Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, April 03, 1903, Image 3

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Last Half of 1902 Far Exceed! Any Hall
Year Frevioua.
” m ---
Washington, March 27.— Land Com­ Secretary Moody and Committe Se­
Loose Mighty Flood
missioner Kichwrds today gH\e out a
sissippi Valley.
lect Guantanamo.
cnt Pour* Through Break
(T h ree Counties -W o rs t
Dry of the System.
March 30.— A
er 16 foot deep and over
Dgth is pouring eteadiily
kvas9e in the levee five
pi here and is flooding
pores of the finest farming
celebisted Yazoo belt,
pk in the levee occurred at 11
K vJn<>rning and the roar of
|Tfaters can easily be heard
feet of the embankment
Irst, and a mighty effort
hundreds of laborers in
government engineers to
d by cribbing and sacking,
>n apparent that it was
power to successfully
Mistless fury of the cur-
tur later it was seen that
'the levee on either side of
¡were melting fast, the force
It cutting the embankment
Igh it was built of sand.
^ ■ i M . Sears, who was in
^ H K o r a r ily of the government
S S aS tated tonight that the hreak
iqMationably the worst in the
jr of the levee system.
He says
M antin' delta, as lar south as
burg, w ill be flooded and the
tg lands in Washington, llolivar
hartley counties will be under
for more than two weeks.
first Break to be reported on the
tsippi since the present rise be-
Major Scars Bays a devperate
[le is being made to prevent the
ir w id e n in g of the breach,
f i m f i o n the interior are very
. 1 , but it is believed the people
fully prepared for a break, and
ss of life, if any, w ill be reduced
ipllfeam , though the loss of stock
>e quite heavy.
The damage to
itioos and the interference with
Ing cannot be estimated.
^ H b a tio n at midnight grows
Work on the
!tionlevee through Main street
Mien Abandoned and water has
jl|H|>eliington avenue, the high-
dnt in the city. Appeals for help
IH K x om in g in all night from the
lo and Race Track additions and
boats are being sent out.
comes from these additions that
e were seen clinging to roofs of
• and rafts to escape drowning in
talng waters.
By lives have been reported lost,
nan and five children perishing in
lOapa, but tomorrow will tell the
if many poor unfortunates.
ern part of the citv is entirely
r water. II m i - oh arc filling and
Inmates are securing rooms np-
l. By morning the water will be
all parts of the city unless another
is made to build a protection,
e city is In total darkness, water
ng ont the fires in Ibe electric
statement showing the phenomenal in­
creases in sales of public land in the
first half of the present fiscal year as
compared with the corresponding por­
tion of the previous year.
In the six
montlia ending December 31, 1901,
there were 7,476 cash sales made in the
United States, representing 767,002
acres, from which |2,719,384 was real­
ized. During the corresponding months
of 1902 there were 23,015 sales, of 1,-
663,613 acres, from which was realized
Inasmuch as these sales were princi­
pally under the timber and stone act,
there seems to be jnitification ot the
president’ s course in extending the for­
est reservation system before the tim­
ber lands are ail taken up. The sales
of the past quarters exceed those of any
corresponding period in the past his­
tory of the government.
Bungling of Treaty Creates Fear of Fur­
th er Amendments.
Havana, March 27.— Although there
is much complaint here on the part of
the Cubans that the United States did
not give the reciprocity treaty a fair
deal, the publication of the text of the
amendments hag shown them that the
treaty has not been materially damaged
a Cuban standpoint, except
through the delay and uncertainty en­
tailed by the action at Washington.
The present feeliug of suspicion is
due principally to the lacx of assur­
ances that the treaty cannot be amend­
ed in the United States house of repre­
sentatives and that I’reaideut Roosevelt
w ill call a special session prior to the
regular meeting of congress.
The presidents of all manufacturing
and commercial associations today re­
ceived a list of inquiries from the sen­
ate committee on foreign relations
with regard to the effects of the amend­
ments. It ia requested that ttie repre­
sentations be sent in tomorrow. The
report on the treaty will be completed
Company Whose Employes are Striking
Suffers Heavy Loss.
Canyon City, Colo., March 27.— At
midnight the main portion of the
smelting works of the United States
Reduction and Refining company at
this place was destroyed by fire, the
loss being $200,000.
