ffjSÄÄS] change OF I ration, befallen them. June had aftnot t recover- ately. re-ulta and at a coat compara- U 1 1 n U U U U l U ed her health, though not her spirits. Her □ □ child's death had been a crushing blow; tively small.— 8 t. I’ sul Dispatch. it seemed to her a sort of divine retribu­ tion for having thought too little of him Weed Peed, in in his lifetime. , Be.eral hundred sample, of mothy. Six mouths ago anyone might safely alslke and red clover on -ale by he a have predicted that the boy’a death would Idealer. In different province, ha e have fallen with ten times more severity been analysed at Ottawa. Out. in on Tom than ou June; but such was not 10 to 30 per vent by weight of the case. Tom was almost cheerful, while Land w a. found; «3 per cent of the his wife was a prey to the deepest grief. .amplea contained over two thousand Now Tom only had one object in life— to devote himself to June, to heap love, ¡A - weed seeds per |»und. 44 per cent o er affection, caresses upon her, to prove to F o r S a g g in g B oor*. ! five thousand and 33 per cent over her beyond ail doubt how thoroughly and Obtain a wheel (one from an old ma­ thousand. Not more than 3 per cen entirely she occupied his heart. And chine will answer) and, after cutting of the samples were found free from J uim »,tif she remained sad, thoroughly ap­ notch In the bottom o f the door for weed seeds. These facts are In lme preciated his kindness and tenderness, and a recent ...... complaint from a Massa- , was always ready to reciprocate it after the wheel, attach the latter to the door , I with uu a i a gentle and subdued fashion, very differ­ by means o f an Iron bar. This bar 'vhusetts farmer In regard to the rapid ent from her gay, coquettish manner of should he round and of a diameter that spread on his farm of a “ new weed old. Time would doubtless bring that will work easily In the hole of the with white blossom and a hot. b.tter back, but it would have been strange and wheel. Have a blacksmith flatten the taste.” Investigation showed the pres- unnatural that she should so soou tbrget. rod at either end, twist It to fit the door Her heart had returned to its old alle­ frsine and make two or three holes In I ence of wild carrot, that pest of the hay Held In so many localities. The giance. Tom was again the one man in the world w’hom she loved, and whose each end. so that It may be screwed to weed had first appeared in quantity existence was necessary to her. When the door as shown. A large Hat stone | along the borders of a field of oats. The painful and annoying n j she thought of her deud young hero, it should be placed close to the door -ill \ Better for the farmer to have paid toms experienced by moat*/] on which the wheel will rest when the was with the tenderness of a sister's love, I double price all bis life for the best at this period of life are easily J CH APTER X X V .—(Continued.» his wife’s room and look at her in dumb and she could thank God, oh, how fervent­ door Is closed. I f the ground over At last a battle was ¡uiiniuent. There despair. 1 grade of seed oats front a reliable deal­ come by Lydia E. Uink’L ly! that no word had ever been spoken which the door will swing Is kept level had been terrible girding» in the paper» After the twenty-first day June took a er than to have Introduced such a at the long delay; all aorta of diaaatera turn for the better. For the first time she between them that might tarnish her and built up to the proper height the weed In cheap grain seed. It costs Vegetable Compound. It j, . cially designed to meet the t* were propertied; the intrenchmrnta were looked at Mr». Trevanion with recogrvi memory of him or cause her a single pang more to raise pedigree seed and to of womans system at the tn iinpreguable—thousand» of troop» were tion in her eyes, and put out a wasted of self-reproach. Mr. and Mrs. Carslake were their only raise It on clean land, but the result time of change of life. ‘ marching to tlie aid of Arabi—a battle, waxen hand to her. Is worth the difference. Better raise even if we were successful, must inevit­ “ Have I been ill?“ she asked, in a lan­ guests, and thoroughly congenial ones. It is no exaggeration to state* Madge's brightness and gayety, tempered ably be atteuded with fearful loss of life. guid voice. one's own seed grain on the farm than Mrs. I*inkhain has over 6000 by her sympathy for her cousin’s distress, On the night of the 12th June did not “ You will soon be well now, dear child, to bny haphazard at the store.