Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, July 22, 1904, Image 1

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Xa ne County Xeaòer.
XU«- In .»«l«i'*.»rter* fur tl,ri*e
— pat lu in lK T in is
f in n u a iile n .
lutile rifli Hu-
iiit.r u"l«l ii » hu * h . a tul tlu*
h k Imite fluii iti if mint»»
IN VES TO R S a n d H O M E S E E K E R S
will here tint! o|>portuiiitlt >
u«»»luTt- eine attunlcd luUre-
K"ii. Hit* l.eutler will u i 'f
tiu * in 'H > a n d t ■ u 'i^ « " i
eerultiü II iih favored locality
A. A
I it ti willj 1 1 ini on the Ho irti me l'\
| IT. .Vlii t’ lfct litui O. (). VuHttil».
Mr. Yeutch wns Imiti tu Orcioli,
i u ,,n" »'»»l l»na I*» tu tor tuaitv \« hih
j tt | it «Mmocti t a ml |»ros{ierouM ni^i-
1 chum of Cottar«, (.trove. lie in
j inetttlier i.f the City ( *• » 11 » i! utui odi »
| of the School Director* of the Cot-
! *a« e (»love liihtl it-t. .Hu «peak«
ppenv marneae Lumbcrlo.
of thefutmw tins s.U,()ll Springs That Flow Pure
| utui is Hiire* of the it<*ces8tul opera-
Has 5000 Acres of Trees, din
f ",,f
,h" ur ',,,lu :s 'um
" ■* Streams of Health.
(-lui <>l llio I li st National Bank.
| E. I *. Wheeler is City Recorder,
« r fi [
D im n
111 1 8 " hirectoi Ili the Home Loan nini
Silvl“ 8H
mot isin business in
(Cottagi: Grove, being
i|„. timi of
^ heeler .V Phillips, itiHornnee am]
flicerci! by Prcinilieiit Local Ken, the reni estate, ami is inferenti al iu other
Iwe Pioneers in Two Counties and
local enterprises
Company Will Have a Daily Ca=
H erbeit Eakin, l’ ie-id.nt of (lie
Two Springs They Represent
Ensl National liank of Cottage
pacify of 50,0011 Feel.
Grove, is Treasurer. Mr. Eakin
¡‘art of Dur Resources.
was for many years in inemmtile
The Upper Willamette Lumber lines, hanno keen one of the firm of
yearn the market has been
Jomi ;niv, roll trill 1 11)0 more than Eakin \ Bristow, grocei its niorcli
-0 0 0 acres of the tiuest timber iu lise nml banking.
H*- is thorough­ supplied rtith »..ter from the f.iui-
he world, will commence operations ly conversant with the lumber in­ ou- Boswell Springs on the line ol
ji the near future. Their laud lies dustry aud is confident of the great the Southern Pacific it,
pn Mushy Creek five miles from the future before the timber trade of Douglas coant.v. Now the watfei
from the Geer .V Sutherland spring-
iue of the Oregon mi l Southeast­ Lane county and of Oregon,
is to lie bottled by d c Oregon Mill­
ern railway. It is proposed to build
Otto Olston, secretary of the com­
spur track to the new mills', which pany, lives at Eugene, the count) er d Spiiugit As-ocia t 'it and placed
ill have a daily capacity of 50,000 seat of Lane county, where he is upon the matket iucirbuuated form.
These springs may be recognized
prominent in business circles, and
The timber industry of Oregon lias has had valuable experience i u the ' as a substantial part of the rc-oiir
ces of Lane ami Douglas counties.
n vast future and the especial district j lumber trade and iu
Everybody has heard ol aud most
)vhere the holdings of the Upper i matters.
Silhouette Lumber Company are
Constant increase in the d i - have used the funions Shasta miti-
Not 1 is in the very heart of the ; inmid for Oregon timber assures the etal water from Caliloruia.
eaviest timbered section .if Lane new company a large volume of only lias that water done much to
Vanity which is conceded to be | business ai d a steady market for make California's fame, hut it lia
bmit up a locality independent of
he greatest timber region in the I its product.
any otln i factor. Win. E. Herrin
'late of Oregon. This timoer is
The price of timber has recently
also conceded by nil mill men to Ire i been advanced and currently ilie aforu ey for the Sputhern Pacilii
lie cleui est mid finest growth iu the j Southern 1’iieitic railroad lias rt- railroad, has caused to lie bull'
iltoln eouutry. Figunug on a daily j duced rates of transportation on there a suptib Miiminer bouse over­
»reduction of 50.000 feet, of lumber,' lumber, giving the market an accel- looking the r i-liing tl iod of the
diore is sutHcieut timber to keep the «rated tone. When the company l pper Saerumento. The hotel, its
many cottages an I inclined railway
'rills in const tut operation for a - has completed its spur to connect
of thirty years. Exact loca- with the line of the O. .V S. E. 1!. 11., | form a town i:i , hem-live- To -
I mount lit) » id / i one great . a-, a it-
’ion ol the mill has nrt be n deter- it will be in touch with the markets
I aud miner of beaut) .
