Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, May 22, 1903, Image 1

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    U. o t O.
X a n e C o u n ty X e a ò e c.
will here find opportunities
nowhere else afforded in Ore­
gon. The header will give
you the news and (acts con­
cerning this favored locality
NO. 5
has gone to some secluded spot, and
.committed suicide, but there is no
|positive evidence of this, further
than what can be inferred from tbe
note. He hail some money and did
not owe any one a cent, and had no
reason to skip out.
Untight* C o u n tv
Circuit court for Douglas county
|Ves Town Su.dd.enlj'- opened iu regular session in Iiose- County Commissioners Ap
| burg Monday morning. Tho most
9r Circumstan
propriate $100 for
i important of the orders made were
1 the one in the case of Frank Gor- j
jes W hich
an Exhibit at
Tbe county commissioners have
appropiated $10(1 toward tbe ex­
pense of preparing a county exhibit
for tlie state fair. This act on the
part of the commissioners should
certainly met t with approval.
M Warren, of Coburg, has been ap­
pointed to collect the exhibit.
Tbe Eugene “ Nobles” won a vic­
tory over tlie tbe Salem “ Raglans”
in a game of baseball Saturday
which was a credit to neither, b$ a
score of 14 to 10.
The grounds
were new and slippery on account
of heavy rain and both teams were
ut a disadvantage.
Sunday the
game was reversed, Salem wiuuing
by a score of It to 0.
rell’s suit for over $11,000 damages
I against Dougins county resulting
from a bridge accident. Upon mo-
| tion of Mr. Sorrell's attorney, O. 1*.
Coshe w, the court ordered the case
transferred to Lane county for trial,
lestic Troubles Made holding that Douglas county jury­ Bold Burglars Struck the
men were disqualified in trying the
n Despondent and
Town in Force and
ense because they were taxpayers
No doubt tlie same house-breaker
"Very Moody
and therefore directly interested.
Secured Booty
who plied his profession so energet­
Attys A. M. Crawford and Geo. M.
ically at Cottage Grove last week
|r less excitement was oe- Brown represent Dougins county.
A marriage licence has been is­ reached Eugene on schedule time
------ ---------------
at the Central Hotel in
sued to Adolphus Emerick and Min­ and made his preseuce kuowu here
at 2 o'clock Friday morning bv ef­
[Monday morning by the T H E SAW MILL INDUSTRY nie Pfouts.
fecting an entrance to F. ft. Skip-
if the following nota iu a
The Salem and Eugene league worth's home. He carried a lighted
bete Len Beck has been
Great li»crease in Number of Mills in
candle which was observed by a
day in Eugene.
member of the family who gave the
Lane County— The Output Doubled
whom it may concern:
J. D.
Mrs. W. D. Gar in an of Cottage alarm and the thug tied.
Qhi is more than I can bear,
and Laborers in Demand.
Grove has been visitiug with her Ladley's residence oue block from
t tny wife done,
L eonard O. B eck .”
The increase in the lumbering sister, Mrs. It. W. Newlanil, of this the Skipwortb home was also en­
tered about tiie same time, but a
gnoto was written on a hotel business of tbe county this Spring city this week.
ead, enclosed in an envelop is estimated to be about 50 per cent
L. T. Harris and A. C. Woodcock bouse dog drove tbe burglar away.
where it could be easily over that of any preceding year, have formed a co-partnership and
The bold burglar got iu bis work
Beck -came here a few and it would be greater if men and will pull together in legal harness. iu this city again Saturday night.
i ago with bis wife from Al- machinery were at hand. There They will make a strong team.
Some time during the night the
p l started a' shooting gal- are at least 20 sawmills in the
Surveyors are at work surveying residence of Dr. W. L. Cheshire, at
Tliey stopped at the Central county now cutting lumber, with a
and settiug stakes for the new bridge 7118 Willamette street, was entered
1 no oue seemed to know that combined capacity for cutting of
at Springfield aud railroad to con­
any trouble or difference about 600,000 feet of lumber per
nect the Woodburn-Natrou branch and about $!*0, belonging to Mrs.
the couple.
Mrs. Beck day.
Cheshire’s father, P. P. Palmer, was
road with the S. P. at that place.
+onmu of very attractive per-
There are employed iu the mills
Itikeu. An entrance was effected to
, modest, refined and retuli and iu the fbrest or otherwise in
friends with all the board- connection with the industry at least home— the Sherwood House— at the residence of llev. J. S. MoCall-
(Mr. Korinek’fi family. One 1600 men, and still there has not Cottage Grove, Saturday after a uui the same night and ail the small
iras announced that she was been a day during the past year brief but enjoyable visit with her change ill sight was appropriated,
[to Albany to visit friends, when any willing and reasonably brother, Frank Blair of this city,
amounting to about $2.
