Methodist University la Plannsd. Bishop McCabe, ol the Methodist Best Cough Syrup. Episcopal church, has solicited the aid In tira*. Sold of Fierpoct Morgan in the erection of Old John Early, a Uublonega (Ga.) ^ the proposed American university at negro, Is quite a character in bis way | ---- — ------------ Washington. It is said that Mr. aid well known to every man, woman | North America has twenty volcanoes, Morgan views the project with favor. India's Area Not Large. and child for miles about the couu- Central America twenty-live and South India’s area is a little more try, says a writer in the New York America thirty-seven. Alfalfa Seed from Russia. one-half of the United States. Times. A fter serving his master In , The so-called sword o f the narwhal G. S. Mann, of Portland, Oregon, nar times he was given a strip of [s |u reality uotblng hut a huge tooth, has received from the Russian govern­ REIERSON M ACH INER Y C O . land whereon he built a cabin and p sometimes grows to a length of ten ment a quantity of the famras Turke­ (Successor* to John Poole) settled down conteutedly. lie does feet stan alfalfa seed, and e x a c ts to im­ Foot ol Morrison Street. Portl nJ, Oregois odd chores for the townsfolk and raises i . , . ,, . port more, as the farmers and stock­ W ith us for Saw M ill and Shingle M ill Ms* chicken, and small fruit with w h ich 1 A ^ r rln g lives the shortest time of men of Oregon and the Northwest be­ chinery. W ind M ill and Halus Dump, Ktn of food and im proves the appetite. Being a blood pu — and tonic combined the humors sons are counteracted and the blood made rich and pure, and at the same timer th* general health and system •» » P £ j j ba''! up and good health is esUbhshed. and this after all. is the secret o f a smooth, soft skin and beautiful com plexion. ^ |r any skin trouble send for our free book, " T h e Skin and Iu p charge for m edical advices W rite us about your case. S m e s w t r r s p e c if ic c o . . a tla m ta . ga * £ Q UICKLY CURED B Y BODY. cent years. This new apparatus will give you the movement cure, actually pummeling the differeut parts o f the body until the disease is supposed to be hammered out and the healthy tls- Bue renewed. The patient to t>e treated reclines on a special couch, fitted with very flexible springs. Mounted ou a vertical standard beside tbe conch is an electric motor, to which is attached a flexible shaft, through the medium of which movement Is Imparted to an ec­ centric. As tbe eccentric revolves it oscillates a vertical shaft with short, sharp strokes, and ou the lower end of this shaft Is the pummeling device, which la preferrahly of pneumatic construction, with means for varying the degree o f hardness to suit the con­ dition of the flesh to be treated. There Is little doubt but that the vigorous, and not necessarily harsh, movement of the flesh which this apparatus can produce will have a stimulating effect, causing the blood to circulate more freely and carrying off the waste tis­ sues which have become lodged and at tbe same time building up Dew tis- sue by the exercise. |ror never flatters; it tells the iter how much it tuay hurt the humiliating and disagreeable V is. A red, rough skin is fatal to blackheads, blotches and pimples to the com plexion, and no wonder such prts are made to hide thesfc blemishes, and k defects, and some never stop to consider P skin foods, face lotions, soaps, salves butapply them vigorou sly and often with- k> consequences, and m any com plexions >y the chemicals and poisons contained pses are due to internal causes, to humor I attempt a cure b y exter- M s an endless, hopeless i »uffered ft Pimple wash or ointm ent w ith a p ' m i when the skin is m in r 8. 8 8«, Id or itches, but you can’t bottlaa I f»lt i h_ , ___ j . * __ »m e» n k « » < pocai remedies for perm »- anu had llttl« k the blood is continually Jh»* u * » M■ [impurities w hich irritate s.V. S. . . . |e glands and pores o l all round to.i« las lon g as the blood re- Ithy, just so lo n g w ill the _ T o effectually and per- skin troubles the blood i f i e d and the system ansed and built up, and ell known blood purifier a.cs lor thts purpose. It utranteed stnctly vegeta- edy. It never deranges r impairs the digestion up 132*<8 T hird S t., P o rtla n d . O regon . t r r V ? " i o - paper Modern Warfare. Nicotine in Pipes. 0 Ro much Is heard of the different Bean—What would you do if you 1 cigar contains as much treatments ami cures for nearly all the (of nicotine; a pipeful of were in my shoe«? Tees— Well, I think it would be me Ills to which man la heir, or thinks he »ore, as a rule, than two- t# go to the shoemaker and hare them is, that poeelbly Interest wW be shown In the machine recently dtwipned by out down to my si»©. a Southerner, seemingly to produce an Y n u C a n G w t A l l e n 's F o o t E a s e F R E E . effect exactly the reverse from the rest Write Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y., for a cure which has been preached In re- ■tlons, as they cannot reach the )n of the ear. There is only one Ifoe**, and that is by constita- s. Deafness is caused by an in- do of the mucoa* lig lg of the ibe. When this tube gets in- ve a rumbling sound m i in per­ n-1 when it Is entirely dotted result, and unlesH the tnflanima- ten out and this tube restored to flition, hearing w ill be destroyed lases out ot ten are caused by I is nothing but an intlamed e mucouH surfaces. | One Hundred Dollar* for any caused by catarrh) that can [all's Catarrh Care. Bend for tor 1,011 lhat are ***en to die. He cure* with ppiirek. sJ K a rwfa. A those wonderful Chl- P i M v rih T Iiese herbs, rout's buds. barks and vegetables ‘" t hat are en tlrei)' un- “ ■><*■