Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, July 03, 1903, Image 1

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ior ihre«
« hiidrii W h .
it- rich B« h
i ami the
bar hi lues
Xane County Xeabec.
will here tliul opportunities
nowhere else afforueil In Orts
gon. The Leader will give
you the news anti fuels cim-
ceruiug this favored loeality
teaius and the hoys a.e loud in tbtir
denunciations of that sheet. In Sat-
, ill'ilay s Albuni the umpire
| Rave it to Vlhunv because oue of the
Salem players refused to g o o ff tbe
held when ordered. Suuday Salem
shut out Albany by tbe score of U tub.
Attorney Jerome* Knox of tbe
Grove was looking after legal mut­
ters here Wednesday.
orsd-Power B o i l -
W. C. Johnson, Jus. Wbitford and
J. Conners of the Grove were prov­
ived for Hosel-
ing up ou timber claims befoie J. J.
IN niton NN ednesday.
Saw M ill
Marriage license« were issued to
tbe following persons by
county clerk Lee this week:
John A. Calloway and Dosia Ham­
ilton ; G A Davis aud Lenora, Gale M.
N\ . Weber anil Mamie Moore, Owen
Mention o f People A. Thompson and Maggie K. W’ulsli,
Joseph C. Whitney aud Ida E. Carr,
go and Com e-
George M. Miller‘and Miss Rosatta
her Items.
NO. 11
| For some time past he attended bar
at Eugene and was employed in the
i same capacity in this city. He was
[ mar lied some mouths ago which
union proved uncongenial and a
separation followed. He then went
to California where be remained
! hut a short time when he returned
to this city. He went to Bohemia
recently hoping to be able to break i
off from strong drink, which he had
bet u using to excess for some time, A w fu l Explosion in a W y ­
tint it was too late. The attempted j
oming Mine in which
reformation brought on delirum,
2 3 6 Men Perish
madness, then death. The remains \
were burio 1 at Eugene Wednes­
G reat
K n ow I ton-Stevenson Nuptials.
eue cannery is now can
Luke F. Kuowltou, who was mar­
Eugene's big Fourth of
ried to Miss Myrtelle Stevenson at
progressing rapidly on tlie Portland last Wednesday, stopped !
off in this city for a brief visit with
School Building.
bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D.
leu CInrk has been chosen Kuowlton, last Thursday with bis
ss of Libei ly at the com- bride w hile on their way to Califor­
luly celebration in Eugene nia points on a brief wedding tour.
•y John Medley of Cottage Tbe Oregonian of lost Suuday con­
d Deputy Prosecuting At- tained tbe following notice of the
i ris went to Junction Mou- wedding:
A pretty wedding took place at tbe
*al business.
home of Mr. aud Mrs. L>. O. Steven
ark, goddess of liberty for
sou, 330 East Ninth street, at 5 o ’­
as selected Maude King,
clock ou Wednesday, June 24, when*1
in mid, Ermine Church and
their daughter, Myrtelle, was united
■Elroy as her aides.
in marriage to Mr. Luke E. Kuowl­
>rse power engine and boil- ton, agent for tbe Southern Pacific
at this place this week for at Albuuy.
iiton’ s sawmill six miles be-
The cermony was performed by !
w. Tbe mill bus been op- Kev. G. W. Plummer, of the First
y water power heretofore. Evangelical Church, in tbe presence
i f 7"—
laker, of Cottage Grove, tbe of relatives and intimate friends.
poiuted state game warden,
Before the entrance of the bridal
igene Sunday ou his way to party, Miss Nettie M. Greer sang'
where be will appoint a "Call Me Thine Own,” followed by j
or that vicinity,
the wedding march, plajed by M iss1
nderaon and Hosiuer 6f Cot-
fove have repotted to Judge
two eases of diphtheria in father, fche wa^attireil in a beauti-
elly Lumber compauv’s m ill! fl“ I»'«” ™ of cre» m etaroine, and wore
1, near Cottage G rove.! a P*“ rl necklace, gift o fjh e groom.
ses have been quarantined. j she
a boquet of
The brnle s maids were Miss lva Ste-
ooth-Kelly Company's big
veusou and Miss Letha Stevenson,
at Coburg aud Springfield
cousin ami sister of tbe bride. The
;ed down till after the Fourth j
maid of honor was Miss Della Withey.
when they will again be op-
Their gowns were of white orgaudie.
n full time. The Weudliug'
aud they carried arm boucpiets of
Oregon Minoral Spring«, that well raee around the race track, greased
I close down only for the one
pink carnations and loses. Mr. Ches- gllowll ilnj popular health resort pole climbing, prize on top. And
:e 4th.
ter Stevenson, brother of the bride,
, .
