Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, July 24, 1903, Image 1

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tieiiilMuaulwr* tor tlir**e
i lmiii^riliU roiuiNUll««.
y u , i,-way to tin* riel» B<>-
i ';oit) mine». ami tli**
H utte c h u m b a r m in es
Xane County Xeabet.
will here fliul ««¡»port unities
n o w h ere els«* att«>r*1**«l in u ri-
K«»u. The Leader will give
you the news and facts ooo>
eerning this favored locality
Tin League ball game* Sntuidiv
and Mauds' resulted an folkiwa: Sat­
urday Hi Eugene. Salem 0. I'.ugru«
I. lu Albany. Itnseburg 4. Albany
I Snnday'a M-nr«>. iu Eugene Salem
II. Eugene •*> In Albany. lieKthurg
4. Albany 4. The standing of the
clubs now fertile aeaaon 1». Saleiu
i Hid. Kiiyei,e 571. Kuaeburg, ■">."><*,
Albany 83*1. It look» like th lien-
nabt will ¡,’i> to Salem.
Securities Com
I,. F. Wooley nl the Dureua Luiu Oregon
' her < ., waa u Eugene viait r over
Sunday. He informed
ur corres-1
nondent that hi: company had their
Million Dollars
new Sawmill K mile east o f Cottage
drove installed and eady for active |
operations. Lumber for a two mile
Hume from the mill to the company*»
yards and planers ou the O. \ S. E.
railroad w ill he turned out at once.
Many Properties Showing
He stated fuither that the entire
produet of their mill may be con­
np W ell—A Great
tracted to the Pacific Timber Co., of
Mining Camp
Cottage drove.
NO. 14
Cardinal since that time showing it
ompete for premiums, and only such
even last March, when, in answering
our citizens as are fortunate
an address of congratulation upon
emmglito go to St. Louis can derive
the '.bid anniversary of his birth,
any benefit from a state building.
which was rend hy the Cardinal1
1 he same amount of money expend
Oreglia as dean, the pope, contrary
e l in showing our resources through
to custom, combatted the opinion ex­
judicious advertising, and a fuller
pressed by the Cardinal on several
; display of the wonderful agricultural,
mineral, stock aud other resources,
The other cardinals received pri­
wiil he of much greater advantage
vate information of the pope's illness,
371 Children of School
, to the people in general. A cheap
and some of them went to the Vati­
building, and we could butld no
Age in Lane County
can. but they were not allowed to
l other out of our appropriation and
pany Receives a
enter the sickroom, Dr. Lgpponi
leave enough for other purposes,
so Clerk Reports
New Coach
having given the strictest orders that
I would be worse than none as com
ill con
conversation and cause for exeite-
pared to the elaborate buildings of
sbould be avoided.
; other states, while a fiue display of
Associated Press dispatch from
I our natural resources will capture
me says: • The sarcastic humor
■ for us the premiums as we excel near-
of the Romans regales itself even st
! lv every other state in such resources.
e Big Coburg Bridge
this solemn aud sad moment. The Construction W ork Stead
The Commission wants to repre-
ren ,«k has been heard that Pope
| sent every noolc and corner of our
Closed to Travel, Be
Leo, not satisfied at having killed all I
iiy Progressing Out
State, aud to that end President
the cardinals created by his prede-1
Myers will be pleased to receive
ing Repaired
cessor. except Cardinal Oreglia, aud ,
communications from anyone who
over oue bundled of those created
has any project or idea which he
A marriage license was issued
Lee Heurv. the ex-newspaper man by himself, now begins to kill those
The new combined coach
New Light Plant
„ and bag- thinks will be of benefit to our ex
yn. lay to Geo. Mounts aud Miss
returned to this city Tuesday __
from to be created bv his successor." j gage car for the O A S. 1*,. railroad hi bit at St. Louis.
¡¿Hue D Wisconsin.
