TELL WHO MAV LAND. LANE COUNTY LEADER New w . c. c o in r u , r «k u «h «. C O T T A G E GROVE ... OREGON. WEEK’S DOINGS U ñ era ! R e v i* , oí (. p o r t a i t Happsulags o i the Past Week le Urial and The Trana-Miseiseippi congress ia in session in beat tie. Turaey haa called for 52,000 men (or service in Macedonia. Pope Pius haa given $20,000 to be distributed among the poor of Rome. The two Kansas Cities are again suffering from the effects of high water. The 37tb national encampment of the G. A . K. ia in session at ban Fran­ cisco. By the collapse of the upper deck of a Finish steamer 40 people were drowned. The Russian fleet has sailed for Turk­ ey to enforce the demand that slaying of consul be avenged. China has agreed with the United States to open two ports, thus main­ taining the open door policy. Roosevelt wants Root to help him defeat his New York enemies and will endorse him for president in 1008. A wealthy Davenport, Ia., woman was kidnaped and held for $50,000 ransom, but gave her captors the slip and escaped. Vesuvius continues active and is sending smoke and flame to a height of 4.000 feet. Lava is flowing toward Ot- tajamo and Pompeii. A falling meteor deetroyed a bridge at Mendon, Mich. Cardinal Gibbons has left Rome on his way to the United States. Fire in the Cincinnati stock yards destroyed $80,000 worth of property. English sportsmen are confident Shamrock I I I will lift the cup this year. Chinese Regulations Public. Are Made Washington, Aug. 19.— A new set of Chinese regulations, prepared by Com­ missioner General of Immigration Sar­ gent and approved by Secretary Cortel- yon, of the department of commerce and labor, jurisdiction of the matte- of the exc'nsion of Chinese having been transferied from the treasury to the lat­ ter department, were made public to­ day and are now ready for distribution. These rules d sígnate what Chinese per­ sons are permitted to land at ports of the United States under the provisions of the laws and treaties, together with the po ts at which Chinese, other than Chinese diplomatic and consular offi­ cers, may land and name the officers whe have been vested with the power and authority heretoloie conferred on collectors of customs, giriug their sta­ tions and jurisdiction. Conditions are named to which every Chinese person seeking admission into the United States under the provisions of the act of 1902, for the pur[K>se of taking part in any fair or exhibition authorized by congress, shall conform as a condition precedent to such admis­ sion regulations governing the arrest and deportation of Chinese unlawfully within the United States are included. A ll told there are 61 rules embraced in U j« new regulations. Accompanying the regulations are laws and treaties re­ lating to the exclusion of Chinese. Provision is made for a Bertillion record of all Chines i laborers arriving and departing at ports of entry, copies of such registry to be transmitted to thw commissioner general of immigra­ tion. Conditions are prescribed to which all Chinese persons claiming the right of transit through the United States to foreign territory must conform as a con­ dition preceding such privilege. Nu­ merous changes have been necessary in the revision of these rules to make them conform to the transfer of jurisdic­ tion over tne subject from the treasury department to the department of com­ merce and labor. Forms of blanks are prescribed and rules made to govern the officers charged with the enforcement of the ex< lusion law. LAW S AT FAULT. Secertary Hitchcock baa ordered an investigation of land frauds in Indian Congress May Be Asked to Repeal Pres­ territory. ent Land Laws. Washington, Attg. 19.— The 58th Joseph Pulitzer has given $2,000,000 for the establishment of a school of congress, wncu it regularly assembles journalism at Columbia university, in December, will be called upon to re­ New York. move from tbe statute books three laws The Bulgarian premier believes the under which the government is being Macedonian rebellion will be confined systematically robbed each year of hun­ to Monaatir. dreds of thousands, if not millions, of The salmon pack for this year will dollars’ wo'th of public lands. The be about 300,000 cases. This is nearly robbers are not in all cases violating the letter of the law. and as long as 23.000 cases short of last year. these three laws remain in force they The general staff of the army gave cannot be reached, but they are violat­ Secretary Root a dinner in honor of his ing the spirit of tbe law, and escape «access in securing the new army law. only on technicalities. The fight be­ Wheeling, W. Va., union and non­ gun in the last days of the 57th con­ union men clashed and over 1,000 shots gress, to bring about the repeal of the were fired. Only two man were timber and stone act, tbe desert land wounded. act, and the commutation clause ot the The powers are not likely to interfere homestead act, is to be renewed with with Russia in tier move against Turk­ vigor, and the friends, as well as (be ey as they feel that the sultan Deeds enemies of reform, are even now pre­ paring to enter the fray, each side de­ punishment. termined to win. laird Salisbury, rx-premier of Eng­ .Secretary Hitchcock, after more land, is critically ill. than four years in tbe cabinet, during The British parliament haa ad­ which time he lias familiarized himself with the operations of tiie several land journed until November 2. laws, has become convinced that the Eastern capitalists