Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, March 20, 1903, Image 8

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    OK LS W K l.I. N lo w .S
TO IN V O K E R E F E R E N D U M .1
IFf you Want Something IKlicc
G l r a u r d b y T l i c U a i l c r '» K p ociitl O v e r . 3 0 0
Mis# Mxiuic- Scott is DOW teaching
•t Saginaw.
Mis. Junes SLaub «ill leave for a
visit with iriei ds in California this
\\ q , Buoy w ho sold his farm
« i l l move to Hills Creek in a tew
The Woodmen of the World ini­
tiated 13 new members Saturday
Prof, l ’arkei's son, Master Joe, is
confined to the bouse with scar­
let ina.
Leslie Franklin is sie-k with mea­
sles at the residmee of his grand
It. O. Stevenson, representing the-
J J. Case Mfg. Co., visited Creswell
W. C. Jackson, the genial repre-
aeritative for M a»u D , Kin man i i Co.,
was in town Saturday.
Ii. 1). Scarbrough left Creswell
Saturday night for a short sojourn
ill SoutLern California.
Geo, Smith has bought out Wm.
Miller’s butcher business and bas
•pened up a shop at the old stand.
The basket social which was to
have be en held tbe 21st bas been
postponed on account of the scar­
let inn.
People D a ily arc M in ing M en P rotest A gainst
Corning In to T ills S tate.
Law T a x in g C o r p o r a t i o n s .
PoamiaD, March 17.— The trend
B akes C ity , March 17.— The tuiu-
in the Eastern States is toward the Í in g men of Eastern Oregou lia v e
Pacific. Over 300 people daily are decided to invoke the referendum
coming to Oregon. They are good against the Eddy bill, which was
people thrifty, people— the beat enacted by the last legislature. The
people on earth.
! law, which it is the purpose to re
As the spring opens tbe numlwn peal, imposes a tax on all corpora
of aetlera and bomeaeekera will grow tions doiug business in this state, in
even more. You see many new proportion to the amount of tbe
faces already.
capital stock. Tbe mining men iu- j
Thia month, on March 17, the sist that it will retard the growth
homeseekerB’ excursions will begin. aud the progress of the mining
They will leave Chicago twice a industry iu this state. Petitions art
month. Tbe emigration westward | now iu course of preparation to be
will be very great. Most of tbe circulated for signatures. It will I
newcomers are farmers, who bring require over 4000 intuits in order to i
with them sufficient means to let the referendum machiuery in
purchase farms tmd establish them motion, but tbe mining men insist
selves iu comfort. Many of them that they can secure tbe neoessan
come to view the country and to j number of names and more, that
carry buck reports to their friends they can repeal the law. This will
and neighbors. Verv frequently be the first time in the history of the
they are sent out here by associa- United States that the referendum
tions o f intending settlers.
j has ever been invoked, although aev
Mr. W’esterluud, the Harrimau eral states Lave adopted constitution­
agent, said tbat of tbe 120 who al amendments providing for the in TUItl’ IN At Ills home near this city, 1
oarn6 with bun, tbe mujority would itiative and referendum.
March l l. pm3. J. T. Turpin, an old
esteemed pioneer oT this vicinity,
locate permanent homes in Oregon
aged about -2 years.
A traveling medicine company
Moat of them come to the Willaui-
Hi- death resulted from a eonrpli-
has been entertaining the people of , cation of the socalled smallpox and
ett Valley.
Mr Westerlund
saul tbat the this community at the opera house a general breaking down.
Harriman Immigration Bureau was evenings during the past week. ! leaves many relatives and friends to i
distributing in the East 3000 pamph­ They give a minstrel entertainment mourn their great loss.
lets on Oregon every day. This and intersperse the program with
Saturday was pay day at the tie j
was undeniably bringing talks on the virtues of their medi­ preserving plant above town, whieh
a big payrole and a good many of
cines— Geyser Spriugs mineral wa­
highly satisfactory results.
the hoys oarne to town to square up
ter, a catarrh cure, liniment and accounts und put iu supplies.
N ew O regon T ax Law.
AVith t,le patent
Sl)oe La^e Pocket.
It is a Classic She«, Artistic and comfortably
McKays, Turns and Welts, at ------$2.7 and $.(X)
& V B A T C H
J. P. CUR R IN , Proprietor,
Prescriptions carefully compounded arid we alway s keep
ou hand Ihe Purest Drugs.
