Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, April 22, 1904, Image 7

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Few business men will employ a !
left-handed person us a clerk or book- ' A writ of error from the Supreme
i U no other season when good
keeper and the prejudice against them Court of Florida to review a judgment
do Is so much needed as in the
extends to the government depart­ rendered by an individual Justice
< i ments at Washington. The chiefs of thereof In a habeas corpus proceedings
blood is impure, weak and those departments are entirely willing is held in ex parte Cox (Fla.), (il L. K.
irished— a condition indicated to overlook bad penmanship on the A. 734, not to lie.
pies and other eruptions on the part of a really good and Industrious j The unauthorized insertion of the
clerk, but it is the man or .woman who word "gold" before the word “ dollars”
ud body, by deficient vitality, writes with the left hand at which the
In an instrument after its execution
appetite, lack of strength, and balk Is made. The dead line Is drawn and delivery is held, in Foxworthy vs.
Bell Boy (outside of room 55)—Say,
if animation.
just the moment it Is ascertained that Colby (Neb.), 62 L. It. A. 393, to be a the gas is escaping in there. Country­
man (Inside of room 55)— No, it alu’t;
a clerk Is left-handed and he is forth­ material alteration.
with informed that if it is his desire j A statute, prohibiting the waste of I locked the uoor.—Ex.
to continue in government service it water from artesian wells to the in­
Mother—Johnny Jones, did you get
will be necessary for him to write with jury of wells of neighboring proprie­ that awful cold out skating? Son—
»ko the blood pure, vigorous and bis right hand. This information is tors is held, in Huber vs. Merkel Mother, I think I caught it washing
:h J create appetite, give vitality, always a bitter pill for the left-hand (Wis.), L. R. A. 589, not to be Justified my face yesterday morning.—Judge.
penholders, but there is nothing to be as an exercise of the police power.
Chumply—I don't know whether I
th and animation, and cure
done but begin to write with the right
ptions. Ilave the whole family hand or "throw up the job,” and few i The mere purchase by a husband of ought to take your daughter from her
futher's roof. Her Father—She doesn't
to take them today,
are anxious to quit government service an ordinary railway ticket for his wife live on the roof.—Philadelphia Bulle­
is held, in Aiken vs. Southern R. Com­
d’s Sarsaparilla has been used In even for this cause.
pany (Ga.), 02 L. R. A. 666, not to tin.
ally for some time, and always with
G o o d T i m e t o D ie .
constitute a contract for the aafe trans­
“ I say. Broom!” “ Call me by my
suits. Last spring I was all run
Gloomy Man—Who is the fool who portation of the wife in favor of the whole name, if you please. It lias a
,nd got a bottle of it, and as usual
wrote “ 1 Would Not Die in Spring­ husband.
handle to it, and it was meant to be
1 great benefit.” Miss B i d u s time
Stowe, Vt.
One intending to take passage on a used, sir." “ That’s so. Well, Broom-
Wife— Fool!
tatd's Sarsaparilla promise* to
Gloomy Man—Yes.
Springtime Is railroad train is held, in Illinois C. R. handle, how are you?"
Curioso—Your name is Ephraim, is
d keeps the promise.
just the season to die. Escape the spring Company vs. Laloge (Ky.), 62 L. R. A.
house cleaning, you know.
I 105, not to become a passenger, so as it? flow ’d your parents come to give
' to require the company to protect him you that name? .Modestus—I don't
G e t t in g R id o f M a t ild a .
T h a t A cid T rou b le.
from assaults by strangers by resorting know for certain, but I suspect it was
urcr (pointing to his cabinet)—
Colusa, Cal., April 18th.— Much has
and gentleman, I now call your been said and written recently about to its premises an unreasonable time because I was a hoy.—Boston Tran­
Ion to the great illusion of the Uric Acid in the system; what causes before the departure of the train, in script.
1 will ask any lady in the it and how to get rid of it. It is the absence of an agreement on its [ "Women claim that the way to get
on with a man is to give him plenty
iliAce to step on the stage and enter known to be the first cause of Rheuma­ part to do so.
The right to work convicts in pri­ of nicely cooked food.” “ Well,” an­
^ > in c t . I will then close the door. tism and many other diseases and has
I open It again the lady will therefore received a great deal of atten­ vate chain gangs controlled by private swered Sirius Barker, irritably, “why
individuals is denied in Simmons vs. don't some of them try it?”— Washing­
j^Hisappeared, leaving no trace.
tion from medical men.