Work 1» progressing on the new a week's sojourn in the Bohemia Reference being made to the sudden j arrived at this place Thursday morn- j
Rmgiing Brothers Circus, tlielai- modern electric light plant for Cot­ Mining District and informs the death Thursday of Mousignor V o l-!'uS alJ * wld
11 ' ,Qg felt want on
Store Sold T o F rank Hlair,
*: and best conducted tented ag. tage drove. The work of mtsalling Ln.iDKK that the Oregon Securities poui, who according to custom on this uew road. It is equipped with
ition in tbe world, is booked to the new plant is in the hands of An Company is expending half a million account of the office he bell. would leather cushioned seats, and a con­
Mr. J. W. Smith has sold his gen
hint in Eugene on Friday, Aug- drew Nelson, the well known elect­ dollars iu developement and im- have been the Hist cardinal appoint- venient baggage department aud eral merchandise business at Natron
will add much to the comfort ami to Frank Blair, ex-traveling repre
rician which is a guarantee that it provement work in its mines in and ed by tbe uew pope,
convenience of travel aud traffic be­ i seututive of Wadhams A K eif Bro
11. H Bingham and I* 1!. Long, of will lie set up properly and put in about the Champion Basin. A dam
tween Cottage Grove and Bohemia j there. Mr. Blair is now possessor of
A New G rocery Store
i Long A Bingham Lumber Com- first class working condition at the has been constructed across Frank
I mining district. The first consign­ ; three stores, viz: At Springfield,
iv, ot Cottage drove, were in Eu- earliest possible date. The new KO Brice creek and Humes put in to
F. B Bislev, who has been con­ ment of a big shipment of steel Fall Creek ami Natron.
ene Monday looking after their in - to IX) horse power boiler aud Pair- furnish power for the big electric
Mr. Blair will probably close tho
*st iu this city.
banks A Morse engine of the same power station to be installed in the ducting a grocery store at lioseburg, rails at arrived this place recently
An electric cul­ has sold out at that place and come amounting to about two huudred Natron store, and will retain Mr.
Mrs. W. 0 . Conner aud little son, | capacity arrived this week and was Champion Basin.
¡companied by little Lchi Lewis re- placed iu position at the power sta- line is being put in from the term­ to Cottage Grove to engage iu the tons and were taken out to the front Smith iu his employ. Eugene Guard.
grocery business. He will occupy where construction work is steadily
Frank Blair is a sou of Col. Blair,
irned to their homes at Cottage b ° u near the Long Binghatu Kaw- inus of the O. A S. E. broud-guagè
tbe first fioor of Attorney J. S. Med- progressing with a large force of of this city.
rove Sunday after an euiovahle mill- The big dvuatuo and other
— :, , .
, . .
machinery rests ou tine concrete Company's mines, six miles beyond. le.v 8 building and may add dry men. The large new donkey engine
sit with Airs. Freil Lamb.
B o h e m i a NA a g o n K o a i l .
foundations aud with the addition of A double B“ «* tunnel is being driv ~no'la to his grocery stock later. which was recently put tu operation
\Y. A. Marshall of CTairmont, Iowa
cn with compressed air drills a mile >Ir
18 a genial old gentleman, in clearing the nght-of-wav greatly
a* purchased the OKI acre farm of ,he
horsepower boiler and engine,
Geo. O. Kuowles, superintendent
and a half through the Champion * 8ood business man with whom it expedites tbe work at the front. All
Peteiieins near this city and will ,10VV l,° lu8 8ervlcf fo1 tl,e light eom-
mining claim lidge which «ill cut ¡« a pleasure to transact business. ot the big trees cut on the right-of- of the work on the road to Bohemia,
ike charge of the place Sept 15 «’•"> tl,e!r nef Pla“ ‘ " ll1 Lave a to- a dozen ricli leads of ore. 4 he two We bespeak for hilu a »hale of pub­ way suitable for nulling purposes was in Eugene recently, expecting
Tie price paid was $15,000.
tal caPailt.T of 1*> horse power and
to draw about #500 from the county
1200 incandescent lights of lfi caudle ten »tnni|, uol.s me bung ten,me.I lic ; atronuge und wish him success. are cut into logs aud shipped to the treasury to apply on the work, hav­
The e.eiU s reports from the vat-
, The replacement ot the in- ,rom tl"'
n u n e n n rpill in this city. Supt. Pearson is ing done about double that amount
o> school district» show the whole ,.aI),leBC#llt lights on main street a,ld consolidated with the ten stamp I N C O n P U K A T E D P H O S C O well pleased with the progress of
construction work and feels confi- of
. work, one half of which the county
amber of children of school age iu j with six mo,]ern inclosed arc lights luil1 iu Champion Basin, and 30 new
________ ,
The Judge and Commis­
he county to b e 8 ,2 il. This is a | ¡„ being considered bv both Mr. aUn,P8 wU1 be added, making a «0-
sioner Edwards thought best to wait
Win of 510 from last year or an in- . Abrarag anJ th# citv council and is stamp plant.
until a regular session of thecouuty
Engage to Manufacture this Great the winter rains set in.