Paints. Oils and Varnishes
Our line of Books. Stationery. W fill Paper
and Notions are not surpassed in Quality
r>r Qnantity in the city. Prices are riarht.
Don't fail to here the musical and
elocutionary entertainment at Mar­
tin’s Hall this Friday evening.
mission 25 and 15 cents.
The sale of the Hawkins residence
property in West Cottage Grove was
effected through the Phillips &
Wheeler real estate agency Wednes­
day, to a Mr. Brown, late of Wiscon­
sin'. The consideration is stated at
Bartels & Veatch, Props.
Choicest Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard always on
hand. And in fact everything usualy kept in a first-
class market.
W a l l Paper
St o c K
J u s t Received
Latest Styles a 11 < 1
finest selection ever
brought t o Cottage
Grove .......................
Fine New Rockers
Come and see Them
Martin ® Gowdy
600000 00 000 00 000 00 000 0 00 $
C a lif o r n ia S w e e t IV a
s i t u s
(Successor to
W e have just received our sup­
ply of Sweet Pea Seeds furnished
for free distribution by Rieger, the
California Perfumer, manufacturer
o f that famous perfume
n,.ilf f 'H y * i , !*,'ll*j,IH)f V l**»t s.H la-1 package Breakfast
Package Buckwheat H ..iir-| eau Bakll.u IVm iler-
1,*l,;, >'1« - ' '»"tic Pepper Sauce-1 botile Kv
.. i f : ' , “* " 1'' lllk~ ' * ¡P'1 1 Penen. All full size and mil
P e rfu m e
L a s ti
Now ii the time to plant Sweet
Peas, so come and get them free,
with complete instructions for
planting, growth and care.
I m > x containing the taUnniiiK articles
I EM M .
If you wnut to see som ething nice
ask to see the Peduiis Shoe, with
Mrs Jas. shields, whose maiden name was
shoe lace pocket. A classic
Next Sunday morning the pastor
Johnston was born in tbe state of
of the MetLodist Episcopal church shoo, artistic and com fortable. M c­ Indiana Jan. I. 1843, and died at the home of
Kay’s turns and welts at *2.75 and
her late husband's neioe. Mrs J. C. Porter in
will have the following for his #3.1)0 at Lewis & V eateh’s.
Cottage Grove, Ore., March 14. lix
subject: “ The Money (Question in
She left Indiana at au early age and went
The Benefit of Change.
to Kansas where she resided up to the time '.in*
Evening subject: “The History of
We are like house plants:
We came to this place iu 18 8 2 , she was married
MoMtodisia," tin first of a series of need a change of soil now and (hen first to W m. A. Lewis, in Kansas. Sept..
•ennoiis on Methodism.
A five to be replanted. New scenes, new who died Oct 8, 1871*. she arrived at this place
and was married soon thereafter to Ja>. P.
minute preltidt to the sermoa will experiences, new surrouudinga— a Shields
Aug 14, tss.. ami resided for a number
be given, subject: “ttnui© reasons change o f climate, diy air instead o f years on Mr Shield’** Mushy creek farm. On
for having a new city hall”
of moisture, sunshine in place of .July Its 11*01. Mr Shields died and Ins w ife took
'Tlie cuoir will furnish special cloud. This is sometimes essential up her home with his ueiee. "lie had m>
music, one nun,her living a cornet to health. There is conditions near children, but the shield ' home was always
made a refuge for the or}*haued. Mrs Shields
aolo by Chas Cochran.
nt hand tbat are better than Europe having raised a uuniber of children who had
can offer. Take a month or two in I tec 11 rendered homeless, she was a km-i.
1’reselling services will be held at California. Plant youiself for a time gentle, noble Christian lady and wa* loved in
all who knew her.
(he Christian ehurch Sunday morn­ where there are no irritations, where The funeral services were held at tin* ( . 1 *.
ing and evening subject, 11 a. tu. the hotel is beyond criticism, the church iu this city Monday, March io, R, \
“ Four l ’ hase of the Christian Life” landscape pleasing, and where warm Walden preaching the funeral sermon. The
subject 7:3(1 p m “The great sunny weather invites to walks aud remains were tenderly laid to rest in the Shields
east of tills eltyln the pnsem-i of .
drives. Pure aud dry air, and the cemetery
W edding”
large number of sorrowing relatives and friend*
Other servi
at th
' al hours. ineleased electric infiuencea of sun­
shine are vastly helpful.
The puplic is
rdisll IV 11 11 ted.
P L E A S A N T L Y M KI »: 1*4 1».
