Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, March 18, 1904, Image 1

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    U. Ol O.
flic U?iUl'|Uart«rs for three
feat luiiiueriUK comwuiles.
nly gateway to the rich Bo-
uia go ld nilues. autl the
ok Butte o i u n iia mine!*
Xane County Xeaòer.
will here hud opportunities
nowhere else aflorued in Ore­
gon. The Leader will give
you the news and facts con­
cerning this favored locality
NO. 48
)L. XV
food Roads Association to be
Organized May 2b.
beside her. Her struggles were |
homcl ami her husband rushed to |
her assistance. Nothin;» could be I
done for her relief au.l iu five min­
utes she breathed her last
She \
leaves a huabaud and two children
Sheriff Fred Fisk recieved a tele-
gram Wednesday from Fremont,
Nebraska, stating that the author!-
ties there had just arrested William
Jennings, wanted iu Eugene for
The graud jury last week returned
an indictmeut agaiuste Junings, and
the Fremont au­
thorities finally apprehending him
j at that place.
be Brought Back to Eugene
Sheriff Fisk left on Thursday
moruiDg’s train for Nebraska, aud
From Nebraska by Sheriff Fisk.
will arrive home with his prisoner
I in about ten days.
¡Fred Teliafero, the well known
Rev. C. A. Wooley went to Cot­
eball player died at his home at tage Grove Wednesday to look after
ron Tuesday night of pneumonia, business matters and visit with his
d 90 years.
son L. F. Woolev.
Ilroy Tillman, the boy who while j The circuit court adjourned for
mp’ting to board a freight car at the term Tuesday forenoon, the cal­
urg last Friday was run over, re- endar being pretty well cleaned up.
ting iu both legs being crushed
By order cf the Postoffice Depart-
d Tuesday, as the result of the
I ment, made some time ago, the
ick of amputation.
Fuirmount office was discontinued
A good roads convention is called Tuesday.
meet in the court house at Eu­
-♦ • ♦ -
gene Saturday March 20. All in­
A n A d v o c a t e o f G o o d Roe.d s,
terested iu good roads and the or-
nization of a good roadR assoeia-
A. D. Oweus, of Silk Creek lum­
n are invited to attend.
ber firm of Wheeler k Owens, was
L\ bearing before U. S. Commiss- in town Monday transacting busi­
l e r J. J. Walton was had March ness. He says that there is every
■ of the three Barnes boys on a indication that the coming building
Targe of having destroyed a rural season in aud about Cottage Grove
il box. Frank aud Earnest Barnes will de lively? possibly livelier than
found guilty and were taken last season, owing to the fact that
Portland by Deputy Marshal there has been quite a drop in the
bstel to appear before the grand price of building material in the
v. The offense is not less than past three months. Mr. Owens is
0 nor more than $1000, or im- an enthusiastic advocate o f good
onrnent in the penitentiary, or roods, and it was principally through
the efforts and energy of this lum­
mild sensation was created at ber company that the county rock
University of Oregon recently crusher accomplished so much good
six men students attired in work on the Cottage Grove, Loraue
men’ s clothes witnessing the wagon road last season. Mr. Owens
Is freskmen-sophomore basket ball says the good work should be con­
ae in the gymnasium. The fac- tinued again this season on this
had pieviovsly announced that road, good rock fot crushing being
len would be allowed to see the plentiful along the roadway, and an
e, but determined to do so these effort will be put forth to have the
young men fitted themselves out crusher sent up here again this
omen and wearing veils over spring by order of the county court.
r faces, gained admittance to A little more practical road work
the gymnasium. Their identity was between Cottage Grove and Lorane
iqknowu until at the end of the would bring all of the trade and
game thev gave the college yell and traffic of the upper Siuslaw to this
« n out of the room. The faculty city, a large portion of which now
endeavoring to find out who goes to Eugene.
masqueraders were.
