Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, July 29, 1904, Image 8

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¡B r itish
P r e s s S e e s Peace
In the Balance.
nest Capture Kiao Tung I-ondon, Ju ly 23 —The authoritative British People Favor Using
| assurances th a t the Malacca will be re-
After Stubborn Fight.
Forte With Russia.
I leased, cabled by the Associated Press
1 ,0 0 0
| fr„m
S t.
to the United
MEN States, do not appear in the B ritish
I m orning papers.
Special dispatches
yvAtc' on the Stronghold It Made j to a som ewhat sim ilar effect from St.
Heavy Fire and Succett Is Only ! Petersburg do not allay the alarm ist
views of the leading organs which con­
¡Mined by Two Days’ Fighting.
stru e Prem ier Balfour’s post-m idnight
announcem ent th a t the government had
lute 25.—G eneral K itroki. received no confirm ation of tire report­
, , severe ti«ht. occupied k ia o Tun* ed release of tire Malacca to mean th a t
th e incident tem ains unsettled.
uiy I*- Tlie r 1““ ,iaJ been iort* '
A nother cause for great apprehension
by the Ruaoinno, who defended it is the broader question of R ussia’s
lly. In the fighting G eneral K uro- right to send vessels of her volunteer
tr001,i drove the Kunniann from fleet through the Dardanelles. A strik ­
ing evidence th a t the danger of the
r ttroi'Kiy lortiOea pooition on the situ atio n Iras not been m itigated in the
river, which ia northw est of Mo least, so far as B ritish official an I pub­
pM> and east of An l ’in, inflicting lic opinion is entertained, is afforded
«the enemy more eerioue loeeee by tire Daily T elegraph, w hich, under a
„they sustained them selves. The large heading, “ An Acute A ffair,’’ de­
c la r e s th a t “ relations between Great
,1 began on the lHtb and ended on B ritain and Russia have reached tire
19th. The Japanese lost 424 m en sla te of an acute crisis, hut behind the
jd »ml wounded.
T he R ussian incident of the Malacca is the far larger
question of the statu s of the Bo ealled
tt are estmated a t 1,000.
volunteer fleet.
Jenerai Kuroki began h is advance
“ I t lias, we believe, been made clear
|y in the m orning of th e 18th.
to th e czar's government th a t the tran s­
;he fighting continued u n til dark, form ation of m erchant vessels passing
,en the Japanese forces bivouacked. thrmriih the Dardanelles into armed
cruisers cannot be recognized under any
Russians m ade tw o counter at-
pretext whatever a« justifying R ussia’s
ks, but were repulsed in each case. interference w ith B ritish shipping. It
* Japanese renewed th e atta ck a t is not im possible th a t as a concession
dniglit, posting th e ir a rtille ry iu to R usiian dignity, the government
i valley below and on the high may offer to perm it the Malacca to put
into some neutral port where her cargo
on,l to the south of th e R ussian po- may lie exam ined and the statem ent
on. The main Japanese body was verified th a t w hatever m unitions she
¡•ned to attack th e R ussian center, carried were intended for tire use of the
snail detachm ent sent tow ard the B ritish C hina squadron.’’
*t flank and another to w atch th e
emy's left flank.
lifter these positions had been taken
e fighting ceased for a tim e, b u t it
u resumed at daw n. T he Russians
id 32 guns in action, and th ey vigor-
¡sly shelled the Japanese. To th is
ie the Japanese replied, and th e bonr-
irdnrent lasted for four hours. Dttr-
f this time the Japanese in fantry
loved forward and th e flankers had
eded in sealing th e heights on the
_an right by 3 o ’clock iu th e after-
»on, at which hour th e m ain force
as ordered to storm th e R ussian cen-
r The Japanese a rtille ry protected
it movement splendidly, hut th e in ­
jury met with a severe fire and loBt
^atiiy in training tire h eig h ts.
The final successful charge w asdoliv-
wi at 6:30 in th e afternoon. The
jpanose succeeded in p a rtia lly c u ttin g
If the Russian re tre at, and th is soon
«am« a rout. T he enem y retired in
wo directions, to th e n o rth w ard and
5 the eastward. Tire R ussian forces
»guyed included, in a d d itio n to the
rtrllery. seven battalio n s of in fantry
nd a regiment of Cossacks.