Immense new
buildings, 200 by 80 fatt in area, were
The company owning the
plant is the same which owns Ibe
Standard gold m ill at Colorado City,
whose employes are on strike. The fire
broke out in the refinery from an un­
known cause, and was discovered by
the watchman, but could not be sub­
dued, and soon the recently completed
additions, which have been in progress
of erection for the past year, were a
mass of flames. The plant is not a
total loss, as its entire value was $500,-
000, but it cannot be ¡earned that there
Is Street Car Strike to Be Fought was any insurance. One hundred and
to a Finish.
fifty men are made idle.
March 30.— Both parties to
Salvador Must Pay Up.
Battle street car strike stand firm
Washington, March 27.— The state
»a ln . - is paralyzed.
triad to mediate vesterday, but department has taken measures to col­
dent Furth declared the union lect the aw f rd assessed against the gov­
i not he recognized, and the etrik- ernment of Han Salvador by the arbi­
tdared they would strike till it tration in the case of an American cor­
poration amounting to $534,000. The
recogn ized.
^^pras a slight increase in the secretary has accorded the Salvadoreans
cars operated, and the offi- a full opportunity to present reasons
lict that this increase willcon- why tho judgment should not be paid,
irracks are being fitted up for but alter patiently considering these
lyes, and 18 of the latter have representations the department has just
•n in as policemen and armed, informed the Salvadorean government
«ikers say they have gained that it cannot reopen the case without
and ride on cars to convert showing gross disresDect for the arbi­
men. A strike of the miners trators, and that it sees no reason why
Inton coal m ire, which sup- the money should not be paid.
power houses, is threatened.
Up Capitol Steps In Automobile.
Treaty Would Be Better.
Tork, March 30.— Senor Silva,
’ of the Cuban senate, who has
[ advocate of the treaty of reci-
tith the United States, is quot-
ying, according to the Havana
indent of the Tribune: “ I am
to the belief that the beat
Dtild lie todisapprove the treaty,
gotiate another.
The amend-
cm confusing to all of us. We
Brfect confidence in President
»It. but fear the amendments are
I shape that to make a new treaty
Carnegie's Great Gift.
nrg, March 30.— Andrew Car­
as added $1,650,000 to his libra­
tions in Pittsburg.
Today he
it known that he would donate
1,000 in addition to $1,750,000
given by him to provide means
addition to the present Carnegie
and $150,000 for the bnilding
East End branch library.
ft of Mr. Carnegie’ s makes Ills
button to the greater institution
To Lay Cable From Honolulu.
Francisco, March 30.— The first
n the preliminary work to the
( of the [cable between Honolulu
fidway island has been taken,
’acific Commercial cards company
bartered the eteamer Grace Dollar,
n April 10 »he w ill depart from
>rt carrying tnppliesand matrials
e construction of the cable station
idway island. The British steam-
nglia and Colonia are at present
mdon being loaded with the cable.
Washington, March 27.— Three men
in an automobile attempted to ride tip
the steps of the east front of the rapitol
today. They reached the te 'ond land­
ing, 16 steps from the street, when the
chain of the vehicle broke, and it ran
backward without accident. The man
who acted as chaffeur gave the name of
J. D. Hurlbnt, and said he was from
Detroit, Mich.
His companions did
not give their names, but one of them
said he was a police commissioner of
Hartford, Conn. The chaffeur was ar­
rested, but later released on bail.
Fire in South Dakota Mine.
Leads, 8. D., March 27.— The Biof»-
ham hoist of the Higgen Fortune m t -
ing company was destroyed by fire m r -
ly today. The loss is $50,000. partly
insured. Four miners were at work at
the bottom of the scaffold and were
slightly injured.
They escaped by
almost a miracle. The mine ia tim ­
bered with heavy tim l«rs and ia still
burning. The fire has reached to a
distance of 75 feet below the surface.
The fire started in a drying room.
Will Be Principal Station in W est Indies
cations to Be Built.
Guantanamo, Cuba, March 26.—
After a personal inspection of the pro­
posed site, Secretary Moody has select­
as the principal
United States naval station ir the West
Secretary Moody, Senator
Proctor and Representatives Cannon,
Foss and G illstt arrived here yesterday
on board the United States dispaten
boat Dolphin.
Secretary Moody and his associates
have worked incessantly during the
past two days under a hat sun examin­
ing the points, the water supply and
the surrounding country. They visited
the locations for the proposed fortifica­
tions, surveyed the coast line and con­
ferred with the owners of the land
which it ia pioposed to acquire.
