Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, April 22, 1904, Image 2

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v r . C . C O M I K B , l 'u b i u h r r .
Issue of $200,000,000 FI tc Per
Bonds W ill Soon Be Made.
Precedent Against Intervention lor Wire- |
less Telegraph Coropaoy.
Washington, April 1».— One ol the
London, April 20.— Reports are again Czar Gives I ■
Rush Work principal
wireless telegraph companies
in circulation here of Russia's need to
on Battleships.
has tiled at the state department an
raise money. When the war broke out j
energetic protest against the decree ol
the gold held abroad by the Bank of *
Eastern Oregon Wool Mill
WILL BE READY TO SAIL JULY IS Admiral Alexieff that newspaper cor- Roving Portion Begin* to Leave Reacr-
Cleaner Quality.
Russia amounted to $87,500,000.
vation lor the Summer.
respoudenta in the Ear East during the
this amount $50,000,000 has been ex­
I a Grande— The sheepmen of P.J
Pendleton— The roving portion of tlie
Naval Strength Demands Increase -Su­ war shall be treated aa spies. The
Oregon say that the late spring
Oencral Review of Important Happenings pended and therefore, according to
Indiana on the reservation or those
periority of Japanese on W ater Gives
state department has taken the protest
is 30 days behind time, wm
of tho Past W eek la Brief and
these reports, it would soon be neces­
who wintered on the Columbia, is al­ splendid effect upon all of the a
Opportunity to Operate on Land.
under consideration, but following the
sary to have recourse to the gold "belli ,
ready stirring abroad, and making in Eastern Oregon, and the great”*
almost unbroken practice it proliably
in the treasury. According to a tele­
some cases for the foothills. The sum­ of water now pouring down thehil
The Japanese are fast preparing to gram from Brussels printed this morn- ' Paris, April 20.— “ The emperor, in will decline to take any action on a
mering season of the small tiandsof no­ every side w ill inaure good pant
receiving a visit from High Admiral
forte the Valu.
way into the aunimer, and
ing the outcome of the ways and means Duke Alexis today,” says the St. Pet­ hypothetical case. If an American cit­
Russia would make an agreement conference at St. Petersburg w ill be the
izen is arrested by the Russian officials mads begins early in April. There are this summer w ill lie sti,inger
ersburg correspondent of the Echo de
with Great Britain to gain an outlet to
and bring better prices thaneV« L
issue of $200,000,000 in 5 per cent Paris, “ informed him that he desired the state department immediately will
the sea.
I .limbing ia now at its |
who do not cultivate the advantages of
treasury bonds in Paris, Brussels and the Baltic fleet to be ready to start Ly lay down a line of policy to meet this
the increase in the flocks
Neidermier, the Chicago carbarn
July 15. Orders accordingly have been novel departure in international law. the reservation.
tie very large. Wool this year
bandit, made two desperate attempts to Amsterdam.
sent to Cronstadt to hasten the prepar­ It is realized that newspaper corres­
The more industrious and less proud
end his life, the first neatly proving
ation of its fleet for sailing on the date
cepted here as fully explaining the mys­ mentioned under Rear Admiral Rojest- pondents using wireless telegraphy in of these red men make money off wool last year because the sheep will
tery of the destruction of the battleship venski, unless another admiral, of the neighborhood of naval operations at this season. With a pack horse or have to run in dust so long b,
The house has passed a bill change Petropavlovsk and the newspapers pay
two, they wander around the tlie sheep shearing time, which in this , j
the Washington custom headquarters warm tribute to the daring and skill whom there has been much talk shall might unwittingly give information of
districts, and while the buck gets the Eastern Oregon will be about Hi
from Port Townsend to Seattle, despite displayed by the Japanese, contrasting be selected.
great value to the enemy, whose ves
living by hunting and fishing, the and the sheepmen throughout tin
“ Vice Admiral Donhaaaoff decline«!
the protests of congressmen.
these with the apparent lack of fore­ the command of the Black sea fleet. sets, being also equipped with wireless squaw pulls oi picks up wool wherever try seem very jubilant.
The foreign countries represented at sight and vigUence on the part of the It is probable that Admiral Chukin, telearahy, might readily take up meS' she can find it. Bits of fleeces pulled
Wool from last year’s crop in h.
the St. Louis fair w ill be invited by the Russians. War correspondents arriv director of the naval academy, w ill be sages sent to a shore station.
off wool wagons, when the latter start Oregon has been sold in I'hil,a7
government to transfer their exhibits ing at Ping Yang report that the roadi appointed.”