.ussia Will Release Malacca and
Put End to Red Sea Incident.
St. Petersburg, J u ly 26.— The steam ­
er Malacca is at Suda Bay, Island of
rete, where, under an agreem ent
rcFeti by G reat B ritain and Russia,
he ( will
be perfunctorily inspeted jo in t­
ly by the Consuls of th e tw o countries
nd released unless p a lp ab le contra-
I of war intended for th e Japanese
hall be found, in w hich case th ec o n tra -
I only will be h eld .
B ritish gov-
rnrrent stores aboard th e vessel w ill
not lie examind.
The Russian reply to th e B rittish
protest was handed to A m bassador
IHardinge in the afternoon.
agrees that the Malacca shall not be
brought before a prize co u rt, and u n ­
dertakes th at no in cid en t sim ila r to
this will occur in tire fu tu re .
A claim foi dam ages as a re su lt of
delaying the steam er w ill he presented
indue course of tim e th ro u g h th e B rit­
ish embassy.
The captain of th e St. P etersburg, in
his report, gives as his reason for sum ­
marily making a prize of th e Malacca
•he fact th at the B ritish m aster of th e
Malacca declined to province th e m an i­
fests of Ilia cargo.
Torpedoed by Accident.
Tientsin, Ju ly 25.— A letter was
received here today from Niti Chang
esving th a t tlie com m ander of a Rus­
sian torpedo-boat had reported th at
while in tire gulf of Pe C hi Li he had
accidently torpedoed a B ritish steam er.
It is surmised here th a t tlie vessel le-
ferred to is tire llip sn n g , now five days
overdue from Nu C hang. T he llipsnng
belongs to tlie Indo-C hinn com pany.
It is reported here th a t a heavy bom ­
bardment of Port A rth u r occurred yes­
terday and heavy gun-fire was heard at
iou Chuang the sam e day.
Case o f S en ator B u rto n Up.
Washington, Ju ly 25 — Ju stic e Brew­
er, of the Uniter] States suprem e court
has granted a w rit of e rror to tire
I nited States d istric t c o m t for th e
eastern d istrict of M issouri in th e case
of Senator Joseph B. B urton, convicted
jn Ht. 1.oil is of accepting a fee for serv-
>ng before the postofiice d ep artm en t
While a member of the U nited States
senate. The tase will be reviewed by
the United States suprem e court, prob-
*l>ly in the fall.
V la d iv o sto k Pleef Hopes fo W eaken
Squadron af Port A rthur.
St. Peterbsurg, J u ly 23.—The news
of th e first appearance of th e Vladivo­
stok squadron in th e Pacific since the
outbreak of th e w ar, telegraphed from
Tokio, causes no surprise a t the adm i­
ralty here, although it is saiil Vice Ad­
m iral Skrydroff purposely has not noti­
fied them of th e squadron’s departure
in order to prevent the possibility of
th e inform ation leaking out.
Vice A Imira! Bezobrazoff’s action in
giving th e slip to Vice A dm iral Kam i-
m ura and passing Ts gar stra its is re­
garded as evidence of the insufficiency
of th e Japanese naval forces. I t is
probably th e purpose of A dm iral Bezo-
brazoff to raid th e coast tow ns of J a ­
pan, capture m erchantm en, m ake a
naval dem onstration off Yokoham a,
and generally create a panic am ong the
population, in order to coni pel Rear
Adm iral Togo to reinforce Adm iral
K am im ura, and th u s weaken the ficot
off P ort A rth u r.
T he idea th a t A dm iral Bezobrazoff
would seiiously attack large ports of
Japan is, however, rejected, owing to
t h r danger from subm arine boats,
m ines, torpedo boats and shore batter­
The report is cu rre n t th a t th e V ladi­
vostok squadron is hom ew ard bound
under orders to effect a ju n ctu re w ith
th e first division of Vice A dm iral Ro-
jestvensky’s Baltic squadron, w hich is
ready to go out on a tria l tr ip in the
Japanese Break Into the E n e m y ’s
Left riank.
Liao Y aang, Ju ly 23.— News was re­
ceived from Ta Tche K aio yesterday
th a t th e Japaneee had broken through
the Russian left flank between L ieuten­
a n t G eneral C ount K eller’s position
and th a t of General Rennenkampff, and
th a t they were inarching on M ukden.
