Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, March 13, 1903, Image 8

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fit JJ0u I'Clant Something llltcc
Ask to sco tho
C t a a r a o r a l l T f S ervice. to Br Held
Alt Over the W o rld —Chicair«**. E *-
tenalon Plana — New York Ball*
First Methodist Charch.
Judg« Pa: k*r. whose boom for the Democratic presidential nomination is now weO
ander way all over the country, is chief iudçe of the court of appeals of New York state,
the highest judicial office in the gift of the Empire State.
By Judge Hamilton at Eugene
To Hang April 17 Next.
Q u i c k Justice
Just now the selection of a place
for holding tbe republican con­
gressional convention in which to
select a candidate to succeed the
late congressman ToDgue is being
considered by politicians.
and Eugene seem to he rivals in the
race for convention honors and in
this particular contest no trouble
should be experienced in making
the selection, Eugene being tbe
most central and desirable place in
ever particular for holding this im
portant convention. W ith a late
single exception— the renomination
of Congressman Tongue at Rose-
burg last spring— these conventions
have invariably been held at points
in the north end of tbe district. It
is therefore proper that the forth­
coming congressional convention be
held at Eugene.
*Tlif second chapter in tbe bistory
*>f the Lyons murder case was
brou ght to a clo-e Friday morning
-when Judge Hamilton passed sen-
,-tenee on tbe condemned mao.
T be arraignment, trial and con-
, vietion of Lyons is fresh in the
minds of all; bow an aged father
»m l mother, tbe latter prostrated
v itli grief over tbe deed of an erriDg
■on, were dragged into court to
testify against that sou making a
■ceue which will never be forgotten
by those who witnessed it and which
should be a lesson of nevereuding
value to tho young manhood and
P o r t la n d ’s D isastrou s F ire s .
of a peace loving
Three fires destroyed property to
country, says the Register.
The last chapter is yet to come the value of a three-quarters of a
when on the day named the M urder­ million dollars, Tuesday. Victoria
er Lyons shall at the end of a hang­ dock is in ashes as tbe result of a
m an's rope expiate the crime he fire. W ith this dock went all of
its contents, grain and salt, mostly—
■o readily committed.
A t no time has the prisoner given fifteen cars all loaded with grain,
evidence of the fceliugs of remorse and the residence of Charles E.
which it wbh believed that he felt. Nelson, of tbe Portland Shipbuild­
His demeanor when
trial ing Company. The total loss will
■ml wnen sentence was pronounced be fully $600.000, and it is probably
very calm. If sorrow and considerably more than this. A
remorse exists in the heart of the fire which broke out at Mississippi
murderer there has been no outward avenue and Russell street at five
o ’clock a. m. destroyed a dozen two-
indication of it,
H e came into the presence of the story and tbree-story stores and
ju d g e to receive sentence with head lodging houses and one residence.
thrown back, chin slightly elevated, The damage will aggregate $25,
hands clasped in front and 000. The splendid new residence
bolding his hat. This was his of William Faber, at Eleventh and
cuetomary attitude all through the Market streets, was
gutted and ruined by fire at an
manner of passing
the «■ally hour in the day. Its contents
aentcnce by Judgo lluuiiltou was as were completely destroyed. The
lobj is $G,000.
“ M r Lyons you may stand up.
P o s t m a s te rs A p p o i n t e d .
H ave you any thing to say why
-------- —
sentence should not be pronounced
W a s h in g t o n ,
10.— The
in accorduuce with tho verdict
delegation today united in recom­
by the jury who
mending tho appointment of three
your case aud found you guilty of
postmasters in the first district— J.
murder in the first degree.”
Q. Eckuian, McMinnville; James
“I don't know what made me do
Page, Eugene, and the reappoint
it. 1 didn’t mean to kill him. I think
rnent of S. S. Train, Albany. Page
it'w as partly M r Smith's fault for
was unanimously indorsed jy the
» o t coming in, I was waiting for
Legislative delegates from Laue
bim to come in. I don t know why
I did it,” said tho condemned
The Senate today confirmed the
of tbe fiye Oregon
Mr Lyons, tho duty which now
postmasters appointed yesterday,
confronts me is a most painful one.
and mentioned in another column.
J will not allude to the conduct of
vour past life which has led up to
O re g o n l.m n lie r A d v a n c in g
tins. You wantonly took the life of
•n ofl cer of the law. That act of
S an F rancisco , March 11.— The
jo u rs is past all remedy. A lifo has Retail Lum ber Dealers’ Association
been blotted out by your hands. The has made auother advance in prices.
verdict of tbe jury lias been fully Six months ago the price of rough
warranted. This responsibl.ty of Oregon pine was from $10 to $12 a
tbe crime you have committed rests thousand, aud now ranges from $1!)
entirely upon Yourself. You have to $21 a thousand
Finishing pine
come to the end. The law makes which is clear and free of knots is
the crime which you have commit worth today from $30 a thousand
ted the penalty of death.”
and upwards.
