Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, October 02, 1903, Image 5

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    So he studied at night ’
And became very bright
And now he holds down a high stool.
The L eadek loads.
c h K t t a Z r in ltwilhaft‘w
T®0^ th^ern TrTlhem1 th<3 WdVe’
a ^ h X T c S a ^ b°n b°"9
^ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ti
Ol**« Season F o r G a m e .
- iiitflouo. Moose. Mouutain Sheep. July
iC en itetr >«. Sale prohibited,
a wcitwieil until September IS, IBM.
?..Vnr»v squirrels. (let. 1st to Janu ary 1st,
,.u (lees“ anil sw an. Sept. 1 . to March I.
birds, (let. 1st to Dee. 1 st. Sain pro-
p iJtnlt ten birds a day.
M. E. C
h u rch
lent, Sept Ot>.— F o r the 13th,
iu the history of the Methodist
lopnl eburch in Oregou, the
ireuie convened in this city to
inci matters o f importance w ill
i up for consideration.
conference o f this church iu
.¡ty was hel l September 5, 1H49,
54 vears ago. Bishop Win.
irts presided at the conference
at year, as he did nt the one
here two years later, but since
time each meeting of the con-
ce has been presided over by a
rent bishop.
ie conference will bo attended
oe of the lurgest delegations
seen at that body iu its past
ry. Among them are many no-
i cburch-meu, uieu of world-
reputation, who are zealously
ing for the up-building of the
ch. Bishop J. W . Hamilton,
D, one of the great men in
lodisnt , will preside, and others
secoud ty hint will be president,
their labors will he for the best
rettsoftbis conference and, what
e aud better, for the best in-
of the old pioneer institution
mug, W illam ette University.
«Band Leader and Instructor.
E. F. Rowland, a practical hand
ructor, late of the east, has bsen
ployed as leader and instructor
the C. M. A. bnnd of this city, to
IChas. Cochrauwho resigned
ntly to join the orchestra of a
geopera company, Mr. Rowland
»first class hand ntan and will
p the C. M. A. band np to its
1 high standard o f excellence or
n advance the hand from a
“sical standpoint. Cottage Grove
reason to be proud of its excel-
Gold Watch Lost.
Small gold watch on rear plat-
of 0. & S. E. R. R. Depot
**hy afternoon
Jer will receive satisfactory re-
and no questions asked by re-
"niig same to the railroad office.
c,,t glassware just re-
'cd at Madsen’s je w e lry store.
Between th e N ew E ra D r u g
Store and th e postoffice,
one leather purse contain-
ln8 three hundred dollars
'faoo) in bills, seven dimes
*nd thirty-five cents in
nickels and pennies, also
one spool o f thread and one
of Pop Em A ll Corn
The finder can
k*cp the purse, money and
Inread, hut I earnestly re-
gnest that they return the
Urn Salve, as it is the most
finable preparation
he market for the cure o f
co™s Please return it to
»ours Respectfully,
Mtss N . O . K
orns .
Hisley's grocery, Phone, Main 143.
tr W * f.i? e! T w* y “ «en ded the dis­
trict fair at Eugene this week.
° f our country letters are
unavoidably crowded out this week.
“ ';;.a“ d Mrs. E. A. Wilson are in
attendance at the district fair at Eu­
■ P^one, Main 143, for your groceries
J L U‘ 1,mu,A ™ r(ll0K to tlle calendar, delivered UDywhere in the city or
commenced Saturday, September 2(',th. suburbs free.
Peaches and tropical
Pr‘UeS at the Fearl
School children can gel the National
Separate Leaf Note Book at the Mod­
ern Pharmacy.
Mrs. McKinney went to Eugene
Miss Grace aud Mr. Guy Mock of
Wednesday to visit friends and attend
Drain were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
the District Fair.
W. T. Kayser Wednesday.
All the ladies are waiting for the
The Dorena public school is closed
opening at the Misses Mewland’s, Sat­ temporarily on account of a few cases
urday, October 3d.
of diphtheria in that vicinity.