The state department is loath to es running, or even wool from sheep within the past week for 17 ,,nu
are in terrible condition, but that the
to the Lewis and Clark exposition.
tablish a precedent by protest that which have died on the range all go to this is a good indication that
might hereafter embarrass our ow make up the sackfulis, which are after­ this year w ill go high.
The conference committee has elimi- Jal'ane8^ troops in marching display
splendid endurance.
naval commadners.
Tile matter 1 ward packed to town for sale. Indians
nated from the m ilitary appropriation
The Daily M ail’s Ping Yang corres­ Superiority of Fleet Gives the Japanese said by a distinguished military officer will carry loads like this 100 or 150
bill the appropriation of $90,000 for a
pondent gays that the food supplies are
here to emphasize the pressing need for miles for eight cents a pound.
an Excellent Opportunity.
bridge across the Spokane river at Spo­
being pushed iorth on a gigantic scale.
The migration of the reservation In­
8t. Petersburg, April 20.— St. Peters­ exact status of newspaper correspond
Warmer W eather Averted the Du,
A ll the preparations prove that the
dian does not take place until May,
Threatening the Herds ^
Senator Fulton has secured an Japanese are in readiness to sustain a burg is flooded with rumors from all ents in case of war.
when hundreds of them go to the moun­
amendment to the sundry civil bill in­ prolonge«! campaign.
The corres­ directions regaiding the plans of the
Pendleton— Stock reports from *
tains for the summer to spend the seas­
creasing the appropriation for roads in pondent describes the irresistible cour­ Japanese, now that the Russian fleet at
on bunting and fishing.
As summer ern L'matilla and Grant counties
Crater lake national park from $3,000 age shown by the Japanese in the fight­ Port Arthur is unable longer to menace W ILL ASK NATION TO MAKE HASTE,
and farth­ conditions much improved sin,,
to $4,000.
ing at Chingju, charging recklessly up their troop transports.
back to heavy snowstorm of two weeksago
The Associated Press in a dispatch Oregon Delegation Desiree ’05 Fair
The senate has adopted an amend­ hill in the face of superior numbres.
the reservation until the early snows of stock losses, which threatened fj
from Port Arthur gave 20 as the num­
short time to materially thin out
ment of Senator Mitchell to the emer­
autumn drive him back.
ber of Japanese transports reported as
herds, have been to a great <1(
gency appropriation b ill by which the at Shan Hai Kwan gives a report that a
Washinton, April 19.— Copies of the
having been seen steaming in the direc­
averted. In valleys, where it „ „
senator expects to have $100,000 al­
tion of Yinkow, the seaport of Niu Lew is and Clark exposition bill, as
sibte, range stock was gotten M
lotted for continuing the improvement
Cbwang. Officials of the general staff, was signed by the president, were de
at the mouth of the Columbia river.
where grass could be found i
while having no information in this re livered from the printing office toda Clatsop County Court Cirants Carefully
enough feed was on hand for don
Chinese and Russian troops nearly
Uuarded Privilege.
spect. would not be surprise«! if the
and distributed among the various gov
clashed in Manchuria.
number should turn out to be correct
Astoria— The county court has grant­
In valleys where stock could n
eminent departments.
Tlie Oregon
The Grarnl Ron«le valley is a vast Pension Bill Will Come Up Before the or even that a larger number is steam
senators, early this week, expect to see ed the petition of C. C. Clarke, the gotten out to better locations, i
ing there.
lake and thousands of acies of wheat
Senate This Week.
