Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, April 15, 1904, Image 1

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S f T *«* »*f «
rter» for three
ìriiiK nuiijiaiiii-s.
> to the rlcb Bo­
ni inen. and the
rinn i‘»u* mines
Xane Counts Xeabec.
will here limi opportunities
no where else a Horded in Ore­
gon. The Leader will give
you the M i l ,tml larIt ron-
eerning this favored loeality
NO. 52
| entitled to the honor on account of
| his long standing as a prominent
I ami ftuthful republican worker, hut
because he was “ the onlv 'man who
could be depended upon to carry
out to the letter the programme as
marked out.”
Tbisieuiurk provoked a storm of
I laughter in the convention, ami Mr.
: Brownell was elected by acclamation
| Ujfcu taking his seat and after
making a lew appiopriate remarks
of thanks for - the unexpected hon­
or thus threat upon him,” Mr.
Brownell created more laughter by
| the aunuunceinm-t that according to
my understm ling the first number
ou the programme will he the ap
Accept Situation Philos- poiutmeut of a committee on eredeu
Jy-Harmony Prevails
The convention adjourned about
The Lane county republican cou t >u named Jesse J. Nicolle. The
5 o ’clock P. M., after passing suit
‘re., April
13.— Amid j able resolulions of indorsement of ventiou met at the court house Sat­ ballot resulted; Leo 150; Nicolle 23
cheering and strictly “ in the admiuistratiou generally, and urday at 10:30 a. iu. E, O. Po'tev,
Only two candidates appeared in
with programme,” as i especially of the caudidacy of li-eo- ! cbiunuau of the central committal1
! called the convention to order. the arena. A. C. Woodcock nomi­
lit before tbe hour aet for dor© Roosevdt for President.
H ou. S. H. Friendly placed A. C. nated Geo. Fisher and W. Kuyken­
tion, Hun. Ringer Her-
w . l l u m so n
renom inated .
oselurg, was made the
J. N. Williamson, was renominat­ Woodcock iu nomination for tiinp- dall presented J. S.' Stiles, tbe bal­
choice of the Republican ed for Congress iuthe Second district jorary chairman, and he was unan­ lot resulting iu the nomination of
elected. Judge Potter Stiles. The ballot: J S Stiles 185;
ual Convention usssmbl- by acclamation, the Moody forces imously
’ ay, as a candidate for j withdrawing as uid Harris' support­ relinquished the seat of honor and George Fisher 38.
Mr. Woodcock assumed control of
succeed himself from ers in the First district.
Candidates were numerous— O.
tbe conveution.
ongressional district of
Iu accepting the position as ebair- Bennett of Springfield, E H. Hawk­
Congressman— Binger Hermann.
Delegates to National convention man Mr. Woodcock thanked the ins. Bailey precinct; B. S. Hyland of
n was placed iu norniun-
C. Marster, of Douglas — J. U. Campbell, Dr J. M. Keene, couveutiou. He declared that tbe Junction; Wm. Vnnduyn, Eugene;
The vote
Alternates— Jesse Edwards. B. F. republican party has taken all the H. XI. Price, of Hale.
d A. C. Woodcock, of
advance steps and likened the demo­ stood: Price, 88; Benuett, 37; Hy­
was to have placed L. Jones.
in nomination seconded
Congressional com m ittee-W alter cratic purty to the Young man who land, 21; Vanduvn, 19; Hawkins, 8;
sat on the fence and watched his Mr. Price was declared the nominee.
tion. Upon his motion
rival go by with his girl.
i.Concluded on la st page.)
un was made the unaui-
Three men entered the race: D. P.
Darwin Bristow was named as
e of the convention by
temporory secretary and (J. J. How­ BurtoD, B. F. Keeney and J. C.
n and the greatest of
ard and C. W. ltychard as assietaut Iieuue. Mr. Kenney was nominat­
ny prevailed. Later in
ed on the first ballot by the follow-
oon, and in the order Battleship Lost, 700 Drowned. In­ secretaries.
c o m m it t e e s
ing vote. Keeney, 93; Burtou, »55;
gemeut, Hon. Walter L.
cluding Admiral Makaroff.
On motion the following commit-1 Renne, lti.
