Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, August 07, 1903, Image 3

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.oopie ‘town to u* through the ogee
■ * M ovm uiU l»end tbaaphiaxaa.
P .'IS k V i its |ir«'sence known by ...auv
l . * ~ . nrliil»r tumors. bunchesm the
r * 1! riiunpuiw irujition», inliami-l
• S i . - r . - . o - . rickt-ts, catarrh, uest-
M p m . r e l . h - h i 'i t V .
r 5utter«-r» ahouhl take
food’s Sarsaparilla
r. , „rant unei’itle for scrofula, effecting
k most h oii'larful, radical ami ja-rma-
t tun s. II-' sure to get Hood’s.^
The Heal Thing.
Von Qnirz— What does your friend
I ’ , Verse? Novels? Tragedies?
J*fH Xsibt— Great BeoW. what do you
L ke him for?
An amateur?
J , . ||tf writes advertiaementa of
„'^el— New Orleane Times-Dcmo-
O v e rm atch e d .
"Sow. witness,” said the lawyer,
,‘jou say that your hearing is good”
1 "Yes sir ”
"How good? Give me an illuetra-
■tion. Can you hear my watch tick?”
I «¿¡0i
It’ s three days since I
L g e o u g 'i"K into the pawnshop, and
K L watch must have run dor n by this
"Natural Conclusions.
Hie W ont Kind of Qnat.
"T here’ s lots of different kind, of
gnats in this w orld," remarked the
man who had traveled some, “ bat the
gnat that says, when you ask him into
a tobacco store to have a cigar: ‘ Gim-
* P*ck
cigarettes,’ comei pretty
nigh to bein the pup of them all.”
$ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 IS RUDMI)
The recent refusal of Jarne* and
Henry Dennison of Swlnsvaie, Pa., t o
fceU their property adjoining the Car­
rie fun.a<’es of the Carnegie Steel Com
P«ny at Rankin to the United State»
Steel corporation for a sum said to
N ew Version.
he $400,UOU ha» created considerable
Ernie— Bo they eloped?
Intercut in the property. Interest ia
„ ¡n 'llllt*77YeB’ their Paren,s P»id the especially directed to the old log bouse
village blacksmith not to 8hoe their
horse, but they eloped in an automo- on the property, w hich ia one of the
oldest houses In Greater Pittsburg and
Ernie—That was nice. I suppose has a history replete with interesting
ove laughs at blarksmitns as well as events. The Dennison farm comprises
forty acres of river frontage west of
lock« withe.—Chicago News.
the Carrie furnaces. It was originally
Too Rapid for him.
known as the Troy farm and was ow n ­
* waa
up for a minute or ed by Eneas McCall inter, who patented
two by i\Ir8. Talking ton just now.
the land October 19, 17&L The orig
She— That so? What did she have |lnnl patent embraced 187% acre«.
to say?
On December 17, 1788, McCaliister
He— Gee whizz!
I haven’ t got a sold out to John McDowell a part of
stenographic memory. — Philadelphia the land, ineludhi* ibe old Jack Ad­
ams farm, on which the Carrie furn­
aces stand. He also sold at the same
For coughs and colds there is no better i time part of the Troy farm to ltlne-
medicine than Piso’s Cure for Consnino-
j hart Amis, who In turn sold that part
iton. Price 25 cents.
I to John Milligan. John McDowell liv­
Passing Belief.
ed in the log house still standing. Mag-
Miss Giddy— What did he say when i h um Murray purchased the farm In
you told him I was married?
: 1815 and It was sold by the sheriff to
Miss Speitz— Weil, he seemed sur­ John Reed In 1822 for $7,000.
estate suffered a marked decrease in
value after that, ns Is shown by the
Miss Giddy— Did he ask to whom?
Miss Speitz— No, but he asked ‘ how fact that on March 12, 1832, John Ad­
it happened.’ — Philadelphia Press.
ams purchased a large portion of the
"Fif dcic's milk in paradisedey mils’
I have cows dar,” said Brother VVil-
llianis. “ en ei dey got honey dsr dev
|ibo mu»’ have bees, en whar bees is
W hy Appetite Is Needed.
