Lane County leader. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Or.) 1903-1905, March 13, 1903, Image 7

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    Hi» T n eory.
“ There*« no doubt that colored men
often make good soldiers.**
“ Course dey doer,** answered Mr.
Krastus Pinkley. “ You put a cvllnd
man along of a pureersion an* he’ s
¡9 a best tim e fo r doin'? gwine ter toiler it to de finish, no mat­
— that is, a tim e w h e n a ter whut de danger is.’ *— Washington
th in g can be do n e to the best ad- Star.
■ mJipril, May
„ ,r / r
C L s S ix p L i,! l l l G
specialty, See us before buying.
W e ll M a c h in e r y
Oil or W a te r any
A yer’s Cherry Pectoral
certainly cures many cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak, lungs,
whooping-cough, croup,
w in te r c ou gh s, night
coughs, and hard colds.
»he top floor that h€r husband has
fallen out of the window.’ ’— Smart Set.
P ills
G T ld
At Delhi.
________be m edicines to tak e— they do
Posterity will look upon the picture
the | prk th o ro u g h ly an d a g re e a b ly ° » 8 V8H* tt,K' utterly barbaric popula
bver fa il lo d o it.
i tion num boring nearly one-fourth of tiie
[ ,,
. t . ___ j i i ____
\ humMn family, subdued, governed, ad-
m ed lo in et y o o j,(li chrtaria»taad an«i led up to tho
h a ve ai w ay s heard recom m ended.
dignity of self-government by a bandful
mot recommend Hoed’, S.r.ap.riba c f Grangers who come from an incon-
Kly at » eprimr medicine. VSheu we
the spring we'.II feel bettertSroujrb siderable island 15,000 miles away.” —
er.” lias. 8. H. Naan, McCray., Pu An old prophecy about India.— New
Sarsaparilla prom ises tc York Press,
d keeps tho promise.
That Would Never Do.
Why don’ t you go ont occasion- No One Need Neglect Their Teeth Any
More—No Pain, Small Cost.
rest, and enjoy yourself, say at
The two great 'reasons why people
He— But I don't want to get into the used to neglect their teeth were: fea r
habit of having a good time.— Life.
of being hurt, end the expense.
When yon come to think it over now,
For bronchial troubles trv P i , o '. Cure it ia truly remarkable what a revolu­
for C o n , niptiou. I t is a good cough tion has taken place in modern dental
medicine. A t d ru ggist,, price 25 cents.
methods. Wise Brothels, the famous
Portland dentists, are among the fore­
En din g the D issertation.
most in the United States in this re­
“ Would you call a cat herbivorous
spect. Their announcements that there
or carnivorous?” asked the man who is ia not a particle of pain connected with
learned hut tedious.
any dental work done in their office is
“ Neither,” answered the man who
literally true. And it is also literally
yawns, “ merely vociferous.”
true that every person who goes to
these dentists is greatly surprised at
rs will find Mrs. YlnsioW’s Sooth. the small coat of having the teeth put
ing Syrup the best rem edy to use ior thqir
in fine older. A whole set of teeth
ahlldren du rin g the teething period.
now costa less than some time ago it
ooat to have one pulled or filled. There
Home Discom forts.
“ N o,” grumbled the husband in a ia no excuse whatever for anyone to ne­
spasm of confidence to a friend, " I glect hie, rr her, teeth. Even the man
have no place at all for my books. The or woman receiving the lowest wages
storan room is kept exclusively for paid in this Northwest can well afford
to have the teeth looked after and be­
m y w ife .”
“ And what does she use it all for?” gin to enjoy life.
Again, a word about the children.
“ O h, she puts away the things that
are a triflo too good to be destroyed, When a young person has second teeth,
yet aearcely good enough to be of use.” lathers and mothers should see to it
that their eon or daughter goes to the
o f O in tm en ts fo r C a t a r r h T h a t dentist and has the teeth examined.
Oftentimes just a little work before it
Contain M e rc u ry ,
As mercury will uuroly destroy the sense of is too late saves the teeth pure and
smell and completely derange the whole sys­ beautiful for a lifetime.
Take time by
tem when entering; It through the niucons sur-
iBuch nrucl.'s
île- "*■
.-•l.Hild never b« used ex­ the forelock and consult Wise Brothers,
cept on prescriptions from reputable physl- I Failing Building, Portland, Oregon.
Clans, as the damage thev w ill do is ten fold to
Foot ol Morrison Street.
Can give you tho best barKsins in Hollars
and Krfkiues. Windmill*, 1'umpa and (teas-
rnl Manhinrrv. Wood riawlbk- Machine. a
“ One of my daughters bad a
terrible case or asthma. We tried
almost everything, but without re­
lief. We then tried Ayer’ s Cherry
Pectoral, and three and one-half
bottles cured her.” — Emma Jaue
Entsminger, Langsville. O.
v a n W e> >nost ea sily a n d m ost ef-
The Hotel of 200J.
f e c t m ly . N o w is the best time
Clerk — Michael, are you about
fo r p u rify in g y o u r blood.
