REE— With The Leader, if Paid in Advance: 32 to 40 Page Monthly Magazine, “ The Pacific Tree and Vine.”— FREE Xane County Xeaòet. ____________ '»»ESIOIIS I J HOMESEHCIS will here flud upport.nltleJ nowhere el»« aSorded In Or*- Ifou. The Leader will »lee you the new» and facia ooa- cerulng this favored localiljr Cooooooooooooooooo: NO. M CO TTAGE G RO V E, OREGON, SATU RD A Y, JA N U ARY 21 , 1905 . CORPORATIONS ftesentative Bingham's Bill to Ex- imipt Certain Mining Corporations from Annual License Fee— Full Text of Bill. A BILL,. o'cjl' an act to exempt certain mln- !j#.rporntiona within the State of >n from paying the annual II. S fee now required by law; to ivliefor furnlxhlni; to the Seere- fjr-:< >f State a correct statement of ■h corporations, together with -) amount or value of the output or «wet from the mine» of such oor- ‘H*t Ions and to repeal all acts or r t l of acts so far as they may be in ■ c t herewith. of authorized capital stock, the num­ ber of shares, and par value of each share, the amount of capital stock subscribed, the amount of capital 3tnek Issued and the amount of the cupltnl stock paid up, together with a statement of the value of the unnu- Lane County Members of the Legis­ nl output or products of the mines of lature on Important Committees. such corporation, and any such min­ ing corporation whose annual out­ put or products shall not exceed In Following are the committee value the sum of one thousand dol­ lars, shall thereupon lie exempted assignments to the Lane county from the payment of the annual li­ members of the legislature: cense fee or corporation tax as now SEXATK. provided by law; Provided, that no such corporation shall be required to Booth on assessment and tax­ makes , .lutement If It shall pay ation, mining. the said annual license lee, as now or HOUSE. hereafter required by law. Edwards on eleettous, commerce, S ec . 2. All statements, reports and data of every description, required by manufactures. this act to be furnished to the Secre­ Bingham on mining, public tary of State, shall lie suitably died lands. and Indexed In his office, and shall be Griffin on federal, labor, penal deemed public records. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS and charitable institutions. Sue. :l. Wherever a document is lldy of the State of Oregon: Be E k . Mummy, ot Eugene, lias required by tills act to be sworn to or mooted tiy the people of the been appointed chief clerk of the verified to by an oath, unaffirmata- te of Oregon: -riu.N 1—Every corporation for- tion shall be deemed equivalent there­ house committee on enrolled bills, <1 or organized under and pursu- to, and a false affirmation Is , to lie and R. S. Bryson chief cletk of the t t o the law sof the .State of Oregon, deemed lierjury equally w ith a false house committee on judiciary. H enacted by the legislature as- lather now existing or hereinafter B ed , for lilt* purpose of engaging the business of mining for any of precious metals and whose hus- •6 It shall lie to engage In said ess, principally, shall during the h of June of each year and t>e- fctho first day of July of each year Ish to the Secretary of State, up- anks to be supplied by him for A purpose, n correct statement tffn to by one of its officers or the A g i n g agent of such corporation, atop some orfleer authorised to ad- ¡■jtt-r oaths, setting forth in de- I Aim namo o f the corporation, the atton of its principal office, the Me i J the president, secretary and usurer thereof, with the post of- pddress of each, the date of the P a l election of ottieers and tlirec- of such corporation, the amount oath. S ec . 5. All acts or parts of acts so far as they mny be In conflict here­ with are hereby repealed. To Succeed Himself. Word has come from W ashing­ ton that the Oregon delegation has reco.tiended for postmaster for Cottage Grove, Mr. C. J Howard, the present encumbent. Mr. Howard has been the post­ master here for the past four years and has filled the position so ac­ ceptably to the people that there has been no effort upon the part of any one to have another appointed to the position. Imperial Hotel F irst-c la ss in E v e r y ILespect TERMS BV DAY OR WEEK REASONABLE FREE BUS TO ANO FROM ALL TRAINS V * v 'V* c. A. JONES, Sole Proprietor NO DOUBT You are anticipating the approach of the holiday season with gladness, and visions of limitless turkey and cran­ berry sauce rise before your mind’s eye; and YO U’LL HAVE The usual accompanying delicacies, such as mince pies, pumpkin pies, etc.; but one thing you must not forget. What H O L ID A Y dinners is complete without that time-honored institution of our grandfathers— A PUDDING With plums, raisins, currants, lemon peel, citron and the sauce that makes it complete? “ No matter how much you eat, you’ve always room for the pudding.’ ’ The frenhest of everything for the din­ ner and for the pudding. PE A R C E & J O H N SO N O u r O w n F r e e D e liv e r y W a g o n . Main No. 43. Cerner Main and River Sts.. West End ef Bridja Cottage Grove and Vicinity. Cottage Grove is a beautiful city lying in the central part of Oregon. It is by the Southern Pacific rail­ road. I f it was not by the railroad it would not be so popular or so well known in the state. It is situated on both sides of the Willamette river, which affords waterpower for any kind of plant. The steam power is not used so very much in this part of the coun­ try, because they can run by water­ power cheaper than by steam. This beautiful city is surrounded by a rich body of land, and average all things planted or sown, the owners realizes a fair profit for their services. Fruit and small bushes or berry vines are also raised iu this part of the country, but even iu town, peo­ ple have small fruit vines of their own, on account the price of rai sing this fruit is high, therefore the people that have this to sell realize a good sum. Fruit is raised in large quantities and they find their market, in large cities, on account the people .here cannot use it. Soma of the finest fruit is raised here, and take the prizes, at the fair. Gardening is another good oc­ cupation, which enables a poor man to make a comfortable living which is a good thing. Every little plot of land is put into good use, to bring good profits. Poultry business will bring good results, if tended to right. Next year people will have to raise more on account ot the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and lots of people will be seeking new homes, and inquiring about this place, and the place wants to be perfect in ev­ ery respect. The Lewis and Clark Exposition, will not only make Portland grow, but will make some of the smaller towns that has the right kind of people in it, and every city will grow ioo per cent or more in one year than it has in the past three or four years. A great thing for Cottage Grove is the Bohemia gold mines, which are situated about thirty-five miles from city. A company was formed two or three years to build a rail­ road to these valuable mines, and road is not quite finished, but the railroad is running now every day as far as the railroad is finished. When finished Bohemia will be re­ garded, a leading mining district, because if everything had to be hauled out by teams, it would cost more, to haul out ore. than by the railroad. N ext comes the Blackbutte cin­ nabar mines which are of great im­ portance to this city. They are eighteen miles from Cottage Grove. These mines furnishes, all the quicksilver around here, that I know of. These mines are the only mines of this kind around here. One of the most important in­ dustry is lumbering. Many saw­ mills are found in this part of tbe country, more people, being em - ployed in this kind of business, be­ cause, it is the chief occupation. One sawmill is located in the east part of town which give employ­ ment to quite a large crew of me«, when a running. Take all the sawmills 4 it around Cottage Grove, So rapid were the movement* of the 1 and the town would go dead. So town will go d o w n to a poiut that animals that the girl« feared to ; you see Cottage Grove is right in it, nobody cares to' live m it. The shoot, because they might kill their Iso far maned, and will be all the cily government is ioimed of good pet dog. Finally the dog emitted a rest the way through that is men who believe in building up the shriek of mortal agony. named ! town, and who believe in making The girls rushed to the reecae. People, coining to this city, will laws that people will obey or they One grasp the dog's limp hind lege find employment, either in the will have officers to see that the aud literally pulled the combatants sawmills or something else. laws are obeyed. So it the town iu- apart, while the other sent e ballet The Southern Pacific Railroad creases as it has, for the next two through the head of the lynx. runs through the south part of years and it will be a stronger town They sbouldeied Ihe animal batween town. They built a large h ue! iu every way. .E ve ry th in g will be Lives. them and returned home accom­ depot, on account, the other one run on a larger plan or scale. So panied bv the limp, torn and bleed* was too small to store stuff or let the good work go on. mg dog. They hung the lynx in things away. The depot is the C i i a r i . es G a t e s . the woodshed, and he proved to be