Idey’s blossoms, en whar blossoms is
Food eaten without appetite always
Idey’s always watermelons in season,
causes gastric disturbance, because un­
I bless do Cawd!”
less the secretary glands oi the stomach
Too Much Ambition.
are stimulated by a desire for food no
“ I can’ t understand why yon dis- digestive juices are extruded into the
Itbtntel my boy. You advertised lor a stomach.
1 he. wi111 ambition, and lie” —
"That’ s just it, madam— that’ s just CITQ PermanentlyCur«1. N nntsornereouane«
lit. He wasn’ t in the place two days j I Iw afterflratday’suaeurl>r.Kltne’ .U re .tN e n r.
¿fi."*1 f" r T r e e S r: trial bottle and treatlas
I before he had his leet on my desk and D r. U. H . K line, Ltd., sal Ar. b s t .. Philadelphia, Pa.
| .ts smoking my cigars.”
Between Friends.
Sells Bibles and Dice.
in Nassau street, near where itm erg-
I «into I’ark row, is a little shop whose
proprietor evidently believes that lie
is piing to catch customers both “ a
Lmung and a gw ine.”
He has but a
until window for the display of his
»roe, and in this are grouped Bibles,
prtjer books,
| wheels, dice and playing cards.
Speed of W aterspout.
A waterspout spins with enormous
I speed. Its velocity at the sea level
baa been estimated at six miles a mi ti­
W ar Baloon Text.
The difficulty in damaging a war
I biloon in midair was recently shown
I tj tests made in Austria. The experi­
menters anchored a baloon at a height
I of 7,000 feet and had gunnerB who had
I not been given the dietance try to dis-
I able it. It required 22 shots to find
1 the range, even approximately, and not
I until the sixty-fourth round waB the
I baloon hit. It then sustained but a
I slight tear, which caused it to descend
■lowly.— Chicago Chronicle.
Unreasonable Sister.
Mamma— A h y, Herbert, what in the
vorld ia the matter with sister?
Herbert— Aw we was just a playin’
haunted house, an ’ ahe wa§ the ghost,
in’ I give her a little chain to swailer
» ’a the would clank every lim e she
moved, an’ now she’ s a-cryin’ an’ save
■he don’ t want to he the ghost any
morel—Magazine of Humor.
Mayme— I hear you are going to be
married again.
Edyth— Again? Why, I ’ ve never
been tied up as yet.
Mayme— No, but I can’ t recall tne
number of times you were “ going to (arm for $2,000. The present farm
be.” — Chicago News.
was purchased by the father o f the
present owners for a very small con­
A Bright Student.
sideration. The log house on the prop­
At a medical college some students erty Is only a part of the original build
were being questioned in anatomy, and lug erect'd by Eneas McCaliister about
one of them was asked, “ What muscles 1784 and which was used as a road
have their origin in the popliteal house for many years. The house con­
space” The bright student promptly tains a winding stairway and a cabi­
replied, “ Well, there’ s that one with ned mantel which were mad.' In Eng­
the durned long name, and I don’ t re- land. They are of solid oak and hand­
memoer the two others.”
somely carved. The nails used In the
building, ns well as all the hardware,
H o r s f H IS T
are hand made.
The United States Steel corporation
We oiler One H u n d r e d D o lla r. Rew ard for any
Sane o f Cattarrh that can n o t b ecu red by U a il’l desired to purchase the pro|H>rty to
Catarrh t are.
erect a mill and a number of blast
F. J. CHENKY A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have know n F. J. Cheney furnaces about a year ago nnd made
fo r the past 13years, an d believe him perfectly repeat'd offers, the last one. It Is said,
hon. reh le in ell b u -in e s . transactions and tin.
a n cia lly able to carry o u t any obligatiuL e made being $400,000 for the prop,Tty, all
b j their hrm .
of which were refused.
W is t A T sc a * ,
arising over the purchase of property
W holesale Druggists, T oledo,
by the Carnegie Steel Company from
W holesale Drugipsis, T oledo. O.
H all'sC atarrh Cure Is taken intern ally,acting the Dennisons years ago Is the cause
directly on the blo o d and m ucous surfaces o i o f their refusal to sell the ground to
the system . Price 75c per bottle. Bold b , all
the company.
flruzeists. T estim onials free.
H all's Fam ily P ill, are the best.
