«O B ! > £>0000000000000«ooooooooooooooooooooooooç ish I had Known this long ago ▼ Tv *e Ma.rv >e W o m a n >e R em edy v~T y She was a good woman, be loved bet. Sbe was bis wife. Tbe pie was good— bis wife made it— be ate it. But tbe pie disagreed with him uuil he disagreed with bis wife. Found a remedy and is happy, so is bis wife, and to find that be could have any prescrip­ tion filled that be would bring in. 000000600000000000000000000000000000000000000 i stly L o c a l = Tiles the grass grow. attepburg patterns at the Novelty •o. It Mr the new Phone card at the lornfPharinaCy. B \ l k — A good plaso cheap, ■ ii the express office. ,e uJut fatal fall with some people when they fell in love. afd Mrs. F. U. Wheeler visited ■buiL' Monday on business before Land office. i »[ month will keep your suit nedl pressed, buttons on, and rips >d at the Ideal clothes cleaning distillent. Mrs. W. A. Cunning- f STHRT + t Art llneus at the Novelty Store. the Angelas is coming to Cottage G rove. Bead the P. T. Company’ s closing out sale ad. The Gross Hotel, the place to stop when you visit Eugene. Old cuilos bought at the Novelty Store, Anna Oglesby, prop. Nice pare lard only 65 cents per 5 pound pnil at Bartels meat market. Miss Smith of Springfield was a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Powers over Sunday. All shades of picture matting and passe partout binding at Veateli’s fur­ niture store. Carl Graham came down from tbe Bohemia mtnes.th's week to look after business matters. Mrs. Ed. MoCalllster ol Saginaw, was brought to this city Saturday to receive medical treatment. The Methodist Year Book for ISO! reports a gain of nearly a thousand churches during the last year. J. S. Milne of the hustling real es­ tate firm of Medley & Milne Co., is just recovering from a severe illness. Hon. Bin'ger Hermann leftWashing- ton I). C. for Oregon last Saturday. It is expected he will arrive here to­ day or tomorrow. The little daughter of John Renfro of Fall Creek, was at play Saturday, when she fell and broke both bones of her left arm just below tbe elbow. Ask Garman & Hemenway for the Rogue River Creamery Rutter, manu­ factured at Medford, by C. E. Gaddis, in the valley where the alfalfa grows. Dick. White is down from Rohemia looking after business interests. He says tlie warm rains and sunshine is causing the snow to rapidly disappear in the Bohemia mining district. Indian bead work at the Novelty ( r I Store. i T li- ¡Angelus I) coming to Cottage P drove. Breakfast bacon 15 cents per pound at Bartels. Wanted, a cheap driving teum at Phillips & Wheeler. A full line of all kinds of seed beads j at the Novelty Store. Born,to the wife of Jack Lewis April 14, 1804, a 12-pound daughter. Miss ILtuuubil, ajteaeher in the pub­ lic schools visited in Eugene Saturday and Sunday. A marriage license wag issued Tues­ day at Eugene to Martin Shea and Lola Beckley. The eusiest way to find out the sin­ cerity of a woman's religion is to con­ sult tho hired girl. A choice lino of Brussels and Ax- minister carpets, art squares mid mat­ ting at Marion Veatch’s. The absence of pleasant smiles at home, no doubt bus caused many a husband to seek them in a saloon. Jesse A. Griffin has secured a posi­ tion as book-keeper with a Portland lumber company and went to that city Monday to accept tlie position. Sunday morning at theM. E. church Rev Feese has chosen for his subject, “ The Baptism of Christ.” evening subject, “ Tbe Christian in Politics. The Grant Harrison farm of 173 aeree was sold this week by the ¡Med­ ley & Milne Real Estate Co., to a gentleman from Southern Oregon, consideration $3250. Mrs. Joe Miller who is conducting tlie boardiug house at the Alca mill spent Saturday in this city looking after her oosv west side homo aud transacting business. J. U. Stevens a prominent member of the socialist party addressed a fair sized audience at tho opera house in this city Wednesday night on tho sub­ ject of “ Capital and Labor.” The required bonus of $300 to Insura the-liig Railway Trainmen's excursion te Eugene lias been raised. The ex­ cursion connot be given ou May nth, but will be given May 30lh. Dr. A. Corpron went to the Jackson county hot springs Tuesday to remaiu a week or ten days in tlie liope of has­ tening his recovery from a sever at­ tack of grip and lheumatism. We noticed a young gentleman and a young lady emerge from a parlor last Sunday and one side oT his aoseVas p iwdered and one side of her’s was not. What was that a -ign of? HATS : NEW HATS Latest Styles in Hats and Caps.. See our line before buying. Our