LEADER Named by Speaker A Twarm of Bees. S j|k C re e k |tem s H IN T S F O R F A R M E R S i; hopeful, B cheerful, B happy, B OREGON SALEM, Or, Jan. 10, Speaker Oscar Wheeler went to Hiualaw sc««..u crop n«r. COTTAGE GROVE kind, Mills this morning announced the Tuesday. Many farmeis do uut p. : ■ rlj - ,i-re lì lui y of body, B m odest of intuii, r u m . ISM KU KV » B * S A T U BUA V following ruembcrH of joint commit # vf D l___L ^ ____ elate the vain** ■>( r >v « lì ,-H'liest, H truthful, B timi, and »T TB» tees to inveit public iustitutions: , 0 “ °f M; P **'*< *''* h°rBe8 bay, aud »peak of it a« being acarcely KAUKK PUBLISH1NO COM PANY B fa ir . worth the trouble of cutting uud »ur- Ui a ll in I h lì h iiv io r B sure to B Blind School —Brum h all, Kuuej * cd t t a Kntered al the CotUM Orove pualuBlc« »J >«■ lng, »uys Amen -au Cultivator. Ue oml-claa* m a t u r . _______ SonoeiraDD. w are. Kutfene Miller and T. RinhardiiOD I think It is more valuable pound for li liiiiik ere you stum ble, of w h at pound than the beat that was cut for subscription batks ' Soldiers’ Houife—Cornett, L aw s, Wfcnt ,0 Tuesday. m ay B Tull: ttr»t crop, it i« lighter . «1 it takes O ne Year • * *’’S! Born to W. N. Wheeler and wife a the larger Smith of Baker Six Month» • amount to feed an anim al than true I yo u rself an d It faith fu l to Tun 10, an 814 pound girl. il'^pa”i Mm "advanoe hat It nut w palil a o f, the early cut hay, but whe« the Secretary of State—Kny, Cb.t all. iulforDi rale ul »a.uo l>er year will “ *X itiou weight la given it la Quite aa nu­ P. rav e to B w are of the sins that Advertising rate» made known on applnati u berlain, Mile*. Isaac Brown, of Lorane, is at eatne tritious A feed of it once a day is li set; State Treasurer—Bailey, Bing work for E. A. Wheeler. much reilahed by all the uniinula, uud B sure ¡it onesin will an o th er U get. CLUBBING LIST In milk it will prove almost ham, Donnelly. Eld. H W. Babcock is spending for ouwa it . .re an d lì içenerous, B honest, B equal to a feed of ensilage or of routs Tile Lane County L eaoeh for odo State Lbrary—McLeod, Her- nouie time this week with friends at as a stim ulant to milk production. The wise, year, and any of the following publi­ cation for one year, for the price set main, Smith of Josephine. the Grove. calves and young stock thrive on it as r, m indful oí tim e, and B c e rta in tlia hay, perhaps opposite: State foundry—Griffith, Killings- it Dies. -Miss Hutchinson went to Cottage ____ |b«y «ni : 1 ' 11 New York Tribune Karnter •' 7fl he 1; I u * lent, li III.e ra l, ol order B fond, ° because _____________* it is more ea . y __ d. ■ worth, Burns of . Coos and Curry. Toledo Weekly Blade................. >•» Gruve Monday to take the train for ut iambing Un;. i ‘ .1 - l .sill p. y les.- than you need B lore B rorlland Weekly Oregonian 2 rortland Weekly Journal ............ J « ' Canal audloc « Huntley, IMchie, • |le r Borne at Woodburo. utve more milk and thus y : - ' i ■ u B yon d. Portland Semi-Weekly Journal A» Newell, ,,, . lambs, aud it Is none tin- worse il d l i.a r e l u uying San Francisco C: ..................... AW l , but y e t B thu tirst to B San Francisco Kxalnlner .............. 2.M Reform Scbool-Holcoml) Ed- M,“er " " t " UDable l° ha* a good -La,., of d « : iu ... U Sunset Magazine, San Francisco 2 . 1 » sto w ; * work from cutting off a portion of requires a little more making than ir.e . 2.50 Out Went, La» Angeles wards, Burgess. . tem perate, 1J ste ad lu st, to a u g e r B grass cut in bis thumb in the shingle saw. Joint fisheries—Crang, Cooper, _ SATURDAY......... JANUARY 21, 1905 Burns of Clatsop. »%/ - w — — -------- H arvenllu K Potatoes. li th o ugh tful, B th an k fu l, w hate'er w Tucker and -» ------- family have Most of the fields of early potatoes m ay It tide; Insane A syluo-Jackson, Welch, moved onto their rftncb here r*" w ill be ripe enough to dig this month U 1 st an d 1! Joyful, B clean ly, B side, POPE LEO’S POEM ON DEATH. ! Huntley. cently from Divide. unless they were planted very late, -an t. I! p a d e lli, B g en tle to a ll, The alnktng sinking atm, «lescendliig Into