*»e of nearly seven per cent.
j a ,u„ Tetn«Dt in the'right direction. ! . 1Lree Por,able sawmills to supply
court, as to draw warrants at all
Coburg seeuis to be undergoing a
Tbe new plant will be ready for , l ' mbers and lumber for this big
Health Beverage.
G ran ts l*uss IK qm rtm ent Store timss would make confusion in the
«iegc of sickness. There bns operation about Kept 1
.company is also being put rn on
records and extra work for the clerk,
tweutyone cases of smallpox
he!r grounds where abundance of
, , .
77 .
1 whose work is constantlv increasing
Harrv Brehaut, Dell Morgan, E.
„ ow require8 the employment of
ted and since that disease has
Knlarged T h e ir P lans
¡°,ber 18 f° Uni1' A“ tL‘8 wJ1 *,ut J. Fay, G. A. Peel and F. G. Eby,
says regarding the commercial en­
checked, six cases of scarlet!
tlie coniPauy "> P°81tlou to
deputies all the time, and three
its mines aud work them at their ad
Cottage Grove, last Thursday terprise of some well known Cot­
«ter have
broken out. Tney were
Messrs. Jones and Phillips have de- full capacity.
filed articles of incorporation for the tage Grove parties at that place: and four sometimes to keep the work
«ported Thursday to Judge Kincaid.
cided to build their new two story
Other developments are beiug Phoscoe Manufacturing Company, “The Hemenwav Mercantile Com­ j up..—Eugene Journal.
There is a prevailing opinion that | brick ou the corner of Main and made in the Bohemia district that
*be Couutv Cleik at Eugeue. pany, which owns stores at Cottage
T o Im p rove th e C ity M orals.
Spriugfield with its big mills anil Fourth streets larger in dimensions will make it in a few years one ^be purpose of the company is to Grove and Scio, is preparing to put
railroad junction may in a few years | than was at first contemplated. Tbe , of the greatest gold producing sec- manufacture ami seil the new bever- in a large department store iu this
The good citizenship meeting will
blo8»om forth quite a thriving city | new plans and specifications call for J tions of the state. Air. Henry savs I
knowu as Phosco, declared in city- A new brick building, the en- be held at tbe C. P. church next
and with the backing of tbe great a building (¡0 x !K) feet, three store the I.eRoy mines. Crystal Consolida- j their arti-la* as being a ‘•healthful, tire lower floor of which will be used Sunday evening a 8 o'clock and tbe
Booth, Kelly Lumber Co. become a rooms ou the ground floor and a ted, Judson Rock. Grizzly Alouutuiu ! beneficiai and delightful drink.
together with an adjoining buildiug, following program will be rendered:
The company is incorporated for is now being built for tbe company. Song, congregation; Prayer, Rev.
dangerous business and commercial modern lodge room, banquet room and scores of other properties are
nvnl to Eugene.
| vestries aud anti-rooms on second all showing up exceedingly well. $25,000, divided into 25,000 shares. The company proposes to put in the C. H. Wallace; Scripture reading;
Tbe stock is non-assessable aud largest store of its three stores in Song, duett; Introductory address,
The road supervisor has closed the floor. Gne tier of office rooms will He secured many fine views while
the head office is at Cottage Glove. Grants Pass.
Rev. G. H. Feese; Beading, Mrs. C.
Ui Keuzie bridge at Coburg for re be petitioned off in front of tbe lodge in the district.
