Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, May 01, 1903, Image 1

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    U. •! U.
Xane County Xeaber.
>ri nt for three
11.. rit ti Ilo-
i*M niliifs, u id Hit!
■ it i» cinnabar mines
will *’'Te And opportunities*
no o here ebe a Horde«! in Ore-
iron. Tht Uijdw will git«
you the m*** ami facts con­
cerning tills favored locality
NO. 2
this week. It is believe«! that tlie
charge of perjury in only temporary
and that ii the case t‘Ver comes into
court other charges will be preferr­
ed which will effect certain timber-
land speculators and locators.
Not long since throe families ar-
place from Colwell
I county Mo., having chartered and
shipped their household effects ill
ouc large furniture ear. Here the
things were unloaded and si parat-
i ed, Henry Alspaugh and family
: locating near Eugeue ; Dave Stacks
and family locating near Cr* swell,
and Cottage (iroye being the objec­
tive point for John Coffman and
family. They are all intelligent,
j energetic and well-to-do people and
1 will make very desirable citizens.
' rived at this
i Families From Mis-
?i Ai rive a n d
Locate Here.
olican Committee De
nes Invitation for
Joint Debate.
jciunot iie intervieved. Her friends
say she has gone to San Francisco
white others who are somew hat cog­
nizant of the land fraud proceed
jiugs sav she will not likely let her
1 whereabouts be known.
; The contl uct» of the Eugeue of-
: fice bus been Uil iler investigation by
if the government
* secret
Department o f Justice In- ^the past few i" ruths. Evidences
were secured that all was not
structs U. S. District
straight and she was asked tu resign
Attorney t o
which she did immediately. It lias
been noised for some time that sli
had been conducting the office fi
the emolument of some of her tiur
her friends and it was on these
grounds that she was asked to re
sign. It appears that Miss Ware
Her Friends Claim that she was the dupe of these men for
whom she did the work that got
was the Dnpe o f De
her into the trouble.
signing Men
co to children. If the boys knew
that they t-xi were liable to punish­
ment they would he less likely, tliau
now to devise all manner of schemes
whereby they can secure the covet­
ed tobacco.
News Notes of General In­
terest F r o m Va­
rious Sources
Through the Eug**oe Democratic
I headquarters this wet k a challenge
j was issued to Hon. Hiuger Hermann
for a joint debate, with Hon. A. E.
o Sanderson 1ms commenced Reams, the itinerary to cover so
W ashington , April 2 4 — On re-! Advicts from Washington state
livore« in the Lane county much of the district as the rem&iu- quest of ¡Secretary Hitchcock, the i *,!at ,lh* UYS‘ Att0,f°-V
liuirt against his wife, Susan j ing time will permit Since Mr.
. _ * ,
baa been matrlifted t«> tike stops
, ,
• » , • tixe«i and announced throughout the t l the United State Attorney, at on the charge of perj ui-
-„I Roosevelts special train ^strict none of which he desires to
to Portland to take steps look in g| to
fv« s on schedule time, will I cuncel) tbe „ballenge cannot
he ac the arrest of Msrifl Ware, late
Developments have caused nu-
Algeria Thursday inorntug, Icepted et this late” date, end it is
a .. _ _ i . •
l nited States Commissioner at Eu­
■between five and six o clock. | looked upon .................i
as a grand »,*.....i
staud ,.i....
play gene, Or., and also the arrest of ruerous expressions «if re rei, in Eu-
yelling games of the new I on the part of the Democrats, two other Oregon Commissioners, g«iue. It has been averred that
league will be played at ; However, a few joiut meetings may whose names cannot be learned. It Miss Ware was removed by conniv-
^Saturday and Sunday be- j he arranged at convenient and im- is believed they are two of the three ance of several iien of a speculating
ie Eugene and Koseburg portant places, Mr. Hermann being Commissioners recently
l to install another,
j perfectly willing to meet Mr Reams from office by Judge liellinger— H. ring who want*
that she is the
u debate.
