Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, November 06, 1903, Image 3

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To Itself
wb»t it i* and what it does— con-
L n g the best blood-pu rifying
^ ¡ v e and tonic substances ami
j f t - f ’ the most radical and per-
cures of ail humors and all
Options, relieving weak, tired,
^ u d feelings, and building up
^ „hole system— is true only of
Hood’s S a rs a p a rilla
» e»,
AU c,« « r to Him.
said the traveling artist . t,
gras- r*J*‘ y "* * d° ’ ” ',aid Mr Medder-
You mean you’d like to loaf
around here long enough to get havseed
in y « 1"- bair and then alt ati | , i M t
sprouted.” — Jmlge.
“ 11
Xoother medicine acts like it;
Ocean Defined.
« other medicine has done so
The class in elementary geography
much real, substantial good, no was up for recitation. “ What is an
aaked the teacher.
"Y o u
¿¡¡er medicine has restored health ocean.
may answer, Janet.”
¿d strength at so little cost.
" I t ia a large laxly of water situated
-I n i troubled with scrofula and came
—r loilor nir ereet*ht. To r four months I near Norfolk, V a , ” replied
to do anythin*. After taklnt !»H<1 once visited her aunt at the m * -
„bottle» of Hood's Sarsaparilla I could see shore.
and when I had taken eight bottles I
Badly Remedied.
¡JuUi see ss well as ayer." Susia A. Hama
_ « Withers. N. C.
Mrs. Jaggebv (tearfully)— You hay«
Mood’s S a rsap a rilla p ro m is e s to
the p-promise you m-made
cure and keeps the p ro m is e .
Lost Fortum In Crap danse.
Herr Jules Block, the Swiss iron
r .m,ate. lost 130,000 in a K»nie uf
craps at Torn pah, n C olorado m ining
rsmp, last week. H e m erely smilcil
it his ill lock and the next day drew
on his New York bankers for a suffic­
ient sum to make good his losses.
JagKHby— Xev* (h ie) mind, m’demr.
I 11 (h ie ) make you ’ nuzzer one.— Chi-
t-ago New s.
World'» Exporte.
The value of manufactures exported
from all the countries of production
amount* to about 14,000,000,01)0 an­
nually, the share which we supply of
this grand total being about one-tenth.
A Long Felt Want.
“ When he proposed to me I was de­
I understand some brands of flour
lighted, of course,” confessed Miss An- are “ self-raising.”
■jeek “ but I tried not to let m y face
She— Of course. Didn’t you ever
(how him what my answer would Is-.” hear of that before?
“ And (lid you succeed?” asked Miss
Ue— No. I was thinking how nice
it would be if they'd only invent self-
“ No; he found his answer th ere.”
raising coal, that would get into the
“ Ah! Head l>etween th e lines, 1 sup­ scuttle and come out of the cellar
pose.“ — Philadelphia Press.
itself.— Philadelphia Ledger.
With local application«, a* they cannot reach
the teat of tne disease. C a ta rrh ia & blood or
conititutional disease, an d in o rd e r to cure It
«ou must take internal rem edies.
H a ll's C a ­
tarrh Core ia taken in te rn a lly , an d aotadirectly
on the blood and m ucous surfaces. H a ll s C a­
tarrh Cure is not a attack m edicine.
I t was
prescribed bv one of the best ph y sician s in this
country for years, an d is a re g u la r prescription.
ItUOompo§ed of the best tonics k n o w n , com ­
bined with the best blood p u rifiers, actin g d i­
rectly ou the m ucous surfaces.
T h e perfect
combination of tho tw o in gred ien ts is w h at pro­
duces such wonderful results in c u r in g catarrh .
Bend for testimonial«, free.
F J.< IJESKY £ CO., P ro p ra . , Toledo, O.
gold by druggists, price 76c.
Hall* Family P ills are t b « beat.
A Champion.
"Did I understand you to say,”
queried Col. S tilw ell, “ that you regard
lovemaking us a ll moonshine?”
“ You d id,” answered the disap­
pointed youth.
“ I am sorry to disagree w ith you.
But I came from a p ortion of Kentucky
«here ‘ moonshine’ is one o f the most
businesslike institutions on earth. I
annot sanction tlieso disrespectful ref­
erences to it .” — W ashington Star.
Protaae History.
Miss Goode— You should try to
break yourself of the habit of swear­
ing, my little man.