The in­
bn Air. Beck did not know competent man could not get em­
Hon. J. T. Bridges, register of truder entered the par mu’ s studio
¡le was going,'never to return, ployment upon application. Wages the U. S. laud office at ltosehurg i
„days later B eck received a paid are better than usual, ruuuing who has been quite ill for some timf ' end read his Sunday morniug ser­
tiling him that she had left from 81.75 per day for the common­ pust spent Sunday iu Eugene visit­ mon uotes leaving candle droppings
good, and he took a train est kind of labor up to $3 or $4, or ing with friends, wbo were glad to all about them. After going to the
»any, but returned without even more iu some instances, for note bis improved condition.
cupboard and feasting on cake and
(use. He told bis friends that skilled men or men of responsibility.
The musical festival aud the big; other delicacies he left without be­
The demand for the lumber is far
bad quit him and seemed
O. W. logrolling was two of the | ing discovered.
ouch affected by the affair. in excess of the capacity of the mills,
Ink heavily about this time and the millmen have no difficulty
(eral times dropped a hint in getting good prices for all they
i intended to take his own can cut. Prices have advanced
Dd while under the influence during tlie past two years from $0
»key did take a dose« of some to $11.50 for cotnmou and from
poison, but the whiskey,iu $16.50 to $22 for first-class fir
fctein counteracted the effect lumber.
It is estimated there are 700,00(1
■ poison and Joe Koritiek took
ttle of poison awny from him or 800,000 acres of good timber iu
destroyed it.
He sold his the county outside of the forest
Jig gallery one day last week | reserve. The railroad
laved around here until Muu- holds a vast amount of this, and
fiviug an evasive answer to iu- there is also a considerable amount
"as to what he intended to of school land. Large companies
ie was last seeu at the halt have holdings amounting to many
(Sunday afternoon, but it was thousands of acres, and there are
(ought strange that he did small armies of meu holding quarter
(pear at the hotel, until the sectious each. Most of this land
(note was found.
Some of has been taken up during the past
who knew him best while few years, and has cost the locators
(xpress the belief that the man $2.50 per acre.
A ll of tli<‘ latest
dress fabrics in all
the new weaves »»d
choice patterns ::
Whi t e
W a s h
Latest Creations for 1903
G entlem en anti Ladies sum m er 1 ntlerwear.
The very latest in m en's huts. Ladies.
Misses and Childrens shoes. Men s and
b o y s shoes io light and heavy soles, vie! and
b o x ca lf, and miners* shoes : : : : :
Eakin ® Bristow
First National BanK Building
Under Headway and Building Operations are Very Ac=
tive at Present in Cottage Grove.
Many new substantial building»
are under course of construction in
this city anil among those not here­
tofore mentioned through tlie col­
umns of tbe L eader are as follow-
Work is well advanced on a neat
rive room cottage for Jas. Hart in
(he new McFarland nddition to
west Cottage Grove. Will Hart is
the head carpenter on this buildiug.
News Notes of General In-
| Secretary of State Dunbar
terest F r o m Va­
j completed the arrangement of
rious Sources
I candidates for cougress as they
W . P. Peacock Shoots and
kills A. S. Kerr near
appear upon the official ballot. Ac­
cording to arrnngemeut, us provid­
ed by the statutes in the alphabeti­
cal order of their surnames, W. P.
Elmore, tbe Probibitiouists candi­
date appears first ou the ballot as
No. 12; Binger Hermann as Repub­
lican, as No 13; J. W. Ingle, So­
cialist, ns No. 14; A. E. Beanies,
Democrat, as No. 15.
The magnificieut
There is talk of an automobile'
stage line between Medford and which the people of Oregon showed
their appreciation of Captain, now
Rear Admiral, Clark, who command­
A fierce snow storm raged over ed the famous battleship Oregon ou
Montana and Utah this week entail­ her historic run from the Pacific to
ing a loss to cattle aud sheep 'men the Atlantic, during our war» with
in the enormous sum of $5,000,000. Spuin, has beeu forwarded to hiin,
Ashland had a big fire Monday, accompanied by a letter from Gov.
“ Tho
the loss aggregating $80,000. Most Chamberlain, which says:
of the structures burned were frame sword is tendered to you by a grate­
buildings except one brick wbicb ful people, embracing all classes
was destroyed.
aud all shades of political opiuiou,
W. P. Peacock shot and killed bis and I trust you will receive it as an
neighbor, A. S. Kerr, at Parker, five expression of gratitude for your
miles from Independence Tuesday, distinguished service to the nation
the result of Peacock’s ill temper. T and in appreciation of you as a man
and officer.”
Tbe slayer is under arrest.
The foot pad is getting iuliis work
A movement is being made t o '
start a newspaper iu Jacksonville, in and about Itoseburg. A stage
to be under the conduct of Clins. has been held up and private citizons
Meserve, lately of tlie Medford Sue- i are being relieved of their purses.
cess. It will be knowu as the Jack­
sonville Sentinel.
President Roosevelt~In travelling
over tbe United States goes thous­ No New Townships will be Platted in
Oregon this Year, and all Present
ands of miles further than an Euro­
pean ruler iu going over all of the
Work Ordered Stopped.
countries of the continent.
is the U. S.