\Y. Reed, of Bend; J. \Vt Hanjuker,
U Clerk Lee has issued
and uufair
licenses ns follows: Wni.
treatment. The case will be aired
11 to Edna Hambrick; A. j O regon P io n e e rs M eet J u n e , 17. za
in the federal court and the facts of
I to Hilma Carlson: C. Beni
* .
[to Emily (¿. Kelty.
j . 1 reP'‘ ™t>°U‘* »re well under way
Miss Ware is not in Eugene and the matter reached.
„ .
in Portlaud for Pioneer Dav. Much
|(i. 1!. Chrisman Saturday I.
. .
, . ' .
[ntract for the erection ,;f i «ntereBt is expressed by pioneers
l ick building at the side of I throuKh the state, and uoUithsUnd-
int Chrisman block at Ninth ‘
is rapidly thiuniu- then
jundtte streets. Work will j ranks the . indications are that the
(need on the foundation at | attendance w ill he as large an ever.
Roney is the contractor, j East year was the banner year,
11040 persons bving registered with
Clerk Lee bus had notices ; Secretary Himes. »Since the last
the various precincts of | meeting tbe names of more than 200
„ announcing a special who were all in Oregon prior to
I be held on Monday, June 11854, who never have attended a
e purpose of eleciitig a j meeting of the association, have *
The well known timber and lot' — ‘Alexander V Campbell have secured
Ran. to fill the nr expired beei. reoured. it is probable that a
late Thos. H. Tongue.
number of these will attend the re­ bermeu, Alexander <fc Campbell, wbo a large body of fine timber whi
operate extensively in North Doug­ will require many years continuous
ins been received here that j JUi ? n
operations to null out.
The date of the meeting will be las and South Lane counties under
was in San Francisco
.. " . . .
The company is removing its
. ,
, , | on
« (inesday, June 17, and it will (lie tirili líame of the Parine Timber
In company with a lady I
headquarters office into its com mo
take place in the Exposition build­
Itleinau and went to th e !
Co., are installing a line new saw dious new building in West Cottage
ing. Senator Charles \V. l ’ulton,
ptel. She was also keen iu
null plant at the Alca switch or sid- Grove, which has recently been
of Astoiia, will deliver the annual
: ear by a Eugene citizen
mg a few miles south of Divide in Í fitted up conveniently for th'e tra us
address, and Oliver 0. Applegate,
ante to tlie above named
w f-*>
Pass creek canyon. The new plant action of the large business, wfiiT-h
of Klamath county, the occassional
consist« of a 100 horsepower boiler the company e n j o y T The
h e shei
shed ' r \
address. It is the desire of Presi­
l*11 feet of lumber purchas- dent Morelund and the board of and engine and modern saw mill tendon to the company’s big 1 1 Uyl<id
d by tbe county to build directors that the 1903 reunion shall machinery, with a daily capacity of ing, which has been used . until.t,re-
Men eently for lumber *hedk, is. now be-'
Id and enclousure for the surpass all previous meetings iu about 50 000 feet of lumber.
of Elliot E. Lyons, April interest, and no effort will be spared are at work laying tlie foundation ing inclosed and will be Converted
for the mill, constructing a dam into large wareroouis, iu order tfi
B n to A. C. Woodcock, who to briug about that end,
land will soon be ready to install the provide more room in tbe company’s
n ig h n l bidder, at $8
l’ue Southern Pacific ami the O.
knd. It cost the county H. ii N, Co, have grauted reduced ¡machinery, which is already on the ¡large general merchandise store on
' the opposite side of the street, anil
> most of it and more than rates to all who will, attend the ground.
A spur or siding from the maiu which will enable then) to increase
| price for some of it.
annual meeting of the pioneers,
I line of the S. P. railroad bus been \ their stock to meet their constantly
of Miss Marie Ware, ex- grand encampment of Indian War ; laid to the mill *ite, a distance of I grow ing trade. This company, with
tmissioner, who after re­
about a quai ter of a mile, at a eo»t its payrole of from $10,000 to $12
ft this city for parts un- Native sons and Daughters of Ore- of about $3,500 aud as soon as the 000 |ier mouth is doing« its full
been the subject for gou, all of which will take place the mill is ready for operation ship­ share toward the development ayd
lie discussion iu this city same week.
ments will begin.
upbuilding of Cottage Grove aud
Iu tbe vicinitv of this new mill, tributary country.
