‘TZ^T and k id n eys , k:„i.iv Im porUnt th a t tlieite or- ’^ u u l J properly perform th e ir J S V . don’t, w hat lam ent»« ol wbff ,nd back, w hat yellow ness ol ^ k i a h a t constipation, bad tax to , t % uth, .¡ok headache, p im p le, blotches, and lo«x oi courage, tell 'rest alterative and tonic -0od’s Sarsaparilla y these organ« vigor and tone for tinier*perform ance of th e ir func- i »ml oiirea all th eir ordinary ail- •ai. Take it. _________ _ _ _ A d v e r ti si n g D id It. « .d id n ’t have a d o lla r; he d id n ’t dime. H i. c lo th e , and ahoe. ' looking juat as though th e y ’d *vad th.ir time. He d id n ’t try I ,, bimeelf to dodge m isfortune . hnks. Instead, he got some ashes “ be filled live dozen sack.. T hen, 't be begged a dollar. In th e paper kb. morn he advretised tin polish would pu* put the sun to , scorn. He t t woniu ---------- 7 7 I on advertising, and, ju st now, say, he's out in C alifornia at n cottage on the bay.— The Lyre. nWEST RATES To Chicago, Dubuque and the to Des Moines, K ansas C ity and e Southeast, via Chicago G reat Weat- nr«il»»y- Electric lighted tra in s , ■„equalled service. W rite to J . I*, lœer, G. I’. A., Cliicago, for inform a W om en No L o n g e r K iss . Soimart women kise one another, the most they now do is to rub -Ii. This is as it should be. In all eierd world of women nothing has flabbergasted the m ere m an as the legs valor with which ladies used brooee on each o th er’s com plexions ithont the slightest provocation.— laity Fair. a u v r-n TXfIST »I 0 «tr One Hundred Pollan. Reward tor any - ficaltarrh that can uotbecurod by Haifa •rii CHre. y. J. CHENEY & Co., Prop,. T oled o, O. W«tb,nnder,lgn.d. have k now n r . J. C heney ■ the part lSveara, and b eliev e him p erfect;* m ibleln all buvlneav tranaactlonn ami fin- tallt able to carry o u t an y o b ligation » m ade Ikeltlnn. _ . _ Wsar A Tetrax. Wholesale Druggist,, Toledo, WaLblNO KlNNaN A MaJtvln, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, o. KlH’lCatarrh Care la taken Internally.aetina ^ronthe blood and muoous eurfaeeBol intern. Price 7So per bottle. Bold by all “ ina Testimonial« free, ail.i family Wile are the beat. G reat D e m o n s tr a tio n . “They eay when th e g reat pianiet yed in this town th e i eople went lid,” temarked th e com edian. "They did the same w hen I played,” -arked the young lady who blows cornet. “ffere they dem anding th a t you me back?” * “No, they were dem anding th sir f back.” “utheri will find Mrs. W lnalow’a Soothing Ip the best remedy to use for their children teething season. th e J stated, told him she would commit suicide If he was arrested. Fischer said he had figured from the Bible th at not only is the soul of every suicide lost, but eternal damnation aw aits those who cause others to kill themselves, hence, to save both their souls, he killed iier and asked for and received forgiveness for himself. Ex­ perts found lie was entirely sane— even exeerdingly bright, and that he w as mainly a man of humane tend n- c its—the kind of thief who returns plunder when he finds he has stolen from the poor. Fischer was 31 years old. In the In­ vestigation of his case it w as found th a t his parents, while also church people, encouraged him to steal as a child, and th a t his grandfather was a thief. U n d o u b ted ly . "fflidom,” rem arked the man w ith chronic quotation h a b it, “ is better n richee.” “01course,” rejoined th e philosoph- person, “ you refer to your wisdom other people’s ric h e s.” ’ho sCure ft a remedy for coughs, colds ’consumption. Try it. Price 2d cents, druggists. As Aesop M ig h t W r ite It N rw , One day a fox saw a fine rip e plum , I it »as beyond hie reach. ho, as he bad no friend to shake the for him, he turned up h is nose at md passe. 