Vice Admiral Togo’ s immense super cabinet officials and urge the early ap Seaside logger, to lease the portion of and sheep went on short ratio#
are flooded.
some time, but escaped after non
Washington, April 20.— There w ill iority enables him to hold the Russian pointment of the government board tlie Necanicum river that runs through
loss, as warmer weather came. K
The Russian press regar«ls the Anlo-
be an effort to keep appropriation bills squadron in P««rt Arthur and Japanese which is to have supervision of the gov section 28, township 6 north, range 10 were not severe after the storm, a
French treaty as a hard blow to Ger­
transports, therefore, can safely pass
to the front all the time during the
west. The lease is for a period of five dition which also greatly helped,
man prestige.
through the straits of Pechili and ernment exhibit. Until this board
present week in the senate, and to this attempt to land at the head of the Liao appointed and makes an estimate of the years and gives the lessee the right to eral thousand head of sheep and<
Italians who had plotted against the
perished, but the loss was probabl
life of President Loubet, of France, end the sundry civil bill w ill be taken Tung gulf, under the guns of the war amount of space that will be needed for improve the river channel, to erect and
over one or two percent above tog
up first. When it is disposed of the ships, as did General Shatter’s army at the government exhibits and for exhib construct such dams, booms, and make
have been arrested.
pension appropriation bill will be pre Diaquiri, Cuba. Should this succeed
In a riot between police and blue­ sen ted, and it is hoped that the bill the Japanese will be in an excellent its from Alaska, the Philippines, Ha such other improvements as may be
Stock Escaped Severe Seam.
jackets at Pensacola, Fla. one man was w ill in turn be immediately followed position to execute a flank movement waii and the Orient, the supervising necessary fer the purpose of making the
Athena— Foothill stockmen eu
shot and our others wounded.
by the general deficiency b ill.
The on Liao Yang, or cut off Port Arthur.
architect will be unable to proceed with stream a public highway for floating southeast of here have not east,
nearly as severe stock losses u
he preparation of plans for buildings logs, timber and lumber.
A four story hotel at Indianapolis, senate leaders are apprehensive of the
He is also given the right to collect feared three weeks ago, when a .;
For this reason, it is desired that the
In«l., burned and for a time the lives effect of the consideration of various
tolls for the rafting, floating and boom­ heavy snowfall with severe ze
beard shall be named without delay.
of more than 300 guests were in peril. bills on the calemlar, an«l aie exercis­
ing their ingenuity to keep them in the dovernor Hunt Reports America as Rap­
The senators also expect to see the ing of logs, timber or lumber at the when feed was about run out, t
Admiral Togo says he placed the background.
president and lay before him the list of rate of 30 cents per thousand feet. apprehension that hundreds of
idly Qalnlng Trade.
mine which blew up the Russian war­
There are some features of the sun­
countries which it is desired shall be in Under the terms of the lease the lessee cattle would be lost. Snow is not
ship and tells how it was done. Rus­ dry civil bill which will cause discus­
'vited by this government, through the is to secure the necessary right-of-way of the lower bills sufficiently to
Hunt, of Porto Rico, arrived here today
sians emphatically deny it.
sion, and it is believe«! it w ill occupy
state department, to participate in the from owners of property along the grazing, and no more w ill probab
on the steamer Ponce from San Juan
When this is accomp course of the stream, and he gives a As it was, it is said 200 or 300
President Moyer, of the Fe«leration two days. The pension b ill usually He w ill remain in the United States exposition.
of Miners, declares Governor Peabody, goes through without debate, but it is about two weeks. Governor Hunt say lished, there is nothing left for the oond in the sum of $2,000 to hold the principally old cattle or those in
of Colorado, has violate«! his promise, probable there w ill be quite a little dis­ he had not heard of his appointment Oregon delegation to do in furtherance county of Clatsop harmless of any and condition, will cover the loss i
of the exposition so far as the govern all damages occasioned to any peison mountain section.
having agreed not to niolest the miners. cussion on the pending bill.
of judge of the United States district of
or to proprety by the use of the stream
I f opportunity is offered, Senator
inent is concerned.
Senator Mitchell has introduce«! Hansbrough w ill endeavor to obtain Montana and Wyoming, and would say
for floating logs. Tlie county reserves
Young Trout at Clackamas Hatdt
amendments to the emergency appro­ consideration of the Indian agreement nothing about his intention in regard
the right to annul the lease without
Oregon C ity -In the last three i #
priation bill to continue the improve­ bills. Senator Fairbanks also stands to the appointment. He w ill spend
notice, should any of its provisions be
the government hatchery at 0
ment of the Columbia and lower W ill­ ready to seize the first chance that offers considerable time in Washington in
connection with official duties and
City has received 500,000 trout
amette rivers.
to press his bill for a new executive
China’s Action on T eaty Will Have
eventually w ill return to Porto Rico at
from other government station! li
No Effect on Them.
