C atarrh Dr n , 1“ ' R,t' " Th*» W H n o ! the nose, throat, stomach, or more delicate organs, catarrh Is ^ ‘‘ ^Dllltsttn* and should never tall ot - ¿ a r o a e r j s * « . MASCHINE HANDSHAKE HAS TAKEN THE P U C E OF THE FEMININE KISS. 01100- conversation. «UChant» from the mucous mem- I* iept in a stale of Inflammation [ impure, commonly scrofulous, con- He said^ ^ gU* ‘ 0to He’s dt*id »» oolitic flood. Ps Sarsaparilla (l)l forms of catarrh, radically and l[)tly _ it removes the cause and i all the effects. Get Hood’s. , H » ve you s mother?” Mie’s deid tae.” “ Have you not a sister, then?” niver had yin.” “ But surely you have a brother?” •'We'll Something t o 1 f ^ » c o lle g e .” from his T u ^ s i V r ; T *ime bit?” e8 *° look &fter you a B oot. ■„packer's client sw elled , liuortenje i" w orth h e r . w eight in liaed^’.nT.V <0i he Was born wi' ‘ » o L " he announced p ro u d ly . haeds, and they keep him in a bottle ’ • C ,count looked q u ite disappoin ted, — London Daily News. "can't y m a k e it ra d iu m ?” lie anx- u A'» Little Qsme. slr inquired.— New Y o rk Bun. nr..te,^ndur8tand y0U have I « » vour ..Core ft a remedy Tor coughs, colds pocketbook containing valuable papers Bfwnsuniption. T ry it. Price 25 ceuU, n h d n ’ t - ___________ Its H erea fte r. t l , l 1 lmv*n,t’. dear boy. but just see Lfou teem to th in k a good deal of L . Pr i0n " le ‘“ ‘ '■'■nisement ; monkey,” said the litte l g irl. PU ln^ealer* cornmunity ” Cleveland K ei," replied the organ grin der. L e d m on k.” SDo you think h e ’ ll g o to heaven?” ¡,.\ »hen ze m on k die he g o t o " — C hicago T rib u n e. s m -^ to iK ra s a s a s May Be Only a Pipe Dream. The F lig h t. T U oraDe7h*PaPerS ar® nOW c hroulcUug the paaalug o t the kiss. Of , / * * ’’ may *** aotne klanes »till exchanged by unregenerate ones. i f 6 k1*8 b^weeu women really seems thing o f .the past, knew i Waa Wheu one feminine met another feminine whom ahe gi* i * '.if™ , 80 “ 11|fhtly and be the place ever so Inconvenient, that she ami her dollar* kUOtkln* ber bonnet awry and severely rumpling her temper , _ W » st A T r u a x . Information for the Young. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, W ald in « K in n a n A M a a t i *. Wholesale Druggists, Taledo. O. '(Catarrh Care Is taken internally,acting lyon the blood and m ucous surfaces or stem. Price 7fto per bottla. Sold hy all Jsts. Testimonials free, t'j Family Pills are the beat. Despair. Tea, C holly’ s valet has com m itted Inde." HDeah me! N ow , d o say, what “ Pa, what’ s a grain of truth?” “ I t’s generally the thing that keeps all the women in the neighborhood eay- ing, ‘ Well, I declare!’ ‘ I never would have thought it !’ ‘ You don’ t sav!’ 'I never did believe she was as innocent as she tried to make out!’ and ‘I feel so sorry for her children!’ ’ ’— New York Herald. Th e School Olrl Who “ Has French.” [“Why, Cholly w anted to sm oke his An ingenious and fond parent whose nettes foah h i m .” — B altim ore daughter is studying French with a German governess at a west side school asked her the other evening— he had taken her to dinner at Partin’s as Saturday holiday t r e a t -« hat the LfRTin phrase nliruca “ 1 ’ Ris KI u de in vouii a la la jardi l a V, 1 1 _ mystic veau, a niere” meant. The dimpled linguist looked blank for the space ol an in­ stant, and then blithely replied: "The sm ile of the calf at the gardener’s w ife .” “ Hum ! Let's have some of it !” CURES A LL . said papa.— Commercial Advertiser. Thank Pe-ro-na for Their Recov­ ery After Years of Suffering Miss Muriel Armitage. 96 Greenwood Avc., Detroit, Mish., District Organizer o f the Royal Templars of Temper ance in a recent letter, ways: “ I think that a woman naturally shrinks from making her troubles pub­ lic, but restored health has meant so much to me that I feel for the sake of other suffering women it is my duty to tell what Peruna has done for me. “ I suffered for live years with uter­ ine irregularities, which brought on hysteria and made me a physical wreck. 