1 on. A sharp pain iu the lungs or side "Il’i wormy!” he sa id .—Chicago can be driven aw ay by applying vase­ bane. line and m ustard in the proportion of tw o p a rts of vaseline and one of mus­ Permanently Cured. No flta or nervousness after first day’s use ofDr. Kline’s Great Nerve tard. Hub It together, and spread on Dfn ,5i n(1 for P r e e ®VJ trial bottle and treatise. a piece of muslin as yon would an or­ «.Kline, Ltd..MI Arch 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. dinary poultice. This ia ul.-o esc 11 nt for a severe pain iu tlie back of tlie A Q u estio n fo r P a p a . neck, and has been used with good re­ “Papa,” queried little Floram ay, sults for breaking up lufluenxa. '•realterthoughts alw ays th e beet?” ‘‘I believe bo , my d e a r,” replied her A Simple W ater Test.—All mothers her. of families are aw are of the need for “Then,” continued th e little inquisi- pu rity in the w ater supply. A simple > "why don’t people have them test, easily tried by any one, is given In a scientific paper as safe and effl-1 clent. Draw a tum blerful of w ater R etu rn ed t h e K iss . from the uncertain well or tap, put in When t got to town today my old it a piece of lump sugar, and let it met me on the street and ran right stand over night in a ro mi where tlie Mud kissed m e.” tem perature will not be under fifi de­ hn, I we—and you kiesed her grees Fahrenheit, in tlie morning the w ater, if pure, will be perfectly clear; s °i I kissed h e r sister. She’» If contam inated by sewage or other llw- ’ — C incinnati Com m ercial Im purities the w ater will be tn.lky. nbnns. Lost H air 1 My hair came out by the hand- ™L and the gray hairs began to , in. I tried Ayer’s H a ir Vigor, ia. 11 s,0PPed the hair from com- ?out and restored the c o lo r.” — Jsrc.M. D .G riy, No. Salem . M ass. There’s a pleasure in offering such a prepara- ion as Ayer’s H a ir Vigor. 11 Sivcs to all who use it j’Uc‘1 s a tis fa c tio n . The air b e c o m e s thicker, ?nSer> softer, and more And you feel so T$Ure in using such an tion ^ re*'ak*e prepara- U »« a Mtt*. All Aran!«». d n jgeiit cannot anpply yon, ?• 4?Par and w e w ifi expresa **• H e S t i r o a n d t r i can t h u n a m e T salesw o m an c « « «P F rederick C. F l.ch e , th e C alifornia W ,f.-M f r .|e r. r Frederick 0. Fischer, harb. ,, preach- " ’. political organlacr. grand larcsuy thief, burglar, hlghwaymun, hignmlat compelled to Be on Her Feet the l^rjrer Part of th e wife m urderer—who was hanged at Day Hnds a Tonic in Pe-ru-na. San Quentin prlaon for chloroforming choking and burning his wife to death a t Riverside, C u l.-l.a a becu labeled M is« C urtain of S t. Haul, (Jives Her The Hum an Mystery.’* The puzzling paychological features Experience in his case consist of file undoubted sincerity as a church member and re­ ligious worker while he was also a thief, both In the East and West—for he has preached In every prison he has ever been In—and of bis disertlon of the wives he did not love and killing of the only one he cared for. H is story, verified In part, was that he told his wife he was a bigamist and feared arrest, asking her to go away and rem ain In seclusion while he gave him self up and served his time, then he would rejoin her and they could live Happily without a recurrence of tlie fear that was then overshadow* weakening d ra in ; the system cannot log him. She refused and, It was long w ithstand the loss of m ucus, hence it is th at women afflicted w ith c a ta rr­ hal affections of the pelvic organs feel tired and languid, with weak back and throbbing brain. A course of Peruna is sure to restore health by cutting off the weakening d rain of the daily loss Misa Nellie Curtain, 040 Pearl street, of mucus. An A dm irable Tonic. St. Paul, M inn., head saleewomau in a Congressman Mark H. D nnnett, cepartm