Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, August 21, 1903, Image 4

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    T o 15he M o th e rs of ?5he
S c h o o l C h ild re n , G ree tin g
It is need lens to tell you th at you are proud of that hoy. That is aself-evident hu t.
You want him to behave well and look well. You have been telling him to >e
good” and wear hia present every day suit till fall and you would buy him a in "
one for school. He ia curious to know where you are going to buy it—we know
that after vou have m ade the rounds o f the stores you will bo convinced tliat
“Welch ® Woods has it for less.” \Ve certainly have a splendid line ot boys and
youths clothing, two and three piece suits, knee pants and long pants, m s q u a r e
cuts, cut away and Xorfork. Tney range in prices from •'$1.20 to $9.&>,und they a r e
the very best possible values for th e price we ask for them, and again: we II t a k e
ju st as m uch pains to please the bov who buys a lac cap. a 2nc shirt and a two-bit
overall, as th e one who has a #10 bill with which to purchase his outlit : : : : :
A c o n tin u ally grow ing th ro n g of satisfied custom ers
w ill b e a r us out in th e oft re p e a te d sta te m e n t th a t
Welch (Si Woods has it for less V
$ 1 .5 0
for Men and Women
has it for
We have th e b est $1.50 shoe for ineu
an d women in town. W e h an d le th e
Sm ith W allace, E dw ards, S tanw ood Si Co.
a n d o th e r first class m akes. We c a rry
kid moccasins, and kid soft soles a t 25c
for iittle ‘-kids,” a tip -to p shoe, 2 to 7
y ears 50c; also fat baby shoes. Old lady
Com fort, fiextble sole, congress or lace.
W e have th e T yrone lo g g er and th e A. L .
B ryan N apa tan lo g g er, all sizes an d
half sizes a t $4.75, and they are re g u la r
$5.50 and $1! shoes. W e c a rry a line of
h alf soles and c o b b ler tack s— tack s .4
p ap ers for 5c.
Famous District 76
W e have the agency for th e
fam ous “D istrict 7G” school
shoo. T his shoe needs no
a d v ertisin g , only to le t you
know w here it can be o b ­
tain ed . W e have it in all
ta n n a g e of leath er, h ig h top
a n d re g u la r, sin g le o r
d o u b le sole. T hese shoes
a re w arran ted , and all we
ask to m ake you a steady
cu sto m er, is th e p u rch ase
of a tria l pair.
Blankets! Blankets! Blankets!
G reat Scot! W e’ve g o t b lan k ets in th re e lau g u a g e s. A good
10-4 d o u b le b la n k e t for 05c, a n d any size and price u p to $8.
T o
■FLe-Kse: ¡
If You See it in
our ad it’s so.
We have a good line of
m e n 's clo th in g m ade by
F rie n d Bros., Milwaukee,
W is. S uits from $4.85 to
$20. All th e b e tte r grades
a re stitched w ith silk and
have F rien d Bros, g u a ra n ­
teed u n b reakable fronts .
We can take your m ensure
for a m ade-to-order suit or
overcoat by the best tailor
in A m erica— E d V. Price,
Chicago, III.
W e c arry th e “ steel clad ” and “ m ule skin”
hose for boys. Hats, um brellas, and fur-
isliings of all kinds, odd vests aud pants,
ten n is and can v ass shoes, notions, etc.
nauALMii, »I».
“Kant Rip” Shoes
Clothing Ready to
wear and Made-to-
order : : : : :
Wè ¿Tixpx*
J u s t a word about keeping th e hoys feet
dry. We can insure such re s u lts w ith o u t
the discom fort of ru b b e r hoots, o r tro u b le
of w eariug ru b b ers. How? W hy, w ear
“ K ant Iiip ” shoes. These shoes are m ade
by N olen-H ewes \ G eorge, San F rancisco,
of P u ritn u K ip and g u a ra n te e d C alifornia
oak tanned leath er. T hey a re w arran ted
and we have been selling them for m o n th s
and have never lmd a p air re tu rn e d .