are anxious to se­ statutes should be changed. He can­ cure yellow pine lands of Southeastern not see why the government should re­ Oregon. linquish for $4 an acre timber lands that are worth $ 00 an acre; he can­ The first meeting of the Alaskan not see why dummy entries should be boundary rommisaien w ill be held Sep­ permitted, even though they be made tember 3. just inside the limitations of the law; Jeffries has retained his title of he does not see w ry one man should be champion of the world by again defeat­ permitted to make an entry in the in­ terest of another; nor does he recognise ing Corbett. the justice of allowing cattle barons Captain R. H. Lawson, a dis­ and large stock interests to gain con­ tinguished naval officer in the C ivil trol, if not ownership, of vast tracts of war, is dead. public grazing lands, contrary to the public policy. Secretary Hitchcock Admiral Glass has returned to Brem­ has come to realize that while the gov- erton naval station witli his squadron ernent is annually losing vast areas of after a cruise in the North Pacific valuable lauds under the operations of ocean. the laws just specified, the governent The battleship Msssachusetts struck is, to a great extent, powerless to arrest an unchartered rock and will have to many forms of speculative entriea so long go to dry dock. Her injuries are not as ¡there laws remain on the statute books. serious. The Turkish gendarme who killed a Italy Expect« War. Russian consul has !>een executed. Rome, Aug. 19.— The memorandum Turkey will pay the consul's widow of the Bulgarian government to the $80,000. powers regarding the situation in Ms- Charles M. Schwab is at the head of i-ednnia haa prodneed a great effect a great tailoring trust just formed here. The general impresaion is that which w ill establish houses throughout the Bulgarian government is no longer able to hold hack popular feeling, the United states. which, unless it is represse«) in time, lak e Erie fishermen are preparing to will lead to a war with Turkey. The tight the Canadian revenue cutters in fate of Bulgaria in that event, it is the future when an attempt ia made to thought, would probably he the suns aa that of lir e «*« in tbe last war with capture the fishing vessels. Turkey. The Italian government is ex­ Rain is causing the Kansas river to changing views with Vienna and Iaimlon rise again. Rnssia has decided on a policy of peace in the far East. The Servian cabinet baa resigned, and King Peter threatens to abdicate. The chances are very alim that Co­ lon) ia will ratify the l ’aaama canal treaty. Macedonians, disappointed in receiv­ ing American sympathy in the war with Turkey, charge that press is bribed. Nearing the Nevada Line. Carson. Nev , Aug. 19. — News has heen received that a party of convict* who escaped from the prison a* Fn’enm. Cal., vieite«! Glen Alpine, near Tallec. They stoppe«f at the resort at noon, demand«*! dinner, and carried away «everal days’ provisions. Beyond tak­ ing food they did not annoy or threat­ en anv one. and open«y admitte«! their ¡•(entity. The ■ on lots are now near­ ing the Nevada line, and if they croea an effort will be made to capture them. D. M. Parry, president of the Nation­ Street Cera Collide. al mannfactnrers’ association, puts Carthage, Mo., Ang. 19.— A head-on la»or unions and mobs in tho same collision took place this afternoon on category. tha Carthage-Joplin ele trie railway A Rock Island train went through a three m ile« from this place. Motcrman bridge nxar Topeka. Kan., killing ons Joseph Baker s a t killed. Motorman man and seriously injuring a numher Ed lle lg e fatally hnrt and 25 other per toes seriously injured. of others. DOOM TO CANAL Columbian Senators Reject P aiu - ma Treaty, for n a v y y a r d . Puget Sound W ill Ask fur an A p p rop ria ­ tion ol $422,300. NEW ARMY LAW Waahingtcn, Aug. 18.—Tim navy Great department has received the annual icxunmoudaticns and estimates of the 1 officials of tne Puget sound navy yard ROOTS Changes in Management Under New Law . AMBITION IS REALIZED THE VOTE WAS A UNANIMOUS ONE asking for an appropriation, at tbe next se aion of co.igiess, of $422,800 Military Is .lore President Can Now Turn to Nicaragua lor the erection of new buildings and Route, But W ill Probably Make An­ the purchase of new tools and ma­ other Effort for Right of Way. chinery. In addition it is strongly recom­ mended that congres i authorize the early construction of a second drydock, “ of such dimensions as will accommo­ date the largest warship likely ever to be stationed on tbe Pacific coats.” Upon these recommendations Secre­ tary Moody w ill later base bis final es­ timates that are sent to congreaa, and while he will no doubt make some alterations, ai.d possibly some reduc­ tions, it is believed tnat in the main he will approve tbe recommendations ol tbe Puget sound officers. In pointing out tbe necessity (or a drydock larger titan that now in use. Naval Constructor H. D. Wright says the past develompent of the yards and the increased business that is sure to follow the completion of extensions now in progress is su h as to render one dock inadequate. Within two years tbe amount of repair work to be done at Bremerton w ill have increased to such proportions that another dock will be necessary to accommodate the ships. No estimate of the cort of such a dock is submitted, although if tbe department approves the suggestion an estimate will probably be made be­ fore congress convenes. Directly Under Civil Control Than Heretofore, and Chief of Stall Can be Removed. CRAZY MAN M100TS. Fires Into Kansas Crow* _ Ing Four People. ' ** Winfield, Kan., Aug. o'clocc tonight, while o » - H was playing its weekly ~ T ' Main street to a crowd ol 5,oo<) * G illiert Twigg, a crazy mat, of age. npencil fire on thecrosd ^ double barreled shotgun iondetT111 * heavy bullets. A s a re«u|,. , * now dead, three are dying and ^ * than 20 injured, perhaps 1 fatally. " 1 Gilbert Twigg, tbe man wh,*, shooting, was killed by ( >ttic«>r Npu., The band had just finished p l,.