Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, March 27, 1903, Image 7

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pie end cause many
a, b oils and other
s loss o t appetite,
fee lin g , fits o f biliousness,
• a d headache.
One gets rid o f them the
• w a y to go t rid o f them
the system that has
« in is to take
' id 's Sarsaparilla
¿ T an d P ills
l0,'ng in
com bination the Spring
papmceellence, o f unequalled
1 ) ! » in 'p is i ity in g the blood as
mi b y unequalled, radical and pcr-
t cures ot
Celt Rheum
Boils, Plm plca
nds o f H u m o r Psorlacds
* P o iso n in g
R h e u m a tis m
JH' 'M
H ead
c J ftlz S
D y s p e p sia , Ero
ept n o stii’Stitute, but be sure to
it. sod’s, and g e t it tod ay.
The Appreciation.
T h e Author (after the first perform­
ance*— W ell, what do you think of my
Fem inine Friend— It was just lo re ly !
W h o designed the heavenly dresses? —
Brooklyn L ife.
Fate's Injustice.
Nocash (disconsolately) — The rich
are cutting richer and the poor poorer.
Frien d— W h at’ s wrong now?
Noeash— Mies Fullpurse lias refused
me and is going to marry Mr. Coupon.
— New York W eekly.
W ill Smash Him Then.
" H e has challenged y o u ," said his
friends. “ W hy don’ t you fight h im ? "
" I t isn’ t the right tim e of the moon
y e t.” exclaimed the enraged
grin din g his teeth h o rrib ly.— Chicago
Just Suited the Scorcher.
And the soul of the wicked one wan
next condemned to fall through spa ’e
at the rate of a m ile a minute for 10,-
000 years.
‘ S a y , ” he shouted as he
passed the 10,000th ghostly m ile poet,
“ this beats any ridin g I ever tr ie d !” —
Au tom obile Magazine.
A n y good housewife can readily see
the economy in paying 5 cents more for
a 3-pound can of soild packed tomatoes
than for a
pound can which is half
water and of in ferior qu ality. And
this, to say nothing of the satisfaction
which you may have in g e ltin g th e very
best which the market affords. This
satisfaction may be yours if you ask
your dealer for tomatoes and other
canned goods of the Monopole brand.
*>■ 2 S T - 5 -
They have no equal at any price.
Wadhams & K err Bros., packers,
P O O L F , P O R T L A N D , O R E . I Portland, Ore.
Foot of Morrison Street.
A B H b r .n t Species.
thought | y> u said Brown was a
*■'- bibliom aniac.”
ion your life. I said he was a
II u maniac.9* — Baltim ore Newa.
Vew Monument to Lafayette.
Chester county historical society
n-ylvania has erected on the
y wine hatt teiield a monument to
J you the best bargains in Boilers I
One Form of Argument.
A Denver justice comes to the sup­
port of the Kew York crusade against
wheeling baby carriages on the side­
t 81 *
walks by saying that if God meant
babies to go on wheels he would have
^ M
put wheels on them.
les in the m aiáei ü X.
a ply «ay
Since w ritin g for the A p ril Century
ther braib 1 Is s • good. Wadhams ¿ “ The Evoloution o f American Census
1 Bros., Portland Oregon.
T ak in g,” which gives interesting de­
$£<$($0» » . . ...-.-8 • •
tails of the magnitude and intricacies
of the “ decennial snap-shot of the na­
tio n ,” the Honorable W . R. M erriam
| has resigned the office of director of
thicken, Duck and Geese feath- '! the census, to become vice president of
the International m ercantile agency.
i. Address
J j B j ^ W i i i i i - i i i i l s . l ’ u rii ir- u n d ü e n e - 2
joinery. Wootl Sawing Mat hines a E
genius before buying.
O . O . S M IT H .
Our Aristocracy.
” 8he claims, I believe, to be de­
scended from a k in g .”
“ Yes. Before her grandfather struck
it rich he was known as the poker king
o f W h ite H o b s Flats.”
t h a n d fO m r l-s S ia ..P o r t la n d ,O r
Li^uwsuat lasaaecr,
I r o m o -
C U R r . S ALcL/
Mothers will iina Idrs. fHnsloW*8 Sooth­
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
The Ecclesiastical Tender.