The rum ors to th is effect are persist­
e n t, but th ere is no official confirm a­
tion of them .
C o n firm s Japanese
V ic to ry .
London, J u ly 23.— According to a
special disjiatch Irom Moscow, the Rim­
sky Listok of th a t city confirm s the As­
sociated Press report from Liao Yang
th a t th e Japanese have broken through
th e R ussian left flank and are m arch­
ing on M ukden.
More Men Charged W ith Outrage.
C ripple Creek, Ju ly 23.— Inform a­
tion ( barging I’earl Skelton w ith m ur­
der and com plicity w ith the Independ­
ence depot outiage on June 3 was filed
in th e d istric t court today. It was an
nonneed th a t inform aiton m aking sim ­
ila r charges w ill he filed against W il­
liam A. A krem an, F. II. Mtilaney, A.
I.. Nugent and W illiam Gaffney later.
Frank J. Hangs, local a ttorney for the
W estern Federation of M iners, said
today th a t none of the men arrested
for the k illin g of Roxie Magee on June
6, in the Victor street riots, was guilty.
In crease o f Capital Stock.
L ouisville, Ju ly 23.— At th e stock­
holders’ m eeting of the Southern Pa­
cific held a t Beeclimont today, 1,520,-
| 000 of th e 1,978,000 shares of stock
I were represented by proxies in the
I han Is of Judge 1C. P. H um phrey, who
acted as ch airm an . A resolution in­
creasing th e capital sto' k of th e com ­
pany $100,000,000 by the issue of p re ­
ferred stock was adopted. A ttorney J.
B. W eaver acted as secretary. None
of th e other stockholdera was present.
Panama Now Gold Standard.
Washington, Ju ly 26.—The Panam a
<*na] commission today received infor­
mation from the governm ent of Pana-
m* of the ratification of th e money
system of the new governm ent in ac-
cor< ance with the agreem ent reached
°y the joint com m im ion.
Panam a is
now a gold-standard country.
H ears She W ill Release Ships.
P aris, Ju ly 23.— Inform ation reach­
ing governm ent q u a ite rs here leads the
officials to believe th a t Russia w ill re­
lease the B ritish and Germ an m erch­
antm en seized in th e Red sea, as a
means of a verting intern atio n al com ­
Ministry Is ia a Dilemma
It Realizes That
the Policy Fostered by the King Will Be
Repudiated by the Masses.
London, Ju ly 22.— The Associated
Press tonight intei viewed m any prom i­
nent persons connected and in close
touch w ith the governm ent relativ e to
the seizure of B ritish vessels by
steam eis of the Russian volunteer fleet
in the Red sea. As a re su lt of these
inquiries, th ere is shown to be a hos­
tile feeling against R ussia, of a strength
and bitterness alm ost w ith o u t piece-
T he m ost conservative m en,
who have been in the service of th e
government for m any years, and who
openly deplored th e haste w ith w hich
they th o u g h t G reat B ritain had plunged
into tlie T ransvaal mar, ton ig h t tran k -
I' declared for a policy o i reprisal
against w hat is regarded as R ussia’s v i­
olations of treaty and her p ira tita l a t ­
tack on B ritisli commerce.
The w arlike tone of such papers
like tlie Tim es, th e h tan d a rd , th e
M orning Post, and th e D aily Tele­
graph, which in national crises h ith e r ­
to alm ost invariably have advised c au ­
tion, lias Intd its in evitable effect.
There hat; been stirred up a storm of
indignation among a ll classes in the
U nited Kingdom , th e stren g th of which
the governm ent itself can scarcely
gauge. Those who deplored the o u t­
break of tlie w ar betw een Ja p a n and
Russia and insisted publicly and p ri­
vately th a t G reat B ritain, crippled fi­
nancially, after her South African e x ­
periences, m ust not, a t a ll costs, be
drawn in to the Far E astern struggle,
are am ong th e m ost outspoken ch am ­
pions of a physical force th a t will p re ­
vent the repetition of th e M alacca in ­
cident in th e Red sea.