*arion County, was elect-
of tbe republican Con-
St.Petersburg, April 13,— The tees were appointed;
R. E. Eastland, 114; F. Reianer,
Credentials— C. A. XV intermtier,
Central Committee to Russian battleship Petropavlovsk
I 33; A. C.JenniDgs, 29. Eastlaud the
W . Harris of Eugene.
was this morning sunk off the ent­ E. R. Mumtney.J. M. Shiiub.
rance o f Port Arthur harbor by one
r., April 13.— Long bt- o f the Russian mines and 700 men
There were four candidates for
John Vaughan
publicau Congressional were drowned.
Resolutions — W. K u y k e n d a 11, this office, tbe eloquent speech of
of tbe First District
T he death list, according to an
to order it was known by official telegram received here, in­ Sanford Skinner, G. XV. Griffin, J.E Wm. Stucke of Gosheu carrying the
lay for W . B. Dillard.
The first
of the members that cludes Vice-Admiral Makaroff, the Young, H. C. Wheeler.
The convention adjourned
to vote stood: W. B. Dillard, Eugene,
be but oue name pro- valiant and time-tried veteran o f
meet in the afternoon at 1 o ’ clock. 76; W. M. Sutton, Spri: gfield36; W.
e nomination for Con- the Russian navy.
G. Martin, Eugene, 31; A. L, Briggs,
of Hermann, L. T. Har-
Only four o f |the officers and
At 1 :15 o ’ clock Chairman W ood­ Cottage Grove, 21; H. C. Baughman,
nnounced to his friends, crew escaped in the down-rush of
ul consideration of tbe the floating fortress. These in­ cock rapped for order and called Pleasant Hill, 12. Second ballot,
at he would withdraw clude the Grand Duke Cyril, cous­ for report of the committee on cre­ after Martin and Baughman with­
as drew, resulted as follows. Dillard,
~e. This conclusion was in to the czar, who was wounded. dentials. C. A. Wiuteriueir.
114; Sutton, 33; Briggs, 18.
Mr Harris after he bad
A private message from Port
For surveyor, C. M. Collier was
bis strength and found Arthur indicates that a battle was showed that 45 of the 50 precincts
ed about live votes of fought prior to the sinking o f the were represented by 176 out of 184 nominated by acclamation.
For coroner, Dr. F. M. Day was
ugh to go before the Petropavlovsk and says that other delegates, a tiue showiug when we
any make and kind of a warships o f the Russian fleet were consider the condition of roads iu also chosen by acclamation, complet­
the outlying districts. The report ing the ticket.
he friends of Mr. Harris badly damaged.
e situation calmly and
Another dispatch indicates that was adopted.
The resolutions presented to the
ntered into the har- the Japanese fleet suddenly ap­
Fiist in order was election of 19 conveution and adopted amidst
it of the convention at- peared in force o ff the harbor and
iling and in the best the full Russian squadron accepted delegates to tbe state convention to much enthusiasm were as follows:
“ While we recognize that it is the
the gage o f battle. The fight took be held in Portland Auril 14, which
province of the statu convention to
place in the open seaway and re­ resulted as follows:
Edward Bailey, I. H. Bingham, formulate the policies that are to
entioD was called to or- sulted either in a mutual with­
■ at 11 o’clock by Chair- drawal or the defeat and retreat o f R. A. Booth, Darwin Bristow, S. H. govern the party in the coming cam­
Friendly, W . G. Gilstrap. W. M. paign; and while we have referred
Harris, of the Congres- the Russians.
ittee. A. C. Marsters i It is presumed that the sinking Greeu. L. T. Harris, J. B. Hills, L. all other kindred subjects to that
mination for temporary ■ o f the Petropavlovsk took place H. Johnson, XV. Kuyendall, D. A. convention; the situation as to rail­
n. George C. Brownell after the battle was over while the Paine. E. O. Potter, J. XI. Shelley, road rates and car shortage in this
ity, and iu doing so an- vessel was passing through the Sanford Skinner, J. L. Taylor, Joliu county is so absolutely intolerable;
t be was u man not only narrow and mine-studded entrance Vaughan, Geo. Walker, S.M.Yoran. therefore, be it.
‘‘Resolved. That tbe nomiuees of
CONGRESSIONAL d e i . e o a t e s .
tied for the position and to the inner harbor.