Pcnitenti»ry—Von de H eue!, Edward Babcock very narrowly says American Cultivator, it does not i; i i if yo u can , but B bumble do them any good to remain lu the n ig h t, : Hudson, Sitz. - escaped shooting his foot Tuesday ground after the tops have die-1 down, w ith a l; Sheds on Ihoe, i . e o , its last raye of lì p, mpt mid B dutiful, still B polite, ^•gger, Steiner, W e st, hy the accidental discharge of his i>ig them and let them he on the j Land Board ligh t. leveront, B q u ie t, B sure an d B | ground until dry, but not long < lough State Land Agent—Dobbin, S et- uo. lu thy chilled re in s the blood creeps to get sunburned. Then pick them up righ t: tlemier, Colwell. Mr. A. L. Wheeler 'and wife, of aU(1 put u, „ ,.0ol, dry ld.i. e, |dl . d a y by d ay a. it re in in g , B ne’er led a s t r a y , S lo w ly —more »low ly—a» life ebbs Waterpower—Killingsworth, Her Mankato, Minn., arrived Monday to them too deep and tliey i - n .i : nil . cau th us of those w ho aw ay. j mann, Richie, Smith of Josephine, visit their parents, 8. F. Wheeler to 101 u,,le88 the dlseasc ls verj Uai 15 tray: among them before they are clii» I’o t i i r . 1 lovin g, B good and B Death casta tits d a rt thy mortal j Colwell The lr.tt.-r COiii iii ille t; was i ftutl wife u iiJ thru tu I h I ivch iu this tatoes do not need to Le iiumiicd , • nig" as carefully as eggs or ar/ ' yet tl form, when cold, appointed to investigate the feus- • l ce r i tl. .u B, and a ll else *T are not benefited any y Kurth símil receive -the funeral 1 ibility of con servin g th e water ; otv- ------ bandied when Ur-t tig shroud enfold. ! er of the state. —Selected. A R are Chance B u t from its prison th y glad sonl j P rofitable Age For B u teh erln «. Scholarship in Eugene Business The Uesh of very young nana sh all rise, ' 1.■ i• . e ->t window contains S tretch w ide its w ings, nnd, so arin g, g() MOK K .STOMACH THOU Itl.KS C o llege for sale. 8[>ecinl p rice . Ap- frequently lacks h i - . - and is w ater cloaks and shirt waists at An old anim al, properly fain-.. I seek the skies. i. ... r . . . _ .A t — —............ An old anim al, properly % ■> . ......i , . __ u_: Ail stomach trouble is removed by the ply at Jjoader office, or write. iu good health, would U i : etVr. to low prices. „ of . » f Kodol V.ulnl I Dyspepsia lllflliunalu l Cure 1.. ... J J , | ye Then, when life’s long, hard road has use u young one In i>oor conditio*! the stomach perfect rest by digesting all been trod, The best meat will U* o .1 wl.st von eat without the stoui ic'i's aid. Ah If it he th y blessed w ill, O God. cattle from thirty to forty 1 ■ u The food builds up the body, the rest restores the -tomacii to health. You A calf should uut be u « veal Grant me, If counted worthy of thy don’t Makes Kidneys «od Bladder RI«M have to diet yo ursel' when taking under six weeks of age, Is \ ■ ■ a ut grace, Kodol I)y»|>epSm Cure. J . D. Krskine, ten weeks old and rai led on the o\v W IT C H H A Z E L In thy most blessed heaven to see thy of A lien vi lie, Mich., says “ I suHered Hogs may be used at any :u after Heartburn and Stomach trouble lor face' six weeks, but the most profitub.e ^ some time. My siater-in-law has had LANE COUNTY I’O L E Y S K ID N E Y C O R E BUSINESS NOTICES the same trouble nnd was not able to eat lor six weeks. She lived en tirely A PLEASANT WINTER. on warm water. After takin g two bot­ Men’s and boys’ overcoats an It seoms almost impossible to tles of Kodol f>ys|iepHiu Cute she was clothing at Lurch’s. entirely cured. She now euta h eartily credit the news contained in the and is in goo 1 health. I ain glad to say Parkers for the best bread io tho papers from the East and north Kodol gave ine instant relief. ’ Sold by The Modern Pliarm ac y. city. NVe have changed our location evon so near by as Portland, con­ AT HALF PRICE ^ D IE S ! 5 00 Jackets, 6 50 9 00 “ - 10 75 13 75 “ - S P E C I A L - $2 25 3 50 5 75 6 75 7 75 Hen’s Veer Reduced in Same Proportion L u r c h ’s VALUES ARE THE lì EST YOU HAVE BEEN OFFERED D e W IT T ’S Is eight to twelve months. Sheep may be used from two to three months old. Tliej’ w ill be at their I est before two years old, usually at < -Tit to twelve months. Tl»** Cow’.