Those few officials a t th e foreign
office who are in full possession of all
d etails of G reat B rita in ’s desire to a r­
rive a t an entente w ith R ussia are in
desjtair. They realize th a t the policy
so carefully fostered by K ing Fldward
and Foreign M inister Landsdowne w ill
now be indignanty repudiated by all
jiarties in the house of com m ons, and
involve w ith the public th e dow nfall of
any m in istry advocating it.
Every nerve w ill be a ttain ed , how ­
ever, by th e foreign office to secure
from Russia an explanation th a t w ill
pacify tlie aggrieved feelinge of th e
B ritish public, and no step w ill be
taken officially th a t will ten d to p reju ­
dice subsequent d iplom atic negotiations
looking to th e settlem ent of all im ­
p o rtan t questions now o utstanding be­
tween R ussia and Great. B ritain .
W a rsh ip s W ill Com pel R u s sia lo Give
Up O riental Liner.
London, Ju ly 21.—I t is believed by
leading naval officials here,- who are
cognizant of certain sw eeping orders is- j
sued yesterday by th e ad m iralty , th a t 1
th e B ritish governm ent intends to com- |
pel Russia to surrender the Peninsular
& O riental liner Malacca, seized as a
prize of war by the •RueaiaiFcruiaer 8t.
P elershurg, and en route to Libau
under a prize crew. It is also gener­
ally understood in naval circles th at
no o ther B ritish sh ip s w ill be stopped
by the R ussians a fte r the B ritish cruis­
ers reach th e scene.
The orders to com m anders of th e la t­
ter vessels are declared to be sh o rt, but
explicit, and provides th a t B ritish ves­
sels shall tie free to navigate Eastern
w aters, w ith o u t Recognizing th e w ar­
ships of any o th er power, or th e rig h t j
to search them for contraband.
One of th e developm ents yesterday
was the d etachm ent by A dm iral Dom
ville, com m anding the M edterranean
fleet, of his two sw iftest cruisers to pro-,
ceed a t full speed to P o it Said, which
is a t tne n o rth ern end of th e Suez ca­
nal. I t is understood th a t these two
vessels w ill arriv e a t Port Said before
the Malacca, and be there w hen the
la tte r em erges from th e canal. I t ie
considered likely th a t they w ill compel
the R ussians to give up th e ir prize, a l­
though, of course, th e ir future action
is carefully guarded, and laym en can
only conjecture and reason from the a t­
titu d e of th e naval chiefs.
Naval officers generally agree th a t
such actiop can be confidently expected,
and they are for th e most p a rt now d is­
cussing th e probable a ttitu d e of Russia
when the Malacca is taken by force.
V la d iv o sto k S h ip s Enter Pacific and
Take Japanese Steam er.
An eye-w ltneas of the execution of the tw o Jap an ese officers, Colonel
T'koko and C aptain Ottl, a t K harbln, has furnished a n artlst-corresrpondent
of London G raphic w ith an Illu strated account of the scene. T he tw o officers
w ere cau g h t a tte m p tin g to blow up th e railw ay bridge over th e river None,
in M anchuria, and w ere brought before a court-m artial, w hich sentenced
them to be hnngeil as sptea. G eneral K uropatkin, how ever, ordered th a t they
should be shot. T hroughout th e ir tria l and the prelim inaries to the execu­
tion the tw o men displayed th e utm ost courage. On th e execution ground
both officers requested th a t th eir arm s should not be tied to the bo art Is
behind them , and C aptain O ttl asked th a t his eyes should not be bandaged.
Colonel Ukoko, who w as a C hristina, received the holy communion from a
R ussian priest, and m ade a w ill leaving a sum of a thousand roubles to be
devoted to Red Cross w ork. "B oth o f the officers,” w rite s tlie correspondent,
"died like heroes."
Tokio, J u ly 21.— The Vladivostok
squadron has overhauled a Japanese
steam er eastw ard of T sugar stra its.
The nam e of th e vessel captured and
her fate lias not yet been learned.
T he Vladivostok squadron, unac­
com panied by torpedo boats, entered
the Pacific ocean today a t 7 o’clock.
ItB destination is unknow n, but it is
suggested it possibly plans to raid the
east coast of Ja p a n and th en e ith e r re­
tu rn to V ladivostok, escaping to th e
southw ard, or a tte m p tin g to form a
junction w ith th e P o rt A rth u r fleet.
The squadron was discovered in the
stra its of Tsugar a t 3 o’clock th is m orn­
ing, steam ing rap id ly eastw ard.
