A Few Hot Shots. To the Editor— Dear Sir: Please permit me the space in your valu­ able paper (or the following: What is a “ fallen woman” ? A fallen woman is a woman who has been degraded by that mean, low, contemptible wretch unworthily call­ ed mau. What is a “ fallen man” ? A fallen man is a disreputable, cowardly cur who makes a business of ruining virtuous girls who are cast upon the world to care for themselves. And yet this same man can enter society, with his tine clothes and smooth tongue, aud pass as a gentleman. What about the girl? She cannot step on the street, letaloue in society, but the huger of shame is pointed at her; she is shunned while he is praised; she must sink into oblivion; no one knows her, her former friends forsake her, she is an ou trust and must seek other acquaintances Consequently the end is— what? A house of shame. What about the mau? With his money and line clothing lie needs no character— he is rapidly rising in society. Well, at last he cousenls to leave his fast life and become a Cbristaio, and the church thinks it has wou a great victory, no matter how bad Ins past has beeu, no mat­ ter how many girls he has degraded, he is welcomed with open arms. What kind of a reception does the girl leceive if sho seeks to enter the church? She is eit ter rejected or sent to the rescue home or slum mission. At the home she is still an outcast; she has no Christiuu fellowship, no Christians come to see her, she has very little Christian eucouragemeut and is invited to vis­ it no Christian home. At the miss­ ion she meets a few Christians who go ouce in a while to ease their con­ science. She hears singing by a cracked voice accompanied I v a wheezy old organ, and listens to a few remarks by a listless, uninterest­ ing speaker. While the Christiaus and her destroyer are attending their fashionable church, eleguutly furnished, listening to ati eloquent speaker and the very best music, she is barred. No wonder she be­ comes disgusted and prechance re­ turns to the old life as a refuge. A h , bow mauv there are who would abandon their downward course if the church would only help them! The church can raise money for foreign missions and send missi­ onaries to foreign countries to save the heathen. But it does not seem to be able to mnke tbo slightest effort to save the hundred of fulleu American girls in our own cities who would gladly lenve their life of shame if the church would give them the opportunity. liemember, eveiy girl in this country has loTed ones somewhere who are just as animus for her well- fare sr you are for your loved oues. Be a man! Your dear old mother loves you still. Think how it will grieve her if she knew the life you are leading. Do not disgrace her name and yours by becoming the coward of cowardly curs, a fallen man. E. C. F. D iv e the L f a d k r a » l x month’s or year's trial subscription. ..HINDS V E N SK E .. R E A L E S T A T E and M I N IN G C L A I M S All kinds of improved and iiuim|rroved city and country prop­ erty at lowest prices We act as »gents for property owners, collect rents and remit promptly. :: :: :: CURRIN'S A g en ts for M c F a r l a n d s Additions : : M R S . C. A. P E R K I N S Lots sold on tbe installment plan. References Bank, or anyone in Coitage Grove. First National TOOL OUTFITS FOR THE M E C H A N I C W e have them at all prices Also, we carry the best makes of tools of all kinds f o r carpenters, cabinet makers and machinists. Complete stock of general hardware. See us before buying your farm imple­ ments and wagons : : • Griffin & Veateh Co. M H Y 1. 1904-*- On or about the first of M ay we w ill move our stock into the new A w brey Building, where we w ill have the finest grocery store in town. W h ile w aiting for the completion o f these new quarters we continue business at the old W est Side stand. Let us serve your grocery wants P a rk e rs B read M etca lf ® Morse Phone M ain 65 ■ GOOD PRINTING DONE HERE