No Lie.
“ I don’ t think it is a nice thing to
say of Mrs Udsent that she got her
husband at a bargain counter.”
“ Oh, but it’ s true.
He was the
young man that saved her life in a
crush at a glove sale at Hpotcash’ s one
day.” —Chicago Tribune.
Church Tenets and Long Life.
Mrs. Margarets Danielson of Cam­
bridge, Minn., is 132 years old. She
ii the mother of two Swedish Baptist
ministers and ascribes her long life to
h-r strict adherence to the tenets of the
wr<* o v e r c o m e b y L y d ia E . I ’ iu k -
b a m ’» V e g e t a b le C o m p o u n d .
Toast Master (to chairman of public
dinner)— Would yon like to propose
yonr toast now, my lord, or Bhould we
jet ’ em enjoy themselves a bit linger?
’ — Punch.
The Needle.
“ I was given up to die with
quick consumption. 1 then began
to use Ayer’ s Cherry Pectoral. I
improved at once, and am now in
perfect health.” — Chas. E. Hart­
man, Gibbstown, N . Y.
New Machine dun.
The Cleveland machine gnn, firing
twenty-five one-ponnd projectiles a'
one pull of the trigger, has been tested.
The gun weighs 4oU pounds. It tired
800 shots in a minute without heating
the barrel.
It’ s too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it w ill be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over. Be­
gin early with Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
y n
M iss M e n a r d c u r e d a f t e r d o c ­
to r s f a i le d t o h e lp Iter.
“ L y d ia E . P ln k lit u n ’ a V e g e ­
ta b le C o n i p o ti n d cu red m e after
doctors h ad failed, and I w ant
other girls to k n o w a bou t it. D u r­
ing m en stru ation I su ffered m ost
intense pain lo w in the abdom en
and in m y lim bs. A t o th e r tim es I
had a h eav y, dep ressed fe e lin g
w hich m ade m y w o rk seem tw ice
as hard, and I g re w pale and thin.
The m edicine th e d o c to r gave me
did n ot d o m o on o b it o f g o o d , and
I was th o ro u g h ly discou raged . Tito
d octor w a n ted m o to s to p w ork , but,
o f cou rse, I c o u ld n o t d o that. I
finally b ega n t o tako L y d ia E .
P in k lia m ’ s V e g e t a b le C o in p o u n d
ernl felt Itctter a fter ta k in g the ttrst
bottle, and a fte r ta k in g six bottles
I was en tirely cu re d , a n d am n o w
in p erfect h ealth, and I am so grate­
ful fo r it.” — M iss G korqik M e n ard ,
537 E. 152nd St., N e w Y o r k City. —
$5000 fo rfeit If original o f about latter proving
genuineness cannot be produced.
L v d ia E . P ln k h a m * » V e g e t a b le
Com p o u n d c u r e s f e m a le Ills w h e n
all o t h e r m e n u s h a v e f a i le d .
"N o w , then, young m an,” said W il­
lie’ s mother, “ I w on’ t let you plav
aseuall again in a hurry, and y o u ’ ll
get no supper tonight.”
“ W hy, is supper all over?”
“ You know very well it is. Yon
saw me at the back gate and heard me
calling an hour ago.”
“ W hy—er— I thought yer wuz jest
applaudin’ de two-bagger I made.”
A Conversation Overheard.
c l c r s o n
a c h i n e
C o .
Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Oregon.
Parsons H aw k eye, A u tom a tic, Self Feeding,
The Subject Me Liked Best.
"Y o u talk well on the subject in
which y o i are most interested,” Baid
the impertinent girl.
"A n d what is that?” said the man,
smelling a compliment.
“ Yourself,” said the impertinent
girl demurely.
Some Practical Advice.
It is not necessary to leave your
home and friends, give up your occupa­
tion or put on a uniform to do good.
Here is a simple way: When you hear
a good thing said about a man, tell
him. This line ol missionary work
does not take any of yonr time from
your legitimato business.
All SraulUs
Negative Virtue’ s Reward.
FaultteasStump P u ller, W0 horseiMiwer w ith
o hernes. H uckeye Saw m ill M achinery, En-
“ W hy, papa,” she argued, “ yon tw ines
an d Boilers. Kli and S tickn ev «¡asoline
know Arbuthnot never drinks, chews, t ngineH W rite ns w h en in w ant o f a n yth in g
in m a ch in ery line.
smokes, gambles nor swears.”
