Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, August 07, 1903, Image 5

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    Local News
o o o o o o -------
m odern
^,here vou w ill find the larg­
est stock of drugs in the
,itv ; W e pride ourselves
;,pon our prescription de-
: Our motto:
pliere is a good deal o f sat­
isfaction in know ing that
your prescriptions w ill be
filled just as your physician
wishes it to lie filled, if it is
taken to our store : No
.';ust as good” preparations,
but ”j u st what the doctor
ordered,” alw ays
George W ashington were
alive he could sell our goods
and still uphold his reputa­
fink n e w
m a te r ia l .
e L eader office received 18 big
[outs— three complete series of
ery latest styles of job type,
borders, ornaments and other
rial this week, which, added to
dready well equipped job print-
lepartment, gives the L eader
„„t and most up-to-date job
of any newspaper in the couu-
nd this is no idle boast. .Send
mr orders for any kind of print­
ed be convinced.
hill and Clarence Rusty came in
the Jones form near Saginaw
jay with 1100 pounds of chlttem
which they sold to Ben Lurch or
Pity, for 4 cents a pound. The
gathered the Imrk on the farm at
lines when there was nothingelse
■ tins -eason and are thereby SI 4
I \ great deal of this valuable
pr was destroyed in this part of
ount) before its value for its bark
me known. Cascarets. so widely
rtlsed is a product of the bark of
tree which thrives in the Will
te vallev and foothills.
; Vamlevert, an old Cottage
boy, but now associated with
ler brother in the stock business
peration of the stage line he-
Prineville and Silvor Lake,
Friday in tins city greeting old
». His wife and two children
oGlendnle to visit with her par-
irafew weeks while Dick re-
I to Eugene where after a few
,'lsit he returned home l>y prl
’onveyance. The L eader wltl
in regular weekly visits and
iini the news of his old home
tnd county.
’liarles Kirk, of Hcppner, father of
i. Ira Connor, accompanied by ids
¡Kilters, Mrs. W. H. Lee am' Mrs.
H. Howard, of Junction City, his
Ices, Mrs. V. Gentry and Miss Alta
ill,of Heppner, and Miss Mabel
ilson of Joseph, arrived at this
»Saturday to spend a few days
itineout at the Conner farm home,
ongh 72 years of age, Mr. Kirk
not appear to be a day over
»score. He is bale f.nd hearty
lithe prospects of living many more
n. He lias long resided in and
,Mt Heppner, having been snceess-
, in the stock business from which
retired ami moved to Heppner from
‘ country a few years ago. He wit-
:sed the terrible scene of deatli and
Jlatiop following in the wake of
Heppner cloud burst recently and
stheaoei.lints or the catastrophe
re never overdrawn. Mr. Kirk has
« brothers residing at Junction,
o. audJ, F. Kirk, 7 s and S 3 years
aste respect ively, the combined ages
the three brothers being 233 . Mrs.
and Mrs. Howard, sisters of Mrs.
oner, returned home Monday.
Before the funeral she Raid she
°uld pine away; shortly alter she
gun to spruce up.
Souie people carry ou ly three
ios of sense, yet are su b ject to
•tge for excess b a gga ge.
Tit the l»est
met hin k n I
«ver knew
ami have Ids prescriptions
m ean t
with it sim le
" ben everything |o e . dead iro n *
Read the L eader ’ s ads.
Henry Medley is rusticating at Bos­
well Springs.
.• .•
D i uo-ti>-d«te
» ' « U l i l i »t
Sooth Lon# Co.
Li O O K !
ne diftmoD‘l3
?n fhTs d?y Hnnd^
y With fri"nds
LO O K ! j
We are slashing prices in ¡ill of our large line 0 r
¡Shirt Waists; we are almost giving away our odd
and ends in summer hats in order to make roon
for our big stock of fall goods which will begin tt
arrive next week
.* .*
.* .
J. A. MeDougal the Roseburg tail­
or is in town.
thela,,!9t out’
line of clocks just reeel/e1 at
a . Fine
L. Mu«Ideu’s.
Legal l.lan ks and mining location
notices at the L eader office.
Sell Grow came up from Gold Hill
The Misses Martin and lulu Hughes Wednesday to visit with relatives here.
Miss Nettie Marey of Saginaw is In
the city visiting her aunt Mrs. Malone.
Mrs. Emma Dantewood and daugh­
Pro . Wnun of Eugene lias a good
ter and Miss Ethel Taylor are in at­ Insurance talk in the L eader . Read
tendance at teachers Institute at Eu­ his ad.