Cashier— In what denomination do
you want your money?
Uncle Rube— YVa’ al, I ’ m a Methodist
I m yself, so ye m ight as well make ’em
jj I that.— Princeton Tiger.
H eadaches I
N a rro w
Kscupc o f a T ra v e le r in an
In d ia n Jungle.
Au elephant light, if the com batant»
be w ell matched, frequently last» for
a day or more. The beaten elephant
retreats tem porarily, and Is follow ed
leisurely by the other, until by mutual
consent they meet agaiu.
The more
pow erfu l elephant occasionally keeps
his foe in v ie w till he kills him. In
“ W ild Beasts o f India,” G. P. Sander­
son describes an encounter with a de­
feated tusker:
A shrill trumpeting and crashing o f
bamboos broke the stillness, and from
the noise w e knew' It was a tusker
tight. B efore w e could reach the scene
o f combat, one elephant uttered a
deep roar o f pain, and crossed the
nullah some forty yards In advance of
us. H ere he began to destroy a clump
o f basboo in sheer fury, grum bling
deeply the w hile lu rage and pain.
Blood w as stream ing from a deep stab
in his le ft side, high up. H e was a
very large elephant with
long and
fa irly thick tusks. H is opponent must
have been a Goliath to have worsted
him. T h is tusker presented a picture
o f rage and power, as lie mowed the
bamboos down with trunk and tusks,
and trampled them with his forefeet.
Suddenly his whole demeanor chang­
ed. H e backed from the clump and
stood like a statue. H e had scented
us. The next moment forw ard went
his ears and up went his tail, and in
the same Instant he wheeled and bore
straight down upon us with astonish­
ing speed.
The bamboos behind w hich w e stood
w’ere useless as cover, and I stepped
out Into the open to get a clcftir shot.
I gave a shout, hoping to stop or turn
him, but in vain.
I fired when he
was nine paces distant, feelin g confi­
dent o f the shot, *but I made a mis­
take In not g iv in g him both barrels.
T h e smoke m omentarily obsured the
elephant, and I went dow n to see
w here he lay.
Good gracious!
H e had not even
been checked, and was upon me!
There was no time to step to the right
or the left. H is tusks came through
The smoke m omentarily obscured the
locomotive, and l had just tim e to fall
flat to avoid being hurled along in
front o f him.
1 fe ll a little to the
right; the next instant down came his
ponderous forefoot w ithin a few’ inches
o f my le ft thigh, and I should have
been trodden on had I not hastily
drawn my leg back from the sprawl­
ing position In which I fell.
As he
rushed over me he shrieked shrilly, but
fortunately he went on. for had
he stopped there was no w a y o f escape
fo r me.
I was covered w ith blood
from the wound inflicted by his late
antagonist. This was one o f the clos­
est calls l e ver had in the w ild life
In the Jungle.
C o n s u m p tio n C o s ts th e C o u n tr y a n
m e n s e A m o u n t teach Y e a r .
Im ­
According to carefu l estimates made
10 C E N T S - - L V E A Y W H S R t t
by nr. Biggs, o f N e w York, the e x ­
pense o f tuberculosis to the people o f
^ jg | | | | | p p ^ «i»^ T i
m iuiijw'nt- T W i,' B e w a r e o f O in tm en ts fo r C a t a rr h T h a t the United States amounts to $330,000,-
Contain M e rc u ry ,
000 a year. Dr. B iggs first calculates
As mercury will surely destroy the sense of the loss to N e w York C ity by putting
smell and completely derange the whole sys­
tem when entering it through the mucous sur­ a value o f $1,500 upon each life at the
faces. Such articles should never be used ex­
cept on prescriptions from reputable physi­ average age at which deaths from tu-
cians, as the damage they w ill do is ten fold to i berculosls occur.
T his gives a total
a r e g o n e 1 4 d a y s a t a tim e w i t h o u t a
the good you can possibly derive from them.
w e n t o f t h e b o w e l « , n o t b e in g a b le to
Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. j value o f the lives lost annually o f $1,-
th em e x c e p t by u s in g but w a t e r lu je c tlo n s .