Senator Proctor and the representa­
tives w ill recommend the purchase of
20 square miles of land on both sides
of the lower bay and several small
islands. As soon as the necessary leg­
islation has been secured, they favor
the construction of a permanent bar­
racks, a drydock and strong fortifica­
tions designed against a sea attack
only, fortifications on the land side not
being regarded as necessary. No diffi­
culty is anticipated in acquiring the
necessary land, as the Spanish and
English owners are enthusiastic for tiie
station. It is thought that both the
army and navy will maintain forces at
The Dolphin will proceed to Jamaica
Treasury Department Plans lor Purchase
and Coioage of Silver.
Washington, March 26.— Secretary
Root lias been in cable correspondence
with Governor Taft in relation to the
carrying out of the provisions of the
Philippine currency act an I it has been
dstermined to sell $3,000,000 of tem­
porary certificates for the purchase of
silver bullioa for coinage into pesos.
These certificates bear four per cent in­
terest, are free from taxation, aud run
for one year. They w ill be issued in
denominations of one thousand dollars
each, made payable to the bearer.
These certificates are to be sold in this
It is learned that the insular divis­
ion of the war department has request-
ed the secretary of the treasury to pur­
chase the necessary silver and execute
the coinage of the Phijippine pesos
authorized by the Philippine currency
act. Although this act authoiizes the
coinage of not to exceed 76,000,000
pesos, including recotnage or M e x ic a n
and Philippine coins, it is not contem­
plated at present to coin more than
20,000,000 pesua, at the rate of 2,000,-
000 a month.
The silver for these coins will be pur­
chased in the United Htates, but under
what conditions has not yet been
determined. The treasury, it is under­
stood, w ill purchase only at the market
value, in such quantities as may lie
needed as the coinage progresses. It
is said that the department will not
submit to an advance in the price of
silver, it it cat) possibly be secured at
the ruling rate.
Ice-Jam Stops the Flow of Niagara, and
Relic Hunters Revel.
Niagara Falls, March 26. — The
American Falls is practically dry, and
for the first time in 55 years people are
able to walk about in the river bed.
Thousands have clambered over tho
rocks hunting for relics and souvenirs.
Great rocks never before seen are high
and dry.
So little water is flowing
over the American Falls that men in
high hoots almost could have crossed
at the brink.
The extraordinary condition is due
to an ice jam up the river.
The ice
was driven from Lake Erie into the
entrance to the Niagara and lodged in
the ghoalwater, shutting off the flow
into the American channel.
Horseshoe Falls ia not affected as mnch
as the American.
The river in the vi­
cinity of the Three Sister islands is
quite dry, and the center falls, between
Goat and Luna ielands, is a skeleton of
itself. The conditions ia likely to last
for several days.
Offers to End the W ar.
Willemstad, Island
March 26.— General Matos, the leader
of the Venezuelan revolntionary move­
ment, who is here, today sent tbe fol­
lowing telegram to General Ramon
Ayala, vice president of Venezuela and
president of the congress: "General
Castro has resigned the presidency.
Considering that bis being independent
renders impoeeible all peace and pros-
parity in Venezuela, if congress w ill ac­
cept his abdication I w ill promise you
to use all my influents with the com­
manders to immediately end the war.’ *
Heavy Loss by Fire.
Rochester, N. Y ., March 27. — Fire
of unknown origin which broke ont in
the Hayden bnilding tonight complete­
ly gutted that structure and caused
heavy damage to the adjoining ouild-
ings. The total loss is estimated at
The building was »even
| $258,000.
stories high in one part and fire in oth­
ers. The flames started on the fifth
floor, and rapidly ate their way throc^h
the stroctnre, the greeter portions of
the three walls falling before it was
under control. No one was hurt.
///i V vv/I
- Barracks, Drydock and Fortifi­
Coal Mine Blown Up.
Springfield, III., March 26.— A ter­
rific exploeion in tbe mine o f the
company at Athens,
Menard county, 20 miles north of
Springfield, today resulted in the death
of six men and”one being eerioualy in­
jured. An entry in the mino had been
for some time stopped np on account
of tbe gas. This morning an attempt
was made to open it by drilling an­
other entry in order to allow air to en­
ter and the gas to escape.
-, t-n -----— j I------ _ j
Substantial damages are held, in
Western Union Telegraph Co. vs.
Church (Neb.), 57 L. K. A. 905, to be
recoverable for breach o f a contract to
C H R IS M A N & B A N G S , P r o p s.
transmit promptly a telegram which
tbe eompnny knew to be addressed to
a physician, directing him to come to
the sender’s house at once.
