Supplement to ZLbe Xanc County Xcabcr COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, A P R IL 7, 1904 VOL. XV. SIX E S W IL D MAN A G A IN . C h lt t e ™ B u r k C l a i m s in D e m a n d . No. 51 C all forC on gression alC on ven tion A corrospoudeut a t Greeuleaf, A convention of tbe republican V i s i t s thft C & t b in s o f M in e r s a n d F r i g h t - Lane C O U U ty writes a s follows : a n . t h e P r o s p e c t o r s . [ “ Chittem claims” are in demand, party of the First congressional dis­ trict of the state of Oregon is here­ At repeated intervals during the ; and a good many homesteads are by called to meet in Salem, Ore; past ten years thrilling stories have i beiug located where there are Wednesday, April 13, at 11 a m for c o m e from the rugged Sixes mining canyons containing the tree, the the purpose of nominating oue re district in Coos County, Oregon, object beiug to peel the bark and presentative for congress and to near Myrtle Point, regarding a wild abandon the claims, as there is no trausact such other business as may valuable timber ou them, nnd they man or a queer aud terrible monster properly come before tbe convention which walks erect and which has are of no value as homes under The convention will consist of 177 been seen by scores of miners and present conditions. delegates, apportioned among the Oue man who has squatted on a prospectors. The latest freaks of several counties o f the district as the wild man is related as follows claim in a canyou debouching into follows, to-wit: Beutoa, 7; Clack­ in the last issue of the Myrtle Point Cbickahomiuy creek, is peeling the amas, 18; Coos, 9; Curry, 3; Doug­ Enterprise: The appearance again bark with a drawing knife and drv- las, 14; Jackson, 12; Josephine, 7; of the ‘'Wild Man” of the Sixes has iug it in his cabin. He hired 1600 Klamath, 4; Lake, 4; Lane; 16; thrown some of the miners into a pounds hauled to Eugeue a couple Lincoln, 5; Linn, 14; Marion 23; state of excitement and fear. A re of weeks ago and sold it for 9 cents P o I k , 9; Tillamook, 5; Washington, port says the wild man has been a pound, though hy this process of 13; Yamhill, 11; total, 177. seen three times since the 10th of last peeling much of the inner bark is Delegates or others iu attendance nn nth. The first appearance oc- I lost, so that the bark is not of the at the convention muy secure a rate cured on "Thompson F la t." Wm. I best quality of one and one-third fares for the Ward aud a young man by the rouud trip ou the Southern Pacific name of Burlison were sittiug by the [ i T h e King Sends H is Best Band aud the Corvallis & Eastern rail­ A cablegram from London to Geo. fire of their cabin one night when ways by paying full fare to Salem, they heard something walking u- \V. Stewart, manager of tbe W orld’s taking a receipt for fare paid from rouud the cabin which resembled a I Fair Music Bureau, announces that the ticket agent aud having same man walking und when it came to King Edward lias given his approval properly certified by the secretary the corner of the cabin it took bold to the paiticipation of the Uoyal of the convention. T. A. Harris Grenadier Band of London in the of tbe corner and gave the building Chairman Congressional Committee. a vigorous shase and kept up n World’s fair musical program. This Curtis B. Winu, secretary. frightful noise all the lime— tbe band of 65 pieces will give two same that has so many times warned conceits daily for six weeks begin­ A n o th e r Strike, the veuturssoine miners of the ap­ ning August 29. Eight band stands The “ lady stenographers" of have been planned, some of them proach of tbe hairy man aud caused Rosehurg have gone on a strike, them to flee in abject fear. Mr. designed to accommodate massed formed a trust, and through in­ Ward walked to the cabin door and bauds of 250 musicians, Other timidation or persuusiou induced the could see the monster plainly as it bauds will come from Mexico, local lawyers to sign the following other France, Germany and walked away, and took a shot at it agreement; with bis rifle, but the bullet went | countries. [W e have not learned wild of its mark. Tbe last appear- whether the C. M. A. baud of Cot­ “ We, the attorneys, counselors, and solictors of Roseburg County ance of the animal was at the Har­ tage Grove is included in the above Bar, who can ntford to hire and list or not.] rison cabin only a few days ago. maintain lady stenographers, here­ Mr Ward wns at the Harrison cab­ G iv e Facts A bou t A d vertising. by promise