Democratic primaries Saturday. Breakfast bacon 15 cents per pound 11 at Bartels. When you think of shaving, think of us.—Denham & Culp. Paints and new design.-- of Wall paper at Marlon Veutch’s. Joe Duinewood and S. F. Steele were down from Wildwood this week the former to visit with his father on We oft times bear those words. A ¿ood tonic or blood Silk Creek. purifier for such a couditiou! No matter what medicines or drug, or sick-room necessity, or toilet requisite, or liegular printed gallery targets on sale at the L kider office. Owners of | drug store article of any kind you nmy desire, we invite 21 rifies can test their marksmanship j you to come here and get it. You will receive courteous and score making by useing these ta r-! attention. You will find us exceedingly anxious to please gets. vou in every respect. We nre very proud of our pre­ ; G T. Hockensmitb, of Halsey was j scription department and we feel that we are deserving the city Saturday looking up a bust- | ness location. He was favorably im- ■ of the rapid iucrense in trade. We fill any prescription pressed with Cottage Grove and may | you briug to us. :: return. The Aldridge Theatrlcul Co. tilled a 1 three nights engagement at this plaee j this week and were accorded fair sized I houses. The company gave general satisfaction. Dr. iVlexunder Corprou has moved I I his offices aud now has a very uttrae-1 tlve and convenient suit of rooms in the Cochran building over Marion Veatch’s furniture stole. Gardens are anxiously awaiting the < A meeting of Rescue Hose Com- I Roy Griegs of Comstock, was tran­ pany No. l is culled at h p. m. on next sacting business in town Thursday. hoes. * ............................ ' ’ * ‘ n ; Monday April tilth in the east side fire J. W. Cook of Portland, the well Host sewing machine bicycle [ hall. Important business, by order known mining man is looking after I oil at Marlon Veatch’s, of H. L. Clarke, Secretary. his business and mining inteiests at Good Jersey Cow for sale, inquire at Harry Brehaut, the genial druggist, this place. Wynne’s hardware store. who went to a Portland hos|utul re- cribe tor thé L xadek . We will still continue sale on tlie ently to receive medical treatment F. S. HAR0UN, LL. D., President. C. B. Baker of Roseburg entire line of 1904 street hats at 75 i ts, Ä Ä lyF M » l Ä f r ml1 returned home.Moiidaymuehîmprov- dti|:' with relatives in this city. pail lil at Bartels. 1 ally Warranted. 0(, ¡n heH|th we pleased to an- $1.IK) $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 and $2.00 It pleased BOOKKEEPING, PEN ART, SHORT HAND AND TYPEWRITING. will pay you to luspect this lice. Cot­ , P Wooley was transacting busd- T O R S A LE —Good fresh cow, a flounce. , s at the county seat Wednesday. 1 heifers. Inquire of L. Osberg \\ nil St. c. F. Cathcart is preparing his tage Grove Merchantlle Co., We have first class Teachers—Best Methods, Rev. G. H. Feese will preacli Sun­ R. L. SpoDg of Comstock, is a guest i household goods for shipment to Cot- U C illividii has returned to this students may enter any time during the year. visit with Eugeno aud of friends in this oitv. He w ills ..... tage Grove where he is going to locate. day morning and evening at the M. At present lie is undecided as to what E. church. Morning subject, “ Tlie go to Springfield to reside. .soliirg relatives. reim I ¡ e B“TEBMS REASONABLE. Write for Catalogue hi business he will engage in.—Roseburg Jerico of tin- Human Heart.” evening Mayor J. 8. Medley has moved his Review. Ur.