finest this side of Portland. This an unusually large beaat with long company did not build this depot, Wife Beating Bill. tassels on his ears. just for the fun of it, but because, Representative Siekel of Mult they saw that thi» town was going The voung ladies mentioned ia iiornah County has introduced the Talented Young Daughters of W ash­ to amouut to something, aud it has. the foregoiug article are neices of following bill, which he hopes to ington Rancher Are as Fam iliar Frauk B. Phillips of this oiiy. fclioa The Cottage Grove flour mills is ,, . ... - ., „ to have passed this session of the With a Rife as With a Piauo another great thing tor the Grove, 1 - Faye visited her uncle some months because if they had to ship in flour legislature. ago and will be remembered by Section i . — A n y person who and millstuff the price would be many who met her at that time. Wiiilea maddened lynx win wor­ shall hereafter assault and beat his very much higher, and people wife, shall he deemed guilty of a rying their pet dog the Phillips could not live here, it istr'good Mahara s Minstrels. misdemeanor and upon conviction sioieit, iitt lu-Kcd ihe wild beast. thing that Cottage Grove has the thereof by any court shall be sen­ One literally wrested the dog from The' most diverting novelty prom­ flour mills. Cottage Grovt» can the jaws of tlio lynx, the other killed j ised by the Manager of the coining ship flour instead of importing it tenced to be whipped not exceed­ theatrical week Is the faraón» Ma- ing 40 lashes or imprisontnenr for it with a shot through the head. in. Faye and Florence Phillips, aged hnra's Minstrel» known from Maine a term not exceeding one year, or An important occupation, a pay­ to California as the banner colorad ho" ’ . iu the discretion of ihe court. 17 and ll>, respectively, live oiy’tye Minstrel organization of America* ing one is brickmaking, which of Sec. 2—That if any court shall homestead of their father, Fro f S The entire performance scintillates course, ali building must have order or direct the punishment as Phillips, on the reservation side of with a sparkle o f originality that bas brick, which of course, if the brick aforesaid by whipping, that the the Columbia, near Ihe mouth of made this Companythe moat popu­ is made here, it will not h ave to b same shall be administered by the I’ir; Sheep Creek, two miles from lar of all traveling colored attrac­ shipped here. Some people would Yesterday afternoon tions. The company comprise» a sheriff of the county or any mar­ Northport. rather build with brick than with membership of the very l>est artiste, shal or policemru of any city or the hired man ran home to toll that both ladles and gentlemen known to lumber, so of course, lumber and town where judgment shall be ren- the dog had treed a large lynx. The the colored profession. There la not brick are both needed to build a . ,, . .. c tiered, and the same sheriff, mar- girls seized rifles from the wall aud a white face In Its ranks, although fn house or anything in the line of houses shall or policeman shall administer followed up the bark of the dog. its chorus are a doien pretty young the same within the walls of the He had the beast treed on one of women who, It will be difficult to Machinery is also being made on discover from their lighter sisters. or city or town higher limbs. Both girls fired at , This Is considered a new departava a small scale and in course of time, J a'' l *ie com,t' where said crime shall have been tbe same time. Tbe wounded ani­ In Minstrelsy by Mahara Bros, who will grow to be made on a larger mal bouiYded into the air aud landed promise many more novel features scale. There is a small machine | cotnra' ltc'' Sec. 3. —inasmuch that existing on the ground a few feet from the which w ill be seen for the first time shop located about one mile from I conditions are such that for the im­ girlrf“, who were coolly reloading in this city. The costumes and scenery are entirely new and tha mediate preservation of the public their weapons. manager Is positive he has scehred coming to this city in a short time The moment the beast struck the one of the brightest treat# for patrons health and safety un emergency is to work at the machinists trade. hereby declared to exist, and this ground it was attacked by the dog. j on Tuesday night, January 81st. Maybe in the near future there may act shall take effect and E iu full be machine shops or railroad shops force and effect on and aftei its ap­ like in Portland or some other large proval by the governor. • city. The population of Cottage Grove A New VindT is about 2200, The populaion has increased rapidly since the last