A t 3:30 A. M. i t was reported off
Tappicape, and a t 7 A. M. observers a t
Few tru e stories of m erited com m er­
H akkodate discovered and reported to
Tokio th a t it was th en steam ing east. cial success Illu stra te th e value of
W arnings have gone out to shipping pluck and perseverance m ore clearly
along th e eastern coaBt of Ja p a n and th a n th a t of T hom as A. E dison and
m erchantm en are h u rried ly seeking the Incandescent electric lig h t I t w as
cover. I t is expected th a t m ost of the on October 16, 1879. says Gassier'»
shipping w ill be warned before the M agazine, th a t Mr. E dison deem ed he
R ussian sh ip s can inflict serious dam ­ hail reached conditions un d er w hich
age, if a raid is intended.
a carbon filam ent m ight be m nde luto
O rd in arily , a lack of ccal would pre­ a lamp. A ccordingly a cotton th read
P a ck e rs and Union Have A gree d to
vent an extended cruise, but it is possi­ w as laid In a hairpin-shaped groove
Settle Trouble by A rb itration .
ble th a t th e R ussians possess a collier In a nickel plate, p u t in a nickel mold
Chicago, Ju ly 22.—The strik e of the at a rendezvous in the Pacific ocean.
and covered w ith charcoal a n d cooked
packing-house em ployes begun nine
five hours, i t w as then thoroughly
days ago, and w hich has dem oralized A R M IE S M EET N E A R T O N G SCHU. carbonized, b u t unhappily It broke to
tlie packing industry th ro u g h the coun­
pieces w hen the Inventor a tte m p ted
try , was settled here to n ig h t a t a con­
R u ssia n L o s s e s Pu t at 2,100, Jap­ to tak e It from th e mold.
ference between representatives of tlie
R epeated experim ents brought sim i­
anese L o s s e s at 1,200.
packers, officials of the M eatcutters’
la r failures, until late a t night on the
Chicago, Ju ly 21.—A special to the 18th one w as rescued In ta c t; b u t It
union and representatives of a ll tlie
a llied trades em ployed a t the stock- Daily News from N iu C hw ang says:
broke w hile being fastened to the con­
H ard fighting has been going on for ducting w ire. N either Mr. E dison nor
yards. The whole controversy w ill be
subm itted to a board of a rb itratio n , several days in th e neighborhood of his a ssista n t, C harles Haohelor, had
both sides agreeing to abide by w hat­ Tong Bchu, eight m iles east of Ta Tche had any sleep since beginning work
Kiao. It is rum ored th a t the Russian tw o daya before; hut they determ ined
ever decision th is board m ay raeeh.
Pending th e decision of the a rb itra ­ loss in laBt n g h t’e engagem ent was 2,- to keep a t work and m ake a lam p be­
tion board, th e men w ill be taken 190 and th e Japnaeae 1,200. The J a p ­ fore they slept.
hack to worx as rapidly as possible by anese also have been in active contact
On the lu th they m ade several fila­
the packers, and ;t is agreed by the w ith th e RuasiaDa east of H ai Cheng, m ents. b u t all broke In the clam ping
packers th a t all th e old em ployes are
process. On the 20th one w as success­
to be reinstated w .th in 45 days from tions.
fully clam ped, and hope ran high th a t
the d a te work is resum ed, tf any of
th e lam p w ould soon be done; but
the form er employes are still unim -
a s It w as being carried from the shop
ployed a t the ex p iratio n of th a t tim e, sition b u t the general atta ck ¡B being w here It w as m ade to th e glass blow ­
such persons a te to have th e privilege postponed u n til supplies a n d reinforce­
ing room to be sealed In a globe a
of su b m ittin g th e ir cases to th e a rb i­ m ents come to the front. Progress
along th e m uddy roads and m ountain breath of w ind cau g h t it and blew It
tratio n board for settlem ent.
aw ay.
The strik ers w ill re tu rn to w ork as passes is slow.