. .
many otlit’r atrructions. Don’t for­
and one of the mot t l<«iutmil spots
’ orce of about 80 men era- '■ acted . as . best
get that every effort is being put
... ■ ,
in the Booth-Kelly Lumber
The parlors were decorated with ou
Coast, which is looat forth by the committees to make this
D 'a logging camp near Lea- felDg and wild syriuga blossoms.
eil on the Coast Fork river about a gala day and au enjoyable time for
i the McKenzie, quit work
After congratulations, dainty re- eight miles South of Cottage Grove, everybody.
' on account of some ditficul- fj-e^Kmeuts were served.
J is the only place in South Lane
the foreman of the camp,
Mr. and Mrs. Kuowlton left for au County to hold a rousing celebration,
has made arrange­
>t of them are now in Eu- exteutle«! -trip to the South. They consequently, a large crowd aud a
ments with Hon, It, M. Yeatcb to
will he at home to their friends after grand good time is assured.
^League Ball game at Hose. July 25, at Albany. They were the
An interesting and entertaiuing deliver the address of the day which
lat urday resulted, Eugene 1, recipients of many beautiful gifts program has been arranged and will be followed by music, tending
rg 3. Sunday at the same and telegrams of congratulation, everything will be done by the com declaration aud recitation« by the
mittee to make your day at the children.
2u gene 10, lioseburg 5. The
If you read the Leader you will Springs an enjoyable one
rg l'lnimleRier is trying to
Oue of the most attractive features
• p a big rumpus between the keep posted
The principal nmu«emeut of the
of the day will be the bicycle race day will lie in the afternoou and will
in a free for all entry and a valuable include n game of baseball by locnl
prize to the winner. Boys take talent.
your bicycles and try for the prize.
1'lRK W O RK S
It will be worth your effort.
All who remain for the fire-works
Tbe following anioug many others |
evening will be given n grand
have been arranged: Sack races, treat. This will be one of the most
wheelbarrow races, twenty pound exciting, as well as interesting, fea­
hammer throw, sixty yard dash free tures of the day exercises. All who
for all, sixty yard dash boys under
sixteen, sixty yard dash married men can should remain for this the clos­
six feet tall and over, farmers double ing part of the (lays program. Every
s T
team hitching conteat, wheelbarrow body come.
(W o n Mineral Springs Will Make the Eagle Scream-
A Good Program Arranged.
For Spot Cash
Our entire
.. o f . .
\V I X I) () XV
S II A I) E «
M A T T 1 X O S
\V A S 11 b o a i: i» s
If yon desire bargain* in any I
of these line i, call and see usi
EaKin $ Bristow
S. T . N e l s o n W a s R o b b e d .
C oin in g .
Volney B. Cushing, the great tem-
a t
perauce lecturer and orator, of Bau-
W it h Forty Charter
gor, Maine, will visit Cottage Grovel
Monday su<l Tuesday July 20th ami
2 1 st and deliver a series of address- j
es. Here is an opportunity to hear , Hanna, \Vyo., July 1.— Yesterday
one of the country’s most brilliant | an explosion of fire damp iu mine
plntforiq orators discuss one of the No 1 of the Union Pacific Coal Com­
lending questions o f the day aud pany’s mine snuffed out tbe lives of
our citizens should not fail to avail 230 men, injured scores of others,
themselves of this opportuhity to and caused the destruction of a vast
hear him. Among Mr. Cushing’s amount of property, The mine was
subjects are the following: “ Politics not fired, as stated in the early re­
aud the Saloon” ; Prohibition a Pol­ ports, but the explosion was torrific,
aud shattered the timbers of the
itical Issue” ; “ A Modern Triumvir-
main shaft aud numerous entrances,
rtte” ; “ The Saloon versus Society” ; filled the workings with debris, and
“The Desecration of the Temple” ; those of the miners that were not
“A Remedy for the Driuk Evil” . killed outright by the explosion
Remember his dates.
were buried alive.
O rator
T R A IN .