Mias Neva Perkins of Cottage Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Percy and fam ily ar-
is acting operator for the Postal tele- rived at this place from Iowa W ed­
graph office in Eugene.
nesday to locate permanently.
The choicest cream, fresh mixed
H. C. Veatch is just com pleting a
and taffy candies at the Wave, both coW cottage on River street, which
home and custom-made.
will soon be occupied by- a tenaut.
The 130.1 Portland Fair cigar and all
Jus. Ozmont is building an addition
of t!ie leading brands of cigars and to his little bachelor quarters ill this
tobaccos at the Pearl Confectionery.
city. This looks suspicious, to say
Remember the millinery opening the least.
Saturday. Oct. 3d.
AH the latest
N. F„ Coinpton and family returned
styles and patterns. Misses Newland. to their old home at Earlham, Iowa,
C has. McFarland and wife and his this week. Mrs. Coinpton is a sister
rather and mother Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. of Mrs. F. D. Wheeler.
McFarland, are in atteudance at the
Fred Lough of Roseburg,¡is deliver­
district fair.
ing the account books and eupons to
Miss M ollie Larkin came up from the fanners of this vicinity whose
Eugene Sunday to enjoy a brief order? he took recently.
visit with relatives and friends in this
Those wishing a good picture will
city and vicinity.
please call at once, us we expect to
Walter li. Dillard, former principal move to Roseburg in a few days C. \V.
of the Eugene Higlt School, opened Bradford opposite City hall.
the Lorane school Monday morning
There will lie sabbath school at 10.
with a good attendance.
a. m. at the C. P. Church next Sunday
Mrs. S. H. M iller and children came also preaching ut .11 o’clock. Subject
A living Dog is hotter than a dead
down fiom RoseburgSunday to spend “ Lion
a few days visiting in this city. They
returned home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kayser went to
Eugene Thursday to attend the dis
Mrs. Ira Conner and sons, Harry
trict fair. From there Mrs. Kayser
and Bose, returned home Sunday from will go to Elinfra to enjoy a brief visit
Junction, where an enjoyable week with friends.
was spent with relatives and friends.
y convention of the \V. C.
W. H. Jenkins, the Southern Paeitlo T. I . was held at Saginaw Wednesday
Inspector, passed through town Sat­ aud Thursday witli a good attendance,
urday, returning from an inspection about eight delegates being present
of the Drain-Coos Bay route. It is from this city.
said to he a feasible one.
Twenty-five men wanted by the
After spending a few days visiting Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. at Saginaw
with relatives at Eugene, attorney to work in the yard and woods. In ­
and Mrs. J. S. Medley left Tuesday quire of U. S. Walker, paint store,
urternoou for North Yakima and Tu- Slain street, near depot, Cottage
c-oma, where they will visit for a few Grove.
Horace Mann, formerly publisher of freight agent of the S. P. Co., spent
the M edford Inquirer, has decided to Tuesday in this city and in a pleasant
locate iu Oroville, Cal., but what busi­ call on the L eader stated a very heavy
ness he will engage iu we are unable fall immigration from the East to
to state. Mrs. Mann will leave Med­ Oregon has commenced.
ford for Oroville next week.—Medford
YV. E. Bissell and wife of Ashland,
Conductor V. C. London of the O. arc guests of the latter’s parents, Mr.
& S. E. railroud went to Eugene Mon­ and Mrs. Frank Hambrick.
day to ussist in opening the District Bissell, Hambrick and Currin Cooley
Fair Tuesday, of which he is presi­
dent. The fuir opened under very fa­ not get lost, but tneir camp did.
vorable auspices and was well at­
Attorney J. E. Young has the work
well under way oil his elegant new re­
Mrs. D. W. HardiDg and daughter, sidence on upper River Street, West
Miss Bessie, went to Salem Saturday Cottage Grove. I t will be the finest
to reside. Ylr. Harding will soon take residence constructed in this city this
his departure for San Diego, Califor­ season. The voting ladles should note
nia, to spend the winter, having set­ this fact.
tled up nls business nffairs here for
Edward Easley mid family ieft Mon­
another year.