ami agree to and in this time and ngniu figured in the j Every man or women who is now with one another to have and to excitement. About five o ’clock in advertising or intending to advertise hold said stenographers for five and the morning the wild man gave the should send 10 cents fur a copy of one half days of each and everv door of the cabin a vigorous shaking White’s Sayings published at Seat­ week, amt to release, quitclaim aud which aroused Ward and one of the tle, Wash, at $1.00 per year: surrender said lady stenographer Harrison boys who took their guns This paper gives practical hints fer one-half of one day of each and aud started in to do the intuder about advertising system, adv illus­ every week for the other fellow to Ward fired at the man and he an­ trations, writing advertisements have and to hold. The one-half swered hy sending a four pound ami suggests methods to get more day thus set apart and dedicated to rock at Ward’ s head but his aim business at less expense. the other fellow shall begin each was a little too nigh. He then dis­ It gives the advertising rates of aud every Saturday at 12 M., dur­ appeared in the brush. all the leading publications and in ing the life of this agreement.” Many of the miners avow that the many other ways is worth tbe $100 “ wild man” is a reality. They have per year. P h eas& n t Law Inoperative. seen him uud know whereof they Our special-A paid up subscriber Game Warden J. W. Baker has speak. They say he is something may ask all the questions he desires come forth with tbe opinion that, after the fashion of a gorilla aud un ,., ... , ... .about business and advertising despite the fact that the law mak­ like anvthing else either in appear-. ,, , , , J . " 11 methods uud receeve confidential ing a closed season for pheasants ance or action. He can outrun or replies. One depaitment for bus- until October, 1906, did not receive jump anything else that has ever tiers - tells you how to start in a majority vote, it must be enforced, been known; and uot only that but business for yourself and become simply because it has been printed, he can throw rocks with wonderful independent. nnd that he would make arrests next force aud accuracy. He is about Send 10 cents today, if you are October, in case hunters go gunuing seven feet high, has broad hands advertising or expect to advertise to for Chinas. In response to a re­ uud feet aud his body in covered hy White’s Sayings, Seattli, Wash. quest from the Telegram, in which a prolific growth of hair. In short the facts were cited, Attorney Geu- he looks like the very devil. Were the corn of seven corn eral Crawford has expressed an states loaded on wagons, fortv opinion which knocks the game war­ The Leader is just in receipt of a bushels to tbe loud, and placed so den’s theory in to a cocked hat. The handsomely illustrated prospectus the heads of the horses would corns Attorney General says the House < of the Oregon Securities Company just to the rear endboard of the pre­ bill did not receive the necessary fine mining properties in Bohemia ceding wagou, and it were possible vote, and is therefore not a law; that Mining District, which gives one a for this line of march to cover the tbe printing of a bill has absolutely good idea of the exteut nnd value land and sea, an average years' nothing to do with the vote.— Tele­ of their spleudid property as well as C E o p from these seven corn grow­ gram. setting forth the great amount of ing states would make a complete improvement woik accomplished in belt of corn wagons six times around The cities with population above aud about their group of mines last tbe world. Place the crop of 1902 the million mark are: London 6,581,- season. The prospectus also con- in cars holding 500 bushels each, 382; New York, 3,437,202; Paris, taius a circular warning stockholders and allow 40 feet for car and coup- 2,714,068; Berlin, 1,888,848: Chi­ against false reports circulated a- < ling, and we would have a contiu- cago, 1,698,575: Vienna, 1,674,- gainst their properties aud the un uous freight train 38,378 miles long, 957; Canton, 1,000,000; Tokio, principled proceedings of certain After considering these figures, one Japan, 1,440,121; Philedelphia 1,- so-called stock exchanges. The really believes that, in tbe list of 293,697; St. Petersburg, 1,267,022; Oregon Securitie Co’s properties cereals, corn stands first in point of Calcutta, 1,125,400; Constantinople, are all they are claimed to be. iacerage, yield and value. 1,125,000; and Pekin, 1,000,000. J