1 tried doctors from the different schools o f medicine, but without any ereeptibte change in my condition. n my despair I called on an old nurse, who advised me to trv Peruna, anu promised good results if I would persist and take it regularly. I thought this was the least I could do ami procured a bottle. 1 knew as soon as l began tak­ ing it that it was affecting me differ­ ently from anything 1 had used before, and so I kept on taking it. I kept this up for six months, ami steadily gained , strength and health, and when I had used fifteen bottles I considered myself entirely cured. I am a grateful, happy woman today.” —Miss Muriel Armitage. Peruna cures catarrh o f the pelvic or­ gans with the same surety as it cures cutarrh of the head. Peruna 1ms be­ come renowned as a positive cure for female ailments simply because, the ail­ ments are mostly due to catarrh. Ca­ tarrh is the cause of the trouble. Peru- na cures the catarrh. The symptoms disappear. “How a™ T “ *“ dldn t klss they glared at each other and said, frigidly, re ' " . , 1 7 , an<* tben al* the spectators knew a flglit was on, and their spec n e friends took the principals aside and asked anxiously: "W hat did she say about you?” the f>art‘‘‘ular|y was such osculation a habit with Southerners, and when e i an» met. as at church In the country, when they hadn't seen each other or a week or more, the exchange of caresses was so general that even the men became Involved sometimes, and the boys only escaped through run- 11 U'’T|Way and kldlng ln the tall grass back of the edifice. len the fashion changed, and really elegant people who were not more an second cousins to each other began presenting a cool and freshly pow- e cheek for the kiss Instead o f the lips. This was commenced with a regard for hygiene, no doubt, but It was soon so satisfactory Chat tw o cheeks were always pressed together now, and there was no pretense at a warmer greeting. This had an additional advantage ln that one lady could net call another lady Judas when she merely presented her cheek and not her lips. A little later It went out of fashion to salute each other warmly at all when two women met on the street or ln a public place. It was bruited about that demonstration ln public was ln bad taste, and so since there must be some way of welcoming a friend, the manly hand­ shake came In. There were some elderly ladies who disliked this as masculine and un­ fitting, and who persisted ln pecking dutifully at the ear» o f their relatives, even when they met ln the theater, but by far the majority o f the sex took to the handshake as a diplomatic way out o f trouble. You see It is very hard to reach the face of a person who wears a Gainsborough hat, while It is quite a simple matter to reach her hand. And so there Is so more kissing; at least, there Isn’t much. And It Is quite beautiful to see the girls solemnly pressing each other’ s bands and asking after each other’s health. But there is no lack o f affection nowadays —dear me. no!— we are all quite as fond of each other as ln the days o f the perpetual kiss, and we are glad to be let down so easy la the matter of caresses.—Baltimore News. Standard oil capitalists are reported |«Flr with m e,” he crie d passinnate- to have bought Coney Island. We . “there is on ly on e course left for may yet, remarks the Chicago Record- must fly to g e th e r .” Herald, be able to get our midway [cl he was m istaken, as soon devel- amusements through a pipe line. ffhen her fath er appeared a [foments later he flew w ith ou t her. ’ Twaa Ever Thus. “ W ho live« in that little cottage a u n ’ s TMIST down there by the lane?” There dwells the man who wrote hrfirOnt Hundred h olla rs Reward for any Iioiurrli that can uet booured by Hall’s the poein that made Beasley’ s shaving soap famous.” RHODE ISLAND FISHHAW K8. ,th Cure. r. J. CHENEY A Co., Props., Toloda, O. “ And who resides in the splendid litheundersigned. hare k n o w » F. J. Cheney They A re P rotected b y th e S ta te a t &ep»it 15years, * “ d believe him perfectly mansion on the hill?” A ll Seasons. Lnbiein all buoineaa transaction* ami flQ. “ Beasley ,’ ’— Chicago Record-Herald. able to carry o u