Beaver Hats are the best made. :: :: :: :: Grarman, Hemenway*Co. L E A D E R S IN Born, to the wife of Ola Keyser, April 15, a boy. Miss Bessie Woods of Eugene, is a guest of the family of her brothel, Le- Roy Woods. A few hundred dollars to loan on first class real estate security. In ­ quire of Phillips & Wheeler. C. H, Jones is plating tho material on the ground for a commodious resi­ dence on hia lots opposite S R.Pipei’s residence. I f you ever expect to get a homo in Cottage Grove now is the time to buy it. We have some nice ones very cheap. Phillips & Wheeler. Mr. Gettys of the Oregon Securities Co., is down from the mines taking a brief vacation. Me has been in Bohe­ mia almost continuously for seven years. The L eader acknowledges a pleasant call. M E R C H A N D I S I N G $- L -tx ytxsis «.*xx*xx«xx«xx*xx+xx+xx*xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xxVdxx+x x+- x+d ;• « a b Eugene Business College .§! F. S. HAROUN, LL. D., President. X\ BOOKKEEPING, PEN ART, SHORT HAND AND TYPEW RITING . ii We have first class Teachers—Best Methods. Students may enter any time during the year. ii ÍI 8®*TERMS REASONABLE. if i b Write for Catalogue .10 I ii. Pen Flourish. [' ÍS&xJx x|x x|x xjx >¡x xfxxjx X|X xjxx|xxjxX|Xxx|xx|x xjx .jx x J x x J x x jx x jx V jx x ì* W A R N IN G .—is hereby given to those who have been appropriating flowers from the public school flower beds, that an example will be made of the first person apprehended trespass­ ing and Hiking (lowers from these premises. These beautiful flowers should not lie disturbed. M O NEY SAVED There are a huudred and one things on which I can save you money at my store. Bargains iu all kinds of H O U S e H O L D t - C O O D S Just the things you are ueediug in your homes at half The Central Saloon, of Pape & Co., the regular price E g g foods, lice paint, etc., etc. was burglarized Wednesday night, entrance being effected through a STURDEVANT’S POULTRY PREPARATIONS, rear window, The money drawer was broken open, one slot machine unlock­ ■ -* R I G H T *■ ed and another defaced aud robbed of its contents, about $12 in all being Harry Wynne, the genial hnrdwtue taken. The officers think they iravo a merchant, spent Tuesday in Eugene. clue, it being tlie work of liobo crooks. Harry does not report tlie usual “ goc d OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL BANK time” from the fact that he was chap eroned hv Ids iietter seven-eights on T H E W O M A N S CLUB this occasion. Iv ith tlie kitchen conven Preaching services at tlie Christian « micos you need. See us church Sunday. 11 a. m. “ Called to Entertained a Large Company of kit once for :: :: :: Rest” 8 p. 111 . “ Elemeuls of a Success- Guests Monday Evening ful L ife .” On Thursday April 28 p. lickel-Plated and Enam- 11 . Rev. Win. Croden of Tacoma, The woman’ s club of Cottage Wash, will speak. Everybody invite i. Grove royally entertained a large led K i t c h e n w a r e and J. L'ochlin is building a neat commo­ number of guests in the new lodge VA&HING M A CH I NE S Hon. B. M. Veatch and Mavor J. S. dious, modern cottage on tlie lot back O u r E n tire Stock of Medley went to Portland Monday ns of his residence property iu t le Mc­ room, bank buildiug, Monday eve­ delegates to the democratic State and Farland addition for Percy Rogers. ning, the “ Spinster Convention.” Ï and pocket eutlerv and concessional conventions which wore W. H. Lincoln is building a large two being the principal features of tlie Charter OaK Stoves and Uanaes \ T | [K IM > s OK H a UDWAHK held there Tuesday and Wednesday. story addition to bis residence in tl.e evening’ s program, the characters same part of town. comprising some 10 or 18 prom­ A teacher boxed the oars of a pupil Col. W. H. Biair presented this inent ladies of the town. The M. a few days ago. The boy told ids mother and the next day the teacher office with some of the finest stulks of W. A. Orchestra furnished music received the following note: “ Nature rhubard Tuesday we have ever seen. far tho occassion aud opened tlie lias provided a proper place for pun­ They were fully an inch in diameter ishment of a boy, and it is not his ear. and were grown b.v his brother-in-law evening’s entertainment. The costumes worn by the I will thank you to use it hereafter.” at Portland, who is evidently an ex- ' peyt in gardering. Thanks, Colonel. “ spinsters” were grotesque, and the Dr. T. B. Ford, presiding elder of Mr. an«l Mrs. Frank Veatch return characterization w as excellent, the SI. E. church will be in Cottage Grove Monday evening at