S. T. Nelson, who resides on a C l i n t M o n t g o m e r y , o f E u g e n e ,
Siieeu tu hs t o H e a r t f a i l u r e .
farm two miles east of town, was
\ robbed by a crook Saturday morn­
Wbil returning to Cottage Grove
ing while under tbe influence of from Bohemia mines Monday, Clint
| ‘ arobier gurgle.” Nelson was sit* Montgomery, of Eugene.
ting on a keg back of the Helena suffering from complications arising
saloon when the thief knocked him from the excessive use of intoxicants
Tied on the O. A. S. E. train nnd the
to the ground and took $7.50 from j1
body was turned over to the officers
his pocket. He w®< seen by Fred here, who Summoned the corner and
Bartels and another man, from a the following verdict was rendered.
I bnilding uear by, Who chased him
c o r o n e r ’ s v e r d ic t .
1 to the river, where lie was caught
We, the coroner’s jurv, find that
and turned over t'> one of the special deceased, Clinton Montgomery was
, police officers. He refused to give suffering from acute mauia and that
his name at first, but afterwards said tbe direct cause of death was heart
it was Gee. Gordon. He waived ex­ failure caused by the inordinate use)
amination and was taken to jail at of Alcoholic liquors, signed. -I. M.
Sherwood, W. H. Lincoln, Bert
, Eugene.
Lawson, Squire Vaughn, L S. Dila­
The Shelly warehouse bill goes in­ ni ick, W . H. Blair, Coroner Dr.
to effect July 1. Under this new law­ King.
Montgomery was about 2!> years
men doing a warehouse business in
Oregon on July 1. will be required | of age and was formerly of irtland
to give bonds.
j where his mother and suiter reside.
H o r a c e a n i l M a r i e l l iiu in l O v e r . 1
, ,,
Lane county Odd bellows, fully
P ortland , June 28.— Marie Ware lo o strong, assembled at Creswell
formerly U. S. commissioner at Eu- Wednesday evening for the purpose
gene aud Horace G. McKinley, tiin- ° f instituting a new I. O. O. F.
ber laud operator, charged with eon- lodge at that place. Judge J. J.
spiracy to defraud the government Walton o f Eugene being the instal-
out of public lands, were bound over Itt'ff officer.
1 he freedom o f the
bv U. S. commissioner Sladen to the city was theirs and they made the
federal grand jurv which meets in ’* » 1 o f it, the occasion being a rec-
October. Bouds were fixed at #2,- or<1 Breaker, so far as the fraternal
000 and were promptly furnished. , history o f the little city is concern-
----- —* . - -------
ed. Fourteen members o f the Cot-
S e r v i c e s a t t b e C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h tage Grove lodge were present,
while Eugene, Springfield, Goshen,
T.orane and Crow added their full
Rev. T. S. Handsaker, of town
quota to the attendance. The new
will speak at the Christian church lodge was instituted with about
Sunday at 11 a. m. 3 p. m. nnd 8
j lorty charter members, and is to lie
p. i d . Every one interested in
.known as Gtlfrey Lodge. No. 16 9 .
righteousness and t e m p e r a n c e
1 The following officers were elected
«hould be preseut. His evening
and duly installed: Ered Wright,
subject will be “ Uucle Sam’s Golden
.noble grand: John Weeks, vice-
Calf.” Come and hear what Mr.
grand; C. C. Hazleton, secretary;
Handsaker has to say.
Geo. Hawley, treasurer. After the
On Mouday evening at 8 o ’clock
* or<Tan' zal 'on o f the new lodge was
McLean, president U
le effected, a splendid banquet was
served and a general good time fol­
Society,” will give a lecture at the
same church.
Mr. McLean is oue of those rare
P ic n ic E x cu rsion .
spirits upon whose words the soul
The O. A S. E. Railroad will run
can feast. Do not fail to hear him. au excursion train to the Red Bridge
F . E. BlU.IXc.TON.
Haturdnv July 4th. It is a beauti­
* ■
♦ •
RAY— To the wife of Hermann
Ray, nt Lonnie. June 2!>, D.I03,
an 8 J pound daughter, nnd a
phone message says “ Hermann is
nil smiles.”
ful ride and a splendid plnce to
spend the National Day.
You can
stop at any point you please and the
trnin will pick you up on the return
trip. Trnin leaves Cottage (Trove
at i) a. ui., starts on return at 5 p.
in. Round trip 50 cent«.
Famous Coffees