Darwin Bristow ami Dr. Wall were
>S. G. Lockwood of Lorane went to transacting business at Eugene Wed­
tortland lost week to attend the fiin-
of Mrs. Muttie Collier, his only Born, Wednesday, July 29 , to Mr.
aud Mrs. G. A. Miller, at Divide, a
Miss Elsie Lea went to Eugene Tues­ nine pound daughter.
day to attend teachers institute, which
1 ). W. Darling, of Worcester, Mass..
opened Wednesday and continues un­ a heavy stock holder in the Bohemia
til Saturday.
Mining Co., is visiting the Bohemiu
Mrs. It. E. Veatch anil little daugh­ Mining district
ter returned Saturday from a visit
A dime social will bo held at tile M.
with her sister at Fresno, Cal. -Hose- E. parsonage next Wednesday night.
burg Review.
I’rograme and refreshments. Every
Many of the Cottage Grove people body invited,
who have been rusticating at Boswell
Mi's. < 1 . C. Miller and family of
Springs spent Sunday at home return­ \\ alia Walla are guests of her parents
ing the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Veatch, having ar­
Miss Ona Markley returned to Eu­ rived here Tuesday.
Go to Metcalf it Morris for the fa ■
gene Tuesday after nil eujoynble vaca­
Lony Hart of Lincoln county arriv­
tion, which she spent with relatives ed at this place Saturday to assist his mous Wolverine soap.
and friends at this place.
brother. Will Hart, in his contracting
Ladies and gents fine watches at
Madsen’s. Call and see them.
Miss Laura Spalding returned to and carpenter work.
Eugene from a visit with her parents
The match game of baseball between
Mi-. J. W. Hicks, who has been vis­
at Drain Monday to accept n position Divide and Anlauf at the latter place
iting her parents, Mr aud Mrs. J. W.
ns compositor in the Register office. last Sunday resulted in a score of 4,7 Ashbv
of this city, has returned to her
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Best and little to 43 in favor of Divide.
home in Jackson county.
boy returned to their home at Gervais
E. L. Hoff, of Cripple Creek, U. 8.
Misses Lucy Newland, Millie and
Tuesday, after a very enjoyable visit depurty mineral surveyor is here for
with Mrs. Best's mother. Mrs. Thomp­ the purpose of surveying for patents Flossie Lockwood, and Messrs. Gib-
and Sherk went to Eugene Tues­
son of this city.
tlie milling claims of the Bohemia
day to attend tonehers institute.
Mrs. R. Arehart of Lebunon, Linn Gold Mining Co.
Mrs. V. C. London and daughter,
County has been visiting friends here
Mrs. Sam Curnow returned home
and may decide to locate here per­ from the Portland Sanitarium late last Jennie, ,lmve been spending several
manently She is very favorably im­ week, where she has been receiving days at this place and out to the front
pressed with Cottage Grove.
medical treatment. She is still in on tlie O. & S. E. railroad visiting with
Conductor London. From this place
Editor A. P. Betterswortli of the quite feeble health.
they go to Portland to visit with
Harrisburg Bulletin spent Saturday
Little Willie Pennon came up from friends.
and Sunday in this city looking after Junction Saturday for a brief visit
business matters. The L eader was with liis father, Billie Perman of this
Louis Johnson, a rancher aud tim­
favored with a fraternal call.
city, lie lias been spending the week ber cruiser who resides near Ouk-
lund, fell from his horse while iu an
R. W. Veatch who went to Eugene
intoxicated condition in that city Sun­
lately for medical treatment is said to Conner.
evening. His foot was held in
be grentely improved in health, his
G. W. Barney has opened an em­
stirrup and he was kicked and
many friends will be pleased to learn ployment office upstairs over the Rail-
He may accept a position in a hard­ mad restaurant. Any ODe seeking em­ dragged to death.
ware store in that city.
ployment or looking for laborers or
At Frank Goodman’s old stand you
help of any kind will do well to con
L. F. Orpitrd has been appointed suit
will always And J. V. Thornton or
inspector on the O. it S. E. railroad,
some of his obliging clerks, who will
and witii a railroad velocipede makes
Mrs. D. E. Fields has moved her be pleased to wait upon you. Thorn­
daily trips over the new road, at the book store into her neat cosy quaiters ton’s ice cream parlors are neat and
same time carrying the malls between next door to the opera house on the clean. Only place in town where the
Cottuge Grove and Bohemia,
west. Davidson, the boot and shoe famous Hazelwood ice cream, the best
maker will occupy the building just in the city, is served. Thornton keeps
In the weekly bulletin of the U. 8. vacated
by Mrs. Fields.