ent store writes: “ I have charge of a d e p a rtm e n t In a National H otel, W ashington, 1>. C., dry goods store, and a fte r standing writes: the larger p a rt of the day, I w ould go “ Your Peruna being U B e d by myself home w ith a dull ache, generally and many of my friends and acquaint­ through m y en tire body. I used P e - ances Dot only as a cure for catarrh but runa and feel so m uch b e tte r th a t I walk to and from the sto re now . I also as an adm irable tonic for physical know Peruna to be the best m edicine recuperation, I gladly recommend it to on the m arket for the diseases peculiar all persons requiring such rem edies.” — Vlark H . Dunnell. to w om en.” —Miss Nellie C urtain. If you do not derive prom pt and sat- Nothing is to weakening to the fcu- man system as the constant loss of m u­ isfaetory results from the use of P eru­ cus. C atarrhal inflammation of the na, write at once to D r. H artm an, giv­ mucuB m embrane produces an excessive ing a full statem ent of your case and he | formation of mucus. W nether the m u­ will be pleased to give you h is valua­ cus membrane be located in the head ble advice gratis. Address Dr. H artm an, P resident of or pelvic organs, the discharge of m u­ The H artm an ban itraiu m , Colum bus, cus is sure to occur. This discharge of mucus constitutes a Ohio. Sweet Memory. Kind I.a brook, and we know It as a four wing­ i l i T Í .- r n i l i l i II I ed m oth-like insect crawling "P g rass or sedge or flying over the »»- w C O N S U M P T I O N f" ter.—SL Nicholas- A L C O H O L , O P IU M , T O B A C C O USINGJ» WHITE FOB ILLUSTBATH) CAT AFOOT First aad B o o trw u r Se . P a r t l a n d . O r . "laxa J f 4. Hm 14-1901. w T H E N w r it in g to a *l v p r t t » « r * p i e J n iw n 'I o B t h i a p » p « r . PEO PLE SL E E P IN PIECES. W hen K a h a u itrd U n m a n ltr Keata, th e Hod j keisM ta in section*. A re you aw are th a t you a re a sort of peram bulating m etal m ine? M an— and, indeed, nearly atl kinds of living anim als—-has in ills system a consider­ able q u a n tity of iron. It is fouud in the m ore Im portsut organs, and there should also be a good deal io the blood, says a w riter in X’earsou's W eekly. B a­ bies possess a fairly large stock of lrou, nearly three tim es a s uiuuh, com paratively speaking, a s adults. T hen in your bouea there la a very large q u a n tity of th a t m etallic base of lime called calcium ; w hile phosphorus Mrs. Fmmons, saved from is also present in bones in so large all an operation for Ovaritis, tells am ount th a t they are the m ain source of the w orld's supply of th a t valuable how she was cured by Lydia E. article. S tran g er still, there is In the Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. hum an body an appreciable am ount of “ I am so pleased w ith th e re su lts I arsenic. W h at there is of this poison obtained from L y d i a E . P i n k b a m * s is concentrated in the thyroid gland, V e g e t a b le C o n p o u n d th a t I feel it and a sm all quan tity Is also to be a duty and a privilege to w rite you found in th e skin, hair, nails and also a bout it. “ I suffered for over five y ears w ith In the bones and brain. T here a re lots of odd things about the huiuau fram e o v a r i a n t r o u b l e s , causing an un* p leasan t discharge, a g re a t w eakness, w hich even doctors a n d o th er m en of and a t tim es a fain tn ess w ould come science have only lately discovered and over me w hich no am ount of medicine, of which th e average person is quite diet, or exercise seemed to correct. unaw are. Few people know, for In­ Your V egetable Compound found the stance, tlia t w hen we go to sleep the w eak spot, how ever, w ith in a few whole body does not sink into insensi­ w e e k s— a n d s a v e d in© f r o m a n o p e