Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, July 15, 1904, Image 1

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    u* i
Tiu* headquarters for three
»rreat lun.íwríiiK eoiiiouiiie».
Only K.itewav I“ the rieh lio-
heinla unid nihies, a tut tin*
gluck Butte ehiut tu* inities
Xarte County Xeaber.
will here tin it opportunities
nowhere ehe afforded in Ore­
gon. The Leader will give
you the news and faets con­
fe r Ding this favored locality
alt- r the very successful celebration meut is toward the brotherhood of
good fortune to be driven about the
of the Fourth of July,
man m the truest sense. The spirit
country, thereby giving me a chance
Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, of co-operatiou pervades a u d iu t lu - ®in l Neatch Writes of H is Experiences ir to see and learn something of it and
Ore, State Lecturer, known as “the cnees all present progression. De­
the Lone Star State.
its people.
They are certainly a
Lion of Linn couuty,” gave an ad­ velopment of the lust thirty-five
The following account of his re- good, houtst and hospitable class,
dress of welcome on b e h a l f of t h e years, commercially, socially and
ceut visit south is furnished to the aud you are made welcome among
Modern Woodmen of the Slate. He fraternally, has been along these
Leader by Conductor Sam Veatcli, them and it causes you to feel that
referred to the fact t h a t though hues. The institution of Woodnmn-
of the Portlaud-Alhauy service on all the best people do not live in
more than two thousand miles from suip features these strongly and
.. .
the Southern Pacific lines in Ore­ the west or on the north Pacific i
borne, Mr. Talbot was yet among bears the principle of consolidslion gon:
coast; and that rnauy of them are in : 1II0S6 WnO WflOt tO Blllld
neighbors aud friends, steam aud of interests most notably iu its fitau-
Arriving iu this state June 16, we Texas. Tbe haughty and don’t-care i
electrics having made this possible. cial concerns. Tbe vast scope of
found it warm, dusty, and very un­ style does not exist in this country
I deem it a great pleasure on behalf these is such tbut the order is to-day
Most of the country among the genuine southerner.
of the Modern Woodmen of this the greatest fraternal insurance so- along the line of the Southern
While here it was arranged by
great state to extend to you a most cietyin the world.
w I Pacific railway from El P„so to our friends and for our benefit to
cordial welcome. Away out here on
To those who would indicate that, Houston is high, drv and a desolate call together the colored folks at
the Pacific Coast “ where rolls the he order is o u t beneficial to the | 8andy one.
In b‘owe few
their old church on a pine bill. In
Oregon,” you will find as good and urnihe. of meiubers a ter he.r de- ; l>oor> 8l.rubby> naif-starved cattle the evening we were all loaded into
| poor, scrubby, half-starved cattle
true men and women as you will
s , may >e sai. t lat there has [ and borht8 ale H«en, many of them the farm wagon, drawn by a horse S«veu Are Received and Two Taken
Address of Hon A . R . Talbot Is Well find anywhere, as loyal and brave
beeu l wild out
- -
? u.‘ tv
* suffering
o ffe rin g members,
| dying
lor want of grass and
water, and a mule. After driving a few
0 (1 I N l i l l s l O f
« .... I I .A n a s m l s I .
Worded Many Visitors in
woodmen as ever trod the soil. In ill and
Under Consideration.— Bids for
in niLJoiltiiie, a-
Ihou.ands; Occasionally
arc scan small ponds miles through the pin? woods we
commonwealth of dollars
It is in its , o[ waler coC-ered with a green scum arrived at the old church lighted j
Cottage Grove.
Sale of Bonds Tonight.
where timber and the woodman c o n -1 bo.h a philanthropic aud a business aud hot euou„ h ,)oil
, s.
with two large lamps, badly smoked. :
iztHioii. L .
.« inaii ui.e or two piaceti
, ■ , i f This was, however, in keeping with
stitute so great a factor in the future organ
••It wasn't a lop-rolling— it was growth and in the weaving of the
1,113 « r* at ,l'a ,''r" ' ' 1 ‘»Tan.zat.oii
l!Btt,e iu llln u ,,,,,, uko BOod cou moat of the audience, they all being | On Mondaylast the council met
just u rally,” said one of the en­ fabric of this good State of Oregon, was instituted iu
... Lyout),
L y o n s C Clinton
lin to n ditiolI lu this co u u tn .
