' Ovir Motto; "L iv e «and Let L iv e” L A D IE S ' U N E E R W E A R Laities fleece-lined underwear, good honest values. L A D IE S ' W R A P P E R S 50: to $1 suit One of the most complete showiug» In town. A . K . S H E R .K , P ro p rie to r N E W G O O D S A R R IV E D 85c to $1.50 L A D IE S ’ B L A C K S A T E E N Ttuderskirts. If you are wise you will take advantage of this offer. $J and 2.25 C H IL D R E N 'S U N D E R W E A R Comfort at small oost. ‘ • 25c to 70c suit T5he NEW YO R Ji R A C K E T STORE . None like them in town for the monagr. M E N ’S O V E R A L L S 50c to $1.25 giiSSi Our line of Ladies’ Misses and Children’s hose are com­ plete. Men’s sox and fancy hose can’t l>e excelled Both’ suits, men’ s neckwear, underwear aud all kinds of notions usually kept in a racket store. S P E C IA L —A small line of ladies' nn.-ses mid liild- ren’s shoes at Actual Cost, to nlake rbom for other goods O ur P olicy! “ Q u ick Sales ancj Small Profits fer Cash.'* M E N ’ j DRESS SH IR TS Some «rood euuugli for Sunday- - d . to-meeting pants. * N E W G O O D S A R R IV E D 5 5 to 95c M en's and B oy ’s W ork Shirts B oys’ and Kids’ Overalls Cheaper thuu your wife can make them. Economy revealed in every price, 45 to 60c 2 5 to 4 5 c OREGON CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION' i. vnnsni»>* w . S. C K rlsm a n SHIFLT T A L K W E ARE HAPPY in our present ability to offer to our many friends more attractive features than ever iH SS Sj before in GOLF, DRESS, NEGLIGEE and W ORK SHIRTS. The range of Style in each line is large and well assorted, and will meet with the demands of all tastes. 1 ,9C14 Y ou are invited to call and lnok over our line ..HINDS VEN SK E .. R E A L E S T A T E and M IN IN G C L A IM S All kinds of improved aud unimproved eitv and country prop­ erty at lowest prices We act as agents for property owners, collect rent« and remit promptly. :: :: :: ;; Agents for CUR RIN 'S M c F a r l a n d s MRS. C. A. P E R K I N S Additions : Perkins' style of delivery, bis every gesture aud droll manners were mirth provoking, independent of bis flow of wit and buiuor. He said that it seemed to bim that be bad lectured in this city before, and judg­ ing from tbe muddy street, and tbe approach to tbe opera bouse it was about 400 years ago. He is indeed a unique character and bis lecture was thoroughly enjoyed by all pre­ sent. T h e,L oran e Entertainment, On last Thursday evenings very Lots sold on the installment plan. References First National enjoyable and successful eutetrain- Batik, or anyone in Cottage Grove. ment was held at Lorane, the re­ ceipts from which was donated to the local telephone fuud to be used in paying off a small remaining in­ Narrowly K .c& ped ln|ury. debtedness aud extending tbe liue Dr W. W. Oglesby returned to a few miles farther down the valley. If you did you found Cottage ( ¿ r o v e from Gardiner Sun­ The entertainment was largely pat­ day, having rerigned as health offi­ ronized and one of the finest pro­ many thing« vou did not cer at that place, owing to unsatis­ ever arranged at that place know you had. Now, this factory prospects for building up a grams was carried out without a single is our experience. As the lucrative prai tire at that place. hitch, one of the most hearty encored winter months are closing He bad a ratlin thrilling experience numbers on the program being a in upon spring we find we on biaatage trip out from Scottsburg well Tenderer song entitled "A Let­ to Draiu. There were eight passen­ have too many suits of gers, and tbe wind storm of that ter For My P a in ,'’ by little Miss Inman, daughter of Mr. and clothes fortt-year-old boys date was something unusual. Great Hildred Mrs. I. P. Inman. At the close of up to fid-year-old men, and trees were uprooted and falling on tbe program, atti.