** Stull. SA LV E, THE O R IG IN A L . A W e ll K nown C u re fo r Pi»«». Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, ec­ In some stables the covss m \ ci have zema, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds but not our quality. the same stall and are i-inem'd md painless. We could not improve the quality . . w herever they happen to go in. We if paid double the price. The best salve 1 he Leader office is prepared to ! do not like this practice and prefer that experience can produce or that money can buy. tu rn o ut the very highest class o f ! that every coiv shoulil have m ; for her borne. This they ai le.tni Permanently commercial job printing and would be lonesome if turned lilts DeWitt's is the original and only pure and guarantee satisfaction. some other. We think it much *- -iei Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for to put up the cows and much le-s >11- genuine the name DeWITT on every box. All others II. C. Madsen has just receiver fusluK. This hit or miss style a are counterfeit, prepakso by a fine line of gents’ vest chains to good deal like the fam ily whose mem­ E. C. DeWITT A CO., CHICAGO. lie sold at cost, Just the thing to bers never have the same seat at f. hle und lop down at the nearest vacant I'',.. Sale l>> the Modern P h a rm a c y buy for your sweetheart and hus­ chalr.-Hurul New Yorker. b an d . Call and see them. tab le Manure For iirnas. Parkers Bakeiy and confec* One S can most readily briny r.... out — ! land luto productive condition : ’ ’ o v f !;." d M « . U ct Q u o t a t io n s . tionaiy has removed from Main by the nld of stable manure or s mie J am why 21, 100.». s,r^ t to the Parkt’r building oppo hnmiiH producing material. sa\•> ii;i Winn! valley....................''■H ite the city hall. The building lean Agriculturist. Nuthtn; - i - i 1 lo lle d ................... 23.00 5/ 22 50 has recently undergone renovation equal good manure for use in s: .................. ”4 30 4 75 ZZZ7/.7"'.'". ‘2 iM per ton and improvement and will make a the new grass crop. O n e r.:. tills Is that the soluble commercial fer M t . l . l l i 2*5.00 “ “ first class stand for business. tllizers are readily lost before tl «' si.o rts.................................... 25.00 “ “ When you pay in advance your crop gets well started Tbo ; mire r iio p s .................................. 18.00 “ “ is valuable for holding the moisture in I|XY subscription to the Leader, ask for the soil to start the young crop. Timothy................................... 14 @ 10 a free one-year subscription to the .. r 1 Clover....................... .............. i 11 (fl' io 12 Pacific Tree nnd Vine—the best The Honey Cmp. i /n California Is the leading honey pro- " , ....................................1° r T 13 farm, poultry and livestock journal discing state, with over \ r;u n. .’.’.V.V.V 2^00 @ 2.25 on the Pacific Coast. Free with producing 1,250,000 p o u n . < •’ hou j ¡‘«••r ■ nc ........ . . 3.00 (a 3.25 and over 00,000 pounds of wax. In i t.,D>rs, ,u av Oregon the Leader if paid in advance. cerning the severe cold weather and To Keek Young. heavy huowb , which have prevailed From The Chicago News. this winter. Here in Cottage Grove ■ Keep in the sunlight: nothing near the head of tho Willamette valley, there has been no snow and i beautiful or sweet grows or ripen in but a very few days when the met- , m i ie darkness, cury got below freezing point Avoid fesr in all its varied forrai Many of the late gardens are still of expreusion. It is the greatest green and it is no exceptional thing enemy of the human race. Avoid excesses of all kinds; they for people to have fresh lettuce, are injurious. The long life must radishes nnd onions, same as in I i t P l e a s e t h e C o u r ^ - bo a temperate, regular life. June. Don’t live to eat. but oat to liv< In comparison to former years Many of our ills are due to overeat- there h..s been a small amount of An analysis will show that tho flour made by the rain. Many of the days have been ing, to eating the wrong things and COTTAGE GROT E