A heavy snow has fallen in Noi them building in Washington.
the end of two weeks. Speaking of
at Northville, M ich.; Manchester
and Central New York.
La Grande— The logs on the Grand and Leadvilie, Colo. The eggs,
Washington, April 19.— Attorvney
conditions on the island Governor Hunt
Altogether 10 Russian vessels have
General Knox has handed to the presi Ronde river at Perry have begun to include the Lake, Rainbow and Ei
“ Juat at present a strong effort is dent his opinion regarding the validity move. The monster drive has started brook varieties, have all hatched
been damaged or lost since the out­
Resembles W ater Flea and W’orks at being made to promote a market in the
from the headwaters of the stream to and will be planted in the mon
break of the war.
Edge of W ater.
The Grand streams of this state by July 1.
United States for Porto Rico byprepar of the Chinese exclusion law. While ward the mills at Perry.
Russia has notified all nations that
Iloquiam, Wash., April 20.— Com­ ing for an extensive exhibit at St. the opinion has not been made public, Ronde Lumber company w ill drive are tlie same varieties that hare
she w ill regard as spies correspondents
missioner E. Davis recently went to Louis. Coffee w ill be the feature of it is known the attorney general holds about 16,000,000 feet of logs this placed in the Oregon streams.
using wireless telegraphy.
the island’s exhibit because fruits and in effect that the denunciation of the spring. It w ill become necessary to
The Port Arthur squadron will not Westport ami made an examination of cotton w ill lie also displayed.
build railroads to the vast lielts of pine
again he risked in battle until rein­ the Westport wharf. He finds the en­ ans are planting oranges quite exten­ treaty tiy China does not operate to nul­ lying on the head of the Grand Ronde
tire piling of the wharf practically des- sively. Tlie groves are growing well.
forced by the Baltic fleet.
river and Meadow creek, as it will lie
troyed by a small bug resembling a Cotton bids fair to be very profitable. clusion can be enforced as rigidly here­ too costly and tedious to haul the logs
Wheat— Walla Walla, 75c; bln«
Japan denies that she has any sub­
water flea.
The piling was put in Coffee crop will be about normal tins after as under the treaty.
to the river and depend on the annual 82c: valley, 80(381c, export valm
marine boats and says the Russian
but five years ago and now is ruined year for the first time since the hur­
drive to supply the mills.
Bariev— Feed, $13.50 i>erton;n
ships were sunk by torpedoes.
In its effect the exclusion law is more
ami w ill be replace«! for safety.
ricane, and if a slightly higher price
Carnegie has created a “ fund for
Mr. Davis found the bug har«l at can lie had for the crop planters would
Flour— Valley, $3.90(34.05 per
Hospital lor Chemawa School.
and sot asi«le $5,000,000. work. He cuts off the piles at low- be able to relieve their estates of part treaty is in force, tlie points of differ­
rel: hard wheat straights. $«(*
Salem— Congressan Binger Hermann
Next of kin of th«»se who lose their water mark, so that 18-inch piling is of their old mortgage debts and will be ence between the law and treaty are de­
cided in eacordanee with tlie terms of has been honored by having his name clears, $3.85(34.10; hard wheat
lives will also benefit.
found to be within a few inches of be­ satisfied.
the latter. It is tlie hope of the Chi­ bestowed upon the new hospital build­ ents, $4.40(34.70; graham, $3.5
Cellar, which
“ It is probable that the export will
A party of 50 prominent Filipinos ing entirely cut off.
government that a new treaty will ing which is to lie erected at Chemawa whole wheat, $4(3 4.25; rye flour, I
has started f«ur the St. Louis fair. usually is proof against insects, has no exceed the value of import by a million he negotiated which will prove more
Oats— No. 1 white, $1.17H@
Indian school this year. An inspector
They will also visit the principal cities terror for the bug, and he cuts this dollara. Trade with the United States favorable to Chinese immigrants that
gray, $1.12 la @1.15 per cental.
increases rapidly and will continue lo
of the United States.
Milletuffs— Bran, $19@20 per
been here and a site for the new build­
If well driven piling is to last but grow as the sugar, fruit and cotton are is tlie present treaty. Indeed, such
middlings. $25.50(327; sliori, I
treaty is now being considered.