which time etl home Sunday from Southern Cali­ many ancient wedding gowns, which fornia where they have spent tlie p ist lie will conduct quarterly meetings. irietress. Leave onleis at The presiding elder (till go to San year. They are considerably improv­ had occupied a position in the bureau drawer, for lo, these many AH suits b.dow Bistern Cost. Furnishings for very little. ’oods store. I Francisco and Los Angeles from this ed in health and are pleased to get back to their Oregon home.They weie years, were brought forth und dis­ Each day sees inure m:n nude happy here, not alone he-J as | | ii Hanson Sundayed with ! place to attend the general confer­ given a cordial welcome by their played on this happy occasion. Mrs ence of tlie M. E. church . e folk» at Eugene. many o il friends. cause they are buying cheaper— away below market value' jg B. II. Job, presided over t h e kin d! of sowing machine needle ?> J. M. Cox has sold his “ Gold Coin” Cnpt. Branson, the evangelist, nud “ Spinsters Convention,” in a very — but because here they buy Perfectly Dependable Goods •etch's furniture store. land " L e e ” claims in the Bohemia wife closed a series of successful re­ able and efficient manner, Mrs. as well. Jt Black's Perfect Fitting Clothing, for instance J Mining district to the Oregon Pacific Ivertilers are getting Hue results 1 Mining .St Milling Co. Geo. Cox has vival meetings at Lorane Sunday and returned to this citv Monday from F. D. Wheeler and Mrs. Clras. 1 theli ads in the L eader . sold to the same company his “ Vlc- which (dace they proceeded north. Burkholder, serving as secretary T h ere Is no Better C lo th in g Mai.de - iss Fblssie Lockwood who is teuch- Itor,” “ Ready Bullion,” “ Midnight” About 35 o 111 vetsions were reported 1 ch 0 o l.it C mistook spent Sunday 1 and “ Portland” claims in Bohemia. at Lorane. The meetings were inter­ aud treasurer, respectively. Tlie A t any price, and most men know :t. too. Its clothing f business routine, debates, musical Will Oeoigc lias also sold to tills com­ esting and ordei ly. hom* folks. that has the hang o f the made-to-measure prodnet," with î I nombers, and locally applied jests heu yin go to Eugene don’t fail pany Ids “ Independence” claim in Thursday evening the 14. the Lady during tlie conveution session, were op at (the Gross Hotel. Best 25 Bohemia. Workmanship Unexcelled, in this Closing-out Sale Maccabees and invited guests quiet'_v meallin the city. New building, The W. C. T. U. will meet Friday at marched up to the hnll where the humorous in tlie extreme aud kept furnish ings, courteous treatment 2 :3l) p. in. at tlie C. P. Parsonage, a Knights were very busy initiating a tbe large audience in a very mirth­ prompt service. business meeting. Ladies please come. B. He gen, president of the O. & The L.T.L. will meet at 4 p.m. on Fri­ number of candidates, and took | os- ful mood. A t tbe conclusion of ti e ..railroad at this place, went to day at C. P. church. The ladies of the session. It was a complete surprise convention session, a kind of ail an­ land Sunday, accompanied by Union will give a reception to Honor­ and tile Sir Knights immediately gave atomical question contest was intro­ Honfiui. He will return to this ary and new memliers.n good program a recess and welcomed ihe Ladies. duced, tbe answers to tlie questions again before taking Ids depar- and refreshments will tie tlie order of Refreshments were servo ! and a good listed on tbe cards,peitnining to the for hit headquarters in New York. tlie evening. Tuesday April Jfith, at s, time was enjoyed by all. As we stated in our last issue Frank human body. Very few, if any, U N D E R O D D F E L L O W 'S H A L L p. m, at tlie C. P. parsonage. Skillmnn, formerly engaged in tl e persons present were able to answer Ed Petty, of the Bear creek saw mill grocery business in this city lias pur east of Creswell, was in town Tues­ chased The Wave confectionery and correctly the entire list of questions. day transacting business. Tho Petty assisted by Mrs. ¡Skillman will supply The meeting then 'resolved into a Brothers mill is operated by water a large share of the local public de­ social session, while dainty refresh­ Notice to C on tractors. power and has a capacity of about mand for sweet meats, ice cream soft ments consisting of Orange Frappe 3000 MEN WANTED. 