- -
Frank L'ewellyn, who resides
Big M i l l i n e r y S t o c k
The tine stock of millinery to be
uicide Friday morning while the installed in the room bnck of the
•igily were at breakfast. She had Bank in the new Jones & Phillips
1 sick for some time and occ- brick by Jas. Thomas is expected to
d a bed in an adjoining room, arrive direct from the east daily.
requested that the door be clos- Dress making parlors will be es­
fter which she got up and went tablished in connection with th s
shelf and secured a bottle of car- j large millinery stock with Mrs.
c arid. She drunk about an j F rederickson in charge. Watch
>n the Waskburne farm, committed
« of the contents, recorked the I for annoucement of grand opening
le and placed it 01 ( the pillow \ 1 ° tCß next issue of the L eader
Supt. C. C. Mathews Has Returned From a
Trip (o New York.
Plenty of Capital to Prosecute the Season’s Operations in
Mines and on Railroad.
D olia C o x C r u s h e d b y a F e J lir x g T r e e
N eer R oseb u rg.
llosehurg, Or., March 10. — Dau
Cox, a well-known young man ot
this place, was instantly killed bv a j
fulling tree during the heavy wind j
at 11 o’clock last night. The acci-
deut occured ou Uuiou Creek, iu
the Cow Creek Mountains, about ¡10 !
miles southwest of Riddle, at which 1
place Cox, in company with Fred |
Pilkiugton, of this city, and Herbert
Leonard, of Cottage Grove, had 1.
keen in camp for the past two weeks. To Grand Arm y of the Republic Or­
Pilkingtou, who left Herbert with I
ganized Here Saturday.
the body, arrived iu this city at noon
today and notified Coroner Twitchell
of the accident. The remains were, . WASHINGTON, March lt i-T h e
brought here for burial. The sub-1beBate PubIlc )auds committee today
stance of Pilkington’s story of the unanimously reported a bill virtu-
accideut is as follows:
rePeahn« the timber-entry law
“ It seems to me that Dau Laa a 1 but authorizing he Secretary o
presentment of what was to happen, < be Interior to sell to the highest
for earlv iu the evening he lifted b,dd« r tbe right to cut public tun-
four candles aud nlacing them in a I ber, funds so receive to go into the
row remarked, “ W ell just
have a “ reTc am‘ " 0“ fuud’ . .
The House committee today re­
little wake here to-uigbt.’’ Wheu
we retired Dau was the last one to ported a hill restricting lieu select­
bed and he turned in on the outside, ions to uontimbered lands, except
in cases where lands owned within
opposite me, Leonard being iu the
middle. As we retired we could forest reserves are chiefly valuable
hear the trees falling farther up the j for their timber, in which event
mountain and he remarked that ! holders of lieu base can select any
should a tree fall across us in the lands subject to homestead entry.
Bill Reported Withdrawing
Land From Entry.
Supt. C. C. Mathews, who had edly good tidings for Bohemia and
personal supervision o f the exten­ Cottage Grove, and assures another
sive improvements and mining op­ prosperous and lively season here­
erations in the Champion Basin, abouts.
Bohemia mining district, for the
Oregon Securities Company last
Fred Fisk, sheriff, to John M.
season, including the installation Peterson; the ‘‘Morning Star” min­
o f a 500 horsepower eleatric plant, ing claim, Bohemia district. Sheriff's
a 30-stamp mill, Layner drills and deed.
other modern mining machinery,
F. J. Hard, owner of the Vesuvi-
has just returned from New York,
ous, Riverside and Oregon-Colorudo
where he has been in conference
mines in the Bohemia district, is
with the board o f directors o f his
expected to return to this city from
company in regard to plans for the
a visit to Boston, about April 1, to
forthcoming season's operations.
increase operations in his mines for
The directors were pleased with the coming seasou.
his report and have fully decided |
; night and pin us all down it would [ 0u last Saturday evening March
to resume operations in the mines | J. H. (Bohemiai Sharp came down be a good idea to have a guu handy, 12il904> Appomotox/Corps. No. 12,
on an extensive scale at the earli- from the mines Wednesday, his first so we could kill one another, for it was organized ¡11 the » . A lt. TOOK
est poasible date, plenty o f capital J visit to this city iu thirteen months I would be hard to have to lie there 1 in the city hall by AjAomatox Post,
for the seasou’s operations being H" has some tin.- properties which he and starve.