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, , 500,000.
But this is not all, fo r at
ic c o u s tip a t lo n f o r a e v e u y e a rs p la c e d m e in
and is taken internally, acting directly upon
r r!h ie c o n d it io n ; d u r in g tb n t tim e I d id e v -
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system , least nine months prior to death these
ng I h e a rd O f b u t n e v e r fou n d a n y r e l i e f ; such
In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get ! patients cannot work, and the loss o f
y oa ae u n til 1 b e g a n u s in g C A S C A H K T S . I
the genuine. It is taken internally, and made
a r e fr o m o n e t o th r e e jiassag es a d ay. an d I f 1
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testi­ services at $1 a day, together w ith food,
ch I w o u ld g i v e 1100 .00 f o r e a c h m o Y e m e n i; It
monials free.
| nursing, medicines, attendance, etc., at
i a r e lie f . ’
a y i . m e h L . H u n t .
Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle.
K iib beil bt . B etru it. Alieb.
$1.50 a day, results In a further loss
H all’s Family Pills are the ber*t.
| o f $8,000,000, making a yearly loss to
At the Horse Show.
| the municipality o f $23,000,000. From
M cBrier— Did yez ever see a horse , the whole country the 150.000 deaths
jum p foive feet over a fence?
from tuberculosis repres nt In the same
M cSwatt— O i’ ve seen ’ em jum p four w’ ay a loss o f $330,000,000.
feet over. I d id n ’ t know that a horse j Dr. B riggs also says that the total
had foive feet.
j expenditure in the city o f N ew York
In the care o f tuberculosis patients Is
For forty roar’ s Piso’s Cure for Con­ not o ver $500,000 a year, i. e., not to
•a n t. P a la ta l»«? . P o te n t. T a s t e G oo d . D o
N e v e r S ic k e n . \ V e «k e n . o r G r ip e . 10c.
j exceed 2 per cent o f the actual loss by
druggists. Price 25 cents.
j death, etc. “ I f this annual expendl-
| l m i | r - T , T f f CfcllM . . ■ • • Ir - .l. >■” T .r*. H t
| ture w ere doubled o r trebled it would
Wisdom of Age.
). IÜ
NO. 1 3 — 1 0 0 J .
Bees (sweet sixteen )— Did you noti<e mean a saving o f several thousand
what a knightly air Mr. Dashing has? lives annually, to say nothing o f the
r w ritin g to artv.rtlaera p le a ,,
An n t M ary— Y e a —sort of an up-all- i em orm ous saving In suffering.” Fur-
ntioa th 1. paper.
□ igh tly air. as it were.— Chicago News. • ther evidence o f this Is shown in the
fact that In the last tw en ty years the
| total deaths from tuberculosis In N ew
j York have decreased
Instead o f In­
creased. notwithstanding that there
has been an increase o f 70 per cent In
! the general population.
I You Have Always Bong-lit lias borno the sipna-
Cbas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under bis
1 supervision for over 3 0 years. Allow no one
ive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
is-g-ood” are but Experiments, and endanger the
o f Children—Experience against Experiment.
hat is C A S TO R IA
a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare-
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
8 neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
lee. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm*
ays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and W ind
» I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
flntulencv. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep,
ildren's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
ind You Have Always Bought
Mize o f th e Foot.
A w e ll proportioned foot should be
ss long as the ulna, o r ch ief bone o f
the forearm —that Is. from the small
head o f the bone to be s e e j at the
w rist to the point o f elbow should be
the length o f the foot.
W h ere the
forearm Is too short the foot w ill be
found to be also too short; where this
Is too long the foot w ill be too long.
Most people are surprised that the foot
should be as long as the forearm, and
are Inclined to dispute the fact till
they prove it by experim ent; but an
experim ent w ill easily show that a
straight line draw n from one point to
another w ill appear a great deal longer
than the same space filled by a line
divided Into curves.
T h e y C e r ta in ly A r e .
“ W h at are the principal placqs o f
Interest hero?" asked
within the gates.
“ T h e pawnshops,” prom ptly answ er­
ed tbe new policeman.
W iv e s A r e D iscip lin ed .