r a t i o n — all my tro u b le s had dis­ bility a t th e sam e m oment. appeared, and I found m yself once According to the researches of the m ore healthy and well. W ords fail to French physiognom ist C abanls, it is i describe the real, tru e g ra te fu l feeling the m uscles of the legs and arm s 1 th a t is in m y h e a rt, and I w a n t to tell w hich lose th eir pow er first. N ext | every sick and suffering sister. Don’t those which support the head, and, d ally w ith m edicines you know n oth­ g about, b u t ta k e L y d ia E . P i n k - thirdly, the m uscles w hich su sta in the in h a m 's V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d , and back. So, too. w ith the senses. The tak e my w ord for it. you w ill be a sense of sight sleeps first, then the d iffere n t w om an in a sh o rt tim e .” — sense of taste, and next tlie sense of M bs . L auka E mmons , W nlkervifle, Oat. $ 5 0 0 0 fo r fe it i f original o f above letter provisa smell. H earing goes fo u rth , and, last — genuineness cannot be produced. of all, the sense of touch. P robably h e s i t a t e t o w rit© t o M rs« you Im agine th a t your pulse alw ays P i D n k o b n 't a n i if t l i e r e is a n y t h i n g beats w ith the sam e rapidity. T his Is a b o u t y o u r e a s e w l i ie h y o u d o quite a m istake. Your pulse varies n o t u n d e r s t a n d . S h e w ill tr**at w ith the tem perature. T here 1» a reg­ y o u w i t h k i n d n e s s a n d h e r a d ­ ular, annual rhythm , which m ay be v ic e is f r e e . N o w o m a n e v e r r e ­ represente-d by som ething like a regu­ g r e t t e d w r i t i n g h e r a n d s h e h a s A d d r e s s i* lar curve. Most curious of all, the b e l|> e d t h o u s a n d s . L y n n , M ass. annual rhythm s of the pulse in men and women are quite different. A C o n fe s s io n . m an’s pulse beats more strongly In “ Do you m ake m uch out of your li­ w inter and fades to a m inim um In brary work?” atked th e inquiaitive sum m er. W oman’s pulse, on the con­ person. trary , displays a w inter m inim um and “ Yes, replied the m an who scribbles a sum m er m aximum. occasionally, “ m uch more out of it than Rehind the bridge of your nose Is I do in it. a little cavity in the skull, the origin C a n a d a Is B u ild in g k a ilr o a d * . of which appears to be unknown. It probably w as a gland, consisting of | The num ber of m iles of railroad tw o tiny lobes, joined together, and is completed in tlie Dom inion of Canada nam ed the sella turcica. Physioligists i i 18,888, an increase of 574 m iles over believe th a t th is is the rem ains of a the previous year. sixth sense, which was of practical value to our antediluvian ancestors. B ut w hether it enabled them to see in COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY the dark In the days before they pos­ sessed fire, or helped them to find their P O R T L A N D ,O R E G O N way through trackless forests a s wild CONDUCTED BY THE CONGREGA TION OF THE HOLY CROSS AND beasts can to day, or w hat other p u r­ AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVER­ SITY OF NOTRE DAME. pose It m ay have served, we do not Standard Academic four year Courses in know, and probably never shall know. Classics, English aad Science. One year T here Is an unsolved m yatery In the and lour year Commercial Courses. ear of every hum an being. T he func­ R egular Collegiate Courses in Classics, Eng­ tion of certain portions of the Inner lish, General Science, History and Econom­ 041 r is not understood, but m erely ics, Finance and Commerce, Civil Engineer­ guessed a t. W ithin the ear are three ing, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical sm all globe-shaped protnberan<‘es. Engineering. T hese have th eir inner sides covered T he scholastic year, begin­ w ith