Mr. Bachelor w as dism ayed and d is­
soon as they can be notified of the
gusted. Both men w ere exh au sted and
peaceable fkljustm ent of th e trouble,
Liao S aid to Be Sealed.
nlmoat discouraged, b u t they kept at
and it is expected th a t by tom oi row-
London, Ju ly 21.—T he T im es’ Tokio 1
m orning everything w ill he in norm al correspondent, cabling under (tate of w ork. A t last, on the m orning of the
21 at. th e fifth day Blnce they had
shape a t all th e p lan ts in tlie diffeient Ju ly 19 says:
“ Japanese m ilita ry
cities w here th e em ployes were on critics an tic ip a te renewed efforts by slept, they had the happiness of see­
ing a lam p finally com pleted and light
strik e.
G eneral K uro p atk in to recover the Mo ed. T he tw o m en th en w ent to bed
Tien positions, w hich are essential to nnd slept several hours. W hen they
J a p s Retreat A fte r H ot Eight.
th e security of his arm y if it rem ains nwoke tlie new- lam p still burned. Mr.
S t. P etresourg, Ju ly 22.— The czar in th e present p o sitio n .’’ The corre­ Edison Increased the c u rren t, slid the
has received th e follow ing dispatch spondent adds th a t i t is rum ored in
lump burned m ore b rightly—fnr more
from G eneral K uro p atk in , dated Ju ly Tokio th a t th ree Japanese torpedo boat
brightly th an they had dared a n tic i­
19: “ There has been no special change destroyeie have sealed th e Liao river,
pate. It wns th e first m odern Incan­
in tlie situ atio n since J u ly 17. “ At 5 w here th e R ussian gunboat Sivoutch
descent lam p. Mr. Edison believed It
o'clock in the afternoon of Ju ly 18, and a Russian torpedo deetroyer are
wus a successful one, but It lasted
Japanese advance forces of considerable anchored.
only tw o days, a n d then burned out.
strength were observed in th e direc­
A t once a host of em ployes w ent to
tion of Sikseyann, on th e Liao Yang-
E o rty -S ix C lerk s Em ployed.
w ork carbonizing every available sub-
Paiiftnti za road, m oving ag ain st a de­
Y ankton, 8 . D., J u ly 21.— Seven sance In search of n b e tte r filam ent.
tachm ent of otir troops. A fter tw o
thousand people registered for Rosebud In th e m idst of th e w ork a passage
days’ fighting, th e la tte r force is re­
land here today, and the rush tomorrow In one of H um boldt's books, describ­
treatin g Koward th e village of H outsi-
w ill be still greater. T he M ilwaukee ing n certain kind of bam boo fiber,
atsze, oast of A n p in g ."
road divided its m orning tra in into six suddenly occurred to Mr. Edison, and
sections and th e evening tra in into two. | suggested to him th a t the vegetable
Sh o o t Japanese fro m Trees.
The to ta l registration a t Y ankton alone i stra n d w ould tie ju s t the thing. At
Ta Tche K iao, Ju ly 22. — All is is now over 40,01)0, and w ill reach the | once he hunted up th e passage a n d
quiet in th is region. N eith er side is «0 000 m ark before closing Saturday, j reread It. T hen he began a search for
m oving. The only a c tiv ity ie a t the F orty-six clerks are now employed, and |
th e proper bamboo.
outposts. The Russian sharpshooters th is force w ill be increased indefinitely
A corps of train ed Investigators w as
are having good practice sniping tlie to tak e care of th e people.
gent out all over th e w orld on th is
Japanese from tlie m ountain sides.
search, and scarcely a region of the
Sm all d etachm ents creep out a t n ig h t,
R u ssia Is Pleased.
known su rface of the globe w as left
steal u p to the Japaneee pickets in the
fit. P etersburg, Ju ly 21.—The U nited unvisited. A hundred thousand dol­
darkness, hide •themselvee in treetops States has inform ed R ussia th a t she j
lars w ere sp en t In th is w ay before
and th ere aw ait su n rise. So soon as w ill be glad to join G re at B ritain in j
W illiam Moore found th e p ro p er bam ­
th e lig h t is strong th ey get fine shots th e protection of the seals a t tiie Kom- j
boo In N orthern Ja p a n . T o Insure a
before th e pickets can get away.
m ander islands. T his act will dou b t­ good supply, he bought a tr a c t of land
less m ake th e best im pression. I t ia and p u t It In charge of tw o native
May Intercept A m e ric an Ste am e rs. understood
th a t Rusaia w ill com m uni­ farm er*.