3us+ ud (to his wife)—Matilda, my
Mr. L. F. Moulton of this place Georgia Iron & C. Co. (Ga.), 01 L. R. j ton Star.
Miss Marjory Hampton, 2616 Third Avenue, New York City, writes:
e , ( o oblige the gentleman and walk claims that he has solved the problem A. 739, aud a convict confined on such | A Great Debt: Bragg—I owe noth­
“ Peruna is a fine medicine to take any season of the year. Taken in the
of how to get this acid out of the sys­ a chain gang is held to be entitled to ' ing to any man. Newitt—Oh, yes, you spring it tones up the system and acts as a tonic, strengthening me more
be released from the custody of the In­ do. Bragg— No, sir! Newitt—Oh, yes. than a vacation. In the fall and winter I have found that it cures colds and
tem. He says:
to ile r s w ill find Mm. W in slow s’ s S ooth in g
“ I had this acid trouble myself for dividuals controlling it and remanded j Y'ou owe an apology to every man who catarrh and also find that it is invaluable to keep the bowels regular, acting
le best rem ed y to use io r th eir c h ild r e n
years. At times the Kidney secretions to the custody of the authorities law- j has to listen to you blow.—Philadel­ as a gentle stimulant on the system, in fact, I consider it a whole medicine
he te e th in g p e rio d ..
chest.” —Miss Marjory Hampton.
would be' very profuse and at other fully entitled thereto.
phia Press.
■ge sunfísh, the largest ever seen, times scant but the acid was always
The insolvency of a national bank
Improvement at the Gas Office: “ Did
Iceutly captured near Santa Cata- my greatest trouble. Medicine failed and its passing into the bands o f a you have any luck when you went to
is weak, nervous and depressed; and
ftland, off the coast of California, to cure me till at last I heard of a rem­ receiver are held in First Nat. Bank complain about the gas bill?” "Better
again he may have eruptions, swellings
plied about 1,900 pounds.
edy called Dodd’ s Kidney Pills and vs. Selden (C. C. A. 7th C.), 62 L. R. A. | luck than last month," answered Mr.
and other blood humors. Whichever
after taking a box I seemed to be en­ 559, to destroy the right of holders
it is, the cause is the same—effete
Meekton; “ the man didn't laugh this
tirely cured. However it came back on of its checks to the funds called for
accumulations in the blood.
time.” —Ex.
me and this time I took several boxes by them, even in a State where the
Nothing is more certain within the
Magistrate (sternly)—Didn't I tell
with the result that I was completely holder of a check is regarded as the
whole range of medical science than
For Infants and Children.
and permanently cured. This was owner of the fund, and entitled to you the last time you were here I nev­
that a course of Peruna in early spring­
three years ago and I have not had a maintain an action for it against the er wanted you to come before me
time will perfectly and effectually pre­
Prisoner—Yes, sir, but I
single symptom of the acid trouble drawee.
Dr. Hartman’s medical lectures are vent or cure this almost universal affec­
couldn’t make the policeman believe eagerly scanned by many thousand tion.
since. I am 75 years of age and I am
A railroad company which refuses it.—New Yorker.
well as ever I was.”
Everybody feels it in some degree.
ture of
to receive fruit for transportation be­
“ Funny about Ralston wanting his I One of the most timely and interest- ; A gnat majority are disturbed con­
cause it is not In a properly iced refrig­ former wife to get a divorce from her ing lectures he ever delivered was his siderably, while a large per cent of the
Y ou Can Qet A lle n 's F oo t-E a s e FREE.
H S r ly K r u p t lo u s o f V e s u v i u s .
W rite A llen S. O lm sted, Le R o y ,N . Y ., io r a erator ear is held, In Mathis vs. South­
second husband so that they might get recent lecture on the blood impurities j human family are made very miserable
rhe most recent excavation shows free sa m p le o f A l l e n ’ s Foot-E ase. I t «fares ern Railroad Company (S. C.), 61 L. R.
by this condition every spring.
of spring.
sw e a tin g, h o t s w o lle n , a ch in g fe e t. It m akes
it Vesuvius began its work as a n ew o r tig h t shoes easy. A ce rta in cu re for A. 824, not to be able to relieve itself married again.” “ Not very. He’s al­
The doctor said in substance that
Peruna will prevent it if taken in
isarviitor of antiquity earlier than co rn s, in g r o w in g n a ils and b u n io n s. A ll d r u g ­ from liability for the breach of its ways been falling in love with other
every spring the blood is loaded with time.