Somali husbands carry a whip dur­
ing tbe first fortnight o f their honey­
moon to keep their wives In order.
Don’t think because a woman is fair
that she Isn't capable o f being unfair
at times.
Prosperity is frequently the prelude
to adversity.
A Stealthy, Insidious, W eakening Enemy to W o m e n —Many T hous­
and W om en Suffer Needlessly From This Cause.
en. I used it faithfully for two w e e k s and It
completely cured me. I have not hatla iv
pains since, anywhere, hut feel like a new
woman. I am’ truly thankful for what
Peruna lias done for me.” — Baroara Al-
There ft re a multitude o f women, es­
pecially housewives, and all otiier women
obliged to be on their feer constantly, who
are wretched beyond description, simply
because their strength and vitality is sup-
pen away by catarrhal discharge» from the
pelvic organs.
These women get up in
the morning tired, drag themselves through
their daily duties tired only to go bed at
night as tired as before.
M rs . K a te M ann, S06 B a th u rs t S t r e e t, T o ­
r o n t o , O n t ., C a n ., V i c e P r e s i d e n t o f t h e L a d ie s
Aid Society, writes:—“ ! am pleased to give
praise to Peruna for the blessed relief I found
through its use. I suffered for years w ith back-
aehe and dragging down pains' and often had
to go to bed and stay there when I was so busy
that I could illy be spared. It was therefore a
simple godsend to me when Peruna was brought
to my notice. Every drop seemed to give me
new life, and every dose made me feel much,
better, and 1 promised myself that if I found
that it cured me I would advocate it so that
other suffering women should know of it. I
have been in perfect health for one year, I en-
work and pleasure because in such tine health,
and no trouble seems too heavy to bear when
you are in good health, Peruna has simply been
a household blessing, and 1 never w ill be with­
out It again.’'—Mrs.•Kate Mann.
M r * . E v a B a r t h o , 1JJ E a s t 1 2 th S t r e e t , N . Y .
C i t y , N . Y., w r i t e s ;
I suiT'ered for three years
with what is generally known as leucorrhea,
in connection with ulcer&tiou of the womb.
The doctors advocated an operation which
dreaded very much, ami strongly objected to
go under It. Reading of the value of Reruns, I
thought It best to give this well known remedy
a trial, so I bought three bottles of it at once
Now I am a changed woman. Peruna cured
me; it took nine bottles, but I felt so much ini
©roved I kept taking it, as I dreaded an opera
tion so much. I am today ii
and have not felt8Q well for iifteeu years.
Mrs. kva Part bo.
M R S .K A T 2 M A N N .
M IS S L O U I S E M A H O N .
M r s . A n n a M a r t i n . 47 H o y t S t . , B r o o k l y n , N .
Y ., w r ite s :
“ Peruna did so much f o r me t h a t I
M is s L o u is e M a h o n , 3 (l ! e n B a ilie S t r e e t
T o r o n t o , O n t ., C a n ., S e c r e t a r y o f t h e K in g s
D a u g h ters and S e c reta ry o f L a d y M accab ees,
w r ite s :
“ If all women knew of the benefits to
feel it my duty to recommend it to others who
may lie similiarly afflicted. About a year a g o
my health was completely broken down, had
backache dizziness and irregularities, and life
seemed dark indeed. We had use for PeruNa
in our home as a tonic, and for colds and ca­
tarrh, and 1 decided to try it for my trouble.
In less than three, months I became regular,
my pains had entirely disappeared, and I am
now perfectly well.” —Mrs. Anna Martin.
be derived from taking Peruna we would have
many happier and and more healthful women.
My health has never been too robust, and I am
easily fatigued and can not stand much. About
a year ago I was so run down that I had to take
to my bed. and became weaker and weaker. A
friend advised me to try Peruna, aud 1 have
great reason to be grateful for in two weeks I
was out of bed and in a month I was perfectly
well, and 1 now rind that my health is much
more robust than formerly, so that 1 take Peru­
na once or twice a month aud keep well.
Louise Mahon.