Heavy rains stopped all regular five years, it means some method must being grown.”
ing was selected. The structure, which
21: chop, $18; linseed, dairyfood,
through traffic on the Southern Pacific be found to save them or an endless ex­
will tie of brick, and will eost $15,000,
Hay — Timothy, $15(316 per
an«l O. R. A N., into Portland, leaving pense is certain. The insect is known
Canal Papers All Drawn Up.
America May Step In.
clover, $10(311;'grain, $11(31»;
the Northern Pacific the only route for to scientists as the liminolae, and is
Paris, April 19.— All the paiiers nec­ Southern Pacific track, and north of $11(312.
Santo Domingo, April 20.— United
Eastern mail.
It will be
said to be very destructive to wood of States .Minister Powell informed the essary for the transfer of the Panama the new school building.
Vegeatbles— Turnips, 80c per
The house has passed the Philippine this kind. An eff«Yrt w ill be made to minister of foreign affairs today that in canal to the United States are now com known as Hermann hospital.
carrots, 80c; beets, $1: cabbage,
bond bill to encourage the building of find a remedy for the pest.
the event of any foreign pos er attempt pleted. They include inventories and
2c; lettuce, head. 25(840c per 4
Report From Penitentiary.
ing to force a settlement of the claims schedules of the property belonging to
parsley. 25o: cauliflower, $1.75;
Inquiry on the Missouri.
of its citizens, thus excluding the tlie company in Panama, here and else­
Superintendent James, of the peni­ 60(3 90c pier dozen: squash,
St. Petersburg lias the repoit that
Washintjfon, April 20.— The navy claims of other nationalities, be would, where. These have been carefully gone tentiary, has filed his report with the pound; encumber*, $1.75(32 peri]
T«>g«> sunk several steamers and cloeed
department today receive«! a dispatch in the name of his government, take over and checked by W. A. Day and secretary of state covering the quarter asparagus. 8c: pea*. 6 ^ 0 per
the entrance to Port Arthur.
from Rear Admiral Barker, command­ immediate charge of all the custom Charles W. Russell, the assistant attor­ ruling March 31. Tlie principal fea­ rhubarb, 7(39c per pound: beans,
Ex-Mayor Ames, of Minneapolis, lias ing the North Atlantic fleet giving the houses of tlie government, place in each ney general* who came from Washing­ ture of the report is the financial state­ onions. Yellow Danvers, $2®2.W
assist in the transfer of the prop- ment of the institution, which shows sack.
been arrested, charge«! with having ac­ personnel of the court of inquiry that a m ilitary guard, and protect the same ton to
« . . . 1 *1 _____ i t ’. ... .
is engaged in making an investigation in the interest of the United States erty and tlie officers of tlie company. that the total expenses amount to $20,-
cepted a bribe while in office.
Honey— $3(33.50 per case.
of the cause of the recent accident «>n creditors, basing his action upon the The most important paper ia the
305.87. Of this amount, $1,925.19 is
Potatoes— Fancy, $1.20(81.35
been the Missouri. They are:
Rear Ad­ recent decision of The Hague tribunal. tract for tlie sales
deducted from the betterment fund. cental; common. 75c<3$l; new
claimed by two wives at San Francisco. miral Chadwick, president; Captain
There were 314 convicts in the prison toes, 3 *,<3 4c per ponnd: sweets, 5
Will Not Let Fleet (lo Out.
at the close of the quarter, against 311 pound.
Japanese Army Pays as It (Toes.
According to latest accounts Russia Joseph N. Hemphill, commanding the
lost about 850 men and officers in the Kearsarge and Commander Southerland
Paris, April 19.— The Eclaire’* St. at the close of the last quartet.
Seoul, April 20.— A dispatch from
Frnita — Stiawberries. $3.75
sinking of U>7 battleship and torpedo ! commanding the Cleveland, with Lieu- Ping Yang, under yesterday s date, re­ Petersburg correspondent say* he i* in­
crate: apples, fancy Baldwinsami
Factory May Resume Work.
ceived here at 7 o'clock this morning, formed that a torma! order has I »-en is­
zenbergs, $1.50(32.50 per box; d
investigation w ill require a week.
says the country in the wake of the sued to Vicreoy Alexieff not to permit
Pendleton— Steps are being taken to $ 1 c<* 1.50: rooking, 76c@$l.
The senate committee on appropria­
Japanese army is resnming its normal the Russian fleet to leave Port Arthur get the Rigby-Clove combined harvester
Fggs— Oregon ranch, 17® 18c.
tions provides for no Northwest harbor
Russian Victory Is Denied.