—Mas­ like the foliowinjjf proving thee, made her presence most welcome to June, close her eyes. All night long she saw the answered Mrs. Trevanion, in her cheeriest sachusetts Ploughman. value of her medicine at such t£ and Mr. Carslake, who possessed a very picture she had wen that uight when tones. •• I wish to thank Mrs. Pinklu, 1 > h U um was trying ou his belt and waving “ Where Is T om ?’ she naked, presently. kind heart and considerable tact, was ex­ A s h e l t e r f o r F o w le . what her medicine haa done fOT , I cellent company for Tom. He was, more- his sword In the air. That had been a “ Would you like to see him?” With fowls confined to the house My trouble was change of lif, tjH presentiment, she felt sure. On the mor­ June made a gesture of assent, and Mrs. ever, an excellent sportsman, and, with and to the yard only in pleasant weath­ years ago my health began to (tjl 9 his host, enjoyed the capital sport which row, or the day after, she would take up Trevanlou went to fetch him. er there Is likely to be a decided fall­ head began to grow dizzy, mjqM the paper and read his name among the “ But,” she said, as he was preparing the place afforded. Madge was exceed­ ing off In the egg production. If one pained me, and at times It MsaiS dead, as she had done in funcy a hun­ with alacrity to obey the summons, “ not ingly happy. Being neither quite so sen­ has a scratching shed there is abun- if my back would fail me, had | dred times. in these clothes,” looking at the mourn­ timentally inclined nor so exacting as her pains across the kidneys. Hot dant opportunity for exercise, hut All the morning of the 13th she went ing garments he was wearing for his lost cousin by disposition, she was in no dan­ were very frequent and trying about looking like a ghost, with pale lips heir. “ And if,” he voice faltering, “ if ger of suffering disappointment or disil­ without this adjunct to the poultry friend advised me to try ‘ and hollow eyes. At noon Tom brought she asks for the poor darling, you must lusionment, and was perfectly satisfied house the fowls are likely to suffer for E. Plnkhant*« Vegetable the news to her. Even he was elated and try to command yourself, aud say that he with the very real if undemonatrative-in- lack of exercise. Even when the weath­ pound. I have taken six bottle. public affection of her lord. interested this time. “ Glorious news!— has gone away to stay.” er is cold It is possible to let the fowls and am to-day free from those t "I am sure,” she said, laughing, to June, a tremendous victory; our loss compara­ Tom arrayed himself m an old shooting out If they can be placed somewhere I cannot speak in high rnot tively trilling." suit, and went on tiptoe to his wife’s "any one might think that you and Tom so that they will not he swept by o f the medicine. I recommend It tod A momentary sense of relief came over room. What an eager light there waa in were bride and bridegroom rather than and wish every suffering woman i June, to he crossed immediately by a mis­ his honest face as he approached the bed Robert and I. As for Tom, I believe he wind. One of the best protections for give it a trial " — B ella Rosa, mi giving. “ A comparatively trifling loss” and once more saw recognition4ii the eyes must have been taking lessons in the art the poultry yard is a hedge, hut a clair Are., Roslindale. Masa-pn to a nation may mean hundre«la of strick­ of his beloved! She smiled faintly and of love making, he does it so well.” makeshift may be easily provided by faH f t orlflitml o f about lottor arau/a, ¡to, TO P R E V E N T SAGGINO. Tom and Madge had made up their dif­ en homes, hundreds of broken women’s held out her hand to him, and he took it in the use of a few boards or even some cosset b. promcot. ferences and were on the old affectionate hea rts. his as tenderly ns though it might melt attachment of this device to the door old fence rails and cornstalks. At terms again. She must ask the question. away at a touch. One morning as the four were sitting at will absolutely prevent Its sagging. It this season even more than earlier in Strange Case, “ The Guards?” she faltered. “ Where is little Tom?” asked June, may be readily attached to an old door breakfast, the letters, unusually late, were the winter, do fowls need exercise— Tom did not know; no particulars had faintly. “ I want to see all the family. haa after first placing the door in the proper brought in. Presently the rest of the arrived yet; this was only a telegram from It Is necessary to enable them to fur­ cause her husband “ gives too modi Mrs. Trevanion saw the convulsive position, adding new hinges If neces­ company were startled by a whoop in the the station. Hut he would ride over him­ working of Tom’ s face, and hastened to nish eggs for batching that are strong tention to the church.” Thu old style from Madge, as she started up sary.