> memorable year A. D. 79. During gists se ll it. 25c. D o n ’t a c c e p t a n y substitu te. duty to transport the fruit on the men’s wives.”—Ex.
Peruna will cure it if taken as di­
Dally Guide to Flattery: If there is the effete accumulations of winter,
i « x i . i rations in the valley of the
Alter people pass rorty mey tind ground that it did not hold itself out
deranging the digestion, producing rected.
mo, near San Marzano, some most that they have no place to wear their to the public as furnishing such cars something on the table that the sluggishness of the liver, overtaxing
Peruna is the ideal spring medicine
hostess knows is so badly cooked that
ng antiquities have come to new clothes unless they go to church. for that purpose.
the kidneys, interfering with the ac­ of the medical profession .
she feels bored about it, ask for more
[These had been covered up by
If you do not derive prompt and sat­
A decision by a State Supreme Court and eat it with the greatest apparent tion of the bowels and the proper cir­
How's T his?
nic deposit about 6 feet thick,
is fa co ry re-alts from the use of Peru­
culation of the blood.
that the granting of a non-suit, instead relish.— Baltimore American.
W e o ffe r O ne H u n d re d D ollars R ew ard fox
olnts to an eruption of Vesu-
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv­
This condition of things produces
case o f C atarrh th at c a n n o t b e c u r e d by of submitting the case to the Jury, |
ich must have taken place in a H n a y ll’s
C atarrh Cure.
“ Have you any taste for Thacke­ what is popularly known as spring ing a full statement of your case, and
F . J. C H E N E Y A CO ., P ro p s., T o le d o , O.
nth century before Christ. The
“ No, I fever, spring malaria, nervous exhaus­ he will be pleased to give you his valu­
W e, th e u n d e rs ig n e d , h a ve k n o w n F. J. deprive plaintiff of due process of law, ray?” asked Mrs. Oldcastle.
Ic* ifcclude a Greek burying place, C h e n e y fo r th e last 15 years, and believe him
is held, in Apex Transportation Co. vs. can’t say that I have,” replied her tion, that tired feeling, b!oo«l thicken­ able advice gratis.
-hale Its liar., tombs aud various p e r fe c tly h o n o r a b le in a ll busin ess transac­
Address Dr. Hartman, President ol
tion s an d fin a n c ia lly a b le to carry o u t an y o b ­ Garbade (Ore.), 62 L. R. A. 513, not hostess: “Is that anything like this ing and many other naines.
mzes and terra cottas.
lig a tio n s m a d e by th eir firm .
Sometimes the victim is l ilious, dys­ The Ilartmau Sanitarium, Columbus,
paprika they're puttin' in everything
W est A T r u a x , W holesale D ru ggists,T oled o, O.
peptic and constipated ; sometimes he Ohio.
W a l d in o , K in nan A M a r v in , v V h olesale D ru g­ entitle him to a writ of error from the ! now?"—Chicago Record Herald.
gists. T o le d o , O.
l l a l l ’ s C a ta rrh Cure is taken in te rn a lly , act­
in g d ir e c t ly u p o n the b lo o d a n d m u co u s su r­ With this case is an extensive note pressed Differently: Gushing Lady—■
T h e N a tiv e .
faces o f th e system . P rice 75c. per bottle.
marshaling all the other authorities on Oh, but Mr. Jones, I should love to be
Bold by a ll D ru ggists. T e stim on ia ls free.
Stranger—Can you shoot very far i
H a le s F a m ily P ills are the best.
the question. What adjudications of beautiful—even if for only half an with that ancient-looking rifle you
A L itt le M ista k e .
State courts can be brought up for hour! Jones— Yes; but you wouldn’t have?
Still a Child.
foung Lady—What is the price of
review in the Supreme Court 6f the like the coming hack again!—Punch.
Native—Shoot far? Why, half the ^
Old Man—What! Marry that child? United States by writ of error to those
t bkb*'le costume?
Conductor—All aboard! Please get time we have to put pepper an’ salt! ^
Suitor—Your daughter is no longer a courts?