|Lowe the optieion will he in Pen Flourish. “ Building on the Right Foundation. m \ __,_____ ______,__ __ ________ __ _____ __ t ____________________j\ Grove Monday and to noon law office into his eosv suit of rooms Sgs •'•$’ "i* rfp *>'* ^>XfXx|v • i Rev. Wlnuns of Salem who repre­ Tlie Laue County Sunday School upstairs in the Jones & Phillips brick. April the luth and 19th. Association will hold its annual con­ sents tlie work of the Americun S. S. To Insure quick sales list your prop­ vention in tlie M. E. church in Junc­ Cnion will occupy the pulpit at tiie C. ■ ^•our general hlacksniithlng go Raker tlie only bald-headed erty with the Cottage Grove Im prove­ tion City Jure 1 and 2. The state as­ P. church on next Sunday at 11 a. m. I Imitli in town ; shop at the rear ment Co., West side; office C. J, Mill­ sociation will he represented by A. F, The pastor will hold services at 7 ::i0 | er’s store. tholder iX Hemenway store. as usual. All invited. Flegel, of Portland If you are looking for bargains in ■ wanting job printing should Jake Lurch, who for the past two 1 Among tlie articles of incorporation the L euiek . Prices are right real estate you should consult the Cot­ filed at Salem tills week appeared tlie years lias held a responsible position | tage Grove Improvement Co., West following: “ Northwestern Logging in a San Francisco wholesule dry Di k guaranteed to please. Wo won’t say anything about how March came i n ; side; offieo 0. J. Miller's store. Company, Cottage Grove, $10,000, E. goods house, returned home Tuesday land Mrs. Fred Lamb of Eugene, what's more to the point is, arc you coming L. Zimmer, Chas. W. Bauer and Ly- to remain this spring and summer. In Ohio somebody investigating a |,Sunday in CottageJGrove. the I is many friends welcome him on his dell Baker, incorporators. well, found a jar of butter 1 2 years in to examine my Stock of of Mrs. Lamb’s father, J. B. return. E. R. Gilstrap, circulation manager land family. T h e L e a d e r w h s old. There is a grave suspicion that ni with a pleasant eall and a snli- somebody has found some fully ns old of tlie Eugene daily ami semi-weekly G. B HENGEIN R E T U R N S . as that and has put it on the market Register, has been spending the week ripti >n renewal. here. in Cottage Grove looking aftor the in­ The Now Era Drug Co., lias opened terests of his paper. The L e a d e r was T r i a d R v i n o f O r e g o n S e c u r it ie s C o m ­ You needn't bring much money with you, for a dollar goes a long ways p a n y ’ s D ig P la n t M o s t S a t is f a c t o r y . its branch store in the J, P. Currin favored with a pleasant call. here, Great bargains in Heating Stoves, Cook Stoves, Tinware and a building on the west side. The place The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will G. B. Hengen, president of the hundred and one tilings you n ie l at H A L F T H E U S U A L P R IC E has been fitted up in modern style meet. Friday afternoon at 2 :30 nt the Oregon Securities Co. and the Ore­ and will bo a great convenience to M E. parsonage. All members nre re­ STURDEVANT S ¡POULTRY PREPARATIONS, that part of town. quested to be present, as plans will lie gon A Southeastern Railroad Co., ----- B Y A L L --------- Mrs. Mary McFarland hns returned formulated at this meeting for Un- returned to this city Wednesday E gg foods, lice killer, lice paint, poultry remedies. Best and Cheapest. home from Roseburg ■ where she lias coming county institution to be held from Portland and Seattle accom­ panied by Mrs Hengen.j He informs been assisting her sister, Mrs. C. F. at this pluce in May. Catheaft get ready to remove their Bel t A lderton and wife of Roseburg the L eader that the water was turn­ household goods to Cottage Grove have been enjoying a pleasant visit ed on at their b ig electric power OPPOSITE FIRST NATIONAL RANK where they will reside. with tlie latter's parents, Mr. aud plant in Bohemia this week aud TH AT THE L. E. Beau of Eugene, a prominent Mrs. 8. F. Steele at Red Bridge. Bert everything was found to work like a is just recovering from a severe at­ candidate for representative on the republkad ticket, was interviewing tack of typhoid fever, and is seeking charm, a few leaks in the water j the Cottage Geovc delegation W ed­ to build up his lost vitality in tne Bo­ pipes, however, causing a slight de­ nesday in Ids political interests. He hemia foothills. lay, while they are being repaired. ] fs just the Plow for will receive substantial support from The spring terms of school opened Mr. Hengen will be met by Supt. ! this part of the county. at Lorune Monday with Prof. W. A. C. C. Mathews from the mines to- \ Lane County Soil G. O. McGllvrav went to Eugene to Evans, a late arrival in that vicinity relieve some difficulty which had over­ us teacher; at Cartwright, with Mrs. day and a conference will be held re­ come the Postal telegraph dues at A. D, Addison ns teacher and Miss garding tlie beginning of operations that place ana soou located anil re­ Meridth, of Eugene, opened the spring and all plans for an active season’s j paired the damage. On Wednesday term of school Monday at the Green operations in the mines will be per­ lie was sent to Latham to inspect and Door eehool house. Breeder of prize winning and high-scoring Barred fected. nnd arrangements for resum­ ^ ^ t u s e it runs easy at any receive some telephone poles. Dr. W. \V. Oglesby lias taken a suit ing construction work on the rail­ derid i and does the work bet- Plymouth Rocks. S.C. Brown Lesrhorns, M B.Tur­ of rooms in tlie new Jones & Phillips Dr. Geo. Wall returned home from road to complete the line into the terfchan any other plow on keys, Toulouse G-eese, Pekin Ducks and Scotch Los Angeles, Sunday, a n d brick nnd is fitting them up in mod­ thömarket. :: :: Ids many friends ire pleased to note ern style. He has just received the mines this season wili also be made. Collie Dogs. :: Duck eggs. $1 per setting; ereese he has almost fully recovered from latest improved operating tablo and This is very gratifying news aud will and turkey eggs. 25c each; chicken eggs. $1.50 Ids late severe illness. Hail it not hot air apparatus for the treatment, of give the Bohemia mining district Ev»ything in the Hardware Line been for a strong and rugged consti­ rheumatism, besides new medical and Cottage Grove a renewed per setting, 2 settings, $2.50. The highest scor eases and surgical instruments. --------------- -------------- — tution. the doctor would not have sur­ ing Leghorn chickens in the state. 931; hens, 941 vived this long and severe illness. He Tlie Mozart Symphony Club of New impetus. Mr. Hengen will spend is now looking well, however, but is York, delighted a fair sized audience considerable time iu Cottage Grove Barred Plymouth Rocks score as high as 911 not as stout as formerly. at the opera house Saturday night. ami tlie mines this season person­ points. W orld's F a i r and 60 day potatoes of the Ihe musical numbers both vocal and ally directing the affairs of his j At a row at the armory at Eugene finest quality, 5c per pound. :: :: Address on Friday night the Captain ordered instrumental were all excellent ami it company’s great mining operations a private todo or not to do something. was a strictly high class entertain­ and rniiroad building- L'iie private thumbed his nose and tile ment. It was given under the aus­ Captain pulled out his sword and pices of the High School and afforded T h e Coast R ailroad. slashed away at the private’s head. our music lovers a rare treat. R O S E B U R G Last Saturday a $300 fire oecured VII kin I- >f sewing machine needle s Tno private douged and received the Prospects for a . coast railroad blow on his shoulder. A Lieutenant + + O R E G O N at Pleasant Hill, tlie scene of tlie con­ Venti U’s furniture store. then pulled out hits sword an attacked flagration being the W. O. W. hall. still appear to lie bright according Vdvert isers arc getting fine results tlie Ciptuin and the Captain »oniri A note for $300 lias been held for some to the following from the last issue mi th ir ads in the L eader . not duel. Now the Lieutenant and time against this hall nnd on tills oc­ of the M yrtle Point Enterprise. Vice pure lard only > cents