The majority of the in­ liefore tlie arrival of Vice Admiral manufactory and foundry on a solid
Blitter— Sweet cream butter, 3$
work, save The Dallee-Celilo canal, in
St. Petersburg, April 20.— The m ili­ habitant* left their homes liefore the Skrvdloff. It i* the opinion in high basis again. W. T R igby, the princi- pound: fancy creamery. 25ep
tire sundry civil bill.
tary general staff discredit* the story troops arrived, hut are now returning naval circle* that it will not be neces­ al ’*_n,;r, » » " hard hit by the C. B. creamery, 22H<324c; dairy and
Wreckage washed ashore at Van­ that the Russians attacked 12.000 Jap­ They have learned that the Ja|>ane*e sary to dispatch the Baltic squadron t0 Wade failure. T. J. Giesler, a Port-! nominal.
couver island indicates the loss of the anese troops at the moment of landing soldiers treat the people well, paying the Lar Last, as the army, it i* |„. and man, is here with the intention of
Butter Fat— Sweet cream,
sealing schooner Triumph.
There at Yogampho and drove them back to for their supplies, and are under ieved, will he able to co|ie with th< organizing a stock impany to operate ‘<onr cream, 26 He.
Japanese forces.
their shipe. No affair of I hat sort has strict discipline.
were 25 persona on board.
the concern.
Poultry— Chickens, mixed, 130
The harvester manu­
been reported by General Kouropatkin.
red "red ia the invention of Mr. Rigbv per pound; springs, email, 2l)r:
A gunner’ s mate on the Missouri is It is reported that Viceroy Alexieff has
Influx of Chinese.
Japan Will Hava Sohmarlna Boata.
13l* (3 l4 c : turkevs. live, l*
found to have saved the ship and the received forms! orders that the fleet
Victoria, P. 0., April 20.— One linn-
London, April 19.— While it la au­
dressed, l>@20c; ducks. $»®9l*
W arrants to Bear s ix Per Cent.
lives of BOO men . by . jumping
must not -------
leave ------
Port —
the died and twelve Chinese are coming on thoritatively stated that the Japanese
- - into
. the , ----------
------ —
— —
en: geese, live. 8c per ponnd.
magasine and dosing the door. ^The | arrival of the new commander. Admiral the Canadian Pacific steamer Empress
la Grande—The county eonrt of
have no submarine navy at the present
Cheese— Full cream, twin*, IS
injnrie* of two of the seamen have Skrvdloff.
mon county bas canoë lied $27 000 of
of China for this port, according to time, and therefore it la impossible that
Yonng America, 14<315c.
proven fatal.
special cable dispatches to the head- the Russian battleship Petropavlovsk onnty warranta, and the lis, ffiduded
Hops— 1903 crop. 23® 25c per t
Japan«** Ship Reported Sank.
warrants that werr hearint 8 tH'r
I quarters of the company.
A* each could have been sunk by a boat of »Ida
Rnssians have won two small land
Wool— Valley, 16<317c. Fsste
class, it ia nndersttond that the Japan- c h a r - l T ' '
in « * r ~ i gon, 12@14c; mohair, 30®31
patch from Port Arthnr says several eye officials here are puzzled to know what
arsenals and navy yards are working ^ *7/n ' v ' " 1* * " • " « • » ¡U lie bnt 6 ponnd lor choice.
Mtieh of the time
Cardinal Satolli, with the permission witnesnw assert that a Japanese cruiser it means. It is surmised that the Em- overtime on two or mote submarine per cent
of the
Beef— Dressed. 5®7*<e per p*
of tha p o ç , '■
* ° t M Cnite<l was lost oatside Port Arthur during the press' crew of Chinese may tie wanted boats, whlrh will he ready betöre the court ww dévotrd to rnad and school
Mutton— Dressed, 6® "fteper
has no misai on ami la to last bombardment by striking oneof its ashore, but the officials have no reason Russian Baltic aquadton reaches the •■trid matters. and at th,« session the
H ta tes.
spring lam be. Sc.
for such a step.
own floating minea.
make tha tour aa a private citiseli.
Ear East.
clerka of alwetim waa
Veal— Dreesed, 6 «,<37*0 per
Pork— Dreaeed, 7S<39c p u