No new townships are to be sur­
A few days ago in a domestic diffi­ veyed in Oregon by the Govcrn-
culty betweeu Mr. aud Mrs. John , ment this year, according to the
Boumls of Coquille City n struggle j present prospects, and all those iu
for the possession of a pistol took course of surveying are “ huug up,”
place. The pistol was discharged pending investigation under the su-
iu the melee and both combatnuts . pervisiou of United States Laud
received flesh wounds iu the knee.
Commissioner Richards.
The cause of this suspension of
Iu a snappy game of ball at Rose-
burg Saturday the locals fell before surveys, as nearly as can he learned,
the Albany hall tossers by a score of is the reports of Special Ageut
11 to 2. It was ati exciting con­ Green, of the Interior department,
test. The game was repented ou who became nlarmed at tlie great
Sunday and the tables were turned, quantities of timber | lands being
Roseburg winning by a score of 15 bought up by lumber syndicates,
who used the alleged “ settler” as
to 10.
Mrs A S Bliton, wife of the editor go-betweeu in acquiring title. Sur­
of the Medford Mail, died at her veys are now suspended in the tim­
home in Medford last Thursday ber regions of Lane, Douglas, Jo­
ag d 36 years. The tuueral took sephine, Coos and Curry counties,
plnee Saturday from the family resi­ in Western Oregon, and iu Wallowa
dence conducted 1 v Rev, W. F. aud Klamath counties, east of thu
Shields and interment was made in Cascade Range.
Odd Fellows cemetery_ The L e a u -
Subscribe for tbe L eader and get
Roht. Phillips has a huge addi­ er extends sympathy to Editor Bli­
Marion Veatch has a very neat tion to his eott .ge in West Cottage ton.
all the local, Btate and general nows.
commodious six roomed cottage in­ j Glove nearly completed which
closed on the lot which he recently makes a marked' improvement iu
purchased almost opposite the the appearance of his premises.
Cbristiuu church.
The Thomas
C. C Roberts is putting the fin­
Bros, are the contractors anil when
completed it will be a model little ishing touches on bis new cottage ou
Bridge ^treet near the school house,
which »ill be a cosy little domicile.
On the lot adjoining Mr. Veatch’s
J. I. Jones recently completed a
new cottage on the south, a neat,
cosy cottage is just being complet­ i commodious addition to his resi­
ed l.y Mrs. Emerson, the paper dence m Jones addition to Cottage
bangers and painters now being Grove.
engaged in putting on the finishing
A. G. Knapp 1ms tbe carpenters
at work enlarging and otherwise
Herbert Eakin of tbe firm of Eak- improving the residence which be
¡it ¡i m oderate ex-
i in ¿ i Bristow has the lumber on bis i recently purchased in the McFar-
8 i f y o u will al­
i lot in the south pnrt of town adjoin­ i land addition a little north of tbe
ow us to lit y o u out
i n g Harry Wynne’s residence prop-1 Catholic church,
erty, for a new story aud a half cot
in our Ihind-Tnilor-
Mr. F. Korinek, the genial and
i tage of modern design, which Mr.
' K oady-to-W ear
enterprising new proprietor of the
Eukiu is building to rent.
C lothing : : : :
Central Hotel bas the carpenters at
The o n ly difference
AlbertJWillard 1ms tbe material work building a fine commodious
'all on the ground for a tine comtiio- addition to his hotel, the main room
1 » e t «’ e e n Tailor-
j ilious two story residence on his in which is to be fitted up for a
Made ( ’lothes is the
1 lots opposite J. H. McFarland's conveinent sample rdom for the ac­
price, and tlmt is idl
home in tbe McFarland addition to commodation of the commercial
111 fin e r o f the woods
west Cottage Grove.
You Can be Fashionable
Our Spring Goods
Tbe Oregonian has been inaki ng
some discoveries that will startle
tho President when he reaches
Portland. Iu that citv there are
20.000 female population between
20 aud 44 years of age, of whom'
one third are unmarried.
Of the
14.000 married but one in eleven
gave birth to a baby during tbe last
year. Tnen ou tbe part of t be men
but half of those between 20 aud 55
years are married.
biggest events in Eugene’ s history.
We observed that the Cottage Grove
-W ow ’ s” with their C. M. A. band
made a verv creditable shovviug.
The l/ir a n c Creamery.
Pupils Vote for Congressman.
The machinery and cans for the
LoiVne Aeamery arrived at this
place Monday and on Tuesday was
taken over to the creamery site
where the plant will be installed at
once and put into early operation.
It is sure to become a great sonree
of revenue and profit to the Lorlfne
; farmers and dairymen where the
| conditions are so favorable for
| dairying. Pass the Lorane Cream
j ery "butter, please!
The sixth and Seventh grades of
the Cottage Grove public school
voted for Congressman Friday af­
Stirring speeches were
made by different pupils, preceding
the election. The ballot resulted
; as follows:
, Hermann.......................................... 18
Reames ............................................. 7
W ilkins............................................. 2
Total votes cast........... .............27
wo offer
. . . .