Mrs. Win. Hetrick. Kennard, Washing*
ton county. Neb., writes;
•I am hfty-six years old mid have not
felt well since the*Change of Life began ten
years ago. I was in misery somewhere
most o f the time, niv back was very weak,
and my flesh so lender it hurt me to lean
against the hack o f a chair* I had pain
under niv shoulder blades, in the sniail of
niv back and hips. I sometimes wished
myself out of this world. Had hot and
:old spells, dizziness and trembling o f the
limbs, and was losing flesh all the time.
After following your directions and taking
Peruna I now feel like adiilerent person.
— Mrs. Win. Hetrick.
I f you do not derive prompt and satis­
factory results front the use o f Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Peruna can be purchased for $1 per bot­
tle at all first class drug stores.
Address Dr. Ilartn an, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Peruna is such a perfect specific for each
case that when patients have once used it
they can never be induced to quit it until
they are permanently cured. It begins to
relieve the disagreeable symptoms at once.
The backache ceases, the* trembling knees
are strengthened, the appetite restored, the
Digestion made perfect, the dull headache
is stopped and the weakening drains are
gradually cured. These results certainty
follow a course of treatment with Peruna.
Barbara Aloerty, corner Seventh and
Walnut streets. Appleton, Wis., writes as
follows in regard to Peruna;
“ For years l have suffered with back­
ache and severe pains in the side. I doc­
tored so ntucli that I became discouraged.
A school friend told me how very much,
Peruna had benefitted her and I sent out.
for a bottle, which did more to relieve me
than all the other medicine I have ever tak
Marriage of Domestic Servants.
In Paris male domestic servants are
encouraged to marry, as they are ob­
served to be more settled and attentive
to their duty than when bachelors. In
London such marriages are discouraged,
as rendering servants more attentive to
their fam ilies than to those of their
W o o d and D ra g S a w * t o O rd e r.
= = = = =
S h a ft in g , h a n g e r s . P u lle y s a n d
P o u ltr y
I Coughed
“ 1 bid a most stubborn cough
for m in^yesrs. It deprived me
of sleep and I grew very thin. I
then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and was quickly cured."
R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn.
Sixty y e a rs o f cu res
and such testimony as the
above have taught us what
A y er’s Cherry Pectoral
w ill do.
W e know it’s the great­
est cough rem ed y e v e r
made. And you will say
so, too, after you try it.
There’ s cure in every drop.
Three a i m : 24c . 44c.. t f .
B e lt in g .
u ■ : »I
N e t t in g
Barbed W ire , W ir e and Law n Fencing.
Portland W ire & Iron W ork s
147 F R O N T S T.
it and get your money back.
M ail 25c
to Convex Sharpener Co., 215 31st St.,
G rea test. Cheapest Food
on Karth for Sheop, Swine,
C a ttle , etc.
trill be worth 5 1 0 0 to you to read what
Falter • catalog « a y about rape.
Ri!’ lon Dollar Crass
will positively niaks yon rich; 13 tone
of har and lots of pasture per sere, so
also Broraai, Peanrit, Spelts, Mararvu.
wheat for arid, hot soils, S3 bos. per
acre. 30lh Century Osts, TA bus. per
acre and Teoslnte, Yield* IS O t e s t
Green Fodder per lerr.
F o r thl* Notice and 1 0 c.
we mall bi* catalog and 10 farm S r«
Wor.lues, fully worth flO to f « t a BtarL
IN A.'ML(r» SE
0 L
“38** I
Fattens QUICK!
C a t t l e a n d H o g s for m a r k e t .
S h o rte n s
f a t t e n in g p e r io d o n e - fo u r th . S a v e s P e e d .
F A T T E S T C A T T LE .
"T fe d Pru ssian Stock F ood last w in te r and turned
o ff th e fa tte s t c a ttle I e v e r had f o r th e sam e length
o f tim e .« • • | c o n s id e r
P r u s s ia n S t o c k F o o d ________
w e l l w o r t h t h o c o s t MAP , » 0 ? t € o 7
I w o u ld n o t b e w i t h * mj , l | » « n
ou t lt .- G W A b m b t ,
P a rk e r. 8. D.
r n r i * T a k e th is ad.
r n L L to th e d e a le r
■ M M s a w h o w nam e
appears b elow and g e t a
cop y o f th e F a m b s ’* A
S t o t k u a it ’ s H a n » B o o k
OR I C I» C O . . P o r t l a n d .