"Y e s , I know,” the tugged, unro­
I M M E N S E - O u r A r ticle s 1st T h e Ideal S torin
mantic old man answered, “ but I don’ t Curtain
(EncWme w h o '« or part o f open trout o f
want a chap for a son-in-law who mere­ v e h ic le w ork in g in seetlonH) O ood lo r Until or S u n ­
Has no t.U fram e, S ilv er t nishliiKH A d ju st­
ly doesn’ t do things.” —Chicago Kec- j shine.
able, w ith cu rtain to si/.o o f v eh icle.
W h ip used .
H orses reached w ith ou t u nfa stening, w h ole clip s to
hood. N o bu tton in g . N o a tta ch m en ts to v eh icle.
An Appropriate Name.
Edna— I don’ t know whether to call
my Boston bull terrier Pornpey, Cipio
or Caesar.
Artbur( wbo lias bad a sad experi­
ence with the terrier)— I think Agrip-
pa would be a very suitable name for
TS, m Aim : Me.. Me., tl.
('onault your doctor. If he »¡»y* lake It,
then do as he says. If he tells you not
to take it, then dou’ t take It. He knows*
Lease U with him. W e ary willing.
J. a AY Kit CO.. Lowell. Mast.
“ Goodness gracious, Maude, where
are you going with that big hunch of
ro es and those boxes of candy?”
“ Why, haven’ t you heard? They've
got just one of the lovliest murderers
in the county jail that ever was!’ ’
^ (u re
Close sw in g in g side b a ck w a rd , fasten to hood -rod .
F or e x it, release ca tch , side glides forw ard am i
hangs o v e r dash. W h o le folds up g oin g Into w e ll
under seut. T ru ly Im m ense. A r ticle com p lete #3.tW.
A g en ts w an ted , Township*». E x c lu s iv e rights from
|H.00. address T h e Idea l Htorm Curtain Co., Mc­
P h erson , K ansas.
Kererunce a n y n ew spaper o r
hank, M cP h erson , K ansas, » e n d tic for pam phlets,
Sour stomach
** A f t e r I w a s I n d u c e d t o t r y C A S C A -
lC E T 'tt, 1 w ill n ev er be w ithout them In the bouse.
My liver was in a very bad sh a pe, ami my head
ached and I had stom a ch trou b le Now. since ta k ­
ing C a scareis. I fe e l flue My w ife has also used
them w ith b e n e fic ia l re s u lU for sour stom ach "
JOS. K k b h l i n u , l t t l C ongress b l.. Bt. Louis, B o .
A f C A T H A R T IC
W Vite fo r
I l l u s t r a t e d
C ir c u l a r s
■ ------- —
fj*sr i. n o n r ooncR Y 5ry
P o r t l a n d , O r e .
s i n g
» / *
Telephone Mam
J*leasnnt. P a la ta b le , P otent. T aste G ood. Do
Q ood, N ever Sicken. W ea k en , o r G ripe. IDc, J6c. tOe.
.. .
• l*rlli,c H,m»'lj 1 "Bpany, ( Mca(o, Munlrral, Naw Tark. Sit
Manchurian Trade.
The increase in the imports of Man­
churia in ten years lias been, in the
various commodities, 100 to 500 per
cent. The customs revenue ia 1002
was $910,000. The great growth in
trade haB resulted from free exportation
of beans, bean cake and bean oil.
An Eye for Business.
Grandma Toogood ( solem nly)— Ader
your grandma dies wbo will give you
any pennies?
Terror Knott Toogood (aged six)—
Why, yon won’ t take your pocket book
to heaven, will yon, grandma?— Judge.
T O R A P Sold and gnu ni m eed by all drug-
■ I U * O A l* « 1 sta t o 4 V U » . 'folMtMO HahiL
9*9' • CeXfVfXD *XëXs .8 (SXiXSKi) «
: The Champion Draw Cut Mower :
Standard Academic four-year Courses in
Classics, English and Science,
and four year Commercial Courses.