—Indianapolis News. self at once; for, even if he had been jeal­ interpose. In fertility. Kind a way of providing puzzle a lot of women who ous of I>ulias, he did not forget in the mo­ “ He is with his grandmother, darling,” and executed one of the pas sen Is dear to the necessary shelter, then turn the thought they knew something C r u e lty t o C ow s. ment of danger that he was his cousin, she said, thinking sadly of June’s dead the days of her youth, but which she had Men may regard cattle as mere ma­ fowls out for a while each day. and man. and was really anxious to hear of his mother; but June understood, as it was relinquished since she had arrived at the chine*. but the fact remains that they while they are out, clean up the house safety. meant she should, that he was with Mrs. dignity of the marriage state. Madge!” remonstrated her husband, are of a sensitive organization, capa­ thoroughly, especially taking care of F O T O T snfa n.nlW O urfa S o St. «r The time until Tom returned seemed Ellcsmsn. r i I O « fa r ftr .1 I .T '. o i . o f Or “ Fancy Tom letting him out of his pretending to look shocked, but inward­ ble of suffering and enjoyment, and the droppings and using Insect powder tin like eternity. Even then the news was t n r. ».n il for F U K li EU. 0 0 m ol botu.ua that to a degree too often lost sight freely In the nests and on the roosts.— iS«. P s.il. 11 K l i . A Ltd. .11 A rcbSL. ‘ meager. The brunt of the loss had fallen sight!” she murmured, and then sank back ly amused. This letter,” cried Madge, waving it in of. The Idea that It is Just as well on the Highland regiments; it was tired, and said no more. Indianapolis News. That night, as Mrs. Trevanion was sit­ the air, "contains the most delightful for a cow, either in point of comfort An Ingenious Clock. thought the Guards had not been active­ S im p le M a n se T ra p . ting by her bedside, thinking she was dos­ news in the world—news that will fill each j or health, to be tied up six months ly engaged. m Bra-eels has a church clod tom of your separate aud all your collective A strip o f sheet metal, or wooden Mrs. Trevanion was to arrive that even­ ing, June suddenly opeued her eyes, and, hearts with joy when you hear it. I will with no exercise, is contrary to all splint, three-quarters of an Inch wlda by atmospheric expansion induced with a fixed look, said: ing. She would be sure to know. the heat of the sun. not take up your time by asking you to physiological teaching; and that nutri­ “ Is It true?” Mrs. Trevanion came, armed with the try and gueas, because you never would. tious food, light and exercise are nec­ and six Inches long, is bent Into an “ Is whst true, dearest?” latest intelligence. She had called in oval loop. The ends Our dear Agnes is about to become a essary to the maintenance of health Downing street before going to the sta­ “ Dallas!" uttered June, in a low voice. project somewhat, j?* tion, and had heard the last intelligence Mr*. Trevanion hid her face in her Bishopcss. But do not, my loves, be too and a full development. Give cows and a wire Is Insert- ® I WANT TO BUY FOR GUI from a personal friend. Foot Guards un­ hands, and the tears fell thick and fast elated by the grandeur of the connection. chance to go out in the sunlight of the He is only a colonial bishop. Listen to ed to hold the bait der fire, but in second line. through her fingers. warm days in the winter and see how ; Chicken, Duck andGeesehv mother’s letter. A bowl or small tin ® The third week of Mrs. Trevanion’ s “ How hard!” said June, and then closed quickly they go and see the real en­ ■; It seems that Agnes produced a great visit was drawing to a close. It was a her eyes ami relapsed into silence. basin Is Inverted on ; era. Addresa joyment depleted on their expressive i T impression upon him when he saw her a O . O . S M IT H . dull, gray afternoon, .tune was cower­ The doctors now gave every hope of her ! a board and the loop ® ing over a fire; she had a fit of shivering, recovery. When she was well enough to year ago at the Marstous’ . He thought face». Even though the milk flow may ! 