V 1 K Bn UN,, ivo.
You can make this trip at very !
little expense, and enjoy a ride over 1 M n , J. t*. Medley p
ont a plea san
Beert Hait, i
g In the the see me Siskiyou »Dil SbAsta 1 fully ciirried
1 bastomil Attorney J. :
Mustek in in
I over a mountains, which, nt thin time of In till*« <•it) Monday e
40 foot « mh.u
• raveling (he year with their show covered Mr MedKey's btrthdi
on »m w »line­
t'llt'-lluV ! I' ph I h , a rc iniNurpM*.* h I for their number of relative*
ihe fan dly were invi
ami W.l.« »frinì
Or. JolC gra n deu r.
Mr Medley
w a s atlliiiuutiei
For complete mforti ¡Ation regard i - gueftf*
V (dinne I
arrived ami on
red Is I ii. / ratm. point'« of inti ie«t, and do­ 1 evening the surpris
fia t Hart, will
l-ubtful bote I* iu l al rn iu. address evening Beefed by v
ironing along
conversi• and at a Lit
W E C oman .
V A.
i nient* 1 sere served, s
s r c c L Luios
I f r o l l read the 1 j
wishing Mr. M idhv
keep pi*-!i «1
Pori ud, Ore.
th« day.
jp e c la lis S h o e
Hattie a n d Bertie Hawley, daugh­
ters of Mr. a n d Mrs. R. 1). Hawley,
S alem , Or., March 19.— Taxpay­
K diicatiom il M eetin g.
•re c o n f in e d to tbe bouse with ers in Oregou will pay taxes twice
in 1904. They will pay the taxes
The following program will be ren­
levied upon the tax roll of 1903 and dered at an educational meeting to be
From Missouri.
in Cottage Grove April 10th and
also the taxes levied upon the roll
| 11th:
of 1904. This is due to a change
As a joker, our friend Bill Kayser, in the law by which taxes are to be H I IDA V ENESIXO, AJ'IlIL 10TH, AT C. F
«of hotel fame, is about the whole paid in the fall of tbe same year
Ladies Quartette, Misses Lea, Hart,
thing. No man appreciates a joke the assessment is made.
In order ......................Bryun, and Mrs. Allison
Belter than this same Kayser and to effect this change it was neces­ Recitation............. ........Mrs. 'Powers
he can take n josh ns well as the sary to make the taxes payable Lecture,.......... Hon. J. H. Ackerman
next one. His friends say they be­ three months earlier or nine months
lieve he really loses about half tbe later. The collection 'of taxes is Current History...... . . O. C. Brown
time w hen ho should be asleep con­ already three months later than it Spelling .................... A. F. Bechdolt
juring up some scheme to have fun should be, so tbe legislature decid­ Course of Study.........J. H. Aekelrnmu
, ............... Miss Smith
or get the laugh on someone. In fnct ed to make the taxes payable in tbe Sloyd.............
Language............................ Miss Heed
Kill is so persistent in this respect preceding fall rather than in tbe
AFTEK.NOON, 1 :30.
thnt his boarders often get tbeir succeeding fall.
Under tbe new Col. Parker and Quincy Methmls ..
heads together to play even with arrangement tbe counties will have ....................................... H. D. Sheldon
their land-lord. Kayser was raised funds earlier and will save some Nature Study in Public School.. . . .
.......................................... Miss Smitu
in Missouri— but that was a long interest on warrants.
Taxpayers Industrial
___Miss Leach
time ago-—aiul he likes to meet and will feel that they are bearing a The
True Perspective in Historv. .
talk with people of his native state double burden tbe first year, but ....................... : ________ B. F. M'ulkey
who have seen that good old country after that there will be no differ­ County Work Co. Supt. B. F. Miller
•ince he chased jack-rabbits then as ence iu the amount to be paid iu SAXUBDAV EVENING AT M , E. UHUIICH, AT
a barefoot boy. It seems, however, any one year.
that Mr Kayser had never until the
Ladies Quartett. .Misses L ei, Bryan,
other day “ got next” to the ex­
Hon Aaron Jones, of South Bend, ...................... Hart, and Mrs. Allison !
pression of “ I'm from Missouri,” Ind., Master of tbe National Grange, Recitation.......................... Miss Force
L ectu re....................