This uew health drink was first in­
| J, Bradford; Address, Rev. Billing-
This is the way Superintendent
pairs it being iu a condition verging room on the second floor. The big
O regn n ’s E xh ibit at Nt. Louis, ton of Christian church; Song, quar­
on collapse. It will probably be ten brick will have an artistic balcony Matthews of the Oregon Securities troduced ou the market this seasou
by Messrs. Alorgan & Brehaut, of
tet; Open discussion 15 minutes; So
days before teams can cross again, front and will be modern in its con- Compauy, sizes up the various prop­
the New Era Drug Store, and it at
Although no vote has been taken lo. Miss Silsby; Address, Rev. I. M.
busiuess being greately incouvenien struction and equipment throughout. erties of the company in Bohemia, in
once bp came iu strong demand on the matter, it ia practically settled Boyles; Song, congregation,
eed in the meantime. Several teams The lodge room has beeu leased by a letter to the stockholders: “ Imag­
throughout the state aud is now
from the other side were on this side the \V. O. \V. lodge and most of the ine the Champion with 2H0 feet of one of the most popular drinks sold that no part of the appropriation for j
Tell your friends if they want a
of the bridge when it was closed, other rooms have been engaged. A backs 400 feet long and six feet wide. at the soda fountain. It is manufac­ an exhibit at St. Louis will be expen
and would like very much to get concrete pavement will front the t>72,000 cubic feet; the Excelsior, tured from pure, wholesome fruit ded for a building there, as no exht live, newsy local paper to give tho
bit placed in such a building can L ane C oi nty L kadkk a trial.
building on Main aud Fourth street. 500 by 500 by (!, 1,500,000 cubic
feet; the Mabel, with probably more juices and syrups and contains many
aay 2,000,000 cubic feet: the Helena, healthful medical properties. Its
with say 1,500,000 cubic feet; tbe sale is rapidly supercediDg Coco
Greenhorn, with aay 500,000 cubic Cola, Orangeade and all other pop-
feet for the firat opening or first ular'beverages. The Lzxuut congrat­
level; and the Musick, 350 by 350 ulates this enterprising firm and the
by fi, 735,000 cubic feet, making a incorporation upon its well merited
total of 6, 907,000. Divide by 14 «ucce»«. “Everybody drinks Phosco.”
cubic feet for the number of tons, :
xndyou have a total of 493,357 tons
New M ill C om pleted
It would take a 30-stamp mill near-1
lv 20 years to work it out, at the rate
We are informed by Messrs. Camp-
of 25,000 tons per year. Push on bell A Alexander o f the Pacfic Tim-
\ \ > are offering
to greater depths ami back«, and ber Company, of Cottage Grove that
A T (' O íS T
not mill everything in sight for im- they have completed their new mill
mediate large returns, and in five at Alca, five miles south of this city.
I years from today you can keep 1*000 It will cut from 40,000 to 50,000 feet
stamps going and produce fabulous per day. The^company will build a
j profita.’ ’
I planning mill at Latham and handle
the material to be dressed from their
Our entire line
H lltl III
lilt«' o f
' Drain. Coart Fork and Alea mills. ]
An in-transit rate liaa been secured |
M«‘ifj« F ilm inhinjfs
from the Southern Pacific, which |
voti «*v«*r *nw, and
O ticcr C erem ony In P ron ou n c­
renders this possible. Their mach- j
X I ) <) \V
wo«tr«*Him*you «•;tii-
in g a P ope Otttcinlly Head.
me shops and big lumber yards are
A I) K S
not fail to
located at tbe same point, one mile
The Oregonian of last Saturday
r a K
said: In tbe event of tbe
you will *♦*«' iu th«*
point at which their donkey engine
death Carbinal Oreglia. lean of the is also employed in taking piling*
M A T I I Sii S
liu«* o f u«*\v Mtiuitner
sacred college and camerlengo. will from the river ami loaded tli^Vn on
at : : : :
(’ H O C K K K V
perform an important ceremony. flat cars
Lust A Finiter
he will proceed to tbe death room,
where, while all are kneeling, he will
unveil the face of the departed snd
W A ' l l H l I A I! D S
strike tbe fore-head of the dead poa ployed on the O A S. E railroad
t.ff with a »river hammer, calling the MCUon at this place met with ,n *c- i
decease» by name, and will then sol- cident Monday that -oat him a finger ’
tf vou i I ps I d * targato« in any
emnly announce that the pope is He was ssaistmg in handling the I
r —
■■ of
Itop-. '-all hm <1 « pp
1 , •
, , ,
heavy steel rails and in falling one
It is alleged that i ardtnal Oreglia 0f the heaw rail* aught and -rush
We are Ready
To Show You
For Spot Cash
went to the Vatican, hammer ;n hand. ied one of his
am '
when Pope Leo was operated on for potation neressarv below the first
soon recover from
tbe removal o f a cyst in 1899. and joint. He w
, that his holiness bad dislike,I the the injury.