p"r 5 private are to bo tried by court mar­ casion the note was paid off and pub­ "T lie rnilroad’ engingeoring crew tial. licly burned, a fine program lieing umEpail ut Bartels meat market. carried our. The camps’ own home consisting of 20 men have moved Tlie revival meetings which huve lohn W . Baker state game warden T IM K T A BLR NO. :i their camp from Toledo to Riverton is now free of debt. uroed home from a business trip to been conducted bv Capt. Branson at To t.ake effect on April 2, uhm . tlie M. E. church, assisted by the pas­ An eastern man hits tlie right spot Th# survey follows the C. I5.A.E R. IkAII.Y KXCKPT SUNDAY. sciitirg Wednesday. tor Rev. Geo. Feese, for the past four when lie says: “ Tlie sorriest euss on ; R. track to the summit and then ^ H s iin d a y there will lie mass at weeks, closed Sunday evening. Tlie earth is the ease who will sit around j STATIO NS ^ ^ l i o l i c church at l,u o'clock. Thè meetings were quite well attended and and cuss his own town. I f I lived as-1 follows down Reaver Slough and « 1 — 5 It I will be on. "The Divinity of were productive of much good, over trlde the north pole, I would call it crosses the river uear Riverton. 11.Ill VIS t o n AbkGKOVfe. WVLDKN 10 .4 » 5.03 ireh.” A cordial invitation is sixty conversions having been made, home, and would he ready to boost it I looks very much like we are goiug 2.50 7 50 .1.2 ... 10.44 4-50 r r It it i n . 2.55 7.55, 5. ! - . <1 to the public. resulting In several acquisitions to up. I f I couldn’t say anything nice | to have a railroad in the near future. 2.50 I0.3H 4.53 7.50 fi.3 .... ( FltltO OOKDO 10.33 4.4 7 It A K Kit the church and tlie spiritual advance- about it, I would say that my ice lull j 3 04 S.04 7.7 . 10. 30 4 .4 4 Dolt KN A 3.14 M l 4 M.3 ! meiit of its membership. From this liden’t ‘come high.’ I would not stay 10. 23 4.3 0 It KD ItOf K 3.17 H.17 0.5 place Capt. Branson nnd wife went to ¡ ¡n n town I had to euss not while the 10 20 4 33 < i It A VK L I’ lT 3.30 8.20 10.01 4.2 0 STKNAKT 3.35 8 . 3 &III . 3 .. Lo ralle to conduct a series of meet- world is as big as it is now.” 0.48 4. 10 3.38 8.40 12. HT A It ingsnnd enjoy the rural environments I 0.45 4.12 It«H K Y PO IN T 3.42 K.45 12.8 A very enthusiastic mass meeting of tliat. pleasant, valley. Ar ; ¡a ia . WILDWOOD 3..V.Y9.05 Iff. Lv was held by the Eugene Commercial j C L O f H G S C L e W N I N C d joke is tom on one ot our club last Friday evening with a view •Afternoon trains will I k ?rim on Saturdays only. There i» no way you can roof i citizens who has for some time been to organizing or co-operating with the Subject to change without notice a building to withstand hot troubled with pimples on his nose Oregon Co-operative Association of | Freight will not Ite received nt the O .& S K . It. It. e delivered In I something for it, as the nose under a better freight rales on lumber from your suit cleaned, pressed, ample time to permit of Its being billed. cally or easily as to cover it wills liniment irctitment had been gtow- vabey points to California. H o p . R. All outward freight forwarded only at the ; buttons on, and rips sewed. Joint risk of shipper and consignee, I ing larger. "A t last he con '1. Veatch. Jas. Hemenway and I. H. P. & B. Ready Roofing. Transient work solicited. A. H. MOOD, ActingGen’l Manager ; I suited his wife about the matter and Bingham, members of tlie local o r­ Oli r stock of sundries is un- P. A B. Ready Roofing never Satisfaction guaranteed. I asked her advice. She asked him ganization attended the Eugene meet-1 ulually complete. W e have | what he had been doing for it. and he ing and took part in the discussion. cracks nor runs— heat does not W ork called for and d eliv­ I told her he had been using that lini­ blushes for the hair, the ered promptly each week. bother it any more than it hurt* Mr. and Mrs. Robt Winniford, for Herbert Kakin ment in the pnntry. “ What linl- ha ils, the complexion, the President Orders taken at— i o t I ment?” she asked. So he got the merly of tlie Calapooia valley near I asbestos. P. Sc B. Ready Roof­ T. C . Wheeler ith, the nails the clothes, I bottle and showed it to her. “ WelL Oakland, have returned to tills city ! Cashi er ing won’ t warp, cringe or curl, from an extended trip through Idaho i hat, the shoes, combs of , of all the fools, you do beat a ll! i screamed the wife. “ That ain t lini- and Washington In quest of a location, •rv kind, reliable prépar­ heat cannot go through it and but state that no where on the trip did ions for the toilet table, MRS. W. A. CUNNINGHAM. Proprietress warm up the interior, for P. Sc B. CAPITAL 1 o ^ w t h it V a iy '1Ann sent to St. Lo'uis ; they find a locality that impressed fact a wonderful variety j n p v r i j them so favorably as did Cottage | Ready Roofing ia a non-con­ $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 I *or- 1 Grove, and they are now resolved to i of hose things known as ductor. Ira Beidler returned to the home of buy a farm home and locate near this dfi ggists’ sundries. Onr his uncle Ira Conner, Monday morn- j city. They are very estimable people Anyone can lay P. Sc B. A general banking prices are right, and we inir from a visit to his home in the and the L eader joins in extending; business transact- Ready Roofing, at it is very glnrantee every article in Calapooia valley. He says Sam Evans them a hearty welcome to this locality. | ■ s line. A guarantee simple and quickly done, and it *? e*t.eni l m i ^ Ph «,“tnrnPerd hfs ^oe or- Hcott Chrisman and wife of this city. ORGANIZED frr u us means something. lasts longer than the haiiding it COTTAGE GROVE ehatds oveHo^the government for the | and Mrs. Dan Stanton of Cresweii re J M DURHAM PROP O R E G O N covers. Send for booklet. season in which Uncle 0£ ,£ ' 1. day"where they°Tmve been enjoyintr OOOO COOOOG -O O O O O < K K K > 0 < )0 < K K > < K )0 < X K K > 0 'X K K X K ) Ç I a m n ot But I don’t ..Sick... feel well H A T S : N E W H A T S Latest Styles in Hats and Caps.. See our line before buying- Our Beaver Hats are the best made. :: :: :: :: Garman, H em enw ay Co. L E A D E R S IN M E R C H A N D I S I N G î Eugene Business College | I I! SpeaJting of Sprirvg ....NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS.... ACKNOWLEDGED FARMERS SYRACUSE C . J. M I L L E R , 1 PLOW POULTRY YARDS W H Y; ? Wynne Hardware Co. E. H. K R U S E OREGON 4 SOUTHEASTERN R, 0, CO ndries THG IDEÆL for hoi weaihfr. ESTABLISHMENT Welch & Woods' S to re . V 0 t i r s i National j ison’s Pharmacy IEW BANK BULBING rive experiments " ‘^ V m o ^ r e t e ^ r e the"past winter months. Mr. Chr.s- m a n admired n d m lr e d th th e e n t e r p r is e a n d p u b ­ spedy. practical anil efficient treat-1 man lic s p ir it o f th e C a lifo r n ia n s , b u t s a y s ■ s u r p lu s T,enta i ° r th^i *1* nVhcr'fruit Dcst^many h<* would prefer Oregon’s surplus inrevTom Do^ds in use to i'eliMrnia’s droughts and of ihe i i i w n t w n y ^ m p o u ^ i n u * * th# consequent expense of artificial | b e in g in e ffe « ti * lW b t b e p r o d u c t iv e fs s lg e t lo n . Th<> h e a lth o f e a c h m e m - p e r lm e n t s w ill « o j J o o b t b e .,nr“ f th e p a r t y w as im p r o v e d My t h e of much good to the f r u i t . change of climate and pleasant vaca­ generally and will be w a tc h e d vith much interest. tion. Cottage Grove T r a n s f e r Co. B a n k 1900 I »raving and all kind» of hauling. Plano and Furniture moving a wpeclAity :: :: :: :: :: | Phone - - 116 For S a le . Scotch Collies Fine breeding and excellent individuals. Poppies now ready for shipment. Prices very reasonable. R ot G rk . os . Con, slock. Ore. Paraffine Paint Co. 116 Btttcry St., San Francisco, Cal. 312 W Fifth St..t.Lo* Angeles, Cel Pioneer Block, Scittl«, Washington | i For H ile by W nao Hard war a Co.