W henever we sell th a t shoe in to a family,
ns soon as o th er m em bers of th e fam ily
need a good heavy shoe, they com e in to
o u r store and nsk for tne “ K a n t R ip .”
n ?
WEL« 2 H
If you
See it
in Our
I t ’s So
Miners and Loggers Wool Shirts
We tried this vear to especially please o u r m iner aud lo g g e r
We h a v e 'e m $1.45 to $4
friends in wool sh irts i ind mackinaws.
W h en you a re in need of U n d erw ear, H osiery, F u rn ish in g of a n y k in d d o n t forget us.
has it for
W i D O E > S
I f you
See it
in Our
I t ’s So
T h e Leanders in L o w P r ic e s a n d H u s t le r s for B u s in e s s .
X a n c C o u n ty X c a 0 c r
\ CON NEK, E d ito r
an d
P ro p rie to r
Entere«! at the Cottage Grove poal-
offloo as second-claM matter.
O n e Y ear
Mix M onths
T h re e « M onths
I f p a id in a d v a n c e b u t if n o t so p aid a
u n ifo rm r a te of
p er y e a r w ill be ch a rg e d .
A d v e rtis in g ra te s m ade k now n on a p p lic a tio n
The next thing to consider is; have
the values of the entire ledge, or at
least all contiguous portions, become
concentrated in some certain chute,
or zone, or streak, where they may
be got with the least possible ex­
pense? In other words; has nature
performed her full share iu provid­
ing a paving proposition? If this is
the case, then all that is required is
tom iue and mill the ores on up-to-
date lines.
ner, while th e crow d how led itself i
hoarse with d e lig h t. Its a b ru ta l
exhibition an d only a ste p in ad j T h e D o r e n a a n d A I c a S a w M ills H a v e
vance of th e Spanish h u ll fight, i F i n i s h e d I n s t a l li n g M a c h i n e r y a n d
a r e n o w in A c t i v e O p e r a t io n
H ow ever th e re is money en ough iu j
th e business to p re tty well o o ra p e u -,
sate th e b ig fellows for th e d ru b - ■ G. O. M cGilvray, w ith the L ong
bing they receive, th is la te st b a ttle '* '1' B ingham s a w m ill com pany, has
royal n e ttin g Jeffries $42,728 and ! re tu rn e d hom e from D orena where
C orbett, $10.010, hence th e “sp o rt” j he has been assisting the Dorena
| Lumber Company ;u puttiug their
is likely to rem ain popular.
Iu operation.
' new saw mill plant fu
W h e n a re Y o u G oin g to Paint
Before you do, it will pay you to call and set1
my line of Paints. Oils and Brushes. The only
place in town where you can ¿rot the famous
Kailway \\ hite Lead. W hile you are in, take
a look at my .stock of Tablets and Envelopes.
The old pioneer when told that lie * ‘^ r - M cGilvray inform s us th a t the
would live to s e e th e tim e when the comPaD.v I " * “ m odernly equipped
tim ber or unclaim ed forest lands sawmill, conveniently located to a
F R I D A Ï , A U G U S T 21. 1004
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O eO O O O O M O
The brutality of the prize ring would lie worth m ore than the farm-1 la r 8 e body of first class tim ber ami
in g land, only laughed at th e ld-»a butI t *ia t 4*,e m'*l filled its first o rd e r |
was again demonstrated at Sau Fran- the tim e Is here now. Tim ber land I la s^ we®k. which consisted of tim -
LED G ES DO HOT “PINCH OUT.’ jci#eo la9t Friday night when Jas j
within easy access is w orth m ore than l>er8 l ° r_ 11*9 new railroad bridge
H av in g p u r c h a s e d lid s
; Corbett went down before Jas. Jef- the taneh land and will be only more j a c r°ss I rank Brice C reek. As soon
m ill, w e w ill p u t o u t F lo u r
eijual to an y ou th e m a rk er.