F ollow in g ! smoked negroes.
The house was pursuant to adjournment of July 5
thusiastic Cottage Grove members the craft of woodumnship should lie county
ity. Iowa, Mr
Mi Joseph Allen Root a [
thl. I:io Graud; river uaUB|]v soou tilled with these dusky coons present Councilmen Veatch, Hinds.
ot the M. \V. a . after it was all over dear to the heart of the people - bein ; the organizer 1 he first camp tLe iine of road ls iuuctK, in n’u !
and wenches. ' The evening was a Biugham, Curriu, Chamberlin,Mayor
last S*turiluy.
hero it should find its high st office, was organized at Lyons, Iowa, ou [ tUher sid# by „ig h boards or, hot one and as the exercises pro­ Medley
aud Recorder Wheeler.
\Yeli‘ it was a spirited uatberiug its most complete development. Jam ary 5. 1883, »itti but 21 char­
ceeded, things soon began to warm Bids were received and opened for
and the spirit wus uot all devoted Oregon is yet in its infancy and itsj ter members, but tliev were all 1 bluffs of rock, having once been an up a little and the coons were right construction of sewer system iu Cot­
j old cliuuiiel or waterway. On reach
to the lay of the rally. It
ing Del Rio, u small town in tbe liio at home. Many old familiar songs tage Grove as follows:
was there before. The men
•‘At the close
James Franey A Co., $12,875.64;
you will notice u marked were sung in the true darky style.
worked until dark Friday
two thousand men.bais had beeu se- dlffereuce ¡ Q , Uo couutrv. Stock These people consider it an honor extending main 170
feet down
evening laying platform aud
cured, carrying $2,090,000 >usur-' l0oii8 better, lucre being'more aud lo have the white people attend and county road if desired, additional,
speakers’ stand, and providing
llllce; Jurisdiction of tbe society beUer fe,ra88 aIld WBter.
At the hear them. The performance lasted $380.
various attractions for the day.
was frequently cliauged until it came 8lBtiollB all a|OU{{ tnis country the uuti! about 11 p. m , after which we
Mummy Bros., F.ugene, $11.800.
Probably live hundred M od­
to include much of the territory of u
eg> Mexicans, aud others are had a most pleasant drive through
E. W.Uin r, Portland. $12.937.85.
ern Woodmen of America got
the United States aud Canada. In on hand to meet the train with ull the pine woods by moonlight, to re­
Alonzo Gesner, $13,320.
together in Cottage Grove to
18'JO tbe society was completely re­ kiuds of fruit for sale at your own tire and wallow in heat, the native
honor the head of their order,
organized aud changes were iiiude puce, aud many, nut being accus­ insects roosting ou your perspiring
i.l’oncluiled oil last page.)
to welcome visiting
in its system of government. Head tomed to these fruits, eat them and carcasses.
bers, and the people of the
offices were removed from Fulton, later on suffer for it. The water all
On Sunday June 26, it was our
city assisted them— notably
III., to Rock Island, I'll., where they through this country is very poor good fortune to attend church at
the members of tbe Cottage
now are located. Iu 181)9 a four- aud unfit for use unless filtered and Pine Tree and become acquainted
Grove Band.
story brick building was built for iced. The lower or southern por with a great many of the farmers
Hon. A. If. Talbot, Head
offices of the society, at a cost of non of this country betweeu Del aud others. In the evening a great
Consul of the Modern W ood­
$150,*)()(). As mi example of tbe liio and San Antonio ih almost cov­ many of the neighbors and their
men of America, arrived in
wonderful growth of this society ered with a heavy growth of mes- families' paid us a visit at the home
Cottage Grove Saturday morn­
that should be interesting to all and quite brush nnd other small growth, cf W. Y. McGee. They are honest,
ing to participate in the rally.
as iiluslration of the greut good some black jack (kind of oak), which truthful, generous, brave aud the
Mr. Talbot is a resident of
they have accomplished, a few facta : is a small and scrubby growth. At most open hearted aud hospitable
aud figures will he appropriate. Han Automo is one of the nicest people that it has ever beeu my
Lincoln, Nebraska, and former
One cliiim was paid in 1884, of $096.- depot buiidmgs ou the line, lii.ud- good fottune to meet. We will
law partner of William J.