No. 34, assisted by \to>v M. Sehdnck
“ We all went to sleep aud were department
j hits been developing during the past
president o f
th e
Mr. Mathews is now busy mobil- j year. Ou his return from Portland awakened by a loud cracking noise, Womau's Belief Corps for Oregon.
iz in g a force o f men to w ork in the , next week he will give the L eader I heard the branches of 'he falling The members of the Post and their
mines, while waiting for the arriv- j more particulars regarding his prop- tree brush the tent and called to the wives, headed by the C. M. A. baud
boys. Herbert rolled over on his marched to the depot at 3 o’ clock
al o f the company’s expert electri- j erties.
cian from San Francisco and some
J. y E g«en superintendent of ,ace ttnd Parted to raise up, when P. M. to recieve the Department
skilled machinists from Pori land the Sunrise group, located on the tlle tree demolished the tent aud fell president, but were unfortunately
to assist in startiig up the big east slope of Adams Mountain Bo 1 dlaSon»11y ttcc°ss Dau'8 bead, killing disappointed iu the coming of the
mining plant.
hernia, brings information of a new I blm instaBtly. The tree did not guest of honor, she having through
A new station has been establish­ find in that group ou the Home- miss Herbert’s head over six inches some misunderstanding left the
ed at Warehouse, to be known stake claim of
four-foot veiu of ! ?Ild ,mine not over a foot and a half. ¡ 8t Cre8well
However she
hereafter as Bonita, while the post free-milling ore. The ore is decotn- Herbert and I crawled out from un arrivod in this city by private con-
office and base o f operations o f th e , posed and gives big prospects from der the demolished tent and tree vayance a little later and the organ­
branches aud 1 struck light and call­ ization of the new relief corps was
company in Champion Basin will panning. This find whs made
ed to Dan. He did not answer and effected Saturday evening instead of
be known as Orseco, the name be­ new drift which is in CO feet.
I pulled up the tent and saw that
ing composed of the first two let­
The report of a large body of ore his head was under the tree. I pull­ m the afternoon as was originally
ters o f the company’s title— Oregon
being found in the Riverside prop­ ed his pillow out and found it was intended.
Securities Company.
The address of welcome was de­
Bohemia, about a month ago, covered with blood. Then I found
The L e a d e r is informed by Mr.
livered by Comrade Arne wliice wus
Mathews that his company’s presi­ in the tunnel, is verified by some his skull crushed and that his followed by an address by the Dept.
dent, G. B. Hengen, will arrive at miners just in from that place. They brains were oozing out. W e remov­ President, Rose M. Schenck. The
this place in about ten days to as­ say the breast of the drift is seven ed the tree and as soon as it was organization of the now corps was
sist in directing the beginning o f feet wide, of solid ore. The ore is | daylight I came to Nichols Station then effected by the election and
the season’s operations in the mines copper and lead.
and notified the people there and installation of officers, the role
and on the railroad. It is stated I The tunnel is over 300 feet, and seut a man to the scene of the acci- showing a charter memkershtp list
further by Mr. Mathews that F. J. ! berT bave bee” driftintf
, dent and came to Roaeburg.”
of 22.
-GO feet.
The ledge
Cox wag about 30 years of age
Hard, representing valuable hold- bodv ,or over 200
fee* T,,‘‘
At the conclusion of the organi­
iugs in Bohemia, and George W. 18 tu,u~ out aud ,1,olu compact uud a native of this state and keliv- zation ceremonies a bountiful feast
Lloyd, o f the Crystal Consolidated
was spread which was enjoyed by
Company, are in Boston and New company is working two shifts in leaves a mother Mrs. Alma Cox, of some 20 old soldiers, their wives and
York, shaping things for active op ­
the members of the new Relief Corps
Thu three men mentioned above
erations iu their properties during headway, as the ore is easy to drill
The new organization starts out un-
j speut the greater part of the past ler the most favorable auspices with
the coming season.
This is decid- an
I year in Cottage Grove running the following hst of offices,
games iu the Saloons there and are
Mary Dicker President; Alice
H E A V Y IM M I G R A T I O N .
weil known in that city.