Jimmy— Wot? After all the trouble
I ’ ve gone to to learn it?— Puck.
“ J im ," said the first tramp printer,
as the freight train flew along, “ we
I ought to have waited till tomorrow to
make this tr ip ."
“ So?"
" Y e s ; the company runs an excur­
sion today and we're only beatiig it
out of R4-60.” — Indianapolis Sun.
The hairdresser had done rather a
hasty job on the raven locks of the
young woman.
“ W e ll," she said, surveying the re­
sult in the morning, “ this is a sham­
poo, all right, if there is any such
thing as a real ‘ poo.’ ” — Chicago
Still Too Young.
A Jewel.
"T h is is my birthday.”
Betier— W h y do you have iron liars
“ And I suppose you feel as young as
in front of your kitchen windows and
you ever did?”
“ No, I don’ t believe I ’ m quite old
Shemster— T o p revent the escape of
enough yet to feel as young as I ever
the cook.— Brooklyn L ife .
d id .” — Town and Country.
In Chicago.
Savory Meat Puddlogs.
"The devil does m ore for one’s pleas­
Any little pieces of minced meat and
ure and comfort than any go d ,” says a
Chicago woman. T h ere is nothing like lean ham, one-quarter pound suet,'one-
knowing who your friends are.— New half pound flour, an onion chopped very
small, pepper and salt and a little
York News.
chopped parsley. Mix all the ingredi­
ents in a bowl and moisten with a little
New to Him.
Pit— flow does vex loike codfish stock— just sufficient to make the mix­
ture cling together. Place in a but­
Mike— Faith! an’ I n iver ’ tended tered pudding dish and boil for four
one, but it’s b ig toirues I ’ ve had down hours. Turn on a dish and serve with
good gravy.— Washington Star.
at th’ firemen’ s hop.— L ip p in cotts’ .
The Innocent
The Guilty
The world to-day is fu ll o f innocent sufferers from that most loathsome
disease, Contagious Blood Poison. People know in a general way that it is
» bad disease, bat i f all its horrors could be brought before them they
would shun it as they do the Leprosy. Not only the person » h o contracts it
«offers, but the aw ful tain t is transmitted to children, and the r e » ! “ 1“ ™
•ad eruptions, weak eyes. Catarrh, and other evidences o f poisoned bl
«how these little innocents are suffering the awful consequences ol some
body's sin. So h ig h ly contagious is this form of blood poison that one may
be contaminated by handling the clothing or other articles in use y
Person afflicted w ith th is miserable disease. There is danger even in rm
lag from the same vessel or eating out of the same tableware, as many p
innocent men and women have found to their sorrow, k e vi
Contagious Blood Poison is so
_ — , a a u
U f)
Pjwrful and penetrating that
wthin a short tim e after the
«* _______________________ _______
R I f ) 0 D P O I S O N I S NU
•ystem is in fe c t«! and every
drop of blood in the body is "
hinted with the poison, and the
mn„th and
•ha is soon covered w ith a red rash, ulcers break ou
Ihroat. swellings appear in the groins, the
m ”«
•ad unless the ravages o f the disease .“ * ' * “ * * . deep and offensive
Tiolent and dangerous sym ptom s appear in the form
jes anj
•ow, copper colored splotches, terrible pains m bones and muscles,
Paeral breaking down o f the system.
__iv remedy
S. s. S. is a specific for Contagious Blood Poison and the onl^rcm^ 7
5 * Mtidotes this peculiar virus and makes a radica
tjie svstem is
*b* disease. Mercury and Potash hold it in check so
“ £ json brfaksont
"ader their influence, but when the medicine is left o
; ^
)3 bring
1W» as bad o r worse than ever. Besides, the use of these
on Rheumatism and stomach troubles of the worst kt .
th S. S. S.,
•ace bleeding and sponginess o f the gums and decay o
hereditary taints
Blood Poison in all s ta g e , and even "«c h e s down to h «e d ;U ^ _> ^
si.’srsxi kta r*5» •ss
quencesof this monster scourge. A:s 1 ^
as a drop of the virus is
it is liableto break out, and there
taken w it h o u t a n y in ju r io u s effects t# health, and an exp* „
________t ____ ___ i
xerm an en tly.
— v.» th a t it cu res t-'
2 the k
SWIFT t P t e m e CO.. ATIAMTA. CA.