Regular Collegiate Courses in Classics, Eng­
lish, General Science, History and Econom
ics, Finance and Commerce, Civil Engineer­
ing, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical
T h e sch ola stic y e a r , begii
n in g Sept 7, 1903, ends
ds June
16, 1904.
Bird Superstitions.
In many parts of England there are
carious superstitions about birds. The
stonechat, for instance, is believed to
be continually chatting with the evil
one, so it is held in bad repute, and as
the raven commonly impersonates his
sable majesty it is ranked in the sanr«
category of evil birds.
however, the raven’ s appearance, so it
is held, forebodes a death.
Catalogete sent free on appli­
cation. Address
U N IV E R S IT Y P A R K , O R E G O N .
No 32 -1 0 0 J.
w '
M IE N w r i t in g t o a d v o r t i se ra p l e a s e I
m e in I o n t h i s p a p e r .
A Good Beginning
The British navy lias adopted a new
device for supplying warships wit If
If the blood ¡3 in g o o d con d ition at the beginning o f the warm season, fuel. Big steel barges are equipped
yon are prepared to resist disease and are not apt to be troubled with boils, with traveling crane«, two to each
pimples, blackheads and blotches, or th e itching and burning skin eruptions barge, moving ah ng rails laid on either
that make o n e ’s life a veritable torm ent and miser)-.
•Ide of the hatchee. When a warship
Now is th e tim e t o b e g in th e w ork o f cleansing and building up the arrives at a navy yard for coaling,
blood and stren gth en in g th e w e a k
HORRIBLY AFFLICTED WITH BOILS. one of the hargea Is towed alongside
places in your con stitution. D u rin g the
aud the coal stored In the lyjld is
I ha d a h orrible
cold winter m on th s w e are com pelled
worked out by means of the cranes.
to live indoors and breathe th e im pure
th a t b ro k e ou t all Each barge can carry 13,000 tons, and
air of badly ventilated room s and o f­
o r e r m y b o d y and the cranes are capable o f transferring
fices. W e over-w ork and over-eat, and
f r o m w h i c h I this amount to other vesa-ls In a com­
get too little ou t-d oor exercise, and ou r
c o u ld got n o p o s­ paratively short time. The barges are
•ptems become clo g g e d w ith im puri­
sib le r e lie f u n til | officially known as "haulabouts."
ties and t h e b lood a h ot-bed o f germ s
I b e g a n tak in g
y o u r m ed icin e,
H torjr o f a L i t t l e G i r l .
*od humors o f every kind, and warm
a n d fro m m y o x -
A true story Is told of a little girl,
•oather is sure t o b rin g a reaction,
the daughter o f a clergyman, who was
•ttdthe poisonous m atter in th e b lood
e a ie ly s a y S. 0 .3 . ailing, and In consequence had to be
and system w ill break ou t in b o ils and
i t th e b eet b lo o d
Pustules or sca ly eru ptions and red,
put to bed early.
p u r ifie r i n th e w o r ld .
“ Mamma." ahe said, *‘I want to aee
■hsfiguring bum ps and pim ples. Make
M r*. M . P . B M Y T H E R 8 ,
A good beginning th is season b y ta k in g
my dear papa.”
W y th e T ille ,
»courseof S. S. S. in tim e ; it w ill not
"No. dear." said her mother. "Papa
oily purify you r b lo o d and destroy the
THE BEST TONIC AND APPETIZER. Is not to be disturbed Just now.”
$erms and poisons, b u t prom ote healthy
P r e s e n t l y c a m e the pleading voice:
W h i l e D v in a 1 “ Bherm an, Tex^. I b«*
c a m s n v ic tim o f im p u re. w a t . r j
»^ton of the L iver and K id n ey s and
••j want to see my papa!”
b lo o d . I ra n d o w n in *PPet1**
pve you a g o o d appetite a t a tim e
"No,” was the answer. "I cannot
e n e r g y ; - > • s ca rce ly » h l e t o fe t
Ibout, en d had to stop e t t » » J » •
*hen you need it m ost.
o c c a s io n a lly . I to o k 3 .8 . 8 » n d t e - disturb him.”