88. Iu 1885 five claims were paid : soiuely painted out aud inside, aud ever remember our visit among
Bryan. He was scheduled to
totaling $18,885.21 aud each yem well arranged.
make two speeches in Oregon,
Many beauti’ nl ih uu, and there will ever be a warm
one here and the other in Port­ resources are undeveloped. The the number of claims paid increase ' palms are growing
.Lc buiio- plaoo in -cu r hearts for them. We
land. He has just completed a future for this state is very iHiglit. until iu 1903, 778 claims were paid, mg. The employes at the station invited each aud every one to the
series of addresses in California und , Mr. Talbot will go from thiaOregon aggregating $5.973.474.15.
are very obliging, courteous, and 1905 Lewis aud Clark Fair at Port­
“ These factR and figures show how ready to give you any information land, Oregon. Should auy of them
is visiting the camps of the order country impressed_ with its beauty,
ou the Pacific Coast. He will after | its richness, its fertility *ud its ad­ wonderful has beeu the growth of you may ask for.
visit tbe great state of Oregon and
leaving Portland visit camps in | vantages. So be shall tell of us this society aud how popular their
This 1 find to be the case all along the fair, we hope they may be made
Washington, Idaho, Montana a n d ; anil our home of peace and plenty. plan. The highest number of as­ the different railway lines in this to feel at home among the Oregon
other states before returning to | If Oregon was populated as is the sessments ever levied in one year country. I think it well that such people, but you cannot excel them
Absolutely P ure
Kingdom of Belgium, it would con­ was twelve. To the end of the year is the case, as the hot climate, poor in the way of hospitality. Summing
There are six thousand Modern tain the people of the whole United 1903 a total of 19,014 claims have water and dust, sandwiched with up our visit in Texas, *e are pleased
Woodmen in Oregon and the gather­ States. We are justified in boast­ beeu paid, amounting to over thiity- poor or ungentleuniuly employees, to say that ive certainly enjoyed
ing Saturday was composed of dele­ ing that we are destined to be one six million dollars. As the greater would be beyond description and ouselves, although at the time the
gates from many of the lodges in of the greatest states of tbe union. number, tbe masses of members, are miserable.
Further ou and reach­ heat was intense and very uupleas
the Willamette valley. The order I State Deputy J. W. Simmons of poor men, it can be seen at a glance ing Houston, a city of about 65,000 ant to us, but the generous people
is 21 years old, and has 750,000 j Portland, introduced the speaker of what a great amount of good has population, about 4O.000 of which with tlieir hospitality over-balanced
members in the United States and the day and warmly welcomed him been accomplished. Insurance is are negroes, we find the heat in­ all the faults of the country.
--------- TO------- --
carries over one billion dollars in - ' to the State. He will accompany the only estate a poor mail can leave tense, the dust and Lot winds mixed
surauce. Mr. Talbot as the official J Mr. Talbot to Portland, where he his family after he has gone, ami the with “ coon” population ou every
bead and representative of these in­ will be received by the State Head growth of this society emphasizes hand almost unbearable, but a kind
terest* is a figure of importance and Officials of the order. In his re-
word and a hearty band-shake from
To buy Kennedy’ s ( ’Imiti Light­
his visit, to the lodges of this sec­ m irks Mr. Siiiiinuns spoke of the beginning to lealize it. The society u good intureil southerner, con­
Fay your dog- license to
tion is esteemed quite an achieve­ progressiveness of the order aud its is not alone one ot the best socie­ ductor or station agent, and you ning Liniment, for Rheumatism and
ties now in existence, but is economi­ again feel that you could stand all pains and Inllaiiiiition. P rice50 tin* Recorder <>n or before
rapidly increasing membership.
ment for the local branch.
