , fre e to a n v suTere-s An A ffectio n ate E le p h a n t. “ ‘Bill you jum p on the engine as “ ‘Gal, we don’t w ant to hurt you. s o n ia v se n d th e ir P. O. a n d E x p re s s a d d re s s , your nam e.” Tame elephants are often very kind hothouse peaches, which lie assured her " v •L ?'2.e tn v «>"* w ish in g a c u r e t o a d d m a but If you make a suspicious move or soon as she stops, aud hold the en­ “Did you not see it on the letter?" uid especially fond of children. There were the only ones to be had in all “rot w H CEESI. F D . a Cedar St . Wew T or. scream or give any alarm so th a t any gineer and fireman under your gun. was a little girl who used to walk ev­ Paris. She asked tiie price and was told Pardon, lady, I never learnt to read. o' the men in the section house kin Jack, you pile into the mail car an ’ ery morning, along witli her nurse, iu that they were 20 francs. Mine has been a hard, rough life.” make the clerk give up his registered AGENTS WANTED, Lafe w fer.tiemen, hear yon I'll spile the looks of th at letters, an' Yank an' Aleck 'll work thp "And for w hat reason, my good man, tiie Ja rd iu des Plantes in Paris before “ But that is very d ear,’’ she said. in » very to w n , for one of th e best se llin g H rtich « purty face w ith a bullet. Re quiet and tiie gardens were opened to tile public. “ Besides I am not at all sure that the m ade. I sed by ev ery m an, w om an an d c h ild , sensible and behave yourself and yer express ear. while Tom an' Shorty hold would you know my nam e?” 1 re tie rk k i* u n i t a r y T o o t h Itn im h w i t h “Because," answ ered the old tar, with Of course she was frequently meeting flavor is good.’’ “ Let ns try one, nia- the conductor an' brakem an back. Do sh an 't be hurt. W har's yer red signal T o n g u e < le a n in g a tta c h m e n t. J-udiv st d by nil th e le ad in g p h v si ci an a an d lam p?’ yer work quick an' bold, an' don't be gentle and manly courtesy, “in a storm u irl) the elephant, and as they passed darae, ” replied the shopkeeper, and be­ fore she could prevent him lie had bro­ « t • Send 13c. fo rs a m p le . R e ta ils for 2»? afeared to burn pow der if necessary. a t sea, with danger of death afore me it was am using to w atch the pains the ” 'W liat would you do?" I gasped. . fins ken one of tiie peaches and was offering big beast took to avoid tram pling upon I would like to recall the name of th« M arket S treet, San F ra n cisco , Cal. ” 'None o' your business. We don't T h ar's a big haul on th a t train, and brightest thing I’d ever seen In life tiie wee lassie. At last lie grew hoi ler, her a half, w hile he him.--If ate the o th ­ w ant to hear any unnecessary back we've got to have it.’ FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or There'll be sunshine in h, even in the and w henever lie liappen.-d to be going er piece. "How eagerly 1 watched the clock, talk nor no Im pertinent questions. “ J u s t D o n 't F e e l W e ll,” “ D elicious," was her verdict. “ Aud thick d a rk n e ss’’—New York Mail and In the same direction as the girl, lie W har's the red lamp?" and how slowly, how very slowly the Express. s p pills B'ottld gently push the end of his trunk how much are tiie oilier two?” are the O ne T ilin g to use. “A chill of horror sw ept over me hands seemed to move. One tw enty- “ Forty francs, m udaiue,” answered itis'ale her arm and let it rest there as O n ly O n e t o r a D o s e . when the tru th burst upon me th a t 1 one, one tw enty-five and one th irty An In ter p r ete r . the sm iling proprietor. “ Yon see, since S o ld by d ru g g is t« a t 2 5 c . a box he w alked by her side. W hat a funny Sjkiaplea F r e e . A ddre^a th e w as in the hands of a band of desper­ were ticked off. Mrs. Xupop Oh, you m ust come and One thirty-five! we have eaten the third these th at re­ 'ooking pair of lovers they made! r. Bosanko Med. Co.. 1‘hila. Pa. bear baby talk. ate tra in robbers, whose evident inten­ Would they never come? main are so Hindi more rare than they tion was to signal the train and rob "The men sat on the bench along the T ncle Bob—I shall be deiighted—but ( > u ic ia s « e J . were before. Now, should wo try anoth­ "W hat’s the m atter with our pug’.l- er the last one would be 80 francs. ’’ the express ear a t my station. W hat west side of the room, facing the two you m ust act as interpreter.—Truth. oth i MRS. WiNSlOW S S o Svi could I do? It was yet three hours un­ windows on the east. I tried to figure ists?” asked the sporting . . . man. ’’They Fortunately she was . possessed of an. - FOR CHILDREN TEETHI Brush your baby's hair upw ard, and have not talked much for a day or abundance of this w orld’s goods, so she ' til the train was due, but I could not how long it would require for the men F .» «air by a ll llr u ^ ^ . X5 C eta elude my captors to m use the section to walk to the depot from the stopping it Bill groB- curly. How we wish our tw o.” hastily paid her 40 francs, lest they go up men. and I knew by the ugly gleam in place. Perhaps even then they were m other had known this! “No,” replied the Cuban sym pathizer. in price.—New York Journal. "They have stopped to give the Span­ the leader's eyes, through the holes in surrounding the station and I might E s p e c ia lly a t T h is S easo n . C hestnuts are so poor this spring th at ■ C. .ti »Pitsi Ait f i s t HUS ish generals a chance.”—W ashington his mask, th a t if I made the least out- ; hear a knock at the door any instant. a boy w on't long for them. He*l ■ . h Syrup. l aa'e.G o< d I w A torpid liver has frequently succeed Star. L tio-a àold by drugytm cry he would not hesitate to carry out Would there be a fight? Oh, horrible You will And one coupon Inside each ! ounce bag and two coupon- Inside each I ounce b« ed in convincing man that be is fairly j .77 CONSUMPTION his th re a t and m urder me. I knew they thought! In a few moments I might Buy a Dai read thw coupoo and se« bow to get your share of iu present«. Lots of people fool around love Just as reeking in statesmanship and independ- ■ The less a girl tries to be nice, thd oould find the lamp easily by searoh- see men shot down before my face, and nicer she Is. ... If It w a sn 't loaded. euce. — Washington Post . .. 7 7 . I went to dine tae other day With my mother-in-law-eiect. And lost thereby my fiancee, S<< my future hopes a.’? wrecked. • 4 trial prove Hood's Sar*aparlEa to be c:e nal d for p-infy.i.f the blood b*-e»Wj W<- >1 %3' hed the roast, when, woe is : 11 never did have luck!) The hostess asked me pleasantly If I would carve the duck. t I JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. Hoods S a rs a p a rilla One Cup One Cent this wbai ail$ voit? ?M^\ LIVER This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. B ia c k w e ii’s G e n u in e BULL DURHAM