t any oblig a tion ! mad« idrfirm. — GRATEFUL, HAPPY WOMEN The author of a recently published novel, the scene of which Is laid ln Rhode Island, refers to the flshbawk as “ Rhode Island's best-loved bird.” Perhaps that Is a true assertion, al­ though the succulent turkey comes ln for a fair share of the esteem be­ stowed by this little State on the feathered tribe, while Mrs. McNally’s hen is unquestionably Rhode Island’s most distinguished bird, says the Prov­ idence Journal. Not to quibble, how­ ever, It may as well be admitted thet the flshhawk is a popular bird ln Rhode Island and ln all likelihood no other species which flies gets as much protection at the hand of his State as does his majesty- The statute forbid­ ding his molestation in or out of the bre*dlng m ) o n „ „ rlgkHy enforced 0 as that applying to short lobsters, Barrington, Warren and Bristol, the three townships forming Bristol Coun­ ty, afford favorite haunts for flshhawk to nest. Prom the train and street cars can be seen here and there aup- ported on the limb of a great pine tree, a mass of sticks, leaves and rub­ bish. which the birds have collected Just Like His Wife. for a home. “ That was an unlucky thing that They are as little particular where Peck, the engineer, done,” said the they build as to the material which 10 CENTS - E V E R Y W H E R E brakeman. “ They gave him one of they combine Into their house and the them new engines yesterday an’ he top of an electric light pole or the named it after his wife.” steeple of a church Is as acceptable as “ How was that unlucky?” asked the the breeziest tree which ever support­ trackwalker. ed a bird. Down on Long Island Sound “ Why, the blamed thing blew him is a fishhawk’s nest in the strangest up this morning.” — Catholic Standard place of all. Not far from the imag and Times. Notary Public inary lines bounding Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York, there runs Attorney-at-Law Diplomacy. into the sound a long reef, which 1» Pension A tttom ey “ At what age do you consider women marked a mile or so from shore by a the most charming?” asked the inquisi­ spindle. The end sticking above the Solicitor of Patents tive female of more or less uncertain surface of the water for ten or dozen Phone» years. feet bears a basket-like arrangement, W , Main 1589 Ind., A 1860 "T h e age of the woman who asks the which has struck a flshhawk as an question,” answered the man, who was ideal place for a summer home and 304 N ew Y ork Block a diplomat from Diplomacyville.— Chi­ there it has reared, as It has for sev­ SEATTLE, W A S H ., U . S. A . cago News. eral seasons past, a flock of hungry young birds. The wind always blows around the spindle, but the waves nev- !er leap high enough to threaten the 1 nest and for miles at the osprey’ s front and back doors stretches the ocean. I teeming with the fish on which It 'preys. A more desirable location for such a habitation It would be almost impossible to find. No other flshhawk need apply, however, for the present occupant holds a life lease of the prem­ Because Rheumatism sometimes comes on *e that it is a chance disease or one due to acciden a before ises and is fully prepared to defend It against all comers. W time for it to develop, and is at work in the sjs d I BROMO-^ ISELTZER Headaches L.N.ROSENBAUM DRUM CAPTURED AT BUNKER HILL. r M iss M u rie l A r m ita g e Female Weakness Is Pelvic Catarrh Always Half Sick are the Women Who Have Pelvic Catarrh Catarrh o f any organ, if a llo v jx l to progress, w ill affect the w h o le body. Catarrh w ith ou t nervousness is very rare, bu t p elv ic catarrh and nervousness go hand in hand. W hat is so distressing a sight as a poor ha lf-sick , nervous wom an, suffer­ ing from the m any alm ost unbearable sym ptom s o f pelvic catarrh? She does n ot consider herself ill enough to go to bed, bu t she is far from bein g able to do her w ork w ith ou t the greatest e x ­ No O ffense haustion. T h is is a very com m on sight and is alm ost alw ays due to pelvic catarrh. I t is worse than foolish for so m any w om en to suffer year after