Alexander & Campbell Putting in Machinery at Alea
Siding, Eight Miles South of Cottage Grove
Hon. W. P Elmore, Prohibition
I candidate, will speak at the follow-
ing places on the dates unmed:
Tlie Berry and Fruit Crop Dallas, April 2!), Philomath, April
30; May -ith Junction City; May 5th,
of Hood River will
Eugene; May Oti,, Cottage Grove;
May 8th, Roseburg; May !>th Dillard;
b e Immense
May 11, Ashland; May 12th, Medford;
It is said John I). Rockfeller, Jr, May, 13th, Grant’s Pass.
and George Gould will build a rail­
The people of Hood River, Ore­
road from Coos Bay to Salt Lake gon, a little stream that empties in­
to the Columbia river from the
New Post masters appointed for south side between The Dalles and
Oregon are, Comstock, Roy Griggs, Portland, estimate that during tho
vice Henry W. Stewart, resigned; comiug summer they will send to
Meadow, Richard G. Fowler, vice market 125 car loads of berries,
mostly strawberries, or 1250 tons.
Levi P. Talluian, resigned.
Iu addition to its crop of berries.
According to the Ashland Tribune Hood River sends to market vast
there is a good-sized chunk of Unit quantités of apples, prunes, water
city that for toughness could give melons and vegetables.
pointers to the place where there Grove, with its favored surround­
is no snow, and there are other«.
ing country could d .‘ likewise if tho
J. L. Beaver and Mr. Boebe of effort was put forth.
--------- — • —- ------------
Springfield, are putting up a new
G ran d O p e n i n g
sawmill near Pleasant Hill with a
capacity of 10,000 feet per day.
The new coufectionery will have
Tho machinery is now heiug hauled an opening on May 7th. Ice cream
aud lee cream soda will be sorved
A civil engiueer, a
reported free to all the ladies who call on that
Don’ t forget the place— ‘‘The
agent of tbe S. I’ . Railroad Company, day
is examining the route down the Wave,” opposite Sherwood Hotel.
Elk Creek puss and to Coos Bay via
M k s d a m e s CoreH A M a l o n e .
Gardiner. Rumor has it that the
E. M. Thomas was succeeded
companv Intends building down tlie
coast to Sau Francisco.— Roseburg this week in the news and book
store by Mrs D E Fields, who
purchased aud will continue tbi
Twenty-five thousand people have busice*.«. Besides stationary, books
come Into the North west over the periodicuh,, papers*, cigars and
lroes of the O. It & V Co. since the noveltie8, Mrs Fields will add per-
reduced rates for settler•
Hettler became I fumtJ8
f,,........ anJ i toilet , rti<i,e8
. a toheratock
. ......... I l
e ffe c tiv e
on Febuary lo. Two The IiBA1)Elt beMp„ ; l U tor her ,
months have elapsed since that time | Hberal gbare of publi patronage.
Afore than half came direct to Port-
land and have been distributed fjjom
L. P. McCoy and John Bartels
Portlaud as u central point.
| were County seat visitors Tuesday.
• 'Eightyskeletons were found in
S. R. Piper, the hardware dealer,
tlie hulk of tlie Spanish flagship
CriStina,''which has.just been llouted 1 was transacting business in Eu-
and tjeaqjged Ip Manila bay. Amj : gene Wednesday.
these, no less, than the fifteen shell] J. C. Weis, President, aud H. G .
holes fouuij in the' hull, tell the story
Meyer, secretary, of the Oregon
of jhix quick and . awful hnvOc
wrought hv Dewey’s fleet on that State l^pard of Barbers, held ex­
aminations in thisA'ity Saturday.
inemoral May-day morning.