lnint il. Conditions will Ire cousid of the world. The officials aud
This has »11 been accomplished
-red and a site will be chosen board of directois arc all men whose
through intelligent handling of a
l vheie best advantages for approach names are assurance of the solidity
' water that possess aud contains no
re t«> lie noted. Aside from the : of the com | any audits future sub-
more valuable properties than the
acres now under control of the stautial business and standing.
water of the mineral springs iu the
Tpper Willamette Co , there are ad-
! vicinity of Cottage Grove.
oiuiug their holdings unlimited
Multnomah Fair,
(Tiller inslances may be noted
juautities of tine timber lands, the
One of the largest race meetings
product of which may well bo esli- o 'e r attempted in Oregon will open where successlul marketing of min­
eral water lias pioduced valuable
mated as part of their milling possi- lll Portland on August 8, ami cou-
! tinue to August 28, and possibly financial results, created new com­
munities and attracted desirable
Eastern capitalists are interested through the first two weeks in 8ep-
settlers. Most notably is this so in
jnud tho mill will be built at ouce. : temher. Trainers and owners are
Other properties may bo a c q u i r e d . »Dipping their strings to die track. die ca-e of Jackson's Napa soda and
Dai tlott Springs mineral waters in
.This timber lies some ten miles fiom and the officers of tlu* Multnomah
oltage Grove, which will be the Fair Association ere preparing to Cal forniii.
Accordingly the water* of the two
supply town for the mill. The ad- stable ¡500 horse», the pick of those
springs near Cottage Grove may
vantages to this city will be many j now racing at Seattle. It is Ibe in-
well prove the nucleus of puifitahie
Irom the establishment o f this big ; tentiou of the association this year
enterprises i Lane mi l Dodgli-
plant Local men are interested iu j lo «ive «10,000 away in purses tor
counties. From invalids , to n i-t
(♦lie company, some ot the most reli- the stake events ulone. This as-
.ml others, who would visit tjese
jnble an t prominent citizens of Cot- 1 mres big fields iu eneb of the events
spiings if they »e tc aware of their
[t ige Grove having become its aud it will bring together 9ome of
the best horses racing on the coast. real curative propel lies, the towns
surrounding them w mid receive »
President J. E. Young is an »tt >r
direct benefit. This i- mine espee-
3 0 0 0 M EN W A N T E D .
juey. wlióse lióme bis liceo bere fot
iady true ol th t Or gnu Mineral
jmiuy years. Ho i. u man of long
To buy Kennedy’s Chain Light­ Springs than of the B tawell Springs,
isincsH experience nud in well f»- ning Liniment, for liheuinatism and
for the lath I is on the main line of'
Imili ai ized wit b ilie lamber in ' usiry. nil pains and Infiumation. P rice30
the .South» ru Pacific, .. mid id
H¡* eiiergetic mininosiinlion of die cents, all Druggist, cu- by ¡nail upon
point itself, while the t inner I- ten
ufi . irs of llie i empiili) wili assnre ils u ceipt of price, write E. L. Ken­ 'n o ils by s t a g e frum the railroad.
pro spelarne oprinlioii tirili Ilo la - ned), Saginaw, Oregon, for list of
Boswell is tile situ for a populai
¡ n iiii:g. He ih ene oi lhe dii i etois testimonies. Satisfaction guaranteed.
hotel of large dimensions in tlu
j future.
London, when are I icated the
Oregon Miuend Springs, is die
place tor quiet, restful recuperation
where the world is shut out. Sur­
roundings ;it both plain s arc pleas­
ing and invite <> repose or rambles
over the hills
To euter into discussion of tin
medicinal values and properties of
tli.*se waters would be to depart
B r i n g t lie p a p e r w i t h y o u o r c a ll fo r o u r C u t -
from the purpose of this article.
Sujlice it fo say tlmt they are an
P r ic e L is t.
«dlective remedy for rheumatism,
pulmonary troubles and digestive
; inaccuracies. That, however, is for
the people to tell their friends who
No. 8<i7J Men's size, 30, 37, 38, were « It.00; now....... ¡J> 6 . 0 0
are sufferers.
No. 3280
Men’s size, 37, 38, 40, were 12.00; now....
9 .0 0
The object of the writer is to
urge tlie people of Lane and Doug­
No. 3274
Meu's size, 38
were 12.00; non
8 .0 0
las counties to assist in developing
No. 3274 Men’s size, 34, 83, ill!, 37,
these resources, making kuown the
3 8 ,3 0 ,4 0 .......................were 12.00; now...