1!. T. Mulkeyi
A gang of tho boys were congre ­ will address a meeting at Frank's
All (>ersons interested in education l
gated recently and were engaged in Hall, in Eugene at 2:30 o ’clock p m and our public schools are invited to I
au animated conversation, when one Monday, March 30th. Tbe aims be present.
o f the pnrty seemed to doubt some and objects of the Grange aud what
thing which bad been said, remark­ it has accomplished will be fully Gohton \Vo<l<ling A n n iversary.
ed : “ I'm from Missouri you’ll huve to and ably
Mr. ami Mrs, Jas 11. Shortridge celebrated
ahow me,” Now, Kayser is one should bear Ibis grent advocate of tlielr
golden wedding anniversary at tlieir
o f those fellows who never meets a Ihe farmer's rights. You cannot af­ pleasant rural home on the Coast Fork, seven
•(ranger, but iu this case be was not ford to miss this opportunity to miles south o f this city March 13, 1903. Mr
acquainted with the man making tieur bis eloquent appeal iu behalf Short ridge w hs imm iu Indiana July 1 8 ,1*31, j
wife being born In the same state in
the remark, but nothing daunting, ot the agricultural classes of our liis
February. 1835. They were married on the
he wult/id up to the fellow aud country. All are cordially invited Jake Miller farm near Jefferson, Linn Co, Ore..
aays: “ I'm from Pike couuy myself, to be present.
March 13,1852. Mrs Sliortridge’s maiden mini,
being Amelin Adams. Four children were Ixnn
partner wliat part of the state do
Our Eugene correspondent un to them nil of whom arc living and were present
you bail from.” Now, tho fnct is
•it the anniversary, except their son Franklin
it was all a put up job, but the inuii intentionally substituted the name Boon Shortridge, who resides at Livermore,
Alamedia Co., California. The occasion proved
from Missouri was not “ wise” to
(ho joke, and so when Kayser made substantial business men for tbe a most pleasHfit ami enjoyable one. a splendid
anniversary dinner being the featureof the day.
this crack at him, he nearly fell off name of another, in his criminal The genial old couple are still hale and hearty
tho peroli, but rallied sutlieent to docket report in tbe last issue ot •ad as spry as many at the age of 50, a kind
inform Mr Kayser that he was not our paper. The name of tbe parly providence having always blessed them w ith
sentenced to two years in tbe peu health, happiness and prosp« rity. Tin.* children
from Missouri at all, but was
present were: Mrs. J. W . Harris and son. of
native son. The crowd exploded for borse stealing should have been Eugene;
Mrs Olive l.*cy, Portland and Mrs
af this stngi of the game and gave given as “ Barnheart,” instead of Alice Wecden, of Coast Fork. There was also
Kill the “ haw. haw,” good and Burkholder. True, Mr Burkholder eight grandchildren present; W . W. Shortridge.
strong, and when he realised that was at one time a member of tbe a brother aud his family; and an esteemed
(he joke was on him he marched Oregon legislature, but tbat is no old pioneer, Grandma White, All enjoyed the
day immensely, and the numerous friends of the
(ho whole bunch to a place where reason why his name should be as­ venerable old couple join the L r a d b k in wish- !
(bey d'lqviiee mild drinks and sociated with such culprits ns Baru- mg them many more pleasant wedding
benrt. We apologize for our corre­ anniversaries,
*tood treat for all.
C liu reli A n n o u n c em en ts.
Ask to see the
0000000000000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000-
Toe New Era
N4 Store.
we carry the finest line o f hardware to
be fouml in any store. Architects, con-
tractors and builders will find our line of
giMiiU the newest iu design, the most
adaptable and improved, and o f the high­
est standard of merit in quality and dur-
a blllty
: : Car Load of ; : :
Studebaker Wagons
loin it Veatch Co.
•lu*t o p e n e d
in t h o
M n l k e c B u ilt U nir <ni
-Mitili s t r e e t , .Neill*
t ilt ' 1 >ep, it.
T e a l s on S h ort O rd ers.
R e e e I ve «I
D e n t is t
I'i-en- « of the Eye, Ear
re .Specialties.
mice in Ihe \lllM>n A
D R . E. C . M A C Y .
1 N ose j
■ Itnildiiig :
netbiog Swell and I'ji-to date
Dr Snapp's Building
m>r$. Pet Sanforfc’s
A Few Fine Can
Assaying and analyzing i*f ores. working t*f5
< ’ > adding. Etc . Etc., by the latest n e l h " 8 »
; Prof KalKenan's school of Assaying^ 0 1 !**•
i Francisco, California*
Wad Orders Solicited.
Satisfaction' A$c <rt
Three doors east of the Fostofflee,