¿S 0
bunds, be said:
“ T h a t Is tbe first
„ / lo t Always Thus.
bbnest tnoney ! ever earned, k want
TrA m p— M adam , 1 was n ot
you to use It fo r tbe boys wbo art* uow
where I was ouce.**—L eslie’s Monthly.
Madain— N o ; it was your other arm
you had in a sling yesterday.— Journal.
W hen
th e H o r n
Dark H air
B lo w s .
As you rassie with adversity and plug
P i s o 's C u r e is a g o o d c o u g h medicine. 1
along the road
Keeps your temper somewhat jangled I t has c u re d c o u g h s a n d c o ld s f o r forty
years. A t d r u g g is t s , 25 cen ts.
out o’ tuue to bear the load.
An’ you very often wonder if there’ll
Tbe Cause of the Disturbance.
ever come a day
The Farmer (in the sideshow, look- |
When your labors will be over an* you’ ll
The temperature limit* o f life are
ing around in alarm )— (Josh, w here’ s
have a chance to play,
much mere Widely separated than we Keep a-jackin’ up your courage, fur the a ll the rattlesnakes?
Bacteria are
a re
time will come at last
The Lecturer— Don’ t be alarmed, my
anowu to develop and multiply at 72 When your trials an’ your troubles’ ll be friend. I t ’ s only our liv in g skeleton,
1 ‘ ami Prof. A. Macfadyeu o f
who is suffering from the ague, you
London has exposed such organisms to There’s a better day a-comin' when hear.— Judge.
1 , ****• c below xero for six mouth*
without harming them, while they An’ you’ll know that you have struck
Permanently i area. :*ro fits or nervi
It when the last horn blows.
•fier first day’s am of Dr. Kline’s Ureal Ni
even survived 280 deg. C. below xero.
ÜMtorer. Se-nd for F r e « a 2 f.U l bottle and trealte*
Ihe biophoue, a new German phono­
graph, produces pictures as w ell as
aounds. It shows, for Instance, the
Singer giving a soug.
An Investigation of paving atouea
bat been undertaken In Ireland by
Prof. July. He finds that resistance
to wear varies directly
amounts o f quart* and felspar contain­
ed, the completely cryetalline Igneous
granite«, etc., being ae a rule the
Kooks that are decidedly
porphyrltle. porous or glassy are to be
avoided. A certain coarseness o f grain
Is usually desirable, as finegrained
rocks, like a certain Welsh dtorlte, »re
liable to become slippery.
I he electric discharge between two
vessels o f mercury In a partial vacuum
I* the most efficient form o f artificial
lighting yet discovered. In u recent
test by W . 0. Geer, the mercury term­
inals were about four fifths o f an inch
apart, and an arc of tw o Inches In
length was produced by a direct cur­
rent of 110 volte. Nearly 00 per cent
of the energy supplied was converted
into visible light. Turning to other
lights, the Geissler tube showed an
efficiency of 82 per cent; the ordinary
arc lamp, 10; acetylene gas, 10; th# In
candescent electric lamp, 6, and the
Argand gas burner, 1.#.
Dr. M. H. Kline, Ltd -M ) Arcb S t . Phi ledei phi*. P * ,
O f’ utimes you feel a »wellin’ in your
gullet when you meet
With a millionaire a-ridin' in his carriage
’long the street.
An’ the javelin of envy gives your soul
a stingin’ cut
When you eee him on the road an’ you
a strugglin’ in the rut.
8ich a feelin’ o’ resentment doesn’t help
the case a bit.
Doesn’t regulate the matter fur to give
your teeth a grit;
Though you haven’ t got the boodle nor
his tailor-fitted clothes
You will be as rich as he is when the
last horn blows.
Saw It Only One W a y .
Ttixydo— I w as thinking of proposing
to that pretty widow’ , but I changed
m y mind. She’ s the most unsenti­
mental article I ever struck.
Ruxton— So?
T u x yd o — She told me the last tim e I
called on her that she had plans for a
nice home and was going to advertise
for proposals.— Judge.
” 1 bsve used Ayer's Hair Vigor
for a (rest m«.., years, and al­
though I am past eighty years of
age, yet I have not a gray hair in
my bead.”
Geo. Yellott, Towaon, Md.
