Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, February 25, 1905, Image 1

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    0 of O
Harte Counts Xeabec.
Keeper of Itecords aud Heal Stinson
of Salem, Deputy Grand Chancellor
Strong of Roseburg were selected
as judges of the contest.
It was decided the contest should
Chamberlain Appoints Hon. be marked on three separate counts,
one hundred points per count
ce T. Harris Judge ot
namely: Delivery 100, composition
he Judicial Circuit.
10<), ritual l()t), making a total of
orl Chamberlin, ou Feby.
It was decided Juventus team
infed Lawrence T. Harris had fairly won the contest by 4(1
i to the office of Circuit points.
th< new district created
Following the contest a splendid
:ent legislature and com- banquet was enjoyed by members
:he counties of Lane, Ben- and a fow invited guests, among
j whom were the local newspaper
ce T. Harris is a native representatives.
IWgoii, born in Albany,
When all those preseut had satis-
r 111, 1873. He moved to tied the “inner man,” order was
iti, his parents in 1883, restored and the time until the pass­
ihltime he has made this ing of the trains was consumed in
K ile was graduated from speeches from the head officers and
University of Oregon in others preseut.
from the law school at
The Knights of Pythias is one of
>r, Mich., in 1890, after the strongest orders in this locality
and comprised of many of tho best
City Fathers Passes Ordinance No.
98 by a Two-thirds Vote—
The Ordinance in Full.
recorder of said city be lined in a
sum of not loss than $23. nor more
than JHH). mid upon a second con­
viction before said recorder, he
shall revoke such license in addition
io the penalties provided by law or
by ordinance for any such violation
and such person or persons shall not
in such case be granted auother
such license during such license
Her. 3. All ordinances and parts
of ordinances of the said city of Cot­
tage Grove in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.
The city council ou Monday night.
Present, Mayor Medley, Council-
men Currin, Veatch, Bingham.
Campbell, Chamberlin, Hinds, Re­
corder Wheeler. Ordinance No. 98
which had been at a previous meet­
ing referred to committee, was re­
New Head Consul.
turned without recommendation.
After passing its third reading a
The Board of Head Mauagera of
vote was takeu which resulted in its the Pacific Jurisdiction Woodmen
of the World, at a special meetiug
Tho vote was: Ayes—Veatch, held iu Denver on tho 21st for the
Campbell, Currin aud Chamberlin, purpose of filliug the vncancy in the
Nays—Bingham and Hinds
office of Head Council caused by
This ordinance refers to the con- the death of tue late F. A. Faikeu-
ducting of saloons in the city, The burg, founder of the order aud
principal changes it makes from since its birth its executive head,
former ordinaces are: All saloons elected John H. Foley, of Los An­
nalist have open fronts, without-! geles, to fill the vacancy. Neigh-
screens so that the interior shall be I bor Foley was elected Head Ad-
Commercial Club.
I'visatde to the passerby; also there j viser at the l ist meetiug of Head
Monday night the Commercial j shall be no musical instruments; Camp two years ago and has since
used in a saloon, and they shall be that time tilled the second highest
Club held its tegular meeting.
There was a good attendance and closed at midnight and remain position in the order.
John H. Foley is an active and
considerable interest manifested in closed until 5 o’clock a. m. Up to
the various matters presented for the time of going to press I he rnay- euth'iiastic member of the organi­
or hns not signed it. and it is iikely to zation, thoroughly iu accord with
Mayor J. S. Medley and Claude be returned to the couucil to be the policy of his lamented prede­
Riddle of the Leader were admitted passed over tbe mayor’s head or cessor and well iuformed on the
hilled. As there was two-thirds of needs of the order, and his election
as members.
There were a large number o f , i council voted in its favor should all was received here with general sat­
isfaction. The Board
of Head
communications received. Among
firm it will he carried,
them being one from a party who { Bills of Bohemia Nugget $31.45. Managers adjourned this evening.
is desirous of establishing a found,y f w y nn« Hardware Co $1.04 and H. : It is expected that Head Consul
in this vicinity and the matter was l 1*- Gregory of $19 00 were allowed. I Foley will be elected to succeed
himself at the meetiug of (he Head
: referred to committee on commerce »
Camp ta be held in Los Angeles in
! and manufacturing.
| „„
- „
The Pacific Coast and Lumber [ J “ *.6
“id.uanoo April when the biennial session of
Association of Seattle sent a c o r a - ^ - “
P“ 8S1" 1 ,he c,t> nouncl1 ou the order is held.
j Monday
night hut has been
j municatioii to the club with the re
by the mayor. It has been
J quest that it co-operate in securing I vetoed
subject of considerable discussion
Off For Albany.
returned to Eugene, and a 40 cent rate on lumber to M iss-** on the streets and a number of sub­
of the World or at
ito the p ractico of his pro-
desire to read it in least a goodly number of them from
The committee having in charge scribers
m hich he has been very
this portion of the state will todav
In 1900 he was elect- j the Newton, entertainment made
when i k north bound train passes
wer House of the Leg-
1 111 t i Ir c i r v t 1><v
C ___ r 1_____ t
to Albany to take part and
_bd was re-elected two thanks to the committee for their
An ordinance entitled an ordi­
nd was Speaker during good work. A Iso a vote o f thanks nance for regulating, taxing and will witness the big log rolling
f 1903. He is at pres­ was passed to Mrs. Roy Wejchand licensing saloons and all persons which takes place there during the
ir of the law firm of Miss Maude Blair who kindly assis­ dealing, vending, or disposing of evening.