W. T. Bailey, G. R. Chnsmau, J. this convention for Legislative posi­
L. d a rk , S. B. Eakin, I. N. Ed­ tions are positively pledged and in­
wards, S. H. Friendly, G. XV. Grif- structed to support all reasonable
fin, W. G. Gilstrap, T. W . H arris,, legislation looking to the relief of
C. F. Hurlburt, W. Kuykendall, Wm the present intolerable railroad situ-
Landess, Henry McKinney, D. A. ation.
Paiue, C h a r l e e Stickles, B. A. Wash-
"Resolved. That this convention
burne, H. C. Wheeler, A. C. Wood- give its hearty and unqualified sup-
cock, J. E. Young.
J port to the candidacy of the Hon.
c o u n t y t ic k e t .
j L. T. Harris for Congressman from
Next came naming of the county this district, and that the delegates
ticket, which was rushed along elected to represent Lane county io
lively, considering the number of the Congressional convention are
candidates out for different offices, hereby instructed to give kim un-
A. C. Woodcock called S. H. wavering support and to use all
Friendly to the chair when the Leg- honorable means to secure his nomi-
we will continue our
islative nominations were called for cation.
and placed O. W . Griffin in nomi-
“ Resolved. That we endorse the
closing out sale until
Dation. Prof. A. L. Briggs of Cot- candidacy of Judge E. O. Putter for
the entire stock is dis-
tage Grove named I. H. Bingham, the position of Circuit Judge for
iosedof. Theextreme-
W. Kuykendall named J.M. Shelley this Judical diitrict; and the candi-
y low prices that we
S. H. Friendly nominated I. N. Ed- dacy of tbe Hon. R. A. Booth for
have been and are yet
wares and L. Ji. Roney named L. E joint Senator from this Senatorial
Beam. Each candidate
received district, and that the delegation to
quoting on the goods
seconds from other delegations, and be elected to the republican state
positively cannot be du­
tbe first contest was on, the ballot convention is instructed to unwaver-
plicated by any concern
resulting as follows: I . H . B in g-, ingly support the candidacy of both
m this part of tha coun­
bam, 160; I. N. Edwards, 140; G. ( Judge E. O. Potter and Senator R.
try, quality of goods
W. Griffin 97; J. M. Shelley 82; L. ! A. Booth and to make every honor­
is Bean 53. The total vote was 174, able effort to bring about their nomi-
considered. It was a
neceessry to a choice 88. This made nation.
large stock to begin
“ Resolved. That we view with
Bingham, Edwards and Griffin tbe
with and you will yet
pride the splendid achievements of
find many bargains in
under tbe
. tbe republican party
many lines of season­
A. C. Woedcock Dominated G. R. leadership of Theodore Roosevelt,
able goods
Christman and R. G. Callieon named and we heartily endorse bis wise,
S. M. Yoran. The ballot resulted in far-seeing and statesmanlike foreign
nomination o f Chrisman as follows: policy, his fearless stand for right
G. R. Cbaisman 110; S. M. Yoran in all matters of national concern,
and his vigorous prosecution of tbe
68 .
trusts, the railroad merger and all
A. R. Xlartin placed E. U. Lee in corporate or official wrong-doing
nomination and F. C. Bean of Maple- wherever found.
Harmony Prevails and a Strong Ticket Is
Placed in the Field
War Horse Goes in
Cottage Grove Man Heads the Ticket-Resolutions
Refer to Freight Rates.
Until F urther
“ Resolved. That our delegate* to
the district and state conventions he
and are hereby instructed to sup­
port only such persons for delegates
to the national conveution as are
know n to be ready to give hearty
suppoit to the nomination of Theo­
dore Roosevelt.
“ Resolved. That in case of vacan­
cy iu the ticket nominated today,
arising from death, resignation or
otherwise, the county central com­
mittee be authorized to fill tbe same.
“ W. K u y k e n d a l l ,
“ G . XV. G kieein ,
“ S . S k in n e r ,
“J, E. Y oung ,
•‘ H. C. W h e e l e r . ”
Re prese n ta t i ve—
I. H. Bingham, Cottage Grove.
I. N. Edwards, Junction.
G. XV Griffin, Eugene.
Couuty Judge—
G. R Christman, Eugene.
County Clerk.—
, E. U. Lee, Junction.
J. S. Styles, Eugene.
H. XI. Price, Hale.
B. F. Keeney, Goshen.
Robt. E. Eastland, Eugene.