3ealar—That is not a bicycle costume,
aboard quickly, Miss; the train is in the load to keep the game from
child, sir; she is a woman.
is; itfs a 8uit of sanitary underwear.
about to start. Young Lady—But I spilin’ till we can git to it.—New Or-
Old Man—Nonsense! Why, she isn’t
ril^Brm anuntty cured. w on ts or nervousness a bit bossy yet.
wish to kiss my sister good-by. Con­ leans Times-Democrat.
19 alt«"' ii rat day’s use o f Dr.K line’s Cl rest Nerve
O ld C o lo r e d A u n t i e
R x p l u i n e d t h a t ductor—Get aboard, get aboard; I'll
itorer.feend for F r e e 9 2 trial bottle and treatise.
H. Kline, Ltd.. 827 Arch St.. Philadelphia, P a
Pisces Cure fs a remedy for coughs, colds
L iv in g I * H ig h e r N ow .
attend to that for you.—Yale Record. 1
and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents,
Once a week for years past a prom­
“ Coal vases?” said the hardware
gt druggists.
A n o t h e r L o n g -F e lt W a n t.
inent official in one of the depart­ merchant.
“ Yes, sir."
“ Something
rough -Have yer got pull enough in
N o N on sen se N ow a d a ys.
nicely japanned?” “ No, sir,” said the
ishiogton to git a patent fer me?
No Case Exists it Will Not Care
Modern Poet—Give me a rhyme for old colored woman who has her sta­ customer, a man with fierce mustache
Patent Lawyer—What is your inven-
tion near the big office in which he and a foreign accent; “haven’t you
HOWARD E. BURTON, Assay« and Chtmist
-I t ’s a pneumatic tire fer per- i Friend— What are you writing?
works. In the spring and summer he something in Russia iron?” —Chicago Specimen
prices, (»old. Sliver, Lead, f 1: Hold, Sil­ F R O M
Modern Poet—An ode to spring.
» clubs.
ver, 7.»o; ».old, 50c; Zinc or Copper, f 1. Cyanide test*.
buys lilacs nud other home-grown flow­ Tribune.
Mailing envelopes and full price list sent ou applica­
ers. In the fall and early winter he
How to Hold Actors: “ It always tion. Control and Umpire w ork solicited. L c n d -
purchases chrysanthemums. Hitherto makes me nmd to talk to an actor. He v i l l e . C o l o . Deference Carbonate Nat’l Bank.
he has been accustomed to paying 10 pretends to listen politely, but Ills at­
cents a bunch for his flowers, and the tention is wandering all the time. Ever For bur New G asolene Drag Saw. We set e n ­
g in e o n ly on ce for e a c h log. One m an can
sum was always received with a cour­ notice it?" “ No. I always talk to m
ove saw. We han dle the on ly M alleable
teous phrase of thanks. On his usual them about themselves.” — Philadel­ G ru b b in g M achine. W rite us you r w ants In
This wonderful Chi-
the m ach in ery line.
day last week this gentleman met the phia Ledger.
ueae doctor Is called
k k h : khon m a c i i i n k r y c o ..
gn at because he cures
old colored woman and tendered a
Foot M orrison St.
P ortland, O regon
people without op««ra­
Owner of Fishpond (to man who is
tion that are given up
quarter for a small bunch of chrysan­
to die. He cures with
trespassing)—Don't you see that sign, 1
(hose wonderful Chi­
N o ¡remedy ever yet discovered has met with such
“ No fishing here? Angler—Yes, and
nese herbs, roots, hiuls,
cents in change he was given a nickel.
harks and vegetables
I dispute it. Why, there’s good fish- j $ 4 . 0 0 , $ 3 . 5 0 , $ 3 . 0 0 , $ 2 .5 0
polar favor as S . S . S . The people everywhere indorse it,
that are entirely un­
"H ow is this, auntie?” he asked. “ I ing here. Look at this basketful. The j
to medical sci­
d mere are few homes where S . S . S . for the blood is
' m a d e
ence In this nxiiitry. Through th« us® of
am perfectly willing to give you 25
man must have been mad who put . W .L . Douglas shoes
(hose harmless remedies this famous doctor
t known and used. It is superior in many ways to the ordi-
cents, but I want to know why you
knows the action of over 500 different rem­
that board up.
are worn by more
edies, which he ho ct-esa fully uses In different
ry mood medicines. In the first place S. S. S . is a guaranteed
have raised your price?”