The Cottage Grove Band with
ted at the entertainment.
spirituous, vinous, fermented or
Mr. F. B. Phillips called the at­ malt liquors in Cottage Grove, Lane eighteen instruments is going along
rery one in Cottage
to help the other fourteen bands
ovfs Mr. Harris and all tention of the club to the services] county, Oregon.
9 In learn of his appoint- rendered by the volunteer fireman,
The common council of the city that will be in that city to make
music. Every hall in the city has
which was heartily endorsed by theq of Cottage Grovo does ordain :
ie position of Judge.
other members and a motion was;|
S ec . 1.
Aliy person or persons been engaged for this occasion and
carried to tender the fireman a re ­ making application to keop a saloon, there will be a great time iu Albany.
of P. Convention.
Tbe Cottage Grove contingent
ception and a committee wasj bar room, or tippling house, where
nau line delegation of the , appointed to make the necesaryl spirituous, vinous or malt liquors will have a special car at their ser­
f Pythias gathered in Cot- 1 arran8emeilts
are sold, or kept for sale, shall exe­ vice. Any one can go for a one and
3 on last Saturday,
cute a bond to the City of Cottage and one third fare, round trip.
ad come from all parts of
Grove, to be approved by the com­
A Gold Brick Victim.
Douglas counties which
mon council, thereof, in the sum of
Spiritualistic Meetings.
On last Wednesday, W illia m $300. gold coin of the United States
this district for the
several days Mr. and Mrs.
>f selecting the best team
with two or more sureties residents
) for the Grand Lodge bany, was swindled out of ten of Lane county, Oregon, who shall Sprague of the Oregon State Spirit­
:tober 1 1 th in Portland, thousand dollars by the old. but qualify the same as for bail on ualist Society have been in the city
were three lodges to enter frequently successful “ gold. orhek” arrest, which said bond shall be for the purpose of organizing a
t. sSlelmet Lodge, No. 33 swindle. Mr. Vance is qtiif e ill conditioned to the effect that the branch society in this place. Wed
— so far as kn own . polo„u„
„„ whom such license ,„
with some twenty mem over his lo>s, . but
persons to
is nesday and Thursday nights meet­
>iuo Lodge No. 47 o f , the swindlers are feeling fairly ’well. ! issued shall keep an orderly house, ings were held in Masonic hall.
Both nights the room was well
about the same number.
and comply with all the require
filled with those curious to hear
Lodge No. 48. Grand
Kiigrnving done free on a lig o '«Is
with nil tho ordinances of the said what they had to say and witness
Curl of Albuny, Grand ' purchased at H. f . Madsen’s.-
city and the laws of the State of the efforts of Mrs. Sprague iu deliv­
¡Oregon and for the payment of all ering messages from the other
! fines for tho violation of any ordi­ world, as well as those who are of
nance or laws in relation to such that faith. It is understood that
business. That he or any person quite a number have joined the
j in his employ will not sell or give society.
| awny to any common drunkard or
intoxicated person or to any woman
or girl or male or female minor or
officials are investi­
Indian, any of said intoxicating
gating conditions with a view o f
liquors and shall not permit any
i woman, girl, male or female minor having an all-night postoffice at
or Indian to visit or loiter around Roseburg. The people of Coos
county ask for it for the reason
\ his said place of business either as
singer, dancer, waiter or guest aud that their mails by the present sys­
tem are delayed 12 hours in transit.
that he will not give away or in any
i manner dispose of to any person
A 3000 foot spur will soon be
| any of such liquors on .Sunday nor built from the S. F. tracks to the
keep his place of business open on end of the flume of the W. I’. John­
Sunday, election days or any days son Lumber Co., at Myrtle Creek
j prohibited by law, nor from twelve
The majority of the lumber mills
I o’clock at night untii five o’clock in
the morning and that he will not on tbe Siuslaw are preparing to re-
permit any gaming or gambling, or sume operations within a few weeks.
gambling device in or about bia
------------ > ------------
saloon, bar room or tippling bouse,
j unior F|in£h C|(lb
and that he will keep such saloon, I
Some of the little folks of lie
bar room or tippling house in such
manner that tho bar and bar room, I west aide have formed a Flinch
and all selling, dealing, vending 01 Club to meet at, the residence of
disposing of nnd drinking of said c id i member Their first party
¡intoxicating liquors in such saloon, was at tbe home of LeeKoy Woods,
! bar room or tippling house will beat Jr. Flinch was indulged in until
all times in full view of or may be | refreshments were served, after
seen by the public, or passer by on ' which more hilarious games were
the street in front of such saloon, i indulged in until 10:30. Those
bar room or tippling bouse, and that present were: Misses Merle Robert­
he will not permit any music or son. Marie Campbell, Della Jackson,
| musical instruments in or about his Florence Brown and Carrie Woods;
such place of business during the Masters, Delbert Gilkerson, Tom
Campbell, Earnest Bills, Earl Bills
of such license.