year w ith a disease that can he perm anently cured. Peruna cu re» catarrh perm anently. I t cures old ch ron ic cases as w ell as a slig h t attack, the on ly difference being in the length of tim e that it should be taken to effect a cure. I f you d o not d erive prom p t and sat­ isfactory results from the use of P eru­ na, w rite at once to Dr. H artm an, g iv ­ ing a fu ll statem ent of your case, and he w ill be plaesed to give y ou h is valu ­ able advice gratis. Address Dr. H rat m an, President of T he H artm an S anitarium , C olum bus, O h io. Wood Sawn, Drag Saw* run by steam or gaso­ line engines, also the latent in saw mill ma­ M eant. Bloobs— I understand, sir, that you chinery, stump pullers, well drilling m achin­ referred to m y photograph as a side­ ery, etc., etc. Write for your needs. sh ow ?” REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Slobbs— D on ’ t get excited , old m an. One of the most valuable bistorical Foot of Morrison Street I m erely m eant that it was a p rofile.” P ortlan d Oregon relics ln the United States is a drum that sounded st the battle of Bunker Hill and saw service ln some o f the greatest encouuters ln the Revolution. It it now the property of the Richard A. Pierce Post. Grand Army o f the Re­ public, o f New Bedford. Mass. It Is n snare drum, o f British make, much larger than the same character o f drum to-day. It was brought over to this country by a young English red­ coat. He was killed at Bunker Hill, and the drum fell into the hands o f the ConUnentals. Israel Smith, the grand- sire o f Levi Smith, who presented the drum to the posL was the drummer in the famous Rhode Island company that stood the charge at Bunker Hill. La­ ter. when the soldiers drew lots over the drum, young Smith became Its possessor. Many a lusty charge Levi Smith beat on the drum during the loug struggle that followed. Then, In 1812, young Israel Smith marched away with the old drum slung over his shoulder. Mother* will And Mr*. Winslow’* Sootbln* Syrup the best remedy to use for their children the teething season. T lf A HT'TTTTN I’-very m an or w om an so In- A I N I r . i J d in e d to learn Itae Barber trade. A iiloftllK btoccupation, g ood w agrs.eaay to learn,const ant p ractice. T h e m eth od is right and the p rice and tim e required the best possible to g iv e satisractory results. W rite for full particu lars to the A M E R I C A N B A R B E R C O L L E G E (I n c .) , ’253 E v erett tet.. P ortland, O regon. W A Vindictive Horse. ‘ ‘ H ow d id it happen that y ou r horse d ie d ?” ‘ ‘ T he veterin a ria n ’ s au tom obile broke dow n on the way o v e r .” ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Dizzu? A p p e tite p o o r ? * / B o w e ls c o n stip a te d ? T ongue co a te d ? H e ad a c h e ? I t ’s y o u r liver! A y e r’s P ills are liv er pills, all d for J. C. Aver Co., vegetable, --------- jr y ears. L o w e ll, I W ant your m oustache o r beard a beautiful brow n o r rich black? Uae C a r t e r 's BUCKINGHAM’S DYE FIFTY CTS. n* DR-----------------_ 'lGf*TV OR a P - rtAEL » cp.. WA 9 H 11 A, W I U nexpected Hbrinkage. It la generally understood that qual­ ity of mind and not sice of body deter­ mine» the place a man fills in the tem­ M u s t B e a r S ig n a tu re of ple o f fam e; but two countrymen, of whom the New York Time» tells, were evidently ln doubt about It. One day during the congressional ca­ reer of Major General Joseph Wheeler 5 m P bo SI mil« Wrapper Below. two rural visitors were I d the House gallery taking ln the proceedings on J T m j »mmll «»A M H U k iM ttfa the floor. One o f them noticed th e ! ( general flying about as was bis wout j ALCOHOL, OPIUM, F O I H EAD AC H E. "W ho's that little chap down there TOBACCO USINGS FD R R IZZ I H U S . in front talking to the big fellow ?” he WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FD R B I U R U S N E S t . First and Montgomery Sts., P o r t l a n d , O r a . asked of bis companion. Telephone, Main 394. FOR T B R P ID L I V E R . "Blessed If I know, ’ replied the FO R C O N S T IP A T IO N . other. Some one