; Cowell, senior rice-president; Edith
— - —
, Phillips, junior vice-president; Ida
T h e C o U a g e G r o v e M e r c h e L r v tlle C o ., E v # r y T r a i n B r i n e s M o r e C o l o n i s t s e n d
The labor agitator don't object to ! h Caldwell, treasurer; Rose Will-
G e o . D . B e v ile y , M a n a g e r ,
H o m e s e e k e r s to P o r t l a n d .
O p e n s fo r B v i s i n e s s .
I bis tired wife working nnv old hours j ¡alug, conductress; Anna Mcltey-
Through trains from the East are I a day and most of the time atn o| noi(jSi guard; Sadie Stewart, secre-
1 jarv
In order to secure a business n little belated on all the ruilroads, 1 wages per hour.
opening in Cottage Grove Geo. D. due partially to the necessity for{
Baily, of Portland, last'week purch­ handling trains during the past few !
ased the millinery stock of Miss days in two or three sections to ac- ]
Mary Bartells in the commodious commodate the movement of colo- ¡
building opposite the Imperial Ho­ nists. All are crowded with trave­
tel, anJ immediately put carpenters lers seekiug locations for permanent
to work patting in shelving and residence, many of them destiued for
counters on which to
display a points between Portland and Ash­
large and select stock of dry goods, land ami others for points near j
groceries, gents and ladies furnish­ Porland. Hundreds take advantage
ings, ladies tailor made suits and a of the stop-over privileges the tick -'
large stock of the latest creations in ets carry to look at the territory
This is our motto aud
spring adnsummer millinery .The new adjacent to various stations along
company will be known as the Cot­ the route over which they are trav­
we carry the best line of
tage Grove Mercbantile Co.
Mr. eling, and there is hardly a town or 1
groceries to be found iD
Bailv will have personal supervision hamlet so small that some of the
the markets. Our stock
of the mercbantile department of colonists are not stopping over to ,
is fresh and closelv se­
the Company while an experienced learn what opportunities are pre­
Our c a n n e d
lady from Portland, will have charge sented for business, acquaint them­
goods are of the most re­
of the ladies department of the selves with the industries or possib­
cent pack.
O u r Suit
store. Mr Bailey has had years of ly to seek temporary employment
Meats are received fresh
experience in merchandising and while becoming familiar with the |
every month and o u r
comes to this city highly recommen­ resources of the Northwest.
ranch supplies are ever
ded. He is a genial and courteous
W • have the
West End
gentleman with whom it will be
Grand Master Jos. Micelli has re - 1
choicest s e 1 e ct i o n of
found a pleasure to transact busi­ ceived reports from all the Odd Fel­
luncheon delicacies to be
ness and the L i a d e r bespeaks for low’s lodges in Oregon for the year
of Bridge.
found in the county. We
the new firm a liberal sbare of pub­ ending Dee. 31, 1903. These show
live up to our motto and
lic patronage. Read the Company'« a gain of 1154 in membership dur­
sell nothing inferior.....
new ad.
ing the year, this being far in excess
of any previous year's growth. The
Charles Bruneau et al vs. City o f , total membership of the subordin-
Cottage Grove, report of referee, ate lodges in this state at the end
Submitted on briefs Twenty deys of the year was 10,399. The order
allowed each side.
it atill growing, faster than ever.—
Thomas Allen and E. J. Sherwood !
Our Own Free Delivery Wagon.
vs. City of Cottage Grove, report of
Women have been voting in Wyo-
Submitted on b r i e f s , ming for thirty-five year, in Colorado
Twenty days allowed each aide.
for ten years and in Idaho and Utah
for eight years.
J. C. Long vs. C. L. Rainey, ap-
The cottage Grove M erchants Co.
peal from justioe conrt. \ erdict in have a nice line of rubber coats and
favor of plaintiff for $105.
corn ti 1 •
isv f' l o m
il U
an tin
l I m
i • .1 .
Good Things to Eat
U n til
F u rth er
we will continue our
closing out sale until
the entire stock is dis­
posed of. The extreme­
ly low prices that we
nave been and are yet
quoting on the goods
positively cannot be du­
plicated by any concern
m this part o f the coun­
try, quality of goods
con sin
¡tiered. It was a
large stock to l>egin
with and you will yet
find many bargains in
many lines of season-
aide goods .* .* .* .*
E a k in & B r is t o w
Main and
River Sts.
No. 43