Head Consul A. R. Talbot is a cally managed, the per capita cost it a little longer in this city (Hous­ cents, all Druggist, or by mail upon August 1. or pay $1.00
Mayor J. S. Medley welcomed
receipt of price, write F. L. Ken­
Mr. Talbot on behalf of the city of man of promiueuce iu his own State ill 1888 being 72 cents and in ton).
A street car strike was iu
additional penalty.
Cottage Grove and remarked that it and is of commanding presence. 1908 with its vast uiembeisbip, 81 progress and v.ulking or taking an nedy, Saginaw, Oregon, for list of
F . I). W h e e l e r ,
testimonies. Satisfaction Guaran­
was creditable to tbe city that such j
old express wagon driven by a teed.
( 'it v Recorder.
an nu lum-e should assemble so soon I “ The trend of modern advance -
“ coon" was good, at least with all
bot were received with hearty en- j sympathizers.
thusiasm by the large gathering
Alter four h urs’ delay here we
aud liis entire discourse proved in­ proceeded north and east over tbe
tensely interesting.
International ti Great Northern
The fraternal features are most railway to Longview, tlie county
pronounced aud binding, not by seat of Gregg county, a distance of
Sing a song o f bargains,
compulsion, but by tbe real spirit of ouq milts
Through this country
W elch & W ood s’ the stuff.
of fraternal regard evident between
flnd farming and stock raising,
members. This was strongly exem- y
liltle( if nny> wiieat or oats
Four.and twenty merchants
W e carry the
pl.fied Saturday on the streets of wa8DOticed> everything being corn,
Couldn’ t equal us.
Cottage Grove and by tbe unanimity
cotton and 8orKjlum.
When our doors are opened
displayed throughout in the ar- fiildg of fine growing corn and cot- is our motto and
See the folks flock in;
rangements for the affair in hand ton ftere seen ap aiong the country,
F o r O l d a n d fo r Y o u n g
we carry the best iine of
Isn’ t that proof positive
for several weeks by the members A( eftch 8tation there 8t.emed to be
groceries to be found in
W e’ re the real thing?
of the local lodge.
about ten negroes to one white.
The morning was devoted to Cn,ike the we8t or nortb i.acific
the markets. Our stock
games and contests, including a coa8t
car Qr one end of a car on
is fresh and closely se­
game of base ball between Cottage each train is provided for negroes,
Our c a n n e d
Grove M. V . A. aud a picked nine, and they certainly occupy it and no
goods are of the most re­
result being a score of 7 to 3 in back talk.
Ou reaching Longview
cent pack.
O u r Salt
favor of the Woodmen. In the we made a drive through the brush
Meats are received fresh
afternoon a street parade of W ood­ country for seven miles, reaching
every moDth and o u r
men was followed by literary exer­ our destination at about 8 p. m.,
raticli supplies are ever
cises at tbe corner of Main and Fifth finding our friends and relatives ai
West End
W e have thu
home and happily surprised, as we
choicest s e 1 e ct i o n of
The pillow fight in the morning beat our time one day and sur­
luncheon delicacies to be
was won by Robert Ounn.
of Bridge.
prised them,
found in the county. We
Obstacle race, won by Lee Roy
During my visit here it was my
live up to our motto and
sell nothing inferior.....
150-yard dash, won by Robert
Head Consul Welcomed by a
Large Gathering.
the System for City.
O w n e rs o f Dogs
Do Your Feet
Things to E a t
Easy S h o e s
Men’s and Boys’
Main and
Clothing and Hats
River Sts.
Violated Game Laws.
W e lc h & W o o d s
•H A V E IT F O R L E S S ’’
State Game Warden J. W . Baker
reports that Deputy Game Ward­
en Marvin of Douglas county arrest-'
ed Oeo. Fisher with 31 deer hides;
and costs, $15.00.
Deputy Hodson of Douglas countv ,
in bis possession. A jury trial fol­
lowed and Fisher was fined $100
arrested Jno. Patton and on a plea >
of guilty, he was fined $25.
G L A Z £ H
F O R-
Our Own Free Delivery Wagon.