W hy}
through moving those trunk»?,
no y o u r system is n o w try in g
“ Yes, sorr; in a few minutes.’ ’
ify it— you k n o w this b y the
“ W ell, when you’ve finished, stretch
is an d other eru ption s that the life net over the front pavement,
uue on y o u r face a n d body. j Mrs. Uibaw] has just telephoned from
Three slits: tic.. Me., tl.
Write for cattlosue.
B E A L L A CO..
Qen’l Afft».
813 Commer­
cial Block
All Sranisla.
Connaît yonr doctor. If ho says ta ko lt,
thsMi do aa ho Raya. If he tell* you not
to take tt, thon don’t tako it. Ile knowa.
Leavo it with hlm. We are willlng.
J. C. A Y EK CO.. Low«ll. Maa*.
F. X. U.
N o . 11— 1903,
H E N w r it in g to s i l v . r t l s e n p l s s s s
m e n tio n t h is p a p e r .
Bill Bewail, the veteran Malue guide, otherwise William Wingate
Bewail, his w ife aud daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood Pride, o f Island
Falls, where Bill lives, aud two other old Triends of President Roosevelt,
were receutly the guests of President and Mrs. Roosevelt at the White
House. Bewail Is a picturesque character and a typical Maine woodsman.
He first accompanied President Roosevelt on his hunting expeditions when
the latter was a delicate lad o f IS. The acquaintance thus formed lias
developed Into a warm friendship.
It H a t B een C rea te d to H a v e C h a rg e
o f C o m m erce and L a b o r .
crossed over the other. On the upper
surface of the plate are two parallel
keepers. In which a slide is mounted,
having an upwardly projecting knob
or head. On this knob Is clamped a
socket device, which serves as a sup­
port for the shelf on which the book
rests, aud by loosening the screw
which bolds the clamp the shelf can be
adjusted lu any desired position. To
adapt the device for the use of per-
the rapid
and uninterrupted
growth of the United States aud the
of her Industries
ascribed the crea­
tion of
the new
g o v e r n m ent De­
partment o f Com­
merce and Labor.
The department is
made up o f several
bureaus from the
State, Treasury, In­
terior and Agricul­
tural Departments,
aud the new de­
partment secretary
Is Hon. George Cor-
telyou, late secre­
tary to the President, who has had
the good you can possibly derive from them.
H a lf » Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
wide experience In government affairs.
Mike’s Poodle.
Cheney A Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury,
Mr. Cortelyou’s principal asslstunt la
and is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
James U. Garfield, of Ohio, a son of the
In baying H a ll’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get Mike?
late President James A. Garfield, wlio
the genuine. It Is taken internally, and mode
“ Blooded? I ah’d eay be »n r. W ’ y,
In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney <fc Co. Testi­
when he wue a p u p th’ doc bad ter has been acting us Civil Service Com­ BUPPORTS THE WXIOUT ON THE LEO.
monials free.
Sold by ■ p g g lsts, price 75c. per bottle.
bleed him to k a p e him from bein’ a missioner. Mr. Garfield will be known sons who are near or far sighted It Is
Hail’s^pm iiy Fills are the bast.
as Commissioner of Corporations, and
blood bound, faith !”
his duties will be to Investigate the or­ only necessary to slide the support
The Influence.
and conduct of corporations back and forth between the keepers
If You Don’t Know
Jerry— How do good clothet make a
doing business In the various States until the focusing point Is reached. As
How much different a can of Monopoie
an a gentleman.’
and with foreign nations, and to fur­ the support can be made of aluminum,
peaches or peara or corn or other vari-
Joe— They make him feel as if he
nish such information to the President adding little to the weight of the book,
-and as It Is placed on a member of
waa taper ted to act like one. - D e t r o i t
of i ruit8 V>d v?*pUb‘ eB
| the ordinary brands we hope you will that legislation for the regulation of the body which can support its weight
I instruct your dealer to send you a can the commerce may be enacted, If neces­ directly on the floor, the book can be
¡o f Monopole today. We know Mono- sary.
maintained la position much longer
— |To nro.h m n . w show.
p o l, brand ia better than any other be-
The Internal commerce of the United than if held in the hands.
shako in Allens Foot-Ease, a powder.
ihilblaius, damp, sweating, aching, ! ^A»1^
have compared them with States Is now reckoned at $20,000,000,-
tet. Our®» Corns and Bunions. At all Other BO-called high class ones.