We mean all that rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it’s gray now,
no matter; for Ayer’s
Hair Vigor always re­
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
long; and it stops falling
of the tl.M hair,
a bank. All
I f your d ru
cannot supply you,
•end us one d o llar and w e w ill express
you a bottle. Be sure and giva the name
Of your nearest express office. A d dress,
J . C. AV11R CO., Low oll. Maas.
O R D E R Q U IC K —Special o a rgsln
South Bend Steel Plows, w ood beams,
f oods.
4 in., f 1 0 ; South Bend C h ille d Plows, w ood
beams, 14 in., |7.70; South Bend C h illed Plows,
wood b e a m s ,« in.,
a ll sizes and styles in
ows. Y o u n g A m erica Cream Separator, No.
9, ».V»; Steel W in d Mill.S-foot,9¿2; W ood W heel
W in d M ill. 12-foot, |:tó. W rite us for prices on
a n y th in g in the m achinery line. Reierson M a­
chinery Co., fc?t of Mo. rison S t., Portland, Or.
We are only here a waitin’, sort o’ killin’
time until
We receive the invitation fur to climb
the golden hill,
An* we hadn’t ort to grumble jes’ be­
cause a favored few
Have a knack o’ grabbin’ fortune that’ a
denied to me an' you,
Fix your eyes on the eternity we’ll enter
by and by.
Life on earth ain’ t half a misute to the
time we’ll »pend on high—
Try to keep the tears o’ trouble from
a-trlcklin’ down your nose.
Fur you’ll holler halleluyer when the
last horn blows.
— Denver Post.
Complete B x a w ln f
and Bottling plant,
three b b l»
per day. for W eis«
i Beer. Ale am i Porter,
in fu llo p e ra tio n .o u ly
one in Portlan d or
O regon
I f f lease,
low rent.
A d d re s »*’O w n e r” or
apply at C. II. Pig
Kott, Law yer. 4 M ulkey B u ild in g, Port­
land,, Oregon.
Little Liver Pills.
S A L I!
The entomologists employed to abate
the mosquito nuisance along tho north
M A C E D O N IA N P E A 8 A N T S .
shore o f Ixnig Island report, among
• h ia t B o a r S ig n a tu r e o f
other things, that a single rain-barrel
Shocking A b a.ea to W hich Kven la
will breed more mosquitoes than a
N i c . They A r e Bubject.
large pond. Even the salt meadows
The peasants o f Macedonia who are
' ^
hardly equal, as mosquito-producers, In revolt against the rule o f the Turk
four or five good barrels apiece. The are an interesting people. T h eir coun­
reason Is that the larger pools contain try Is much diversified In population.
• ■ a ll and u —m j
fish which prey upon the larvae. A In the south the Greeks predominate.
1 »
® °IW pasture. In the same sense, In the north the Slave.
T b e middle
equals from one to two ratn-barrels. section has a mixed and debatable con­
FO R H E A D A C H E .
Wind Is s great enemy to mosquitoes. geries o f nationalities aud dialects.
Kven a gentle fanning keeps them off. There are a few W allachlana here and
This recalls the legend that Kesped tkepe ta d a sprinkling o f Mahometan,
Fhit io l MbntroawTT Sb.. Pmrllmnd. Oca.
eolee freed the greet city o f Acrages «reryw here. In times o f peace #8 per
Telephone, Hun 344.
i Agrtgentiiun In Sicily from malaria cent o f the population Is engaged In
by opening the hills, so that the north agriculture. T h ey till the fields In a
FO R T H E C 0 M P L E X I0 R
wind swept freely over the town. W e prim itive faahloik having little use for
v l n s » v t m»K o s . » »/ »,.
now know that mosquitoes are the modern Im provem ent» or farm ma­
T k g «ta > le .> < to w g g S &
T h eir stolid Industry, their
chief distributors o f malaria.
The Jesup expedition, aent out by th rifty habits, the fine clim ate and the
Yox can »ave from $3 to $6 yearly by
the American Museum o f Natural H is ­ natural fertility o f the country would
wearing W. L. Douglaa $3.50 or $3 shoe*.
tory to Investigate the native tribes o f make them a moat prosperous and hap­
j Th ey equal those
Northwestern America and North­ py people w ere It not for the oppres­
■ that have been cost­
ing you from 3400
has completed
Its sion put upon them.
to $5.00.