School Superintendent—
W. B. Dillard, Eugene.
C. M. Collier, Eugene.
Dr. F. Day, Eugene.
The central committeemen chosen
for South Lane county precincts
were as follows: East Cottage Grove,
Jas Heineuway; West Cottage Grove
W. C. Conner; Bohemia, A. P.
Churchill; Sius'aw, W. B. Stone,
Lorane; Wallace, G. W. Kelly, Lon­
don; Saginaw, R. E. Walker; Cres-
well, C. C. Hazleton. The choice
for chairman of the republican
county central committeemen fell
upon C. A. WiDtermeir of Eugene.
akin & B ristow
Electric Lights Dispel Bo=
hernia Darkness *
Construction Work
Resumed on the
0. & S. E. Railroad.
Tho great power plant of the Ore­
gon Securities Company, was put
into operation in the Champion Ba-
siu mining district, Tuesday night,
uud for the fiist time in the history
of this now famous miuiug camp,
the darkness of this rugged moun­
tain fastness was dispelled by the
brilliant illumination of the electric
light. With this great plant once
iu successful operation, tbe wheels
of raiuing industry will begin to
whirl through this company’s large
and valuable group of mines; the 30-
stump mill will begin pulverizing the
rich ore, the Layner drills will go
down on the well defined ledges,
the electric car and aerial trams will
convey ore frem tbe tunnels to the
mill and old Bohemia will begin to
yield up her fabulous wealth, so
long sought, iu abundance. This
activity ou the part of the Oregon
Securities Company will inspire the
scores of other companies to hasten
the installation of power plants and
tbe operation of their rich mine
holdings and Bohemia will soon be­
come the great mining center of the
Pacific northwest. The Crystal
Consolidated^ Alining Co., is al­
ready preparing to start up its
new stamp mill, and several other
companies are preparing to put in
new mills this season.
D em ocratic Prim aries.
The democratic primaries were
held throughout the county last
Saturday and were fairly well at­
Construction work on tin Oregon
tended and even more enthusiastic A Southeastern railroad will be re­
than could have been expected in sumed immediately to complete the
view of the fact that the party has line to the point that will be the ter­
such great odds against it in this minus for some time for the steatn
county, the republicans having a road, where an electric line will con­
majority of over 500 votes, the en­ nect with the Bohemia mining dis­
tire ticket having been elected2 yearn trict This railrca 1 extends from
ago with tbe exception of sheriff, Cottage Grove a distinceof 17 miles
which office however, is giving the to Wildwood. The grade is o*m-
republicans no little concern in this pleted to a point more than three
campaign. The delegates from this miles beyond Wildwood, and the
county thus far reported are:
end of the track for steam trains
Creswell— J. W. Gorden, J. L. i will be at a point 28 miles from Cot­
Clark, G. L. Gilfry, E. R. Parker tage Grove, the station to be kuown
J. H. Scrivner, C. E. Stanton, J. It. as Orseco, now known locally as
Stone. Nominee for justice of tne "The Warehouse.’’ Quite a force of
peace, C. E. Stanton; for constable,! station laborers have already gone to
Ralph Stone.
the front and have commenced con­
East Cottage Grove— L . F. struction work.
Wooley, XV. W. Oglesby, J. S. Med- j
ley, Dr. P. Patterson, J. XV. Baker,!
James Leabo, Robert Cooly, Ed j Veatch, H. H. X’eatch, George Whit-
Jenks, S. R. Piper. Thomas Medley. sett, T. J. Martin, Phillip Hohl, XV.
XVest Cottage Grove— R. M. P, Huff, J. P. Currin, Vcs. XX'allace.
G o o d 1rh in g s t o E a t
« lï r è r ^ -è r 4 r ± v 4 Y 4 v ± -^
No. 43
l l n s is our motto anil
we carry the best line of
groceries to be found in
the markets. Our stock
is fresh and closelv se­
Our c a n n e d
goods are of the most re­
cent pack.
O u r Salt
Meats are received fresh
every month and o u r
ranch supplies are ever
XV e have the
choicest s e 1 e ct i o n of
luncheon delicacies to be
found in the county. XVe
live up to our motto and
sell nothing inferior.....
C orner
M ain an d
R iver Sts.
W est End
o f Bridge.
O u r O w n Free D elivery W agon.