Utah h ¿ enacted a»law providing ICertiaoatca welfi
«•» T - ° -
a tine of $5 o f five days imprisonment j Brown and Rice Hastiugs; Permita
for fiTiy persou under eighteen who]
. were granted to S. V. Allison and
shall be found with a cigareette, Cornie Coffman and renewals «e ro
cigar or tobacco, or opium, in. any i8SUeil to Jn8 Ostrander aud John
form id his or her possession. TlieL,
, ,,
law would be a good one to supple- ] Stoneburg. Messrs Wise and Meyer
ment the law of this stpte prohibit- were ver-v favorably impressed with
ing tho sale«of cigarettes and tofthc- ' our city.
Spring Goods
All of tho latest
dross fabrics in all
the new weaves »>>«•
choice patterns ::
Whi t e
W a s h
L a te s t C re atio n s
fo r 1 9 0 3
Gentlemen and Ladles summer underwear.
The very latest in men’s hats. Ladies.
Mi«ses and Children* «hoes. Men's and
boy.- shoe* in light and heavy soles, vici and
box calf, end miners' -hoes : : : : i
E&kin S Bristow
First National Bank Building
Jus. R. Cleaves, the Gardiuer
jeweler, was found dead in his bed
last Saturday morning. He was
about 55 or 00 years of age and
unmarried. Ho has been in ili
health for some time aud probably
died from
natural causes. Tho
corner's jury reudered a virbirt that
death resulted from causes un­
i Felix Currin, a Prominent Lane Coun­ Local Odd Fellows and Rebekalrs Lis­
ty Rancher, has Given it a Thorough
ten to an Abl? Address by Rev.
Trial and is Satisfied with Results.
Fees at the Methodist Church.
The Song of Spring
While in town Saturday, Felix I The 8lth anniversary of the iu.
Curtin made the L eadek ii pleusaut s’ itution of the I, O. O.* F lodge
rail and informed us that he is en­ was celebrated in the custqmary
gaged quite extensiveiv iu the dairy
business on the Curriu farm about manner Saturday evening by the
j five miles east of town,
At the locul I O. O. F., the Rehekojis, and
| present time he is milking 20 cows ] a few outside friends bding guests.
< ami expects to have a larger uti mi A social and banquet .were the fea­
ber soon. He has recently installed tures of the eveuiug ami on Siynlay
a DeLaval cream separator in his
daily and says it is giving him ex­ the two lodges attended in a body
cellent service. This is the separa- services in the Methoilist
j tor which is so generally used in thej Rev. Geo H. Feese, pastor of the
I fine dairy sectiou of Coos cou n ty / church, preached an adm iylde ser­
where the claim is maintained for it
mon on the well known text of “ The
that “it runs lighter, skims cleaner
| and is more durable than any other' Golden Rule.” It was full of feel­
Mr. Currin informs us ing and appreciation of the , (food
that be is unable to supply the de which the Odd Fellqws arid Rpbek-
tnnud for bis better at a very re­ ahs do in the world ,'for .suffering
munerative price which is conceded humanity. He pjiiff glowing trib­
to be equal iu every respect to the utes to the manner in which the or­
creamery product.
ganizations wlwsq S-itli year has
There are many other farms in ju*t closed, have budded up' their
! this vicinity just as favorably locat­ reputation ns a benevolent fraternal
ed and just as well adapted to tbe] order. Tbeif name today stands
dairy business as Mr. Ciyrin's farm for mercy, goodness and benevo: j
and many of our farthers would lence. Everyone in the large audi­
tiud this industry a valuable and ence was much impressed by the
profitable adjunct to grain, fruit | eloquence of tbe reverend gentle- j
and stock raising.
Mr. Currin baa taken tbe local; There was a large attendance of
agency for tbe DeLaval cream aep - 1 members uf tbe two orders and
arator and would be pleased to ex­ their triends, besides tbe large con­
bibit his machinb and qnote prices I gregation which regularly worships
I and terms to those interested.
at thus church.
In our Dry Goods Store we
lim'** just unpacked dozen«
o f different patterns Ex­
clusive h e re —of : : : :
J h e E a r lie s t
.Spring Fashions
Tln*v comprine new effect«
in Dots. Stripe«. Plaid«, and
(•'lianifeahle Weave». A on
should see them to appro­
dato their beaut? : : : :
f t f a i t T ito Co’s. Store.
Fell ows
Ha l l