day for their old home at LaPlata
Mrs. W illard Boren and children Missouri. They were ¡accompanied
went to Grants Pass Tuesday to join by Mrs. Nancy Burch who goes to
Iter husband who hasdecided to locate Bloomington, Indiana, to spend »lie
there tem pornrlk at least. Mrs. winter with relatives, that being her
Boren’s brother, Elbert Veatch, is old home.
said to lie speedily improving in
Miss Lena Foreman lias accepted
health at Grants Pass.
the position of stenographer for the
Ellas West has applied for a patent Improved Smelter Co , and left this
on a very practical and useful brush week for Portland to take up her new
hook one that will cut brush or larger line of work. Miss Foreman has been
timber either. I t promises to become local or resident manager o f the Rich­
in genet al use as soon as it is put on ardson Music house in this city for
the market. The common brush hook the past two years.
uow in use is almost a flat failure.
H. C. Madsen, the jeweler, has taken
Mr. and Mrs Titos. Martin, of Cres- the agency for the celebrated Rex
well, accompanied by their 8™ nd- Rheumatic Ring. Anyone afflicted
child. and Mrs. Chas. H. Wan well of with Rheumatism in any of its forms
Ramond, California, visited with Mr. —Sciatic, Lumbago, Neuralgia or
M artin’s sister Mrs. P. D. Knowlton Gout will be interested in reading
Sunday. Mr. Martin is now in attend­ one of the little booklets, which are
ance at the District fair at Eugene.
free for the asking.
T h e C M. A. Band favored ou rclt
The L eader I s In receipt of a com­
izens with a free open air concertSun- plimentary season ticket to the Tenth
dav afternoon. The boys present a Annual Exhibition of the Second
fine appearance in their new uniforms Southern Oregon District Agricul­
and with their large number of new tural Society, to be held at Eugene
Oregon Sept 29 to Oct 3. 1903. The
instruments and new
music is in keeping with their uppear District Fair promises to lie better
than ever before this season.
y new postoftice «'ailed Mineral has
S t Helens Mist: Ed. and Jesse
t-.een established in the Bohemia mill- McKIbhen, of Outage Grove Lane
in g district, with V. O. LeRoy ™ P ~ _ county, were in St. Helens during the
past week, visiting their father, J. r .
McKibben and brother, Bert M cKib
The McKibben brothers came
to Portland to purchase machinery
’a n «
mill that they intend erect­
Hon Ivan McQueen of Lorane was
. transacting business in CotU ge O r o ^
_ u ’0 imwil’iv and favored the LE a D kk
- 1 with ""pleasant call ««” < • subscription
renewal. In oqcneetion with general
te s w & rd s s fttfc a .
Ovir H offm a-n-ICothchild Suits
for men from $8 to $25; Cloaks from $5 to *25; Shoes $2 to $5.50; Hats
$1 to $3.50. We have just opened our fall stock of dry goods, which
are the very latest in styles and patterns
Garman, Hem enway Co.
Geo. Graves, the drummer, o f Eu­
gene, combined business with pleas­
ure in a spin to Cottage G rove with
liis automobile Saturday. He was
arrested and fined at Eugene some
time ugo for setting n too liv e ly pace
about town and last week was arrest­
ed fur allowing his machine to stand
still in Eugene’ s streets. This up-to-
date young man is somewhat dazed at
tlie action of his home town and now
when ho wants to enjoy a little mobil-
ing lie comes up to Cottage Grove,
Whera the people are not so staid,
stoiack, eholerick and old fogisli. As
soon as Eugene becomes accustomed
to tliis new fungled carriage, it will
not be se exacting with Mr. Graves.
New Rood to Florence.
Capt O’ Brien of the upper Sius-
law country wan in town Saturday
agitating the connection of the Lo-
raue-Cottage Grove wagon road with
the Florence road, which will ouly
require the construction of about
three miles of road. Mound, Con­
ger and Prairie precinta have con­
tributed 1270 for this purpose and
the county court has provided $100.