diseases. He guarantee* to cure catlarh, asth­
rely vegetable compound, made exclusively o f medicinal roots
ma, lung, throat, rheumatism« nervousness,
“ Well, hit's jes’ dis way, sah. De
Moma«’h, liver, kidneys, etc.; has liundr««ds or
ectejd for their wonderful purifying and tonic properties that act trusts halls sho’ made ev’ting cost a started in with our firm at five dollars make. The reason
Charges moderate, (a ll and
nee him. Patients out o f the city write for
ott (Bie blood, purging it of impurities and restoring it to a healthy, heap. Ah doau mean to say dat All
blanks and circulars. Send stump. CONSUL­
turai condition. A t the same time, under its tonic effects the gen- pays mo’ fob mall liowahs, but Ah j
"That's so; it's easy to earn that,” re­ longer, and have
il jjlstein improves, the sluggish organs are toned up, and renewed knn't live ns cheap, an' so dat’s why j
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
ength and vigor and better health is the result. N o bad after-effects dey eoss mo’. De coal truss, hit raise , get?” —Philadelphia Press.
253 Alder S t., P«»rtlsnJ, Oregon.
value than any
de price ob coal. De beef truss, hit ,
spring M edicine
L e ft-H a n d e d P e n m e n N ot W a n t e d .
\od’s Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Blood Impurities of Spring­
time— Cause,- Preven­
tion and Cure.
p d You Have Always Bought
P e r r in ’s P ile S p e c ific
'D r. C. Gee Wo
lo w lth e use o f S . S. S ., as so often happens with blood medicines
ntaiking strong minerals, which derange the stomach and digestion
d ill other ways damage the system. For diseases of the blood,
Chronic Sores, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Boils and Pirn-
Dies. E c z e m a . T e t t e r .
KEEPS S. 8 . S. O N H A N D .
.. ..
. . __ ~. v<v\q
M o n t l c e l l o , A r k ., M a y 2 1 , 1903.
m e n :—F o r a b o u t t w e lv e y e a r s I h a v e
n g y o u r S. S. S. aa a h o u s e h o ld r e m e d y ,
k e n it aa a t o n ic a n d a p p e t is e r , a n d b e -
r . 1 . n o n . b .t t « r I h « v . n , e d it f o r m y
a t v a r io u s t im e s f o r l i t t l e a k in e r u p t io n s ,
td p o ia o n a c a u s e d b y p l a y i n g w i t h w e e d s .
a m y s ta n d a r d , n e v e r m in d w h a t ia t h e
If I uae a b o t t l e o f s. s. s. i t t o n e s up t h e
c l e . n a e . th* b l o o d a n d m a k e , m o w e l l
La a n a l l- r o u n d f a m i l y m e d ic in e I c o n s id e r
he b e e t r e m e d y o f th e k in d t h a t h a v e I
a n d g e n e r a lly k e e p i t o n h a n d aa a f a m -
B lood
, ,
I oisons, arid other
troubles due to impure or
bad con dition o f the blood,
n o remedy acts SO prom ptly
a n d t h o r o u g h l y as S . S . S .
*t reaches d e e p - s e a t e d ,
long-standing cases, upon
w hich the ordinary potash
and sarsaparilla com pounds
h a v e n o e n e ct. h v en where
there is an h e r e d i t a r y
predisposition to disease.
S i 3 will search out and remove from the blood the fixed poison and
i ldu; the health; it enriches and purifies weak, thin blood and stim-
ites [the circulation. Pure blood is essential to health.
Y o u can
istjwithout good blood, but can never be robust and stron g; for every
tissue and nerve in the body looks to the blood for nourishment,
less this vital fluid is kept in a pure, healthy state, the rest of
y suffers and the system soon breaks down. Nature has pro-
n S . S. S . a remedy for diseases o f the blood which long
nee and a thorough test have proven superior to all others, and
^^ n ow led ged “ K in g o f Blood Purifiers.”
M E D IC A L D E P A R T M E N T , in charge o f graduated physicians,
portant part o f our business, maintained for the benefit o f those
d advice or special information in regard to their case. W rite
our physicians will advise you without charge.
H T M e.n.o . papsr.
Ida—I don't believe Mr. Smart be- other shoes.
8oM Everywhere.
llevea my handkerchiefs are linen. I ‘ T.ook
for inline and price
No. 17— 1904.