000, which Is equal to the foreign com­
"tuten1l»m7la mrT l ' < 3 i ' A d d £ 2
Moat dealers handle Monopole goods, merce of all the nations e earth
ihn.tcad, 1-cKoy, N. v
j If yours doesn’ t »end us his naqje.
combined. The census figures for 1000 S e r v a n t's H a n d s W e re L a r g e r T h a n
Wadhams A Kerr Bros., Monopole place the total value of manufactures
A m o e C u m m in g s ' F e e t.
Back Talk.
j Qr0cers and Dry Coffee Roasters, 81-83- at $13,000,000.000, o f agriculture at
It la not an Invariable rule that peo­
nearly $4,000.000,000 and of minerals at ple of culture alone can turn a grace­
ihnll never marry,” raid Miss 85 Front street, Portland, Ore.
about $1,000,000,000. According to these ful compliment. Even the uncouth and
k, with an air of determine-
------ --------- -———
White Tailed Eagles.
the product of the fisheries, the total uneducated sometimes have that art.
^gjrhaps not,” replied Miss Pert, ! Although the golden eagle has dis- value of the great Industries In 1000 It la related that the late Amos Cum­
ryoue admits you have made a appeared from Wales, white tailed would be over $18,-
mings of New York had occasion while
ght against the inevitable.” — I eagles are still to be found in north 000 , 000 , 000 , and the
a Congressman to engage a servant. A
t Wales and Shropshire.
rapid growth In all
man of large build, German descent
lines o f Industry
and heavy Hccent was engaged on trial.
seems to Justify a
“ This pair of shoes Is to be polished
present estimate of
each morning for ten days," was one of
$ 2 0 ,0 0 0,000,000.
the orders given by Mr. Cummings. “ At
From 1800 to 1000
tbe end o f ten days call and I'll let you
the Internal com­
know as to the future. You shall re­
merce o f the United
ceive 10 cents a shine.”
States doubled, and
Tbe German agreed. When he cnlled
It was ten times as
| for the shoes tbe second morning he
large In 1902 as In
found that they had not been worn.
The brilliancy resulting from his pre­
During the same period, from 1850 to vious effort was still there. On the third
1002, the population has Increased from day Mr. Cummings shoved a silver dol­
the cold wave flag ianp, f reelin g weather ia on the way. W inter
23,000,000 to 70,000,000, and Is therefore lar Into the toe of one o f the shoes.
f l l H i n earnest, and w ith it all the miserable symptoms o f Catarrh
only three and one-half times as grent When the servant called on the tenth
^ ^ ^ T -b lin d in g headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharges
as in 1850, while the Internal commerce day Mr. Cummings said:
ke nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad
Is ten times as great as at that time.
the mouth, fetid breath, nausea and all that makes Catarrh the
“ I suppose, William, you received
;kening and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a feelin g o f per- Meantime the foreign commerce has your money for shining those shoes?*’
tfilement and m ortification that keeps one nervous and anxious whila made rapid increase, though not at a
“ I nefer seen It,” and William looked
rate p f speed proportionate to that o f Inquiringly.
smpany of others.
M anchester, T o ., M arch 6, 1001.
)ite o f all efforts to prevent it.
“ William, did you polish those shoes
( k n t l « a a : —1 had a ll the sym ptom s
1850 were $173.500.528, those of 1902 each morning for ten days?” asked tbe
by secretions and mucous mat-
th at aco o w p aa v th is dlaaaaa, suoh aa
their way into the Stomach
m ucus d rop p in g l a ths throat, a con­
representative from New York sternly.
distributed by the blood to
stan t doalra to h a w k and aplt, fee lin g $ 144 , 375 , 720 , In 1902 $1,381,710,401.
"E fery time.”
Dk and corner o f the system;
The manufactures of the United
Cummings now picked up one of the
Dmach and Kidneys, in fact
Btates are now about double those of shoes and shook out a sliver dollar. “ I
soaks fo rm in g In tha noaa, w h ich ra-
rgan and part of the body, be-
the United Kingdom and nearly equal placed this dollar here for your pay.
quf red much effort to b lo w out, eomo-
| infected with the catarrhal
tlmee e a u e la g tha nose to blood and to those o f France, Germany and Rus­ How did you happen to miss It for eight
This disease is rarely, if ever,
le a v la g mo w ith a siok haadaoha. I sia combined, while the value o f the consecutive mornings?”
b tsearliest stages, a purely local
h ad thus suffered fe r five peara.
agricultural products of the United
William, who had not thought It nec­
} o r sim ple inflammation of the
I oommeaced to taka 8. 8. 8. and States far exceeds that of any other essary to touch tbe shoes after the first
1 throat, and this is w hy sprays,
a fta r 1 had taken three large kettles, single country.
morning, was cornered. But he soon
I notload a change for the better.
powders and the various in-
overcame bis confusion, and calmly
ue encouraged, I oontlnuedto taka
lixtures fail to cure. H eredity
turning from a survey of hla large
it and In n ehsrt w h ile w aa entirely
times back o f it— parents have
hands to sn admiration o f Mr. Cum­
JTJDSCif A . B E L L A M .