3300 feet per day. Mr. Petty ravored drinks and tropical fruits Just now Sealed bids will be received by were served. Tliere tlie L f . adbb with a pleasant call and they are aenrfog the celebrated Wash­ and wnfers the school directors of school Dis­ T o buy Kennedy's Chnin l i g h t ­ stat.eiI that tlie exorbitant freight rates ington ice creiinr, which is one of tlie were about 150 guests present all were not worrying them much as j finest creams on the market. Remem­ of whom voted tlie members of the trict No. 45 of Lane couDty, Oregon, ning Liniment, for Rheumatism and their product went to supply tho local ber tlie Wave when in need of choice Woman's Club as ebarming enter­ at Cottage Grove, Oregon until 4 all pains and Inllaiuation. Price 50 market, which, however, is a little | confectionery. o’clock p. m. April 25th 1904 for ceuts, all Druggist, or by mail upon >eejj»here they buy. It tainers. dull at present. They have been run­ the erection and completion of a receipt of price, write F. L. K en­ .hows where the prices are ning tlie pnst winter and have about Clarence Morss is not only a young frame school building according to nedy, Saginaw, Oregon, for list of ight. They are learning 300.(Hie feet of good lumber on hand. musical genius but he has recently Baseball Notes plans and apecifications prepared bv testimonies. Satisfaction Guaran­ They also operate a planer in connec­ demonstrated tlie fact that lie has :'ast where the best of bar- Tbe league baseball season will Chas. H. Burggraf architect of tion with tlie mill. somewhat of a mechanical head on painsfcre to be had. They teed. his shoulders. Feeling the need of a open at Eugene, April, 28, where fell wliere pure Drugs, Sta­ Mayor O. B. Clirisman. of Eugene, more rapid means of copying and one game will be played daily for Albany, Oregon. A certified check of $150.00 pay­ tionery and Sundries can republican candidate for county judge writing m.i«lc than by tlie use of a pen F ir e wns greeting liis numerous old friends he secured an old typewriter, remodel­ four days, between Vancouver and able to the board of school directors he bought Our in tills city Wednesday and Thursday ed it and fitted the liars up with notes ! the Eugene league teams. Don’ t neglect that house any of district No. 45, most accompany anil forming the acquaintance of and musical characters, and is now The Welch A W ood« junior base­ each bid as a guarantee that the longer, hut call at the express office those who have located here (luring able to reproduce or write music with p K s c r i p t i o n s .. the pnst few years. We have heard accuracy and considerable rapidity ball team of this city played its bidder will furnish an approve bond and have Tom Awbrey write you up it repeatediv stated lately that in the with tliis slightly altered and remod­ initial game for the season with the equal to 75 percent of tho amount a policy; in either the .Etna Insur election of G. R. Chrlsman, south eled typewriter. This voung man will Springfield team last Saturday, of the contract, within ten days ance Co. or the Oregon F ire Reiie Lane will come us near getting a coun­ no doubt be heard from in the future, j which resulted in a victory for the after the awarding of said contract. Association, of McMinnville. Oregon. Are A iled with only the ty judge as it will in many years, he j Cottage Grove team by a score of purest o f drugs. All bids must be made out upon W e make having formerly lieen closely identifi­ J. 8. Stiles, Eugene's efficient chief 1 specialty of ed with this part of the county and is j of police, who was nominate'! for 12 to 4. This team takes its name1 forms for the same. personally acquainted with our people ( sheriff on the republican ticket in the from the well known local clothing Plans, specifications and blanks and their need* and requirements. late county convention, visited Cot­ and shoe firm of W elch k Woods, can be seen at J. E. You ngs office. % to his large property holdings tage Grove Tuesday in the interests IliiptvMhot-mk' a specialty. A M I L Y R E C IP E S Owing he will give the people an economic- 1 of his candidacy and made a very who voluntarily fitted the boys out Cottage Grove, or at the architect’s Wat'i thiuk >f sbavin Eugene iu March. South Lane will pires and would make the county a B A K E H NEI BANK BULGING |possibly Saturday. o* us.—Dcoliam k Culp. roll up a handsome vote for O. R. j safe and competent sheriff, < Clubman, HOUSEKEEPING NEW AND SECOND H A N D GOODS C . J . M IL L E R * Closing Out at Cost Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing Furnishings and Crockery ^ ^ VyHne Hardware Co. Great Bargain Chances for Men ill Pacific Timber Co. Store I \ !l atch the Crowds General Black sm i t h i n ( VETERINARY íbsoi T s Pharmacy DENTIS'