constantly on hand the leading brands
weather bureau, issued at Portland,
of cigars, smoking and chewing
M. J. Hillegas of Creswell says:
The Chapman & Hohl saw mill at tobacco. Fresh candies, nuts and
“ Week favorable for harvesting, Divide lias begun operation. Thev
which is beiug pushed, and is well are cutting lumber to finish the mill tropical fruits always in stock
along: grain Is of a go-si quality; hay and to erect the other necessary build­ TMrtiton’s confectionery store nearly
oppoeite postoffke, Main Street, tf
rather scarce.”
ings. J. J. Simpson lias sold lii.s in­
J. H. Milne, the hustling real estate terest in the mill to his partners.
Jns. i’arshail, who formerly operat­
man. a member of the firm of Medley
Messrs. Elledge & Higgins are open­ ed the West Cottage Grove Hour mill,
it Milne lias been sojourning in the ing a feed store in the building re­ and who, after selling out here, went
Bohemia Mines this week with the ob­ cently occupied by Bosserman’s con to 1,0op City, Nebraska, to engage in
ject of familiarizing himself with the feetionery, Mr. Bossertnan and fam tlie same business, sustained a serious
district and the timber and lumber ily having closed out their stock last loss financially recently in a severe
industries tributary.
week and left for Springfield to reside. storm at that place. He had just com­
pleted and equipped a modern Hour
Mrs. W. C. Conner and son Clare,
Hugii Beline returned home Mon­ mill, and had it ready for opet ati on at
accompanied by Miss Lizzie Orpurd,
when it was struck by a
left Sunday for Roseburg, where after day from Portland where he was look­ that place and
completely destroy«'1.
a brief visit witii friends, went to Myr ing after business matters a few days. tornado
Before leaving this city some friends
tie Point, Coos' County, to spend a few He was near the Morrison street bridge suggested that he look out for tin- Ne­
weeks visiting with Mrs. Conner’s sis when a section of it collapsed Satur­ braska cyclone, when he remarked
day, and was early on the scene of the
ter, Mrs. W. E. Lundy.
that he was less concerned about the
Nebraska cycloneaud blizzard than tie
Otto Brown the barber returned to
J. Augerbright, wife and daugh­ was regarding tlie Oregon mist. We
tills city from Holt County, Neb , Sun­ ter A. Edith,
of Everitt, Washington, ure wonder what lie thinks about it now.
day and after a brief visit with his visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Sol David­ Better come back to Oregon, Jim.
parents and many friends here lie son. Miss Edith
Augerbright is a
went to Eugene to accept a position talented musician and
may decide to
(leo. W. Loyd, president of the C ry­
in Seliwering’s burlier shop. He says organize a class Here soon
and give a stal Consolidated,MinningCo., return­
Oregon is good enough for him.
recital. The family contemplates ed to Cottage Grove Saturday from
San Francisco where lie went to pur­
Clias Burkholder and family and locating here.
John Cochran and family returned
Work is progressing at the new chase a stamp mill, small saw mill and
home from Winchester Bay late last light plant. The new boiler and en­ concentrators for his company, and
week where they enjoyed their stun- gine
is being placet! in position, the arrangements were made for the ship­
mer vacation. They report a iM°st I Rue modern’switeh boartl and dyna ment of all machinery necessary for
enjoyable time regardless of the fact mos are in place, new and large poles the operation of their mines on quite
that the season has been unusually are being erected about town and the au extensive scale.
cool on t lie coast.
new Edison system will soon be in
operation here.
Fred Fisk, Lane county’s popular
sheriff, was looking after business con­ Mrs. A. C. Powers went to Spring-
nected with his office in iiottage Grove Held Wednesday for a short visit with
Wednesday. Sheriff Fisk is proving her her parents, artel- which she pro­
himself a very worthy and competent ceeded on her way to Portland to en­
successor to tlie best and most popu­ ter the Northern Paciflo hospital,
lar sheriff the county over had, the where she will submit to a delicate
I surgical operation. Her many friends
late W. W. Withers.
| here nope she will promptly recover
Mrs. T. H. Seholer and daughter, from t|,„ operation and speedily regain
who have been visiting with Imr | her ilealth as a result.
father, L H. Slagle, and brothers, L.
Richard White was d jwn from Bo­
B. and D. E. Slagle, in this vicinity,
wpnt to Portland Saturday, whert?, ni­ hemia this week looking after busi­
matters. Mr. White U develop­
ter a Tew »lays visit with a sister of
Mrs. Seholer, will return to their home ing his Joe joe group of mines on
Sharps creek in the vicinity of
at Pacific Grove. Cal.