10ih mndOmrlmMtm..Portimi* uow l trap . Inserted as shown la and felt more than usually unwell. For be moved, she was to he taken to the sea­ her so very sweet, and was so struck by be somewhat lessened, will not what In cut. Too many homes are pestered the last few days a listless feeling had side, and, as Mrs. Trevanion could no her earnest interest in mission work. So is lost in quantity be made up in qual­ crept over her; she had no appetite, and longer be spnred from home, Mrs. Bryan he begged Mrs. Marston to invite them to ity? At any rate, I am sure I would with mice, and the winter Is a good meet again, and proposed to her the day much rather eat dairy products of time to clean them out.— E. Hollenbeck, felt ill and depressed. She had refused was to be installed as head nurse. to have a doctor, but to-day Mrs. Tre­ “ Oh,” said Tom, in a melancholy voice, l»efore yesterday. She is to accompany strong, healthy cows than that of in Farm and Home. I t ts a fact that S *;w r 'i seeds are Ln: il vanion had insisted, and a servant had as they sat together after dinner on the him to Africa in the spring. It will be ft those weakened and enervated by m ore gardens ami on morafarm iui A d v e r tis e Y o n r f lo o d T h in g s . fuiy other In A m erica. Therskl been dispatched to summon him. last evening, “ what shall I do without great trial to part from her, especially as close confinement and unnatural food, reason fo r tbts. W e ow n and oy1 Study the pedigrees nnd breed In to' “ I wonder,” said Mrs. Trevanion, “ how you? I don’t believe my poor little girl we have already lost one of our dear chil­ erat« o v e r 8000 acres fo r tho preda­ such as would be an exclusive diet of popular lines as your experience in j tion o f ou r choice ■ eerie. Inonktk ?.\ dren, but, if it is for her happine**, we Dallas is getting on? I don’t think his would ever have pulled through but for _ Induce yon to try them wenak M com meal. It Is not necessary, in or­ breeding and management Improves, must not consider ouraelvea.’ last letter was quite so cheery as usual. you.” J the follow ing unprecedented OH "Fancy Aggie Bishopesa of the Canni­ der to give them a little exercise and and a demand la developed for your He had looked forward so much to Cairo, “ When she is stronger, you must tell F or 1 6 C en to PostpaU IS itrU woaderfal oaioat, but it seems they are all disappointed her,” answered Mrs. Trevanion, with bal Islands!" cried Madge; “ perhaps they sunlight to range over an extensive stock by judicious advertising, home St »ori» (l i| u l l i b t t p , aud disgusted with it, and would rather tears in her eyes. “ And when yon talk will eat her some dny. I wonder if a area. Let them out In an ordlmwy men pay big prices for breeding stock It •writ k ijp lllfcal «arrota, 24 peerlea» leltuM varUU«, be in the desert.” «bout your dreadful loss, it will In» heart­ sweet woman tastes better than an ordi­ sized yard and they will not do trav­ nnd never advertise, says the Holstein 24 r ____ “ Oh,” exclaimed June, suddenly, with breaking at first, hut it will draw yon nary one? I remember quite well meeting eling sufficient to waste any great ft) splendid beai sorta, Friesian Register. They sacrifice their 14 florloMtly baauilful - her eyes fixed on the window, “ there is closer together afterward. And now,” the bishop at the Marston*’ and thinking amount o f energy.—Farm. Stock and In all 210 kind« positively fu mutui« stock rather than pay out money for; Agnes. 