FLOUR MILLS is far better than aDy other flour made in the Valley. Therefore, may it much more like spring than winter. to irregular eating. please the court, I ask, that the jury may be compelled to Don't aliow yourself to think on To tho lato arrivals who have heard eat a barrel of this flour, before deciding upon this case, it rains nil of the time in Oregon it. your birthday that you are n year iu which case they will unquestionably have some brain has been a pleasant surprise and older and ho much nearer the end material in their stomachs, even if they have none iu their Never look on the dark side tulie the old timers say "It hasn’t been heads. sunny views of everything: a sunny beat in -t.r> yoars.” thought drives away the shadows. Be a child; live »imply and natur­ The People Demand Reform ally and keep clear of entangling One reads in the book of hooks alliances and complications of all San Diego county alone are about 20,- fancy . •„........................... 75 85 that unless the foundation be kinds. 000 sw arm s, valued ;it *. 000 . Texas r. duos , i * oultry , etc . bnilded right, how shall the house stumlfl next to California ns a pro- | ... ranch.............................. 2&0i29 Cultivate the apiritof contentment; The Original stand ? ducer, followed by Kentucky. Missouri. i. . u *n............................. 24fu20 ail discontent and disHutisfaction C h icago , o rig in a te d North Carolina and Tonnes. l-’o lcy & ; 'o„ The mittkr How is economy possible in Ihe bring age furrow» prematurely lo llo n ev an d T a r a s a th ro a t an d lu n g total product of the United Si. *s Is | t ia creanurv 30 details of a state government, when rem edy, an d on acco un t of tho g re at ain c,y... 25-27)^ the face. m erit and p o p u la rity of F o le y 's about 02,000,000 pounds of honey and j.- m o the salaries of the state officials are bon ..........*............................. \30i\ Form a habit of throwing oil be­ II ue.v a n d T a r m an y hid ta t Iona are nearly 2,000,000 pounds of wax. not right to begin with. ONE MONTH.......................*rn, tra v e s ty , v au d e v ille , m usic, J \». Side. J 1 5 Main SI. Phone 114. emulsion, says Nati d islative salaries hut fees, perquisites, the link between the animal and sn ap py specialti«-», lieautffn l cos­ applying Stockman. It does tlie work < » u emoluments and what-nots. God. How do we know that the tum e*, fun ny co m ed ian s, novel more effectively and in h .» i •XJ+TI.+-' The one bill to redeem this legis­ animals have not a language of d an ces, s|«i'inl sc en ery, b rillia n t elee- time than it can be d nc by 1: T V OTAEIKS PUBLIC, BEAI. KSTATK it S It Is simply u ninttei of <• «»non. get lature in the eyes of the taxpayer their own? I think il rery rash to trien l effects, p re tty g irls , p ic tu r­ one. TN INSURANCE AND MINING (f <• J'JBNXIST esque ensem bles, b ew ild erin g d rills, OR . I I . II . P E T R I i : is the flat salary bill, and it matters deny it simply because we do not and a ll ihe la te s t song hits an d m an y PHILLIPS A IVMEELRR ? * A L L : WOKK : W ARKANTEO 1 T o p D r p M ln v S an dy Land. P R O P R I E T O R not whose bill it is.—Capital Jour­ understand it.” new hik I o rig in a l s in g e n ov elties, ! Bank Building Phone Main m ? ! * Office: First National Bank Buildl Top dressing of sandy land with ft | ft upstairs. nal. In the wars of Napoleon an of­ rh e e n tire perform ance is presented potash fertilizers gave good i !r« tl ficer named La moot, in a hussar b y a m etro i olltnn o rg a n isa tio n of with rye In some German I 1 lie forem ost colored sin gers c o m » though the yields were not as satisfac­ Lane County Vil»a(ioai I .mi putting up ;» high regiment, was several times saved | d ian s an d sp e c ia lty a rtis ts of thetr tory as when the pot nth w * «it grad»- io rent cigar The asHfumed valuation* according ill battle bv his horse, and o u t of race in A m erica. M ore b rig h t m u­ bviurr hrtiliiiki t TT C. MAOSKN f J y t K . C. M A U Y to the tax roll* of lame county fo gratitude took more care of the sic. e n te rta in in g v au d ev ille num tiers 5 11 I WATCHMAKER ^ Office: (Ifflo... A A w _I b ___ Th« Memorandum nook. rey n..H Building, Main »tl the yoar 1901 on as follows: animal than of himself. In 1809 ! a n d h e a r ty la u g h in g a re crow ded It pays a farmer, no m atter how 1 ; f Watches. Clock* and Jewelry at J I» E N T I A T Tillable land, U2.4W acre* Î &S3i »i.km,37o Lamont was killed in an engage in to tw o am i one lm lf hours of Ma- tie he may be. to keep a mem- r.tndum I/O west Prices. Non tillable hurt, 1,23ft,M4 acres ~ . 