8 .0 0
really valuable properties of these
G. A, If. blue, 38, 39, best
waters to people everywhere. Tell
guaranteed blue ............................................
8 .5 0
your friends about these springs,
1 just as you tell them about our
No. 4915 Men’s size, 36, 38,40, 42,were
9.00; now.....
6 .5 0
mines, our forests, our crops, cattle,
No. 5124 Boys’ 2-piece suits, all sizes
horses, gardens, orchards, homes
1.75; n ow ....
1 .4 0
and prosperity. That is what makes
No. 4310 Boys' 2-piece suits, 3, 3, 6,
a section known. That is what Ore­
4.00; now.
2 90
year» were.
gon is doing and is to do in the
next few years. Help to do it.
Now. this« is th** place to get bargains in i?ho<
The writer visited the Oregon
¡is well as clothing.
W e have lots of brokt
Mineral Springs recently as the
guest of Mr. Geer and the day was
sizes, and will clean them out. and really at
one of rare enjoyment. The drive
lo8s in many instances
is beautiful anJ the roads good, as
Oregon roads go (this is not a
"knock," but a fact) and the water
when carbonated is delicious and
possible of conversion, by addition
of syrups, into many pleasing bev-
=Y O U ?=
Some One Will Profit.
Why Not
• t '¿v*
Ti. t i |>ri*c 1* evident
no .
> jm
• l i : j .irt o f the O re go n S p r in g «
.Miiiwiui Ass'»ci i ion. lor thurj line
• »ft. :i;Htnlh<l a c o m p le te nl-erin^.
curbiM.ating niul
whitTi will I»« gin operation next*
T h e p l o d net will he placed
on «air* genet ally untl auother in
flusti v will have been uthled to thos<
o f thriving C o tta ge (»rove.
Insect Pests
i commissioned to report ou good
j propositions to large liuanetal inter­
ests whenever they timi them aiu1
1 wherever located. Under ordinary
conditions, hundo ds of doilm-
would be uu inducement to sititi
I men to make the trip, but when helo
i as delegates from great organiza
Commercial Club to Be Rep= le d e ial Government, they would
I join the other delegates in . snoli an
resented in Portland. excursion.
President Campbell, of the club,
I'l'nf. A. B. Cordley of the experi
bus appointed a committee of lead­
incut -tali-ui at the Oregon Agrtcu!
ing business men to take up tho
ural College at Corvallis, retell it
matter and report what arrange­
to tlie insect pest complained of by
ments can be mndo and suggest
a Leader correspondent recently, i
methods of carrying out Ui® ] hius.
lb ,
mag,’iits art bat-be. 1 1|jgp|aw 0f (h; y res 0f Bohemia Min- Co-operation of all mining opera­
winch are «lepo8i*ej
tors and others interested in tho
about tlie youny plant«. «0011 after | in«; District Will Be Made at
Bohemia district is desired, aud as
they couie up, by a Hv very similar'
the time is not distant when tlie
in geueiai uppeutmice t » the coin- i
Sessitn of Mining Congress.
congiess meets, it is the ainrto reach
mou house ny. Like all iu»et*ti$[
a definite decisiou at the earliest pos-
which w«»rk within plants or in the 1 i be seventh anuual session of the sible date.
ground this maggot is very l W r i t .K11 Mining Congress will be
Secretary Irwin Mahon,$of the
to l Oiitr.d. Probably tbe most sat. hl|J in tUe citv of p o lt|llUll. August American miuing congress. 1 * deeply
tsfactory results liavc been oota.ued , 22u(, to o7ti,
Xhe Commercial interested in the miuerul ¡utospects
l,v saturating the soil about the j c i „ b of Cottage Grove has arranged of the district adjaceut aud.w ould
........ plant r w,t!1
'»C1,a i to send a large delegation aud to heartily approve an arrangement
emulsion »h i I, is described in Bui- h mve on exhibition a disidav of sr.eci- for an exclusion.
le’ ou No. 75. 1 ) 1 II may i had m mell8 i,f tdie ere now being mined
The Black B itte Qufìffsilve r
i| 1 n tion to i 1 A. i
• ge. lin t , tliis> set tion, relief maps and liter- Mines are now attracting general
is no known method of di-truying i alure «iesuriplive of the Bohemia 1 attention anil there is u probability
lli" maggots after they have ouce group of mines.
that the excursionists will filso be
■ utete i the plants except to also de- I Lane County people arc alive to taken to inspect them. \V. B. Den-
-troy the plant-.
this opportunity to att.act to their | nis of the Black Butte properties
mines the attention of operators, ‘ was in Cottage Grove last ivetk and
engineets and investors who cannot | reports that these mines aiis pro­
fail to appreciate the mineral wealtii ducing a steady yield. He will be
W II Convene In Portland On Avgust 2nd disclosed and awaiting tbe magic j pleased to have the delegates to
touch of capital for development, tho Congress intptet the mines if
and 3ro
Cottage Grove is the natural trade j the excursion stiail die arringed
The I’oitland Coinmeieial Club center for the Bohemia district, con­ Special rates will be made on tbe
has issued a call for a convention of nected with the mines by the Ore­ railroads to all «b o are delegates
the Oregon Devi lopmeut I.rague. to gon .V .South Eastern liauroud and and it is expected that geueraPYates
be held at tlie Marquaui Gran t I mail, express and stage route over- will i»e leiltced at the time of the
Tlieater in Portland August 2nd and ' land. Numbers of the leading busi­ convention.