-tic baskets well we must sell them. In or­ every baud aud tbe driver and pass­ filled with tbe delicacies of tbe der to do this we are will­ engers were tilled with consternat­ season were raffled off to the highest On reaching un open tract on bidder from which a ueat fund was ing to sacrifice for two ion. the bank of tbe river above Elkton, A prize coniistiug of a reasons—to make room somewhat sheltered from the fury 1 realized. share of the stock of the Lorane for our spring line, and of tbe coast wind, they decided to telephone company valued at $5.00 then we need the money. wait a while in hopes that the wind was offered to the young lady hav­ So every suit in the house would soou calm. The doctor, how- | ing the neatest designed basket and decided to loiter on down the ! this prize was carried off by Miss for 10 days will be offered ever, road ahead of the company and on Norma Dota. Taken all together at 1 off; that is, a reaching a great white fir tree, stop­ tbe entertainment was a great suc­ fit* 00 suit for __ f 12 00 ped to rest a moment, when o heavy cess both financially and socially rushed up through the canyon, and those in charge coaidered them­ 12 00 suit for . . . . 9 00 ¿ale uprooting the very tree under which selves well paid for the effort. 7 <>.”> he had eougbt shelter, but fortunate­ 10 00 suit for 7 00 suit for___ ly be was given ample »at mug of O u r Circuit Writer. ------* _ tbe impending danger aud retreated C h ild r e n i ’ s s u i t s th a t just in tune to escape injury. It Rev. J. Putmau has taken two o lii a t waa a close call, however. Tbe citi­ more appointments in addition to kl 0 0 -suit. n o w ____ $ 3 0 0 zen» of Cottage Grove welcome tbe the eight be already had. *> 2 5 doctor on bis return. Mr Hicks and wife from Wiacoo- 3 0 0 s u it. n o w .......... son. have arrived at tbe Grove. 2 .‘>0 su it. n o w ______ - Ï H8 Eli P erkins Lecture- They are frieuds of Mr. and Mrs 1 13 1 5 0 -n it , n ow The people of Cottage Grove and Chapman, who lately came here from T h e n , wii> c a ll y o u r itt- vicinity packed the opera bouse that state. tentimi t o d u c k c o n t a a m i Monday evening to hear Eli Mrs. Phoebe Skidmore, of Cotn- maekinaw«, whieh must l’erkina, the great humorist, lecture. ctock, is sick. go nt thè samo t r e m e n d u - Mr. Perkins waa introduced by Pref. Jae. Liinbeugb, of Mosby Creek Briggs, of tbe high school under baa been poorly several days but ouh r e d u e tio n . tlis directions of which tbe lecture not dangerously ill. To thoao of you who »** given. The Profeseoi stated wear shtvtt, wo are offer- that Eli Perkins ranked as one of School began at Shields last week with Mrs. Damewood, of Wildwood, ing ¿t regalar f 1.50 «hot*, America's greatest men sud that j as teacher. ehildivn « «i/o«, at .fi; la­ there were three men who held tbe J. H. Weaver, of Saginaw, ie a- for the “ biggest hare’ on dies'. all «i/o«, vici kid, record eaith,” a certain Oregou editor be­ mong tbe sick but not dangerously patent tip, worth f2. now ing one. and Eli Perkins liemg the s o . 1.50: plain tip. all «i/.c«. other two. Mr Perkina began by Mrs. McAllister, of Saginaw ia saying that he had lectured to lar­ dangerously sick we are told. worth #1.75 and 1.25. \Ve have quite a num­ ger crowds than the one before bun — and to smaller crowds also, on I M e t! ber of moil's odds and one occasion a single man appear- «■lids, coarse and fine ing before him on a very stormy j COLE— At Latham. March '¿1, 1904 lions, which will go for night He said he told tlie fellow ! Mr*. Jana Cola, wife of tie inspec­ tor Cole, aged 73 years. s i .50. 1.75. 2.00, 2.50; worth that Lis presence was a gieat com pliment to him and that he would The body was embalmed by Mar­ it »in #2.(10 to $ 1 . 