1 . * l I in u ’s M instrels th an w ou ld su p p ly book to Jot down things a* the.\ hap­ Improvements on deeded lands mem on the Danube, but the h o r s e ........ .. «• _ » floz«*n (if .'lad® from the very best lui If of th tho „ n v erw > m(ls1clll pen. Tou are often surprised at date-» Improvements on land* not deeded im p o rte d a n d d o m e s t ic would not quit the body, and with ÍHIVOCOHlOtliOH. tobacco 9. T hear are for Improvements on town lot*........... from season to season. tale M all I rifar :stands Town and cltj lots ................... I \ w . K IM S, M. n . 9 teeth and hoots Kept off every one In the city. Railroad lied ....................... I ) R' c' T H . y< w ill Kallroad roiling stork .................. matter was reported to Napoleon, O ffices In O r. (Jeo. W a ll b uild in g, P A T R O N I Z E find It necessary to call In ?» ■ rina- . to S Ü ? W J vnn. n M '■ c F a rla n d . B . u ild in g if y . Ovar ... ” 1‘ullnian rolling stock .............. to Stre e t, C o tta g e G ro ve. «»nice p a i Ovg Wynne s Hardware iter? • rlan to treat a case of diabeti - who gave orders to leave the horse e Office Phone, Mi Residence Phone, .rw 2 y M a in .«». Ke-ddenee phone M am 1 Engine*, machinery, rte I N D U S T R Y urla). Mereli.thdise................................ alone and watch him According j Farm Implement*, etc ................ Clean the Diu« to the statement of the sentinel, the Money ......................................... Clean your bins and bRrns. th*»t Note* and accounts......................... horse remained with the corpse all when you need them they will be sweet shares of stock ............................ night, and in the morning, having ■nd aerrtcafibla Household goods ....... ............. ' Horse* and mule*. 70S» ................. snutied it from head to foot, uttered Canto, ‘¿*.4*7..................................... a pitiful cry, gallojjed oft to the All diseases of Kidneys, Herbert E»kln Honnhoetnc a specialty, Hhcep and goat*. MV*tA .............. Bladder Urinary “ Orean». «agon and carriage re- . __ President Cottage Urovo, SPF.KDY RKI 11 Swine, ion* .............................. river, plunged . ! tn and i was urow neu BI»a». Feaner’s Kidney llasel Saive. Reware of c«> »nt American and European Fun, vriri Hacknche Cere 1 passed a gravel half as they are dangerous. s.»i«l i % Thu T . T . i/ C T T K R A T T mgs, five in number, for the Lew « largii Moti- I-ogle. 99 * marble. The medicine prevented | a general nanklng (UCKIISKD) ernPharmacv. I was cored business transact- Laughter. and Clark Cetennie», « progressing ■urther formation* **d :: :: :: W T. OAKES urrlx. Ya.“ veterinary surgeon and DENTIST Free. Uomnion aanaa Will f* »fu> rapidly. The buildings are almost D r,,«.», v. 't » '¡h t M » ™ * Special rates to familu SUOKNB, OREGON One Block from S.P. Old (tapers tor sal. at lite l.e.niei ,.ltho pvenlna. Kehruary 11, wh»n rwdy for the staff, »nd w ill he coat ST.VITUS DANCE rM w ,rVn!£i!li GOT TAGE GROVE Offlc« R.. Banes- Livery SUbtc. Phone \L in O a K O o H Nv tv ton o,inns. InUtsAK.. i n . l l r. s,l.i n, I*. MOD th phahm al Y Orauuntc ol tin- Anwrlcan VeterUafv offioa 15 cents per hundred pitted |)jr April \ __ UoUege of Sw Yor k City i; i; R H A S OH A l i b . E K4¿ Cures Piles Tho above mentioned Flour is sold by all Grocers In TÌ $ Eugene Business College Ra tos of tuition will bo as follows after Sep1 oinbor 1, 1904: TWELVE MONTHS..... 75.00 Eugene, Ore. Presiden TU ? CG TAGE GROVE Cigar Factory Ü TB05. C O N G E R f. U/?e C . G . B r a n d L DR. FENNER’S KIDNEY -d Backache CURE f HOME General B la c k s m ith in g I m p e r i a l H o t