Hardscrabble and Adams mountain
’ iwing ud
it issue
of the L eader , in rtn,| bis properties are showing
< de-
In the last
issue of
marriage of W. R-loidedly well. Before returriing
reporting the
Miss Minnie
. ni the
Slinrp and ------—
........ Wolfer, we oamp he had his name enrolled
stated that the groom was a black L eader ’» big mbscriptn 11 book in or-
smith and held a position in Etneriek der to keep tq with tii» tiines locally
it Hubbard’s shop. Mr. Sharp is a and otherwise.
machinist and holds a position m t m
O. it 8. E. company's round house a, O P Liams earns down from B->
Sornething Doing Every Mini ite at
G a r m a n , H e m e n w a y Co.
hernia Saturday, where lie lias been
H«- vu speaking of the
Pla-v to buy his drugs
P’»t 'ip. and
Uut th e lilri worth w hile is the «Irl
: in Cottage Grove and Vicinity :
this place.
engaged for ‘he past month ¡u hi« prose-
Mr« Perrv Ely. wife of the Editor ,nItin development work n
i a well aa
mining properties
of the Kelso, Washington, Journal .-¡d u a l ...■—
. , .
aceompained by Iter little dough< on the Ophir claim, which ta Royal.
spein. u mu
........ .
# 1
and Fraction
2 and
week, visiting with the familv of L e Elverett en
ted in Mr. Ad»m« gr.niy
Roy Wo sis. She was returning from are repr
from the
Ashland where she visited " ¡ ‘ ha sis­ of mine: find specimens
sp- iallv from Fraction
ter. and will spend a few days visiting
this offl-’C
with her parents at Coburg on
way home.
Thos. Awbrey and wife return? A are located in City L
of the fa-
home Fridav from Newport and Al­ Ophir being an extension of
bany where they have been effiOAmg mous Mustek mine, Mr. Adams vis-
a pleasant vacation sight seeing anJ ited the PeekalK. mine, the property (
and others, while in
visiting with friend». Mr Aw - y of W E. Edwards
has almost entirely recovei^ from th the district, i »nd says it is showing up
is W -II under way,
injuries sustained in in« n,,e"’ R’ . fine. A new tu
butt a locomotive mm the ‘ rack at which is being 1 riven with the object
work of ledges below
the depot, and has resumed nbfT&ot of striking a ne When this object is
the local Express and Postal tele the old tunnel. ionic remarkably rich
grapli office.
developments an: n anticipated.
to the camp
Best cabinetto photos,
1 Adams will
mi the season in
for a short time only, at ^ '* ni2.
1 today and wl
using properties. |
gallery opposite Masonic Han, —
•»" « 7 ?
K j
n sv
The Place to Buy
The Golden Sun; finest Cey­
lon Tea. Packet containing
ouc pound.
English Breakfast still holds
its renowned reputation
First grade Gun Powder Tea
First Grade Spider Leg; iln-
est "Jap’' Tea
75c per PacKet
60c per Pound
2nd Grade Gun Powder Tea
50c per Pound
Schillings best Tea
25c and 50c pr. lb.
r f c ¡:zs>
Yourstlf and friends are cor­
dially invited to call at the
“ ■> J . 'i?n
W * H
i i by
to be
lf« f IP S HM
like peasant,
a sona
//= -
A Pen Sketch of Events Occariag
50c per Pound
50c per Pound
Second Grade Spider Leg,
nothing better on the market
for the price, only
35c per Pound
Hemenway & Burkholder
Brighten up y o u r !
P R E M I S E S!
W e b e r & Stover
W e can supply the;
P A I N T S ;
Lubficators, In­
jectors, Steam
Gauges, Pack­
ing and Cylinder
O il always in
Wall Paper
P riees w ill s u rp rise yo u for ch ea p n ess £ J
France ® Gowdy;
o 000000000000000000000c
r-R g
22 &
P à g
m u m
,, We
g t* h me
t s
for 11 llrst class
line of belting
Call and see us
f ’t“1
w t""1
Stoves ami Ranges
H a r d w a r e Co.
Many merchants make the mistake of carrying
over unsold goods from year to year : We find
better results in selling new, up-to-date goods,
and in order to do this we offer our entire line
of summer goods at reduced prices : : : : :
B v « |js]M isiiijr o f o u r s t o c k <‘ iu h n o a H o n , w o a r c e m i b l w l t o p r e w o n t y o n
w i t h s o m e t h i n g n o w th<* n e x t s o b s o n
: T h i s n o t o n l y lie n o f lt s n s. Im t
it h o n o f i t s o n r c u s t o m e r s i n t w o w a y s
it e n a b l e s y o u t o b u y a t a b a r -
irjiipi a n t i t o s e c u r e n e w j j o o t l s t h e f o l l o w i n g s e a s o n
: T h i s H a le i n c l u d e s
Shirt Waists, Dress Goods, Underwear, Shoes, Hats,
and in fact nearly every article in the s t o r e ...............................................