The im-
Bach Christian village suffer-* exac­
I menae sale of W . L.
from Its Moslem nelglilx>rs, It»
twenty thousand specimens of hquse- tion
Douglas shoes proves
Turkish landlord, tne Ainam gn orig
their superiority u m
hot<T articles, dress, ornaments, tools
all other makes.
and*, to say nothing o f the official tax
and weapons such as have never before
Sold by retail shoe
collectors. T h e people have no security
dealers everywhere.
been exhibited. The explorations ex­
In trade, and the privileged clan ea live
Look for name aud
tended from
the Columbia
price on bottom.
A reputation extending over
upon their labor. In some places the
around the North Pacific coast to the
That Oongla» n«»«w for-
ilAty-aix yea rs and our j onal'olt
peasants, beside* sharing tbe products
prove« I lit- re I n
Amur Hlver In Asia. Close similarities
guarantee are back, o f
value In Oouwl«n whoeii. <
o f their field equally with their laud-
were found In the customs, drees. Im­
Corona Is the highest L
lorda. are forced to work fo r them
grade Pat. Leal her made. I
plements. folk-lore aud other charac­
t'a ft f ’otor E y rltti used. S
Ó IG N O P T H F f i 3 h .
eighty days each year, Including Sun­
Our $ 4 Gilt Edge Lins cannotb equalled
__ ______
o t any
teristics of the American and Siberian
' There ore many imitations,
days. without any pay In money or
Hhoes by mail. 25 rents extra. Illustrated
h B * sure o f the name
tribes, pointing. It Is thought, to the
la a a
They are forced to obey at
T O W E R on th# buttons.
common origin o f these people at
the point o f the knife, and there Is no
some remote past time. The most nu­
a J tower co soaroN. m » « . u a. a .'
merous o f the Siberian races are the
The cottages o f the peasants arc
Yakuts, numbering about 270WU0 In­ grouped together in
dividuals. and dwelling In and around There are few fen ce« and the land
the I-ena River valley. Their terri­ marks are uncertain. Many o f the v il­
tory includes about one-third o f Sibe­ lage« have a louimon lot for pastur­
Many o f them have amassed ing tbe flocks when it Is impossible for
Thle wonderlul A’i..-
uese doctor Is called
wealth In the fur trade, and their *11- the shepherd« to lead them into the
great because be cures
without opera­
ersinlths are noted for skill. Yakut mountains, where fo r several months
tion that are glTeo up
** A f t e r I w u a In d u ced to t r y C A f i C A «
belles frequently possess costumes of each year the grazin g Is good.
to die. He cures with
Itaoee wonderful I'ht-
H I I t , 1 will never be witbout them in the houee.
furs, ornamented with silver, worth
nete herbs, roots. budn>
Both men and women are strong- My liver was la a very bad abai*e. ami my bead
barks ami vegetable*
and I had stomach trouble Now. eiace tali -
$ 1 , 000 .
llmtied and fu ll o f enduranoe. F e w are ached
that are entirely mi,
I tiff ( ascareu. I feel fine My wife bee also need
known to medical set-
__________ ________
idle or vicious. T h e women do their ibetu with beneficial result« for eour stomach '
in this country. Th rough the use o f
T h e C h a n ce o f a P r is o n e r .
Jo». K k b h l i n u . urn Loagreaa » 1 . Ml Louis. Mo
those harmless remedies this famous doctor
share o f work In the fields, and have
knows the action of over 500 different rem­
I entered my office one morning to
no end o f home duties. They moke the
edies, which he successfully use* in different
find a very worn and traveled atalned
C a n d y
diseases. He guarantees to cure cattarh, asth­
clothing o f the fam ily, usually from
ma. lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness,
U M in a n iig
wanderer awaiting me. H e bad been
stomach, liver, k'dneys, etc.; has hundreds or
wool grown and sheared upon
(b a rg e s moderate, fa ll and
a crook evpr since he had been old
farm, spun, woven, cut and made tn
see him. Patients out of the city write for
enough to gain bis living, and having
blanks and circulars. Mend r.tanip. C'ONHUIe
the houee.
had no home Influence except that
T h e hospitality o f the people appeals
which was evil, he followed the wrong
to the visitor. Oriental law s prevail,
path faithfully to his own ruin. He
25J Alder St., PnrtlanJ, Oregon.
and no one who comes 111 peace Is
had never done honest work in his
t e r M eniion paper.
turned aw ay. Even the pooreot peas­
Ufe w ith no trade, no character, no
Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Tnste Good.
ant w ill »b a r« his crust o f bread and Rood. Never Sicken. W eaken or Gripe. 10c, 2hc.
references, no friend«, and with a bis woolen blankets with a stranger,
P. N . U.
Ne 4 5 -1 9 0 J .
criminal past stamped on his face,
and without asking.