Last year No. 2
“ I. therefore, direct that upon (louring coat $20 a thousand; now it
Hriilay, tile 17th day of April, be­ is selling at from $30 to $31 a 1000.
tween the hours of nine and four p. Comparatively little sugar pine is
m. that you he taken to a proper! used and then only for doors, sash -
place provided for that purpose atid es, etc., as it costs from $70 to $75 a
in the presence of twelvo men that thousand.
j o u be hanged by the neck until
N e w S t r ik e in M naie M in e .
you are dead.”
“ May G o d have mercy upon your
Reliable news conies from Bobe
*o u l.” '
W hile sentence was being pro mia that another rich chute of ore
»o u n c ed perfect ipiict prevailed in has been uncovered in the famous
the court room which was j Mustek mint. This mine baa in the
with spectators. Lyons voice while past been one of tbe best producers
speaking wns, low, calm and distinct. in the camp, the owners having tak­
There was no evidence of nun en out nearly $1,000,000 in gold,
breaking down as was expected bv and it was thought by many mining
cither while hearing tbe men that the ice ore wns about ex
development work
« t i t d i c e or when having the eour hausted, us p
for some Hu.i
is been showing up
mote and iu>
nigh grade bane ore.
P r i m e r » . T .i h c N o t ic e .
I hat theory
now ts eii exploded
by re m it it*
; incut work which
l as run iut<
now shows up a
re which is said!
l ’u u|i
to surpass i
as any body cf
kly, fo
ore ever be a
countered in this
Methodism U deeply interested in tht*
approaching two hundredth anniversa­
ry o f the hlrth of the founder of the
church. John Wesley, and from all over
the world come notes of preparation
for the celebration of the event.
In Chicago an elaborate internationa!
celebration is being planned to take
place next May which will extend
over a week of time. All the Metho
dist Institutions, led by the Northwest
ern university, have Joined in the. move­
ment, and President Edmund J. Jame>
of the university has been .appointed
chairman of the committee of arrange
It is intended to make the Chicago
celebration a climax to the movement
which has Just resulted in the raising
of a $20,000.000 church fund. Chicago
is recognized as the headquarters ol
Methodism in this country, and the
church’s strength lies in the middL
west, and for that reason*It is felt that
the bicentennial celebration should be
made international in its scope.
The first bicentenary event, how­
ever, will be held at Carnegie hall.
New York, on the evening of Feb. 26
under the auspices of tne Metropolitan
‘ thank offering commission. President
Roosevelt will make the principal ad­
dress of the evening, and Bishop Ed
ward G. Edwards and Chancellor
James Roscoe Day of Syracuse* univer­
sity will also make addresses. This bi
centenary lias excited the greatest In­
terest all over the country, and the de­
mand for tickets has exceeded the ca­
pacity of the hall by many thousands.
Wesleyan university, the oldest of
tlie Methodist educationa 1 institutions,
will have an extensive programme ex­
tending all through Its commencement
week next June. A s W esley’s birthday
draws near the celebrations will in
( rease in number, and tlie church in
F ^ e c L a lis S h o e
W zti
Win* tho patent
S l)o e L a ^ e P o c k e t .
It is a Classic ShoQ, Artistic mid comfortable.
Turns and W olts, jit— #2.7 and ,* qq
M cK ays,
l)e»|x-rato C rim in i Captured
O lympia , March 8— Christ Benson,
the murderer of Jailer Morrell, at
Olympia last Sunday night was
captured last night, and is again in
his sell at Olympia.
Benson was found in a deserted
cabin two miles west of town. He
offered no resistance when caught.
A mob surrounded the jail, with
loud cries of ‘ H ang him! hang him!”
but every precaution was
against violence.
M hen telling his
story the
murderer cried like a child.
His wanderings tallied very well
with the newspaper reports. He
has several times been in the hands
of men looking for him, but let him
go after looking at his face.
He was in Tacoma half a day aud
then returned to Olympiu.
J. P. CUR R IN , Proprietor,
Prescriptions carefully compounded aud « e always keep
ou hand the Purest Drugs.
Oils and
Our line of Books. Stationery. W a ll Paper
and Notions are not surpassed in Quality
•"T Quantity in the city. Prices are right.
Bartels & Veatch, Props.
The Benefit of Change.
IVe are like house plants:
need a change of soil now aud then
to he replanted. New scenes, new
experiences, new surroundings— a
change of climate, dry air instead
of moisture, sunshine in place of
cloud. This is sometimes essential
to health. There is conditions near
at hand that are better than Europe
can offer. Take a month or two in
California. Plant yourself for a time
where there are no irritations, where
the hotel is beyond criticism, the
landscape pleasing, and where warm
sunny weather invites to walks and
drives. Pure aud dry air, and the
increased electric influences
shine are vastly helpful.
^ ou c» » make this trip at very
.ittle expense, and enjoy a ride over
the scenic .Siskiyou and Shasta
mountains, which, nt this time of
the year with their show-covered
peaks, are unsurpassed for their
England, Canuda, Australia and all
other countries where Methodism has
•i foothold will have bicentenary
On June 12. the Sunday nearest to
Wesley’s birthday, commemorative ser­
mons will I m * preached in every pulpit
in the denomination. The educational
department of the church has prepared
.1 special service introducing scenes
from the life of Wesley, and it will be
presented by all the schools of the de­
nomination on children’s day, the sec
nod Sunday in June.