,,1*.ta ^ f^out a ledge “pinch- fries, the big, burly boiler maker,, vnluable
- e ----
ns the tim e goes on. i.nne as th
mill ----------
can be ------------„
o p erated „„
to its
" e c a rry a full su p p ly o f all
i D g out is rankest ncuesense, says in the tenth rouud, the result of two \ county is the place for cap ital and it fullest capacity it will turn out about
k in d s o f feed, su ch a s : .
n prominent mining expert. There or three heavy blows on the is surely and steadily coming.
50,000 feet per day. O wing to the
never was a ledge from a miner's stomach.
Corbett today, instead
fact that the mill company is corn-
point of view, that ever pinched out. of being 48 years old is 50. He has
F arm ers have a g reat, big smile on pelled to turn out the lumber for its
True, an occasional richly mineral- grown an old man suddenly from th e ir faces now liecause they a re eon-1 *wo m iles of Hume from the mill tj
ized “lieak may be found which is dissipation and punishment received
vlnced th a t th e ir past y e a r's work has It*1® O. Si S. E_ railroad siding at
supposed to have pinched out, but at the hands of Jeffries.
He went
not been in vain. Their crops are Porena anil its cook and lodging
these freaks are uot ledges iu the from the ring to a Turkish hath, I tu rn in g out le tte r than they expected, h°u®** a t once, it wag com piled to
S p ecial a tte n tio n g iv e n to fa r­
proper sense: Hie copper mines in hoping that a good sweat and a rub j and there is assurance th at w heat will ! decline a large rush order for lies
m e rs g r is t w ork.
W e pav
Lake Superior, with more than a would give him some relief from the i
be a fair price. Already buyers are from the new railroad com pany this
h ig h e st m a rk e t p ric e fo r all
____c i
k im ls of g rain .
I f sq u a re
u' depth, show the opposite. J intense pain ho was suffering. The j
offering to co n tract w heat a t 70 cents ! we®k. T his company is com prised
d e a lin g a n d c o u rte o u s tr e a t­
m e n t w ill se c u re y o u r p a tro n ­
Also the great Comstock mine in Ne- hath brought no relief. His bruis- a bushel
; of h u stlin g business m eu and while
ag e, w e w ill h av e It. C o rres­
vada, from which has been taken od body refused to yeild to the trea'- j
they have been t<> an enorm ous ex-
p o n d en c e s o lic ite d : : : :
more than $«00,000,000 in gold, is meut. The pain was so great that i
t h>,|R ¡s certain, the tendency 1 pease in eq u ip p in g th e ir
said to show as much evidence of I be could not rest reclining, and he °^ lynching
---- * ■- - • is to
- underm ine respect are now ab o u t in readiness to begin
permanence, if not fully as great finally dressed and joined his bro- for t,,e ,aw- an,l nr,less it lie cheeked reaping some su b sta n tia l rem it tier u-
values, as in its best days. This ther, Harry. In n few hours he had we n®e'l not be astonished if it be re- tion for their hard w ork and large ,
mine being simply drowned out by lived and suffered a lifetime of mis- sorte(l t0 r° r n" k1'»*1«* of offenses and investment. T his compauv, when
an excess of water. Those who have erv. It is a funny thing to say, but oftentim es innocent men sufTer for its planers and kiln driers are esfab
had close persoualacquaintance with Corbett took a beating just to give '»"mgs committed by others. Ju stice I lished at the mouth of its flume on
W ilm o t’s P h a r m a c y
ti r o v e
Rolled Barley, Oats and Mill Feed
M ills
Hartung' $ Hansen
all the great mines of the United : those who ha 1 traveled across the brewer. _ _ _ _ _
the O. * S. E. railroad, will have
States; including the two above I continent aud those who had paid)
of the best and most complete j
The Union Pacific railroad is reap­
mentioned, report the same “ear fancy prices for their seats, a run
ing the fruits of its policy of extension. saw mill plants in south Lane conn- j
marks of performance in the great for their money. No man save Cor-
Thirty-one new passenger engines tj at)d therefore a good investment. |
gold producers of Baker; Grant and hett could have stood the heating were ordered the other day. bringing
Lane counties. Several of the most he received from Jeffries. Jeffries
inform d by Thos. Camp
prominent mines of this district have hit Corbett harder and more often
bell, of the Pacific Timber Company.