3rd. All commercial, agricultural, ness men of Cottage Grove are
Convictions by Game Wardens.
mining stock-raising and irrigation iutkrested in miues of the camp, aud
interests will bo represented; every tbe Commercial Club is urging the
B. S. \Y. Folk of Douglas county
editor in tbe stale will In: invited to importance of making a creditable has been fined 825 and rusts for
attend as a delegate; County Com­ exhibit as the beginning of tlie ex­ killing a deer on July 14tli, one day
missioners and Mayors of all towns tensive display which it is proposed befoie the season openo I,
and cities will also be called upon to arrange for the Lewis and Clark
Marvin Driimrv of Lane county
to name delegates. The Portland Exposition next year.
entered plea of guiltv iu killing deer
Of greater consequence in ae and was fined on July llith 425 aud
Womens Club will look after the
comfort of ladies accompanying quaiuting visitors with the district, ;t costs.
delegates, and, among other enter­ is proposed to run au excursion from r- ------- -------. 1 ■
... —
tainments, have nrranged for a Porliand to Bohemia, providing sat­
trolley ride on August 2nd, taking isfactory arrangements can be made |
in the most interesting and beaut ful to do so. Iu order to do this it will j IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH
environs of PorMaud, and on August be necessary to provide vehicles for .
3rd ten streetcars will be provided conveying tbe excursionists from j
Wildwood, the terminal of the rail-1
for a trip over the entire city.
The Southern Pacific Co. will road, to the principal mines of the j
sell tiekits at the very low rate of district. Several of the properties, j
one fare for tbe round trip, from those producing and having exten­
all points on Oregon Lines to sive development some of the big
Portland and return, for this oc- veins opened with surface work, as
iM-i 1 •mil it is hoped that every well as by tunnels and shafts, bear
s eliou of the stale will bn will convincing proof of permanence, j
represented at tlie convention, to wui k and tbe mills ¡we prod'icioug yellow j
i'i harmony for the development of treasure to swell the world’ s wealth. |
Members of the Cottage Grove
Commercial Club beii. ve tirmli that i
•‘seeing is believing.’ and feel that!
no other method will lie i t so great
Mr. m l Mrs. Herl ert Button and effect ill biiugiug capital to tbe dis- I
dan liter 1 Eugene visited relatives
tri t '8 bringing the delegates i f
Hob! & Bal k "i ’s sawni'll lias i eon the congress to visit the mines.
Absolutely Pure
iN; Ch'ir«*!!, to Distin^iiislicd
mining engineers
p iiviiiisnl by Cour
1" h new loeaiion
m H ow could be induc'd t> aerjuaii.t tiiem-
solves with the dietiict who nre
An Uc cream supper was driver, at
Divide sell« • l house S;ittir«loy l.lffllt
to pay o ff the ii.debteilne»« on the
school organ. Tie» program was very
g o o d ami with «puto a cinwd in at-
t<*rplaiM‘o at; • nj"yahle «»veiling was
Wm . Ilurket states that .lav Ia Spain
ami -1«>• I IsOPK have tho contract for
splitting liii railroad wood and they
are acfivi ly it work in «-rder to com
plete tin* j
by December l«t. Tin y
are ener^etie y o u n x men and will
ilouhfl^s** make ». *uece«s of whatever
they undertake.
G o o d T h in g s to E at
4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4^ 4* 4»' 4* v 4* 4* 4 4* '4*
This is out motto and
carry the be-t line of
groceries to be found in
the markets. Our stock
is fresh and d oselv se-
le< ted.
Our c a n n e d
goods are of tbe most re­
cent pack.
O u r Saif
Meats are received fie-li
every month and o 11 r
much supplies aie ever
\Y e have the
choicest s e 1 e cl i - i of
luucbeon delicacies t be
found in the county. We
live up to our motto and
sell nothing inferior.....
! O'
No. 43
Main and
River Sts.
West End
of Bridge.
-----------T O -----------
Owners o f Dogs
Pay your «lojr license to
tin* Recorder on or before
August 1. or nay
additional nenalty.
F. I ) . W h e e l e r .
City Reeoirler.J
O u r O w n F re e D e liv e r y Wagon.