> do their children.
M ain and T in s Bte., R ic h m o n d , V a .
mings' feet be said:
he treatment of Catarrh, anti-
the day la Ito he had In convenient size
" I f doeae shoes were made for my
knd soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the
for holding In one hand while being hands and not for your feet den I could
tad throat, but this is the extent o f their usefulness. T o cure Catarrh
. „ M
M h
Beutly, the blood must be purified and the avstem relieved of its load
the publications which contain haf reached the dollar."
The compliment secured the dollar,
I secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which haa reading matter o f a weightier sort are
no equal as a blood purifier. It restores often correspondingly great in bulk, but not the Job.
the blood to a natural, healthy state and ; making it dlfflcnlt to support the rol
M i n e W o r k e r s O w n $ 1 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 .
the catarrhal poison and effete matter , ume for any length of time without tir-
The public will be astonished to
are carried out of the system through the Ing the reader. While numerous book
proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the i rests are already In common use and learn from tbe annual report o f the
bfbod all its good qualities, and when serving their purpose admirably, we tie- treasurer of the United Mine Worker»
rich pure blood reaches the inflamed »eve that the Idea here illustrated la of America that the organization has
ae and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh infected entirely novel and may catch the |-.p- on hand more than a million dollars.
i o f the body, they soon heal. the mneons discharges cease and tha ular fancy. This new book support Coming bo soon after the great anthra­
I is relieved of the most offensive and hum iliating of all complaints, j has a metallic plate shaped to conform cite strike, when the miners o f tbe
S. is a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could injure th* to the upper surface of the leg above hard coal region seemed to be reduced
elicate constitution. It cures Catarrh in its most aggravated forms, and below the knee, and Is designed to extreme need, tbe condition o f tbe
aes apparently incurable and hopeless. W rite us if you have Catarrh, for use while the reader la sitting with treasury o f the union of mine workers
r physicians w ill advise you without charge.
the leg iif a bent position and with the Is far better than outsiders could have
guessed.—Cleveland Lender.
th e s w if t s p e o if io go .. A tlanta , oa .
foot re" t in * on th l floor or wlth tf,e le*
The family was discussing the high
prices of provisions generllay, when tbs
small boy hutted into the conversation.
“ Jam has gone np, too,’ ’ he re­
“ Ma keeps it on tbe top
shelf now.”
And then it suddenly dawned on his
youthful perceptions that he had in­
jured his case by talking too much.— ]
Batavia News.
Are sold subject to ap­
proval and at a price
that w ill enable you
to make a good profit
on a few cow»- The
cleanest, fairest ma­
chine in all the vorld.
Strongest in ALA- theao points thai any
other, viz:
Close Skimming.
Light Running.
Easy Cleanh g.
Write for free catalogue.
SPO K AN E, W ash .
BOISE, Idaho
Won Medal, Paris, 1900.
fL'IHilHilHU .%
For Infants and Children.
ÀVegelable PreparationforAs -
Simila ting the Food and Beg ula-
ting the Stomachs and Bowels ol'
[The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
iN K iN lS .- L H IL D K tN
Promotes Digeslion.CheerFul-
neas and Rest Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
N o t N a h c o t ic .
f^snpkut Seni'
AL l J snmn *
For Over
Thirty Years
Apeifecl Remedy forConslipa-
lio n , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and L o s s o f S l e e p .
Facsimile Signature of
\M » iiu m H is
a » 1 C|
] 5 ÛÔS) N - J VV* * 'S
▼ H I C E N T AU R C O M PA N Y.
B O T T L E : lO C E N T S .
P R U 8 8 IA N 8 T O C K F O O D
The areat Conditioner and Stock Patletwr.
Mora W ork on Leso Peed.
C O W S give Mora i
Milk. HOUS rotten quicker H given Ibis Fond.
Package, BOo and Bf.OO.
K j
B ”-**^ 7 *8 iff
M t R F .S P I G S G R O W —G O O D P O B S T I N T E D C A I-Y E S .
PauaoiAN K a u a o T C o .. St. Pnnl. Minn.
G k n t i . k u b m :— I have been reeding y ou r PariMnca S t o c k P o o d to m *
thoroughbred .wine. It givee them an appetite, end rnakeo the piga
g ro w . I aloo tried it on etunted c a lve , w ith aatiafketorr
o ry t-------
rn o lta.
P o
r tland
a ia »
P o rtlan d ,
P. W. G l o o m . Bigio. Net».
Oregon. Caaat A gent,.
Barbed W ire, W ire and Lawn Fencing.
Portland Wire & Iron Works
1 4 7 FRONT ST.