P aris, July 22.— T he Tem ps, discuss­ cate h e r answ er in a tew day».
T hen w ith th e bamboo fiber began
ing th e passage of th e V ladivostok
new experim ent*, and In th e spring
squadron through the S tra its of Tsor-
A n o th e r R u ssia n C ru ise r P a sse s.
of 1881 the flnrt re a l!/ n ic c e ia m l in ­
garu, says its purpose is e ith e r to attack
C onstantinople, Ju ly 21.— A R ussian candescent lam p w as m ade. It b u rn ­
th e unprotected cities on th e eastern
ed a t si xteen-c*ndle pow er for nearly
coast of Ja p a n , or to intercep t A m eri­ cruiser has juet passed through from
can m erchant steam ers, w hich are sup­ Odessa w ith several guna covered w ith sixteen hundred hour*, a n d It* success
plying Jap an w ith all sin d s of provis­ canvas on her deck. She also carried w as th u s assured.
In th e follow ing y*ar a hundred
torpedo tube*.
ions through the port of Yoko.
thousand of those lam ps w ere made,
the shape and construction being grad­
ually modified a s Im provem ents sug­
gested them selves, until the present
common style of lam p w as the result.
Ten years from its first construction
four million lam ps a y ear w ere being
made, and eleven years later, in 1903,
Am erica alone required forty-five m il­
lion to fill Its needs.
W e s t e r n A n ie r lo a vs.
E a s t e r n A s ia .
T h a t g re at changes are tak in g
place in the c u rre n ts of Pacific ocean
commerce, to be followed fa st by still
greater, is rapidly becom ing m anifest.
Increasing production in our ow n P a ­
cific S tates requires O riental m arkets,
and is finding them. R ailroad develop­
m ent both in Amerlc* and Asia, and
Increasing use of steam on the ocean,
are effecting g re at change* in the
courses of the trade of all countries
in touch w ith th e Pacific. More than
fifty steam ships now sail regularly
from the ports of C alifornia, Oregon
and W ashington to ports in Asia or
In the g re at Pacific islands, and of
“tram p ” steam ers and sail vessels a
continually grow ing fleet B etw een
ports of B ritish Columbia and porta
of Asia, A ustralia and New Zealand
there Is sim ilar m ovem ent
It in­
cludes not only the local comm erce
betw een countries th a t bolder on the
g reatest of oceans, b u t carries also a
heavy trade from the O rient by rail­
way across Am erica to our E astern
States, and even to Europe, from W est
to E a st over tbe A tlantic.
E verything favors the grow th of
this com m erce to very large propor­
tions. T here Is prom ise of develop­
m ent of a n international comm erce
on the Pacific which, w ithin the next
h a lf century, may rival th a t on the
A tlantic. F or the active th ea ter o f
the w orld's new effort is now eastern
Asia atid w estern Am erica. T he tw o
hem ispheres, heretofore scarcely a t all
In com m unication except across th e
A tlantic, a re now rapidly developing
an intercourse over the Pacific, which
Is to effect large transform ation or a t
least to become a g re at additional
factor In the com m erce of the world.
—C entury.
A 11 nr. I P r o b le m .
“ Is this Mine. PomponV” breathless­
ly inquired a m an who had climbed
several flights of sta irs and been a d ­
m itted Into a darkened parlor.
“ It Is,” replied the stately person­
age whom he addressed.
“Tbe fam ous clairvoyant and for­
tune teller?”
“The sam e.”
“ Iio you read the m ind?”
“ W ith p erfect ease.”
“Can you foretell the future?”
“ T he fu tu re holds no m ysteries th a t
I cannot -n rav el.”
“Can you unfold th e p ast?”
“ The record of all things p a st Is to
me an open book.”
“T hen.” said the caller, feverishly
taking from his pocket a handful of
sliver, ” 1 w ish you would tell me w h at
It Is th a t my w ife w anted me to bring
home w ithout fail th is evening and
nam e your price. M onty 1» no ob­
jec t.”
_ _ _______________
O dd.
“T h a t’s B rlghtley; he raised q uite a
fortune on s p aten t iMid-*craper.”
“ lie doesn’t look very prosperous.”
“ No, he a fte rw a rd sunk It all In a
sky-*craper.”— Philadelphia I^edger.