1 am gettiug positively to hate looking very kindly at his grieved face, him one of the mopt odious nnd domineer­ bushels o f ctuiri.ting ( l o * f n » o d ice Home. advertising, while others with plainer: and loia o f cholc* vegetable*u«u» the sight of her.” “ do you feel sufficiently friendly to allow ing wretches I ever saw. He is very small, er with our great catalogne telll*f«U with coal-black eyes and beard, and a com­ bred stock and liberal advertising will “ Iveave her to me,” observed Mrs. Tre- me to take a liberty?” about Macaroni W heat. IIIIII m M- T h e S e e d P n p p le . lar briH, Tetuinte, it ram ua. vsnion. “ I will talk to her.” plexion of a decidedly liverish hue; he At this Tom jumped up, and, coming get far better prices and greater de- J etc.,all for only 1 » « . ln atauipsisi 1 No seedsmnn can guarantee an even rnands. * autle«. A minute later, Mias Ellesmere was round to her, seized her hand aud held it looked a* though he might have improved alea seed at b e t «• *. announced. Khe came in with a longer fast. it with soap and water if he cared to, but quality o f all hla seeds every year. In JOHN A. S A L Z E R S E E D ( face than usual, and in her hand she heid don’ t think he did care. He had a de­ some, unfavorable growing seasons oc­ P a ir y N o te s . “ What in the world might you not say ______ L » C ro ss» , Wis. an orange envelope. Milk o f different temperatures should or do?“ And he took the chair beside lightful cotiviction that ninety-nine out cur; In others Insects and fungus dis­ As June saw It, a deadly chill took her. f ever}* hundred *ou!s would go to a ease* assail the crops; In fact, there la never be mixed. possession of her; she shivered violently; "You know,” said Mrs. Trevanion, af­ naughty place, and he looked ns if he had not often a season when all seed crops With cows long In milk, the butter her teeth chattered in her bead. fiendish temper. So Aggie’s sweetness ter a slight pause, "when our poor darling are both large and of prime quality. will come slowly. “ I hove some dreadful news," said Ag­ was so ill and we did not know which way will have full scope.” nes, fixing her cruel eyes on June’s face. it might turn, I would not allow you to Madge uttered her tirade with such a Those who are Interested In cucumber A little too much churning Injures W ONDERFU “ This telegram came for mamma from reproach yourself in any way on her ac­ mixture of drollery and malice that even growing will lie surprised at the high the butter by destroying the grain. HOME price they will have to pay for cucum­ Aunt \ iolet. She was out, and papa count; but, now that she is going to get Tom burst out laughing. Any Impurities In the drinking water t r ea t m e n t opened It. Mr. Broke died of fever last quite well and strong again, you must Late in the afternoon, when he was sit­ ber seed this year; In Nebraska last are readily absorbed by the milk. night in Cairo.” T h is wonderfkl be ail in all to each other, just as you ting in his wife’s boudoir before dinner— season, where Immense crops o f su­ n ets doctor Is **9 Mrs. Trevauion uttered a cry, then, were when first you married.’’ he had resumed this old affectionate cus­ perior aeed are now annually raised, In profitable buttermaking it la aM great becauM b* *».i starting up, ran to June. people withoi* Mrs. Trevanion paused a moment: then, tom—June said, leaning her head against the crop was an entire failure and the Important to suit your customers. tton that are ftvn» She had turned white as death, and looking at him very kindly and speaking his shoulder: to die. H e car* *"S crop* elsewhere were variable. Of late A little feed will often save a good was falling back senseless in her chair. "W e must give Agnes a very handsome those wonderful OH in a low but resolute voice, she proceeded: year* Michigan has become one o f the deal of time In milking a restless cow. nee* hero*. roou.*£3 wedding present." And then, with some­ “ No third person ought ever to be al­ barks anti re fW i! largest producer* o f seed peas, hut the CHAPTER X X V I. The growth of the heifer is so much th a t are entiwiy lowed to come between a husband and thing akin to herald playful manner, "It crop there laat season was very short, k n o w n to m * B * « _ Lady Nevil was earried upstairs to bed, wife. The cause of most of the misunder­ will be a thank offering.” deducted from what should go to milk ei.ee in shis cou n try . T h reu g h the u s e s fa j and it was more than a month before she standing between you and dear June has "W e will give her whatever you like, my so that the coat o f seed will be greater, production. harmless, rem edies this fa m ou s doctor kw*! the aetion o f ov er 400 d iffe re n t remedies, was aide to be moved from it again. The been the interference of Miss Ellesmere.” darling," answered Tom. "It is just as if anything, than in 1902. Some beans] he successfully uses in differen t di«essei A great point o f value In a dairy cow doctor pronounced that she was sickening guarantees to cu re catarrh, asitims. "Yes, yes," said