10 . show his gratitude by delivering to j tin of this city and ship­ Call and son ns in our him his entire lecture. But Eli was ped A to I.awscn Stockton. California for bori- ew quarter«. Now Bank somewhat agitated when the fellow al. tuil«l"'g remarked that he wished he would COVER —The infant babe of Mr. W E L C H <& W O O D S cut Its lecture sboit sa he was the and M u . D G. Gover, March 22, LHH. _ HC « W A V . ; . t V E IT F O R . L E S S janitor and wanted to go home. Mi Did You Ever Move? committee recommeud that the roll be circulated for signatures at the adjourned mass meeting. C. J. H o w a r d , Secretary, Committee on Organization. After the reading of the reportand petition it was adopted by a unani­ mous vote and the committee dis­ charged. The petition was tbeu presented for signatures and was sigued by ever person present many signature of citizens of tbe town having been secured since the ad­ journment ot the meeting. Tbe officers recommended in the report of the committee, were unanimous­ ly chosen as permanent officers of tbe association. A committee con­ sisting of the members of the form­ er special committee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws for tbe new organization and report the same for adoption a* the ad­ journed meeting to be held at the opera house .Saturday evening, Provisions were also made for the circulation of the petitions in the other towns of the Willimatte and Umpqua valleys. This movement seems the only solution or remedy for the present disastrous condition which has demoralized the timber and lumber interest of western Ore­ gon, and tbe organization promises to spread rapidly to every town, lumbei camp and hamlet in West­ ern Oregon, and it promises to be­ come a great power in that it is non- partisan, but imbodies measures ami objects which will soon be ad­ opted in tbe platforms of all po­ litical parties, as they strike a pop­ ular chord and are directly in the interest of the upbuilding of our great industries and resources of our country, on which the very fu­ ture of our country and its people depend. Let the good work go on. The L e a d e r is reliable informed that Mr. Jerome Renne, of Walk­ er, has announced his intention of becoming a candidate for tbe nomi­ nation of assessor on tbe republi­ can ticket. Mr. Renne is at pre­ sent salesman in Walker Brothers store and is said to be a gentlemau well qualified in every particular to fill acceptably and efficiently the office to which he aspires. He has many friends in this part of the county who will urge his nomination. D id Know. Seed r o t a t o « '* an d C orn . I have some choice Burbank seed potatoes grown ou new river bottom land, ulso a quantity of “ Pride of the North” need corn for «ale. Inquire of Fred Wright, Walker, Oregon. Nolle«« ror P.« b tlca t Ion. United states Land Ofltce. Host*burs. Oregon. March 17 19.1, N one. i. hurst., given that In compliant« with th . provision. of th . art . f < ..ngreaa ot JntM l, i l t t n U l M "A n art lor th . aal. of 11 in bar land. In th . Slate, of 'a lifo r m . "regon Narad, and Washington T e rm o r,." aeegtend- " S w z 11 tb* ,ubH * l“ d aI4tM »>7 set of i n p u t W ILLIAM H. It. ROBINSON, o f Doreua. count« o f IsUic, State of Orecmi, has this day tiled in this office Ids sworn statement No. or.'I fur the pureliase o f the n w ', of ga>, „ f section No. ih In township No. ai. south nl range No. J west, and .III otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for for Its tts timber or stone than for agticultural pu ris­ |"'S**s. ali d ,= to . establish to said land hefi , ---- v . his ---r claim ---- ---------.lefnrt* Resister and Reeetver Rese. the Register Receiver o f this office at Ko Ifirg. Oregon, nn Saturday, thè tthday ol .lune iwm . He nanies as wltns-ssos David Baker' Andrew Land. B. Ijuid. « iUlani Arno d' all o f Dnrena: Oreeun. Any »nd »Ñ J*r*on* claiming adversely the fe w claims In this office on or before said « h . day of Jane IS»«. J. T. B rusovs (m 2 D Register. CONTEST NOTICE United State* land office. Ruse burg. Oregou. Peb. t. ISM. A sufficient contest affidavit having been Sled In this office by Lucy Houck, contestane against Homestead Entry No l u j a . maste November » m l. for lot* I. J. J and *, Section j*. township ji south, ranne 1 west, by charle* W sioat con- testee. in which H ta alleved that the said Charlea W. Sb>at ha* abandoneil said homentead and has n«»t reside»! thereon ft»r a period .»f more than six months last past, amt further that said traet o f land embraced in said homestead is more val­ uable for timber and stone than for agricultural parP«v«es Bald parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and .»ter evidence touch in a said allewatfoaa at Ito rlo e k a m. on Marrh n tSS 4 . bdtnre tbe Register and Receiver at thè United Mate* Land (5fllce in Koseburg. f*rec- n The said e«>ntesUnt having, in a proper affida­ vit. filed Feh. l. idM. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot he made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given bv due and proper puNtcatbxi U j * h. You That everyone who tries Ken­ nedy’ s Chain Lightning for rheu­ matism, neuralgia, diarrhoea and all other pains or infiamations, will use no other linimeut, for the reason it gives instant relief and affects a speedy cure. Ask your druggist for Kennedy's Chain Light­ ning. Take no other. Write F. L. Kennedy, Saginaw, Oregon, for bis testimonials. For sale by all druggists. J H Loom, I ecEiv-j _ _ Bangs -, CHRISHMAN & B A N G S (Continued from first uuge.} Fashion Stables Z°VAèKaOR8 ^ Oregon Nursery Co. SALEM. OREGON. L A R G E S T N U R S ER Y ON THE PA C IF IC COAST Frui »nd Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vine», Etc. Maynard Plum—Apple Tilton Apricot—Frost-Resisting WRITE FQR CIRCULARS— SALESMEN WA'NTED. Cash advanced for expenses—Catalogue and price list free upon application TOOL OUTFITS FOR THE M E C H A N I C We have them at all prices Also, we carry the best makes of tools of all kind* f « r carpenter*, cabinet maker* and macliini*t*. Complete stock of general hardware. See us Indore buying your farm imple­ ments and wagous : Grilli r the sal* of timber lands in the States ''alifornia.Oregon Nevada.and Washington Territory," as extend­ ed to all the public land sta’ es by'act o: Augu»t 4, UK. SARAH K. BLAIR of Cottage (irove. county of Lane, state of Oregon, ha* thi* day filed m this office her sworn state­ ment No no it* tot the purchase of the nw section No 20. Township go s. of R j w.-,t and will otter proof to si* w ih .t the land «..u-lit 1 « more valuable for its timber nr «tone than for agricultural imr|m*es. and to establish her cla'in to said laud before .1 .1 W.ilton l s Commission­ er at his office at Eugene. Oregon. Monday the Kith o f .June hum . s.ie name* as w tuess* s William H. Blair. Lee F. I .and ret li. Rol*ert L. Blair. Joseph E. Young, all of Cottage drove. Lane County. Oregou. Any and all person* claiming adversely the above described lands a- r • |Ue>:e l t » til.•'their claims in this ofll v ouorbefo v s \ | t:r i d tv of June, mo 4 J T B uiixig»; (m i»' Register DR. FENNER’S KIDNEY and Backache CURE! All diseases o f K idneys, Bladder. U rinary Organs. Also Rheum atism, Back ache,HeartIMsease Gravel. Drops;*, Female T rou bles. Don’t b ecom e d isco u ra ge d . T here is a cure for you. If necessary write I)r. Fenner He has spent a life tim e cu rin g J u s t *ucb | cases as yours. A ll con sultations Free. **A gravel lodged in m y bladder. A fter using a few bid ties o f Iir. Kenner’s Kidney and Backache Cure I passed a g ra v el half a. large as a marble. The m edicin e prevented further form ations. I was co re d . W. T. OAKES. O rris. V a." Druggists. She.. II. Ask for Cook B oo k - Free. NOTICK POR PUBLICATION. United si des land Office. Hosehurg, Oregon. .Ian. '. iso. Noticeli her«'., given mat In compliance with t h a n r o c l.lo n . oi ii.e i* i of Conan . . of Juna s. 1 ST«, enlitled "An a i r the «sì* of i tlm her land, in the Stales of call orm e.'>-eaoo ï i î * dî,ÎL,d " V o ''! ‘ wn Terri.ory." Mextend- t 18V * ST.VITUS'DANCE S 'enner, r F o r S a le b y M o d e rn Fredonia.N i Pha ‘ b* PubIic 1.0*1 atetes by act of A igual JOHN E. WINTERS of Cottage drove. Count) *>( lane, slate of Ore­ gon. has this day lilcrt m this office In. sworn statement No. J»l 4 for the purchase or the ,e '. of Section No. is in lownsliip No. jl. south of “ »"li?, 1 «est. awl will ..Her p rod to show that the laud sought „ more valuaul.* lor its tinner or stone than for agricultural purposes i Q