Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, June 19, 1903, Image 9

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Œbc Hane County Xcafccr
C O T T A G E U K O VE , O R E ., J U N E 19, 1903
No. 9
Itoom .
Tell us not in mournful numbers
That this town is full of gloom,
For the men’s a crunk who slumbers
In these bursting days of boom.
Life is real, life is earnest,
Ami the grave is not its goal;
Every dollar that thou turnest
Helps to make the old town roll.
But enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
If you have no money borrow—
Buy a corner lot each day.
Lives of great tnen all reminds us
We can win immotial fame;
Let us leave the chumps behind us.
And we’ll get there just the same.
In this world's broad field o f buttle—
I I I the bivouac of life.
Let us make the dry bones rattle—
Buy a corner lot for wife!
Let us then, be up and doing.
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving still pursuing.
Booming early, booming late.
—Polk County Observer.
Showing tents o f the big Carnival Co. to be in Cottage Grove June 24th to 27th Inclusive.
W ill
E n force H om estead
The following remarks of nn official
high in the laud office deputment
are not calculated to ease the minds
of uuiuerous claim holders in the
county ami city:
“ The homestead law provides that
a settler shall uot bo absent from
bis laud longer than six months at
any one time. By some people this
has been construed to lueau that a
man may take a sandwich and a
blanket and spend one night on bis
claim every six months and at the
end ot the prescribed peiiod make
proof and acquire title to bis land.
It has been common in this st te
for leading business men iu a town
to have homestead claims 30 and
eveu 100 miles from their places of
residence and to make final proof
that was accepted by the laud office.
Such practices are travesties on the
home-stead law. Land offices of
this part of the Uuited .States have
been as sclio >ls of perjurers. ’
An examination and general shake
up is at hand so it is atiuounced.
All A v era ciou s P ublisher.
H. II. Brookes, the overly euter-
j prising editor of the Plaiudealer,
evidently believes the people of
Douglas couuty and the officials > f
the land office department are easily
gulled. As near as can be ascer­
tained Mr. Brook < has formulated a
gigantic scheme i s object being to
coutrol the greater portion of the
government laud printing of this
aud Josephine counties by issuing
from the Plaindealer office four
small papers purported to be pub­
lished at Biddle, Lelaud, Bohemia
and Youcalla. Iu doing this he is
supposed to cut auy other paper off
from the laud printing in the locali­
ties mentioned by getting between
Horace Mann, the editor of the En­
quirer of Medford who is well known
in Cottage Grove has got himself Into
hot water by his remarks concert ing
President Roosevelt and is the subject I
of a great deal of indignant comment [
bv the press of the state, irrespective
of parly and has been memorialized j
in condemnatory resolutions by a
number of organizations in Jackson
c unity. In a recent issue he disclaims
any intention of serious offense, ex­
plaining that the objectionable re­
marks were "jocular.” The paragraph
that drew tic thunders upon his head
read as follows:
"Roosevelt does not Hatter the
pictures "Ue sees of him and looks for
the world like some of these tough
bullet-headed Dutch bartenders one
sees in many eastern cities, and when
you get a good look at him you don’t
wonder that he boasts of shooting a
Spaniard in the back, or loves the
company of a lawless band oi cow­
The editor declares that he really
intends to say that the president is a
bet'er man than he looks. Iu the
meanwhile, he is is getting a great
de d of advertising though not o f the
most desirable kind.
the papers now being published aud tention to the fate of the newspaper
the laud to be. published.
Mr. j which was started up in Eastern
Brooks may make this scheme work, j Oregon near The Dalles last fall for
but should he uot, he has simply to . land printing only aud which was
discontinue the publication of the not only refused the land printing
little sheets and he is but very little j bv the government officials, but had
out. Even should he spend good to auswer for fraud.— Drain Non­
money as the balance of us haveipariel.
and go into town for the towu’s j
good and to help to build up the
The first report of the annual
locality, taking his investment for drowuiug while bathing comes from
better or for worse; even then he Salem this season
Morris Walker
would have to swear that bis publi- [ aged fourteen, was drowned in the
cation was genuine with a bona fide Willamette Monday while in swim-
circulation of a certain stipulated | ming with chums. It is supposed
number of actual subscribers and the cold water caused him to cramp.
that the said paper is published ]
nearest the land advertised.
Thirteen hundred slot machines
all due respect to Mr. Brookes and ( were confiscated and publicly burned
his enterprise, we would call his at- [in Philadelphia last week.
Bargains in Millinery Goods
In order to close out certain lines o f m y stock I am making such reduc­
tions in prices that it will be decidedly to your interest to come and see me.
In fact some o f the goods are marked down to actual cost, and others at c»n>
old figure to make them move. The line consists of many articles ot every
day necessity, and if you will save money, you 11 hunt up my place . . .
Millinery Trimmings and reud.v-to wear
garments for ladies at greatly reduced
Trimmed hats and trimmings at prices
much lower than usual.
in summer
A select Hue of wrappers, skirts and un­
dergarments at prices never before so low
in Cottage Grove.
Special reductions in the cost to you on
ribbons, laces and embroideries.
Not a very large stock to select from, but
the mens and bojB clothing will be sold at
prices regardless of cost.
In mens, ladies and misses shoes you can
do not so well anywhere in town.
A good line of umbrellas for ladies and
gentlemen. Handsome and serviceable at
the right kind of prices.
All through the stock you can pick up
bargains that will save you money.
M rs. N. E. E L S E A ,
W est Side
Cottage Grove