Coaot A genta.
AN fra cffe ta .
C on a u lt y o u r d oe to r . I f h e s a y s ta k e it.
th e n d o as b o s s ys .
I f ho t e l l * you n o t
t o ta k e It, th e n d o n ’ t t a k e it. H e *
L e a v e It w ith h im . W e s r e w illin g .
J. C. A T E R CO.. L o w e l l .
R IN G S .
Wire and Iron Fencing
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y., for a
free sample of Allen's Foot Kase. It cures chil­
blains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. W hen you can secure an Ideal Sharpener
It makes new or tlgh t shoes easy. A certain worth 40cfor 25e. V e ry convenient fo r
cure for Corns and Bunions. All druggists sell
ladies to use. I f not satisfactory return
at. 2oc. Don’t accept any substitute.
C h olly— By Jove, I ’ m quite a pro­
fessor of swimming, don’ t you know.
I taught Mabel Galey bow to swim in
two lessons.
Jack — Gad!
That was quite a
C h olly— What do you mean?
Jack— Why. she let me give her ten
lessons before she learned. — Brooklyn
L ife .
Y o u C an G e t A l l e n ’s F o o t E a se F R E E .
A Quick’ Throw-Down.
T H E M c C A U L E Y M A C H IN E W O R K S , Foot of M orrison S t., P ortlan d, Or.
P I T © P e rm a n e n tly Curea
5 o firs o r n ervon sn e*
I I B 9
&iter first la v ’» .is e o f T>r. K lin e ’s G reat Nerve
R estorer. Scud fo r FH B E $ ’2 . 0 0 trial bottle and treat*
iM . P e .U . H K l i n *. L id . t * l Ar« h S t.. P h ila d e lp h ia .P a
“ W h at’ s the matter with Jones?”
“ W hy?”
“ He
(toes along abstractedly as
though he were drunk and were seeing
" H e is. They have twinB at h o m e ."
" “
£i ii sir m TÎ e l i ilu>£ T au s . ‘ K
< • o ra
S y ru p . T an tes G oa d . Un I
» » est
t C
i f g f ta
e Syru
o ld b y d ru gg is t*.
In tim o . S
4 Ìgp sr>T 7 F F l
T r a --------
This spring or any other
time be sure to provide
Between St. Paul or M in­
neapolis and Chicago by
obtaining: tickets via
Detailed information cor­
rectly given on inquiry to
H. A K Y E R ,
210 Mutual Life Bldg., Seattle.
373 Stark St. Portland.
T h is w o n d e r fu l C h i­
n ese d o c to r is c a lle d
g r e a t oeeau n e h e cu res
p e op is w ith o u t o p e r a ­
tio n th a t a re g i v e s up
le die.
H e c u res w ith
th ose w o n d e r fu l
C h l-
n e ts k e rb * , ro o ts , buds.
| b a r k * an d v e g e ta b le s
. th a t a r e e n t ir e ly un­
k n o w n to m e d ic a l •«•!-
| e n r e i » ih ts c o u n tr y . T h r o u g h th e use o f th os e
n » r m l* * s r e m e d ie s th is fa m o u s d o c to r k n o w s
th e a c tio n o f o v e r *eo d if fe r e n t r e m e d le e . w h ic h
b e s u ccessfu l iy uses in d iffe r e n t d is ea se s . H e
iru a ra n te ** to
c o r e c a ta r r h , a s rh m a .
lun g,
tn ro a t, r h e u m a tis m ,
n e rv ou s n e s s , s to m a c h ,
liv e r , k id n e y * , etc. . has h u n d re d * o f te s tim o n ­
ials. C h a r g e * m o d e ra te ,
( a ll a n d s e e him .
P a tie n t * o u t o f tb e c it y w r i t e fo r b la n k * an d
c ircu la r*. 8 «n d 4 o e n l* in Rtatnps.
A D I 'H K S »
I l l ] , T h ir d S t ., R » t t o i u ,
g y * 8 « n u u u paper.
O regon .