D o u g i n * iiM-M C o r o n a C o t t a k l n , w h i c h la
May—Why not? Ida—I told him I j
• »very w h e r e r o n m l n l t o b e t l i e fln e a t I ‘ at r u t
Il K N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t i s e r s ( » t e a s e l
had my pin money wrapped in my L «-a t h e r v e t p r o d u c e d . Fast Color Eyelets used.
m e n t io n t h is p a p e r .
b itv e a b y m a i l , » <*«*nt(i en tra . W r ite f o r C a ta lo g .
handkerchief and lo8t it. He said
W . L . D O U G L A S , B r o c k t o n , M aas.
there was a great deal of money lost I
in cotton these days.—Chicago News.
K ill* L i r e o n P o u lt r y . Y o n
Tommy—To-morrow’s your birthday,
r r lU O O I M I l
p a in t th«« p e r c h e * , t h e
ain’t Jt, ma? I wisht I had a dollar;
■ i p c
|/|| | C D fu m e e k ill the l ic e . II« n*
f V l f c » E r e f c n r a n n o t f e e d l ir e a n d f e e d
I'd buy you a present.
y o u . P r i c e , OOc a n d 9 1 .0 0 a c a n . S o ld b y d e a le r » .
A M a n ly T r a it.
thoughtful of you. my dear. But why
Mr. Nnpop—Tom Sterling is a fine, do you need a dollar? Tommy—’Cause
Menti» men I am a breeder of Or»t-r!sss Rfl-Lace Wyandotte«.
I won a ran or your PRUSSIAN LIQUID LICE KILLER ae a «perlai
manly young fellow, isn't he?
premium at the St Pani Pooltry Show of 1*00, and find It Is all
that'a-the price of it. It's the dandi-
Ther® are several here th»t want a rellaMe lire killer and
Mrs. Nupop— Ilnh! I don't agree est catcher’s mask you ever saw.—
yours is all right
WM M SWAOHEKT, Wsyzata, Minn.
J. H MALONE o f Adel. Mo . pay* the Piti H*UA* LÌCE KILLER
with you. When he first saw our dear Philadelphia Press.
Is Just the thing for lies on hogs, and is worth five times Ita oos%
little baby he was Just as awkward
Fond Mother—I don't know what to
l ’ O K T L A N L » S E E D C O .. P o r t l a n d . O r ., C o a s t A g e n t s
and cold in his manner------
Mr. Nnpop—O f course. If he were do. I want to send my daughter to 1
womanly he would have gushed.— college, and yet I don’t want to send j
her into the world unprotected. Wise '
Philadelphia Pres».
visitor, who has observed the daugb- j The improved
will remove Sage Brush, Rabbit Brush, Orease Wood,
ter's disposition—You mean that it Takes
H om e, Sw eet H om e.
Chico, etc. Leaves the ground in perfect condition
Mrs. Dash—Hash is to be adopted as would be unkind to send her out Into out all
* - seeding without C *
brush by
the unprotected world!
army food.
the roots
Mrs. Rash—That's a good idea; sol­
Never say again that a newspaper leaving same in
diers can't feel very lonesome when writer is not a master of diplomacy. piles at regular
they have hash to find fault with.—In­ One of the fraternity was to write up intervals. Teeth are
the history of an Olfi lady o f 98. H* automatically cleaned.
dianapolis Journal.
was told she had never to much as No clogging. Will work on
S e lf - P r o t e c t i o n .
learned her letters. Did he blurt it stony ground. Our booklet
Salesman— Well, the old man fired
out in print? Not a bit o f It. He describing the machine in detail.
two more clerks toalay.
Its advantages, cost, shipping
m e r e ly stated on bit fin e ly written
Floor Walker—flay. If thia. thing
article that “ she can read the finest weight, etc., sent free on application.
keeps up you fellows will have to take
print •* well aa she ever coaid.”
out fire insurance policies.
IC22 A R A P A H O E ST.
raise de price o f beef. So Ah kaln’t
sell flowahs de same ez Ah use toe.
“ So Ah has to charge 20 cents—jes’
double. 'Sides, boss. It am Jes' a little
late for these flowahs, ain’t hit?”
The official accepted the explana­
tion and paid the nickel given in
change for the privilege of hearing the
argument.—Washington Post.
Alvord Sage Brush Grubber and Land Cleaner