The adoption of a new constitution
reserving the right of trial by jury “ us
heretofore enjoyed,” Is held, In State
vs. Harney (Mo.). 57 L. It. A. 846, not
C arrying! P a s zc n g e ri
to Include the right which bad existed
and U. S. Miti
by statute for many years of liaviug
the Jury assess tbe punishment in
criminal oases whenever there Is an
alternative or discretion In regard to It.
One who furnishes money for the
purpose of discharging mortgage Hen
upon real estate Is held. In Meeker vs.
Larson (Neb.), 57 L. R. A. 901, to have
no right to be subrogated to the rights
o f the mortgagee In the absence of an
agreement or understanding that the
mortgage Is to be kept alive for his
benefit or that he shall be given a lien
on the premises in lieu of the one
which has been discharged.
In order to obtain a preference over
general creditors of an Insolvent trus­
tee. It Is held, lu Lincoln Savings Bauk
and S. D. Company vs. Morrison
(Neb.), 67 L. R. A. 885, that the cestui
que trust must show that the estate
out o f which lie claims such preference
has been increased to some extent by
tbe misappropriation of trust property,
and lie Is held to be entitled to a pref­
erence to the extent of such increase
by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable.
Where a debtor executes a note nod
mortgage for a loan of money at a
law ful rate of Interest and at Its ma­
F . A. W E R M A N , O F B A L T I M O R E « 8 A Y 8 1
turity enters into a new contract with
B a l t i m o r e . M d., M a rch 30, 19 « .
Gentlemen : — Being entirely cured o f deafness, thanks to your treatment, I w ill now give ytm
the lender for a further extension of
a fu ll history o f m y case, to be used at your discretion.
. . .
.... . .
the loan, which is tainted with the
About five years ago my righ t ear began to sing, and this kept on gettin g worse, until I io n
vice o f usury, and the lender by agree­ m y hearing in this ear entirely.
I underwent a treatment for catarrh, fo r three month», without any success, consulted a num­
ment retains tbe note and mortgage ber o f physicians, among others, the most em inent ear specialist o f this city, w ho tola me tnat
as collateral security to the usurious only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would
then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever.
contract. It Is held, In Chicago Lumber
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a N ew Y o rk paper, and ordered you rtreat-
A fte r I had used it on ly a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased m d
Co. vs. Bancroft (Neb.), 57 L. R. A. raent.
to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been en tirely restored. I thank y<m
910, that. In a suit to enforce the mort­ heartily and beg to remain
V ery truly yours,
F . A . W E R M A N , 7309. B ro a d w a y , B altim o re , Md.
gage security, the leuder Is restricted
interfere with your usual occupation*
In bis recovery to the amount due on
the Indebtedness at tbe time of mak­
ing the usurious contract, after which
all Interest is, by force of the statute,
A man who receives property In trust
for the support of Ills w ife and chil­
dren Is held. In National Vnlley Hank
vs. Hancock (Va.), 57 L. R. A. 728, to
have no right after mingling the In­
C J o h n so n
F o E bt
come with Ills own funds for a period
of years without keeping or stating an
account aud making improvements on
R o u te
the trust property to go back, charge
Cottage Grove,
himself with the Income received and
credit the account with the costs of the
^ H. K IN O
Improvements, leaving himself debtor
Trains leave C o t t a o r G r o v e for Portland
to the beneficiaries, on tile theory that
and w ay stations at 2:14 a m
12:55 pm
A tto rn e y -a t-L a w
It was Ills personal duty to support Ills
L v Portland
,T 8?30 a m
*30 p m
Special attention given to Collections.
L v Cottage Grove
2:57 p in
2:06 p m
fam ily for the purpose of preventing
A r Ashland
12:55 a m
12;35 p m
CO T T A G E G R O V E ,
his creditors from reaching the Im­
A r Sacramento
6:00 p m
4:35 a m
A r San Francisco 7:55 p m
provements. A parent's duty to sup­
port a child as affected by the child's
P u llm a n aud Tourist Cars
interest in trust estnte or other proper­
on both trains. 1 h a i r O a r s , Sacra­
ty Is the subject of a note to this case. mento to Ogden and and E l Paso and
S hasta
Tourist Cars
Only Once Frost-Bound.
Boston harbor froze over In January to Chicago, St Louis, N ew Orleans
o f 1844 and the advertised sailing of and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco, with several
the Britannia, then In dock, seemed Steamship
lines for Honolulu, Japan, China.
surely to lie Impossible. But the mer­ Philippines, Central and South America.
chants of Boston would not have It so.