sniiill cells, each of which con­ ning Sept. 7, 1903, ends June tains a tiny hair, surrounded by a 16,1904. fluid. W hen you move sharply the Catalogue sent free on appli­ hairs follow the motion, while the cation. Address lymph n a turally moves less rapidly. REV. M. A. OUINLAN, C. S. C. T hus the hairs are bent in a direction U N IV E R SIT Y PA R K , OREGON. opposite to th a t of the m ovement, and by m eans of delicate nerves the irrita- , tion th u s produced is telegraphed di­ rect to the brain. It Is supposed th a t by m eans of these hairs sw im m ing in lym ph the sensation we call dizziness Is caused when we ro tate rapidly, as , •*Nly w i f e h a d p i m p k a o n h e r f a c e , b u t In dancing. It is also believed tha{ ! he h a been (-»win* OAMCAKKTtt and ih ey a re all disappeared. I hud been troubled seasickness has som ething to do w ith w ith constipation for som e tim e. bur. after tak ­ the sam e phenomenon. It has l>een no- i ing the first C ascarei I have bad no trouble ticed th a t some persons when suffer- | w ith tbla a ilm en t. W e can n ot speak too h igh ­ ly o f C ascarets '* F r zu W a utm an . ing from ear diseases tliat have de- j WOM G erm antow n A re.. P hiladelphia. Pa. stroyed p a rts of the inner ear have found it difficult or Im possible to m ain ­ CANOV tain th eir balance w hen standing up- 1 I W A in A u iig j CATHARTIC right with closed eyes. It is th ere­ fore possible th a t then* peculiar ear organs contain some inexplicable sense TftAO « MAAS NCOIATIRKO not. generally classified a s such—the static sense, or sense of balance. PIMPLES S iK V d c o id ft Nova S c o tia Ship*« A re th e W orst. P le a s a n t. P a la ta b le . P o te n t. T a a te Good. Do The w orst case In the way of a ship good. N e v e r S icken. W e a k e n , o r G rip e. 10c. 2be. 90a Into which Jack can get is a Nova j . . . C U R E C O N S T I P A T I O N . . . . < h l« * g e , M * a t r . a l . R , . f M * . 114 Scotia mail. A certain Nova Soot la m an I t . r l l n g R . a i . d f cam e into port a t Santos one day with mo - to - sac a crew th a t was little short of m u­ tinous, ow ing to the fact th a t th e cap­ tain w as too sparing of the rations. T he ship had a bad nam e am ong sail­ ors a t the best, and a s soon a s she was anchored the en tire crew cleared out. F or three w eeks a fte r she had d isch arg e d 'an d got her new cargo she lay there w ith no crew to take her to sea. At last the captain went to some of the crim ps on shore and told them to round him up a crew under any pre­ text. The crim ps sent men around the docks offering big w ages to any of the loungers who would go aboard the Nova Scotia m an to rig some new sails. Some tw enty men were quickly picked up, m any of them in th eir shirt sleeve«, and were taken aboard. T hey were 1 then covered w ith revolvers and rifles i by the officers, and the anchor w as I weighed, and the Nova Scotlhknan I 1 t o a e A L r r / r r stood out to sea, her unw illing crew J Y O U R f-fO rfE S leaving fam ilies behind w ithout even I a chance to let them know w hat had r o /? r /A //s n /r v o happened. T he next port was Sydney, C/iA/f?S. FABLES. nod tlie next Yokohama, then San tE L O O & S E T C Francisco, then Valparaiso, then I ela­ tion, and for those men who stayed with the ship it was Just tw o and one- ¿ k /# A 3 L & ' half years until she w ent to (>randc du Sul. the nearest port home. Many E>/e/ES HAREX of them , however, had cleared out and I * U l /VO T SC R A T C H gone home in other ships long before i d S A A L E S A COLOAS »hat.—L eslie's Monthly. y /M S / S T O /F A A V /M C J a p a n ’ii Hhoi* T ra ils. K O f* A L /H E ~ T he Ja p a n Shoe T rad e Association \ E ffO M D E A L E f? has tin attractiv e exhibit of shoes at »he Kube exposition USE” \XOPAL/NE-