A construction crew is at present
pushing work on the road which
wlieu the connection is made will be
a great convenience to South Laue
county as well as Florence and the
coast section. It will give Cottage
Grove and Lorane a direct route to
the coast aud turn some of the traf­
fic this way all of which goes to Eu­
gene nt the present time.
Horses for Sale.
Just now the Pacific Timber Co. !
is offering good bargnios in saddle, i
driving and work horses. For I
prices or further particulars call on j
or address, Frank McFarland, Cot-j
tage Gtove.
Good tract of Lan d for Rent.
About 20 acres of rich bottom
laud withiu j of a mile of a large
mill and S. P. railroad depot, suit­
able for gardening, or small crops,
hay or giains. Mountain stream
flows through trnct from which water
for irrigation may be obtained. No
buildings. For terms apply at the
L eader office.
Ladies anti gents fine catches at
Madsen’8. Call and see them.
New Styles for Fall
We are making an early exhibition of the Latest Styles in Fall
Dress Goods, in order that you may be able to judgo the Styles
and make your selections early enough to get the most good out
of your fall dress before the rainy days come
H eather Suiting, Zibelines,
A uto Cloth, Y an k ee Suiting.
D ra p D’A lm a , D rap S ebas­
to p o l, M elton C loth, a n d
C h ev io ts
: s : :
Huy your dress patterns early and get U . . .
service for the season. Tne place H C l “
A Few of
Hemeniwav & Burkholder
Brighten up v o u r,
W e b e r & Stover
Gasoline Engines
We can supply th e ;
P A I N T S :
Lubricators, In­
jectors, S team
Gauges, P ack­
ing and Cylinder
O il always in
Wall Paper
Prices will surprise you for cheapness £ I
trant out line elo-
of D/kpIrArc
AUtKCla, I
France $ Gowdyi
Forniture-Undertakers !
W g o e n are
olUU a
for a first class
line o f belting
Call and see us
Stoves and Ranges
The W ire le s s Telegram
We have juHt received a large Hiatal linen t of fall and winter dreHH goodn
and waintingH at price* ranging from I5c to $2.50 P er Y rd
We have also received our first shipment of ladieM skirts, waists, wraps,
and it full line of Misse*iSkirts. Those goods are being displayed its fast
;is ]H>ssihieand it will pay those desiring goods of the lit test styles to call
on us while the stock is complete
We carry the largest line of ear|»ets, rugs, lace curtains, dress goods,
trimmings, cloaks, skirts, waists and dry goods of any house in the city
and we guarantee our prices low or lower than any house in tin*
Hemeinber tlie latch string always hangs on the outside of
the door at
' ä w s ä ’ ä
r e , torts a prospérons season
Not the cheap stuff that makes a
man or woman who wears them
look cheap, but the latest styles,
the best material and workmanship
m.H ats; dfess hats for ladies and
misses. The Misses Newtand.
d t S S L V i Har;linK is attending the
Is trie, fair uud transacting lutsiness
M illinery opening ut the Aflssea u
at Eugene.
Newtand 8 Saturday, October id,
Ttiafs what
outfit to
good, wjuslblt» tonic
tlwt will aharpeii your ap­
a tite and put new “ go
fc vour nerves and mus­
cles. You’ll nud Just what
your system needs at s:
Read the L eader ' s ads.
• b ^ u ô w n .0peaaU0Q,, conUnl,e Uve|y
prTn**•nythl^ig/°r fln<5 * * ’
t a k e
Clothing, Cloaks, Shoes ex-nd
N e w
o o d
r y
cou nty.
».•etimi of the country._____
the oil can from its
railroad gasoline motor car
car when bis
in the sprocket
hand was caught
badly laseerat;
Ml perdona knowing tbem ««lve8
chain ami two fingers
h c win
j hi*
„ indebted to (»8 will plea.«* call and
jh a n d in a s lin g fo r a h t t .e while as
^Pttle their
account# promptly.
,1 25 per doz. f rom »his date we. w ill sell goods for
Best cablnetto photos
for a short time nnlY,
E t u i * * B r is t o w .
gallery opposite Matóme
’“t H .T w ^iCMh0nly-