sitting back o f them ven­ FO R S A L L O W S K IR . sy m p tom s are fe lt The blood is the first point of attack, and No 4 9 - 1 9 0 J . FO R T H E C 0 M P L E X I0 H poisonous a c id s that ca u se th e ach es and pains are then d is t r i^ Tb( i „ * william M. Evarts once tured the Information that it was Gen­ X J i n m UUIT MAVt «yOMATuo l. J eral Wheeler, o f Alabama. * though the circulation to different p « ‘ * ° J ^ th is dtoC0Tertd E. Deiafleid Smith, the “ Well. I declare!” said the first one. ■ y^ H E N w r itin g t o ari vertlaera p le a s « | fle in joints, muscles and nerves; and when the j s . . t , wen-known lawyer and corporation •'I've heard that a feller might be a m e n t io n t h is p a p e r . ^tion it n e e d s o n l j s o m e exciting: cau se like exposure to g h t * ^ of N#w York City, sinking: m C U R E S IC K H E A D A C H E . good deal o f a man at home, but when ip. c h illy w e a t h e r , o r th e c o ld , bleak w in ds o f w in ter, tc-arou se ^ tU hlg beart He whl>. he come to Washington he wa'n't so much o f a heavyweight; but I didn't slum bering p o is o n s a n d b r in g on R h eum atism . . - pered to a friend: . . . . suppose they’d dwindle away like • Is the time to write for our catalogue. We educate I f the attack depends upon the 10 you practically for business and get you a position || th a t” ^ tity of acrid matter in the RHEUMATISM i n ELBOW3, w r is t s be district attorney, bat I Little Liver Pills. RHEUMATISM N INDESCRIBABLE TORTURE A L ite ra l S c h o la r . » and muscles. Some peo- U4£ S : K 5 * » ~ I X . know he wanted to he an an- Professor Ernest HulTeut, o f the tre almost helpless from the Cornell Law School, told an amusing bastw lntsr tks'rtff* ^ h e remark was repeated to Mr. *' while others have occa- story not long ago of a freshman who d spells or are uncomforta- Si sow, and,f« ™ *a" V s r « T T r bsiiasss Pm|th. and quick at a flash came the was called from the way o f knowledge restless, nervous and half retort: before his year was out. "So, I have never mentioned the ‘ all the time from the The students had been answering matter to Evart*. knowing that be bad questions ln moot^-court, and the sub­ ffing aches and pains. Rheu- “ a l .fu l . T b . " t a * E ?ia w h ° c h > a v . - • no Influence ln that direction! the hip and b .r e lr skis to gst ject under discussion was a cow which tism is a disagreeable com- was n u o h trou k is , f " i w a . tradsr tvsst- had been killed by a railway train. ou t for s o » » **“ •• , . r » „ n i l s . k « ‘ a*1' A l p h a b e ti c a l l y A n sw ered . ton even in its mildest form. sb m . n t o f s p k ysicj»“ § | U s fls r A turn Of the political wheel bad Each student was required to flU out a Jtows worse as we grow older, 'frequently stiffens the joints, S B .T ‘V T s S S r - Y.V-.'mw placed the English Conservatives on paper on the case. “This brilliant youth," said Profes- d '. o r . n . . . X V t ’reiV dT foÎB h.nm s- n|, Mr Black, bow do yon like so mnlty that be can afford to run over «»ease or improve the condition ot t0 its normal ex ?" ordinary millionaires and then let bit blood must be r e s M e a t . . , , h„uld like it better If we had secretary attend to the damages — j purity and strength. *° th iedVut ^eu .u.-~ded by the y . i*k Blow be sure to ex­ amine the Handers. For sale by the old reli­ able house of Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., PORTLAND, Send for Special Circular H PO K A N B 8K A T T L B B O IS E M A l .l'.M - - - O R li Q O N M IU IP O H 1) W E H A V E F E E L IN G S A S W E L L A S YO U ,. . living by letting Busy men are usually ao happy that fL * M e r a . . tber b a r . no Urn. to r e .ll» . It | W Dr. W a . Wiee he* found a safe and absolutely pain lees wey of ex- trerting teeth, end his 17 year*’ e x ­ perience in plate work enables him to fit mouths comfortably with any kind of false teeth wanted. Dr. T. P V\ |se is an expert at crown and bridge work and gold lU llnf. UR 1 ■ t . rt Iflk n IS E BROS., _ D c n tlS tS , ‘ The F aiflitf,” Third A W ashington P O R T 1.A 1N Ü . O K H tJ O N .