John Wesley was born in Epworth.
England, on June 17, 1703. He came of
i long line of ministers of the Church
of England. He early showed sigus of
religious zeal and organized a class of
young men for si»ecittl work. Among
them were his brother Charles, after
ward the famous hymn writer, aud
George Whitefield, destined to become
a great evangelist. In 1734 Governor
Oglethorpe took out to Georgia his fa
tnoua colony of debtors, spendthrifts
and adventurers, and Jobu Wesley ac
copied his invitation to accompany him
as missionary to the colony and the
A fter remaining in this country two
years aud four months he returned to
England, and in 1730 the Wesleyan
church was organized. In 1773 Francis
Anbury was sent over to organize the
church in the Fnitcd State*.
Tbe honor of holding tbe first cele­
bration commemorative of Wesley is
chi ¡lilt'd by New York U m i s c it was
in that city that the first service of the
Methodist Kpis<*oprtl church in Ameri
on was held. It was in 1700 that Bar
bara Il«*«k ami Philip Embury held ti e
first service in Embury's house and in
1767 that the rigging loft in Wil
liani street w as occupied. The next
year the lot* now occupi<*d by the old
John street chuivli were bought, and
tb * Wesley chapel was d»*di<ated be
f.*re the arrival of Asbury and Dr
Thomas Coke.
Since its small beginning in the rig
ging loft the Methodist Episcopal
church has grown groat in this coun­
try. By the latest statistics it ha«
2.071.7441 mem Iter*, an Increase of 21.-
77I over the preceding year. For bent v
• I- nt |»un>oses the church spent $2.' ‘
E C om an , G 1* A .
»5 l Co, Liues in Oregon,
Portland, Ole.
And in fact everything usualy kept in a first-
class market.
n T
W e have no stand-in with the dentists on tough m eats.
a trial and we will treat you right.
Give n !
Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Nose
are Specialties.
Office in tli»* A U I hoii \ Madsen's Iliiildm g
.1 ust opened in the
W alker Building on
Main ¡Street, Xenr
the Depot.
Something Swell and Up-to-date in
l o r complete information regard­
ing ratc-s. points of interest, and de­
lightful hotels in California, address
Choicest Meats, Hams, Bacon and L ard always on
- A
T -
Meals on Short Orders.
flDrs. pet Sa n fo rP e
Hiver Street,
The best and fresh-
est the market can
supply, ,‘ind prepar­
ed in style at living
Cot t;ige drove
Notice to Tax Payers.
T a ilo r-m a ile Suits a Specialty.
The 1902 assessmnut Rolls for
A Few Fine Canary Birds for Sale.
Lane County, Oregon, will be open-
ed for the collection of taxes on
Monday March 2nd, 1903. There D e n t i s t
will be a 3 percent rebate given on I
a 1 taxes paid in full previous to
DR. E. C. M A C Y .
March loth. One half of any tax
may be paid at any date before April Dr Snapp’s Building.
<>th and if so paid tbe remaining one
half may be paid any date before
w il ur.i.Hì
j w nno
October nth, without penalty or
m e I**!# • In t a8e “ t0X ° r tlle fi,st
half is not paid before April (5th A S S A Y
O F F IC E .
tbe law requires a 1 » per 0PUt
penalty and 12 per cent iuterest to
be a ided to such tax until paid
Assaying and analyzing of ores, working tests
Letters of enquiry concerning taxes Cyanitiing. Ft«-.. Kte., by the latest methods of
will receive our prompt attention.
J rrof FalKcnau’s school <*f Assaying, of San
Francisco, California.
h nip F isk , Sheriff A Tax Collector I
Mail Orders Solicited.
Satisfaction As'ured.
of Lane County Oregon.
Three doors cast of Mie Fostofflee,
W c have just received our sup­
ply of Sweet Pea Seeds furnished
for free distribution by Rieger, the
California Perfumer, manufacturer
of that famous perfume
W a ll Paper
New S t o c k
J u s t Received
Latest Styles <t n <1
5 iincst selection ever
$ brought t o Cottage!
S G r o v e ................
Fine New Rockers
Come and see Them
Perfu m e
L a t ti
Now is the time to plant Sweet
Pea», so come and get them free,
with complete instructions for
planting, growth and care.
T h e N e w E ra
D rü 4 S to re .
should be
the finest tempered
steel, capable of takiug tlic
California Sweet fta|
Iu a roping contest at El Paso
Texas. R Conley ropmi, threw 2nd
tied a steer in 21 1-2 seconds.
edge, and tbe handli should be in j
keeping with the blade. Here are
our piano needs hint#?
>o tramp toner t o * *
M O Warner, of Kuß«*»
; well known »>. a reta*»«
|n«*rf»*r In Oat aarf Saarar C rop«.
The oat crop and sugar crop of th<
United States have each Increased tlx
fold in fifty year*.
Martin ‘â Gowdy |
F umiture-UndertaKers g
Griffin &
d the Leader
!T P<