S. S. S. im proves th e d ig e stion and
Then the four-year-old parishioner
„ n to im p r o v e a t on ce , a n d a lte r a
T h orou gh cou ra e becam e s tro n g and rose to a question of privilege. "Mam­
tones up the Stom ach, and y o u are not
tontinually haunted b y th e fear of
WI t h in k S. B. 8. th e h e .t m ed icin e I ma.” she said. ” 1 am a sick woman,
indigestion every tim e y o u eat, or
and I w ant to see my minister."
“toubled with dizziness, nervousness
* 811 R a ilr o a d street,
R om e, O*.
A (S o m n a m b u list.
»»dileeplessness. Th ere is n o reason
A good »tovy to told at the expense
the co m in g o f warm w eather if yon have your system we
blood in a norm al, h ealth y con dition . I t is the pollute •
. of a police Inspector of New York, who
°od that invites disease germ s, microltes and poisons o f every ‘
; when he was new to the business of
» patrolman, once, with great official
bnng on a lon g train o f sp rin g and sum m er ailments break down the con
»hon. and produce w eakness, lassitude, and other debilitating o -
_ zeal grasped and held s citizen on
bis heat who was addicted to sleep­
A cn e- Nettle-rash, P oison Oak and Iv y , and other lrr' tatl" S ® ,
“ °»hle* are sure to „ Q ^ e th eir appearance unless the humors an p
are antidoted and the thm . «c.dl bk>od
"Hold on!” cried the man.
made rich and s t r o n g b e f o r e t h e com ing mustn't arrest me. I’ m a aomnambu-
o f warm weather.
. I 1lgtr*
A course o f S. S. S. now would * 1 “ i don’t care what your religion Is"
a safe precaution and a good b e g i n n i n g e x c l a i m e d the ardent officer. "Ton
and enable you to p a s s i n
„ ‘,5 can t walk the streets In yonr night
through the hot, sultry months a n d ahlrt!’*
diseases com m on to sp rin g and sum m er. S. S. S. i* guarantee
The lawyer seldom works with a
w I ( TqfeUM eand '* recogn ized as the best b lood purifier a n d
untU the doctor clears the way.
hin.*tlns *n(* pleasant o f all tonics. W rite for our book on
* e.
Ihleases ”
The first needle need in England was
made in Queen Mary’ s time by a negro,
who unforiui a td y died before impart- [
ing the secret to any one. In the reign j
of Queen Elizabeth the art of needle
making was discovered by a German
who imparted it to an Englishman.
T h e M ower w ith the “ D RAW CUT.”
‘ draw m g ’ t he out ting bar from a p oin t
ah ea d , c e m ln g th e w heels to press Hard-
or on the grou n d , hip I g iv in g increased
pow er for h ard cu ttin g .
It is n o "p u s h c u t ,” “ p u s h in g " the bar
from boeiud, w hen the m ore c u tiiu g ,
the m ore ten d en cy for the w heels to 11.t
from the grou n d .
Seeth»* p oin t? T h e ’ Draw f u t " < ham -
plon keeps the w h eels on the grou n d
and is the most vow erfu l cutter in the
field. Has m any c o n v en ien t features,
Send for hnmU 'nre « atalogu e and cal-
endar. M ailed free.
Promotes Di^eslion.Chperfui-
ness and Rest Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
N o t N a k c o t ic .
vou a
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csxixixs ) sx«xtxi
Bears the
M x Senna *
Aperfrcl Kempdy forConslipa
R o n . Sou r Slotnach. Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness nnd L o » s o r S leek
Facsim ile Signature of
N E W Y O R K ._____
U b
) fß *
For Over
Thirty Years
« i ■ « » m 111 % «»I rl
J ’J 1 ) 0 M < -
I j C
Twc CI8T1U8 essMsy. new toss
Always Bough!
C*OHJ l t)K E N
Portland, Oregon.
The Kind You Have
For Infants and Children.
•j First and Tavior Sts.,
ANcCftable PreparationforAs
similating the Food andReduIa -
ling (he Stoumclis and Boweis o f
T -E T
Fox info rna ™ #
W P .F u
l l e i M
C l * (t « H I M A ll l i t i fAHS.
Bsft » *«»gh I m e . resiee Oood. Dee
I« t ie s . Quid b f 4rq|f1sU
M r y s P r i r » i i v j f ¿ TY
~ l i ^ r i n - J l l li