^ waltz when Twigg stepped out Ir,.» alley a half block distant and, " ately taking aim at the baud t’aud to two shots. Oliver, the bandm«’ tJ at the first shot, but tbe crosd, m ** alizing what had happened, rush«j !* ward the killer, believing thert t>een an accidental shooting 0f kind. As the ciowd closed iD crazy man discharged two taon, ’ at them, causing a scattering ¡ “ „ btij , direction. With tbe crcwil Heeing, the a stood in a demoniacal attitude bZj at random in every direction.' g? and women howled and elirieksdiR ran, but no one seemed able toito(1o frightful carnage until Officer q— Nicholas confronted him and fired i bullet into his head. But beforelii*l was extinct, the demente«! man die, k revolver and filed a shot into hie body. Washington, Aug. 15.— Beginning today a complete und momentous change will be made in the affairs of tbe war department. Tbe commanding general is no more, and powers that be was supposed to have, sod all of the powers that have been gathered into tbe adjut­ ant general’ s office in tbe last five years, have passed to the chief of staff. Secretary Root lias acompliahed his great desire, in eliminating a com­ manding general, who is not in har­ mony with the administration, and substituting a chief of staff, who will carry out tlie orders and instructions of the president and the secretary ol war, and when be does not, is subject to removal. As long as the lietenant general can do the work of the chief of staff he will probably be retained in that position, bat io other esses a yonger officer, either one of the major or brigadier generals, will tie selected, if it seems desirable to the secretary of war. Tbe change is very important, as it practically makes the secretary of war IN EXTRA SESSION. the commander of the lories under the president, and brings the military Congress May Convene In Octekcr v more directly nnder the civil control stead of November. than it theoretically has been hereto­ Washington, D. C., Ang. 15.-In|M, fore. No commanding general, neither mation received in Washington eoe Sherman, Sheridan, Schofield or Miles, earning the conference between fie WATER FALLS IN SHEETS. was in harmony with tbe civil authori­ senate subcommittee and the Preeideet on financial legislation is rather niH, Cloudburst Docs tlreat Damage In Kan­ ties. Each of these officers felt that but the understanding is that kim his position as commanding general of sas and Nebraska. the army should have given him au­ sort of a measure is to he put thnggi F’airbury, Neb., Aug. 18.— Details thority over the army, while as a mat­ at the coming seeeion uf cougrem. One fa -t of distinct important*« have been received here of a cloudburst ter of fact, he had none. A company along tbe Nebraska-Fansas line for of infantry or a troop of cavalry developed at the conference. Whiltu extraordinary seeeion of rongrean Ban about eight miles. Two clouds appar­ could not be moved by order of the fall is assured, it has not been detac commantling general, unless it received ently met, and tor an hour tha water the sanction of the secretary of war. mined definitely whether it will ¡» fell in sheets. Estimates of the down No other order that a commanding gen­ railed to meet in October or Noveobs. pour are all the way from a foot to eral issued could be executed without It has been supposed that the extra«, dinarv session would convene on Me* three feet. The water swept down the secretary of war approved it. Sherman left Washington and took day, November 9, but tbe indication Dry Branch and Silver creeks, that are up bis residence at St. Louis because now are that it w ill be «ailed tor u usually dry at this season of the year, he was not allowed to exercise what lie earlier date, perhaps several «aeb taking everything before it. More than thought «e re the privileges of his com earlier. The primary purpose of the extra«, 1,000 trees were taken out by the mending rank. Sheridan and Secre­ toots, and barns, corn crins. grain and tary Lincoln, for a long time fast dinary session w ill he to enact legisla­ bay stacks, several droves of hogs antj friends, very nearly quarteled over the tion making operative the Cuban reci­ many beati of cattle were swept sway same question of prerogatives of the procity treaty, but financial legislatioa with tbe flood. searetwy and the authority of the com aleo will be pressed upon the aUratioa Not a bridge remains on Silvei creek mantling general. Schofield and En- of congress. President Roosevelt does not p«oka and bat one on Dry Branch. The resi­ dicolt fell out over the same proposi dences were all built on high ground, tiou and Schofield tried to induce to know anything special aboot finan­ which accounts for the fact that no Pr ctor to give him full sway over the cial matters, but realizes, in a ge lives were lost, although there were army, and again when Lament was sec­ way, that the immense amounts ol out­ several narrow escapes. retary he ma