ceil- A 1 Amesbury and Jo a n . l1,s sus, which gave the city a popu -1 c®me fro ® Bohemia on " m i.,15 lation of 974 people. The people They lepoit having made a very are a very up-to-date class No satisfactory find cfore on a property town can exist and have its people about two miles distant from the lagging behind. If they do no Ware house and • on Champion help the town in some way, the Creek between Adam mountain and Hotel Ridge. town would soon go down. Mr. Atnesbury has until recently Cottage Grove has two schools, been foreman at the Oregon Securi­ one was built this year costing about ties but resigned tbe position to as­ $10,000, one is located on the east sist in the developmental the newly side and one on the west side, the acquired claims. Mr. Freeburg new one is two stories high with a was until the first of tbe year em­ basement just Jhe same as the other ployed at the same property but one, but on a different model. The quit to locate the claims which it is new one was built on account the stated were open tor relocation by other one could not hold the reason of the failure of former j students. The grammar grades owners to do the assessment work occupy this school, and the high for last year. school the old one on the east side Some work lias been done at a The old one was all painted np and fotmer period, and on one side of new things added which gives in a tbe gulch a tunnel has been driven nice look. Twelve teachers are which discloses several feet of vein employed to teach or instruct the material which it is claimed is free students. milling and carries at least twenty Four churches opened every Sun­ dollars per ton. day is the religion that Cottage On the opposite s ide a big slide Grove has, if the people wants 10 occured some years ago and it was go to church they have four church s iu examining this that the rich ore to take their choice to go to. Th< y “ , ' , _ . 0 was found can go every Sunday and some­ Mr. Amesbury states that quite times during the week. There is large chunks of ore is found mixed some kind of service going on Men’s Suits find Overcoats about one-half price with the debris and many pieces n e a r l y e v e r y night. These Men s and Uliildren’s Sweaters, 25c, fiOc to ifl show free gold and all shows well four churches are the Pres­ Wool H< iso foi Children, - - 10c by panning. byterian, Methodist, Christian and Women's Shots that were $] .50 to $3 per It has been determined to run a the Catholic. A new church con­ pair go for . . . - $1 tunnel through the slide and locate gregation is talking of building an- rl he salt is to ¿.'lean up the whole stock the vein from which this ore must othet church called the Episcopa­ and we will certainly put the knife in. have come. A supply of tool* and lian, add if this is bruit, the num­ provisions have been purchased ber will be five. and the owners will return at once N ext are the societies and lodges and with a f()rce of men proceed to and clubs. The lodges are too drj ve the tunnel and ascertain the numerous to mention as sometimes iext,.nt of wbat )hpv fcel „ flnf there is a lodge in some of the |)ody 0p ore halls every night in the week. There is not any Y . M. C. A. or any Y The Latham Machine Shops W. C. A . in the city but there soon I are prepared to do all kinds of ma- will be. There is a boys lodge ............ 7 (1 chine and general repair work,! called the "Ju n ior Foresters,’ ... .... . 3 . , , , metal turning, hitting and adjust- any person coming here that has . . . . . ., , 1 . . , mg of machine parts. A ll orders boys that wants to get into a lodge ... . . , , , . , will be given prompt aud carelul can go into one. This is a fine attention. — lodge, good moral body. So the ' lodges are all right. The Commercial Club is an or­ ganization, which is striving to make the town a better and moral A mountain ranch, some town. Everybody should lend a d e a l e r IN rolling, mostly level or nearly hand and help this club. The government of a city should so, half cleared and im­ be considered as well as anything, proved,balance timber. Must for a bad government does not go Cottage (»rove, Ore, very well, because if the government ave purchaser. Inquir e at I law ley Bldg., West River Ht., is not good the results are that th e|o ffic e o f L e a d e r . I'hone your order. GIRLS FIGHT A LYNX Rescue Pet Dog Dog Atfireat Peril of Their BULLET KILLS BEAST ffj Suits, Sweaters, Umbrellas, Hats, Ties. . r J (% i J Shoes, M o te, Hand'k fs, Hosiery, Frit Shoes B E O N H AN D AT TH E Big Clearance Sale WELCH & WOODS REMEMBER THE PLACE For Sale D. C. Baughman HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR and MILL FEED