At Albany and Corvallis connection Is made
They met and voted to cut a way, at with C A K R y trains.
their own expense, through the ice Independence Passenger daily, except Sunday.
that the steamer might sail practically 7:30 a . M. jfcv ........ Jpwtländ......... a 7 i ~ ö ;50 p. m !
on time. The contract for cutting the 10: A. M. I A r .....M cM innville....,L v | 3:06 i*. m .
Il: a . m . I A r..Indepcndendence.Lv | 2:05 P. m
necessary channels was given to mer­ 11:45 a . m . I A r . ...... Cor val is.........L v 11:20 p m .
chants engaged, like Frederick Tudor,
See Agent M r D T Awbrey at Cottage Grove
in tbe export o f lee—not from the har­ tation or address
bor. Their task was to cut within
O F & P ass , Agt
the space o f three days a channel
P O R T L A N D , - O R EU O N .
about ten miles long. For tools they
had the best machinery used In cutting
fresh-water ice, and horse power was
employ« d. The ice was from six to
tw elve inches In thickness.
The Advertiser o f Feb. 2, 1814, de­
scribed the scene: “ A great many per­
sons hare been attracted to our
wharves to witness the operations aud
the curious spectacle of the whole har­
bor frozen over, and the Ice has been
covered with skaters, sleds a ml even This preparation contains all of the
sleighs. Tents aud booths were erect­ digestants and digests all kinds of
ed upon the lee and some parts of the food. It gives instant rellefand never
harbor bore the appearance o f a Rus­ fails tocure. It allows you to eat all
sian holiday scene.” On Feb. 3 the the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take It. By its use many
work wns done, and the Britannia, thousands of dyspeptics have been
slowly steaming through the lane of cured after everything else failed. It
open water, lined on either siile by prevents formationofgason thestom*
thousands o f cheering spectators, made acb, relieving all distressaftereating.
her way to the sea. Whatever the New Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
York critics may have thought, the It can 't help
English managers of the company
but do you good
must have felt that the people of Bos­ Prepared only by E. O. D f W it t A C o ., C htcaga
ta in » 2*4 tim es the 50c. »1
ton were good friends to have.—Atlan­
tic Monthly.
Offlee ®n Id . I n R i f f W a t gld u ,
C . U . f . O r . * . , O r.
»--------------------------------------------- « 4
A ll Work Warranted.
Offlee First Door West of Sherwood H o m o .
Physician and Surgeon
Surgery and Female diseases A Specialty. A ll
calls promptly attended to.
Office lu Sherwood block: Nlglit calls at
New Era Drug Store. Phone 166 Main.
Dyspepsia Cure
A man's best capital Is his ability
a n d willingness to work.
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Taw*.
the rem edy that n $ p «e * r o M f a e n s d a y
F o r O v e r H lity Y earn .
A n O l d a n d W k l l -T h i k d K b m k d y .—M rs
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years bv millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect sticcisss
It soothe» the child, softens the gums, allays all
aln. cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
or Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by Druggists in every nart of the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value Is Incalculable
Be sure and ask for Mrs. W in slo w s Soothing
Bjrup and take no other kind.
Watch«« Clocks and Jewelry
Digests what you eat.
Valuable Brl<—a-Brau.
A lady from the country recently en
tered a bric-a-brac shop In town wlih
a view to purchasing something odd.
and. looking about, noticed a quaint
figure, the head and shoulders of
which appeared over the counter.
"W hat la that Japanese idol over there
worth?” she inquired.
The shopman's reply was given In a
subdued tone: “ Worth shout £20,000,
madam—It'» the proprietor!”
T. A N D E R S O N , M. D
A t L o w e s t P r ic e s .........
•fW H G O N -T O W K e R -f
Repairing and Refilling Is Our Trade.
All work warranted.
C o r M a i n A i i t H tr .. Cottage Grove, O regon
H E R B E R T L E IG H ,
A S S A Y E R and M E T A L L U R G I S T .
8 «*t equipped Assay Laboratory in tho »falo.
Frompt and reliable returns guaranteed.
Working tests of ores made on samples of one
to fifty pounds to determine most suitable
method of treatment.
Drayink »nd Hauling a Hpoelalty.
Alwnya <>•
hand to do your job work In Uardonlng
plowing. Etc, Etc.
C o tta «
Foley 9 Iloijey a i)d Tar
/or children , sa/c sure. J\ o