Tom. heartily. ‘*| am well, perhaps, that she is going away, too. are scarce, the wax varieties par­ throat, rheum atism , nervousness, for a fever—typhoid, he feared. From the sure you are right. But I think, with poor but," with emphasis, "whether she goes or ticularly. There was only a moderate Is to have the milking habit firmly es­ liver, kidneys, e t c . ; nas Hundreds o f tablished. moment when Agnes told the cruel news, Agues, it was what you would call want stays, no one shall ever come between my ials. Charges m oderate, r a il and ••• crop of reliable seed o f some aorta of she never perfectly recovered conscious of tact more than anything else. How­ wife and me again." Patients ou t o f the c it y w rite for blanks] Dairy fanning. If rightly managed. | circulars. Send 4 c e n ts in stam p«. COS" nesa, but was either insensible or deliri­ ever," seeing the expression of dissent on “ Do you swear it?” said June, looking squash, that o f the Hubbard being less T A T I ON V R K X . ADDRESS than moderate. The price o f onion may be the means of greatly improv­ ous. his friend’» face, “ it shall never happen earnestly into his eyes. ing the land. “ I swear it. So help me heaven,” he seed will be about the same, and cab­ The day after June waa taken iU little again. No one- -nothing—shall ever come THE C. GEE *0 CHINESE IEDICIIEI bage seed will be lower. No grower It Is useless to expect a great flow of Tom began to sicken, and in fire days he between my wife and me. Please God answered. I « 1, Third S t.. Portland. O nt* 1 And, to ratify his bond, he took her in should plant corn this year, at least milk from a cow that has only enough l k T M e n u o u paper. died. 8lr Thomas was like one stunned; she gets well, she shall have it all her his arms and kissed her sweet, pale face but his intense anxiety about his wife own way.” wlthont first carefully testing it In feed to lire upon. made the loaa of the child perhaps lea* many of the seed-growing sections the Mm. Trevanion smiled. “ I think yon fervently again and again. The fact that a cow gives a large (The end.) agonising. If only June were spared to will find." she said, “ that June is less like- crop had not time to mature promptly mesa of milk need not Interfere with him. he felt he could hear that other l j to be spoiled by too much kindness than and there will probably be consider­ her bringing a good calf. H ow to T ell P are W ater. grief, awful though It was; he realised by the other method. And I am quite once again how he loved his wife, ami sure that a man as good and kind as you A simple teet foe ascertaining wheth­ able unfit corn for sale —Country Gen­ The colder butter can be churned I what her death would mean to hiui. Ilia are ought to make any reasonable woman er there la any Impurity In water la tleman. *>•▼• b e e n t r o u b l e * m *re*l ff the better, and the better It will stand a torpid liver, w h ich produce» remora» was grievous to witness. He happy, and will do so when left to your­ to take a glaanful and a • —- 1 — f a - an engine will do the work for twenty- When the funeral was over poor Tom It waa the first week in January. Sir auspicious and should be analyxed by or churning too long will produre five cents an hour, and a hundred bush­ ^•ed to creep up to the nursery and sit Thomas and Lady Nevil were staying at an expert.—Atlanta Court! tut Ion. grresy butter In which the grtin 1 , £ NO-TO-BAC s i m i l i with his face In his hands. Sometimes he their place in the North Extensive al­ el* may be ground at small expense. In Scott was fond o f riding, and by day­ the feeding of this ground product, one would take up one of little Tom's toys, terations were being made at the Hall, and then, poor fellow, he would burst and, indeed, both its master and mistress light would be ont with hi» borse and must be guided by experience, but mix- When cows have been long in milk Into a terrible passion of dry sobs When shrank from the Idea of returning to the dogs. Moat o f his work waa dona be- turea of corn an oat* are generally de­ churmng l. d ia cu lt because the m ,k he came down be woald go on tiptoe into placu where such mrrlhie calamity had sirable. wkJla to «till further vary the Ut 3 Lom e 'e A M 2 Some sensible advice women passing through t trying period. i i l m ¥ ù i iL | \ i f |v \m v - r 4 1- - f É l. - 2 IO Kinds for 16c,1 DR. G. B E E I Lazy Livei KSZSKr *5