Our O w n F r e e D e l i v e r y W a g o n .
S ec . 2. K a y person or persons and Roy Woods,
1 violating any of the provisions of
'Corner Main and Hiver Sts. West End of B.idga
section 1 , of this ordinance, shall
All kinds of engraving done at H. C.
' upon conviction thereof before tbe Madsen’s.
NO. 45
Frenchman, one an American and
one an Englishman. These gentle­
Draiu. Oregon.
men liecame bosom friends and fin­
Thu school observed the 22ud iu , ally a champagne supper was pro­
posed, at which each gentlemen, to
an informal way.
be iu keeping with the times^ was
Miss Cull returned to her classes
to give a toast to his native country,
after an illness of three weeks.
the one giving the best to be at no
Mrs. B. M. Signs spent Friday to expense for the wine. Here are
Monday visiting in Giants Pass.
' the toasts given:
The Russian— ‘‘Here’s to the
Captain Boswell has returned
after a two weeks visit in California. stars and bars ot Russia, that wore
never pulled down.”
J. A. Black returned from Port­
The Turk—Here’s to the moons
land and Salem, where he spent of Turkey, whose wings were never
several days last week.
The Frenchmen—Here’s to the
Messrs. Brown and Briggs will
take in the Woodmen doings at cock of France, whose feathers
were never picked.”
Albany next Saturday.
The American —Here’s to the
Tbe S. P. is distributing new stars and stripes of America, never
steel along the line—a much needed trailed in defeat.”
improvement- tbe new rails are
The Englishm an—‘‘Here’s to
much heavier aud we hope to see the ramping, roaring lion of Great
better time made
Britain, that tore down the stars
llepresentative Grey of Gardiner, and bars of Russia, clipped the
visited tho Normal Monday on his wings of Turkey, picked the feath­
way home from Salem. Mr. Grey ers off the cock of France and ran
and I. H. Bingham have proven like h— II from the stars and stripes
themselves the friends of education. of the United States of America.”
Pres. Demster attended a couutv —Exchange.
committee meeting at, Roseburg
How to Please Her.
Saturday to plan the couuty educa­
tional exhibit at Lewis A Clark fair.
A womnn likes to be truly loved
A good exhibit will be sent from and to be told so.
Douglas county.
She likes some noble, honorable
The friends of the Normal nre man to be thoughtful of her, kind
planning to have a “live feast” over and considerate of her welfare.
veil and becomingly
the success in maintaining the
school. Keep your eye on the Nor­ dressed, 11 quiet notice of it is al­
mal. We have sent out 23 teachers ways appreciated.
A word of praise for a nice din­
this spring.
ner or supper often more tliun
Many inquiries are coming from compensates her for the worry and
the East relative to this section and work of preparation.
one of the first questions is regard-
She wants her husband not only
ini' school privileges. It is pleas­ to be her supporter but her com­
ing lo be able to say, “Oregon is panion, remembering that it is the
alive oil education.”
kind word that often brings her
Work is being renewed on the greater happiness than a new set of
(lower beds and school gardens. dishes, though presents like the
All are taking a deep interest in the latter are always welcome.
She likes to be made to realize
matter. Mr. Briggs has secured
many flowers, bulbs aud seeds from that she is good for something be­
his friend, Prof Spillman of tbe sides a mere bousebolil drudge.
She likes to be petted occasion­
Agricultural Department at Wash­
ally, but not in public. The little
ington, D. C.
private pet names are very dear to
a woman’s heart.— McCall’s Maga­
Silk Creek Items
Mrs. Win. McCoy visited Mis.
O. D. Wheeler Sunday.
Grandma Wheeler is suffering
severely with rheumatism.
Oscar Wheeler returned from
Lynx Hollow Sunday evening.
Mrs. Burchani and I). A. Estes
and family visited at the home of
W N. Wheeler Tuesday.
M. F. Babcock and wife and son
Walter, spent some time visiting
friends in Cottage Grove recently.
Died at Walker.
On Sunday, February 19th 1905,
Harold Ilallett Huff, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Huff, died at
the home near Walker Station.
Harold was born (Jet. 29th, 1903
and was one year, three months
and twenty days of age.
There are left to mourn his loss a
lather, mother, five sisters and two
brothers that are residing at home,
one brother, Lorenzo Dow, at Ho-
quatu, Wash., and one half sister
Mrs. Ollive Orem residing at Den­
The Toast.
nison, Iowa.
lie was laid to rest in the ceme­
A man who lias just returned tery at Walker Station, the Rev.
from a western trip tells the follow­
C. H. Wallace conducting the fun­
eral services.
“ Recently in Los Angeles five
prominent gentlemen of foreign
A few blankets and winter robes
birth happened to meet. One was
a Russian, one was a Turk, one a left at Comer’s harness shop at cost.
k i
’ **»1
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