Did it Ever Occur to You \ ery fair uihmi tlie skin. But you never know, exactly " » * ............ . there Is within Read the L eader ’ s ads. l ine line of clocks just received M. C. Madsen s • tHHa c .yMad8reen’.th,,3eflne dia,non ► (A 5 « m r> 1 H t- 1 C H A R T E R OAK S to v e s amt R a n g e s W Y N N E H a r d w a r e Co. » - SLAUGHTER a SA L E OF SUMMER GOODS «( nTf'y I H Garm an, H em en w ay Go. bly speedily from this severe opera­ Engineer Brandt and wife of the O. tion and we are informed by the at­ & 8. E. railroad left for LaCrosse, tendant physician that she will be able Wisconsin, Monday, where they go to to be up by Sunday. The opperntion visit relatives. They were accompa­ was a most successful one. nied by Miss Elsie Lea, who will visit friends in tiiat state, and go o n to Chi­ Charles Ladd of the big Portland cago before returning home about banking Arm. accompanied by his six weeks hence. wife, arrived in this city Friday, and I. J. Taylor, Geo. Cum m ings and were met by VV. B. Dennis, proprietor of the Black Butte Quicksilver Mines, Mr. Roberts went to Riddle Monday who took them up to the mines in his to prospect in t lint vicinity for gold own conveyance, where Mr. and Mrs. Ladd will remain for a brief season, tlie guests of Mi . and Mrs. Dennis. for T New Goods A rrivin g D a ily Don't fad to hear Prof, ami Mrs. F, W Lou gh at the C. P. church this Friday evening in their temperance songs and talks. A most pleasant evening is assured all those who at- tend. Admission free. O ur old esteemed contempoary. Lee Wim berly, editor of the Review accompanied by his wife, Don’t fail to read Welch & Wood's father and mother, were passengers big ad in the L eader today. It is the on W ednesday’s local on t.ieir way to best written, best displayed and most Astoria to attend the Regatta. up-to-date ad tiiat ever appeared in a Cottage Grove news-paper, and wifi I vt Frank Goodman’s old stand you compare very favorably with the big will always tin,I J. V. Thornton o ads of the Portland dajlles. D ," ra{ ^ some of his obliging clerks who will | Iv that such an ad is displayed in tlie l>e pleased to wait upon yon. I horn w -intry weeklies for three reason« - . ton’s lee cream parlors are neat ami they do not have the type and other material for displaying such an ad( ! famous Hazelwood ^ H t o ‘ * £ £ [hey arc not willing to pay the price «killed workmen and few country merchants manifest so much enter­ prise. oo the Cottage Grove n.er- Chants and especially be Arm of Welch & W ood», who have it for j . less.” Rememlier the regular Sunday ex- j \ T Ri^Iev, son of Cottage Grove s j cur-ion on the O. it 8. E. railroad o Ited Bridge. A quiet and enjoyable j ro'p'uUi * r o « r J J » . '» . i o n J J »“ ,|iv can Unspent in tlie Bohemia foot- ¿ ft, Train leaves Cottage O ro v e a t £ ! » ». m. and returning, leaves R.d 1 rk- Bridge at 5 3« P m- Round trl( i»rs as itents. o f the 8. P. railroad. opposite pA toffk e, Mam Street. O •1 ust as good as tailor-made clothing, and from $8 to $12 cheaper for each suit. Our Hamilton-Brown and Orthopedic shoe stock is com­ plete for men and women & The L eader acknowledges receipt of complimentary tickets t o Kingling Brothers circus at Eugene Aug, 28 Its a big show and will be largely at­ tended from this part of the county. L The c o ld , rainy, backward season has to a considerable extent retarded the sales on summer wash goods, and we find our stock too large for mid-summer, hence we have concluded to reduce the stock if a general slaughter of prices will do the business. To this end we have reduced all lawns, dimities, etc. from 10 to 50 -per cent from former prices. In this great reduction sale is also included a large line o f wrappers : : Jvist to M a k e T h in g s L iv e ly we have again cut prices on the remaining shirt waists, whirl make many of them sell tor less'than half the former price. Coin,» in and take advantage of this sale LURCH’S STOR IE I