>l— * —e r- s - w w - . - » * * » » ■ « ■ m r
, t o *<l v e r t ie e r e p i
when Ids money was gone after he had
The average peasant fam ily pos-
p a p a r.
been discharged from prison—the out­
se««es a pair o f oxen, forty or fifty
look was moot discouraging. Just at sheep, a cow. several pigs and chick­
this point a policeman acted the part en«. A portion o f the Increase o f the
of fate and ran him In. not because he sheep flock must tie turned over to the
Difficulties are only fence« across you r chosen path
sten ograph y
bail committed any crime but to pre- landlord In many case«. One day each
and a business education are the m uscle aud sk ill that h« lp you to
get over the fences
Make tbe first ju m p today by w ritin g u « for
vent him from doing so
week I d the towns of tbe district Is
our catalogue. O u r graduates are all em p loyed
That nlglit when the door o f ble cell market day. and the peasants come
clanged behind him a deep reallxatlon from every direction, drivin g alow-go-
of his failure swept over him. “ Pris­ Ing ox teams hitched to rough carts
on prison. It R always and forever to loaded with produce. T h e distances are
be prison?” be groaned, and throwing great, and the market Journey Is usual­
himself on hie knee«, for the flret time ly begun the day tiefore and ended the
ln bis life, he prayed. The next day In day after market day.
L ik e hi* brothers In Bulgaria, the
court, eome on# unknown to him «aid
sim plest and most perfect made. Before you
a good
good word on hla behalf and he was Macedonian peasant biiriea hla money
give your order for a Disk Plow be sure to e x ­
ine the Hander«. Kor «a le by the old re li­
d is c h a rg e d .
He walked from Boston In the field*.
There are fe w banks,
able house of
to N e » York end when I heard the and the«# few tbe peasant does not
Kory very .Imply told In hi. rough truat. The houee Is not a safe hiding
„ 7 he - I d :
’Now. IJ ttl. Mother, place, for. It te liable to be aearched at
will you give me a chance? I t there kay tim e by , a »sing bonds o f T urk*
fllP O K A N R
M lllH O H l)
„ y imp. f o r m . ? ’ -Very g W l y dt«:We (#t*o * n « » beeltete te-tou t alum th e «'
la'anything to 1 « taken. In Balgarta
Md him welcome. V*mss
When be was hard 'rijrk where reform has been In force fer
he undertook. When the fir tt ^ a y to y eome years, the peasant I* prosperous,
and tbe total amotmt o f coin burlgd
cam. he called at mf
straight from w ort M I f l M t a W d In tho fields Is enormous. Bo fast do
Teeth H xtrn ctcd A b s o lu te ly
Clothing and hi. hands bearing «h e the peaMUite bide the money which
W ith out I ’ein and all k inds ol
' - k . o f tdH which
an eo m ifh | o corns# to them that th * output o f tbe
W o r k Done b y W ise
os A * I rose to
him be <’la '**d Bulgarian to tot disappear* almost 1 »
soon as coined.
B ro th e r», the Painless Dentist*.
*3.38 & *3 S H O E S »
Sour Stomach
Dr. C. Gee Wo
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
KO-TQ-BAC » « « IIM Ä lS a p - 1 ”
Sanders Disk Plow
Send for Special Circular
with tear. fl.lUW_N?
~ ]jtfle
? I n * /’• " ! * » thhhk
J qen t ten to p w het fhe H » e
E , 'd o n e f o r m e . « u t r * « t » 7
redes to know 1
And then h*
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UtUe roll o# bills » » d preseln« “ >» “ 7
Call for Rjmpslhr.
FI rat Bachelor—I wish I could w rite
• <1<“ «n t le tie r o f condolence.
K e^ A d
en# r e a .
know dead?
-Ko. E n ja fe d
Detroit Erne Proto '
Mitchell.Lewis & Staver Co.,
w n -AN®’ - * - qlBS00W
Open evening* tlttt
Mitiday* from • to 11.
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W ISE BROS., Dentists
Or. M ila 2039.
2US-2I j i
M i.