reached depths ranging variously ! that he has any man who has ever
In this age of adulteration no one 'fia t «*,e' r fine new saw mill a t AIca
front 800 to 1218) feet, with more stood before him. Sharkey, who
w hat they are eatin g , except si ‘^1Dg, on the S. P. railro ad eig h t |
marked evidence of per manence was nearly beaten to death, not ex-
than ever before, ns well as richer cepted. When this is understood, the farm er who raises his own food niiles south of this city is now in '
active operation and is constantly I
or® as
•* attained.
i the terrific (»eating that Corbett
------- ’
I b ehind with orders. T his new miil
The assertion that mining is any I took can be appreciated.
Beware of a still man ; he is g ettin g has a capacity of 50,000 feet per day !
more a gamble than any other busi- stomach punch in the second round
yo n r size andjxm ceaTim H m own.
and will ru n alm ost exclusively on 1
ness is rarely made by a fair-minded took all the fight out of Corbett, aud
foreign orders, leaving the state and
man, never by a well-informed one. he realized right then that he was
Many a man has got his eyes bung- local business to the other mills of
Bflt in taking up with a «tiling a defeated man. When tbe dose ed up looking r - r , r . „ . . i e
j the com pany. Several y e ir s w .ll
proposition one should use care that was repeated in the fourth round,
| re q u ired for this mill to cut o n t the
it is the real thing, and not nicrely Corbett fooled everyone but his sec-
He who knows little, and knows it, valu able ti,„ b e r ln
vicinity of.
an imitation. The first essential re- onds as to hit real condition. Ho knows m uch.
I ^ jca
quisite in a mine is permanence; was not clear mentally, and the run-
No good cause ever started with
the next is value. Mall movement, j uing joking conversation which he
Notice To Creditors
which is essential to the life of any j kept up with friends in the boxes m ajority.
kuowing themselves1
permanent true fissuie rein, brings was simply a bluff, but when the
Much worrying is mental cowardice., indebted to the under«;,™».! _ . : n I
about salvage, or the so called de­ blow
uiow was repeated in the
tbe 10th
litth round |
nlease nail „„ t
composed matter, which, occuring bnm tn endurance could no longer , Bestcabtnetto photos, t U i per dos. {nv drn.r
* i * t V® "oM
between the walls of the ledge and bear up under the punishment and 1 for,.B short ,lme °.nlT> Bt 8&anafelu
y Jraii ''''s*1"®9» *nd wish to settle
sument an,l
,,ery oppwlW5 Masonic Hall, \V est,uP n J accounts at once,
the ledge proper, tells its own story. korbett fell in a - pnn
faint in his cor- side.
a itf '
•U P. Crnitp»
Speaking - Furniture
vuu « T t h u t h e r e
s to c k . C all a n d be con-
« 1 « th e re Is no Iw tte r p la ce I r o n w h ich to s e le c t ::
r r Ä
ä » « a snsss r
Cochran S Lauder
C ottage G rove
T r a n s f e r Co.
m » 1«* »uiuu?
Common Rough
$ 1 1 .0 0
J . M. P t R II AM P ro p .
graying and all kinds
of hauling. Furniture
an<i Piano moving a
Phone - - H 6
Saginaw, Ore.
Tell your friends if they w,n'